showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Historiantutkija verkon ääressä: hakee, hakee ja soisi löytävänsä


Jo vuosikymmenen ajan on Suomessa keskusteltu ”digitaalisesta historiantutkimuksesta” ja sen rajauksesta, joka on useimmiten tiivistetty laskennallisuuteen. Huomattavasti vähemmän on mietitty digitaalisuuden merkitystä muuhun historiantutkimukseen. Tässä katsauksessa keskitytään perusasioihin historiantutkijoiden tietokantahauissa. Esimerkein osoitetaan, että on helppoa muodostaa virheellinen kuva tietokannan sisällöstä. Käy myös ilmi, ettei totuuden selvittäminen ole aina edes mahdollista. Lopuksi annetaan pari käytännön ohjetta käyttäjille ja toiveita hakuliittymien kehittäjille.

lähdekritiikkitiedonhallintalähdeaineistosähköiset arkistottiedonhakujärjestelmätKatsaukset ja näkökulmathistoriantutkimusmenetelmätdatatietokannattietokantametodittiedonhakututkimusaineistotiedonhankinta

Assemblages of language, impact and research


Three scholars—of languages and knowledges, of translation and writing, and of higher education—discuss societal impact as a higher education policy goal and the language ideologies that link with that discussion. We first criticize the problematic notion of impact that is common in higher education policy and discuss language and impact in terms of their assumed predictable, definable, and linear nature. From there, we move on to advocate for a multimodal, multidirectional, locally, and globally relevant impact that is focused on direct engagement, participatory approaches, support for promoting community activities, and introducing more epistemologically just understandings of the relatio…

kieli ja kieletlanguagescientific impacthigher education policyyhteiskunnalliset vaikutuksetDiscussions of research and pedagogical practicesGeneral Medicinesocietal impactsosiaaliset vaikutuksetkorkeakouluopetusApples - Journal of Applied Language Studies

Trace Codimensions of Algebras and Their Exponential Growth


The trace codimensions give a quantitative description of the identities satisfied by an algebra with trace. Here we study the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence of trace codimensions c tr n(A) and of pure trace codimensions c ptr n (A) of a finite-dimensional algebra A over a field of characteristic zero. We find an upper and lower bound of both codimensions and as a consequence we get that the limits limn→∞ctrn(A)√n and limn→∞cptrn(A) √n always exist and are integers. This result gives a positive answer to a conjecture of Amitsur in this setting. Finally we characterize the varieties of algebras whose exponential growth is bounded by 2

Settore MAT/02 - AlgebraGeneral MathematicsPolynomial identities trace identities codimension growth

Evaluation of Soil Organic Carbon Storage of Atillo in the Ecuadorian Andean Wetlands


Identifying the SOC levels and revealing the potential of SOC storage of ecosystems difficult to sample and study are necessary contributions to the understanding of the global reserves of SOC. Wetlands store large amounts of SOC within their soils. They have an important role in water regulation and have great biological and floristic diversity. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the SOC stock in Atillo micro-watershed in the Ecuadorian Andean wetlands at two soil depths (0–30 cm and 30–60 cm below ground) and to assess the importance of the ecosystem and its conservation in favor of reducing emissions due to degradation processes. For that, we sampled the study zone with 10…

soil organic carbon; peatlands; Andean wetland; lithologyCiències de la terraSoil ScienceEarth-Surface ProcessesSoil Systems

La programmazione del turismo delle regioni e la Regione Toscana


With reference to the functions attributed to municipalities and provinces, the Tuscany Region has maintained a central role of planning and coordination of activities in the tourism sector. Local authorities and the various territorial levels of the trade associations of undertakings and workers are also formally involved in the preparation of regional planning. For this purpose, some regions have set up consultation tables to involve all public and private stakeholders in the sector. The article delves into the modalities of tourism planning, highlighting the training process and the laws of reference.

tourism development plans in italytuscany regionregional developmenttourism planningtourism economicSettore SECS-P/06 - Economia Applicata

Extracellular histones trigger oxidative stress-dependent induction of the NF-kB/CAM pathway via TLR4 in endothelial cells.


