showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Per una filosofia del diritto positivo alternativa al giuspositivismo


The article discusses Francesco Viola’s new book, considered as a philosophy of positive law alternative to legal positivism. The starting point is the classification of his approach as characterized by the thesis of an interpretive connection of law and morals, evident in his itinerary through the three revivals of Natural law in the last century. This kind of connection – possibly shared both by many Natural theories and positivistic positions – leads coherently to the thesis of the conceptual connection, in which justice plays an important role in the con- cept of law. Finally, it is proposed a comment on his important distinction of epistemological, ontological and ideal approaches to t…

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoNatural Law Interpretive Theories of Law Justice Nature of Law Concept of Law

A new framework for the time- and frequency-domain assessment of high-order interactions in networks of random processes


While the standard network description of complex systems is based on quantifying the link between pairs of system units, higher-order interactions (HOIs) involving three or more units often play a major role in governing the collective network behavior. This work introduces a new approach to quantify pairwise and HOIs for multivariate rhythmic processes interacting across multiple time scales. We define the so-called O-information rate (OIR) as a new metric to assess HOIs for multivariate time series, and present a framework to decompose the OIR into measures quantifying Granger-causal and instantaneous influences, as well as to expand all measures in the frequency domain. The framework ex…

Technology and EngineeringInformation dynamicsnetwork neuroscienceredundancy and synergynetwork physiologyspectral analysistime series analysisCardiovascular controlSettore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica E InformaticaSignal ProcessingGranger causalityElectrical and Electronic Engineeringinformation dynamics

Tra patti dotali e spese di viaggio: a proposito dell’actio utilis in factum di Pap. 4 resp. D.


This study deals with Pap. 4 resp. D., interesting text of Papinian in which an actio utilis in factum is granted against the husband who, in violation of what was agreed, had not reimbursed his wife for the travel expenses incurred to reach him. The author excludes it was a contractual action (a. praescriptis verbis, a.c.i.), believing rather that it was an a. de dolo in factum, in application of the principle that prohibited the exercise of infaming actions between spouses (C.; Ulp. 11 ad ed. D.

contratti innominatiActio utilis in factumpatti dotaliSettore IUS/18 - Diritto Romano E Diritti Dell'Antichita'azioni infamanti tra coniugi.actio de dolo

Le «Facezie» di Poggio nel teatro spagnolo del “Siglo de oro”


Un capitolo della fortuna europea del «Liber facetiarum» di Poggio Bracciolini riguarda le rielaborazioni e le riscritture di alcune di esse nelle commedie spagnole del secolo XVII (il cosiddetto “Siglo de oro”). In questo studio, dopo una preliminare ricognizione bibliografica sull’attuale status della ricerca sul «Liber facetiarum», vengono analizzati i modi di riscrittura di tre racconti del Bracciolini (fac. 157, 172, 203) in tre scene di commedie spagnole del XVII secolo, «La dama boba» ed «El perro del hortelano» di Lope de Vega e «Don Gil de las calzas verdes» di Tirso de Molina. A chapter of the European fortune of Poggio Bracciolini’s «Liber facetiarum» concerns the re-elaborations…

Latin Humanistic NovellisticPoggio BraccioliniLope de Vega («La dama boba» «El perro del hortelano»)Settore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparaterielaborazioniRewritingsSpanish Theater of the “Siglo de oro”riscritturenovellistica latina dell'UmanesimoSettore L-FIL-LET/13 - Filologia Della Letteratura ItalianaRe-elaborationTirso de Molina («Don Gil de las calzas verdes»)teatro spagnolo del “Siglo de oro”«Liber facetiarum» («Facetiae» «Confabulationes»)

