showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Vanhan Suomen luterilainen papisto, seurakunnat ja kansallinen kuva


kirkkohistoriauskonelämähistoriankirjoituspapistoseurakunnatpapitkansallinen identiteettikirkko (instituutio)evankelis-luterilainen kirkkoVanha Suomisivistys1700-luku1800-luku

Kyky toimia arvossaan turvallisuusaloilla


Turvallisuusalojen henkilöstön fyysisen toimintakyvyn ylläpito korostuu Euroopan kiristyneessä turvallisuustilanteessa. nonPeerReviewed

palokunnatjaksotyöfyysinen toimintakykypuolustusvoimatpoliisi (organisaatiot)pelastusalafyysinen kuntotyön kuormittavuustoimintakykysuojelualahenkilöstörajavartiostotvarautuminenpsyykkinen toimintakykylihasvoima

Le tramway et la ville : à Besançon est-ce que le centre-ville a changé de place ?


[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography

MAUREL Raphaël, « Le droit européen des investissements, une révolution inachevée : essai de contextualisation », in MAUREL Raphaël (dir.), Nouveaux …


Ce chapitre est une tentative de synthèse des récentes évolutions du droit européen des investissements et du colloque de décembre 2022. Le fait que le droit de l’Union européenne et les investissements entretiennent des liens n’a jamais été contesté, tant au regard de la nature du projet européen que des règles qui ont directement ou indirectement vocation à affecter les investissements, qu’ils soient réalisés de manière « intra-européenne », c’est-à-dire par un investisseur d’un État membre de l’Union au sein d’un autre État membre, ou externe, c’est-à-dire par un investisseur ressortissant d’un État non membre de l’Union au sein d’un État membre. Le cas des investissements externes ne pr…

komstroy[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesachemaDroit européendroit des investissements

Pornography: Addiction


The effect of different technologies in Pomegranate jam preparation on the phenolic compounds, vitamin C and antioxidant activity


The effect of different gelling agents and processing for jam production from pomegranate juice was evaluated. In the last years, different gelling agents were tested for improving jam quality in terms of color and bioactive compounds. The unsonicated and sonicated pomegranate juices were processed for jam production by micro waves, under vacuum and cryoconcentration concentration methods using low and high methoxy pectins, and carob seed flour as gelling agents. The polyphenols content of sonicated jam was significantly lower than unsonicated samples and cryoconcentrated jams showed the significantly highest value among other methods. The results showed the highest anthocyanin content in t…

Pomegranate jam Cryoconcentration Antioxidants AnthocyaninsPomegranate jam Cryoconcentration Antioxidants AnthocyaninsSettore AGR/15 - Scienze E Tecnologie AlimentariBiochemistryFood Science

Coupling of Structural Additions for the Mitigation of Seismic Response in Existing Buildings


In the present paper, additions in structural steelwork are utilized for giving new life to old buildings in regions characterized by medium/high seismic hazard. Two models are here proposed, i.e.: vertical addition for masonry buildings and lateral addition for r.c. buildings. For the model of vertical addition, the connection between the masonry and steel structures is realized by means of an Intermediate Isolation System (IIS). For the model of lateral addition, an exoskeleton (EXO) is connected to the existing building by means of rigid or flexible and dissipative link. Two buildings, representative of the heterogeneous Italian building stock, are selected as case studies. Parametric an…

ExoskeletonSeismic retrofitLateral additionStructural steelworkIntermediate isolation systemVertical addition

From waste to resource for a sustainable future


Every day we produce waste that constitutes an environmental and economic problem. A quantity of this waste is recycled, reused or composted and a quantity is sent to landfills. How can we produce less waste and using waste as a resource? Reducing waste is one of the objectives of the circular economy and their recycle asks us to rethink production and consumption models, this implies that design is a strategic element. In fact, in recent years design played a key role in the transition from a linear to a circular economy with a design based on the efficient use of materials, the reduction of the amount of waste generated, intervening on durability, repairability, the possibility of updatin…

Zero Waste Circular Economy SustainabilitySettore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industriale

