showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

A scanning electron microscopic study evaluating the sealing ability of MTA, BiodentineTM, and new light-cure MTA used for furcal perforation repair


To evaluate and compare the sealing ability of Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), BiodentineTM and light cure MTA used for the repair of furcal perforations using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The study sample comprised 45 extracted mandibular mola

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Profiles of early career insecurity and its outcomes in adolescence : A four‐wave longitudinal study


This study investigated the developmental profiles of perceived early career insecurity (ECI) and their outcomes among adolescents (n = 1416) during a critical educational transition from basic education to upper secondary education. We found three distinct latent profiles with varying amounts of ECI: Profile 1: Moderate and decreasing ECI before the transition (57%); Profile 2: Low-decreasing ECI before the transition but increasing ECI after the transition (31%); and Profile 3: High and stable ECI during the transition (12%). Moreover, the ECI profiles related to school and life satisfaction as well as to school stress and dropout intentions in a meaningful way consistent with the stresso…

siirtymävaiheetstressearly career insecuritykoulutusnuoretnegative consequenceslongitudinal studyadolescentsstressipitkittäistutkimustransitions

Life Cycle Assessment of road construction: A case study of the E39 Betna-Hestnes road project in Norway


This master thesis assesses the environmental impacts caused by constructing E39 Betna-Hestnes Road Project in Trøndelag County, Norway, by using LCA methodology. additionally, this thesis seeks to identify potential measures that can be implemented to mitigate the project's environmental impacts. Norway has made a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by the year 2030. This thesis is important for Bertelsen and Garpestad who are actively working towards achieving more environmentally friendly road construction. Furthermore, it also serves as a valuable resource for organizations, administrations, and stakeholders involved in the road construction sector, as it provides insig…

Comment on the subdifferential formula given in the article "Algorithmic Analysis and Statistical Estimation of SLOPE via Approximate Message Passing"


Subdifferential formula for the sorted 1 norm attracted lot of attention recently to derive screening procedures for SLOPE [5, 7], clustering and sparsity properties for SLOPE [1, 10] and explicit expressions for the proximal operator of the sorted 1 norm [4, 11]. In this note, we discuss the formula for the subdifferential of the sorted 1 norm given in the article of Bu et al., [3]. We believe that expressing the sorted 1 norm as the maximum of linear functions, as suggested by the authors, is an appropriate approach to derive its subdifferential. However the formula provided in this article contains many flaws and we hope that authors would take into account this note in order to rewrite …

[MATH] Mathematics [math][STAT] Statistics [stat]

Viaggi nell’immaginario: il turismo virtuale nel sito UNESCO di Tarragona


Le nuove tecnologie hanno trasformato in modo radicale non solo la geografia come disciplina, ma anche le geografie del mondo. Il digitale ha assunto, infatti, un ruolo di mediazione sempre più pervasivo nella produzione dello spazio, come delle conoscenze e degli immaginari geografici. Le possibilità offerte dal virtuale, in particolare, offrono oggi un contributo decisivo nella comunicazione dei significati attribuiti ai luoghi e rispondono in modo sempre più efficace ai bisogni emergenti del settore turistico. Le esperienze di visita mediate dal digitale mirano a coinvolgere i sensi e risultano efficaci quando promuovono immersioni rigorosamente realistiche. Nel quadro di queste riflessi…

