showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Clinical and Neurophysiological Follow-Up of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Patients Treated with Subcutaneous Immunoglobulins: A …
Background: chronic idiopathic demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is an acquired, immune-mediated neuropathy characterized by weakness, sensory symptoms and significant reduction or loss of deep tendon reflexes evolving over 2 months at least, associated with electrophysiological evidence of peripheral nerve demyelination. Recently, subcutaneous immunoglobulins (SCIg) have been introduced in clinical practice as a maintenance therapy for CIDP; nevertheless, electrophysiological and efficacy data are limited. Methods: to evaluate SCIg treatment efficacy, we retrospectively reviewed data from 15 CIDP patients referring to our clinic, receiving SCIg treatment and who performed electrophysiolo…
Miradas transversales en torno al teatro: nuevas perspectivas críticas
Vol. 9 de la Colección Anejos Diablotexto Digital
A Classification of Modular Functors via Factorization Homology
Modular functors are traditionally defined as systems of projective representations of mapping class groups of surfaces that are compatible with gluing. They can formally be described as modular algebras over central extensions of the modular surface operad, with the values of the algebra lying in a suitable symmetric monoidal $(2,1)$-category $\mathcal{S}$ of linear categories. In this paper, we prove that modular functors in $\mathcal{S}$ are equivalent to self-dual balanced braided algebras $\mathcal{A}$ in $\mathcal{S}$ (a categorification of the notion of a commutative Frobenius algebra) for which a condition formulated in terms of factorization homology with coefficients in $\mathcal{…
Onko etäkoulu mahdollinen?
Tässä katsauksessa kysyn ”onko etäkoulu mahdollinen?” Haen kysymykseen vastauksia kommentoivan narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Tavoitteenani on tehdä näkyväksi sitä, mitä kaikkea koulu on – ei arvostella koronapandemian aikaisten poikkeavien opetusjärjestelyjen toteuttamista tai idealisoida lähitoteutuksena järjestettävää perusopetusta. Katsaus rakentuu neljän teeman ympärille: 1) koulu on opettamista ja oppimista; 2) koulu on yhteiskunnallista uusintamista ja uudistamista; 3) koulu on ihmisiä ja suhteita ja 4) koulu on paikka ja tila.
Tytöt tytöt tytöt : pohjoiseurooppalaisten eliittityttöjen historiaa
Arvosteltu teos: Karppinen-Kummunmäki, Henna 2022. Tyttöjen vuosisadat: Lasten ja nuorten historiaa keskiajalta 1800-luvulle. Helsinki: Avain. 250 s.
Fresh Pod Yield, Physical and Nutritional Quality Attributes of Common Bean as Influenced by Conventional or Organic Farming Practices
The aim of the current study wat to comparatively assess the impact of different nitrogen (N) fertilization schemes on fresh pod yield and yield quality in either organically or conventionally grown common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Prior to common bean crop establishment, the experimental field site was cultivated following either organic (a) or conventional (b) farming practices with a winter non-legume crop (Brassica oleracea var. italica) (BR), or (c) with field bean (Vicia faba sp.) destined to serve as a green manure (GM) crop. At the end of the winter cultivation period the broccoli crop residues (BR) and green manure biomass (GM) were incorporated into the soil and the plots tha…
Inhibition of uterine contractility by guanine-based purines in non-pregnant rats
Growing evidence pointed out that guanine-based purines are able to modulate smooth muscle contractile activity of blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract. Since, so far, possible guanine-based purine modulation of uterine musculature is unknown, the aim of the present study was to investigate in vitro, using organ bath technique, guanosine and guanine efects on spontaneous uterine contraction, and uterine contraction induced by K+-depolarization and oxytocin in a non-pregnant rat. Guanosine, but not guanine, reduced the amplitude of spontaneous contraction of the uterine muscle in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory response was antagonized by S-(4-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine (NBTI), a…