Listado de preguntas del “exam wrapper”, EW -13


Los envoltorios de los exámenes ('exam wrapper') son listados diseñados para promover la reflexión personal sobre la ejecución en un ejercicio o examane y el profesorado espera que conduzca al alumnado a ver los exámenes como experiencias de aprendizaje, y no solo como una evaluación. Con ello, se espera también es el alumnado desarrollen el hábito de evaluar su propio desempeño y aumenten su capacidad de autorregulación. Proyecto de innovación educativa 2022/2023 (NOU_PID, UV-SFPIE_PID-2080269). Universidad de Valencia, Vicerrectorado de Transformación Docente y Formación Permanente. Exam wrappers are designed to promote reflection, which instructors hope will lead students to view exams a…

autorregulaciónmeta-cognitivoexam wrapperUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍArendimiento



Afterword to the volume "War and Peace in the Religious Conflicts of the Long Sixteenth Century"

Settore M-STO/07 - Storia Del Cristianesimo E Delle ChieseSettore M-STO/02 - Storia ModernaWar Peace Relgion Ritual Violence Sixteenth Century Seventeenth Century

Psychosocial Perspective on Problem Gambling : The role of Social Relationships, Resilience, and COVID-19 Worry


AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic has amplified several psychosocial risks and problem behaviors among vulnerable individuals. Given that gambling has high addictive potential, it is important to consider the underlying mechanisms of problem gambling. This study examined psychosocial factors associated with pandemic-time problem gambling.Cross-sectional data were gathered via an online survey of 18–75-year-old Finnish, Swedish, and British respondents (n = 2,022) who reported having gambled at least occasionally during the pandemic. Measures included problem gambling, loneliness, COVID-19 worry, social support, and psychological resilience. Control variables included gender, age, and education.…

gamblingresilienssipelaaminenSociology and Political Scienceproblem gamblingyksinäisyyslonelinessCOVID-19sosiaalinen tukisocial supportongelmapelaaminenresilienceGeneral Psychology

Miarkowanie kary umownej w ramach powództwa o jej zwrot – glosa do wyroku Sądu Okręgowego w Olsztynie z 5.12.2018 r., IX Ca 758/18


Komentowane orzeczenie dotyczy możliwości miarkowania kary umownej po tym, jak została ona zapłacona przez dłużnika z zastrzeżeniem zwrotu. Główny problem w sprawie stanowiło to, czy powód może skutecznie wystąpić z odrębnym powództwem o zwrot części zapłaconej już pozwanemu kary. Istota postępowania sprowadzała się do określenia formy i momentu wystąpienia przez dłużnika z żądaniem miarkowania kary umownej. Sąd zgodził się z tezą, że do miarkowania może dojść na skutek powództwa wytoczonego przez dłużnika. Natomiast przyjął kontrowersyjne stanowisko, które zostało poddane w niniejszej glosie krytyce, że do miarkowania nie może dojść po tym, jak kara została zapłacona

economic information bureau (register of bad debtors)biuro informacji gospodarczejpayment subject to reimbursementzapłata z zastrzeżeniem zwrotureduction of contractual penaltykara umownamiarkowanie kary umownejcontractual penalty (liquidated damages)Glosa. Prawo Gospodarcze w Orzeczeniach i Komentarzach

Use of surgical bone cement to increase the projection of the nasomaxillary buttress in a case of orthognathic surgery. Technical note


The soft tissue outcome of the projection at the level of the nasomaxillary buttress is difficult to manage in cases of severe hypoprojection, being orthognathic surgery resolutive at the occlusal level but sometimes insufficient at the level of esthetic outcome. The literature describes the use of alloplastic prostheses and autologous bone grafts, but there are few documented cases of the use of premolded surgical cement for this purpose. The main advantage of the use of bone cement over the alternatives described is its ability to be premolded for customization, low cost, easy availability, speed of preparation and minimal comorbidity. This technical note describes the surgical steps and …

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Ungdom og tilhørighet - gjennom deres øyne


