showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Ética para la inteligencia artificial sostenible


Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY 4.0

EthicsCultural StudiesArtificial intelligenceResponsibilitySociology and Political ScienceGeneral Arts and HumanitiesIntel·ligència artificialÉticaCuidadoCareInteligencia artificialSostenibilidadSustainabilityÈticaDesenvolupament sostenibleResponsabilidadResponsabilitat

La gamificación en ELE:un análisis de la motivación según la TAD


Resumen: El presente artículo analiza la gamificación como técnica metodológica que fomenta la motivación en el aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE). En primer lugar, partiremos de los preceptos propuestos en la teoría de la autodeterminación (TAD) desarrollada por Ryan y Deci (1985). En segunda instancia, abordaremos las dinámicas, las mecánicas y los componentes que pueden constituir una práctica gamificada. Finalmente, tomando como referencia los postulados desarrollados en la TAD, centraremos nuestra atención en la manera en la que el diseño de un sistema gamificado puede incentivar un comportamiento regulado extrínseca o intrínsecamente.
 Palabras clave: gamificación, TAD,…


On Attacking Future 5G Networks with Adversarial Examples : Survey


The introduction of 5G technology along with the exponential growth in connected devices is expected to cause a challenge for the efficient and reliable network resource allocation. Network providers are now required to dynamically create and deploy multiple services which function under various requirements in different vertical sectors while operating on top of the same physical infrastructure. The recent progress in artificial intelligence and machine learning is theorized to be a potential answer to the arising resource allocation challenges. It is therefore expected that future generation mobile networks will heavily depend on its artificial intelligence components which may result in …

deep learning5G-tekniikkaGeneral Medicinematkaviestinverkottekoälyartificial intelligenceadversarial machine learning5G networkskoneoppiminenmatkaviestinpalvelut (telepalvelut)algoritmit5G cybersecurity knowledge basetietoturvakyberturvallisuusverkkohyökkäyksetverkkopalvelut

A Conference Report from Queer Tentacles : Theory, Arts and Activism Seminar


Queer Tentacles – Theory, Arts and Activism Seminar 23.–24.9.2022 nonPeerReviewed

Cultural StudiesLinguistics and LanguageHistoryAnthropologyseminaaritqueer-tutkimusLanguage and Linguisticskonferenssit

La novela gráfica como recurso didáctico en tiempos de pandemia: una propuesta intercultural para dinamizar la asignatura de Conversación del Grado e…


El azote pandémico ha marcado un implacable punto de inflexión en la escena educativa. Concretamente, en la R. P. China, contexto en el que se inserta la presente experiencia, la docencia en línea ha pasado a ser la tónica de una parte significativa del profesorado hispanohablante sin opción de regreso. Dicha coyuntura, además de dificultar la enseñanza de una asignatura eminentemente comunicativa como Conversación, plantea la imperiosa necesidad de redefinir el proceso didáctico al abrazo de propuestas que, por un lado, comulguen con la identidad del alumnado meta y, por otro, estimulen su participación activa en el aula virtual. El presente artículo contextualiza y desgrana la propuesta d…

Graphic novelPeople’s Republic of ChinaRepública Popular ChinaIntercultural communicative competenceCompetencia comunicativa interculturalCOVID-19UNESCO:PEDAGOGÍANovela gráficaForo de profesores de E/LE

Correlation of Metabolic Syndrome with Redox Homeostasis Biomarkers: Evidence from High-Fat Diet Model in Wistar Rats


Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is an extremely complex disease. A non-balanced diet such as high-fat diet (HFD) induces metabolic dysfunction that could modify redox homeostasis. We here aimed at exploring redox homeostasis in male Wistar rats, following 8 weeks of HFD, correlating the eventual modification of selected biomarkers that could be associated with the clinical manifestations of MetS. Therefore, we selected parameters relative to both the glucose tolerance and lipid altered metabolism, but also oxidative pattern. We assessed some biomarkers of oxidative stress i.e., thiols balance, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant barriers, via the use of specific biochemical assays, individuating e…

oxidative streglucose toleranceSettore BIO/16 - Anatomia UmanaPhysiologyClinical Biochemistrynon-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseCell BiologySettore BIO/09 - FisiologiaBiochemistryoxidative stress; anti-oxidant barriers; glucose tolerance; lipid metabolism; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; adipose tissue distributionanti-oxidant barrierlipid metabolismMolecular Biologyadipose tissue distributionAntioxidants