Abstract Extracellular histones have been reported to aggravate different pathophysiological processes by increasing vascular permeability, coagulopathy, and inflammation. In the present study, we elucidate how extracellular histones (10–100 µg/mL) concentration dependently increase cytosolic reactive oxygen species (ROS) production using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Furthermore, we identify cyclooxygenase (COX) and NADPH oxidase (NOX) activity as sources of ROS production in extracellular histone-treated HUVEC. This COX/NOX-mediated ROS production is also involved in enhanced NF-kB activity and cell adhesion molecules (VCAM1 and ICAM1) expression in histone-treated HUVE…

Fisiologia cel·lularPhysiologyMicroorganismes patògensGeneral MedicineBiochemistryJournal of physiology and biochemistryReferences

L'Economia del Turismo della Regione Toscana


Analysis of the tourism economies of a region is relevant for determining the policies and effects of tourism on the productive and economic system. For the Tuscany region, the main economic indicators are analysed using panel data and checking their development and growth dynamics. The article analyses data on tourism spending, balance of payments and impacts, with reference to both ISTAT data and estimates of ignored tourism in the region.

tourism industries.regional planningtourism expendituretourism economicunobserved tourismSettore SECS-P/06 - Economia Applicataregional tourism

A refugee newborn with heart failure and initial hydrops: Diagnostic clues of spectral Doppler examinations


A newnborn admitted to NICU showed a severe clinical profile

Artero venous malformationmedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryRefugeeSpectral dopplerGestational ageGestational agemedicine.diseaserefugee bonesdoppler echographyInternal medicineHeart failurePediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthCardiologymedicinebusinessJournal of Paediatrics and Child Health

Laparoscopic management of rudimentary uterine horns in patients with unicornuate uterus: a systematic review


<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Unicornuate uterus is a rare Müllerian anomaly. Its potential association with a rudimentary uterine horn can cause a diagnostic delay. The most common consequences are pelvic pain, hematometra, and endometriosis. Diagnosis of a unicornuate uterus is usually done by imaging combining ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. The aim of this systematic review is to assess the role of laparoscopic approach in the management of this rare condition. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A comprehensive search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE, SCOPUS, and Web of Science databases prior to 1 May 2022 according to Preferred Reporting Ite…

Unicornuate uteruReproductive MedicineLaparoscopy.Obstetrics and GynecologyRudimentary uterine hornSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaMüllerian anomalie

Laying the foundations for gene therapy in Italy for patients with haemophilia A: A Delphi consensus study


IntroductionCurrent treatment for haemophilia A involves factor VIII replacement or non-replacement (emicizumab) therapies, neither of which permanently normalise factor VIII levels. Gene therapy using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors is an emerging long-term treatment strategy for people with severe haemophilia A (PwSHA) that is likely to be available for clinical use in the near future. AimThis article proposes practical guidelines for the assessment, treatment, and follow-up of potential PwSHA candidates for AAV-based gene therapy. MethodUsing the Delphi method, a working group of Italian stakeholders with expertise in and knowledge of the care of adults with haemophilia A analysed l…

Delphi technique Italy consensus genetic therapy haemophilia A patient care team patient selectionHematologyGeneral MedicineGenetics (clinical)

Kultūra un cilvēksituācija mūsdienu humānisma krīžu kontekstā: konferences rakstu un tēžu krājums


Krājumu veido LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta pētnieku LU FSI prioritārajā projektā “Kultūras, identitātes, starpkultūru komunikācijas un cilvēksituācijas pētījumi humānisma vērtību, konfliktu un krīžu kontekstā” izstrādātie raksti, kuri tapuši uz Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences sekcijās “Kritiskās domāšanas iespējas un robežas mūsdienu Latvijā” un “Krīzes Latvijas sabiedrībā socioloģisko un dzīvesstāstu pētījumu perspektīvā” nolasīto referātu pamata. Rakstu tematika atspoguļo aktuālo starptautisko zinātnisko starpdisciplināro pētījumu saasināto interesi par starpkultūru komunikāciju un tās prasmju attīstību mūsdienu globalizētajā sabiedrībā. Vienl…

kultūracilvēksituācijahumānisma krīze:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Sociology [Research Subject Categories]:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::Philosophy subjects [Research Subject Categories]:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences [Research Subject Categories]kritiskā domāšana:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects [Research Subject Categories]

On the role of internationalization of firm-level corporate governance: The case of audit committees