New technologies have radically transformed not only geography as a discipline but also the geographies of the world. Indeed the digital has assumed an increasingly pervasive mediating role in the production of space as of geographic knowledge and imaginaries. The possibilities offered by the virtual in particular now offer a decisive contribution in communicating the meanings attributed to places and respond increasingly effectively to the emerging needs of the tourism sector. Digitally mediated visitor experiences aim to engage the senses and are effective when they promote rigorously realistic immersions. Within the framework of these reflections the paper highlights the renewed relevance of authenticity both of the tourism experience and of cultural heritage in relation to its potential for attraction and proposes a contextualization of the theme in light of the unprecedented opportunities granted by technologies for the creation of virtual and augmented spaces. The proposed discussion is therefore also a journey aimed at exploring authenticity as a tool through which new technologies can effectively mediate a sense of place and foster brand communication of a destination. The case study is the UNESCO site of Tarragona whose most relevant image for urban policies is presented. This shared figuration spatially defined and rooted in a precise historical moment is reconstructed on the one hand through the analysis of functional documentation for the candidacy and on the other by means of a review of mobile applications developed for the promotion of the city's cultural heritage. The proposed journey and exploration of the place return in light of the research data and in conclusion the central role played by digital technologies in mediating the UNESCO imaginary. The forms of virtual tourism in Tarragona confirm that to travel is to experience a text enveloped in time and inscribed in space.Settore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

Coopetition strategies to achieve a more sustainable clothing industry


The clothing industry has a reputation to operate unethical and unsustainable. Clothing companies are familiar with the issue, but the obstacles are numerous. On the ground of this, coopetition strategies can be the soulution towards a beneficial result. Coopetition strategies is when there is a collaboration between competitors, and the goal of the strategy is fix a common problem that the companies are struggling with. The thesis seeks a beneficial sustainable balance when collaborating with competitors in the clothing industry. The findings and evidence, results in a qualitative method. Five case companies are interviewed, while there was seven interviewees that participated in a semi-st…

The prognostic and predictive role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (FoxP3 + and CD8 +) and tumor-associated macrophages in early HER2 + breast canc…


Purpose In HER2-positive (HER2 +) breast cancer, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) may influence the efficacy of the HER2-antibody trastuzumab and the patient’s outcome. In this HER2 + patient cohort, our aim was to study the numbers of FoxP3 + regulatory TILs and CD8 + cytotoxic TILs, their correlations with CD68 + and CD163 + TAMs, and the prognostic and predictive value of the studied factors. Methods We evaluated 139 non-metastatic HER2 + breast cancer patients operated between 2001 and 2008. The FoxP3+TIL count (FoxP3+TILs) was assessed using the hotspot method, and the CD8 + TIL count (CD8+mTILs) utilizing a digital image analysis from invas…

breast cancerkasvaimetrintasyöpätumor-associated macrophagestumor-infiltrating lymphocytessyöpätauditlymfosyytitmakrofagit

Plantes-microorganismes, orobanche


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Etude du coaching d’un directeur de recherche de l’INRAE. Soutenu publiquement le 9 janvier 2023. Diplôme d’Université « Coaching & Management ». Par…


The world of public research seems at first sight to be very little concerned by themanagement issues of the business world in which the right decisions must be taken and forwhich there is an obligation to perform. The very idea of coaching researchers seemsincongruous. The purpose of this study is to challenge this idea, by describing precisely whatthe profession of researcher is in the world of public research - their belonging to very complexstructures and the demanding challenges they have to face - then by studying thecontributions of cognitive-behavioural coaching methodologies. The analysis of the practiceshows that coaching based on constructivist psychology can lead to a better pra…

constructivist psychologycroyance d’exigenceRecherche publiqueCoaching cognitivo-comportementalPublic research cognitive and behavioural coaching constructivist psychology requirement belief cognitive biases upolepsis letting gocognitive and behavioural coachingupolepsisrequirement beliefbiais cognitifsletting gocognitive biasesPublic researchlâcher-prise[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencespsychologie constructiviste

Choroby rzadkie w etiopatogenezie udaru mózgu


‘Integration is not a one-way process’ : students negotiating meanings of integration and internationalization at home (IaH) in Finnish higher educat…


Internationalization at home (IaH) policies in higher education institutions (HEIs) are rarely negotiated with and by students. Therefore, students’ takes on such policies could be missed opportunities for HEIs. This qualitative study investigates international and local students’ negotiations and meaning-making of integration and IaH as stated by institutional policies. The data consist of online forum entries and reports from small group discussions between 40 students in English medium master’s programs in Finland (Europe). The key concepts of ideology and imaginary serve as entries into data analysis, which consists of enunciative discourse analysis. The findings indicate a perceived hi…

ulkomaalaiset opiskelijatopiskelijatkorkea-asteen koulutusinternational studentsintegrationhospitalityinstitutional policiesintegraatioyliopistotkansainvälistymineninternationalization at homeFinlandlocal students