On the Borderlands of Queer Representations : From Downtown to Neon City, Lapland, and St Petersburg, Russia


Tämä kaksikielinen ”Borderlands of Representation / Representaatioiden rajaseuduilla” -teemanumero käsittelee tunnistamisen ja tunnustamisen rajoja sekä representaatioiden ja tulkinnan politiikkaa sukupuolen, seksuaalisuuden ja ueer-tutkimuksen konteksteissa. Millaiset erot ovat näkyviä, kerrottavia tai luettavissa ja siten avoimia tulkinnoille tai väärintulkinnoille (olivatpa ne tarkoituksellisia tai tahattomia)? Miksi niistä tulee merkityksenantoprosessien ja representaatioiden politiikkaa koskevien kiistojen paikkoja ja jopa poliittisten valtataistelujen areenoita? Miten representaatioiden näkyvyys ja merkitys muuttuvat suhteessa aikaan ja paikkaan, tulkitsijan tarpeisiin ja toiveisiin s…

Cultural StudiesLinguistics and LanguageHistorysukupuolentutkimussukupuolivähemmistötseksuaalivähemmistötosakulttuuritqueer-tutkimusLanguage and Linguisticstunnustaminen (filosofia)representaatioAnthropologyrajaseudutkulttuurintutkimus

Par Latvijas Universitātes tapšanu 1919. gada septembra preses publikācijās


The author of the article is a 1st year student of the Bachelor's study program at the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia (UL) and a scholarship holder of the University of Latvia Foundation, whose interests include historical research and public activity within the framework of patriotism. The author has carried out research on the press coverage of the founding of the UL in September 1919, when a decisive event in the history of the Latvian state - the Latvian War of Independence (1918-1920) - took place. The article provides an opportunity to learn new, innovative facts and research directions for future work by other scholarship holders of the UL Foundation or specialists in the…

Augstākā izglītībaLatvijas Universitāte:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History [Research Subject Categories]Latvian War of Independence (1918-1920)Latvijas Neatkarības karš (1918-1920)Higher educationStudentiThe University of LatviaStudentsTeaching staffMācībspēki

El enfoque por proyectos en la enseñanza del español con fines específicos mediante una propuesta aplicada al español del turismo


En el marco de las metodologías activas y la enseñanza de idiomas, el enfoque por proyectos sitúa al estudiante en el centro del proceso de aprendizaje, concibe la adquisición de la lengua conectada con la realidad y mejora las habilidades lingüísticas, personales, sociales y profesionales. Este trabajo desarrolla la posibilidad de implementar este enfoque en la enseñanza del español con fines específicos (EFE) mediante una propuesta dirigida a profesionales del sector turístico de nivel B1. Tomando como punto de partida el manual Profesionales del turismo, se expone el diseño de un proyecto que tiene como objetivo elaborar un póster científico sobre el turismo de un destino hispano, a part…


Propuesta didáctica para trabajar la comprensión audiovisual: Entrevista de trabajo con condiciones


Resumen: En este artículo se hace una propuesta didáctica a partir de un corto humorístico relacionado con las entrevistas de trabajo. El objetivo es desarrollar la comprensión audiovisual, la expresión oral y la interacción oral. Para ello, se propone una unidad didáctica dividida en actividades de pre-audición, audición y post-audición. Después se propone también una sección de autoevaluación y evaluación. Esto se realizará durante dos sesiones de cincuenta minutos de duración cada una. Las actividades propuestas tienen dinámicas individuales, en pareja y en grupo.  


