showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Sexual Satisfaction: Pornography Consumption
Algoritmisk tenkning og matematisk modellering
Algoritmisk tenkning og modellering har fått økt oppmerksomhet i matematikkundervisningen etter innføringen av den nye læreplanen for matematikk i 2020. Dette masterprosjektet har som formål å undersøke hvordan elevers algoritmiske tenkning kommer til uttrykk i en modelleringsprosess med Scratch som verktøy. På bakgrunn av dette har vi utarbeidet to forskningsspørsmål. Det første undersøker hvilke kjerneferdigheter i algoritmisk tenkning som ofte er sammenfallende med faseovergangene i elevenes modelleringsprosess. Det andre omhandler hvordan algoritmisk tenkning og modelleringsprosessen knyttes sammen i elevenes arbeid. Vår kvalitative casestudie baserer seg på observasjon, samt lyd- og sk…
2022 : quelle réponse de la vigne à la contrainte climatique ?
Atbildīgs lietotājs "Es, topošais pilsonis" mācību resursi
Izdevums Es, topošais pilsonis ir metodisks līdzeklis ekonomikas, pilsoniskās izglītības un ētikas mācību satura apguvei starpdisciplinārā pieejā, kas izstrādāti Erasmus+ KA2 projekta I, Citizen to Be ietvaros. Projekta materiāli sastāv no 12 nodarbībām: personība, nabadzība, roboti, ekoloģija, patērētājs, brīvprātīgais darbs, sociālie tīkli, viltus ziņas, darbs, veselība, maiņa, uzņēmējdarbība. Katra nodarbība ir sagatavota tā, lai tā atbilstu skolēnu vecuma grupai, kā arī sociālajai un kognitīvajai attīstībai. Katrai nodarbībai tiek piedāvāts ieteicamais mācību procesa apraksts, kas ietver 3 vai vairāk fragmentus. Katrā nodarbībā tiek aktualizēta konkrēta tēma, kas atspoguļo personīgo vai…
Política energética y desarrollo rural sostenible. Casos de estudio en Ecuador = Energy policy and sustainable tutal development. Case studies in Ecu…
En Ecuador, en el marco de la Constitución del 2008 y de los Planes Nacionales para el Buen Vivir, el gobierno planteó dos estrategias fundamentales acordes a la política energética sostenible a nivel global. Por una parte, el cambio de la matriz energética a través de una mayor participación de las energías renovables. Y, por otra parte, la expansión de las redes eléctricas en las zonas rurales. En ambos casos, las empresas eléctricas pusieron en marcha acciones y planes para el desarrollo de los territorios rurales donde se asentaban las inversiones en infraestructura eléctrica. Surge entonces la necesidad de estudiar los efectos de estas políticas en el desarrollo de esos territorios a p…
Posterior Lingual Abscess; Report of Two Cases
The lingual abscess is rare due to several protective mechanisms against infection in this location. Concretely, the abscess in the base of the tongue (posterior lingual abscess) is even more exceptional. Its prompt detection is crucial to avoid potentially fatal airway complications. To familiarize physicians with this condition, we report 2 cases of posterior lingual abscess. Both were referred to our emergency department due to minor oropharyngeal complaints. Finally, both were diagnosed and required surgical drainage. The clinical evolution was successful: both were discharged in less than 72 hours and follow-up one week later confirmed clinical recovery
A novel 2,6-bis(benzoxazolyl)phenol macrocyclic chemosensor with enhanced fluorophore properties by photoinduced intramolecular proton transfer
Macrocyclic ligand L, in which a 2,6-bis(2-benzoxazolyl)phenol (bis-HBO) group is incorporated in triethylenetetramine, was designed and synthesized with the aim of creating a chemosensor with high selectivity and specificity for metal cations in an aqueous environment. The availability of several proton acceptors and donors, and amine and phenol hydroxy groups, respectively, affects the keto-enol equilibrium in both the ground and excited states, and the ligand properties show dependence on the pH of the solution. L is fluorescent in the visible range, through an excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) mechanism. The results of an exhaustive characterization of L by spectrosco…
Chemical pollution and microbiomes responses
Säännöllinen liikunta tehokkainta aivoterveyden ylläpidossa
Breather Dynamics in Ultrafast Fibre Lasers and Their Intelligent Control
We review our recent work on the dynamics of breathing solitons in fibre lasers, including single breathers, breather molecular complexes, breather explosions and breather frequency locking at Farey fractions, and their control by genetic algorithms.