Il corpo delle regine


La medievistica più recente, sulla scia di nuove questioni volte a indagare la condizione reginale da prospettive diverse e originali, ha tracciato un profilo sempre più sfaccettato delle regine. In questo saggio ci proponiamo di guardare alla dimensione più esterna, materiale, e al contempo più intima, il corpo, che ha una sua storia e fa parte della storia, la costituisce non diversamente dalle strutture sociali, economiche, e dalle rappresentazioni mentali. Il corpo di una regina associa a un corpo reale, fisico, fatto di bellezza, fecondità, cure e pratiche di mantenimento della salute, di sterilità e malattia, un corpo immaginario fissato al momento della morte nel gisant che ne traman…

Regine Sicilia corpo materialità politica culturaleSettore M-STO/01 - Storia MedievaleQueens Sicily body materiality cultural policy

Use of chemical treatments to reduce browning color of white fresh-cut peaches, harvested in summer and late crop


Fresh-cut white peach is very perishable and discoloration or browning are the main factors affecting consumer acceptability loss. Color and appearance attract the consumer to a product and can help in impulse purchase. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two different edible coatings formulations in preserving freshcut fruit of the early ripening ‘Murtiddara’ and the late ripening ‘Settembrina’ peach landraces, belonging to the ‘Pesca di Bivona’ varietal population. Fruit sampled at commercial harvest stage, after cutting and dipping in different solutions with ascorbate calcium (ASC) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) were stored for 3, 5, 7 and 12 days at 5°C and…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni Arboreefruit quality ascorbic acid edible coatingHorticultureActa Horticulturae

HISTORIC CITIES AND INNER AREAS IN SICILY The point of view of the Restoration


The discipline of restoration has long established a cultural background on the subject of historic cities as a heritage area to be safeguarded, beginning with the Amsterdam Declaration (1975), which introduced the fundamental concept of «integrated conservation». The purpose of this contribution is to emphasize the importance of raising an awareness and care for heritage as a community identity card and not just a reason for tourist offer. The territory and cultural heritage thus become a pedagogical challenge in defining a model of heritage enjoyment, for the promotion of local contexts and in the constitution of learning communities in which restoration likewise participates.

Sicily Conservation Valorization Pedagogical valueSettore ICAR/19 - Restauro

Dominating taxonomic composition of the early life gut microbiota and influencing factors in infants up to seven months of age in Latvia


Abstract It has been hypothesised that the establishment of stable adult microbiota is programmed in infancy, and therefore early life gut colonisation may lead to a lifelong microbiota pattern with significant effects on health. The aim of the study was to analyse the composition of gut microbiota and influencing factors in infants up to seven months of age in Latvia. A cross-sectional study was performed at primary healthcare centres. The parents of healthy infants filled out a questionnaire and brought the child’s faecal sample. 16 rRNS gene sequencing was performed to identify the bacterial taxonomic units. The composition of gut microbiota was compared between children with different r…

Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences.

Inner Areas between theories and practices. An ongoing laboratory


The contribution proposes a reflection on the laboratories that are being formed in inner areas, and in which universities and researchers play a central role both from a technical point of view and in the advancement of theoretical reflection. The article is structured in four parts: it starts with a framework on inner areas as a place of fragility and opportunity, it moves on to the laboratory dimension that is triggered in the relationship with institutions, such as the university. It concludes with a reflection on the rooting dimension that the laboratory engenders in a territory.

Laboratory Inner Areas Communities Rooting research experiencesSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Effetti benefici degli oli essenziali nel trattamento anti-obesità


Oli essenziali obesità



This paper aims to examine how public administrations tend to use artificial intelligence systems, in the light of the legal framework and jurisprudential developments. Taking the cue from a distinction between the cases in which the aforementioned systems support the administrative decision and those in which they tend to replace the ‘human decider’ it intends to point out the utility of a distinction between administration for measures and performance administration, for the purposes of allocating responsibilities for eventually produced damage

public administration artificial intelligence systems responsibilitySettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo

The Institution of Security Agent: A Comparative Study of Polish and French Laws


In many continental legal systems it was often problematic to grant a security right to an entity separate from the holder(s) of the secured receivables. Such arrangement was especially desired by the parties in complex lending structures with many creditors. To solve this problem various legal solutions have been created in different countries. In Poland and in France the special institution of a security agent has been introduced. Aim of this article is to compare those two regulations. The conclusion is that the French provisions better deals with the challenges posed by the entity separation problem. Security agent, collective security arrangements, entity separation, unity principle, s…

security rightsaccessoriness of security rightsSecurity agentcollective security arrangementsbond issueLawsecurity interestentity separationunity principlesyndicated loan

Operazioni di pagamento tramite wallet e responsabilità da omessa applicazione della strong customer authentication


Lo scritto commenta una recente decisione del Collegio di Coordinamento ABF a proposito del riparto di responsabilità tra intermediario emittente una carta di pagamento e cliente, in caso di operazioni abusivamente realizzate da terzi tramite «wallet». Il Collegio, analizzando la disciplina in tema di servizi di pagamento elettronici e di « Strong Customer Authentication », precisa come l’indagine del caso vada in primo luogo condotta verificando che l’intermediario abbia fornito la prova della corretta applicazione dell’autenticazione forte in ogni fase delle transazioni abusivamente compiute. Ove tale prova non sia fornita, egli dovrà restituire quanto dal cliente abusivamente versato. Th…

carte di pagamento operazioni contactless digitalizzazione su wallet wallet provider SCA prova oneri del prestatore del servizio di pagamentoSettore IUS/04 - Diritto Commerciale

The Child Neglect Assessment technique (C.N.A.). A path of the S.I.P.Ped


Lo studio presenta il percorso di validazione di una specifica tecnica di assessment del child neglect rivolta a genitori di bambini di età compresa tra 3 e 9 anni, e che risulta articolata in due specifici strumenti di osservazione. Questa tecnica si fonda su uno specifico modello teorico-operativo costruito in riferimento alla prospettiva della Psicologia pediatrica, che identifica la causa del child neglect nella presenza di una disregolazione della competenza genitoriale, e quindi, nella gestione delle funzioni genitoriali di caregiving, scaffolding e coping. La tecnica presenta un particolare punto di forza: la capacità di intercettare i segnali di una possibile condizione di child neg…

Settore M-PSI/04 - Psicologia Dello Sviluppo E Psicologia Dell'EducazioneHealth (social science)Social Psychologychild neglect competenza genitoriale tecnica di assessment validazione rischio evolutivoDevelopmental and Educational Psychology

Boccaccio, «Ninfale fiesolano» 309, 5-8: per la storia di un tópos fra tradizione classica e suggestioni medievali


Questa nota, alla luce della lettura e dell’interpretazione di un passo del «Ninfale fiesolano» del Boccaccio (309, 5-8), ripercorre la fortuna del motivo della “reciprocità” amorosa e, in particolare, dell’intimo rapporto che fa sì che “due” giovani innamorati, legati da affinità di costumi, età, bellezza, siano come “una” sola persona. Un motivo molto antico, questo, che affonda le sue radici nella tradizione biblica e nella letteratura classica, e che conoscerà ampia fortuna nel Medioevo latino e volgare. Fra i testi che vengono proposti e analizzati si segnalano, soprattutto, le «Metamorfosi» di Ovidio, l’«Ero e Leandro» di Museo, il «Narcissus», il «Pamphilus», l’«Alda» di Guglielmo di…

OvidiuSettore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E Umanistica«Ninfale fiesolano»Matthew of VendômeSettore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparateGuglielmo di BloiWilliam of BloiOvidioClassical and Medieval Love PoetryMedieval Suggestion«Pamphilus»Settore L-FIL-LET/13 - Filologia Della Letteratura Italianasuggestioni medievaliSettore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura ItalianaMatteo di VendômeClassical Traditionpoesia d’amore classica e medievaleGiovanni Boccacciotradizione classica

