showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Essai sur la demande d'éducation


International audience

Théorie du capital humain[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDemande d'éducationFrance[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEnseignement supérieur

La Pobla de Farnals (Área Metropolitana de Valencia)


GeografíaUNESCO::HISTORIAUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaDesarrollo urbanoGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]Áreas metropolitanasPoblación

Laser light scattering and polydispersity of polymers


The application of lasers to light scattering improves the potentials of elastic scattering, especially in the high molecular weight range and enables the technique of inelastic scattering to be used. For elastic light scattering an experimental arrangement and an evaluation method is described which allows, within appropriate molecular weight ranges, the determination of the ratio Mw/Mn from the experimental scattering function with an accuracy down to 0.02. The newer technique of inelastic light scattering yields the coefficient of translational diffusion D. Besides D, the friction coefficient f is also directly accessible. The basic equations are reported, as well as an application to mi…

Materials sciencebusiness.industryScatteringGeneral EngineeringMultiangle light scatteringInelastic scatteringSmall-angle neutron scatteringMolecular physicsLight scatteringOpticsAnalytical light scatteringStatic light scatteringBiological small-angle scatteringbusinessJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia

Higher-order effects for the coupling constant in asymptotically free theories


It is shown that the two-loop contribution to the Callan-Symanzik $\ensuremath{\beta}$ function leads to an effective coupling constant which may be quite different from the value obtained from the standard one-loop calculation. This correction is larger than that due to finite quark masses. Possible implications for the comparison between asymptotically free theories and experiment are discussed.

QuarkRenormalizationPhysicsCoupling constantQuantum mechanicsQuark modelOrder (ring theory)Function (mathematics)Gauge theoryQuantum field theoryPhysical Review D

Violurato complexes of transition metals.


Inorganic ChemistryTransition metalChemistryInorganic chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryInorganica Chimica Acta

Algorithm AS 105: Fitting a Covariance Selection Model to a Matrix


Statistics and ProbabilityMatrix (mathematics)Computer scienceStatistics Probability and UncertaintyCovarianceAlgorithmPartial correlationSelection (genetic algorithm)Applied Statistics

Zur inversvoltammetrischen Bestimmung des Zinks in Grundlösungen mit Triäthanolamin


Zur inversvoltammetrischen Bestimmung des Zinks werden triathanolaminhaltige Grundlosungen vorgeschlagen. Der Einflus niederschlagbildender Ionen ist in diesen Grundlosungen erheblich herabgesetzt. Arbeitsbedingungen fur die Zinkbestimmung werden angegeben.

ChemistryClinical BiochemistryGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral MedicineAnalytical ChemistryNuclear chemistryFresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie

Caractéristiques et conditions de réussite, d'échec ou d'abandon à l'Université de Dijon


International audience; Cet article donne les très grandes lignes d'une recherche engagée pour le compte du Service d'Études et d'Informations Statistiques du Secrétariat d'État aux Universités. La recherche s'appuie sur une enquête longitudinale menée à l'Université de Dijon depuis la rentrée 1974. Le texte donne très rapidement les caractéristiques des inscriptions universitaires dans les différentes filières et est principalement centré sur la construction de modèles de réussite. Ces modèles multivariés, qui ont fait l'objet de recherches méthodologiques spécifiques, permettent de séparer les effets des différentes variables et de calculer les probabilités de réussite de n'importe quel é…

Réussite universitaire[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationBourgogneÉchec universitaireFranceAbandon des étudesEnseignement supérieurUniversité de Bourgogne

Un conflicto de señoríos en la España del siglo XVI: pleito entre la vilal de Alhama de Murcia y su señor el Marqués de los Vélez (1548-1592)


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Finite-energy sum rules and finite dispersion relations for K*→Kππ transitions


PhysicsQuantum mechanicsDispersion relationGeneral Physics and AstronomySum rule in quantum mechanicsEnergy (signal processing)Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2

Nota preliminar sobre las excavaciones en la pendiente sur del cerro del castillo de Sagunto


lcsh:CHumanidadeslcsh:Archaeologylcsh:CC1-960lcsh:Auxiliary sciences of historyHistoriaUNESCO::HISTORIA::Ciencias auxiliares de la historia::Arqueología:HISTORIA::Ciencias auxiliares de la historia::Arqueología [UNESCO]