Bakgrunnen for dette prosjektet er mitt brennende engasjement for ungdom og psykisk helse. Hvordan vi som voksne kan hjelpe unge mennesker med å ivareta og bidra til god psykisk helse i deres liv, synes jeg er noe av det viktigste man kan investere i neste generasjons voksne. Problemstillingen jeg ønsket å finne svar på var; Hva opplever ungdom gir tilhørighet i skolehverdagen? Hensikten bak dette var et ønske om å finne de faktorer ungdom selv opplever gir tilhørighet, for lettere å komme i posisjon til å hjelpe dem som opplever mangel på dette. Det ble brukt et kvalitativt forskningsdesign, med photovoice og semistrukturert intervju som metode. Utvalget var seks ulike ungdom på videregåen…

Rozdział VI. Pośrednie podatki państwowe. 26. Podatek od gier


Musiikinopettaja toimivan vuorovaikutusilmapiirin luojana, kehittäjänä ja ylläpitäjänä


Tämä kanditutkielmani on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa tarkastelen toimivaa vuorovaikutusilmapiiriä yläkoulun musiikintunnilla. Käsittelen aihetta opettajan näkökulmasta ja pohdin, millä keinoilla musiikinopettaja voi kehittää ja ylläpitää musiikintuntien vuorovaikutusilmapiiriä. Aihetta on tärkeä tutkia, sillä toimiva vuorovaikutusilmapiiri on merkityksellistä oppimisen ja opettamisen kannalta. Tutkielmani rakenne koostuu vuorovaikutusilmapiirin, ryhmädynamiikan ja ryhmänhallintataitojen määrittelystä. Aloitan aiheen käsittelyn pohtimalla opettajan kompetenssin sekä opettajaan ja oppilaisiin liittyvän luottamuksen merkitystä vuorovaikutusilmapiirille. Tämän jälkeen tarkastelen, miten ryhmätoi…


Federated Learning for Zero-Day Attack Detection in 5G and Beyond V2X Networks


Deploying Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) on top of 5G and Beyond networks (5GB) makes them vulnerable to increasing vectors of security and privacy attacks. In this context, a wide range of advanced machine/deep learning-based solutions have been designed to accurately detect security attacks. Specifically, supervised learning techniques have been widely applied to train attack detection models. However, the main limitation of such solutions is their inability to detect attacks different from those seen during the training phase, or new attacks, also called zero-day attacks. Moreover, training the detection model requires significant data collection and labeling, which increases th…

[INFO.INFO-AI] Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]5GBIoV[INFO.INFO-NI] Computer Science [cs]/Networking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI]Zero-day attacksSécurité5G V2X IoV Sécurité Attaques Détection Apprentissage Fédéré[INFO] Computer Science [cs]Intrusion DetectionDétectionAttaquesSecurityV2XApprentissage FédéréFederated Learning5GConnected and Automated Vehicles[INFO.INFO-CR] Computer Science [cs]/Cryptography and Security [cs.CR]

Remote Product Development


This master thesis explores the influence of COVID-19 and the shift to remote working on product development, examining the advantages and difficulties associated with this transition. Through a qualitative study, the thesis draws insights from in-depth interviews conducted with 12 employees across 8 different tech companies. These individuals hold key roles in product development and product management, providing their experiences and perspectives on the pre-pandemic, during-pandemic, and post-pandemic product development processes. The study aims to uncover the impact of the pandemic on digital product development practices and the implications of this. The research question guiding the s…

Tilrettelegging for en vellykket og varende implementering av Lean


Denne masteroppgaven belyser hvordan ledelsesgruppen best mulig kan tilrettelegge for en varende og vellykket Lean implementering i en små og mellomstor bedrift gjennom en casestudie av et mekanisk verksted på Sørlandet. Masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan ledelsesgruppen på et tidlig stadige av Lean implementering kan arbeide og tilrettelegge for å sikre at Lean blir varende praksis i bedriften. På bakgrunn av dette ble problemstillingen til studien følgende: \textit{Hvordan kan ledelsesgruppen best mulig tilrettelegge for en vellykket og varende implementering av Lean hos Sigurd Seland AS?}. Masteroppgaven har som mål å dekke kunnskapshullene i forskningslitteratur som omhandler Lean implem…

Repeatability and reliability of the footwear assessment tool in Spanish patients: A transcultural adaptation