Una aproximación a la anticortesía y su explotación didáctica en el aula de ELE


Este artículo se ocupa del fenómeno sociopragmático de la anticortesía y su aplicación en el aula de Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE). Revisaremos la investigación teórica del fenómeno para conocer el estado de la cuestión, partiendo de las teorías de gestión de la imagen social en la interacción y de la (des)cortesía que enmarcan este fenómeno. Seguidamente realizaremos búsquedas de muestras de anticortesía en manuales de ELE general y en el corpus conversacional Val.Es.Co 3.0. Posteriormente, propondremos dos secuencias didácticas con elementos de anticortesía como rasgo característico de la conversación coloquial en español, orientadas hacia aprendientes de ELE de los niveles A2 y B1 en s…


Improved Bone Regeneration Using Biodegradable Polybutylene Succinate Artificial Scaffold in a Rabbit Model


The treatment of extensive bone loss represents a great challenge for orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery. Most of the time, those treatments consist of multiple-stage surgeries over a prolonged period, pose significant infectious risks and carry the possibility of rejection. In this study, we investigated if the use of a polybutylene succinate (PBS) micro-fibrillar scaffold may improve bone regeneration in these procedures. In an in vivo rabbit model, the healing of two calvarial bone defects was studied. One defect was left to heal spontaneously while the other was treated with a PBS scaffold. Computed tomography (CT) scans, histological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed …

Biomaterialsbone defectbone regenerationpolybutylene succinatemicrofibrillar scaffoldBiomedical Engineeringrabbitbone reconstructionpolybutylene succinate; microfibrillar scaffold; rabbit; bone reconstruction; bone regeneration; bone defect

Estrategias y actitudes ante la enfermedad en la España del Renacimiento: el caso de Juan Rena (¿1539)


Juan Rena fue un clérigo veneciano que acaparó una gran cantidad de cargos y prebendas gracias al servicio prestado al emperador Carlos V. Participó en conflictos y negociaciones de gran relieve político y viajó constantemente. Además, destacó por sus actividades mercantiles y financieras, pero también por la reorganización administrativa del reino de Navarra tras su conquista en 1512. Gracias a su archivo personal, se ha podido recoger un abanico importante de consejos que recibió de diferentes médicos dispersos por la geografía europea, ya fuera personalmente o a través de correspondencia mantenida con ellos. En el presente trabajo analizamos estos consejos y, en definitiva, las diferente…

MetgesHistoryComunicacióCiència del Renaixement

La mediación lingüística y cultural: de la teoría a la práctica en el aprendizaje de español como lengua extranjera


Los nuevos tiempos en los que estamos inmersos nos han hecho replantearnos muchas cuestiones sobre las competencias que deben adquirir los aprendices de lenguas extranjeras. En este trabajo revisaremos aspectos relativos a la definición de mediación, las diferencias entre mediar y traducir, contrastes entre mediación lingüística y cultural, cómo se contemplan las estrategias de mediación en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de segundas lenguas y cuál es su ámbito de aplicación. Defenderemos la necesidad de ampliar el concepto de competencia comunicativa y de abordar la enseñanza de segundas lenguas desde enfoques metodológicos más complejos, incluyendo habilidades mediadoras en el aprendi…


Assessing Personality in SLA: Type- and Trait-Focused Approaches


The study of personality has long been one of the major themes in Psychology. Nevertheless, within the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), this research area has not received a lot of recognition, despite the strong ties of both disciplines. The objective of this paper is to describe the concept of personality and its role within the SLA field, as well as to outline the dominating research methodologies that are based on distinctive theoretical approaches. For this purpose, in Section 1 of the paper, the basic term of personality is defined, and its role in the process of foreign language acquisition is described, together with an outline of the most frequent problems encountered in…

personalitytrait theory and measurementtype theory and measurementGeneral Medicinethe Big FiveAnglica Wratislaviensia

¿Se te pone el corazón en la garganta cuando hablamos de las expresiones con partes del cuerpo en el aula de ELE?


