showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Kansalaisten hyvä kunto tukee kansantaloutta


fyysinen kuntotaloudelliset vaikutuksetkansanterveystuottavuusriskitekijätkansantalous

Do SETA Interventions Change Security Behavior? : A Literature Review


Information security education, training, and awareness (SETA) are approaches to changing end-users’ security behavior. Research into SETA has conducted interventions to study the effects of SETA on security behavior. However, we lack aggregated knowledge on ‘how do SETA interventions influence security behavior?’. This study reviews 21 empirical SETA intervention studies published across the top IS journals. The theoretical findings show that the research has extended Protection Motivation Theory by (1) enhancements to fear appeals; (2) drawing attention to relevance; (3) incorporating temporality; (4) and shifting from intentions to behavior. In terms of behavior, the SETA interventions h…

security behaviortrainingturvallisuusjohtaminenkoulutussocio-technical issues in organizational information technologiesawarenesssecurity managementtietoturvakäyttäytymineninterventioninterventioseta

Elevers motivasjon i arbeid med virkelighetsnær matematikk


Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan arbeid med virkelighetsnære matematikkoppgaver påvirket motivasjonen til elever i matematikkfaget. Vi ønsket at elevene skulle lage sine egne problemstillinger basert på virkelige situasjoner og løse dem i form av en oppgave. Hensikten var at oppgavene skulle oppleves mest mulig virkelighetsnære for dem. Med utgangspunkt i en pilotstudie vi gjennomførte i 2022 valgte vi å utføre et undervisningseksperiment i en 9. klasse, hvor elevene jobbet med slike oppgaver i grupper. Problemformuleringene elevene utførte kan ses i sammenheng med en modelleringsprosess, der elevene “matematiserte” et problem fra det virkelige liv. Forskningsspørsmålet vå…

Risarcimento del danno e trasferimento del sovrapprezzo [Commento all'art. 10 del d.lgs. n. 3/2017]


The article provides an analysis of the new Eu and Italian legal framework on the so called "passing-on of overcharges" and the right to full compensation, also troughout an overview of the most recent judicial cases on the matter

Settore IUS/14 - Diritto Dell'Unione Europeapassing on

Om oss, uten oss


Bakgrunn: God helse skapes der hvor mennesker lever sine liv. Tidligere erfaringer viser at det ikke er tilstrekkelig med invitasjon til medvirkning fra innbyggere i stedsutviklingen. Medvirkning er et helsefremmende prinsipp for å endre ytre påvirkningsfaktorer. Det kan være behov for å se på nye eller andre måter å tilnærme seg kunnskap om hvordan lokalsamfunn og nærmiljø påvirker individers mestring, og om medvirkning kan være en styrkende faktor. Studiens hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien har vert å undersøke hvordan ungdommer erfarer at medvirkning påvirker deres mestring og den sosiale bærekraften i lokalsamfunnet. Materiale og metode: Datamaterialet ble samlet inn gjennom syv semi…

Building Situational Awareness of GDPR


Because previous academic research does not comment sufficiently on how the relevant content of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR has been properly communicated to the organisations, or how the situational awareness (SA) of GDPR has been built in the organisations, this qualitative empirical research was regarded as a valuable approach for gathering authentic research material on the practical bases of this phenomena. The aim of this empirical case study (CS) is to develop a picture of what processes organisations use to build SA of the GDPR requirements. To guide the CS, we asked how the SA for decision-making was constructed and how it was perceived in organ…

prosessittietosuojaGDPR requirementsunderstanding GDPR requirementsprivacy practicespäätöksentekointerpreting privacy regulationorganisaatiotinformation security developmentorganisational situational awareness

Quadrupole and octupole collectivity in the semi-magic nucleus 80,206Hg126


The first low-energy Coulomb-excitation measurement of the radioactive, semi-magic, two proton-hole nucleus 206Hg, was performed at CERN’s recently-commissioned HIE-ISOLDE facility. Two γ rays depopulating low-lying states in 206Hg were observed. From the data, a reduced transition strength B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) = 4.4(6) W.u was determined, the first such value for an N = 126 nucleus south of 208Pb, which is found to be slightly lower than that predicted by shell-model calculations. In addition, a collective octupole state was identified at an excitation energy of 2705 keV, for which a reduced B(E3) transition probability of 30+10−13 W.u was extracted. These results are crucial for understand…