Upwelled plankton community modulates surface bloom succession and nutrient availability in a natural plankton assemblage
Upwelling of nutrient-rich waters into the sunlit surface layer of the ocean supports high primary productivity in eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs). However, subsurface waters contain not only macronutrients (N, P, Si) but also micronutrients, organic matter and seed microbial communities that may modify the response to macronutrient inputs via upwelling. These additional factors are often neglected when investigating upwelling impacts on surface ocean productivity. Here, we investigated how different components of upwelled water (macronutrients, organic nutrients and seed communities) drive the response of surface plankton communities to upwelling in the Peruvian coastal zone. Re…
Historian opettajien käsityksiä tiedonalan tekstitaitojen opettamisesta lukiossa
Tutkimuksessa tarkastelemme lukion historianopettajien käsityksiä tiedonalansa tekstitaidoista aineistopohjaisen esseen kirjoittamisen opettamisen ja arvioinnin yhteydessä. Lukiossa jokaisen opettajan tulee opettaa oman tiedonalansa kieltä ja tekstitaitoja, jotka kietoutuvat taustalla olevan tieteenalan tiedonmuodostuksen käytänteisiin. Tiedonalan tekstitaitojen opettaminen nojaa opettajien käsityksiin tiedonmuodostuksen käytänteistä sekä niihin liittyvästä tekstitoiminnasta. Tutkimme opettajien käsityksiä siitä, mikä on lähdeaineistojen kriittisen tarkastelun rooli ja mitä on opiskelijan oma pohdinta aineistopohjaisissa esseissä. Hyödynsimme tutkimuksen aineistona kahta historian opettajie…
Repensar las identidades culturales en el mundo hispánico I: interpretaciones, poéticas y resistencias desde Hispanoamérica
Vol. 8 de la Colección Anejos Diablotexto Digital
Aineenopettajaksi opiskelevien koulukokemuksia sukupuolistuneesta väkivallasta
Artikkelissa tarkastelemme sukupuolistunutta väkivaltaa aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden koulukokemusten näkökulmasta. Merkittävä määrä nuorista altistuu väkivallan ja häirinnän eri muodoille. Kouluterveyskyselyjen mukaan erityisesti tyttöihin ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kohdistuva väkivalta ja seksuaalinen häirintä ovat viime vuosien aikana lisääntyneet huolestuttavasti. Koulun ja opettajien rooli ilmiöön puuttumisessa on tärkeä, samoin opettajankoulutuksen, jonka aikana opiskelijoiden olisi tärkeä tulla tietoiseksi väkivallan ilmenemismuodoista ja niihin puuttumisen mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin fokusryhmähaastatteluilla, joihin osallistui yhteensä 18 aineenopettajaopiskeli…
Feasibility of the 30 s Sit-to-Stand Test in the Telehealth Setting and Its Relationship to Persistent Symptoms in Non-Hospitalized Patients with Lon…
Fatigue, dyspnea and pain are the main limitations of patients with long COVID. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of the 30 s sit-to-stand (30s-STS) test in the telehealth setting and its relationship to persistent symptoms in a sample of non-hospitalized patients with long COVID. A cross-sectional study was conducted in community patients with long COVID. Data collection and assessments were performed by videoconference and consisted of the fatigue assessment scale (FAS), London activity of daily living scale (LCADL), post-COVID-19 functional status (PCFS) and European quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L), including the pain/discomfort dimension. The 30s-STS test w…
Käsitemetaforan näkökulma pelimusiikin henkilökohtaiseen merkityksellisyyteen
The perspective of conceptual metaphor on personal meaningfulness of game music
 The use of metaphors is prevalent when talking about music in everyday life as well as in more professional contexts. As such, the role of metaphors in describing and understanding music has been a topic for philosophical discussions and more recently also for empirical research. While most of the focus has traditionally been on the meaning of music, in this article we consider metaphors as related to the personal meaningfulness of music. More specifically, we investigate metaphoric expressions in personal narratives of fond game music memories, aiming to understand what the metaphors tell about the relati…
A new Meckel's cartilage from the Devonian Hangenberg black shale in Morocco and its position in chondrichthyan jaw morphospace.