Miljøøkonomiske virkemidler som drivere til fornybar energi


Med bakgrunn i den imperative rollen av fornybar energi som tilnærming for å forebygge miljøødeleggelser, er kunnskap om effekter av virkemidler avgjørende. I denne studien forsøker jeg å identifisere hvorvidt implementerte miljøøkonomiske virkemidler har en effekt på fornybar energiproduksjon i Norge. Ved anvendelse av autoregressiv distribuert lag (ARDL) modell og en feiljusteringsmodell (ECM) undersøker jeg effekter av inneværende og tidligere pris på utslipp og energirettet forskning og utvikling på produksjonen av fornybar energi i Norge for årene 2005 til 2022. Pris på utslipp måles gjennom den norske karbonavgiften og det omsettelige kvotemarkedet EU ETS. Tidligere verdier av produks…

Syrjäytymisen ehkäisemisen mahdollisuudet yläkoulun musiikinopetuksessa


Tämä kandidaatintutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus nuorten syrjäytymiseen ja sen ehkäisemiseen. Erityisesti keskityn musiikinopettajan näkökulmaan ja siihen, kuinka yläkoulun musiikinopetuksen kautta voisi ehkäistä nuorten syrjäytymistä. Esittelen aihepiiriin liittyvät keskeisimmät tutkimukset sekä siihen liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Avaan käsitteitä: sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, sosiaaliset taidot, vuorovaikutusilmapiiri, ryhmä, syrjäytyminen ja syrjiminen sekä syrjäytymisen riskitekijät ja ehkäiseminen. Pohdin musiikinopettajan roolia syrjäytymisen ehkäisemisessä sekä siihen liittyviä teemoja. Syrjäytyminen on tärkeä aihe sekä yksilön että yhteiskunnan kannalta. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa ha…

positiivinen pedagogiikkamusiikkikasvatusvuorovaikutusnuoretmusiikinopettajatyhteismusisointiennaltaehkäisysyrjäytyminenyläkouluopetusoppilaat

Espacios de saber. Humanismo y reformas religiosas


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

Tieteen sensurointiyritykset ja tutkijoiden itsesensuuri uhkaavat akateemista vapautta


Tunnen tukijoita, jotka ovat hylänneet herkullisen tutkimusaiheen, koska heitä on pelottanut, että he joutuisivat kiistanalaisen aiheen tutkimisen takia vihamielisten tahojen tikun nokkaan. Heitäkin enemmän tunnen tutkijoita, jotka eivät suostu haastateltaviksi mediassa tai jotka eivät puhu julkisissa tilaisuuksissa tutkimuksensa tuloksista heihin kohdistuvien hyökkäysten pelossa. nonPeerReviewed

polarisaatio (yhteiskuntatieteet)uhkailuakateeminen vapaussensuuritutkimustiedepääkirjoituksetvihapuhesananvapaustutkijatitsesensuurihäirintä

Dénutrition et alimentation des personnes âgées


older peopleundernutritionaged[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and Nutritionnutrition[SDV.MHEP.GEG] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Geriatry and gerontologyfoodeating behaviorelderly

Diseño, implantación y evaluación de la eficiencia de un modelo de gestión por procesos de la enfermedad litiásica urinaria en una unidad de litotric…


Diseño, implantación y evaluación de la eficiencia de un modelo de gestión por procesos de la enfermedad litiásica urinaria en una unidad de litotricia. Introducción y Objetivo La enfermedad litiásica (EL) tiene un carácter crónico definido por distintos factores de riesgo que no se han ponderado ni relacionado entre sí, para poder establecer grupos de riesgo, ni establecido su seguimiento. El presente trabajo pretendió coordinar los distintos factores demográficos, metabólicos, anatómicos, etc. que influyen en la EL creando un nuevo modelo de gestión de la misma, basado en la pirámide poblacional de Kaiser-Permanente. Con ello se generó una clasificación de estos pacientes en distintos gru…

litiasis urinariaUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASprevención litiasiscálculo renalgestión por procesos