Research Question/IssueMotivated by the agency theory and the findings of linguistic studies, we analyze the association between the internationalization of a firm's audit committee and its corporate governance.Research Findings/InsightsBased on data from 2159 publicly traded European firms from 15 countries for the period 2000–2018, we find that firms with foreign directors on their audit committees are associated with lower financial reporting quality. The association is mitigated by stronger country-level investor protection and a higher similarity among intra-committee languages. We further find that foreign directors on the audit committee are related to stock prices being less informa…

Governance environmentsLegal control mechanismsCorporate governanceBoard compositionStrategy and ManagementEuropean economy(s)Board committeesIndividual director issuesBoard of director mechanismsGeneral Business Management and AccountingVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210Director independenceAudit committeeBoard of director machanismsManagement of Technology and InnovationLegal originsCorporate Governance: An International Review

Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in Channel Constrained Internet of Things


Federated learning (FL) is able to utilize the computing capability and maintain the privacy of the end devices by collecting and aggregating the locally trained learning model parameters while keeping the local personal data. As the most widely-used FL framework,Jederated averaging (FedAvg) suffers an expensive communication cost especially when there are large amounts of devices involving the FL process. Moreover, when considering asynchronous FL, the slowest device becomes the bottleneck for the cask effect and determines the overall latency. In this work, we propose a communication-efficient federated learning framework with partial model aggregation (CE-FedPA) algorithm to utilize comp…

data privacytietosuojatrainingkoneoppiminenfederated learningcostssimulointiesineiden internetsimulationtiedonsiirtoperformance evaluationdata integrity

DRIVE-B5G: A Flexible and Scalable Platform Testbed for B5G-V2X Networks


[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]

Data Compensation with Gaussian Processes Regression: Application in Smart Building's Sensor Network


Data play an essential role in the optimal control of smart buildings’ operation, especially in building energy-management for the target of nearly zero buildings. The building monitoring system is in charge of collecting and managing building data. However, device imperfections and failures of the monitoring system are likely to produce low-quality data, such as data loss and inconsistent data, which then seriously affect the control quality of the buildings. This paper proposes a new approach based on Gaussian process regression for data-quality monitoring and sensor network data compensation in smart buildings. The proposed method is proven to effectively detect and compensate for low-qu…

data compensationControl and OptimizationRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentsmart building; sensor maintenance; data compensation; Gaussian process regressionsmart buildingEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyBuilding and ConstructionElectrical and Electronic Engineeringsensor maintenanceEngineering (miscellaneous)Gaussian process regressionEnergy (miscellaneous)

Edge Computing-enabled Intrusion Detection for C-V2X Networks using Federated Learning


Intrusion detection systems (IDS) have already demonstrated their effectiveness in detecting various attacks in cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) networks, especially when using machine learning (ML) techniques. However, it has been shown that generating ML-based models in a centralized way consumes a massive quantity of network resources, such as CPU/memory and bandwidth, which may represent a critical issue in such networks. To avoid this problem, the new concept of Federated Learning (FL) emerged to build ML-based models in a distributed and collaborative way. In such an approach, the set of nodes, e.g., vehicles or gNodeB, collaborate to create a global ML model trained across thes…

: Computer science [C05] [Engineering computing & technology]Federated deep learning[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]Intrusion detection systemEdge computing: Sciences informatiques [C05] [Ingénierie informatique & technologie]C-V2X

Libros y vidas que viajan: género y mediación cultural en la biblioteca de los VI condes de Fernán Núñez


Este trabajo analiza el papel de la VI condesa de Fernán Núñez, doña María de la Esclavitud Sarmiento (1760-1810), esposa del embajador español en Lisboa y París, en la formación de la biblioteca del linaje. La historiografía ha destacado la bibliofilia de don Carlos Gutiérrez de los Ríos, VI conde de Fernán Núñez (1742-1795), pero poco o nada se conoce sobre la relación de su esposa con la cultura del libro. A través del estudio de inventarios y de correspondencias, con este trabajo se pretende analizar la impronta de género en la formación, conservación y transmisión de la una biblioteca ilustrada de más de 3.000 volúmenes.

