showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Il rito della mancipatio in Gai 1.119: ‘rem et aes tenens’


Sulla base di una riconsiderazione complessiva delle fonti e della letteratura in argomento si affronta nuovamente la questione relativa alla ricostruzione del testo del primo commentario delle Istituzioni di Gaio (Gai 1.119) e si affaccia l'ipotesi che nel testo si leggesse in origine 'rem et aes tenens'.

Gai InstitutionesSettore IUS/18 - Diritto Romano E Diritti Dell'Antichita'mancipatio

Matlab/Simulink-Based Modeling for Industrial Electric Vehicle


The land transport sector has passed through multiple phases of evolution in design, development, and manufacturing of vehicles. In particular, the construction site continues to progress towards the autonomous vehicles (also called self-driving), which were one of its big trends and have become a hot topic in the industrial and academic world. By now, with this new technology of autonomous driving, we can ensure safety by reducing the number of road accidents, also the environmental impact and energy consumption is lessened. The modeling and simulation phases had become a mandatory step to design, characterize and simulate vehicle dynamics while reducing the cost of development. As they pr…

Construction MachineryElectric system modeling[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]Traction and Suspension controlVehicle dynamics

Algoritmisk tenkning og matematisk modellering


Algoritmisk tenkning og modellering har fått økt oppmerksomhet i matematikkundervisningen etter innføringen av den nye læreplanen for matematikk i 2020. Dette masterprosjektet har som formål å undersøke hvordan elevers algoritmiske tenkning kommer til uttrykk i en modelleringsprosess med Scratch som verktøy. På bakgrunn av dette har vi utarbeidet to forskningsspørsmål. Det første undersøker hvilke kjerneferdigheter i algoritmisk tenkning som ofte er sammenfallende med faseovergangene i elevenes modelleringsprosess. Det andre omhandler hvordan algoritmisk tenkning og modelleringsprosessen knyttes sammen i elevenes arbeid. Vår kvalitative casestudie baserer seg på observasjon, samt lyd- og sk…

La lotta per i diritti, oggi


La cultura dei diritti è in crisi? Se con questa etichetta intendiamo riferirci soltanto a un discorso giuridico improntato al linguaggio dei diritti e a un certo assetto tra poteri che valorizza il potere giudiziario a discapito del legislativo e dell’esecutivo, allora non si può che rispondere negativamente.Se invece consideriamo parte integrante dell’età dei diritti la rivoluzione copernicana che inverte la prospettiva da cui osservare il rapporto tra governanti e governati, nonché la convinzione che esista uno zoccolo duro (auspicabilmente in espansione) di valori morali universalmente condivisi sui quali edificare un futuro di pace e prosperità dell’umanità, allora è difficile negare l…

diritti umaniSettore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del Dirittocostituzionalismointerpretazione giuridicadiritto e morale

Pyrolyse i avløpshåndtering og utvinning av biokull


This thesis has investigated if pyrolysis is a sustainable solution for the treatment of sewage sludge for Horten Municipality. Separate laboratory experiments and literature research was executed to answer the research question. Sewage sludge extracted from Horten Municipality`s treatment plant has been pyrolyzed at 500°C, 700°C and 800°C. Various tests have been carried out on the biochar extracted from the pyrolysis to find out which biochar is most suited for different areas of use. The results shows that biochar extracted from sewage sludge contain important plant-available nutrients, stores and binds carbon, and binds heavy metals. These properties give the possibility that the biocha…

Visuell programmering ved design av fagverk i tre


This master thesis deals with the use of visual programming and parametric design. The aim is to determine whether this can make the traditional process for structural design more efficient (for wooden structures). The traditional process is based on several manual transfers between software, and it is particularly vulnerable to changes that occur along the way. However, when using parametric design, one uses algorithms and formulas to make the model-objects dependent on each other. Thus, small changes will not require extensive modifications to surrounding components in the model. The task is based on an existing glulam-truss, which has already been designed by the client (Sweco). The repo…

Additional file 1 of Mapping age- and sex-specific HIV prevalence in adults in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000–2018


Additional file 1: Supplemental information.1. Compliance with the Guidlines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). 2. HIV data sources and data processing. 3. Covariate and auxiliary data. 4. Statistical model. 5. References.

