showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

La Leucemia Linfática Crónica: evolución clonal y su monitorización molecular


La estratificación pronóstica de los pacientes con Leucemia Linfática Crónica (LLC) se basa en el índice pronóstico LLC-IPI, que integra marcadores clínicos, citogenéticos y biológicos, como el estudio de la región variable del gen de la cadena pesada de las inmunoglobulinas (IGVH) y del gen TP53. La secuenciación de nueva generación (NGS), ha permitido identificar las alteraciones genéticas asociadas con el desarrollo, progresión y resistencia a los tratamientos convencionales, y desarrollar nuevas herramientas pronósticas, y novedosas terapias dirigidas. Con la inmunoquimioterapia (IQT), la evolución clonal después de la terapia es la regla, mientras que con Ibrutinib, es la adaptación de…

leucemia linfática crónicaperfil mutacionalterapias dirigidasNGSEMRUNESCO::QUÍMICA::Bioquímica ::Biología molecularinmunoquimioterapiaevolución clonalUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS ::Medicina interna::Hematología

Introduction générale de l’ouvrage


[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Puoli tuntia lukemista : kansainvälinen lasten lukutaitotutkimus (PIRLS 2021)


Kansainvälisessä lasten lukutaitotutkimuksessa eli PIRLS-tutkimuksessa (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) tarkastellaan alakouluikäisten, pääasiassa neljäsluokkalaisten, lukutaidon tasoa ja osaamiseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä eri maissa. Oppilaille suunnatun luetunymmärtämisen testin ja oppilaskyselyn lisäksi tutkimus sisältää kyselyt mukaan valittujen luokkien lukemisen opettajille, koulujen rehtoreille ja oppilaiden vanhemmille. Kyselyt tuottavat monipuolista tietoa oppilaiden taustoista sekä oppilaiden ja heidän vanhempiensa lukemiskäytännöistä ja -asenteista, koulujen lukemisen opetuksesta sekä koulujen ja kotien oppimisen olosuhteista. Neljäs vuosi koulussa on merkit…

L’équilibre dans les composantes métier de l’anim ateur en analyse des pratiques professionnelles


[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationAnalyse de pratique Animateur Pratique professionnelle

Social and sensory deficits in Rett syndrome: neuroanatomical and behavioural analyses in a mouse model deficient for mecp2


El síndrome de Rett es una enfermedad rara del neurodesarrollo que afecta a 1 de cada 10.000 niñas en todo el mundo, y que supone la segunda causa de discapacidad intelectual de origen genético en mujeres. No existe una cura eficaz, y el tratamiento médico es meramente sintomatológico. Sin embargo, esta condición es mucho menos estudiada que otras enfermedades raras que afectan principalmente a niños. Se sabe que el síndrome de Rett está causado principalmente por mutaciones en el gen MECP2, que se localiza en el cromosoma X, haciendo que los niños mueran durante el primer año de vida y las niñas desarrollen la sintomatología característica de Rett a los 6-18 meses de edad. Entre los síntom…

UNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología animal (Zoología) ::Anatomía animaldoublecortinpostanatal neurogenesispain expressionUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::NeurocienciasUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA::Biología animal (Zoología) ::Comportamiento animalUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAsocial deficitsmecp2painrett syndrome

Environment & Climate Change Law 2023. Practical cross-border insights into environment and climate change law. 20th Edition


The impact of dental metal restorations on the oral oxidative stress level


Dental materials may influence the equilibrium between production and destruction of free radicals, thus creating conditions for developing of local or general oxidative stress. Metal ions, emitted from base dental alloys, may cause changes in cell struct

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Edukacja jutra. Nowe poszukiwania badawcze


Nouveaux outils en bioremédiation : prédiction du potentiel de dégradation d’une communauté à partir de sa composition et création de communautés mul…


En bioremédiation, la bioaugmentation consiste en l’introduction de microorganismes dans un milieu contaminé afin d’augmenter et/ou de suppléer la population bactérienne en place, dans l’objectif de le dépolluer. Cette approche est cependant limitée par la difficulté de choisir des microorganismes efficients - communauté ou souche spécifique – à inoculer, en lien avec les conditions abiotiques et les microorganismes indigènes du milieu pollué.Dans ce travail nous avons cherché à prédire le potentiel microbien de dégradation de deux pesticides, le glyphosate et l’isoproturon, de communautés microbiennes telluriques en utilisant des méthodes statistiques issues de la prédiction génomique. Pou…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]bioremédiation communautés cicrobiennes pesticide coalescence prédiction génomique

Il simbolismo della vigna nella Maqāma manẓariyya dell’autore yemenita Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad al-Wazīr (m. 1508)


