showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Evolution Analysis of Ear Training Applications Use by Musicology Students


Learning Applications[SHS.MUSIQ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing artsMusic LearningEar Training Applications[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Blended LearningSurvey

Klynger og grønn omstilling av entreprenørielle økosystemer - En caseundersøkelse av GCE NODE og Agder


Som et resultat av klimaendringer er vi nødt til å omstille oss til et samfunn med betydelig mindre negative konsekvenser for klima og miljø. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på følgende forskerspørsmål; Hvordan kan en klynge bidra til å omstille et entreprenørielt økosystem i grønn retning? I teoridelen har jeg valgt å lene meg på teorier om klynger, grønn omstilling, entreprenørielle økosystemer og ressurser. Disse teoriene har jeg valgt fordi de kan på ulikt vis bidra til å kaste lys over problemstillingen. I korte trekk sier teorien at klynger kan bidra til grønn omstilling gjennom å oppgradere ulike ressurser på bedrifts- og systemnivå. Mulighetsrommet for grønn omstilling avhenger i stor…

Ekoloģija : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi


Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…


Molecular-Biology-Driven Frontline Treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials


The treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) currently relies on the use of chemo-immunotherapy, Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors, or BCL2 inhibitors alone or combined with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. However, the availability of multiple choices for the first-line setting and a lack of direct head-to-head comparisons pose a challenge for treatment selection. To overcome these limitations, we performed a systematic review and a network meta-analysis on published randomized clinical trials performed in the first-line treatment setting of CLL. For each study, we retrieved data on progression-free survival (according to del17/P53 and IGHV status), overall response rate, complet…

network metanalysiBruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitorschronic lymphocitic leukemiaCLL

Pratiche anti-oppressive e popolazione LGBTQAI+: riflessioni per la formazione in servizio sociale


The aim of this work is to contribute to the Italian debate, firstly through a reconstruction of the main assumptions of Critical Social Work (CSW) whose analyses provide social workers with a critical awareness and reflexivity without which it would not be possible to link their professional practice and the daily challenges that LGBTQAI+ people face with the systemic and structural aspects of disadvantage and oppression that characterise contemporary societies. In this sense, CSW - applied to the fields of sexual orientations, gender identities and non-normative sexualities - is configured as an overall practice that invests the identities of social workers and users and their symbolic an…

anti-oppressive practiceLGBTQAI+critical social workSettore SPS/12 - Sociologia Giuridica Della Devianza E Mutamento Socialesocial work educationSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia Generaleoppression

Redox and guest tunable spin-crossover properties in a polymeric polyoxometalate


A bifunctionalized polyoxometalate (POM), [V6O19(C16H15N6O)2]2−, which contains a redox active hexavanadate moiety covalently linked to two tridentate 2,6-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine (1-bpp) ligands, has been prepared and characterized. Reaction of this hybrid molecule with Fe(II) or Zn(II) ions produces crystalline neutral 1D networks of formula Fe[V6O19(C16H15N6O)2]·solv (2) and Zn[V6O19(C16H15N6O)2]·solv (3) (solv = solvent molecules). Magnetic properties of 2 show an abrupt spin-crossover (SCO) with the temperature, which can be induced by light irradiation at 10 K (Light-Induced Excited Spin-State Trapping, LIESST effect). Interestingly, this porous and flexible structure enables reversi…

General ChemistryQuímicaIndústria químicaChemical Science

Inorganic Anion-Mediated Supramolecular Entities of 4-Amino-3,5-Bis(4-Pyridyl)-1,2,4-Triazole Salts Assisted by the Interplay of Noncovalent Interact…


The development of new families of synthetic molecular systems projecting neutral, bi-, or multi-H-bonding donor units is significant to acquire the desired selectivity within the fascinating area of anion recognition. Here, we illustrate the reaction between a neutral 4-amino-3,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole ligand (L) with acidic solutions containing either chloride, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, iodide, sulfate, hexafluorosilicate, fluoride, tetrafluoroborate or perchlorate anions, yielding 16 new anion-mediated supramolecular entities, H2LCl2 (1), H2LBr2 (2), H2L(NO3)2 (3), HL(H2PO4) (4), H2L(H2PO4)2 (5), [H2L]2I4 (6), H2L(NO3)2 (7), H2L(SO4)·H2O (8), H2LSiF6 (9), H2LSiF6·2H2O (10), H2L…

supramolekulaarinen kemia

Organisational Legitimation Strategies in Social Media : How Business Schools Address Declining Ranking