Dissolution of nitrones in alkylphosphates: A structural study


Nitrones are chemical compounds with well-established anti-oxidant and spin-trapping properties. Their low solubility in water for many of them limits their applications, so opportune solvents must be found. In this study, two recently synthetized oxindole nitrones with proven antiproliferative and antioxidant activity have been dissolved in several liquid amphiphiles, chosen as model solvents. The effect of the polar head nature and the alkyl chain length/type have been investigated by a combined experimental (solubility, UV–vis spectroscopy) / computational (molecular dynamics) approach. The different chemical structures of the various solvents offer different chemical environments to the…

Settore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E InorganicaMaterials ChemistryNitronesAmphiphilesPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular dynamicsCondensed Matter PhysicsSpectroscopyAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsAlkylphosphatesElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materials

Máscaras de Sicilia. Fotografías de Attilio Russo y Giuseppe Muccio


I mascheramenti, al pari degli altri simboli rituali caratterizzanti le celebrazioni carnascialesche siciliane, paiono tutti riconducibili alla sintassi propria delle feste di chiusura e apertura di un ciclo ossia di rifondazione ciclica del tempo, e finiscono con il proporre l’istituto carnevalesco, nel suo complesso, come “modello esemplare” delle cerimonie di Capodanno. Una festa cioè che attraverso parole, immagini, gesti riesce a restituire la realtà attraverso la ricostituzione per simulazione del cerchio del tempo, cioè a garantire che il tempo continui ad esserci, simulandone e ripetendone la morte e la rinascita. Las mascaradas, al igual que los demás símbolos rituales que caracter…

Maschere Sicilia Festa CarnevaleSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline DemoetnoantropologicheMascaras Sicilia fiesta Carnaval

Owning lands, seas, and the internet of things. From the tragedies of the commons to the tragedies of the anti-commons


This monographic section offers readers the possibility to critically reflect – from a legal, anthropological, philosophical, and economic point of view – on the diversity of existing forms of property, with particular attention to the commons.

landSettore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittocommonprivate propertySettore SPS/01 - Filosofia Politicaownershiphuman rights



Inner areas, as defned in the Italy’s National Strategy (SNAI), are part of the territory that plays a central role in the cultural and social fabric of our communities, are an essential component of our society, economy, and environment. However, they are still often neglected and overlooked, resulting in deterioration, abandonment, and social exclusion.For this reason, it is crucial that the felds of architecture, restoratio and architectural history and urban and territorial planning are committed to revitalizing and enhancing inner areas. These disciplines have the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to create sustainable and innovative solutions that can transform these territories …

Architectural projectArchitectureSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaSettore ICAR/10 - Architettura TecnicaSettore ICAR/16 - Architettura Degli Interni E AllestimentoHeritageHistoric citySettore ICAR/19 - RestauroSettore ICAR/18 - Storia Dell'ArchitetturaSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Into the Translation for Museums, Festivals, and the Stage: Creativity and the Transmedial Turn


With the objective of scrutinising general standards, specific criteria and levels of creativity applied to translation practices, especially in light of recent research in audiovisual consumption and reception, creativity and transcreation, and arts accessibility and translation for the arts, the special issue seeks to contextualise the numerous shifts within the arts in relation to the theoretical and practical challenges that our increasingly technological culture poses for the modes of translation and accessibility. The contributors to the issue have shed light upon a variety of areas where translation, often combined with creativity, intervenes to localise aesthetic products under the …

creative industries museum translation festivals multimodal translation AD theatreSettore L-LIN/12 - Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Inglese



Background: Retreatment procedures are carried out where root canal treatment of teeth fails. There are a variety of methods used to remove gutta-percha from the root canal such as hand files, rotary files, and ultrasonic instruments. Aim: An in-vitro comparison of efficiency of gutta percha removal in retreatment using protaper retreatment files, race instruments and reciproc R. Settings and Design: The present study is an in-vitro comparative study. Methods and Material: Seventy-five extracted non carious human premolar single rooted teeth were used in this study. Root Canal Treatment of these teeth was performed and obturation carried out with Gutta Percha and AH plus sealer. The specime…

endodontic retreatmentReciproc Rrace instrumentprotaper retreatment files

Cetylpyridinium chloride promotes disaggregation of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particles