Towards portability in analytical chemistry: New tools


Desde principios de siglo los cambios en la sociedad, la investigación de nuevos (nano)materiales y la aparición de internet y de nuevas tecnologías han sido tres pilares fundamentales en los que se ha basado el desarrollo de la química analítica. Gracias a los recientes avances tecnológicos se ha generado un gran impulso hacia la creación de nuevas herramientas y dispositivos. Esto, junto con la evolución en la informática ha conllevado a la automatización y miniaturización de los sistemas analíticos, reduciendo los tiempos de análisis y mejorando los resultados obtenidos. Una de las exigencias a tener en cuenta dentro de la química actual es aproximarla a los calificativos sostenible y ve…

UNESCO::QUÍMICAsensores ópticostecnicas electroquímicasinstrumentación portatilcromatografia de capa fina

Symbiotic status alters fungal eco‐evolutionary offspring trajectories


Despite host-fungal symbiotic interactions being ubiquitous in all ecosystems, understanding how symbiosis has shaped the ecology and evolution of fungal spores that are involved in dispersal and colonization of their hosts has been ignored in life-history studies. We assembled a spore morphology database covering over 26,000 species of free-living to symbiotic fungi of plants, insects and humans and found more than eight orders of variation in spore size. Evolutionary transitions in symbiotic status correlated with shifts in spore size, but the strength of this effect varied widely among phyla. Symbiotic status explained more variation than climatic variables in the current distribution of…

life-historykokosymbioosifungifunctional ecologyoffspring sizesienetsymbiosisitiöt

Molecular-Biology-Driven Frontline Treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials


The treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) currently relies on the use of chemo-immunotherapy, Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors, or BCL2 inhibitors alone or combined with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. However, the availability of multiple choices for the first-line setting and a lack of direct head-to-head comparisons pose a challenge for treatment selection. To overcome these limitations, we performed a systematic review and a network meta-analysis on published randomized clinical trials performed in the first-line treatment setting of CLL. For each study, we retrieved data on progression-free survival (according to del17/P53 and IGHV status), overall response rate, complet…

network metanalysiBruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitorschronic lymphocitic leukemiaCLL

Edukacja jutra. Nowe poszukiwania badawcze


Solution- and gas-phase study of binding of ammonium and bisammonium hydrocarbons to oxacalix[4]arene carboxylate


Oxacalixarenes represent a distinctive class of macrocyclic compounds, which are closely related to the parent calixarene family, offering binding motifs characteristic of calixarenes and crown ethers. Nevertheless, they still lack extensive characterization in terms of molecular recognition properties and the subsequent practical applicability. We present here the results of binding studies of an oxacalix[4]arene carboxylate macrocycle toward a variety of organic ammonium cationic species. Our results show that the substituents attached to the guest ammonium compound largely influence the binding strengths of the host. Furthermore, we show that the characteristic binding pattern changes up…

General Chemical Engineeringorgaaninen kemiamolekyylitGeneral Chemistryorgaaniset yhdisteet

Innovative connections for steel-concrete-trussed beams: a patented solution


The most recent design strategies welcome the adoption of innovative techniques for seismic energy input mitigation, aiming to achieve high dissipation capacity, prevent the structure from collapse and ensure the serviceability of the construction. Friction damper devices have been widely adopted in framed steel structures for decades, while their introduction in different structural types is still under investigation. This paper presents the outcomes of innovative research supported by the industry and conducted on beam-to-column connections of RC structures in which the beams are Hybrid Steel-Trussed Concrete Beams (HSTCBs) and the columns are classical RC pillars. An innovative solution,…

Settore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle CostruzioniFriction dampers; Hybrid steel-trussed-concrete beams; RC joints; Finite element models; Earthquake designFinite element modelsFriction dampersHybrid steel-trussed-concrete beamsEarthquake designRC jointsEarth-Surface ProcessesProcedia Structural Integrity

Nauczyciele polscy w przestrzeni zawodowej, społecznej i politycznej lat 1945-1999


Spécificité des besoins de recherche sur la qualité des sols en Agriculture Biologique. Bilan d’un séminaire transdisciplinaire INRA-ITAB


In November 2018, ITAB (Institute of Agriculture and Organic Food) and INRA (National Institute for Agronomic Research) organized a transdisciplinary seminar to bring together stakeholders to: i) share issues associated with soil management in Organic Farming (OF) systems, ii) collectively define the main research questions to be addressed; and iii) facilitate the construction of networks or projects. More than 150 participants attended the seminar, which was designed using the method of citizen facilitation of the community forum type (Town Hall Meeting) allowing all parties to express themselves and a live summary by experts. The seminar identified important knowledge gaps on soils in OF …