Public relations scholarship has drawn on organisational legitimacy theory to show how organisations appeal to stakeholders’ acceptance of their existence and importance in society. Studies have shown how different types of organisations utilise communication strategies in social media to gain legitimacy. This chapter contributes to public relations research by examining how a sample of business schools implemented legitimation strategies in their social media posts when their legitimacy was threatened. The findings show that when ten world-class European business schools faced declining institutional rankings between 2016 and 2019, they made use of four legitimation strategies—authorisatio…

yhteisöviestintäkauppakorkeakoulutrankinglistatsosiaalinen mediaviestintästrategiatlegitimiteettikorkeakoulutsijoittuminenviestintä

Spatial cumulant models enable spatially informed treatment strategies and analysis of local interactions in cancer systems


AbstractTheoretical and applied cancer studies that use individual-based models (IBMs) have been limited by the lack of a mathematical formulation that enables rigorous analysis of these models. However, spatial cumulant models (SCMs), which have arisen from theoretical ecology, describe population dynamics generated by a specific family of IBMs, namely spatio-temporal point processes (STPPs). SCMs are spatially resolved population models formulated by a system of differential equations that approximate the dynamics of two STPP-generated summary statistics: first-order spatial cumulants (densities), and second-order spatial cumulants (spatial covariances).We exemplify how SCMs can be used i…

Cancer eco-evolutionApplied MathematicsMarkovin ketjut3122 CancersSpatial momentsMathematical oncologypopulaatiodynamiikkaAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)syöpäsolutIndividual-based modelsSpatio-temporal point processesModeling and Simulation111 MathematicsSannolikhetsteori och statistikonkologiamatemaattiset mallitProbability Theory and Statistics

Reseña del libro 'TORAN, Rosa; MARTÍNEZ-VIDAL, Àlvar. El metge Josep Torrubia Zea. Lliurepensador, maçó i socialista.Catarroja-Barcelona: Editorial A…


Fins la publicació d'aquesta excel·lent biografia, Josep Torrubia Zea havia estat un personatge desconegut per a la historiografia de la medicina i també per a la memòria pública del nostre país. L'oblit de Torrubia no és un cas excepcional, tot i ser un personatge únic, perquè el franquisme va sembrar falsedat i oblit sobre el passat. Això no obstant, el llibre ens mostra com el nostre protagonista havia quedat en la memòria dels masnovins, que encara el recorden com a metge en temps de república i guerra


Alteraciones en el proceso de biogénesis de la subunidad 60S ribosómica como terapia contra el cáncer


Los ribosomas son las estructuras subcelulares encargadas de llevar a cabo la síntesis proteica. La biogénesis ribosómica es un proceso muy complejo que comienza con la transcripción del ARN ribosómico por la ARN polimerasa I en el nucléolo. Este tránscrito inicial sufre un largo procesamiento que implica su plegamiento y asociación con las distintas proteínas ribosómicas. Además, el proceso de biogénesis requiere de la participación de un grupo heterogéneo de proteínas denominadas factores de ensamblaje ribosómicos. Se trata de proteínas que ejercen un papel esencial en el proceso de biogénesis ribosómica pero no forman parte del ribosoma maduro. Muchas de estas proteínas establecen intera…

péptidos de interferenciaestructura de proteínasUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAbiogénesis ribosómicaoncología

Estudio observacional prospectivo de valoración perioperatoria ecográfica del diafragma (D-POCUS) para la detección del bloqueo frénico y predicción …