La dynamique concurrentielle, un cadre théorique pour analyser la stratégie des acteurs publics


Acteurs publicsConcurrence[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration

La pensión solicitada por Nicolás Achúcarro y otros documentos inéditos de Achúcarro y Lafora en los archivos de la Junta para la Ampliación de Estud…


Nicolás Achúcarro Lund (Bilbao, 1880-Guecho, 1918) es probablemente uno de los personajes científicos más brillantes de la hoy universalmente reconocida Escuela Histológica Española. A pesar de su corta vida, ya que falleció sin haber cumplido los 38 años, su producción científica es muy abundante y de gran trascendencia neurocientífica. Su obra micrográfica abre paso a la genial obra llevada a cabo por su principal discípulo Pío del Río-Hortega. Ambos personajes son sin duda responsables de la investigación neuropatológica más relevante que se ha producido en nuestro país. El objeto del presente estudio es dar noticia y difusión de un manuscrito de Achúcarro redactado en agosto de 1907, pr…


How can algorithms help in segmenting users and customers? : A systematic review and research agenda for algorithmic customer segmentation


What algorithm to choose for customer segmentation? Should you use one algorithm or many? How many customer segments should you create? How to evaluate the results? In this research, we carry out a systematic literature review to address such central questions in customer segmentation research and practice. The results from extracting information from 172 relevant articles show that algorithmic customer segmentation is the predominant approach for customer segmentation. We found researchers employing 46 different algorithms and 14 different evaluation metrics. For the algorithms, K-means clustering is the most employed. For the metrics, separation-focused metrics are slightly more prevalent…

customer segmentationmachine learningkoneoppiminenAIalgoritmittekoälyalgorithmssystemaattiset kirjallisuuskatsauksetasiakassegmentointi

Lo femenino en la religión de Buda. El ayer y el hoy


Este dosier complementa la obra ‘El lugar de las mujeres en la historia’ y ha sido elaborado por el mismo equipo investigador. Con idéntica articulación por capítulos, las propuestas de trabajo, eminentemente prácticas, se han pensado para incitar a la reflexión –tanto en las aulas como fuera de ellas– acerca de los diversos itinerarios de la historia de las mujeres. Fragmentos de obra escrita, imágenes y propuestas de actividades conforman una guía para que quien lea la obra amplíe sus saberes para obtener un conocimiento claro y provechoso, una visión más veraz y completa de nuestra historia, una historia de hombres y mujeres, de lo que fuimos y de lo que somos. Isabel Morant, Rosa Ríos y…

patriarcadocoeducaciónfeminismoUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia generalmisoginiacoeducativomaterial didácticoinclusivoUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA::Grupos Sociales::Posición social de la mujer

E-portfolio e flipped classroom: un’indagine esplorativa con i futuri insegnanti di scuola primaria


Il contributo intende far riflettere sul tema della formazione dei futuri insegnanti di scuola primaria, a partire dall’impiego dell’e-portfolio come dispositivo innovativo per promuovere l’acquisizione della competenza riflessiva e autovalutativa all’interno della flipped classroom. La ricerca, che ha coinvolto 154 studenti del Corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze della Formazione Primaria dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo, che frequentavano il corso di Docimologia nell’anno accademico 2020/2021, presenta i presupposti teorici, gli obiettivi e le modalità operative di un percorso che ha visto l’impiego dell’e-portfolio nella flipped per promuovere lo sviluppo delle competenze docimol…

