showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Nouvelles données sur l'occupation tardo-antique du site de hauteur de Châtel d'Arruffens (Montricher)
Accroché au flanc du Jura, avec un panorama imprenable sur le lac Léman et la chaîne des Alpes, l’éperonbarré de Châtel d’Arruffens est l’un des sites emblématiques de Suisse occidentale. Lieu stratégique et de prestige à l’âge du Bronze, il est réinvesti dans l’Antiquité tardive. De nouvelles investigations associées à un réexamen des collections anciennes offrent un éclairage inédit, loin du mythe des « sites-refuges » qui a longtemps caractérisé les occupations perchées de cette période.
Exploring current and desired teleworking frequency in the Paris Metropolitan Area
Shamisen som kompositorisk ankerpunkt
Denne oppgaven utgjør en del et mitt kunstneriske utviklingsarbeid og fokuseres mot min rolle som komponist, der mine egne originale verk er objektet for utforskning. Hovedformålet med oppgaven er å undersøke innvirkningen japansk tradisjonsmusikk kan ha på min signatur som komponist. For å avgrense oppgaven ytterligere er det japanske musikkinstrumentet shamisen i fokus.
Bases para un entendimiento garantista de los Delitos de Peligro Abstracto y análisis de los mismos en los Códigos Penales Mexicanos
En el trabajo a través de los primeros tres capítulos, se abordaron conceptos teóricos, buscando con ello contar con un bagaje teórico que, nos permitiera analizar adecuadamente cada uno de los Códigos penales de México y el Código penal español, con respecto a los delitos de peligro abstracto contenidos en cada uno de ellos. Así, en el capítulo primero se revisó las bases teóricas del tema del peligro, desarrollo de las teorías subjetivas, objetivas y eclécticas del peligro, algunas instituciones dogmáticas que dependen del concepto de peligro y el concepto normativo de peligro. El capítulo segundo, se enfocó a los delitos de peligro, donde distinguimos los diferentes tipos de delitos de p…
Liikkujien määrän mittaamisessa tarvitaan monia menetelmiä
Liikuntatieteen ja maantieteen osaamista yhdistäneestä Yhdenvertainen liikunnallinen lähiö (YLLI) -hankkeessa kertyi tietoa Helsingin Kontulan ja Jyväskylän Huhtasuon liikuntapaikkojen käytöstä ja käyttäjistä. Samalla karttui kokemuksia eri mittausmenetelmistä. Käyttöä on niin laskureille, havainnoinnille, somedatalle kuin kyselyille. nonPeerReviewed
Fault Detection and Diagnostics of Hydraulic Systems in Hydroelectric Power Plants
Most hydroelectric power plants experience few faults during their lifetime. However, with the expected increase in volatile energy sources in the energy mix and the use of hydroelectric power plants as balancing mechanisms, the wear and tear on system components may rise. This is where fault detection and diagnosis can significantly improve maintenance regimes. A mechanism within the plant that signals when components are under distress can be both cost-efficient and increase the plant's reliability. The hydraulic system that regulates the flow of water through the turbine is one of those systems that can be affected if the operation of the plants deviates from established norms. This thes…
Relasjonen mellom ulike typer treneratferd og utbrenthet i idrett
Sammendrag Trenerens holdninger og atferd antas å kunne spille en viktig rolle i utvikling og forebygging av utbrenthet, spesielt gjennom påvirkning av lederstilen. Denne studiens hovedformål var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom ulike typer treneratferd og utbrenthet blant idrettsutøvere innenfor lagidretter. Studien undersøkte også forekomsten av utbrenthet i utvalget. Utvalget i studien består av både mannlige og kvinnelige elite- og ikke-eliteutøvere innenfor idrettene fotball, håndball, innebandy og ishockey, hvor totalt 425 utøvere deltok. Studien er en tverrsnittstudie, og datainnsamlingen ble gjennomført ved bruk av en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse. Utbrenthet ble målt ved bruk av «A…
Wiekopomne dzieło przez wrogów Polski szaleństwem nazwane, które życzliwi z radością przyjęli, czyli historia i teraźniejszość Konstytucji 3 Maja
Hateholders and Brandjacking : Negative Engagement of Customers and Stakeholders
Social and real-time media allow customers and other stakeholders to easily voice their opinions online when brands or organisations fail to meet their expectations. Such outbursts, which are often addressed through corporate public relations and crisis communication, are labelled negative stakeholder engagement. This study focuses on negative stakeholder engagement behaviour on the social media platform Twitter. Data collected from discussions on two telecommunication companies’ Twitter accounts, one in Finland and the other in Australia, are used to illustrate the different forms of negative engagement behaviours. peerReviewed
Vondt, valdsamt, vedvarande. Teoretiske perspektiv på traume og traumelitteratur, og litterære analysar av Herbjørg Wassmos Huset med den blinde glas…
Painful, violent, insidious. Theoretical perspectives on trauma and trauma literature, and literary analyses of Herbjørg Wassmo’s House with the blind glass windows, Per Petterson’s In the wake and Brit Bildøen’s Seven days in August Literary trauma studies examine how literature deals with different aspects of trauma and is characterized by a theoretical and thematical orientation towards trauma as a complex phenomenon and concept. Researchers within the field have a shared focus on questions of how various traumatic experiences, individual and collective, challenge language and how literature depict traumatic events and the effects of trauma. The field is developing rapidly and it is char…