El músculo diafragma es el principal musculo que interviene en la ventilación, siendo responsable de alrededor del 80% del trabajo ventilatorio en condiciones normales. Cuando realizamos una anestesia del plexo braquial por encima de la clavícula, la proximidad del nervio frénico provoca un bloqueo de forma frecuente, y este hecho conlleva una disfunción hemidiafragmática en grado variable. Sin embargo pocos pacientes desarrollan complicaciones pulmonares postoperatorias. Se ha prestado poca atención al hemidiafragma contralateral como parte de la función diafragmática global. Conocer con exactitud el comportamiento de ambos diafragmas (en especial el contralateral al bloqueo) es clave para…

diafragmavaloración perioperatoria ecográficaUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

31st EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2023)


The Treatment of Old Age at Court. The Kings of Sicily from Roger II to Martin II (11th–15th Century)


Nella concezione galenica, la vecchiaia perde la sua connotazione di ineluttabile processo degenerativo per soggiacere alle stesse regole terapeutiche messe in atto per mantenere la salute e prolungare la vita. L'aspirazione a ritardare i malanni della vecchiaia, richiamando e riproponendo il mito della prolongatio vite, anima il pensiero e l'operato di quanti (filosofi, medici) diventarono figure di riferimento per i sovrani siciliani. Analizzando i contesti culturali che videro l'isola attraversare varie dominazioni (normanna, sveva, angioina, aragonese), il contributo si propone di mettere a fuoco le strategie seguite dai re di Sicilia vissuti più a lungo - in tal senso il concetto di ve…

Settore M-STO/01 - Storia MedievaleVecchiaia re di Sicilia storia delle mentalità medioevoOld Age Kings of Sicily History of mentalities Middle ages

How Personal Finance Management Systems Emancipate and Oppress Young People


In order to achieve financial well-being, individuals need to make sensible financial decisions. Personal finance management (PFM) systems help individuals with saving, budgeting, consumption, borrowing, and lending tasks. As much as these systems help individuals, they may also have unintended consequences. This study increases the knowledge of how PFM systems emancipate and oppress young people. We used an interpretive research approach and collected qualitative data. Our major finding is that PFM systems emancipate young people by promoting agency (the freedom to act) due to the efficient implementation of PFM tasks, for example. These systems also oppress users by hindering rationality …

emansipaatiohyvinvointisäästäminenyoung peoplerahoitusnuoretfinancial well-beingfinance management systemsbudjetointiemancipationoppressionkuluttajuussortotoimeentulotietojärjestelmät

Base-Controlled Regiospecific Mono-Benzylation/Allylation and Diallylation of 4-Aryl-5-indolyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione : Thio-Aza Allyl Rearrangement


The regiospecific S-benzylation/allylation of two 4-aryl-5-indolyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione precursors was carried out using Et3N as a base. Allyl group migration from exocyclic sulfur to the triazole nitrogen (N3) was successfully achieved in a short time via thermal fusion without the need for any catalyst. The allylation of indole nitrogen, along with exocyclic sulfur or triazole nitrogen (N3), was carried out using K2CO3 as stronger base. S,N-Diallylated products were converted to N,N-diallylated analogues using a simple fusion approach. Structural analyses of the two newly synthesized hybrids 2b and 5b investigated via the X-ray diffraction of a single crystal combined with Hirshfeld ca…

124-triazole-3-thioneX-ray single-crystal analysisthio-aza allyl rearrangementheterosykliset yhdisteetallylationorgaaniset yhdisteetröntgenkristallografia

Additional file 1 of Subtype-specific kinase dependency regulates growth and metastasis of poor-prognosis mesenchymal colorectal cancer


Additional file 1: Supplementary Fig. S1. Validation of PAK2 as an essential kinase for CMS4 cell lines. A, PAK1–3 mRNA expression levels in a panel of 28 CRC cell lines, also including those used for the drop-out screen, as determined by quantitative PCR. Of note: diamond for PAK3 located on x-axis indicates no mRNA could be detected in this sample. B, C, 2Log mRNA expression levels of PAK4–6 in CRC cell lines (B) and tumors (C), determined by microarray or RNA sequencing. D, Western blot for PAK1 protein expression in HT55 & SW948 (CMS2) and HuTu-80 & MDST8 (CMS4). 2,2,2-Trichloroethanol (2,2,2TCE) signal (excerpt taken around 60 kDa region) indicates amount of protein loaded per …