The study aims to reflect on the training of future primary school teachers by starting from the use of the e-portfolio as an innovative tool to promote the acquisition of reflective and self-evaluation competence within the flipped classroom. The research involved 154 students of Primary Education Master’s Degree Course of the University of Palermo attending to the Docimology course during the academic year 2020/2021. This paper presents the theoretical assumptions objectives and operating methods of a path that made the use of the e-portfolio in flipped classroom to promote the development of docimological skills in higher education. It was hypothesized that the training intervention designed according to the principles of the flippmethodology and through the use of the e-portfolio would have contributed to the development of students’ self-evaluation skills during the 30 hours of the Docimology course.Settore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia Sperimentale

Sicilian silver in Malta: an eighteenth century ciborium in Mdina


A ciborium in the cathedral museum in Mdina is here identified as a work by the Sicilian silversmith Decio Furnò, made in Syracuse in 1781–82. It was commissioned by a Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, Fra’ Corrado Arezzo e Zacco.

Settore L-ART/02 - Storia Dell'Arte ModernaDecio Furnò Sicilian Decorative Arts Syracuse Fra’ Corrado Arezzo e Zacco.

Figure della maternità e itinerari dell’attesa negli oggetti del Museo etnografico siciliano Giuseppe Pitrè


Il contributo propone una riflessione sul tema della maternità che lega, come un filo rosso, gli oggetti del Museo etnografico siciliano Giuseppe Pitrè e ne struttura la narrazione. Lo sguardo rivolto alle collezioni e al loro ordinamento restituisce la centralità di una tematica che riflette il senso profondo della cultura che gli oggetti comunicano e svela, attraverso i suoi simboli, i significati contestuali delle sue figure: le madri e i loro corpi, le madrine e i loro ruoli, le levatrici e le loro potenzialità. The contribution proposes a reflection on the theme of motherhood that links the objects of the Sicilian Ethnographic Museum Giuseppe Pitrè as a core idea and a narrative struct…

Figures of motherhood symbols Sicilian Ethnographic Museum Giuseppe PitrèSettore M-DEA/01 - Discipline Demoetnoantropologiche

50 years of fiber solitons


The study of temporal solitons has revolutionized fiber optics, yielded new classes of ultrafast laser and opened multiple interdisciplinary applications.

[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics][NLIN] Nonlinear Sciences [physics]

L’appréhension de l’inceste non-consenti par le droit pénal. Réflexions comparatistes sur l’usage du mot inceste en droit pénal


Les infractions sexuelles visant des personnes vulnérables soulèvent deux types de problème. D’abord, celle de l’appréhension du consentement à une relation sexuelle pour les personnes au-dessus de l’âge de la majorité sexuelle. Ensuite, celle de l’effet psychologique que de telles infractions peuvent avoir sur les victimes et qui justifient une modulation du régime de prescription. Au sein de ces débats, certaines spécificités ressortent s’agissant des relations intra-familiales non consenties. L’appréhension du consentement sexuel peut en effet être rendue compliquée par de telles relations. De même, l’effet psychologique de l’inceste pourrait en théorie justifier certaines normes dérogat…

prescription[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Lawdroit pénal symboliqueincestedroit comparéinfractions sexuelles

Napoleone Colajanni e il socialismo


Il socialismo, nella visione di Napoleone Colajanni, avrebbe operato meglio se alla lotta di classe si fosse sostituito il metodo di un avanzamento graduale di innovazioni e riforme da applicare ai diversi ambiti della società. Stava qui, secondo lui, la chiave di lettura di un socialismo davvero scientifico, insieme alla possibilità di pervenire a una patria effettivamente repubblicana caratterizzata da un ampio decentramento diramato in forma federale e municipale. Questo suo approccio intellettuale ne pone l’opera all’interno di un dibattito sul pensiero socialista non appena italiano, ma senz’altro europeo.

Settore SPS/02 - Storia Delle Dottrine PoliticheNapoleone Colajanni questione sociale socialismo positivismo mazzinianesimo

Urheilijoiden hyvinvointi unohtuu olympiatasolla



Sembra facile dire Metaverso


La "logica culturale" del Metaverso risiede nel sua natura gaming e nel suo carattere di media spaziale. The "cultural logic" of the Metaverse lies in its gaming nature and spatial media character.