Fossil chondrichthyan remains are mostly known from their teeth, scales or fin spines only, whereas their cartilaginous endoskeletons require exceptional preservational conditions to become fossilized. While most cartilaginous remains of Famennian (Late Devonian) chondrichthyans were found in older layers of the eastern Anti-Atlas, such fossils were unknown from the Hangenberg black shale (HBS) and only a few chondrichthyan teeth had been found therein previously. Here, we describe a Meckel’s cartilage from the Hangenberg black shale in Morocco, which is the first fossil cartilage from these strata. Since no teeth or other skeletal elements have been found in articulation, we used elliptica…
Valoda: nozīme un forma. Nr. 13: Gramatika un valodas prasme
Measurement of beauty production via non-prompt D0 mesons in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
The production of non-prompt D0 mesons from beauty-hadron decays was measured at midrapidity (|y| 5 GeV/c in the 0–10% central Pb-Pb collisions. The data are described by models that include both collisional and radiative processes in the calculation of beauty-quark energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma, and quark recombination in addition to fragmentation as a hadronisation mechanism. The ratio of the non-prompt to prompt D0-meson RAA is larger than unity for pT> 4 GeV/c in the 0–10% central Pb-Pb collisions, as predicted by models in which beauty quarks lose less energy than charm quarks in the quark-gluon plasma because of their larger mass. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
Mucilage-Based and Calcium Ascorbate Edible Coatings Improve Postharvest Quality and Storability of Minimally Processed Cactus Pear Fruit Stored unde…
The minimally processed fruit and vegetable industry showed rapid growth worldwide, primarily due to the increasing consumer need for ready-to-eat fresh products characterized by high nutritional, sensory and healthy value. The postharvest life of peeled cactus pear fruits is relatively short, due to the processing operations that affect fruit integrity and cause metabolic disfunctions, as well as pulp browning, microbial growth, loss of firmness, off-flavor development, and nutraceutical value loss. In this study, we investigated the effects of mucilage-based (OFI) and calcium ascorbate edible coating on minimally processed cactus pear summer-ripening fruit, cold stored under passive atmos…
Incidental Detection of a Chromosomal Aberration by Array-CGH in an Early Prenatal Diagnosis for Monogenic Disease on Coelomic Fluid
Background: Turner syndrome is a rare genetic condition in which a female is partly or completely missing an X chromosome. Signs and symptoms vary among those affected. In fetuses that survive at birth and without congenital malformations, the prognosis is usually positive, but it has high lethality in utero, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Methods: We report a case of monosomy X detected during a prenatal diagnosis for beta thalassemia on coelomic fluid (CF) at the VIII week of gestation. Beta globin gene analysis, whole genome amplification (WGA), quantitative fluorescent PCR and array comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) were performed on DNA extracted from CF. R…
Pelimusiikin käyttötavat ja funktiot suomalaisten arjessa
The uses and functions of game music in everyday life
 The premise of this article is the idea that games and their music do not only relate to playing, but are also part of people’s musical practices outside of the actual gameplay situation. However, so far very little research has been done on the meanings of game music outside of gaming. In this study, we aim for a broader understanding of people’s relationship with game music by examining how game music is used outside of the context of gaming. The empirical analysis of the article is based on two datasets collected in Finland. The primary material consists of written stories (N=183) about personally meaningful game music memories.…
Cooking Particulate Matter: A Systematic Review on Nanoparticle Exposure in the Indoor Cooking Environment
Background: Cooking and fuel combustion in the indoor environment are major sources of respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), which is an excellent carrier of potentially harmful absorbed inorganic and organic compounds. Chronic exposure to RSPM can lead to acute pulmonary illness, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and lung cancer in people involved in cooking. Despite this, questions remain about the harmfulness of different particulate matter (PM) sources generated during cooking, and the factors influencing PM physico-chemical properties. The most reliable methods for sampling and analyzing cooking emissions remain only partially understood. Objectives: This review aims to compreh…
The role of histo-blood group antigens and microbiota in human norovirus replication in zebrafish larvae
Human norovirus (HuNoV) is the major agent for viral gastroenteritis, causing >700 million infections yearly. Fucose-containing carbohydrates named histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) are known (co)receptors for HuNoV. Moreover, bacteria of the gut microbiota expressing HBGA-like structures have shown an enhancing effect on HuNoV replication in an in vitro model. Here, we studied the role of HBGAs and the host microbiota during HuNoV infection in zebrafish larvae. Using whole-mount immunohistochemistry, we visualized the fucose expression in the zebrafish gut for the HBGA Lewis X [LeX, α(1,3)-fucose] and core fucose [α(1,6)-fucose]. Costaining of HuNoV-infected larvae proved colocalization o…
Hidden attractors in Chua circuit: mathematical theory meets physical experiments
AbstractAfter the discovery in early 1960s by E. Lorenz and Y. Ueda of the first example of a chaotic attractor in numerical simulation of a real physical process, a new scientific direction of analysis of chaotic behavior in dynamical systems arose. Despite the key role of this first discovery, later on a number of works have appeared supposing that chaotic attractors of the considered dynamical models are rather artificial, computer-induced objects, i.e., they are generated not due to the physical nature of the process, but only by errors arising from the application of approximate numerical methods and finite-precision computations. Further justification for the possibility of a real exi…
Lapset ja nuoret oman elämänsä asiantuntijoina
Arvosteltu teos: Kallinen, Kati & Pirskanen, Henna 2022. Lasten ja nuorten tutkimushaastattelu. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. 268 s.
Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Brassicaceae-Derived Phytochemicals: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence for a Putative Role in the Prevention and Treatment…
AbstractAbstract Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of intestinal disorders, of unknown etiology, characterized by chronic inflammation within the gut. They are gradually becoming critical because of the increasing incidence worldwide and improved diagnosis. Due to the important side effects observed during conventional therapy, natural bioactive components are now under intense investigation for the prevention and treatment of chronic illnesses. The Brassicaceae family comprises vegetables widely consumed all over the world. In recent decades, a growing body of literature has reported that extracts from the Brassicaceae family and their purified constituents have anti-inflammatory…
Structural Studies Reveal that Endosomal Cations Promote Formation of Infectious Coxsackievirus A9 A-Particles, Facilitating RNA and VP4 Release
Coxsackievirus A9 (CVA9), an enterovirus, is a common cause of pediatric aseptic meningitis and neonatal sepsis. During cell entry, enterovirus capsids undergo conformational changes leading to expansion, formation of large pores, externalization of VP1 N termini, and loss of the lipid factor from VP1. Factors such as receptor binding, heat, and acidic pH can trigger capsid expansion in some enteroviruses. Here, we show that fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin or neutral endosomal ionic conditions can independently prime CVA9 for expansion and genome release. Our results showed that CVA9 treatment with albumin or endosomal ions generated a heterogeneous population of virions, which could b…
Accessible stories within mediascapes. Voicing otherness in digital museums
This article presents the first steps in the investigation of the potential for digital storytelling and digital museums to be used as instruments for access, as enablers of epistemic and poietic agency. Digital storytelling and migration museums are used as a case study to explore in what ways digital storytelling impacts meaning-making processes performed by migrants, allowing them to become active creators and disseminators of their own experiences. Through the combination of corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics, and lexical semantic analysis, an ad-hoc comparable corpus of migrant narratives in English and in Italian was cross-examined in order to scrutinise the conceptua…
Precision Management of Fruit Trees
The aim of the Special Issue “Precision Management of Fruit Trees” was to collect new insights to support the adoption of advanced, efficient, and sustainable management techniques in the fruit production sector. Indeed, this is an opportunity offered by the technological innovations adopted using new-generation sensors and implemented through precise management operations. This Special Issue contains 11 scientific articles contributing to our knowledge on the precision management of fruit trees, indicating the high activity of this sector and possibly leading to the application of new techniques/protocols to overcome global and rapidly changing environmental issues. Scalisi et al. [1], in …
Välikatsaus pelimusiikin tutkimuksen moniäänisyyteen
 As videogames are being increasingly recognized as a prominent cultural force, there is also a growing interest in the study of video game music within academia. Published in 2021, The Cambridge Companion to Video Game Music is the most recent milestone in establishing video game music research as a credible field of research. The book situates itself naturally on the same continuum with the founding of the Ludomusicology Research Group in 2011 and the launch of the Journal of Sound and Music in Games in 2020. With twenty-four chapters and over four hundred pages, the Companion is probably the largest and most comprehensive collection on game music studies so far. The overarc…
What should i do and who's to blame?