‘Georges Duthuit’s Le Rose et le noir : Disseminating Walter Pater’s The Renaissance in the 1920s’


My proposal presents a lesser-known study of Walter Pater published in 1923 (?) by a young undergraduate named Georges Duthuit (1891-1973). Hovering between different subjects, arguments, portraits, and disciplines, Le Rose et le noir was the first book-length publication of Duthuit, at the time having just obtained his Licence d’anglais (BA) in 1921, and about to embark on a career as a distinguished art historian specialized in Byzantine studies. Duthuit soon stood as a distinguished Franco-British mediator in art matters, a committed scholar and administrator and, later in the 1940s, an editor of Transition. He remains arguably an outstanding art historian but I would like to focus on hi…

[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesWalter Pater; Georges Duthuit; reception; British Aestheticism; France; Oscar Wilde

Viaggi nell’immaginario: il turismo virtuale nel sito UNESCO di Tarragona


Le nuove tecnologie hanno trasformato in modo radicale non solo la geografia come disciplina, ma anche le geografie del mondo. Il digitale ha assunto, infatti, un ruolo di mediazione sempre più pervasivo nella produzione dello spazio, come delle conoscenze e degli immaginari geografici. Le possibilità offerte dal virtuale, in particolare, offrono oggi un contributo decisivo nella comunicazione dei significati attribuiti ai luoghi e rispondono in modo sempre più efficace ai bisogni emergenti del settore turistico. Le esperienze di visita mediate dal digitale mirano a coinvolgere i sensi e risultano efficaci quando promuovono immersioni rigorosamente realistiche. Nel quadro di queste riflessi…

New technologies have radically transformed not only geography as a discipline but also the geographies of the world. Indeed the digital has assumed an increasingly pervasive mediating role in the production of space as of geographic knowledge and imaginaries. The possibilities offered by the virtual in particular now offer a decisive contribution in communicating the meanings attributed to places and respond increasingly effectively to the emerging needs of the tourism sector. Digitally mediated visitor experiences aim to engage the senses and are effective when they promote rigorously realistic immersions. Within the framework of these reflections the paper highlights the renewed relevance of authenticity both of the tourism experience and of cultural heritage in relation to its potential for attraction and proposes a contextualization of the theme in light of the unprecedented opportunities granted by technologies for the creation of virtual and augmented spaces. The proposed discussion is therefore also a journey aimed at exploring authenticity as a tool through which new technologies can effectively mediate a sense of place and foster brand communication of a destination. The case study is the UNESCO site of Tarragona whose most relevant image for urban policies is presented. This shared figuration spatially defined and rooted in a precise historical moment is reconstructed on the one hand through the analysis of functional documentation for the candidacy and on the other by means of a review of mobile applications developed for the promotion of the city's cultural heritage. The proposed journey and exploration of the place return in light of the research data and in conclusion the central role played by digital technologies in mediating the UNESCO imaginary. The forms of virtual tourism in Tarragona confirm that to travel is to experience a text enveloped in time and inscribed in space.Settore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

Akateeminen hyvinvointi mitattavana ominaisuutena ja mittaamattomana kokemuksena


Tarkastelemme tässä luvussa akateemista hyvinvointia kahdelle monitieteisen yliopiston laitokselle tehdyn Wellness 360°indeksi -hyvinvointikartoituksen avulla. Peilaamme kartoituksen tuloksia laitosten työhyvinvointikyselyihin ja akateemista hyvinvointia koskevaan tutkimukseen. Tarkastelemme tuloksia eri uraporrasvaiheiden sekä tuki- ja hallintohenkilöstön hyvinvoinnin näkökulmasta. Etenkin väitöskirjatutkijoiden ja tutkijatohtoreiden hyvinvointi oli heikompaa kuin muiden. Tuki- ja hallintohenkilöstön palautuminen oli muita heikompaa. Muun tutkimuksen perusteella tiedämme, että hyvinvointi on yhteydessä erilaisiin resursseihin, joita akateemisessa työssä ovat esimerkiksi pysyvä tai pitkäaik…