La descrizione del paesaggio e della natura è il tema centrale di alcune munāẓarāt yemenite scritte in epoca premoderna (XIV-XIX s.). Questi testi mettono in scena la disputa letteraria tra alcuni elementi della natura ma anche tra città, quartieri e borghi yemeniti immersi nel verde. Questi personaggi rivaleggiano tra loro esaltando le proprie bellezze naturalistiche e dando luogo a delle rappresentazioni paesaggistiche complesse. Tuttavia, un’attenta analisi letteraria di queste opere mostra che oltre al significato letterale ne è presente anche un altro di tipo simbolico; infatti dietro tali componimenti si celano spesso dei significati nascosti e l’elemento naturale e la sua descrizione…

Settore L-OR/12 - Lingua E Letteratura ArabaPremodern Arabic Literature Maqāma Munāẓara Nature Yemen Zaydism

Eternizando la primavera. Codificación de la representación femenina en la ilustración del libro infantil español y ruso en el siglo XX


La tesis investiga los tipos femeninos, creados por ilustradoras de libros infantiles españoles y rusos a lo largo del siglo XX. La clasificación de las más repetidas figuras, modélicas para las niñas lectoras, exige un método propio: la tipificación espacial, resultado de las confluencias de los estudios del género, aplicados a la cultura visual y las teorías narrativas críticas. La agrupación resultante divide las ilustraciones en varios tipos: los externos (propios del contexto del cuento maravilloso), los internos, que habitan el entorno doméstico y, un tercer grupo, en continuo tránsito entre las categorías. Otras agrupaciones temáticas y formales se cruzan con las así definidas, cuest…

género y cultura de masas en el siglo XXtipos gráficosUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por especialidades::Historia del arteilustración del libro infantilrepresentación del género en el espacioimagen femeninaUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Sociología cultural::Sociología del arte

Le paysage médial et la facture de l’œuvre : Livre, impression, illustration


intermédialitéCulture de l’impriméBritish literatureillustrationlandscapeImpressionCulture visuelleModernismgesturevisual cultureIntermedialityPrint culture[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesModernismepaysageGesteLittérature britannique

Microbiologie des sols au service d’une agriculture durable


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

The love boat. La crociera come eterotopia


On a cruise, spatial coordinates are suspended (orientation with respect to the land and to the labyrinthine plan of the ship is lost), the temporal dimension (time is marked by the palimpsest of daily activities rather than by clocks), and the actor's characteristics (with the alteration of some of the identity traits of the subjects involved). The passenger experiences on the voyage an 'other' self, one that in some ways cannot be revealed within everyday life. And the boat becomes the place in which a series of paradoxes are realised: the realm of the freedom, but also a form of holiday slavery in which everything is capillarily foreseen beforehand; a space in which apparent luxury is ma…

Cruise - tourism - space - semiotics

The strategic use of One Nation as a symbol during PMQs from J. Major to T. May


One Nation, as a conceptual construct which started to develop since the 19th century has often been associated with the Conservative Party’s politics regarding their effort to bridge the gap between “the two nations” (the underprivileged and the well-off members of society) and in the elevation of the condition of the people in the UK (a requisite for social harmony). Most recent conservative Prime Ministers have been eager to present their own version of the One Nation tradition based on their views of the role the state should play (either limited or extended state intervention). David Seawright explains that these conflicting stances are not expressed in a strict polarisation within the…

conservatismsymbolismOne Nation[SHS.SCIPO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Political sciencePMQs

Digital ageing in Europe: a comparative analysis of Italian, Finnish and Swedish national policies on eHealth


AbstractAgeing Europeans are today healthier than previous generations and often manage to live independently up to a high age. The proportion of people 80 years of age and older has increased significantly, and with high age the risk of multi-illness and dementia increases. Strong urbanisation processes have changed the demographic structure in rural areas, and young women and men have migrated towards the urban areas to study and work, while older persons have remained behind. This demographic challenge of increasing numbers of persons older than 80 years with care needs living in remote rural areas has become a major European social problem. In tackling this dilemma, many European countr…

Economic growthterveyspalvelutHealth (social science)hyvinvointiteknologiaSocial PsychologySettore SPS/08 - SOCIOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI CULTURALI E COMUNICATIVIhyvinvointipolitiikkahoivapalvelut03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)vertaileva tutkimusPolitical scienceeHealthGerontologi medicinsk/hälsovetenskaplig inriktningGerontology specialising in Medical and Health Sciencesdigitalisation030212 general & internal medicineSociologi (exklusive socialt arbete socialpsykologi och socialantropologi)teleterveydenhuoltodigitalisaatiodigital landscape of careharvaan asutut alueet030503 health policy & servicesSociology (excluding Social Work Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)Public Health Environmental and Occupational Healthqualitative comparisonikääntyminenageing policieseHealthvanhuspolitiikkaGeriatrics and Gerontology0305 other medical scienceikääntyneetAgeing and Society