La terminologie grecque du lait


Il saggio è incentrato sulla principale terminologia greca del latte e mira a sottolineare al contempo le implicazioni storico-culturali sul versante antropologico e fisiologico della lattazione e dell'allattamento, soprattutto nel rapporto tra madre e figlio, o tra nutrice e lattante. Sono presenti riferimenti agli usi alimentari e terapeutici.

terminologia greca anticaallattamentolattazioneLatteSettore L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua E Letteratura Greca

Parte II Capitolo I L'impresa agricola


this chapter examines the discipline of the agricultural enterprise in the light of the reform of the Italian civil code and the requests of European legislation towards the multifunctionality of the agricultural enterprise

multifunctionalityagricultural enterpriseSettore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrario

Virkemiddelapparatets rammer for grønne fremvoksende næringer


Denne masteroppgaven ser på hvordan virkemiddelapparatet støtter grønne næringer, med Morrow Batteries og batteriindustrien som case. Oppgavens første problemstilling tar for seg i hvilken grad virkemiddelmiddelapparatets forståelse av TRL (Technology readiness level) samsvarer med bedriftens forståelse av TRL. Virkemiddelaktører som Forskningsrådet, Innovasjon Norge og Enova gir tilskudd basert på mandat fra departementene og bruker (TRL) for å måle modenhet på teknologi.. Den andre problemstillingen ble oppdaget i lys av den første problemstillingen, og undersøker om virkemiddelapparatet er i stand til å ta imot fremvoksende næringer, der det blir sett på krav på initiativer for at Norge …

Kaduilla, poluilla ja puutarhoissa : iäkkäiden ihmisten ulkona liikkuminen ja hyvinvointi


Tämän kirjoituksen tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin iäkkäiden ihmisten ulkoilua ja ulkona liikkumista käsitelleitä tutkimuksia ja niiden tuloksia. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on tarkastella, mitä kaikkea hyvinvointi-käsitteen alle sijoitetaan iäkkäiden ulkoilua ja ulkona liikkumista käsittelevässä tutkimuksessa ja käsitellä sitä, miksi juuri ulkona liikkumisen sanotaan olevan iäkkäille ihmisille tärkeää. Mitä on se hyvinvointi, jota ulkoilu ja ulkona liikkuminen tuottavat, mikä rooli ulkona liikkumisen ympäristöllä on, entä mikä on se mekanismi, jolla ulkoilun ajatellaan tuovan hyvinvointia iäkkäälle? peerReviewed

ulkoilutoimintakykyhyvinvointiulkoliikuntaliikuntakirjallisuuskatsauksetikääntyneetfyysinen aktiivisuusterveyden edistäminen

Konstruksjon av alternativ stokastisk gradientalgoritmen ved bruk av stokastisk analyse og optimal kontrollteori.


Oppgaven viser at den stokastiske gradientalgoritmen med en minibatch størrelse r: x_(k+1) = x_k − η/r sum_(i=1)^n ∇f_i(x_k)1_δ(k+1)(i) konvergerer i fordeling, når læringsraten η → 0 mot løsningen av den stokastiske differensialligningen: dXt = −∇f(Xt)dt + (¯ηΣ(Xt))^1/2dBt t > 0 X_0 = x_0 x_0 ∈ R^d Basert på dette resultatet skal vi konstruere av en alternativ stokastisk gradientalgoritme ved bruk av stokastisk analyse og kontrollteori.