Tsetlin Machine for Fake News Detection: Enhancing Accuracy and Reliability


This thesis aims to improve the accuracy of fake news detection by using Tsetlin Machines (TM). TMs are well suited for noisy and complex relations within the provided data, which on initial analysis, overlaps nicely with characteristics found in fake news. We provide a performant and deterministic preprocessor, which is responsible for tokenizing, lemmanzing, and encoding to a representation that the TM understands. We compare our approach with TMs against Neural Networks (NN) models over a variety of well-known datasets within the fake news domain. Our findings show from comparable results to significant improvements over state of the art. Additionally, we show how TMs allow for interpret…

Na pograniczu chemii i biologii. Książka abstraktów


Napoleone Colajanni e il socialismo


Il socialismo, nella visione di Napoleone Colajanni, avrebbe operato meglio se alla lotta di classe si fosse sostituito il metodo di un avanzamento graduale di innovazioni e riforme da applicare ai diversi ambiti della società. Stava qui, secondo lui, la chiave di lettura di un socialismo davvero scientifico, insieme alla possibilità di pervenire a una patria effettivamente repubblicana caratterizzata da un ampio decentramento diramato in forma federale e municipale. Questo suo approccio intellettuale ne pone l’opera all’interno di un dibattito sul pensiero socialista non appena italiano, ma senz’altro europeo.

Settore SPS/02 - Storia Delle Dottrine PoliticheNapoleone Colajanni questione sociale socialismo positivismo mazzinianesimo

Towards the urbanisation of the Med sea: MSP challenges and opportunities for floating cities between utopia and reality


Anthropogenic climate change effects push us to reimagine human life on the planet confronting extreme living conditions. Droughts, risk of submersion and flooding, saline intrusion, and land scarcity lead to more inhospitable life conditions on land. These demanding risks have led governments to envisage the displacement from the coasts of some cities at significant risk or to think of new settlements for human life, such as floating cities. Floating offshore settlements, reminiscent of the XXth-century architectural utopias, are gaining more and more popularity in contemporary debate and are, in fact, emerging realities in other parts of the globe due to advanced technology. Floating sett…

floating cities maritime spatial planning Mediterranean extreme habitats climate changeSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Vastaus ministeri Saarikon kommenttiin


Tässä kirjoituksessa kertaamme lyhyesti Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvoston vuoden 2022 raportin keskeisen sisällön ja kommentoimme ministeri Annika Saarikon puheenvuorossaan esiin nostamia seikkoja. Arvostamme suuresti sitä, että ministeri osallistui neuvoston raportin julkistusseminaariin sekä kiitämme häntä perustelluista huomioista. nonPeerReviewed


In memoriam: Risto Telama : ensimmäinen Suomessa väitellyt liikuntatieteiden tohtori


liikuntakasvatusJyväskylän yliopistoTelama Ristoprofessoritnekrologittutkijatopettajankoulutus

Darbs : "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi


Izdevums "Es, topošais pilsonis" ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo v…


Concordato semplificato per la liquidazione del patrimonio all’esito della composizione negoziata


Il contributo analizza in chiave critica la disciplina del nuovo concordato semplificato ad esito della composizione negoziata come regolamentato dal d. Lgs. 83/2022.

concordato semplificato composizione negoziata crisi d'impresaSettore IUS/04 - Diritto Commerciale

Novità in materia di Processo civile telematico


L’autore, dopo una breve premessa sulle firme elettroniche e sulla Posta Elettronica Certificata, esamina le novità in materia di processo civile telematico, introdotte dal d.lgs. 149/2022, inteso in una sua accezione ristretta, evidenziandone le criticità, con particolare riferimento all’insufficiente coordinamento delle norme in materia di duplicati e copie con le norme del Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale. The author, after a brief introduction on electronic signatures and on italian “PEC,” examines the innovations in the field of telematic civil proceedings, introduced by Legislative Decree 149/2022, understood in a restricted sense, highlighting the critical issues, with particular…