ABSTRACT Background SARS-CoV-2 is continuously disseminating worldwide. The development of strategies to break transmission is mandatory. Aim of the study To investigate the potential of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) as a viral inhibitor. Methods SARS-CoV-2 Virus Like-Particles (VLPs) were incubated with CPC, a potent surfactant routinely included in mouthwash preparations. Results Concentrations of 0.05% CPC (w/v) commonly used in mouthwash preparations are sufficient to promote the rupture of SARS-CoV-2 VLP membranes. Conclusion Including CPC in mouthwashes could be a prophylactic strategy to keep SARS-CoV-2 from spreading.

Microbiology (medical)Virologiavirusestechnology industry and agriculturevirus diseasesMicrobiologiaInfectious and parasitic diseasesRC109-216macromolecular substancesvirus-like particlesMicrobiologyQR1-502virologybody regionssars-cov-2Infectious Diseasesmembrane disaggregationcetylpyridinium chlorideOriginal ArticleDentistry (miscellaneous)Research ArticleJournal of Oral Microbiology

Consumer preferences for the Mediterranean Diet: Results of an empirical analysis


The Mediterranean Diet is a very healthy diet for the human organism. The study focuses on consumer behavior toward products that are part of the Mediterranean Diet. The purpose of this research is to give an insight into food awareness, to improve consumer health, by highlighting the food pyramid and lifestyles related to the Mediterranean Diet, and to understand cultural customs and habits regarding food. The empirical analysis was carried out through a survey of a sample of consumers. The questionnaire, administered online, included general cultural questions on the Mediterranean Diet, food groups, individual lifestyles, and eating habits of the con-sumers interviewed. Adherence to the M…

FoodAgricultureAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)Agronomy and Crop ScienceSystemic interactionFood Science

Interpersonal work resources and school personnel well-being before and after lockdown during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland


This two-wave mixed-methods study used the job demands and resources model to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on school personnel's work well-being (including burnout, work engagement, and sense of belonging) in spring 2020 in Finland in particular with respect to collegial relationships (respectful engagement) and leadership support. A pre-lockdown survey was administered prior to the pandemic (in January–February, n = 437) and a post-lockdown survey was administered after the two-month lockdown (at the end of May, n = 270). At post-lockdown, the school personnel reported, on average, more exhaustion, less work engagement (measured as enthusiasm and energy at work), and a decr…

leadershipwork engagementburnoutetäopetushyvinvointiCOVID-19respectful engagementsitoutuminenuupumusjohtajuusschool lockdownTeaching and Teacher Education: Leadership and Professional Development

Identidad transterritorial en la literatura saharawi: La luz de cuatro velas en el Sáhara de Ali Salem Inselmu


The study focuses on the analysis of Ali Salem Iselmu’s collection of short stories, La luz de cuatro velas en el Sáhara, as an expression, within Saharawi Literature, of a peculiar identity paradigm, which is based on the transterritorial experience of the author and its characters. The book is made up of four parts, four ‘chronotopes’, according to a journey from the past to the vision of the future. The constitution in Madrid, on July 9, 2005, of the Generación de la Amistad, by a whole generation of journalists, poets, writers with roots in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, with a biography of a migrant and with the determination of writing a literature in Spanish with traces of …

Settore L-LIN/05 - Letteratura SpagnolaSaharawi literature short story Ali Salem Iselmu.