Méthodes de contrôle de la rugosité à partir des propriétés différentiels de courbes autosimilaires.
La rugosité a de nombreuses applications, l’industrie l’utilise comme outil pour avoir des propriétés de surface recherchés ou pour le contrôle qualité, le domaine de l’informatique graphique s’intéresse à la synthétiser pour la génération de terrains ou la génération de textures et aussi à simuler ses effets sur la lumière avec les BRDF. . . Dans cette présentation, nous proposeronsun rappel sur la rugosité, notamment sa définition plus précise que "surface ou courbe non lisse" et ses outils de quantification suivi d’une comparaison de certaines de ses méthodes de génération, illustrant l’intérêt d’une approche fractale pour l’étudier. Nous commencerons par des méthodes simples mais offran…
sj-docx-1-ldx-10.1177_00222194221150230 – Supplemental material for A Register Study Suggesting Homotypic and Heterotypic Comorbidity Among Individua…
Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-ldx-10.1177_00222194221150230 for A Register Study Suggesting Homotypic and Heterotypic Comorbidity Among Individuals With Learning Disabilities by Tuija Aro, Reeta Neittaanmäki, Elisa Korhonen, Heli Riihimäki and Minna Torppa in Journal of Learning Disabilities
Sub-cultures effect on Information security culture in an organization
This study investigates the influence of subcultures on information security culture with-in organizations. The research focuses on the cultural and policy dimensions of infor-mation systems security and aims to explore how subcultures within an organization affect information security culture. The study employes a qualitative case study ap-proach, conducting interviews with employees from different departments of a Norwe-gian IT consultant company. The findings reveal variations in information security ownership, knowledge and awareness, and work goals and challenges among departments. The study emphasizes the need for tailored information security measures that consider the unique charact…
„Comparing“ American and South African literatures (through Afrofuturism): methodology and challenges (online seminar)
My original thesis project was ‘Representations of monstrosity in afrofuturist American and South African literature’, and it was meant as a follow up to my master’s thesis which consisted in analyzing monstrosity in short story collections by an African American and a South African author: Friday Black (Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, 2018) and Intruders (Mohale Mashigo, 2018). I had used afrofuturism not as my main focus then, but as a subchapter in my work, When I started working on my thesis project, I took the term ‘afrofuturism’ for granted when applied to South African works, but the texts I have read and the (South African) encounters I have had have led me to rethink my work and my appro…
Integration of pomace and grape seeds in feed of broiler chickens: effect on the chemical characteristics of the meat
Recently, consumer demand for healthier, safer, good quality food products has increased. The use of grape pomace and grape seeds, natural antioxidants rich in polyphenols and known for their ability to prevent lipid oxidation, has attracted significant interest and could become an important alternative as a partial substitute for vitamin E which is the most commonly used antioxidant in animal diets. In this context, the valorization and reuse of wine industry wastes could be a way to reduce costs for companies and damage to the environment [1]. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding different percentages of pomace and grape seeds to the diet of broiler chickens. T…
El Derecho de Transmisión en el Derecho Sucesorio. Solución a la problemática entre la tesis de la adquisición directa y la tesis de la doble transmi…