[Abstract] Background: The footwear assessment tool was designed to advise an appropriate footwear for each situation and patient. Footwear alterations structures can influence in musculoskeletal disorders, developing foot ulcers, increase the peak plantar pressure, bacterial growth, low back pain. Methods: To validate the study 101 subjects were recruited. The study was tested by two expert podiatrists using the tool for the assessment of footwear characteristics that is composed by five domains, fit, general features, general structure, motion control properties and cushioning system. Each domain analyzes different shoe items. Results: An excellent agreement between the test-retest. A sui…

FiabilidadDermatologyReliabilityFootwearPathology and Forensic MedicineShoesExtremitatsPodologíaCalzadoZapatosMalaltiesRepetibilidadToolHerramientaRepeatability

Taide, kulttuuri ja hyvinvointi : kuka maksaa viulut?


Käsillä olevassa artikkelissa tarkastellaan taiteen ja kulttuurin asemaa kotimaisella tiedekentällä ja suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa; erityisesti niiden aikaansaamaan hyvinvointiin kytkeytyvän tutkimuksen ja sen käsitysten valossa. Artikkeli esittelee taiteen ja kulttuurin hyvinvointivaikutusten tutkimusta, sen kenttää ja kulttuurireseptin käyttöönoton mahdollisuutta. Kulttuurireseptillä esimerkiksi mielenterveyden ongelmista tai syrjäytymisestä kärsivä henkilö voidaan ohjata yhteisöllisen taide- ja kulttuuritoiminnan pariin. Samalla tarkastellaan koronapandemian vaikutuksia taide- ja kulttuurialaan ja sen taloudelliseen tilanteeseen. Artikkelin lopuksi pohditaan, kuinka akateemiseen tutkimu…

rahoituskulttuurireseptitaideharrastuksetpoikkeusolotvaikutuksetkulttuuripolitiikkahyvinvointiitseilmaisutaideluova toimintakulttuuritoimintakulttuurihyvinvointi

Condotta antisindacale nel lavoro tramite piattaforma digitale


Entrusting to the trade union the procedural instrument of guaranteeing the collective interests of workers cannot depend on the contractual form chosen by the parties to the relationship. Excluding, therefore, that the trade union has an interest in acting in the face of conduct that undermines the regularity of the collective protection action is contrary to the very raison d'être of Article 28 of the Labour Statute to defend the constitutionally relevant rights involved in industrial relations, as well as to the spirit of promotion and support of trade union action of the Workers' Statute.

Settore IUS/07 - Diritto Del LavoroCollective interests - employment - article 28 of the Labour Statute - industrial relations

Les fondations et refondations royales lagides en Asie Mineure


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory

Mobile money as a driver of digital financial inclusion


Meeting the mobile money needs of the less privileged in developing and emerging markets opens up enormous possibilities for banks and newly emerged financial-technology firms. Many consider mobile money services a separate domain within the banking and payment sector, different from its siblings: automated teller machines, net banking, point-of-sale banking, etc. This study was conducted to investigate how mobile money services act as a reliable driver of digital financial inclusion and to determine the role of mobile money agents in the transformation from the traditional services to mobile money services. This paper presents a conceptual model based on the stimulus-organism-response para…

mobiilimaksaminenpankitmobile money agentstimulus-organism-response theorymobile money technologykäyttöempowermentManagement of Technology and InnovationAfricasähköiset palvelutcontinuous usagevoimaantuminenBusiness and International ManagementApplied Psychology

La pensión solicitada por Nicolás Achúcarro y otros documentos inéditos de Achúcarro y Lafora en los archivos de la Junta para la Ampliación de Estud…


Nicolás Achúcarro Lund (Bilbao, 1880-Guecho, 1918) es probablemente uno de los personajes científicos más brillantes de la hoy universalmente reconocida Escuela Histológica Española. A pesar de su corta vida, ya que falleció sin haber cumplido los 38 años, su producción científica es muy abundante y de gran trascendencia neurocientífica. Su obra micrográfica abre paso a la genial obra llevada a cabo por su principal discípulo Pío del Río-Hortega. Ambos personajes son sin duda responsables de la investigación neuropatológica más relevante que se ha producido en nuestro país. El objeto del presente estudio es dar noticia y difusión de un manuscrito de Achúcarro redactado en agosto de 1907, pr…