El presente trabajo pretende analizar nueve unidades fraseológicas con partes del cuerpo (corazón, lengua y mano) y proponer una serie de actividades tanto lúdicas como interactivas, con el fin de enseñar las UF somáticas en el aula de ELE para estudiantes sinohablantes. Los somatismos, por un lado, se consideran como un tema con carácter de universal fraseológico. Por otro, la extensión del significado se realiza normalmente a través de los mecanismos metafóricos y metonímicos. En este sentido, la propuesta tiene como objetivo facilitar la enseñanza de las UF somáticas, relacionándolas con la lengua china, estudiar los mecanismos cognitivos y el uso pragmático, y favorecer la competencia f…


El componente lúdico en la integración de contenidos lingüísticos y culturales en la enseñanza de ELE


Los cursos de ELE para estudiantes universitarios procedentes de EE UU plantean varios retos, como la necesidad de integrar lengua y cultura, priorizando lo comunicativo, sin renunciar a los contenidos gramaticales, o el internivel en los grupos. Al mismo tiempo, se deben poner en práctica las estrategias que la pragmática intercultural nos ofrece para favorecer una comunicación eficaz y evitar malentendidos.
 Para ello, se propone una metodología comunicativa basada en la integración de los contenidos culturales y los lingüísticos (gramaticales, funcionales y el léxico) mediante juegos clásicos, fácilmente reconocibles para el alumnado, que permiten crear un ambiente cómodo y lúdico e…


“My Lies and Liaisons with Marilyn” : An Autofictional Representation of the Downtown Man, a Finnish Successor to the Marlboro Man in the Early 1990s


In this autobiographical/autofictional article, I analyze the representation of masculinity, an advertising poster for a new Finnish cigarette brand from the 1990s recession, when a new man, a “softie,” debuted under the pressure of the traditional male model and the twenty-first-century dudes and lads. The model posing in the poster is a homosexual, me. In the article I ask whether a gay could represent a Finnish man in the early 1990s or only present him. I examine the picture with a queer eye in search of inconsistencies and distortions that break present alternative interpretations to heteronormativity.
 Keywords: homosexuality, masculinity, heteronormativity, advertising, represen…

Cultural StudiesautofiktioLinguistics and LanguageHistorymainoskuvatmaskuliinisuusmainontarepresentaatioAnthropologyheteronormatiivisuushomoseksuaalisuusqueer-tutkimusLanguage and Linguistics

The PROVENT-C19 registry: A study protocol for international multicenter SIAARTI registry on the use of prone positioning in mechanically ventilated …


Background The worldwide use of prone position (PP) for invasively ventilated patients with COVID-19 is progressively increasing from the first pandemic wave in everyday clinical practice. Among the suggested treatments for the management of ARDS patients, PP was recommended in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign COVID-19 guidelines as an adjuvant therapy for improving ventilation. In patients with severe classical ARDS, some authors reported that early application of prolonged PP sessions significantly decreases 28-day and 90-day mortality. Methods and analysis Since January 2021, the COVID19 Veneto ICU Network research group has developed and implemented nationally and internationally the “PRO…

Multidisciplinaryprone positionrespiratory failureCOVID-19PLOS ONE

Reforzar la implicación educativa entre artes visuales, música y literatura


El volumen que han coordinado las profesoras Carmen Franco-Vázquez, Carol Guillanders y Marta Neira-Rodríguez, nos ofrece una serie de aportaciones elaboradas por profesionales de distintas áreas de conocimiento, como didáctica de la expresión musical, artística, lengua y literatura o filología gallega, con diferentes formaciones. Se trata en su mayoría de miembros del grupo de investigación LITER21. Por tanto, la interdisciplinariedad sería la esencia de estos trabajos en los que coopera personal de varias universidades.El volumen que han coordinado las profesoras Carmen Franco-Vázquez, Carol Guillanders y Marta Neira-Rodríguez, nos ofrece una serie de aportaciones elaboradas por profesion…