La institución del derecho de transmisión del artículo 1006 del Código Civil plantea la necesaria elección entre la tesis clásica o de la doble transmisión y la tesis moderna o de la adquisición directa, pues ambas conducen a resultados absolutamente diferentes en la práctica jurídica. La disyuntiva ha originado la existencia de dos corrientes doctrinales que con diversidad de argumentos han defendido de forma coherente ambas posiciones. La jurisprudencia, que tradicionalmente siguió la tesis de la doble transmisión, propició un fundamental giro con la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 11 de Septiembre de 2013, que optó por la tesis de la adquisición directa. La investigación de la evolució…
The pea sulfate transporter, PsSULTR4, contributes to seed yield and quality
To investigate the role of vacuolar sulfate in seed yield and quality, we have targeted the single pea SULTR4 gene (PsSULTR4), which encodes a transporter homologous to Arabidopsis SULTR4;1 and 4;2 that allow sulfate efflux from the vacuole to the cytosol. By simulating the 3D structure of PsSULTR4, we observed that it is similar to that of SULTR4;1 in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis revealed a high level of conservation of SULTR4 protein motifs across land species. A fluorescent protein fusion experiment confirmed that PsSULTR4 localizes to the vacuolar membrane.Five sultr4 mutants were identified by TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes), two of which showe…
Reputation, regulation and corporate governance as determinants of the improvement of non-financial information (NFI) reporting
Many years have passed since corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the disclosure of non-financial information (NFI) aroused interest in very few organizations (Hąbek & Wolniak, 2016). Today, they are part of the main priorities for the most important companies in the world, and they are seen as an important part of the strategy due to the many benefits associated with them (Castilla-Polo & Sánchez-Hernández, 2020). In the last decades, it has become evident the relevance that NFI reporting has worldwide. It can be seen through the evolution of the issuance of this type of reports. In 2002, 45% of the G250 companies published a separate report, 20 years later, the numbers show that 96% …
Edukacja jutra. Nowe poszukiwania badawcze
Kodin välitön lähiympäristö vaikuttaa lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen
Langevin’s model for soliton molecules in ultrafast fi ber ring laser cavity: investigating the interplay between noise and inertia
We describe the vibration pattern of a soliton-molecule using the Langevin’s model, i.e. noise source combined with a deterministic model. This simpler model allows investigating the interplay between fl uctuation and dissipation mechanisms at play.
L´expression de l´inclusion et l´exclusion. Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d’équipes de football amateur.
Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d'équipes de football amateur.
The obstacles to the development of secondary education in Spain, 1857-1900
Human capital is one of the pillars of economic growth and development. However, the economic analysis of human capital presents a large number of difficulties, especially since the mechanisms that allow the accumulation of this type of capital, skills and knowledge, are intrinsic to human nature and, in general, are difficult to determine. But, in addition, the formation of human capital results from formal and informal learning and occurs throughout life, so its measurement is a challenge. Trying to overcome the drawbacks that the analysis of human capital poses, some researchers have proposed the differentiation of human capital into types or levels in order to see its differential effec…
I graffiti delle carceri segrete del Santo Uffizio di Palermo
Il libro intende rilevare, descrivere, interpretare lo straordinario patrimonio storico e artistico costituito dai graffiti del Santo Uffizio di Palermo.
"Hvem er jeg?": Skeiv identitet i ungdomslitteratur
En tematisk analyse av Nora Dåsnes' "Ti kniver i hjertet" i lys av skeiv teori, og en litteraturdidaktisk refleksjon om bruken av den.