Cultural StudiesGender StudiesHistoryBiblioteques d'històriaPatrimoni culturalArenal. Revista de historia de las mujeres

Caught in the middle: bottom-up and top-down processes impacting recruitment in a small pelagic fish


AbstractUnderstanding the drivers behind fluctuations in fish populations remains a key objective in fishery science. Our predictive capacity to explain these fluctuations is still relatively low, due to the amalgam of interacting bottom-up and top-down factors, which vary across time and space among and within populations. Gaining a mechanistic understanding of these recruitment drivers requires a holistic approach, combining field, experimental and modelling efforts. Here, we use the Western Baltic Spring-Spawning (WBSS) herring (Clupea harengus) to exemplify the power of this holistic approach and the high complexity of the recruitment drivers (and their interactions). Since the early 20…

Fish and Aquacultural ScienceVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Basale biofag: 470Aquatic ScienceClupea harengusReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

An Ensemble Learning Method for Emotion Charting Using Multimodal Physiological Signals


Emotion charting using multimodal signals has gained great demand for stroke-affected patients, for psychiatrists while examining patients, and for neuromarketing applications. Multimodal signals for emotion charting include electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, and galvanic skin response (GSR) signals. EEG, ECG, and GSR are also known as physiological signals, which can be used for identification of human emotions. Due to the unbiased nature of physiological signals, this field has become a great motivation in recent research as physiological signals are generated autonomously from human central nervous system. Researchers have developed multiple methods for …

Support Vector MachineEmotionsWavelet AnalysisHumansElectroencephalographyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringArousalemotion charting; EEG signals; physiological signals; ECG signals; ICA; stacked autoencoder; ensemble classifierVDP::Teknologi: 500::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi: 550BiochemistryInstrumentationAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsAnalytical ChemistrySensors

Mujeres en el tejido de redes de sociabilidad y la gestión de bibliotecas en el siglo XVIII: el entorno cultural e intelectual de las duquesas de Alm…


Este trabajo analiza la participación de las mujeres en las redes de sociabilidad y la conformación de bibliotecas en el siglo XVIII. Se trataba de conexiones y espacios que se conformaron, o que ellas mismas construyeron, en la encrucijada de la circulación de ideas, modas y objetos con un fuerte componente transnacional. Por un lado, analizaré la participación de la primera duquesa de Almodóvar, María Joaquina Monserrat, en diferentes círculos intelectuales y de sociabilidad como resultado de su labor como embajadora consorte en diferentes países europeos. Por otro, ahondaré en la figura de su sobrina Josefa Dominga Catalá, futura duquesa de Almodóvar, y en la importancia de la formación …

Cultural StudiesGender StudiesHistorySociologiaHistòria modernaDones

Heisenberg dynamics for non self-adjoint Hamiltonians: symmetries and derivations


In some recent literature the role of non self-adjoint Hamiltonians, $H\neq H^\dagger$, is often considered in connection with gain-loss systems. The dynamics for these systems is, most of the times, given in terms of a Schr\"odinger equation. In this paper we rather focus on the Heisenberg-like picture of quantum mechanics, stressing the (few) similarities and the (many) differences with respected to the standard Heisenberg picture for systems driven by self-adjoint Hamiltonians. In particular, the role of the symmetries, *-derivations and integrals of motion is discussed.

Quantum PhysicsAlgebraic dynamicsSerivationsNon self-adjoint HamiltonianFOS: Physical sciencesMathematical Physics (math-ph)Geometry and TopologyQuantum Physics (quant-ph)Mathematical Physics

Cryo-EM structure of ssDNA bacteriophage ΦCjT23 provides insight into early virus evolution.


AbstractThe origin of viruses remains an open question. While lack of detectable sequence similarity hampers the analysis of distantly related viruses, structural biology investigations of conserved capsid protein structures facilitate the study of distant evolutionary relationships. Here we characterize the lipid-containing ssDNA temperate bacteriophage ΦCjT23, which infects Flavobacterium sp. (Bacteroidetes). We report ΦCjT23-like sequences in the genome of strains belonging to several Flavobacterium species. The virion structure determined by cryogenic electron microscopy reveals similarities to members of the viral kingdom Bamfordvirae that currently consists solely of dsDNA viruses wit…