[SDE] Environmental SciencesOrganic farmingdiagnosisdiagnosticAgriculture biologiquefertilidad del suelociclo biogeoquímicocommunity forumrésilienceservicio ecosistémico.soil qualityresilienceAgricultura orgánicasoil fertilityforum communautaireservice écosystémique.biogeochemical cycleco-construcciónforo comunitarioco-constructionecosystem servicediagnósticofertilité du solresilienciacalidad del sueloqualité du solcycle biogéochimique

Transfer reactions in 206Pb+118Sn: From quasielastic to deep-inelastic processes


We measured multinucleon transfer reactions for the 206Pb+118Sn system at Elab=1200 MeV by employing the large solid angle magnetic spectrometer PRISMA. Differential and total cross sections and Q-value distributions have been obtained for a variety of neutron and proton pick-up and stripping channels. The Q-value distributions show how the quasielastic and deep inelastic processes depend on the mass and charge of the transfer products. The corresponding cross sections have been compared with calculations performed with the grazing code. An overall good agreement is found for most of the few nucleon transfer channels. The underestimation of the data for channels involving a large number of …

ydinreaktiotheavy-ion transfer reactionsydinfysiikka

Proton Direct Ionization in Sub-Micron Technologies : Test Methodologies and Modelling


Two different low energy proton (LEP) test methods, one with quasi-monoenergetic and the other with very wide proton beam energy spectra, have been studied. The two test methodologies have been applied to devices that were suggested from prior heavy-ion tests to be sensitive to proton direct ionization (PDI). The advantages and disadvantages of the two test methods are discussed. The test method using quasi-monoenergetic beams requires device preparation and high energy resolution beams, but delivers results that can be interpreted directly and can be used in various soft error rate (SER) calculation methods. The other method, using a heavily degraded high energy proton beam, requires littl…

protonitprotonstestausmenetelmätsäteilyfysiikkalatticesrandom access memoryparticle beamsionisoiva säteilykäyttömuistitradiation effectssensitivityperformance evaluationelektroniikkakomponentit

Mobile money as a driver of digital financial inclusion


Meeting the mobile money needs of the less privileged in developing and emerging markets opens up enormous possibilities for banks and newly emerged financial-technology firms. Many consider mobile money services a separate domain within the banking and payment sector, different from its siblings: automated teller machines, net banking, point-of-sale banking, etc. This study was conducted to investigate how mobile money services act as a reliable driver of digital financial inclusion and to determine the role of mobile money agents in the transformation from the traditional services to mobile money services. This paper presents a conceptual model based on the stimulus-organism-response para…

mobiilimaksaminenpankitmobile money agentstimulus-organism-response theorymobile money technologykäyttöempowermentManagement of Technology and InnovationAfricasähköiset palvelutcontinuous usagevoimaantuminenBusiness and International ManagementApplied Psychology

Critical Discourse Analysis on Sportswashing: Conceptualisation, Motives and Consequences


This thesis have conducted a critical discourse analysis on sportswashing where the aim is find out about motives and consequences for engaging in sportswashing and exploring how popular media have conceptualised sportswashing.

Sistemas de inteligencia artificial con reconocimiento facial y datos biométricos. Mejor regular bien que prohibir mal


El reconocimiento facial hay que abordarlo dentro de las tecnologías biométricas. En primer término hay que delimitar los sistemas dedicados a la identificación a través de tecnologías biométricas automatizadas y especialmente las que utilizan inteligencia artificial (IA).


A comparison of ensemble algorithms for item-weighted Label Ranking


Label Ranking (LR) is a non-standard supervised classification method with the aim of ranking a finite collection of labels according to a set of predictor variables. Traditional LR models assume indifference among alternatives. However, misassigning the ranking position of a highly relevant label is frequently regarded as more severe than failing to predict a trivial label. Moreover, switching two similar alternatives should be considered less severe than switching two different ones. Therefore, efficient LR classifiers should be able to take into account the similarities and individual weights of the items to be ranked. The contribution of this paper is to formulate and compare flexible i…

Label RankingRandom ForestBaggingEnsemble MethodBoosting

Managing collapsed boundaries in global work


Global workers have long contended with the challenges of working across geographical, temporal, and cultural boundaries enabled by communication technologies. However, the global work research has rarely intersected with the literature on work–home boundary management—which has been brought to the forefront due to the forced move to remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing on a qualitative field study of 55 in-depth interviews with global workers from a large organization headquartered in the Nordics, we found that global workers drew on sociomaterial affordances to manage both global work and work–home boundaries through strategies of boundary support and boundary collapse. Altho…

office spaceglobal workglobaali hallintaboundary managementaffordancesremote worktyöntekijätglobalisaatioCOVID-19etätyötyöelämäviestintätekniikkacommunication technology