L'accompagnement au projet professionnel des demandeurs d'emploi éloignés de l'emploi au prisme du territoire


Approche territorialeAccompagnement professionnel[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologyChômeurStage de formationFormation des chômeursFranceProjet professionnelAccès à la formation professionnelleMesure pour l'emploi

Researcher roles in collaborative governance interventions


While societies are facing complex problems involving multiple stakeholders and interdependencies, interest in collaborative governance as a potential solution is rising. Research-based interventions in policy, planning, and management processes have been introduced to test different approaches and tools for collaboration. The nature of these processes, tools, and approaches varies substantially, as do researchers’ cultures of making contributions to and in collaboration with society. This paper outlines the various possibilities and means for researchers to intervene in and explore steps towards collaborative governance. It utilises literature-based descriptions of potential roles for rese…

vuorovaikutushallintoenvironmental policytutkijatcollaborative governanceinterventionsresearcher roleyhteistyö

La riqueza socioemocional: resiliencia y desempeño en la empresa familiar


El estudio de la relación: Riqueza Socioemocional (SEW) - Desempeño de la organización ha crecido significativamente, sin embargo, los hallazgos empíricos presentan diversas controversias, suscitando recientemente el interés de los académicos por identificar constructos mediadores que expliquen los efectos indirectos que SEW puede generar sobre el desempeño. Dada la coyuntura económica mundial y que aún es escaso el conocimiento sobre la forma en que SEW desencadena cambios en los niveles de desempeño de la firma, la presente tesis propone un nuevo mediador en tal relación: la resiliencia. Para ello, se emplea una estrategia sistematizada en tres estudios. El primero centrado en el diseño d…

resilienciamodelo estructuraldesempeñoempresa familiarSEWriqueza socioemocionalUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASescala de medida

Teaching about indigenous people with Minecraft Education


This thesis investigates the potential of Minecraft Education (ME) as a tool for teaching Norwegian lower secondary school pupils about indigenous people, with a particular focus on the Māori people of New Zealand. A five-week intervention was carried out in two eighth-grade English classes in the south of Norway, where three weeks were dedicated to playing ME in the "Ngā Motu" world to learn about the Māori people and their culture. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, and the data collected were used to evaluate the effectiveness of ME in addressing the research questions. The findings indicate that under the right circumstances, ME can be a valuable resource for teaching pupils about…

Increasing air temperature relative to water temperature makes the mixed layer shallower, reducing phytoplankton biomass in a stratified lake


The depth of the mixed layer is a major determinant of nutrient and light availability for phytoplankton in stratified waterbodies. Ongoing climate change influences surface waters through meteorological forcing, which modifies the physical structure of fresh waters including the mixed layer, but effects on phytoplankton biomass are poorly known. To determine the responses of phytoplankton biomass to the depth of the mixed layer, light availability and associated meteorological forcing, we followed daily changes in weather and water column properties in a boreal lake over the first half of a summer stratification period. Phytoplankton biomass increased with the deepening of the mixed layer …

lake mixingthermal stratificationvesistötheatwavealgal biomassilmastonmuutoksetbiomassa (ekologia)vedenlaatujärvetclimate warming

Hvilke utfordringer møter frivillige arbeidere og hvordan dette påvirker deres arbeid


Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært å se på de utfordringene som frivillige arbeidere møter på i utførelsen av deres arbeid og hvordan dette påvirker de og deres arbeid. Oppgaven vinkles fra de frivillige sin side og er basert på narrativ analyse med hjelp av 6 kvalitative intervjuer med personer som enten er eller har vært frivillig arbeider. Kravet for informantene er at de har drevet med frivillig arbeid sammenhengende i minst 6 måneder og kan ha drevet med alle typer frivillighet som i en frivillig organisasjon, frivillig organisert hjelp, frivillige tiltak osv., så lenge det er frivillig og ikke fått betalt. Informantene i denne oppgaven har drevet med ulike former for frivillig arbei…