Hydraulic Habitat Structure Impacts Risk of Trematode Infection


Abstract— Variability in infection rates of trematodes Diplostomum pseudospathaceum in 0+ rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss under different hydraulic regimes was studied in the experimental setup with regulated flow rates and environmental heterogeneity. The average infection rate in the conditions of the current was 1.5 times less than that in the stagnant water. An increase of the flow rate from 3.2 to 11.3 cm/s did not result in lower infection rates, while the interindividual variability in the infection rate (coefficient of variation) tended to increase along with changing the still-water conditions (20%) to the high flow rate environments (40%) within the experiment. A decrease in th…

habitat heterogeneitycercariaeympäristötekijätimumadotstream flow ratehabitaattiAquatic Sciencekalatauditinfektiotvirtaamatrematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceumkirjolohiloisetvirtavedetyearlings of Oncorhynchus mykissGeneral Agricultural and Biological SciencesJournal of Ichthyology

Valledolmo 2030: la città che cura


The small towns can become the places to reactivate the rural areas of our country through essential factors starting from the natural and cultural heritage, from social inclusion, from psycho-physical well-being, helping to reverse the unstoppable phenomenon of the flight of young people. The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of health, not only in terms of health facilities, but also in new ways to feel better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthily and boost the economies of Local communities. It is in this context that the research-action project of the research group and the LabCity Architecture degree laboratory aims to investigate the theme of the city th…

Research-action small towns community cultural heritage Covid-19Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Forecasting energy output of a solar power plant in curtailment condition based on LSTM using P/GHI coefficient and validation in training process, a…


This study presents how to improve the short-term forecast of photovoltaic plant's output power by applying the Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM, neural networks for industrial-scale solar power plants in Vietnam under possible curtailment operation. Since the actual output power does not correspond to the available power, new techniques (Global Horizontal Irradiance - GHI interval division, P/GHI factor addition (P - Power)) have been designed and applied for processing errors and missing data. The prediction model (LSTM network, structure of hidden layers, number of nodes) has been developed by the authors in a previous work. In this new version of the model, the training technique is improve…

Settore ING-IND/33 - Sistemi Elettrici Per L'EnergiaLong short-term memory Curtailment Large scale solar power plant Forecasting PV power PV power plant Artificial intelligenceEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyElectrical and Electronic EngineeringElectric Power Systems Research

The meaningfulness of two curriculum-based national tests of English as a foreign language


This paper addresses the aspect of the meaningfulness of a national assessment in English as a foreign language, applying the fairness framework proposed by Kunnan (2018). We compared students’ performance on two receptive language skills of listening and reading on two subsequent national evaluations in Finland, taken by students at the end of compulsory basic education and at the end of general upper secondary education, respectively. The research questions focus on (1) the relationship between students’ performance on the two tests and their gender, language of schooling and parents’ educational level, and (2) the relationship between the students’ receptive language proficiency at the e…

validationluetun ymmärtäminentoinen kielikieli ja kieletoppiminenfairnesskielitaitoreading comprehensionoppimistuloksettaustatekijätoikeudenmukaisuusjusticekoulutuspolitiikkalearning outcomesymmärtäminentasa-arvolistening comprehensionkuullun ymmärtäminen516 Educational scienceslarge-scale assessmentkielen oppiminenenglannin kieliarviointivieraat kielet

Fat Talk in College Women


This study placed the phenomenon of college women’s fat talk within response styles theory. We predicted that with increasing trait body dissatisfaction there would be an increase in rumination leading to a greater frequency of fat talk. We also predicted that neuroticism would moderate this mediation pathway, and that these effects would occur over and above body size. A survey was conducted on a convenience sample of 212 college women with a mean age of 22.04 years ( SDage = 2.61). A bootstrap analysis utilizing PROCESS software supported the predicted moderated-mediation model. Thus, those college women higher in both trait body dissatisfaction and neuroticism would experience greater r…

AdultMediation (statistics)UniversitiesPerspective (graphical)Public Health Environmental and Occupational HealthPsychological interventionNeuroticismDevelopmental psychologyYoung AdultArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)Child PreschoolSurveys and QuestionnairesRuminationBody ImagemedicineTraitEducational StatusHumansFemalemedicine.symptomPsychologyCo-ruminationBody dissatisfactionHEALTH EDUCATION & BEHAVIOR

Infrastructura Naturans. Architetture di trasformazione della circonvallazione di Palermo