Remote Product Development


This master thesis explores the influence of COVID-19 and the shift to remote working on product development, examining the advantages and difficulties associated with this transition. Through a qualitative study, the thesis draws insights from in-depth interviews conducted with 12 employees across 8 different tech companies. These individuals hold key roles in product development and product management, providing their experiences and perspectives on the pre-pandemic, during-pandemic, and post-pandemic product development processes. The study aims to uncover the impact of the pandemic on digital product development practices and the implications of this. The research question guiding the s…

Coscienza artificiale: l’ingrediente mancante per un'IA etica?


Possiamo concepire macchine in grado di formulare intenzioni autonome e di prendere decisioni consapevoli? E se sì, come influenzerebbe questa capacità il loro comportamento etico? Alcuni casi di studio ci aiutano a capire come i progressi nella comprensione della coscienza artificiale possano contribuire alla creazione di sistemi IA più etici.

Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniIACoscienza ArtificialeEtica

Not One Power, But Two : Dark Grounds and Twilit Paradises in Malick


philosophy in motion pictureselokuvaohjaajatmelankoliaesseetMalick TerrencesyntiinlankeemushyväelokuvatharmoniaHeidegger MartinSchelling Friedrich Wilhelm Josephpahaparatiisikaaostaidefilosofiateemat (kerronta)

Le rôle clé de l’éco-colère dans l’acceptabilité de mesures gouvernementales de sobriété contrainte


Responsabilité écologiqueRéaction écologique[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationMesures gouvermentales

Analysis of Spectral Irradiance Variations and Their Impact on the Performance of Different Photovoltaic Modules


I denne avhandlingen har to år med global horisontal spektral innstrålings og global vinklet spektral innstrålings data har blitt analysert for å se hvordan spektral distribusjoen varierer over disse to årende. I tillegg skal det prøves å estimere energi utbyttet fra fire forkjellige PV moduler, ved bruk av de to årene med global horisontal og vinklet spektral innstråling. Disse modulene er en c-Si modul, en a-Si modul, en CdTe modul og en CIGS modul. I utgangspunktet skulle oppgaven gå ut på å teste et håndholdt spektrometer og bli sammenlignet med et stasjonært spektrometer. Grunnet et defekt kalibrerings instrument kunne ikke dette bli undersøkt videre og hovedfokuest ble satt på spektra…



La spinta fornita dagli studi Brain-based comporta la riflessione e l’auto-riflessione sulle prassi e sulle scelte metodologico-didattiche. Il contributo inquadra una ricerca avviata nel 2021, presso l’Università di Palermo, finalizzata alla definizione di strategie e strumenti per la valutazione di attività neurodidattiche per lo sviluppo delle competenze metodologico-didattiche dell’insegnante rispetto a cinque aree di interesse neurodidattico: trasversale, cognitiva, socio-emotiva, espressiva e motoria. The boost provided by Brain-based studies entails reflection and self-reflection on methodological-didactic practices and choices. The contribution frames a research project started in 20…

Neuroeducationformazione.teaching skillinsegnantiteacher training.NeuroeducazioneSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia SperimentalecompetenzeSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Psychometric properties of the measure of achieved capabilities in homeless services


Background Purposeful participation in personally meaningful life tasks, enjoyment of positive reciprocal relationships, and opportunities to realize one’s potential are growth-related aspects of a meaningful life that should be  considered important dimensions of recovery from homelessness. The extent to which homeless services support  individuals to achieve the capabilities they need to become who they want to be and do what they want to do is,  in turn, an important indicator of their efectiveness. In this study, we developed a measure of achieved capabilities  (MACHS) for use in homeless services settings, and assessed its construct and concurrent validity. Methods We analysed data col…

FOS: Psychologycapabilities approachRecovery52 PsychologyPsychologyHomelessnessHousing First

Eldres digitale kompetansebehov


Denne studien er en kvalitativ studie som benytter etnografisk observasjon og dybdeintervju for å undersøke veiledere sine kommunikative strategier ved et bibliotek på Sørlandet. Studien kombinerer ulike teoriske perspektiver innen digitale utenforskap og det digitale skillet, samt digital determinisme. Dette er teori som ligger til grunn for kommunikative strategier, pedagogisk læring og øking av kompetansen. Formålet er dermed å se samspillet mellom veileder og bruker i opplæring for å øke den digitale kompetansen hos eldre. Studien belyser også ulike hindringer som kan stå i veien for opplæring av eldre. Resultatene fra studien signaliserer at formidlingsevne og språklige virkemidler er …