/631/326/1321bacteriophagesviruksetcryoelectron microscopyevoluutioGeneral Physics and AstronomyelektronimikroskopiaDNA Single-Stranded/45/23FlavobacteriumGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biologybakteriofagit/631/45/535/1258/1259viral evolution/631/326/596/2554BacteriophagesMultidisciplinaryfylogenia/45fylogenetiikkaCryoelectron Microscopy/101/28articleGeneral Chemistryperimä1182 Biochemistry cell and molecular biologyCapsid Proteins

Domain‐specific neural networks improve automated bird sound recognition already with small amount of local data


1. An automatic bird sound recognition system is a useful tool for collecting data of different bird species for ecological analysis. Together with autonomous recording units (ARUs), such a system provides a possibility to collect bird observations on a scale that no human observer could ever match. During the last decades, progress has been made in the field of automatic bird sound recognition, but recognizing bird species from untargeted soundscape recordings remains a challenge. 2. In this article, we demonstrate the workflow for building a global identification model and adjusting it to perform well on the data of autonomous recorders from a specific region. We show how data augmentatio…

bio-monitoringeläinten äänetEcological ModelingMODELSautonomous recording unitsdeep learningsyväoppiminenneuroverkotbird sound recognitionRECORDERSddc:bioacousticshavainnotkoneoppiminen1181 Ecology evolutionary biologyconvolutional neural networksmodel fine-tuninglinnutddc:630tunnistaminenEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

Socioeconomic effects and the role of public spending decomposition on income mobility: a moderated regression model


The aim of this paper is to investigate, empirically, what components of public spending imply a decreasing effect on income mobility, and what components create income opportunities, also discussing the role of government effectiveness. The role of the components of government expenditure is analysed in the association between intergenerational income mobility and socioeconomic characteristics, which are relevant for the life chances of children. Using the Global Database on Intergenerational Mobility, containing estimates of intergenerational income mobility at country level, and applying the moderated regression model, the results show strikingly consistent patterns. A country with more …

Economics and EconometricsSociology and Political ScienceSettore SECS-P/03 - Scienza Delle FinanzePolitical Science and International RelationsGovernment expenditure effectiveness · Income mobility · Moderator effect · Public spending · Socioeconomic effects

Amphibian survival compromised by long-term effects of chytrid fungus


AbstractChytridiomycosis, the disease caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has been unambiguously implicated in the decline of amphibian populations worldwide. However, the impact of this devastating infectious disease can be difficult to gauge without empirical data on the population-level effects of Bd. Often, assessments of the amphibian chytridiomycosis panzootic are based primarily on expert opinions; as a result, declines in tropical areas are promptly attributed to Bd while its impact on temperate species not suffering from adult mass mortalities is frequently overlooked. Here, we investigated the survival probability in an amphibian species from a tempe…

chytridiomycosiscapture-mark-recaptureEcologyBufo spinosusVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400survival probabilityEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsNature and Landscape Conservation



Viime vuosina fysiikan ylioppilaskirjoituksiin ilmoittautuneiden määrä on lähes kaksinkertaistunut ja naisten suhteellinen osuus kasvanut. Aiemmasta tutkimuksesta tiedetään, että motivaatio opiskella fysiikkaa on sukupuolittunutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lukiolaisten motivaatiota fysiikan opiskeluun ja mahdollisia sukupuolten välisiä eroja. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena fysiikan syventäviä kursseja opiskeleville. Keskimäärin miesten sisäinen motivaatio opiskella fysiikkaa ja koettu fysiikan välinearvo olivat korkeampia kuin naisilla. Fysiikan opiskelun kustannuksissa tai fysiikkaan liittyvissä kykyuskomuksissa ei ollut eroja sukupuolten välillä. Avok…

sukupuolittuminenlukiolaisetopiskelumotivaatiosukupuolierotainevalinnatlukioArtikkelitfysiikkaFMSERA Journal

Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil of Italian Prangos trifida (Mill.) Herrnst. & Heyn