Settore IUS/15 - Diritto Processuale Civilediritto processuale civile processo civile telematico PCT firme elettroniche copie documenti firme digitali posta elettronica certificata consolle magistrato punto accesso giustizia

Recensione ad A. Rapini, A social history of administrative science in Italy. Planning a State of happiness from liberalism to fascism, Londra, Palgr…


E' la recensione al libro di Andrea Rapini. It is the review of Andrea Rapini's book.

administrative science social historySettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativoscienza dell'amministrazione storia sociale

Recensión obra de Byung-Chul, HAN, Infocracia, la digitalización y la crisis de la democracia., Editorial Taurus, Santiago de Chile, 2022


Esta última obra de Byung-Chul Han, no puede dejar indiferente a na-die, como la mayoría de las obras del autor. La realidad es analizada desde la rigurosidad académica que le distingue, a través de un lenguaje sencillo, que llega al gran público con extrema facilidad, quizás por su posición como profesor en la Universidad de las Artes de Berlín, tratar temas complejos de forma sencilla, es una cualidad difícil de encontrar, que Han desarrolla de maravilla.En esta oportunidad el profesor Han denuncia la crisis de la democracia liberal, señalando que la esfera pública y la opinión pública, se encuentran en una mutación constante gracias a los vastos procesos de digitalización de la comunicac…

infocraciacrisisUNESCO::FILOSOFÍAdemocracianoticias falsas

Fast-timing Measurement in \(^{96}\)Pd: Improved Accuracy for the Lifetime of the \(4_1^{+}\) State


Direct lifetime measurements via γ–γ coincidences using the FATIMA fast-timing LaBr3(Ce) array were performed for the excited states below previously reported isomers. In the N = 50 semi-magic 96Pd nucleus, lifetimes below the I π = 8+ seniority isomer were addressed as a benchmark for further analysis. The results for the I π = 2+ and 4 + states confirm the published values. Increased accuracy for the lifetime value was achieved for the 4 + state. peerReviewed

General Physics and AstronomyydinfysiikkaActa Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement

Convergence of inertial prox-penalization and inertial forward-backward algorithms for solving bilevel monotone equilibrium problems


The main focus of this paper is on bilevel optimization on Hilbert spaces involving two monotone equilibrium bifunctions. We present a new achievement consisting on the introduction of inertial methods for solving this type of problems. Indeed, two several inertial type methods are suggested: a proximal algorithm and a forwardbackward one. Under suitable conditions and without any restrictive assumption on the trajectories, the weak and strong convergence of the sequence generated by the both iterative methods are established. Two particular cases illustrating the proposed methods are thereafter discussed with respect to hierarchical minimization problems and equilibrium problems under a sa…

Weak and strong convergenceBilevel Equilibrium problemsEquilibrium Fitzpatrick transformProximal algorithm[MATH] Mathematics [math]Monotone bifunctions

Dielectron production at midrapidity at low transverse momentum in peripheral and semi-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV


quark-gluon plasmakvarkki-gluoniplasmahiukkasfysiikkajets and jet substructure

HHT-α and TR-BDF2 schemes for dynamic contact problems


This work focuses on the numerical performance of HHT-α and TR-BDF2 schemes for dynamic frictionless unilateral contact problems between an elastic body and a rigid obstacle. Nitsche's method, the penalty method, and the augmented Lagrangian method are considered to handle unilateral contact conditions. Analysis of the convergence of an opposed value of the parameter α for the HHT-α method is achieved. The mass redistribution method has also been tested and compared with the standard mass matrix. Numerical results for 1D and 3D benchmarks show the functionality of the combinations of schemes and methods used.

Nitsche's methodtime-marching schemescontact problemfinite elements[NLIN] Nonlinear Sciences [physics]augmented Lagrangian method[MATH.MATH-NA] Mathematics [math]/Numerical Analysis [math.NA][PHYS.MECA] Physics [physics]/Mechanics [physics]elastodynamics

Jean-Louis Spieser et Thierry Fuchslock, Lettres à Elise. Une histoire de la guerre de 1870-1871 à travers la correspondance de soldats prussiens, Pa…


soldats prussiens[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/Historyguerre franco-allemandeArchives du for privé