Optik und allgemeine Strahlungslehre


Sichtbares Licht ist eine von der Sonne oder anderen Lichtquellen ausgesandte, im Raum sich ausbreitende Strahlung, die beim Auftreffen auf einen undurchsichtigen Korper diesen zu erwarmen vermag und die in unserem Auge eine Empfindung hervorruft. Die Lichtstrahlung ubertragt also Energie. Da das Licht der Sonne durch den leeren Weltraum zu uns gelangt, ist zu seiner Ausbreitung im Gegensatz zum Schall kein materielles Medium erforderlich. Wie wir spater durch Experimente bestatigen werden (Abschn. 7.4), handelt es sich bei der Lichtausbreitung um einen Wellenvorgang, und zwar um elektromagnetische Wellen. Diese haben jedoch eine viel kurzere Wellenlange als die von Dipolantennen ausgestrah…

La democracia-ficción


Se desconoce si la versión original del artículo, escrita en 1976, fue publicada en alguna revista política antes de recogerse en "Del Franquismo a una democracia de clase".

DemocraciaPublicaciones: Obra periodística: Artículos en revistas políticasVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICATransiciónFranquismo

Origine et rôle du cuivre et du fer dans la fabrication de la moutarde de Dijon


National audience

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]CATALYSE[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]MOUTARDE BRUNESONComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

La ganaderia valenciana en el siglo XVI


UNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaGanadería:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]

Demografía y alimentación en la baronía de Pedralba y Bugarra (1610-1720)


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Effect of coronary perfusion rate on the hydrolysis of exogenous and endogenous acetylcholine in the isolated heart


1. The effect of perfusion rate on the hydrolysis of acetylcholine in isolated chicken hearts was studied by measuring both the spontaneous and the evoked output of endogenous acetylcholine into the perfusate in response to vagal stimulation and the arterio-venous difference of exogenous acetylcholine. 2. A decrease in the perfusion rate from 30 to 20 and 10 ml/min caused a graded and significant decline of both the spontaneous overflow of acetylcholine and the overflow evoked by stimulation of both vagus nerves (20 Hz, 1 ms, 40V) for 20 min. The spontaneous and evoked overflow at 30 ml/min were 2 and 3 times, respectively, the overflow at 10 ml/min. 3. Physostigmine (10−6M) raised both the…

medicine.medical_specialtyPhysostigminePhysostigmineEndogenyStimulationIn Vitro TechniquesHydrolysisCoronary CirculationInternal medicinemedicineExtracellularAnimalsCholinesterasePharmacologybiologyChemistryHydrolysisMyocardiumVagus NerveGeneral MedicineAcetylcholineElectric StimulationPerfusionEndocrinologybiology.proteinChickensPerfusionAcetylcholinemedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology

El censo redimible y al quitar: un mecanismo real de transferencia de la propiedad


:HISTORIA::Historia moderna [UNESCO]HumanidadesUNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia modernaHistoria

Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of clusters Mn2(CO)8[μ-Sn(hal)Mn(CO)5]2 (hal = Cl, Br) and related Mn and Re compounds


Abstract In order to be acquainted with the nature of bonds at Sn involved in the title compounds, as well as to get information on the configuration of the strictly related derivatives I2Sn2Mn4(CO)18 and Cl2Sn2Re4(CO)18, the Mossbauer spectroscopic investigation reported in this paper has been carried out. The experimental parameters (isomer shifts, δ; nuclear quadrupole splittings, ΔE; for the bromide derivative only, the asymmetry parameter η and the sign of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant e2qQ) have been discussed in connection with data concerning compounds with tin-transition metal bonds, mainly hal2Sn[Mn(CO)5]2 (hal = Cl, Br) and ClSn[Mn(CO)5]3. Rationalizations of ΔE and η …

Coupling constantChemistryQuadrupole splittingRelated derivativesInorganic ChemistryFormalism (philosophy of mathematics)chemistry.chemical_compoundCrystallographyBromideComputational chemistryQuadrupoleMössbauer spectroscopyMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMetallic bondingInorganica Chimica Acta

Profesors Antons Kolotijevskis: personālais literatūras rādītājs


Saturs: Priekšvārds. Ģeogrāfijas zinātņu doktors profesors Antons Kolotijevskis. Ģeogrāfijas zinātņu doktora profesora A. Kolotijevska publicētie darbi (1947.-1976.). Ģeogrāfijas zinātņu doktora profesora A. Kolotijevska rediģētie darbi. Raksti par ģeogrāfijas zinātņu doktoru profesoru A. Kolotijevski. Profesora A. Kolotijevska darbu alfabētiskais rādītājs. Personu rādītājs.