Manuel des principes d’étude stratigraphique de la polychromie


[SHS.ART] Humanities and Social Sciences/Art and art history



Masterarbeidet mitt undersøker treverk gjennom forskjellige kunstneriske innfallsvinkler. Det har fra starten av vært inspirert av ulike ny-materialistiske teoretikere. Dette har formet arbeidsmetoder, analytiske overveielser og veien frem mot en senere presentasjon av arbeidet, med en tilhørende muntlig presentasjon. Bakgrunnen for prosjektet var en interesse for materiell agens – hvordan materialer og omgivelser påvirker oss på ulike måter. Jeg har så lenge jeg kan huske hatt et særlig godt forhold til treverk. Gjennom oppmerksomt, utøvende arbeid, prøver jeg å komme tettere på dette materialet jeg føler en slik nærhet til. Arbeidet veksler mellom sanking av materialer, materiell bearbeid…

Myr mellom lokal og nasjonal planlegging og styring - planlegging av fjellandsbyen Turufjell


Sammendrag Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan myr blir håndtert i skjæringsfeltet mellom det nasjonale myndighetsnivået og den lokal planleggingsprosess av hytteområdet Turufjell (Flå kommune). På få år har våtmark som økosystem og myr som naturtype fått økt politisk oppmerksomhet. I tillegg til å være et leveområde for diverse arter, leverer myr og våtmark lokale og globale økosystemtjenester samfunnet nyter godt av. I dag blir omdisponering av myrarealer til andre formål ansett som en av de største truslene myr og våtmark står ovenfor. Derimot kan også omdisponering av myrarealer skape andre typer verdier for samfunnet. Hytteutbygging er en aktivitet som forrin…

Vorbereitung von Austauschstudierenden auf ein Studium in einem deutschsprachigen Land : Ein textsortenorientiertes Blended-Learning-Konzept


Deutschland ist nach wie vor das beliebteste Zielland finnischer Studierender, und das wichtigste Motiv für die Wahl eines deutschsprachigen Gastlandes ist, Deutsch zu lernen. In diesem Beitrag soll das Konzept eines Blended-Learning-Kurses zur Vorbereitung auf ein Austauschstudium in einem deutschsprachigen Land vorgestellt werden. Der Kurs war handlungs- und textsortenorientiert auf den Erwerb mündlicher studienbezogener Fertigkeiten ausgerichtet. Für das E-Learning wurde das deutsche EUROMOBIL-Programm (Euromobil o.J.) verwendet. In den Präsenzphasen hielten die Studierenden mündliche Referate, die im Kurs diskutiert und von den Lehrenden und Vortragenden selbst evaluiert wurden. Im empi…

lcsh:Language and Literaturestudienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht Blended Learning Textsortenorientierung mündliche Fertigkeitenstudy abroad language preparation courses blended learning genre-oriented learning oral skillssaksan kielilcsh:Pstudying languagesstudienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht Blended Learning Textsortenorientierung mündliche Fertigkeiten; study abroad language preparation courses blended learning genre-oriented learning oral skills

Chiral carbonyl hypoiodites


Three chiral carbonyl hypoiodites, R–C(O)OI, have been prepared from N-protected (S)-valine to give the ligand-stabilised (S)-valinoyl hypoiodite complexes with 4-dimethylaminopyridine, 4-pyrrolidinopyridine, and 4-morpholinopyridine as the stabilising ligands. The identity of the complexes was established by NMR (1H, 13C, 1H–15N HMBC) and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. peerReviewed

Materials ChemistryMetals and AlloysCeramics and CompositesGeneral ChemistryCatalysiskarbonyylitSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic Materials

Risarcimento del danno e trasferimento del sovrapprezzo [Commento all'art. 10 del d.lgs. n. 3/2017]


The article provides an analysis of the new Eu and Italian legal framework on the so called "passing-on of overcharges" and the right to full compensation, also troughout an overview of the most recent judicial cases on the matter