The article discusses the theoretical system that supports design themes and processes of recycling large urban road infrastructures, referring to an international research that frames them among the sustainable regeneration processes of the contemporary city, and further evoking the project for the transformation of Palermo's ring road that has been elaborated within this research. Witnesses of past urban seasons, these infrastructures are marked by a peculiar morphology that deserves to be maintained, while they must emancipate themselves from asphalt and adapt to new urban mobilities. By hybridizing vegetation and buildings as never before, the longest roadways in our urban contexts may …

L’articolo facendo riferimento ad una ricerca internazionale orientata a definire temi e processi progettuali per il riciclo delle grandi infrastrutture viarie urbane fra i processi di rigenerazione sostenibile della città contemporanea discute il complesso sistema teorico che li orienta anche in rapporto al progetto di trasformazione della circonvallazione di Palermo elaborato in tale ambito. Testimoni di stagioni urbane passate queste infrastrutture possiedono una morfologia peculiare che merita di essere mantenuta mentre devono emanciparsi dall’asfalto e adeguarsi alle nuove mobilità urbane. Ibridando vegetale e costruito come mai prima i più lunghi tracciati viari dei nostri contesti urbani potranno trasformare i loro bordi in nuovi boschi urbani o foreste lineari contrastando le isole di calore e supportando nuovi habitat interspecisti. Le nuove autostrade urbane del futuro non saranno antagoniste dell'architettura o della città come è stato per secoli. Saranno i luoghi di una natura aumentata e pienamente funzionale all'espressione di un nuovo genere urbano non binario fabbricata per rendere le nostre città vivibili come mai prima. Corridoi ecologici vegetazione altre specie clima fonti energetiche rinnovabili daranno corpo a una nuova infrastruttura: una infrastructura naturans.Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Violenza e violenze: nomina sunt...


This contribution, in addition to identifying some stages of the process of recognition of Intimate Partner Violence, seeks to highlight the reasons for the existing hiatus between the social rejection of violence against women and its constant escalation. The recent historical reconstruction that will be proposed will take into consideration some developments of this phenomenon, in order to more fully outline its current directions.

Settore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E ComunicativiSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generaleintimate partner violence gender culture relationship

Making decisions for effective humanitarian actions: a conceptual framework for relief distribution


AbstractResponding to a disaster encompasses a myriad of humanitarian actions; the ultimate and crucial is immediate relief distribution. Making effective decisions in chaotic disaster environment is always complex and challenging. Decisions made here are heavily influenced by the decisions made in several related problem areas such as facility locations, relief supply chain, transportation, scheduling, and inventory management. While each of these problem areas has its own set of decision factors, several of these factors are also common in multiple problem areas. These common decision factors offer both an opportunity and a challenge. The challenge is to balance the relative importance of…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200

Clausole generali/standard valutativi nel pensiero di Angelo Falzea


The essay focuses on the examination of the famous lawyer Angelo Falzea on the general clauses and legal standards, bringing on lighy an original conception of law as a cultural subsystem

legal standardAngelo FalzeaSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatogeneral clauses

Obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients



Diabetes Mellitus Type 1EndocrinologyNon-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismInternal MedicineHumansObesityCardiometabolic risk Diabetes mellitus type 1 Metabolic syndrome Nonalcoholic Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Obesity SteatohepatitisJournal of Diabetes and its Complications

Qualità della vita, benessere e salute: significati e metafore conoscitive della vita


Over the last few years, terms such as health, subjective well-being, happiness, and quality of life have gained increasing attention both within and outside the scientific debate, sometimes even entering general speaking. It is probably due to the figure of Achille Ardigò (1988, 1997), the founder of the sociology of health in Italy, that we observe such interest in these topics. Recently, the relationship between health and society has developed under the sign of heterogeneity, drawing reflections on the quality of life (Maturo, 2009), the role of medicine (Giarelli and Vignera, 2004; Cipolla, 2004), the healthcare systems (Corposanto, 2007; Giarelli, 2005) and also on the perceived happi…

Settore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E ComunicativiHealthFoodWell-BeingHappinessSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia GeneraleSociolgy