Vedlikehold av stolpene i distribusjonsnettet i Agder - Levetidsstudie
Full text not available This thesis was written in collaboration with Glitre Nett, where the purpose is to analyse the lifespan of power masts in the high voltage distribution grid in Agder. This is done by studying several factors that can impact the lifespan of the masts and by developing a model to estimate the number of masts that should be replaced in the coming years, based on how the grid is operated today. Access to electricity is essential in today's society. However, it is difficult to determine an exact lifespan for the power lines in the grid. Therefore, several factors such as impregnation, foundation and the number of poles were considered as possible influencing factors on th…
VI Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa. Choroby rzadkie w XXI wieku. Abstrakty
Lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointi kielen asemaa tukemassa
Lasten kielitaidon ja kielen kehityksen arviointi ja seuranta on tärkeää monesta eri syystä niin yksittäisen lapsen ja perheen kuin laajemmin kieliyhteisön ja kielen tutkimuksen kannalta. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan lasten suomalaisen viittomakielen kehityksen arviointia. Artikkelissa tuomme esiin lasten viittomakielen taidon arviointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä asioita, joita arvioinnin toteutuksessa on otettava huomioon. Esittelemme lyhyesti myös suomalaisen viittomakielen arviointiin kehitettyjä arviointimateriaaleja. Lisäksi pohdimme lasten viittomakielen taidon arvioinnin mahdollisia vaikutuksia viittomakielten asemaan Suomessa. nonPeerReviewed
Non-abusing mothers’ formal support needs after child sexual abuse disclosure : the case of North Cyprus
This article investigates the formal support needs of mothers whose child has been sexually abused. Previous research has focused mostly on the provision of support for abused children to the relative neglect of mothers’ support needs. Here, formal support refers to resources and services from organisations, professionals and authorities, with a specific focus on social welfare services. This article is based on a thematic analysis of semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 15 non-abusing mothers in North Cyprus. Analysis of the mothers’ experiences revealed needs of support in four important domains: financial support; child day-care services and social facilities for children and adults…
High Plasma Angiopoietin-2 Levels Predict the Need to Initiate Dialysis within Two Years in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Volume status, congestion, endothelial activation, and injury all play roles in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the plasma endothelial and overhydration markers could serve as independent predictors for dialysis initiation in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) 3b-5 (GFR < 45 mL/min/1.72 m2) and preserved ejection fraction. A prospective, observational study in a single academic center was conducted from March 2019 to March 2022. Plasma levels of angiopoietin (Ang)-2, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C (VEGF-C), Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1), Copeptin (CPP), beta-trace protein (BTP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)…
Le monde des champignons
Introduction générale de l’ouvrage
Equivalent definitions of very strict $CD(K,N)$ -spaces
We show the equivalence of the definitions of very strict $CD(K,N)$ -condition defined, on one hand, using (only) the entropy functionals, and on the other, the full displacement convexity class $\mathcal{DC}_N$. In particular, we show that assuming the convexity inequalities for the critical exponent implies it for all the greater exponents. We also establish the existence of optimal transport maps in very strict $CD(K,N)$ -spaces with finite $N$.
Wie die Engel
Análisis de estrategias organizativas y didácticas para la inclusión en primaria del alumnado con TEA
La atención a la diversidad y el abordaje de la inclusión escolar constituyen una de las grandes preocupaciones del sistema educativo actual. Resulta imprescindible proporcionar una educación inclusiva y de calidad que se adapte a las demandas del alumnado con Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo y que asegure su presencia, su participación y su aprendizaje en los contextos ordinarios. Entre la múltiple y heterogénea diversidad existente, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA), por sus particulares características y las dificultades que muestran al enfrentarse al sistema educativo. El cometido que asume es analizar las estrategias org…
Quelles preuves au champ des effets de l'allélopathie ?
De nombreuses études ont montré des effets de lallélopathie surles adventices au laboratoire, mais quen est-il au champ ? Les travauxpermettent-ils de dissocier les effets de lallélopathie de ceux de lacompétition, principal mécanisme de régulation des adventices ?¾Contexte - Dans quelle mesure l’allélopathie peutelle contribuer à réguler les adventices au champ ?C’est une question controversée qui revêt un intérêtmajeur en agroécologie. Quantifier ses effets présentetoutefois une difficulté : dissocier les effets de l’allélopathie de ceux de la compétition pour les ressources(lumière, eau et minéraux).¾ÉtUDe - Une revue systématique de la littératurescientifique a visé à déterminer s’il ex…