Actinide and lanthanide thin-layer developments using a drop-on-demand printing system


Actinide and lanthanide thin layers with specific requirements regarding thickness, homogeneity, chemical purity, mechanical stability, and backing properties are applied in a multitude of physics and chemistry experiments. A novel target preparation method, the so-called “Drop-on-Demand” (DoD) technique, based on a commercial nanoliter (nL) dispenser is applied since a few years in the Nuclear Chemistry unit at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The wetting behaviour of the nL droplets on the substrate’s surface is a key parameter determining the spatial distribution of the deposited material after evaporation. By switching from aqueous to organic solvents as well as by substrate surface…

aktinoidit lantanoiditactinideslanthanidesdrop-on-demand printing systemharvinaiset maametallit

Det norske gjendiktingsbegrepet, 1872‒2012: En oversettelsessosiologisk undersøkelse


Problemstillinga for denne avhandlinga er: Hvordan har gjendiktingsbegrepet og dets posisjon utvikla seg i Norge? Jeg formulerer tre forskningsspørsmål, som leder meg i undersøkelsen av dette: 1) Hvordan brukes ordet «*gjendikting» i allment tilgjengelige publikasjoner i Norge? 2) Hva har vært det norske gjendiktingsbegrepets posisjon? 3) Hvilken posisjon har gjendiktere inntatt overfor gjendiktingsbegrepet? Prosjektets teoretiske rammeverk bygger på begrepet om antatt oversettelse (Halverson, 2008; Toury, 1995/2012a) og nøkkelbegreper fra Pierre Bourdieus verk, særlig Les règles de l’art. Genèse et structure du champ littéraire (Bourdieu, 1992/1998). Begrepene blir operasjonalisert på en m…

VDP::Humanities: 000::Linguistics: 010::Other linguistic disciplines: 039VDP::Humanities: 000::Linguistics: 010::Nordic languages: 018

Photoelectrocatalytic reactors and light sources


Photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) couples electrochemical methods with photocatalysis (PC) to enhance the separation of the photoproduced electron and hole pairs at semiconductor active surface, thus increasing the photocatalytic efficiency. PEC technology is considered one of the most promising method for processes as water treatment, fuel generation, and PEC sensing. This chapter try to link fundamental research and practical applications in photoelectrochemical engineering including reactors design strategies in different scales.

Settore ING-IND/24 - Principi Di Ingegneria ChimicaLight sources PEC reactors Reactor designSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle Tecnologie

Unified Quality-Aware Compression and Pulse-Respiration Rates Estimation Framework for Reducing Energy Consumption and False Alarms of Wearable PPG M…


Due to the high demands of tiny, compact, lightweight, and low-cost photoplethysmogram (PPG) monitoring devices, these devices are resource-constrained including limited battery power. Consequently, it highly demands frequent charge or battery replacement in the case of continuous PPG sensing and transmission. Further, PPG signals are often severely corrupted under ambulatory and exercise recording conditions, leading to frequent false alarms. In this paper, we propose a unified quality-aware compression and pulse-respiration rates estimation framework for reducing energy consumption and false alarms of wearable and edge PPG monitoring devices by exploring predictive coding techniques for j…

VDP::Teknologi: 500General Computer ScienceGeneral EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceElectrical and Electronic Engineering

Delayed autotransplantation as a method of single defect treatment with sinus perforation. Case report


Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation is characterized by short healing periods, preservation of aesthetics and propriosensitivity in the area of the transplanted tooth and the possibility of its orthodontic movement. This


Sensores magnéticos basados en polímeros de coordinación porosos con ordenamiento magnético


La Tesis que aquí se presenta tiene como objetivo principal el diseño y estudio de las propiedades de una gran serie de compuestos que actúan como imanes moleculares. Estos compuestos consisten en polímeros de coordinación basados en el ligando anilato (C6O4X22-, siendo X = Cl o Br) con metales de transición como centros metálicos responsables del comportamiento magnético de dichos materiales. Así pues, en el Capítulo 1 se presenta una familia de compuestos isoestructurales entre sí con capas aniónicas en forma de panal abeja que se superponen de modo eclipsado originando canales hexagonales. En el interior de los canales hexagonales se alojan moléculas de disolvente que tienen un papel fun…

materialesUNESCO::QUÍMICAquímica inorgánicamagnetismodisolventesMOFpolímeros de coordinación