In this work, the essential oil of the aerial parts of a not previously investigated accession of Prangos trifida (Mill.) Herrnst. & Heyn (Apiaceae), collected in Northern Italy, was analysed by GC/MS. Twenty-five compounds were identified, accounting for 91.30% of the total oil, which is characterised by a high content of monoterpene hydrocarbons (71.26%). The main constituents of the essential oil were cis-beta-ocimene (18.12%), alpha-phellandrene (12.14%), sylvestrene (11.32%), p-mentha-1,3,8-triene (9.56%) and alpha-pinene (8.85%). The essential oil of P. trifida showed a good antimicrobial activity directed above all against Gram-positive bacteria, and had an interesting antioxidan…

cis-β-ocimeneantioxidantOrganic ChemistryantimicrobialGC–MSPlant SciencePrangos trifidaBiochemistryessential oilAnalytical ChemistryApiaceae

Paramagnetic Defects and Thermoluminescence in Irradiated Nanostructured Monoclinic Zirconium Dioxide


The work was carried out under the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP09260057, “Luminescence and radiation resistance of synthesized under different conditions micro- and nanostructured compacts and ceramics based on ZrO2”. The research was partly (A.I.P.) performed at the Center of Excellence of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, supported through European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2.

paramagnetic defectselectron irradiationion irradiationF+ centerszirconium dioxide:NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics [Research Subject Categories]General Materials Sciencezirconium dioxide; ion irradiation; electron irradiation; paramagnetic defects; <i>F<sup>+</sup></i> centersMaterials

Sensitivity of three commercial tests for SARS-CoV-2 serology in children: an Italian multicentre prospective study


Abstract Background US Food and Drug Administration has issued Emergency Use Authorizations for hundreds of serological assays to support Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) diagnosis. The aim of this study is to evaluate, for the first time in children, the performance of three widely utilized SARS-CoV-2 serology commercial assays, Diesse Diagnostics (IgG, IgA, IgM) and Roche Diagnostics, both Roche Nucleocapsid (N) IgG and Roche Spike (S) IgG assays. Methods Sensitivity and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for each of the three different serological tests and mixed and direct comparison were performed. Univariate and multivariate Poisson regression mo…

SARS-CoV-2COVID-19; Children; Electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA); Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); SARS-CoV-2Electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA)Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)COVID-19General MedicineUnited StatesImmunoglobulin AImmunoglobulin MImmunoglobulin GCOVID-19 Children Electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) SARS-CoV-2HumansProspective StudiesChildChildren

Stability of Microgrids: An Application of Virtual Synchronous Generator


The objective of this paper is to illustrate an alternative control algorithm for power converters which have the task of introducing the energy generated by systems based on the use of renewable sources such as, photovoltaic or wind power, in to small-sized networks, microgrids. Virtual Synchronous Generator can operate both in parallel to the main network as well as in isolated and autonomous conditions (islanding-mode). The contribute of this work is to drive a consolidate approach, made in time domain, in a more flexible and less time-consuming approach based on Park transformation.

Settore ING-IND/31 - ElettrotecnicaPark transformation Synchronverter Virtual synchronous generatorSettore ING-IND/32 - Convertitori Macchine E Azionamenti Elettrici

Stakeholder perceptions of wood-based products in the built environment : a literature review


Current global environmental challenges, such as climate change, set an urge to seek renewable low-emission alternatives to substitute fossil fuel-derived products while transitioning towards circular bioeconomy. Wood has proven to be a versatile renewable material that is able to substitute fossil-based materials. However, the market potential and uptake of wood-based products is also dependent on the preferences of consumers and other stakeholder groups. This paper presents a systematic literature review of studies examining stakeholder perceptions of wood-based products, which also resulted in the identification of research gaps and suggestions for future research directions. The results…

vihreä talousForestrypuuteollisuusuusiutuvat luonnonvaratpuutuotteetympäristöystävälliset tuotteettuotteistusGeneral Materials Sciencetuotekehityssidosryhmätkemikaalittekstiilitbiotalouspuurakentaminen

The sine anecdote in Kovalevskaya’s memoirs; British Journal for the History of Mathematics


In Sofya Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya’s memoirs there is a rather ambiguous story about how she came to understand trigonometric functions on her own as a teenager by reading the chapter on optics in Tyrtov’s elementary physics textbook. Furthermore, she claims that in so doing, she happened to follow ‘the same road that had been taken historically: that is, instead of a sine I used a chord’. We examine Tyrtov’s textbook in search of sources for such inspiration and quote hitherto unknown critical reactions to her autobiographical reflections by Kovalevskaya’s teacher I I Malevich. We conclude that Kovalevskaya’s memoirs may well be marred by personal interests and/or faltering memory. By adding…