Professors of the Latvian UniversityHistory of the University of LatviaĢeogrāfija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsЭкономическая география - библиографический указательEkonomiskā ģeogrāfija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsBibliogrāfiskie rādītāji:NATURAL SCIENCES::Earth sciences::Other earth sciences [Research Subject Categories]Latvijas Universitātes vēstureLatvijas Universitātes profesoriLatvijas ekonomiskā ģeogrāfija - bibliogrāfiskais rādītājsĢeogrāfijas zinātņu profesori Latvijas UnivesitātēP. Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātes profesori

Aspectos preliminares


UNESCO::HISTORIAGeografíaGeociencias. Medio ambienteGrupo B:HISTORIA [UNESCO]

Regime transitoire de transpiration au cours de l'installation progressive d'une carence hydrique


National audience

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio][SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Crystal Electric Fields in Rare-Earth Al2 Compounds


Neutron time-of-flight measurements have been performed on REAl2 compounds (RE = Pr, Ho, Er, Tm) in the paramagnetic region. Resolved crystal field transitions are observed in ErAl2 and TmAl2. We deduce crystal field parameters (x = 0.16, W = -0.030 meV) and (x = -0.28, W = +0.040 meV) for ErAl2 and TmAl2 respectively.

CrystalParamagnetismMaterials scienceField (physics)ScatteringMagnetismElectric fieldAnalytical chemistryNeutronInelastic scattering

A Contribution to the Categories of Social Time and the Economy of Time


The article strives to demonstrate the centrality of the category of social time (a) in people's daily lives, (b) as a methodological tool in the study of social process, and (c) as a means towards the planned development and management of advanced societies. Social time has two aspects: rhythm of life and available total time. The article shows that in advanced societies total time and its rational allocation are central in the development of society and individual personality. The nature of social time in less developed societies is also reviewed as well as the historical development of time awareness and the problems of the research on time budget. The article is based on the conception…

Time budgetSociology and Political ScienceProcess (engineering)media_common.quotation_subject05 social sciences0506 political scienceEconomyTime-use researchReading (process)0502 economics and business050602 political science & public administrationTime awarenessPersonalitySociologySocial scienceCentralitySocial time050203 business & managementmedia_commonActa Sociologica

Ein unabh�ngiges Verfahren zur Messung der Zusammensetzung von Gasgemischen mit Hilfe der Gaschromatographie


The volume fraction of gas mixtures may be measured gas chromatographically by application of the 100% method, provided they can be separated. In case of gases it is not necessary to calibrate with another method. The specific character of the detector signals can be eliminated by measurements with pure components. The procedure is compared with the Scholander method. In case of O2/N2 mixtures the results agree within reproducibility, but in case of O2/CO2/N2 mixtures a systematic deviation of the CO2 fractions to smaller values is found as concerns the Scholander method. A gas mixture with 5.6 Vol% CO2 shows a difference of approximately 0.3 Vol%. The gas chromatographic method is almost 1…

ReproducibilityChromatographyPhysiologyChemistryPhysiology (medical)Clinical BiochemistrySystematic deviationVolume fractionAnalytical chemistryGas analysisHuman physiologyGas chromatographyPfl�gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Jaunas iezīmes un pretrunu pieaugums mūsdienu kapitālisma ekonomikā. 1.sējums


Rakstu krājums domāts tiem, kas interesējas par kapitālisma politisko ekonomiju.

Finansu kapitāls:SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics::Economics [Research Subject Categories]Kapitālisma ekonomikaEkonomikas programmēšanaMonopolistiskais kapitālismsCapitalismEkonomiskā politika

Non linear representations of Lie Groups


International audience

Pure mathematics[MATH.MATH-RT]Mathematics [math]/Representation Theory [math.RT]General MathematicsSimple Lie group010102 general mathematicsAdjoint representation01 natural sciencesRepresentation theory[ MATH.MATH-RT ] Mathematics [math]/Representation Theory [math.RT]Spin representationRepresentation of a Lie groupRepresentation theory of SU0103 physical sciencesFundamental representation010307 mathematical physicsLie theory[MATH.MATH-RT] Mathematics [math]/Representation Theory [math.RT]0101 mathematicsComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSMathematics

Demografía sanitaria de Castellón de la Plana (1843-1869)


UNESCO::HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antiguaMortalidadDemografíaSanidadMorbilidad:HISTORIA::Historia por épocas::Historia antigua [UNESCO]