Settore L-ART/06 - Cinema Fotografia E TelevisioneMetaverse postdigital digital media digital culture

Le impugnazioni ordinarie: tra efficienza e snellimento


The paper analyses numerous changes introduced by the so called "Cartabia reform" to the appeal and to the proceedings in front of the Supreme Court. A complex reform aimed at reducing the duration of appeal proceedings that raises some concerns on the guarantees side.

defenceSettore IUS/16 - Diritto Processuale PenalevictimAppealinadmissibility.Supreme court

Recensión obra de Byung-Chul, HAN, Infocracia, la digitalización y la crisis de la democracia., Editorial Taurus, Santiago de Chile, 2022


Esta última obra de Byung-Chul Han, no puede dejar indiferente a na-die, como la mayoría de las obras del autor. La realidad es analizada desde la rigurosidad académica que le distingue, a través de un lenguaje sencillo, que llega al gran público con extrema facilidad, quizás por su posición como profesor en la Universidad de las Artes de Berlín, tratar temas complejos de forma sencilla, es una cualidad difícil de encontrar, que Han desarrolla de maravilla.En esta oportunidad el profesor Han denuncia la crisis de la democracia liberal, señalando que la esfera pública y la opinión pública, se encuentran en una mutación constante gracias a los vastos procesos de digitalización de la comunicac…

infocraciacrisisUNESCO::FILOSOFÍAdemocracianoticias falsas

A new approach to stress of conscience's dimensionality : Hindrance and violation stressors and their role in experiencing burnout and turnover inten…


Aims To identify a valid, longitudinally invariant factor model for stress of conscience and to investigate how stress of conscience dimensions associate with burnout and turnover intentions. Background There has been a lack of consensus about the number and content of stress of conscience dimensions, and a lack of longitudinal studies on its development and outcomes. Design A longitudinal, person-centred survey study using the STROBE checklist. Methods Healthcare personnel (n = 306) rated their stress of conscience in 2019 and 2021. Longitudinal latent profile analysis was used to identify different subgroups based on the employees' experiences. These subgroups were then compared in terms …

burnoutstress of conscience (SC)työhyvinvointiammattietiikkafactor analysisstressiuupumustyövoiman vaihtuvuusturnover intentionsterveydenhuoltohenkilöstöorganizational turnoverarvot (käsitykset)omatuntotyön kuormittavuuspsyykkinen kuormittavuuslatent profile analysistyöntekijätprofessional turnover

Between the Pillory Treatment and Reliable Clarification:On the Role of the Media in Response to the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church in Po…


Towards a Green Energy Transition: REPowerEU Directive vs Environmental Acquis


The article provides a brief overview and assessment of the proposed measures against the respective political and legal background. It shows that the proposed measures, while generally guided by legitimate objectives, were not properly balanced with the other EU environmental policies. In this context it claims lack of a profound debate regarding the scope and means for such balancing and considers this as a fundamental issue to be addressed before submitting any concrete measures. It then compares the proposed measures with some of the official proclamations in the Europesan Green Deal and shows issues of concern in relation to some of the concrete proposed measures. Finally, it assesses …

Earth-Surface Processeselni Review

Przemijające zaburzenia pamięci u 62-letniego mężczyzny – opis przypadku


Stany Nagłe po Dyplomie

Effects of six weeks intake berberis vulgaris L, cornus mas, garlic and lemon in combination with aerobic or resistance exercise on the fat metabolis…


Obesity is a worldwide epidemic problem which is among the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and 30% of mortality. Previous investigations have demonstrated that mortality from CVD is more than three times higher in obese people than in normal-weight people. Due to these facts, it is necessary to continue the efforts to control obesity and overweight. Medication, health education and diet are the most common ways to manage and control obesity. As well as the implementation of a specific nutritional style along with the practice of physical exercise, are the most traditionally used methods to treat obesity. Physical exercise, represent an effective strategy to prev…

obesityherbal medicineUNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICASphysical activity