Annex 6. Prova final oral sobre els pronoms "en" i "ho"


Prova final oral sobre el pronom "en" i el pronom "ho" amb activitats distractores. Annex 6 a la seqüència didàctica sobre "en" i sobre "ho".

pronom enpronoms feblescatalà com a segona llenguaUNESCO::LINGÜÍSTICApronom ho

Säännöllinen liikunta tehokkainta aivoterveyden ylläpidossa


suorituskykykognitiiviset taidotaivoterveyselintasosairaudetterveysvaikutuksetliikuntatottumuksetliikuntaliikuntaharrastuselämäntapaterveyden edistäminen

Photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic H2 evolution combined with valuable furfural production


In this work the photocatalytic (PC) and photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) reforming of furfuryl alcohol (FA) under environmental friendly conditions was investigated. Both H2 evolution and partial oxidation to furfuraldehyde were followed. For the first time TiO2 based photocatalysts were studied and the photocatalytic activity of home prepared photocatalysts was compared with that of commercial ones under both UVA and simulated solar irradiation. PEC tests were performed by using home prepared TiO2 nanotubes (TiO2 NTs) as photoanode and Pt free Ni foam as cathode to improve the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER). Both the partial FA oxidation reaction rate and H2 evolution rate were normalized f…

Settore ING-IND/24 - Principi Di Ingegneria ChimicaSettore ING-IND/23 - Chimica Fisica ApplicataFurfuryl alcohol partial oxidationProcess Chemistry and TechnologyTiO2PhotoelectrocatalysisSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle TecnologieH2 productionPhotocatalysisbrookiteCatalysisPt free cathodeApplied Catalysis A: General

Lavandula x intermedia—A Bastard Lavender or a Plant of Many Values? Part II. Biological Activities and Applications of Lavandin


This review article is the second in a series aimed at providing an in-depth overview of Lavandula x intermedia (lavandin). In part I, the biology and chemistry of lavandin were addressed. In part II, the focus is on the functional properties of lavandin and its applications in industry and daily life. While reviewing the biological properties, only original research articles employing lavandin were considered. Lavandin essential oil has been found to have antioxidant and biocidal activity (antimicrobial, nematicidal, antiprotozoal, insecticidal, and allelopathic), as well as other potential therapeutic effects such as anxiolytic, neuroprotective, improving sleep quality, antithrombotic, an…

Lavandula hybridaantimicrobial activitybiocidal activityLavandula angustifoliaanxiolytic activityantioxidant activityLavandula x intermediaessential oilanti-inflammatoryMolecules

Nuevas medidas de emisión de neutrones en la desintegración beta de 85Ge, 85-86As, 91Br, 135Sb, 137-138Te y 138-139-140I


En esta Tesis he determinado de forma experimental la probabilidad de emisión de neutrones en la desintegración β de los núcleos 85Ge,85,86As,91Br,135Sb, 137,138Te y 138,139,140I para los que las medidas previas mostraban errores relativamente altos y/o una gran dispersión. Estos núcleos son de interés 1) en tecnología nuclear, para cálculos de dinámica y control de reactores, 2) en astrofísica nuclear, para cálculos de la abundancia de elementos químicos pesados en el proceso de captura rápida de neutrones, y 3) en el estudio de la estructura de núcleos ricos en neutrones. Así, en este trabajo el énfasis se ha puesto en la mejora de las medidas y el análisis de los datos. Por ello se selec…

UNESCO::FÍSICA::Física atómica y nuclear ::Fisión nuclearadquisición de datosneutronesdesintegración betaequaciones de batemanUNESCO::FÍSICA::Física atómica y nuclear ::Estructura nuclearUNESCO::FÍSICA::Física atómica y nuclear ::Reactores nuclearesemisión de neutronesUNESCO::FÍSICA::Física atómica y nuclear ::Desintegración nuclear

Incivility in the Language of the Powerful: Derisive and Debasing Discourse in Polish Politics


The objective of this chapter is to offer an exemplification of debasing, derisive comments made by politicians, mostly representing the ruling coalition parties in Poland (2015–2022). The examples are sourced from three genres—parliamentary speeches, press materials, social media posts. We trace how abusive attacks, vulgarities function as rhetorical devices deployed by the powerful to garner political capital or reinforce their hegemony. In the chapter we also discuss the normative shifts in the rules of deliberation that are being gradually skewed by the powerful in the public (parliamentary) sphere as well as in social media. We reflect on the possible implications of debasement for the…

La movilidad del alumnado universitario y la coordinación docente en los grados de Pedagogía y Educación Social