Grundlagen verkehrsbetrieblicher Leistungserstellung


Im allgemeinen ist jede betriebliche Produktion insofern von den Produktionsfaktoren her gesehen verbundene Produktion, als zumindest einer oder einige der in den Betrieben jeweils eingesetzten Produktionsfaktoren fur mehr als die Erstellung nur einer einzigen Leistung eingesetzt werden konnen und auch eingesetzt werden. Die moglichen Formen der produktionswirtschaftlichen Verbundenheit sind recht zahlreich. Ein Produktionsfaktor kann zum Beispiel gleichzeitig oder zeitlich nacheinander zur Erstellung mehrerer Leistungen genutzt werden. Die unter seiner Mitwirkung erstellten Leistungen konnen untereinander gleich oder verschieden sein. Im Falle gleichzeitiger Erstellung mehrerer untereinand…

La spiritualité des officiers royaux au début du XVIe siècle : Antoine Robert, bourgeois de Paris et secrétaire du roi de Louis XI à François Ier


Antoine Robert, clerk of the high judicial court in Paris during the reign of Francis 1st, was one of the oldest royal secretaries when he died in 1521, on September. He is known to have given all his personnal assets and properties to the benedictin convent of the Blancs-Manteaux in Paris. His religious behaviour can be studied through three documents relating to his will, foundation and inheritance. So Antoine Robert, rather a rich and well educated laic seems to corroborate the weight of ideas which were brought from Flanders into France by the " Frères de la vie commune " and developped during the Reformation. The biblical and ancient authors' quotations contained in his will show that …

[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[ SHS.HIST ] Humanities and Social Sciences/History[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory0211 other engineering and technologies021107 urban & regional planning06 humanities and the arts02 engineering and technology16. Peace & justice060104 historyHistoire[ SHS.ARCHEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryGeneral Earth and Planetary Sciences0601 history and archaeology[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSGeneral Environmental SciencePériodiques Scientifiques en Édition Électronique

Observations "économiques" quant à la demande d'éducation


International audience; Ce texte vise à donner le point de vue d'un économiste quant à l'analyse de la demande individuelle d'éducation et à l'explication des structures observées en démographie scolaire à partir d'un raisonnement fondé sur la rationalité du comportement des agents privés dans une situation générale de rareté.

[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDemande d'éducationAnalyse économiqueDemande individuelle



Developments of the last year or two concerning the role of isobar resonances in nuclear systems are reviewed. Special attention is given to the influence of the A isobar in the nucleon-nucleon force and to the possibility of the existence of NA or AA bound states. Also mentioned are the effects of the A in polarized pp scattering, in proton-nucleus scattering and in nuclear matter and the ground states of finite nuclei. Recent experiments intended to observe preexisting isobar configurations in nuclei are briefly surveyed. Approaches to pion-nucleus scattering based on NA interactions are discussed.

Nuclear physicsPhysicsScatteringNuclear TheoryBound stateIsobarNuclear ExperimentNuclear matter

The fluxional behaviour of η6(bicyclo[6.2.0]deca-2,4,6-triene) hexacarbonyl diruthenium (Ru-Ru) by 1H and 13C NMR techniques


Abstract The variable temperature 1 H NMR spectra of [Ru 2 (CO) 6 η 6 -C 10 H 12 )] (C 10 H 12 = bicyclo [6.2.0]-deca-2,4,6-triene) shows that this molecule undergoes the fluxional behaviour previously reported for [M 2 (CO) 6 (η 6 -polyolefin)] complexes (M = Fe, Ru) which have in the solid an asymmetric skew-type structure. The use of 13 C NMR techniques, employed for the first time for a diruthenium complex of the above type, allows a comparison of the mechanism of the fluxional process with that of the diiron analog. Although the observed line shape changes of the carbonyl resonances in the two complexes are somewhat different the process are basically the same. In the case of the dirut…

Bicyclic moleculeStereochemistrychemistry.chemical_elementCarbon-13 NMRSpectral linePolyolefinRutheniumInorganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundCrystallographychemistryAtomMaterials ChemistryProton NMRMoleculePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryInorganica Chimica Acta

Zvaigžņotā Debess: 1977, Pavasaris (75) - 1977/78, Ziema (78)


KosmonautikaAstronomiPlanētasZvaigznes:NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics [Research Subject Categories]KvazāriGalaktikasSauleMeteorītiAstrofizikaAstronomijas vēstureAstronomijaRadioastrofizika

Del Franquismo a una Democracia de Clase


DemocraciaClaseVidal-Beneyto JoséESPAÑAPOLÍTICAPublicaciones: Obra académico-científica: LibrosTransiciónFranquismo

Zusammenfassung der Diskussion zum Thema: „Technische Probleme in der Herstellung und Anwendung von Infusionslösungen“