EducacióProfessors FormacióArt

Discriminatory Brain Processes of Native and Foreign Language in Children with and without Reading Difficulties


The association between impaired speech perception and reading difficulty has been well established in native language processing, as can be observed from brain activity. However, there has been scarce investigation of whether this association extends to brain activity during foreign language processing. The relationship between reading skills and neuronal speech representation of foreign language remains unclear. In the present study, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) with high-density EEG to investigate this question. Eleven- to 13-year-old children typically developed (CTR) or with reading difficulties (RD) were tested via a passive auditory oddball paradigm containing native (Finn…

kieli ja kielet515 Psychologykielelliset häiriötLDNäidinkielispeech perceptionoppimisvaikeudetkielellinen kehityshavainnointidysleksianative languagereading difficultiesEEGReading difficultiesSpeech perceptionForeign languageNative languageMMRforeign languagepuhe (puhuminen)lukutaito516 Educational sciencesaivotkognitiivinen kehityslukihäiriötvieraat kielet

Determination of Water-Soluble Trace Elements in the PM10 and PM2.5 of Palermo Town (Italy)


This study contributes to the current knowledge on the solubility of trace elements in the atmospheric particulate matter of the urban area of Palermo. Daily sample filters of PM10 and PM2.5 were collected in monitoring stations within and outside the urban area, characterized by variable traffic density. The bulk of compositions in PM10 and PM2.5 were determined by ICP-MS. The water-soluble trace elements (WSTE) and major ion components of particulate matter were determined by ICP-MS and ion chromatography, respectively. A significant difference in the metals content was observed between the samples taken in urban areas and those from suburban areas. The calculated enrichment factor highli…

Settore BIO/01 - Botanica Generaleleaching test; water-soluble ions; trace elements; PM<sub>10</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub>; atmospheric pollutionHealth Toxicology and Mutagenesisatmospheric pollutionPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthPM10 and PM2.5leaching testtrace elementswater-soluble ionsSettore GEO/08 - Geochimica E Vulcanologia

Sociedad para la Educación Artística SEA


Presentamos los principales acontecimientos que han tenido lugar durante este año. Destacamos la organización en la Universitat de València del II Congreso del del Área de Educación Artística titulado 'Poéticas' que reunió a más de un centenar de docentes especialistas, tanto de universidades como de educación secundaria. Los tres ámbitos (o 'Poéticas') que se pusieron en juego durante las sesiones del congreso fueron 'Currículo', 'Publicaciones' y 'Acciones'. A partir del mismo se consolida la iniciativa de la creación de la Sociedad para la Educación Artística (SEA), una organización profesional que tiene entre sus objetivos la atención de las necesidades específ…

DissenyEducacióProfessors FormacióArt

Hacia un modelo explicativo de la interactividad en el aula de ELE en Chile:una perspectiva desde la didáctica de Literatura e Historia


 &#x0D; Resumen: La comprensión se materializa en un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se sostiene en la interactividad de tres dimensiones: texto, lector y contexto. No obstante, hay una falta de evidencias empíricas que explican cómo interactúan las tres en el contexto educativo y cómo deberían interactuar para facilitar el aprendizaje del estudiante a partir de textos. En este sentido, el objetivo de este trabajo es explorar la interactividad en el aula de ELE en cursos de Literatura e Historia. La investigación adopta una metodología cualitativa de estudio de caso que a partir de un análisis de contenido reveló la necesidad de implementar las actividades de lectura en función de los …


Tarvitaanko ainedidaktikkoja?