Mathematics (miscellaneous)History and Philosophy of ScienceMatematikkhistorieVDP::Mathematics: 410VDP::Matematikk: 410VDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Matematikk: 410History of MathematicsEducationBritish Journal for the History of Mathematics

PROX1 transcription factor controls rhabdomyosarcoma growth, stemness, myogenic properties and therapeutic targets


Funding Information: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We would like to thank Dr. Tuomas Tammela and Dr. Monika Ehnmann for providing RMS cell lines and Dr. Jenny Högström for discussions and comments during the project. Kirsi Mattinen, Jefim Brodkin, Maxime Laird, Manon Gruchet, Ilse Paetau, Tanja Laakkonen, and Tapio Tainola are acknowledged for their excellent technical help. We also thank the Laboratory Animal Center at the University of Helsinki for expert animal care, the Biomedicum Imaging Unit for microscope support, the Biomedicum Functional Genomics Unit for the RNAseq experiments and the FIMM Technology Centre High Throughput Biomedicine for the drug sensitivity and resistance testing. Our first …

MultidisciplinarysarcomaFGFRPROX13122 CancersGenes HomeoboxReceptors Fibroblast Growth FactorsarkoomaGene Expression RegulationRhabdomyosarcomaHumanscancersyöpätauditmyogenesis3111 BiomedicineChildTranscriptomeProtein Kinase InhibitorsTranscription Factors



La hemofilia es un trastorno hemorrágico causado por una deficiencia de los factores VIII o IX de la coagulación. Las personas con hemofilia grave pueden tener hemorragias espontáneas o hemorragias en respuesta a traumatismos menores; la mayoría de los eventos ocurren en las articulaciones y los músculos. La manifestación clínica más frecuente es la artropatía hemofílica, que resulta del sangrado intraarticular repetitivo y de la membrana sinovial inflamada, lo que puede resultar en dolor crónico y deterioro articular. El objetivo general de mi tesis fue investigar el control neural de la marcha en personas con artropatía hemofílica (PCAH). La hipótesis de mi tesis fue que control neural de…

joint damagemuscle synergyhaemophiliasurface electromyographygaitneural controlknee jointEMGSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingneuromuscular controlgait analysismotor controllower limbUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS ::Patología::Hematología/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/good_health_and_well_beingankle jointlower limb kinematicsUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS ::Medicina del trabajo::Rehabilitación (médica)

Novel Energy Efficient Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Utilizing Mobile Sensors


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) facilitate many applications in different fields and are well-known in both academic and industrial areas. The networks mainly include sensors, networking parts and a data processing center to collect data for a variety of purposes. However, the energy consumption problem in the networks is always a critical problem that many researchers are looking for good solutions. In this paper, we propose a data collection method that uses mobile sensors attached with bigger energy storages to collect data from static sensors. In addition, we propose a hybrid energy harvesting scheme to harvest energy from ambient environments to support static sensors to prolong the ne…

Energy efficiencySolar energyEnergy harvestingMobile sensorsData collectionRadio frequency (RF)Wireless sensor networks

Effect of Pulp Pigmentation Intensity on Consumer Acceptance of New Blood Mandarins: A Cross-Cultural Study in Spain and Italy


One of the current objectives of different citrus breeding programmes is obtaining new pigmented mandarins. This study investigates to what extent consumer preferences, expectations and purchase intention are affected by the appearance of new mandarins, specifically pulp pigmentation intensity. Four hundred consumers from both Italy and Spain (800 in all) participated in the study. In each country, half were informed about the healthy properties of the anthocyanins responsible for red pulp colouration, while the other half were not. Italians more readily accepted new mandarin varieties than Spaniards, which was linked to them being more familiar with blood oranges. In Italy, both slight- an…

consumption barrierpurchase intentionfamiliarityNew varitiesConsumer preferencesPigmentationBlood mandarinesHealth claimPurchase intentionsFirst choiceHealth foodsFamiliarityQ04 Food compositionConsumption barrierE73 Consumer economicsNaturalhealth claim; familiarity; natural; first choice; purchase intention; consumption barrierfirst choicehealth claimAgronomy and Crop SciencenaturalF30 Plant genetics and breedingAgronomy