Translational genomics for identifying the biological functions linked to pulse stress resistance and adaptation to agroecological cropping systems
Legumes, and especially pulses, are an important source of protein for food and feed, and areappreciated for their positive impact on the “one health”. However, their unstable yields andtheir susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses highlight the need for varietal improvement inorder to increase the cultivated areas and productivity. With the advent of sequencingtechnologies, a large pool of genetic and -omic resources, heterogeneous at the inter- and intraspecies scale, is emerging. Thus, it is important to capitalize on these scattered heterogeneousdata to develop translational research and boost breeding projects and crop diversification.To meet this need, we undertook the developme…
Rifle and aiming point accelerations do not differ between the most and least accurate shots in biathlon shooting within an athlete
Abstract Study aim: As studies from shooting disciplines other than biathlon have observed associations between weapon accelerations and shooting performance, this study investigated whether accelerations of the rifle stock and aiming point (the point on the target where the rifle is aimed at) are associated with shooting performance, and differences in rifle and aiming point accelerations between the most and least accurate shots. Further, associations between rifle and aiming point accelerations were studied. Materials and methods: Shooting performance (HitDist, hit point distance from the center of the target) along with rifle and aiming point accelerations were measured from nine biathl…
From Brave New World to Ready Player One; yesterday's dystopias as tomorrow's utopias
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the evolution of literary utopias and dystopias in light of what I consider to be the new master narrative of post-humanism. The inspiration for this project has been Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus (2017), which details some of the challenges and opportunities we might face in the future. This thesis will therefore explore the themes of his work and try to assess how this technological and ideological development changes our perception of an ideal society. I start this project by clarifying utopia and dystopia, before delving into a history of post-humanist ideology up to the present moment. This thesis then attempts a reading of Brave New World (…
Il mutuo fondiario e la violazione del limite di importo massimo finanziabile: “scotismo” e onnipotenza delle etichette
Il commento analizza una sentenza della Sezioni Unite e affronta il tema delle conseguenze civilistiche dell’erogazione di un mutuo fondiario in misura superiore rispetto al limite di importo massimo finanziabile, stabilito dalla Banca d’Italia in forza dell’art. 38, comma 2, T.U.B. La pronuncia si presenta di grande interesse perché correttamente esclude che il superamento di tale limite possa comportare la nullità del contratto di finanziamento, pervenendo a conclusioni in larga parte condivisibili tanto sui presupposti quanto sulle caratteristiche della nullità per violazione di norme imperative. Non altrettanto fondata si rivela, invece, l’ulteriore conclusione contraria al riconoscimen…
Egelands verk etter innlemmelsen i Jacob Aall & Søn
Abstract The purpose on this work has been to shed light on the incorporation of Egeland Ironworks into Jacob Aall & Søn, and issues connected to this leading up to the bankruptcy in 1884. First, I present Egeland ironworks trade network through receipts. The main source material has been receipts that stem from 1873 to 1875. Egeland ironworks had a large network with a wide set of products they could produce. To the countries Egeland ironworks traded with, Germany was the most important, followed by Great Britain, Switzerland and Denmark. Still, the trade was highly centered around Norway and Germany with over 85 percent of the receipts going to these two countries. In the second part of t…
Idee polityki i komunikowania : księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Mateuszowi Nieciowi z okazji 40-lecia pracy naukowej
Un dilettantismo felice: ricostruzione testuale di Tvergastein
For the past few years - few compared to the long historical duration of the human species on Earth - we have been witnessing a profound cultural revolution, perhaps even an anthropological one. Cultural because, after all, this revolution concerns first and foremost knowledge - and before that, belief, and after that, everyday life, human and social experience, and widespread sensitivity. Anthropological because this knowledge is essentially ethnological, of an ethnology that, however, denies itself in order to embrace the totality of things, or, better, to allow itself a holistic look that is not only aimed at homo, in order to attribute to itself an object of study, a much broader field …
Phrasèmes terminologiques et collocations technolectales
Computer Vision on X-ray Data in Industrial Production and Security Applications: A Comprehensive Survey
X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using com…
"Vi ønsker oss flere vedtak enn det vi får!" - En kvalitativ studie av hvilke erfaringer og ønsker barnehagelærere har til PP- tjenestens systemrette…
Temaet i denne studien har vært PP- tjenestens systemarbeid og deres samarbeid med barnehagene. Fokuset har vært rettet mot barnehagelærernes perspektiv på disse fenomenene. Det har blitt undersøkt hvordan barnehagelærere forstår PP- tjenestens systemmandat, samt hvilke forventninger barnehagelærere har til samarbeidet med PP- tjenesten. Det ble gjennomført fire kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med informanter som alle hadde grunnutdannelse som barnehagelærer. Informantene representerte tre ulike barnehager i en kommune i Norge. Det ble gjennomført en tematisk analyse av datamaterialet. Den teoretiske innrammingen har tatt utgangspunkt i utdanningspolitiske dokumenter for å kartlegge utvikl…