The COVID-19 crisis has had a major impact on youth. This study examined factors associated with youth’s attitudes towards their government’s response to the pandemic and their blaming of individuals from certain risk groups, ethnic backgrounds, and countries or regions. In a sample of 5,682 young adults (Mage = 22) from 14 countries, lower perceived burden due to COVID-19, more collectivistic and less individualistic values, and more empathy were associated with more positive attitudes towards the government and less blaming of individuals of certain groups. Youth’s social identification with others in the pandemic mediated these associations in the same direction, apart from the COVID-19 …
Phytopathogenic Bacteria Associated with Bacterioses of Common Oak (Quercus robur L.) in Ukraine
Studying the biological characteristics of the causative agents of bacteriosis of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) (to highlight the links between the key factors of pathogenesis and bacterial groups) is a new and relevant area of research. This work aims to identify the species composition of phytopathogenic bacteria associated with common oak bacteriosis and to study the morphological, cultural, and biochemical properties of pathogens. To establish the general phytosanitary state of the surveyed stands, classical forest inventory and phytopathological (visual on based on typical symptoms of the disease and macroscopic) methods were used. The properties of isolated bacteria were studied u…
Validations of Blood Pressure Measuring Devices Using Recognized Protocols
Preventing, diagnosing, and controlling high blood pressure is a global health priority. The self-measurement of blood pressure is therefore fundamental and should be done with devices validated by recognized protocols, although most are not. The most widely used and current protocols are the 2010 European Society of Hypertension (ESH) revision and the 2018 Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)/ ESH/ the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) universal standard, respectively. The aim of this study was to find out which blood pressure measuring devices have been adequately validated by the above protocols. A narrative review of blood pressure device …
FANCD2 promotes mitotic rescue from transcription-mediated replication stress in SETX-deficient cancer cells
AbstractReplication stress (RS) is a leading cause of genome instability and cancer development. A substantial source of endogenous RS originates from the encounter between the transcription and replication machineries operating on the same DNA template. This occurs predominantly under specific contexts, such as oncogene activation, metabolic stress, or a deficiency in proteins that specifically act to prevent or resolve those transcription-replication conflicts (TRCs). One such protein is Senataxin (SETX), an RNA:DNA helicase involved in resolution of TRCs and R-loops. Here we identify a synthetic lethal interaction between SETX and proteins of the Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway. Depletion of…
Videopelien musiikin tutkimus
Tämä Musiikki-lehden teemanumero on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen antologia, joka kokoaa yhteen maassamme tehtävää pelimusiikin tutkimusta. Miksi tällainen julkaisu vuonna 2022? Erikoisnumeron ajoitusta voi näkökulmasta riippuen pitää kieltämättä yhtä hyvin joko aikaisena tai myöhäisenä. Aikainen julkaisu on sikäli, että pelimusiikin tutkimus ei ole vielä tätä tekstiä kirjoittaessamme erityisen vakiintunut tutkimusala Suomessa, puhuttiin sitten musiikkitieteen tai muiden lähialojen piirissä tehtävästä tutkimuksesta. Yksi tämän erikoisnumeron tavoitteita olikin tarjota Suomessa toimiville tutkijoille julkaisualusta ja hahmottaa sen kautta, millaisena alan tutkimus maassamme tällä hetkellä piirt…
Narrative dynamics in European Commission AI policy—Sensemaking, agency construction, and anchoring
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is arguably one of the most powerful and disruptive technologies of our times which may pose challenges as well as opportunities to contemporary political organizations. Studying AI from a lens of perceived uncertainty, this article studies the policy response of the European Commission toward this fast-paced emerging technology. By empirically focusing on the Commission's policy process from start to end, from initial communication to concrete proposal, the article shows how different types of narratives are used to construct the new policy area of AI policy. A novel theoretical framework is constructed building on a combination of narrative organizational stud…
Evaluation of the Purity of Magnesium Hydroxide Recovered from Saltwork Bitterns
Magnesium has been listed among the 30 critical raw materials by the European Union. In recent years, many green and sustainable alternative Mg2+ sources have been sought to satisfy the EU’s demand and to avoid mineral ore consumption. In this context, saltwork bitterns, the by-products of solar sea salt production, have attracted much attention thanks to their high Mg2+ concentrations (up to 80 g/L) and low Ca2+ and bicarbonate contents (<0.5 g/L). Although investigations on Mg2+ extraction from bitterns in the form of Mg(OH)2(s) have already been performed, product purity has never been properly addressed. Mg(OH)2(s) is a chemical compound of great interest and extensive utility in num…