La internacionalización en la formación es una oportunidad para el alumnado que las universidades tratan de potenciar por el beneficio recíproco que representa, tanto para establecer lazos con otras instituciones universitarias y promover colaboraciones, como por la experiencia académica y vital que supone para el alumnado y el profesorado universitario. Afortunadamente, estos dos últimos cursos, se ha vuelto a incrementar la movilidad, con unos datos incluso más elevados que antes de la pandemia. Se revisa la situación de la movilidad en estos últimos cursos y cómo esta colabora en el desarrollo de las competencias vinculas a los Grados en Pedagogía y en Educación Social, y en la potenciac…

Educació Experiències

R2-elevers modelleringskompetanse


Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er matematisk modellering. Modellering er en del av kjerneelementet «Modellering og anvendelser» som kom inn i den nye lærerplanen. Dette er første året R2-elevene blir undervist etter denne læreplanen (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020). Jeg valgte derfor å se på modelleringskompetanse til et utvalg R2-elever, med utgangspunkt i følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hva kjennetegner et utvalg R2-elevers tilnærming til modelleringsoppgaver? For å svare på forskningsspørsmålet har jeg observert ei gruppe på tre R2-elever som gjennomførte et undervisningseksperiment. De skulle finne et uttrykk for den deriverte til vannstanden når det er et hull i bunnen av litermålet. Studi…

Psychometric properties of the measure of achieved capabilities in homeless services


Background Purposeful participation in personally meaningful life tasks, enjoyment of positive reciprocal relationships, and opportunities to realize one’s potential are growth-related aspects of a meaningful life that should be  considered important dimensions of recovery from homelessness. The extent to which homeless services support  individuals to achieve the capabilities they need to become who they want to be and do what they want to do is,  in turn, an important indicator of their efectiveness. In this study, we developed a measure of achieved capabilities  (MACHS) for use in homeless services settings, and assessed its construct and concurrent validity. Methods We analysed data col…

FOS: Psychologycapabilities approachRecovery52 PsychologyPsychologyHomelessnessHousing First

The Personal Repertoire and Its Materiality : Resources, Means and Modalities of Languaging


The chapter is a theoretical discussion of the concept of personal repertoire and its application in the context of applied linguistics, particularly in the study of language learning and development. It questions conceptualisations that understand language learning as acquisition of abstract, decontextual and disembodied language knowledge and argues that learners’ know-how is not based on any kind of ‘mental grammar’, but on a personal repertoire of different multimodal semiotic resources. Bringing together ‘old’ and ‘new’ arguments for materialism, personal repertoires are examined focussing on how embodied agentive activity is intertwined with the socially structured environments and th…

cognitionkieli ja kieletkielitiededistributed languageosaaminenhenkilökohtaistaminenrepertoiressocio-cognitive approachkielitaitolanguage know-howkielen oppiminenmultimodaalisuusmateriaalisuus

Aberrant immunoexpression of p53 tumour-suppressor and Bcl-2 family proteins (Bcl-2 and Bax) in ameloblastomas and odontogenic keratocysts


The growth of ameloblastomas (odontogenic tumours) and odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) (developmental cyst) is associated with the expression of proteins related to cell survival and apoptosis. Bcl-2-associated protein X (Bax) and the tumour suppressor prote


The Importance of the Variability of Leucocyte Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) Gene Expression


The variability of ZnT8 expression in leukocytes develops in patients witha geneticpredisposition to this condition and it decreases with age. Greater intercellular zinc accumulation may potentially provoke increased levels of its expression, as a support mechanism in zinc homeostasis. The occurrence of ZnT8 antibodies (ZnT8A) may result in leukocyte dysfunction, which is dependent i.a. on the level of ZnT8 expression. The same correlation can be observed in non-pancreatic tissues. ZnT8A occur in approximately 16.5% of research participants without any diabetes symptoms and the frequency of their occurrence decreases with age as well. The occurence of variability of ZnT8 expression in leuko…