Utvikling av bokstavkunnskap på 1. trinn
Formålet med denne studien har vært å undersøke hvordan et utvalg lærere arbeider med bokstavinnlæring på 1.trinn. Oppgaven skal svare på problemstillingen: Hvordan legger lærere til rette for utvikling av elevers bokstavkunnskap på 1.trinn? For å undersøke dette har vi brukt både observasjon og intervju som metode. Vårt utvalg av informanter består av fire 1. klasselærere ved fire ulike skoler. Vi observerte to undervisningsøkter hos hver lærer, og hadde et semistrukturert intervju med hver av lærerne. Resultatene viser at lærerne gjør mye likt i undervisningen for å utvikle elevers bokstavkunnskap. Alle informantene introduserer elevene for to bokstaver i uka, bruker en rekkeføl…
Aspekter av algebraisk tenkning i problemløsningsoppgaver: En kvalitativ studie av elevers introduksjon og forståelse av algebra på mellomtrinnet.
Temaet for masteroppgaven er algebraisk tenkning og forståelse. Tidligere studier viser til at elever i den norske skole opplever algebra som utfordrende (Kaarstein et al., 2020). Det vil derfor være hensiktsmessig å rette fokuset mot hvordan elever utrykker sin algebraiske tenkning og forståelse, for å videreutvikle undervisningen i skolen. Algebra og problemløsning er forankret i læreplanen (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019) og leder inn mot vår problemstilling. Forskningsspørsmålet som denne studien baserer seg på er: Hvordan kommer algebraisk tenkning og forståelse for begreper til syne i sammenheng med ekvivalens, uttrykk og likninger når elever på 7. trinn løser problemer ved bruk av regn…
Impacto emocional en adolescentes de Ecuador tras seis meses del inicio de la pandemia Covid-19
Durante el brote de enfermedades infecciosas y su propagación, las reacciones psicológicas de la población juegan un papel fundamental en las estrategias de afrontamiento, como en la aparición de ansiedad, miedo, tristeza, depresión durante la enfermedad y después de ella. La pandemia ha generado un gran impacto en la salud emocional, especialmente de adolescentes que presentan aspectos vulnerables, como enfermedades físicas o mentales previas, familiares con la enfermedad, conflictos económicos, exceso de información en redes acerca de estadísticas de fallecimiento y propagación de la enfermedad. El objetivo general es analizar los predictores del distrés emocional (ansiedad, depresión y e…
Topical treatment of oral chronic graft-versus-host- disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: A systematic review
Oral graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This study systematically reviewed Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with the objective to investigate the effectiveness and side effects of topical agents used for the treatment of oral GVHD. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to perform this study. An electronic search of four databases was conducted. RCTs published between January 2011 and March 2022 were included that were carried out on hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving topical treatment for oral GVHD. The Critical Ap…
Water leaching of roasted vanadium slag : Desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate from vanadium solution
This research investigated water leaching of roasted vanadium slag and studied the effects of leaching parameters, such as agitation speed, temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, and leaching time. Further, solution purification via desiliconization and precipitation of ammonium vanadate were studied using the vanadium solution obtained from the water leaching of roasted vanadium slag. Vanadium solution contains residual silicon (1.67 g/L), which should be removed before ammonium vanadate precipitation. Based on the results, vanadium can be effectively recovered from vanadium slag and a recovery efficiency of 96.9% was obtained under optimal water leaching conditions. During solution purificat…
VADER: A novel decay station for actinide spectroscopy
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 540, 148 - 150 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.021
Il procedimento disciplinare nelle pubbliche amministrazioni nella recente giurisprudenza di legittimità
il saggio esamina i recenti orientamenti della cassazione in materia di procedimento disciplinare nel lavoro pubblico
Phosphine Ligands Based on the Ferrocenyl Platform: Advances in Catalytic Cross-Couplings
Ferrocenyl skeletons tagged with a variety of donor atoms (metalloligands) have become popular in modern metal-catalyzed organic transformations, broadening the applications. Ferrocenylphosphines, such as 1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppf), have been widely used as metalloligands in academic and industrial research, motivating further investigation into novel ferrocenylphosphine ligands. The current review concentrated non-exhaustively on emblematic applications of different ferrocenylphosphine ligands in transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling strategies. Initially, the stereochemical aspects of the ferrocenyl skeleton, nomenclature, and applications of chiral ferrocenyl phosphine…
Changement climatique : des vignerons en quête d’une viticulture durable
Dans le Pays châtillonnais, un groupe de viticulteurs a été créé. Son objectif ? Réduire l’utilisation des produits phytosanitaires et anticiper les conséquences du changement climatique sur la vigne.