Environmental context determines pollution impacts on ecosystem functioning


Global change assessments have typically ignored synthetic chemical pollution, despite the rapid increase of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and industrial chemicals in the environment. Part of the problem reflects the multifarious origins of these micropollutants, which can derive from urban and agricultural sources. Understanding how micropollutants harm ecosystems is a major scientific challenge due to asymmetries of stress across trophic levels and ecological surprises generated by multiple drivers interacting in human-impacted landscapes. We used field assays above and below municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in 60 sampling locations across 20 Swiss streams to test how micropoll…

jätevedenpuhdistamotdecompositionvesien saastuminenympäristön saastumineneliöyhteisötjätevesiravinteetmicropollutantsbiodiversiteettiekosysteemit (ekologia)biodiversity; decomposition; micropollutants; multiple stressors; nutrients; wastewatermultiple stressorsmikrosaasteetnutrientskemikaalitwastewaterEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematicsbiodiversity

Effects of a non-randomized educational intervention on knowledge, postural habits and trunk muscle endurance related to back health: A 6-month follo…


Low back pain (LBP) prevalence in children and adolescents is high during their lives. School-based interventions have reported effectiveness on back health. The study aimed to determine the effect of an educational back-health intervention on knowledge, postural habits and trunk muscle endurance regarding low back pain prevention for a group of 12 to 13-year-old students using a 6-month follow-up. A non-randomized experimental design. Three groups of 1st-grade secondary school students were selected. A control group (CG), and two experimental groups (EG1 and EG2) who participated in a back-health educational program (BHEP); only one of the experimental groups was given a follow-up learning…

Educació físicaSalutAdolescentsEuropean Journal of Human Movement

Effects of anthropogenic stress on hosts and their microbiomes: Treated wastewater alters performance and gut microbiome of a key detritivore ( Asell…


Human activity is a major driver of ecological and evolutionary change in wild populations and can have diverse effects on eukaryotic organisms as well as on environmental and host-associated microbial communities. Although host-microbiome interactions can be a major determinant of host fitness, few studies consider the joint responses of hosts and their microbiomes to anthropogenic changes. In freshwater ecosystems, wastewater is a widespread anthropogenic stressor that represents a multifarious environmental perturbation. Here, we experimentally tested the impact of treated wastewater on a keystone host (the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus) and its gut microbiome. We used a semi-natur…

freshwater ecosystemsisopodschemical pollutionisäntälajithost–microbiome interactionsenvironmental stressekosysteemit (ekologia)mikrobistohost-microbiome interactionssiiratsaastuminenGeneticsmakea vesiGeneral Agricultural and Biological Scienceschemical pollution; environmental stress; freshwater ecosystems; host-microbiome interactions; isopodsEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsEvolutionary Applications

Potensielle årsakar til bidialektale språkpraksisar og syskenflokkar som bidialektale praksisfellesskap


I prosessen med å tileigne seg eit talemål går språkbrukarar gjennom ein språkleg sosialiseringsprosess der ulike språklege sosialiseringsagentar og andre omkringliggjande faktorar gjer seg gjeldande. I løpet av den språklege sosialiseringsprosessen tek språkbrukarar del i ulike praksisfellesskap der dei samhandlar med sosialiseringsagentar med ulik posisjon og betyding. Syskenflokken kan potensielt vere eit særleg relevant praksisfellesskap. For nokre språkbrukarar vert resultatet av den språklege sosialiseringsprosessen det ein kan omtale som bidialektale språkpraksisar, som vil seie moglegheita og evna til å bruke og veksle mellom to ulike dialektar. Føremålet med denne oppgåva var å utf…

Oli essenziali e loro applicazione in agricoltura: un’analisi della letteratura attraverso VOSviewer


The new guidelines of the European Commission intend to reduce the use of pesticides by 50%. A valid sustainable alternative to chemicals products in agriculture seems to be essential oils (EOs). The role of OEs is to cope external stressors for protecting plants themselves from pests and/or insects, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. The purpose of the work is to investigate which EOs have been evaluated in agriculture in the last 100 years, specially focusing on main target activities (antibacterial, insecticidal, fungicidal, acaricidal, antiviral, nematocidal). The examination has been done with VOSviewer software, which through the cluster analysis of scientific literature available on Scop…

agricolturaSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataVOSviewer analysisoli essenzialiattività nematocida VOSviewernematocidal activityEssential oilagriculture

Sexual Satisfaction: Pornography Consumption


Les nuances apportées aux garanties du sous-préfet évincé


Droits et garanties des agents publics[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawFonction PubliqueCommunication du dossierDécision prise en considération de la personne

Digital psykisk helse - Finnes det en sammenheng mellom behandlers intensjon til og faktiske bruk av digital behandling i psykisk helse og avhengighe…