Non peer reviewed

didaktiikka516 KasvatustieteetoppiaineetGeography Planning and DevelopmentkasvatustiedeAinedidaktiikkaainedidaktiikkatutkimusopettajankoulutusToimitukseltakorkeakouluopetus

Mind the gap! rom traditional and instrumental approaches of source evaluation towards source consciousness


This article gives a critical review and investigation of traditional generic ways of teaching source evaluation and source criticism. Furthermore, it aims to investigate a new approach to address this area of information literacy instruction for teaching librarians. While traditional approaches focus on evaluating the source at hand, this study offers a perspective to supplement this with a more reflective perspective. The emphasises in this article is the need to focus on source consciousness though the newly developed model MIND (motivation – intention – need – debate).  The goal is to supplement the traditional approaches of source evaluation where only the source is being assessed and …

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200

Blind recovery of sources for multivariate space-time random fields


AbstractWith advances in modern worlds technology, huge datasets that show dependencies in space as well as in time occur frequently in practice. As an example, several monitoring stations at different geographical locations track hourly concentration measurements of a number of air pollutants for several years. Such a dataset contains thousands of multivariate observations, thus, proper statistical analysis needs to account for dependencies in space and time between and among the different monitored variables. To simplify the consequent multivariate spatio-temporal statistical analysis it might be of interest to detect linear transformations of the original observations that result in stra…

Environmental EngineeringaikasarjatmonimuuttujamenetelmätsignaalinkäsittelypaikkatiedotEnvironmental ChemistrypaikkatietoanalyysiSafety Risk Reliability and QualitygeostatistiikkaGeneral Environmental ScienceWater Science and Technologyaikasarja-analyysi

Raising Awareness on the Clinical and Social Relevance of Adequate Chronic Pain Care.


Appropriate pain care should be regarded as a right and effectively guaranteed to people with chronic pain (CP). Law 38, enacted in Italy in 2010, establishes the citizen’s right not to suffer. Twelve years later, such right appears still disregarded in Italy and the current access to adequate pain care reveals significant shortcomings. In addition, a mismatch between CP-associated burden and the available healthcare resources in the framework of our national health system has been observed. This article gathers the perspectives of a Board of Italian anesthesiologists on the state of the art of CP management in Italy and aims at strengthening the scientific rationale and clinical relevance …

care pathwayspain managementHealth Toxicology and Mutagenesispain therapy networkSettore MED/41Public Health Environmental and Occupational Healthright enforceabilitychronic painInternational journal of environmental research and public health

Finns and the Indigenous People in the Great Lakes Region: Playing with Settler Myths in Late 20th- and Early 21st-Century Finnish American Fiction


This chapter explores the Finnish settler migration mythology through a selection of Finnish–American literature produced in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The idea is to shed light on the ways in which these texts create, spread, and perpetuate the settler myths. A close reading of literary texts can offer the opportunity to refocus, reframe, and reconceptualize Finnish experiences in North America. The chapter demonstrates that these texts can be approached as reinforcing the Finnish–Indigenous myth. They feature perennial images and themes as well as familiar one dimensional and/or glamorizing and sugarcoating stereotypes, such as shared lore and mysticism, sauna–sweat lodge sim…

myytitfiktiosiirtolaisetamerikansuomalaisetPohjois-AmerikkafictionkerrontauudisasukkaatFinnish American studiessuomalaisuusmytologiakokemuksetliterary studieskaunokirjallisuussuomalaisetkirjallisuudentutkimusstereotypiat



This essay's main goal the present review is to highlight the connections between intestinal dysbiosis and the ensuing activation of the mucosal lymphatic system. One of the study's goals is to investigate the impact on mood caused by a serotonergic deficit driven by mucosal inflammation. It assesses the relationship between food consumption and the onset of psychological and mental illness as a secondary end aim. Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases and psychological and psychiatric mood disorders appear to benefit therapeutically from the sort of diet they consume.

Settore MED/18 - Chirurgia GeneraleSettore BIO/16 - Anatomia UmanaInflammatory Bowel Diseses IBD Dysbiosis intestinal microbiome mood tone.