ZnT8 gene expression; leucocytes; ZnT8 antibodies

Sananvapaus 2000-luvulla


Kirjoitus käsittelee sananvapauden kehitystä 2000-luvun aikana. Tänä aikana painettujen lehtien rinnalle ovat tulleet verkkolehdet. Televisiokanavat ovat laajentaneet tarjontaansa verkkoon ja elokuvien jakelu on siirtynyt teattereista dvd-levyille ja verkkoon. Lisäksi sosiaalisen median palvelut ovat tarjonneet alustoja ja palveluita ihmisten keskinäiseen viestintään ja keskusteluihin. Suomessa rikoslaki on tarjonnut ja tarjoaa edelleenkin keskeiset välineet haitallisen ja ei-toivotun viestinnän torjuntaan. Kirjoitus käsitteleekin kunnianloukkausta koskevan oikeuskäytännön muutosta ja kehittymistä sekä vihapuheen ja uhkailuja koskevan käytännön muutosta 2000-luvulla. Lisäksi käydään läpi jo…

lainsäädäntö2000-lukuuhkailusosiaalinen mediakiihottaminen kansanryhmää vastaanvihapuhesananvapausuusmediaverkkoviestintäkunnianloukkauslaiton uhkausoikeuskäytäntö

Med domboken som (språk)historisk källa : en tvärvetenskaplig syntes av domboksforskning i Finland och Sverige, ca 1950-2020


Domböckerna och den tidigmoderna tiden hör tätt ihop. I denna uppsats undersöks hur historiker och språkhistoriker utnyttjat domboksmaterial i sin forskning. Metoden är historiografisk och jämförande. Uppsatsen visar att historiker ofta varit intresserade av källkritiska aspekter medan språkhistoriker har intresserat sig för frågor förknippade med språklig variation och förändring. Utifrån analysen identifieras tre övergripande teman som är särskilt gynnsamma för ett tvärvetenskapligt samarbete kopplat till domboken som empirisk källa: protokollföring (precision och tillförlitlighet), berättelsenivåer (textstruktur och -mönster) och skrivare (den gemensamma aktören). Court records and the h…

historiantutkimusmonitieteisyystuomiokirjatruotsin kielikirjalliset lähteetSuomilähdekritiikkiuuden ajan alkukielihistoriaRuotsikielentutkimus

Critical Discourse Analysis on Sportswashing: Conceptualisation, Motives and Consequences


This thesis have conducted a critical discourse analysis on sportswashing where the aim is find out about motives and consequences for engaging in sportswashing and exploring how popular media have conceptualised sportswashing.

Riflessioni critiche sul collegamento fra autotutela sostitutiva e principio di perennità’ dell’azione impositiva


Con opinabile orientamento, la Suprema Corte ha esteso i confini dell’autotutela c.d. sostitutiva fino a ricomprendervi un principio di “perennità” dell’azione amministrativa, che mal si raccorda, laddove non ne nega addirittura la ratio sottostante, con la disciplina positiva che regola i presupposti per l’esercizio della funzione impositiva e per la sua rinnovazione. Siffatto principio, peraltro, appare in contrasto con quello della “buona amministrazione” (diretta declinazione dell’art. 97 Cost.) nella misura in cui essa trova la sua moderna dimensione nell’essere anche strumento di tutela dell’amministrato dall’esercizio (extra ordinem) dei pubblici poteri. The Italian Supreme Court has…

autotutela tributaria buona amministrazione perennità dell’azione amministrativaSettore IUS/12 - Diritto Tributariotax disputes resolution “fair administration” principle perennial administrative action

Fracture strenght and ribbond fibers: In vitro analysis of mod restorations


Ribbond fibers are supposed to be a reinforcing material in restoration of compromised teeth. This study aims to compare MOD restorations with and without Ribbond Fiber in terms of fracture strength under axial loading; to identify the minimum depth of MO

fracture strenghtdirect dental restorationsRibbond fibersdirect dental restorations; fracture strenght; Ribbond fibersGeneral DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS

Mobile money as a driver of digital financial inclusion


Meeting the mobile money needs of the less privileged in developing and emerging markets opens up enormous possibilities for banks and newly emerged financial-technology firms. Many consider mobile money services a separate domain within the banking and payment sector, different from its siblings: automated teller machines, net banking, point-of-sale banking, etc. This study was conducted to investigate how mobile money services act as a reliable driver of digital financial inclusion and to determine the role of mobile money agents in the transformation from the traditional services to mobile money services. This paper presents a conceptual model based on the stimulus-organism-response para…

mobiilimaksaminenpankitmobile money agentstimulus-organism-response theorymobile money technologykäyttöempowermentManagement of Technology and InnovationAfricasähköiset palvelutcontinuous usagevoimaantuminenBusiness and International ManagementApplied Psychology