Settore IUS/14 - Diritto Dell'Unione Europeapassing on

The Truth is Out There : Focusing on Smaller to Guess Bigger in Image Classification


In Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general and in Machine Learning (ML) in particular, which are important and integral components of modern Industry 4.0, we often deal with uncertainty, e.g., lack of complete information about the objects we are classifying, recognizing, diagnosing, etc. Traditionally, uncertainty is considered to be a problem especially in the responsible use of AI and ML tools in the smart manufacturing domain. However, in this study, we aim not to fight with but rather to benefit from the uncertainty to improve the classification performance in supervised ML. Our objective is a kind of uncertainty-driven technique to improve the performance of Convolutional Neural Netwo…

luokitus (toiminta)deep learningsyväoppiminenConvolutional Neural Networkneuroverkotepävarmuusclassification refinementmachine learningkoneoppiminenGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesuncertaintykuvatGeneral Environmental Scienceimage classification

Psychometric properties of the measure of achieved capabilities in homeless services


Background Purposeful participation in personally meaningful life tasks, enjoyment of positive reciprocal relationships, and opportunities to realize one’s potential are growth-related aspects of a meaningful life that should be  considered important dimensions of recovery from homelessness. The extent to which homeless services support  individuals to achieve the capabilities they need to become who they want to be and do what they want to do is,  in turn, an important indicator of their efectiveness. In this study, we developed a measure of achieved capabilities  (MACHS) for use in homeless services settings, and assessed its construct and concurrent validity. Methods We analysed data col…

FOS: Psychologycapabilities approachRecovery52 PsychologyPsychologyHomelessnessHousing First

Skjønnlitteraturens rolle i livsmestringsundervisningen


Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg skjønnlitteraturens rolle i lærerens arbeid med å tematisere livsmestring i norskundervisningen. Formålet med oppgaven er å belyse en tilnærming til livsmestring, samt viktigheten av å fokusere på estetisk lesing av skjønnlitteratur i en skole som i dag bærer preg av mer efferent lesing og dermed et lite fokus på elevenes leseopplevelse. For å svare på problemstillingen har jeg analysert bøkene Ikke lov å le (Solberg, 2021) og Sommeren alt skjedde (Akerlie, 2022) og underveis i analysen har jeg drøftet de i lys av hvordan de kan arbeides med i klasserommet. Analysene sentrerer seg rundt tematikk og synsvinkel, hvor jeg har tatt utgangspunkt i Per Thomas Ande…

Memoria y calidad de vida en pacientes con epilepsia farmacorresistente: utilidad clínica del EpiTrack y la politerapia como predictores


La epilepsia es una enfermedad neurológica que afecta a 70 millones de personas en el mundo, caracterizada por una predisposición persistente a presentar crisis epilépticas, además de sus consecuencias neurobiológicas, cognitivas, psicológicas y sociales de la recurrencia de las crisis. Dado el grave impacto de las crisis en la vida del paciente, los tratamientos priorizan su control, aunque no están exentos de efectos no deseados. La investigación en farmacología de la epilepsia es incesante, aunque la amplia variabilidad individual en el tipo, número y dosis de fármacos antiepilépticos (FAEs) administrados supone un reto para el estudio de los efectos cognitivos de los fármacos. Por ello,…

fármacos antiepilépticosmemoriacalidad de vidaUNESCO::CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAUNESCO::PSICOLOGÍAepilepsia

Partially time invariant panel data regression


When dealing with panel data, considering the variation over time of the variable of interest allows to get rid of potential individual effects. Even though the outcome variable has a continuous distribution, its variation over time can be equal to zero with a strictly positive probability and thus its distribution is a mixture of a mass at zero and a continuous distribution. We introduce a parametric statistical model based on conditional mixtures, build estimators for the parameters related to the conditional probability of no variation and to the conditional expectation related to the continuous part of the distribution and derive their asymptotic consistency and normality under a specif…

Policy EvaluationZero InflationMixture of DistributionsPanel DataBootstrapHeterogeneous Treatment Effects[STAT] Statistics [stat]