Etterspørselen fra pasienter med behov for psykisk helse og avhengighetsbehandling øker. Digital behandling fremheves av helsemyndigheter som en moderne og innovativ måte å møte dette behovet på. Imidlertid er det mer uklart hvordan klinikere i poliklinikker oppfatter bruken av digital behandling. Hensikten med studien har vært å identifisere hvor det er muligheter for intervensjon til å kunne påvirke bruken av digital behandling. Studien har undersøkt om det er sammenheng mellom behandleres intensjon til, og faktisk bruk av digital behandling. Studien har undersøkt hvilke bakgrunnsvariabler som påvirker bruken av digital behandling, og om det er en sammenheng mellom digital helsekompetanse…

Täsmäratkaisuja kestävään tulevaisuuteen : suosituksia planetaarisen hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen poliittisessa ohjelmatyössä


Peer reviewed

kestävä kulutusmaankäytön suunnittelukestävä kehityspoliittinen päätöksentekoympäristöpolitiikkavihreä siirtymäsuosituksetyhdyskuntasuunnittelukestävä elämäntaparuokaturvaliikennesuunnitteluyritysvastuuympäristövastuuluonnonsuojelu

Dai popoli alla τέχνη. Il motivo delle «opere grandi e meravigliose» tra Erodoto e Galeno.


The essay analyzes the reuse of the motif of 'great and wonderful works', already present in Herodotus, within the Galenic corpus.

Galeno.Settore M-FIL/07 - Storia Della Filosofia Antica«opere grandi e meravigliose»ErodotoSettore L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua E Letteratura Greca

In the rail sector, France needs to do more to connect its regional networks to the European network


In an article for "Le Monde" newspaper, the legal expert Martial Pernet notes that, despite the texts in force, which he urges to be applied, efforts must be made to achieve the unification of the European rail network.

Transport européenRégulation ferroviaire[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawEuropean transport[SPI.GCIV.IT] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Civil Engineering/Infrastructures de transportRail regulationRéseau ferroviaire européenFrance[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesSncfEuropean Railway Network

Kjønn og kjønnsnormer i den flerkulturelle ungdomslitteraturen. En komparativ analyse av Pakkis (1986) og Izzat. For ærens skyld (1996).


Sammendrag Denne masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i Khalid Hussains og Nasim Karims forfatterskap, med romanene, Pakkis (1986) og Izzat. For ærens skyld (1996). Jeg tar i bruk nærlesing gjennom en komparativ analyse. Hensikten med prosjektet mitt er å undersøke hvordan sammenhengen mellom kjønn, kjønnsnormer og etnisitet framstilles i verkene, samt se på hva dette betyr for hovedkarakterenes identitetsdannelse. Hovedkarakterene i verkene har en tilnærmet lik sosial og etnisk bakgrunn, men har ulikt kjønn. Videre vil jeg undersøke maktstrukturer og kjønnsperspektiv i verkene knyttet til kulturelle aspekter, samt hvordan mannlige og kvinnelige kjønnsnormer kommer til syne gjennom karakterene i…

En lærebokanalyse av hvordan de nye lærebøkene i matematikk R1, fra de tre store lærebokforlagene Cappelen Damm, Gyldendal og Aschehoug, legger til r…


I denne masteroppgaven har jeg gjort en innholdsanalyse av de nye lærebøkene i matematikk R1 som ble gitt ut i år 2021 i forbindelse med den nye læreplanen, Kunnskapsløftet 2020. Forskningsspørsmålet for denne oppgaven er: “Hvordan legger de nye lærebøkene i matema- tikk R1, fra de tre store lærebokforlagene Cappelen Damm, Gyldendal og Aschehoug, til rette for at elevene skal kunne nå et utvalg av kompetansemålene som omhandler grense- verdi og derivasjon?” Jeg har valgt ut deler av kompetansemål som er knyttet til forståelse og utforskning av de to begrepene grenseverdi og derivasjon. Jeg har videre delt dette over- ordnede forskningsspørsmålet opp i fire underspørsmål knyttet til kognitiv…

Elevers forståelse av sammenhenger mellom størrelser i modelleringsaktiviter på 6. trinn


Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ kasusstudie av hvordan elever på 6. trinn resonnere med størrelser i modelleringssituasjoner. Vår kasus har bestått av en gruppe på fire elever (to gutter og to jenter). Det er et kjent problem at algebra er et emne som mange sliter med på skolen. Det er ofte lagt vekk på å lære algoritmer for å løse problemer, uten å opparbeide seg en forståelse av problemet og hvordan det kan løses. Utgangspunktet for denne masteroppgaven har vært et algebraprosjekt der målet har vært å skape ALTA-er (Algebra Learning-Teaching Activities). Ved å lage disse læringsaktivitetene er målet å forsøke å hjelpe elever til å oppnå en dypere forståelse for algebra og implemente…