Reconstrucció del paisatge rural i urbà d'Almenara i La Llosa entre els segle XIII al XVI
La tesi titulada «Reconstrucció del paisatge rural i urbà d'Almenara i La Llosa entre els segles XIII-XVI», aprofundeix en l'evolució del paisatge cultural d'ambdós municipis i l'estudi de la seua població. Amb la finalitat de valorar els béns culturals municipals d'aquest període i destacar-ne la rellevància i les funcions en el passat. Cosa que possibilita una millor acceptació en el manteniment i en el respecte d'aquests béns en la societat actual. El paisatge constitueix una realitat dinàmica, ja que és resultat de processos ambientals, socials i culturals que s'han succeït al llarg del temps en el territori. Aquests processos estan marcats per les maneres de vida, les polítiques, les a…
Desarrollo y análisis de sensores inalámbricos y sistemas asociados de IoT
En los últimos años, la tecnología del Internet de las cosas (IoT) se ha vuelto cada vez más importante. Al ofrecer un medio para conectar dispositivos y establecer conexiones en tiempo real, el IoT ha facilitado el monitoreo y la gestión de entidades tangibles, como electrodomésticos, vehículos y edificios. Típicamente, un sistema IoT incorpora numerosos dispositivos que se comunican entre sí a través de gateways y servidores en la nube que alojan aplicaciones web y móviles. Los usuarios finales pueden interactuar sin problemas con sus dispositivos IoT, lo que les otorga una mayor accesibilidad y conveniencia. Dado su capacidad para proporcionar control y automatización en tiempo real, el …
Dydaktyka historii : nowe perspektywy
Agriculture : un puissant herbicide pour les céréaliers bientôt interdit. France 2. JT 19/20 heures mercredi 15 fevrier 2023
Elle, melle, deg fortelle! Hvilken forståelse av barns seksualitet skal gjelde?
Våre oppfatninger og forståelser av barns seksualitet i barnehagen bærer som oftest preg av ulike diskurser. Med andre ord hvordan vi språklig forhandler våre ideer og forestillinger inn i en meningsutveksling og i samspill med andre. I denne masteroppgaven har det vært et mål å få klarhet i hvilke diskurser som dominerer og som derfor også preger de oppfatningene som blir gjeldene rundt barn og seksualitet i barnehagen i dag. Og hva dette innebærer for den barnehagepraksisen som utøves i dag. De empiriske dataene har kommet til ved bruk av fokusgruppesamtaler i seks ulike barnehager, der samtaler med ulike grupper av barnehagelærere har bidratt inn og på den måten synliggjort de fremtreden…
Mentiras piedosas para lugares de memória? O mito das Cortes de Lamego na história constitucional de Portugal
Despite their dubious authenticity, the laws adopted at the Cortes de Lamego of 1143 (an equally disputed date) were seen as the basis of Portugal's customary constitution from the time of their timely rediscovery in the early 17th century during Spanish rule (1580-1640). Until the period of the New State (1933-1974), their political and constitutional use served almost every cause, even the most opposed: Portuguese independence, at the time of the Restoration (1640-1668); national sovereignty and human constituent power at the time of the liberal revolution of Porto (1820-1822); the submission of men to the divine constituent power, implying the respect of the historical and/or natural con…
Parte III Capitolo VII I fattori della produzione agricola
this chapter analyzes the sources of financing of agricultural activities, the risks that companies face in the market and the discipline of the crisis.