Development of a Model to Estimate the Risk of Emission of Greenhouse Gases from Forest Fires


27 Pág.

Forest firesForestryHome Influència del climaBuilding and ConstructionEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)Carbon stocksEcologia forestalDamageEmission vulnerabilityGreenhouse gas emissionsEarth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)Safety Risk Reliability and QualitySafety ResearchEmission risk modelCanvis climàticsHazard

Power Line Monitoring through Data Integrity Analysis with Q-Learning Based Data Analysis Network


To monitor and handle big data obtained from electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical, and other equipment linked to the power grid effectively and efficiently, it is important to monitor them continually to gather information on power line integrity. We propose that data transmission analysis and data collection from tools like digital power meters may be used to undertake predictive maintenance on power lines without the need for specialized hardware like power line modems and synthetic data streams. Neural network models such as deep learning may be used for power line integrity analysis systems effectively, safely, and reliably. We adopt Q-learning based data analysis network for anal…

power linedata integrity analysis; artificial neural network; Q-learning; power line; monitoringmonitoringVDP::Teknologi: 500Q-learningGeneral Earth and Planetary Sciencesdata integrity analysisartificial neural networkRemote Sensing; Volume 15; Issue 1; Pages: 194

CD3+ and CD8+ T-Cell-Based Immune Cell Score and PD-(L)1 Expression in Pulmonary Metastases of Microsatellite Stable Colorectal Cancer


Simple Summary The lung is the second most common site of metastases in colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of our study was to evaluate the prognostic value of CD3+ and CD8+ T-cell density based immune cell score (ICS) and PD-1/PD-L1 expression in resected pulmonary metastases of microsatellite stable CRC. The T-cell infiltration was higher in the first pulmonary metastases compared to primary tumour. Pulmonary metastases with high ICS had improved survival compared to low ICS after adjusting for confounders. High tumour cell PD-L1 expression was associated with favourable prognosis. Our results might have clinical feasibility in planning future therapies. Abstract The objective of this study…

programmed death 1Cancer Research3122 Cancerscolorectal carcinoma; pulmonary metastases; tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes; programmed death 1; programmed death ligand 1karsinoomatetäpesäkkeetOncologycolorectal carcinomaprogrammed death ligand 11182 Biochemistry cell and molecular biologypulmonary metastasessyöpätaudittumour-infiltrating lymphocyteskeuhkotpaksusuolisyöpä

2022 Reviewer Acknowledgment


Peer reviews are the foundation of high-quality academic publishing. Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics was able to maintain its high standards for the quality of its published papers thanks to the tireless work of our reviewers. In 2022, we are thankful for the contributions of our reviewers. The editorial office would like to thank and recognize the following reviewers for their valuable time and devotion, regardless of whether the papers they reviewed were ultimately published:

General MedicineAging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

Förståelighetsperspektiv på finlandssvenskars vanliga uttalsdrag i engelska


The present investigation addresses the gravity of mispronunciation for the intelligibility of English spoken by L1 Finland-Swedish teenagers. Previous research on the topic has been scarce, and even though there is some knowledge about the typical pronunciation challenges faced by this learner group, there is hardly any empirical research on the extent to which the typical mispronunciations actually cause misunderstandings. To investigate this, speech samples were elicited from teenaged L1 Finland-Swedish learners of English, demonstrating typical mispronunciations. Then, an intelligibility test was arranged with L1 English listeners (n = 48) matching the speakers’ age. Results suggest tha…

ymmärrettävyysförståelighetuttalsuomenruotsalaisetääntäminensuullinen kielitaitofinlandssvenskarengelskaGeneral Earth and Planetary Sciencesruotsinkielisetkielen oppiminenenglannin kieliaksenttiGeneral Environmental Science

Literary Competence and Creativity in Secondary Students


Literary competence (LC) is the ability or capacity to produce and interpret literary texts. It has usually been assumed to have a close relationship with creativity, that is, the ability to find original and appropriate ideas in a specific context, although this relationship has rarely been analyzed empirically. This study tries to fill this gap by investigating the relationship between literary competence and creativity in adolescence and exploring which components of LC are especially relevant to the different criteria for creativity. A total of 193 first-year Obligatory Secondary Education (ESO) students and eight teachers of this educational level participated in the study. The student…

Cultural StudiesCreació literària artística etc.CreativitatEducationRevista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado. Continuación de la antigua Revista de Escuelas Normales