Estudio Clínico para comparar la eficacia y tolerabilidad de la utilización de velos electrohilados para el tratamiento de pacientes quemados


Introducción: El gold standard del tratamiento quirúrgico de las quemaduras son los autoinjertos de piel parcial. En estudios preclínicos, el uso de un biovelo de ácido poli(láctico-co-glicólico) (PLGA) electrohilado, colocado entre los autoinjertos y su lecho, ha demostrado su potencial para estimular la regeneración dérmica, aumentando el prendimiento y mejorando la calidad de la cicatriz. Adicionalmente, la estructura tridimensional del biovelo y su biodegradabilidad, le confieren un potencial uso como vía de administración de terapias locales. Estas propiedades no han sido todavía evaluadas en ensayos clínicos en humanos. Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comparar intr…

electrohilaturaquemadurabioveloUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAScicatrizinjerto

The Roles of the Internet and Social Media in Political Marketing and Voter Behaviour : A Study of Finnish Parliamentary Elections


This chapter explores the roles of the internet and social media (SM) in political marketing and voter behaviour. We specifically analyse how voters’ use of both offline (television) and online (internet and SM) media to search for political information affects their voting preferences and decision-making. First, we examine how the use of offline and online media for political information differs among various voter groups based on voter demographics. Second, we investigate how the use of offline and online media is linked to voter choice (i.e., voting for a particular party). Our study is based on a voter survey of Finnish parliamentary elections in 2015. The results show a difference in t…

äänestäjätInternetpolitiikkapoliittinen viestintävaikuttaminensosiaalinen mediaäänestyskäyttäytymineneduskuntavaalitverkkoviestintävaalit

"Les graffiti", dans Mathieu Ribolet et Fabienne Creuzenet (dir.), Rapport sur l’opération 2022 Alésia, Monument d’Ucuetis, Secteur nord, p. 182-184


gallo-grecgraffiti[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistorylatin

Improvisasjon i fremmed landskap: En undersøkelse av didaktikk for improvisasjon i trakisk bryllupsmusikk


Gjennom aksjonsforskning undersøker denne masteroppgaven hvordan trekkspilleren Bjørn Petter Tøsses didaktikk kan benyttes og utvikles for å lære ulike elever å improvisere innenfor stilarten trakisk bryllupsmusikk. Undersøkelsen er todelt og starter med at forfatteren selv går i lære hos Tøsse for å både lære å improvisere i stilen og undersøke Tøsses didaktikk. Videre blir didaktikken tilpasset til tre ulike gitar- og bass-elever på universitetsnivå som forfatteren underviser. Oppgaven baserer seg på intervjuer av Tøsse og elevene, og deltakende observasjon gjennom undervisningens to deler.

Lever les freins rencontrés dans l'opérationnalisation de la RSE


[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationRSE

Studienbegleitender und studienvorbereitender Deutschunterricht international (2): Einführung


Mit dieser zweiten Ausgabe der ZIF zum vorliegenden Themenschwerpunkt ist die Erhebung eines Überblicks über die weltweite Situation des studienvorbereitenden und studienbegleitenden Deutschunterrichts vorläufig abgeschlossen. Im Verlaufe dieses Projekts entstand auch eine dritte thematische Ausgabe in der GFL, in die Beiträge aufgenommen wurden, die sich auf den Deutschunterricht für die Zielgruppe nichtmuttersprachlicher Studierender von Deutsch im Haupt- oder Nebenfach konzentrierte. Da die Deutschkenntnisse von StudienanfängerInnen dieser Fächer häufig niedrig sind und der Deutschunterricht zu einem festen Bestandteil ihres Studiums geworden ist, wurde die Definition des studienvorberei…

lcsh:Language and Literaturesaksan kielilcsh:Pstudying languagesZeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht