showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Acute and subchronic toxicity of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in male rat. I. Light microscopy and tissue concentrations of MCPA.


MaleTissue concentrationsChromatography GasTime FactorsHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisDrinking2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic AcidToxicologyMCPAToxicologyLethal Dose 50chemistry.chemical_compoundEcotoxicologyAnimalsChromatography2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic AcidBody WeightGeneral MedicinePollutionSubchronic toxicityGlycolatesRatschemistryLiverOrgan SpecificitySpleenBulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology

Nuclear Shape Staggering in Very Neutron-Deficient Hg Isotopes Detected by Laser Spectroscopy


The isotope shifts of $^{188}\mathrm{Hg}$, $^{186}\mathrm{Hg}$, and $^{184}\mathrm{Hg}$ in the 2537-\AA{} line have been measured by use of tunable dye laser at the on-line mass separator ISOLDE at CERN. The results are $\ensuremath{\delta}\ensuremath{\nu}(^{188}\mathrm{Hg}\ensuremath{-}^{204}\mathrm{Hg})=35.8(2)$ GHz; $\ensuremath{\delta}\ensuremath{\nu}(^{186}\mathrm{Hg}\ensuremath{-}^{204}\mathrm{Hg})=39.4(2)$ GHz; and $\ensuremath{\delta}\ensuremath{\nu}(^{184}\mathrm{Hg}\ensuremath{-}^{204}\mathrm{Hg})=43.1(2)$ GHz. These data combined with those obtained by $\ensuremath{\beta}$-radiation-detected optical pumping ($\ensuremath{\beta}$-RADOP) on the odd Hg isotopes yield a huge odd-even…

Nuclear physicsPhysicsIsotopeAnalytical chemistryGeneral Physics and AstronomyMercury IsotopesNeutronSpectral shiftSpectroscopyNuclear shapeNuclear PhysicsPhysical Review Letters

Scanning electron microscopic and X ray microanalysis study of the mineral deposits in pseudoxanthoma elasticum.


A skin biopsy of a 37 year old man with typical lesions of pseudoxanthoma clasticum (P.E.) associated with angioid streaks (Groenblad-Strandberg Syndrom) was examined with a scanning E. M. (SEM) and a SEM provided with a X ray micro-analyser. The SEM provided with X ray microanalyser enabled us to see the correspondence between the crystalline deposits and a calcium salt. The potassium, sodium and magnesium analysis of the specimen permits us to verify that the P.E. dermis is rich in K and poor in Mg.

AdultMaleMineralScanning electron microscopeMagnesiumMicrochemistryX-RaysX-rayAnalytical chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementDermatologyGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseasePseudoxanthoma elasticumX ray microanalysisAngioid streakschemistrymedicineMicroscopy Electron ScanningHumansCalciumPseudoxanthoma ElasticumSkinArchives for dermatological research = Archiv fur dermatologische Forschung

The actual state of computerized tomography (CT)-computer assisted tomography (CAT).


medicine.medical_specialtyBrain Diseasesbusiness.industryBrain NeoplasmsComputer assisted tomographyBrainDiagnosis DifferentialCerebrovascular DisordersNeurologySpinal CordBrain InjuriesmedicineHumansMedical physicsSpinal DiseasesNeurology (clinical)RadiologyTomographyState (computer science)businessPneumoencephalographyTomography X-Ray ComputedNeuroradiologyDemyelinating DiseasesHydrocephalusJournal of neurology

Splenic blood flow and intrasplenic flow distribution in rats


In 75 rats, anesthetized with pentobarbital and breathing spontaneously, regional splenic blood flow (rSBF) was measured by means of the85Kr(β)-clearance technique after an intraaortic slug injection of the dissolved indicator. In the normal and undisturbed spleen in situ rSBF is linearly related to the mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) within the range of 30–140 mm Hg. Mean rSBF is 0.71 ml/g/min, the mean arterial blood pressure being 105 mm Hg. In normal rats rSBF decreases significantly with increasing body weight or age. After total obstruction of the open circulation by application of rigid spherocytes, mean rSBF is reduced to 0.26 ml/g/min and is independent of the mean arterial blo…

MalePentobarbitalmedicine.medical_specialtyPhysiologyFlow distributionClinical BiochemistryBlood PressureSpleenBody weightSpherocytesCarcinosarcomaPhysiology (medical)Internal medicinemedicineAnimalsChemistryBody WeightNeoplasms ExperimentalBlood flowKidney NeoplasmsRatsSurgerymedicine.anatomical_structureBlood pressurePerfusion rateRegional Blood FlowSplenomegalyBreathingCardiologyFemaleSpleenmedicine.drugPflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

Analysis of negative-resistance oscillators with piecewise nonlinearity


An iterative method of solution of negative-resistance oscillators with piecewise-analytical characteristics is presented. The method allows the determination of the frequency and the harmonic content of the waveform as a function of the circuit parameters and bias of the nonlinear device. An application of the method, extended to the second order, for a polynomial characteristic limited by two straight lines is also reported. The results are compared with those obtained by numerical integration.

PolynomialIterative methodApplied MathematicsNegative resistanceMathematical analysisComputer Science ApplicationsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsNumerical integrationNonlinear systemControl theoryHarmonicPiecewiseWaveformElectrical and Electronic EngineeringMathematicsInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

Nebenreaktionen bei der radikalischen, intramolekularen Cycloaddition von 2.6-Bis(2-methacryloyloxy-5-methylbenzyl)-4-methylphenylmethacrylat. Beitra…


Die mit 2-Cyano-2-propylradikalen aus AIBN ausgeloste und beendete intramolekulare Cycloaddition von 2,6-Bis(2-methacryloyloxy-5-methylbenzyl)-4-methylphenylmethacrylat (1) gibt die Cycloaddukte 4-Methyl-1,2,6-benzoltriyl-2,6-bis(4-methyl-2-methy-len-1,2-phenylen)-2,9-dicyano-2,3,5,7,9-pentamethyl-3, 5,7-dekantricarboxylat (1a) und -2,9-dicyano-2,3,5,8,9-pentamethyl-3,5,8-dekantricarboxylat (1b), welche molekulareinheitliche Leiteroligpmere vorstellen. Daneben bildeten sich 10-(2-Cyano-2-methylpropyl)8-(2-cyano-2-propyl)-4- {2-[(2-cyano-2-methylpropyl) acryloyloxy]-5-methylbenzyl∼-2,8,10,15-tetramethyl-7, 11-dioxo-dibenzo[b,e]-1,7-dioxacyclododekan-2,5-dien (1c) und 6 {2-[4-Cyano-2-(2-cyano…

Colloid and Surface ChemistryPolymers and PlasticsChemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMedicinal chemistryColloid and Polymer Science

The Determination of the Reaction Rate for the First Step in a Consecutive Reaction A → B → C by Absorbance Measurements Using the Wavelength of the …


Kinetic experiments are often followed by spectroscopic measurements in the visible or near ultraviolet region. The advantage is not only that the results can be recorded continuously, which makes very fast reactions accessible, but also that very low concentrations of substrates can be used. This means that only very small amounts are required and, more important perhaps, that reagents can be used in excess. Thus pseudomonomolecular conditions and first-order kinetics often can be achieved easily.

Isosbestic pointReaction rateAbsorbanceWavelengthChemistryReagentKineticsAnalytical chemistryNear ultravioletKinetic energyInstrumentationSpectroscopyApplied Spectroscopy

Evidence against non-asymptotically-free theories of strong interactions


Abstract It is shown that ultraviolet finite fixed point theories of strong interactions are incompatible with the pattern of scaling deviations in deep inelastic lepton-hadron processes.

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsClassical mechanicsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologymedicineHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentFixed pointmedicine.disease_causeScalingUltraviolet fixed pointUltravioletPhysics Letters B

Delayed-neutron spectroscopy with 3He spectrometers


Abstract The characteristics of a 3 He ionization chamber for high-resolution spectroscopy of β-delayed neutrons have been examined. The detector response function is given in the energy range 0.019–2.77 MeV. A considerably improved energy resolution has been achieved by minimizing effects due to pulse summing, detection of scattered neutrons, and microphonics, and is most evident in the low-energy part of the spectra.

Range (particle radiation)Materials scienceSpectrometerIonization chamberMicrophonicsNeutronGeneral MedicineAtomic physicsNuclear ExperimentSpectroscopyDelayed neutronSpectral lineNuclear Instruments and Methods

Prostaglandin production by human polymorphnuclear leucocytes during phagocytosis in vitro.


Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were found to be able to synthetize and release substantial amounts of PGE2' when stimulated by a phagocytic stimulus such as zymosan particles coated with complement. Hydrocortisone, at a concentration of 10(-5) M, which proved to be effective in other biological systems, failed to inhibit phagocytosis and PG release.

PharmacologyPolymorphonuclear leukocyteNeutrophilsPhagocytosismedicine.medical_treatmentProstaglandins EZymosanProstaglandin productionZymosanProstaglandinCell BiologyIn Vitro TechniquesIn vitroMicrobiologyCellular and Molecular Neurosciencechemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPhagocytosisImmunologymedicineMolecular MedicineHumansMolecular BiologyProstaglandin EExperientia

Inhibitoren der Korrosion 20(1)-Über die zeitliche Abhängigkeit der analytischen Zusammensetzung der Korrosionsprodukte des Eisens von der Menge an v…


Mit einer modifizierten Analysenmethode ist es moglich, Gemische mit Fe0, Fe2+ und Fe3+ zu analysieren. Diese Methode wird zur Untersuchung von Systemen mit chloridkatalysierter Korrosion benutzt. Nach den Ergebnissen ist die Fe2+-Menge bei Ph 7 unabhangig von der verbrauchten Sauerstoffmenge annahernd konstant, da Fe0 zu Fe2+ und dieses weiter zu Fe3+ oxidiert wird. Die Geschwindigkeiten dieser Reaktionen sind vergleichbar. Bei pH 3 erhalt man nur Fe2 und ab pH 4 wird Fe3+ vorherrschen. Analytical composition of the corrosion products of iron as a function of time and of the oxygen consumed Using a modified standard method of analysis it is possible to analyze mixtures containing Fe0, Fe2+…

Mechanics of MaterialsChemistryMechanical EngineeringMaterials ChemistryMetals and AlloysEnvironmental Chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementGeneral MedicineMethod of analysisOxygenSurfaces Coatings and FilmsNuclear chemistryMaterials and Corrosion

Relations among neutral current couplings to test su(2) by u(1) gauge group structure


We propose a test of the validity of SU(2) ⊗ U(1) as the gauge group of weak and electromagnetic interactions. We find that, among the seven empirical neutral current couplings, there are two restrictions which do not rely on a particular model. The relations are 2( G V + G A ) + ( α + β ) + 3( γ + δ ) = 0 and 2 k − ( α + β ) + 3( γ + δ ) = 0, where where α , β , γ , δ ( G V , G A ) are the couplings measured in neutrino-hadron (electron) scattering and κ is obtained from interference experiments. We also find several inequalities. Comparison with present data is given.

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsNeutral currentGauge groupScatteringStructure (category theory)FísicaElectronParticle PhysicsU-1Special unitary group

Tentative immunohistochemical demonstration of melatonin in the rat pineal gland


In the present study an attempt was made to demonstrate melatonin in the rat pineal gland by means of immunohistochemistry. The anti-body used was raised against 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptophan which is chemically similar to melatonin. Specific fluorescence was demonstrable only in pineals from rats killed during the night, when melatonin formation is high. It was restricted to parenchymal cells lying in a marginal zone of the organ. These results are discussed in relation to a subdivision of the pineal parenchyma into cortical and medullary areas.

Maleendocrine systemmedicine.medical_specialtyPathologyHistologyFluorescent Antibody TechniquePineal ParenchymaBiologyPineal GlandPathology and Forensic MedicinePinealocyteMelatoninRat Pineal GlandPineal glandInternal medicineParenchymamedicineAnimalsMelatoninCell BiologyMarginal zoneCircadian RhythmRatsEndocrinologymedicine.anatomical_structureImmunohistochemistryRabbitshormones hormone substitutes and hormone antagonistsmedicine.drugCell and Tissue Research

A Simple Technique for Measuring Leucocyte Chemotaxis in Reversible Boyden Chambers


A technique for assay of leucocyte chemotaxis in Boyden chambers is described. A set of up to 12 closed chambers with 2 compartments is formed from commercially available migration plates. The set can be turned during the incubation and thus the detachment of cells from the filter, a major source of variation in classical type of chambers, can be prevented. The technique is simple and so inexpensive that it allows the use of the material as disposable if preferred.

ChromatographyChemistryLeucocyte chemotaxisAnalytical chemistryfood and beveragesGeneral MedicineClassical typeZeitschrift für Immunitätsforschung: Immunobiology

Studies on the kinetics and renal excretion of low and high molecular weight dextrans in preterm babies, newborns and young infants.


Administration of low and high molecular weight dextrans in the initial phase of shock is no longer controversial. The special conditions in newborns, however, have been insufficiently considered in planning therapy. This investigation aimed at determining the biological half-lives of dextran 40 (Rheomacrodex®) and dextran 60 (Macrodex®) in this age group. The half-life of dextran 40 was found to be 60 min and that of dextran 60 3 h. Preterm babies and newborns excrete up to 25% less dextran 40 and 60 in 24 h than infants and adults. Normal adult values for excretion are only reached towards the end of the first year of life.

Pediatricsmedicine.medical_specialtyPhysiologyFirst year of lifeYoung infantsExcretionchemistry.chemical_compoundMedicineHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingbusiness.industryBody WeightInfant NewbornInfantDextransGeneral MedicineMolecular WeightKineticsDextranchemistryRenal physiologyShock (circulatory)Initial phasePediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthInfant Small for Gestational AgeBiological half-lifemedicine.symptombusinessInfant PrematureHalf-LifeEuropean journal of pediatrics

Measurements of relativistic time dilatation for positive and negative muons in a circular orbit


The lifetimes of both positive and negative relativistic (γ = 29.33) muons have been measured in the CERN Muon Storage Ring with the results τ+ = 64.419 (58) µs, τ− = 64.368 (29) µs The value for positive muons is in accordance with special relativity and the measured lifetime at rest: the Einstein time dilation factor agrees with experiment with a fractional error of 2×10−3 at 95% confidence. Assuming special relativity, the mean proper lifetime for μ− is found to be τ0− = 2.1948(10) µs the most accurate value reported to date. The agreement of this value with previously measured values of τ0+ confirms CPT invariance for the weak interaction in muon decay.

Nuclear physicsPhysicsParticle physicsMultidisciplinaryMuonCPT symmetryTime dilation of moving particlesHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentTime dilationCircular orbitSpecial relativityWeak interactionStorage ringNature

Psoriasis vulgaris and genetic markers


In a sample of n = 160 nonrelated male and female patients suffering from psoriasis Vulgaris, blood serum protein, and enzyme group typings have been carried out and compared with healthy controls from the same area (Rheinland-Pfalz). Marked statistically significant differences between patients and controls were found in none of the genetic blood polymorphisms considered here. However, combining previously published data from various authors with our own, significant associations between this skin disease and genetic polymorphisms such as MN, Gc, Gm (2), red cell acid phosphatase, and red cell phosphoglucomutase (PGM1) were seen. The possible reasons for these associations are discussed.

MaleErythrocytesPolymorphism GeneticRed CellAcid PhosphataseBlood ProteinsBiologymedicine.diseaseMolecular medicineBlood proteinsPhosphoglucomutasePolymorphism (computer science)Genetic markerPsoriasisPGM1ImmunologyBlood Group AntigensGeneticsmedicineHumansMNSs Blood-Group SystemPsoriasisFemalePhosphoglucomutaseGenetics (clinical)Human Genetics

Dracocephalum ruyschiana L. (Ogres Kangari)


Ruiša pūķgalve, atradne: Ogres rajonā, Ogres Kangaros, granstkarjera A galā priežu meža klajumiņā dienvidrietumu nogāzē, kopā ar Onobrychis, Geranium sanguineum, Filipendula hexapetala, Trifolium montanum (esparsete, asinssarkanā gandrene, lielziedu vīgrieze, kalnu āboliņš). /// Northern Dragon-head, deposit: In Ogre district, Ogres Kangaros, at the eastern end of the gravel quarry in the pine forest clearing on the south-west side, together with Onobrychis, Geranium sanguineum, Filipendula hexapetala, Trifolium montanum. [Attēls no LU Muzeja kolekcijas Herbarium Latvicum (RIG II); (BOT1029_7)]

Dracocephalum ruyschiananorthern Dragon-headOnobrychisTrifolium montanumGeranium sanguineumFilipendula hexapetalaKangari:NATURAL SCIENCES::Biology::Organism biology::Plant physiology [Research Subject Categories]ruiša pūķgalve

Interruption of the enterohepatic circulation of phenprocoumon by cholestyramine


The effect of cholestyramine (12 gm/day divided into 3 doses) on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a single intravenouse dose (30 mg) of phenprocoumon was studied in 6 normal subjects. Cholestyramine treatment led to an increase in the rate of elimination of phenprocoumon in all. Total clearance increased 1.5- to 2-fold. The total anticoagulant effect per dose was considerably reduced during treatment with cholestyramine. Binding studies in vitro showed that phenprocoumon is strongly bound to cholestyramine and that at a given cholestyramine concentration the percentage of phenprocoumon bound remained constant over a large concentration range of phenprocoumon. The results suggest…

AdultMalePharmacologyCholestyramineAnticoagulant effectDose-Response Relationship DrugChemistryCholestyramine Resin4-HydroxycoumarinsMiddle AgedPharmacologyPhenprocoumonLiverPharmacokineticsEnterohepatic CirculationPhenprocoumonmedicineHumansPharmacology (medical)Enterohepatic circulationHalf-Lifemedicine.drugClinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Polymere ester von Säuren des phosphors, 5. Ringöffnende polymerisation des 2-phenoxy-1,3,2-dioxaphospholan durch Michaelis-Arbuzov-reaktion


2-Phenoxy-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane (14) was polymerized by benzyl halogenides at temperatures between 120 and 200°C. It was found that the main chain consists predominantly of unexpected ethylene 1,2-ethanediphosphonate units 7; only about 10% of the monomer was incorporated as the expected 2-hydroxyethanephosphonate structure. An insertion mechanism, proposed by Harwood and Patel for the analogous polymerization of 2-phenyl-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane, does not agree with our experimental results. A hypothesis is developed involving a two step addition process, which exclusively occurs at the chain end. Alternating, one monomer molecule is added by a normal Michaelis-Arbuzov-reaction, and then a …

chemistry.chemical_compoundMonomerEthylenechemistryPolymerizationBenzyl bromideTwo stepPolymer chemistryHalogenMoleculeDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Die intramolekulare, radikalische kopf-schwanzbzw. Kopf-Kopf-addition von Phenylen-, Naphthylen- und Biphenylenbis(methacrylat)en


1,2-, 1,3- und 1,4-Phenylenbis(methacrylat) (1a), (1b) und (1c), 2,3- und 1,6-Naphthylenbis(methacrylat) (2a) und (2b) sowie 2,2′-Biphenylenbis(methacrylat) (3) wurden nach einer bekannten Vorschrift dargestellt. Setzt man stark verdunnte Losungen dieser phenolischen Bisester in siedendem Benzol einem grosen Uberschus an 2-Cyano-2-propylradikalen R. (aus AIBN) aus, so entstehen neben wenigen olig-viskosen Produkten hauptsachlich kristallisierbare Verbindungen. Sie entstanden aus der intramolekularen Addition der zwei Methacrylatgruppen und Anlagerung von zwei Radikalen R · je Molekel. 1c gab nur eine derartige Verbindung, die nach den Elementaranlysen, der rel. mol. Masse, spektroskopischen…

Polymers and PlasticsIntramolecular reactionbiologyHydroquinoneChemistryHead to headbiology.organism_classificationMedicinal chemistryHydrolysischemistry.chemical_compoundColloid and Surface ChemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryTetraPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Der Einfluss der Epiphyse auf die Lokomotionsaktivität bei Ratten


After pinealectomy adult hypoactive rats show an increased exploratory behavior, whereas adult hyperactive rats show no significant behavioral change. These data are discussed in relation to brain serotonin content.

Pharmacologymedicine.medical_specialtymedicine.medical_treatmentPinealectomyCell BiologyBiologyCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceEndocrinologyInternal medicinemedicineMolecular Medicinesense organsSerotoninMolecular BiologyExperientia



chemistry.chemical_classificationHildebrand solubility parameterchemistry.chemical_compoundMaterials sciencechemistryPolymer chemistryExtrapolationPolymerPolyethyleneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Isolierung und charakterisierung einer cholinkinase aus Phaseolus vulgaris L.-Keimlingen


Summary The enzyme choline kinase (ATP: Choline phosphotransferase E.C. was extracted and partially purified from hypocotyl hooks of Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings. K m -value and pH-dependence of the activity were determined. The amount of enzyme activity in extracts depended on light conditions used for plant growth. Etiolated seedlings showed much lower enzyme levels than those grown in white light. Blue and red light conditions decreased enzyme levels below dark values. The in vitro enzyme activity was influenced by inhibitors and growth regulators. The enzyme activity was stimulated by Atropine, 2-Chloroethylammoniumchloride (Cycocel) and Gibberellic acid and was inhibited b…

chemistry.chemical_classificationCholine kinasebiologyChemistryGeneral Medicinebiology.organism_classificationEnzyme assayHypocotylPhosphotransferasechemistry.chemical_compoundEnzymeBiochemistrybiology.proteinCholinePhaseolusGibberellic acidZeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie

Ozone absorption in aqueous phenol solutions


Abstract The rate of ozone absorption in aqueous solutions of phenol was measured in a wetted-wall laboratory absorber. The liquid and gas flow rates were fixed as well as the pH and temperature. The phenol concentration was varied in the range 2–300 ppm and the ozone partial pressure over an eight fold range. The gas phase resistance to mass transfer was determined by absorbing SO2 from an SO2N2 mixture in KOH aqueous solutions. The results have been interpreted by means of a simple kinetic assumption.

chemistry.chemical_compoundOzoneAqueous solutionchemistryMass transferInorganic chemistryGeneral EngineeringPhenolPartial pressureKinetic energyGas phaseVolumetric flow rateThe Chemical Engineering Journal

Changes in motor unit activity and metabolism in human skeletal muscle during and after repeated eccentric and concentric contractions.


This study was designed to investigate electromyographic (EMG), muscle glycogen and blood lactate changes in quadriceps muscle group during repeated 40 maximal eccentric and concentric contractions, and to follow the recovery in EMG, muscle glycogen and serum creatine kinase values during a 4 day period following the work test. The subjects were normal males and the test order (eccentric or concentric) was randomly selected. The results indicated first, that the EMG parameters (IEMG, AMUP), muscle glycogen and blood lactate changed in a similar manner during the both fatigue loads. Despite the high tension work no selective depletion of glycogen could be observed in the slow or fast twitch …

AdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtyTime FactorsPhysiologyNeuromuscular JunctionElectromyographyConcentricchemistry.chemical_compoundInternal medicinemedicineEccentricHumansCreatine KinaseFatigueTest orderGlycogenmedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryElectromyographyMusclesSkeletal muscleAnatomyMetabolismMotor unitmedicine.anatomical_structureEndocrinologychemistryLactatesbusinessGlycogenMuscle ContractionActa physiologica Scandinavica

Elementare Berechnung der Multiplizitätenn-dimensionaler Spitzen


General MathematicsCalculusMathematicsMathematische Annalen

Knochenveränderungen beim primären Hyperparathyreoidismus


An der Chirurgischen Universitatsklinik Mainz wurden von 1965 bis 1976, 66 Patienten wegen eines pHPT operiert. In 25 Fallen (38%) bestand eine ossare Verlaufsform. Anhand von 7 typischen Beispielen aus dieser Gruppe werden die Grunde der Diagnoseverschleppung, besonders bei im Vordergrund stehenden rheumatoiden Beschwerden, die besonderen diagnostischen Schwierigkeiten bei Vorliegen von Mischformen, die chirurgischen Probleme bei pathologischen Frakturen, sowie die differentialdiagnostischen Kriterien bei tumorosen Neubildungen erortert und radiologisch dokumentiert. Ferner werden im einzelnen die bei ossaren Manifestationen vorliegende Pathophysiologie, sowie die radiologischen und histol…


Theoretical nuclear spin-spin coupling constants using atom-atom polarizabilities.13CH and HH′ coupling constants of some [2.2.1] bicyclic compound…


Coupling constantBicyclic moleculeChemistryAtomGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral ChemistryAtomic physicsSpin (physics)Organic Magnetic Resonance

Phasentransferkatalyse mit funktionalisierten Heterogen�bertr�gern am Beispiel der Finkelstein-Reaktion


ChemistryGeneral MedicineEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsNaturwissenschaften

Thin-layer chromatography of chlorinated cresols


Abstract The thin-layer chromatography of four chlorinated cresols was studied on five layer materials using eleven solvent systems. Sharp spots were obtained except on Kieselguhr G layers. The best separation of the individual compounds occurred on silica gel-containing layers with dichloromethane as the solvent. Each solvent system was found to cause a different separation on different layers.

SolventSolvent systemchemistry.chemical_compoundChromatographyChemistryOrganic ChemistryGeneral MedicineBiochemistryLayer (electronics)Thin-layer chromatographyAnalytical ChemistryDichloromethaneJournal of Chromatography A

MetrischeG-Moduln �ber K�rpern der Charakteristik 2


General MathematicsTheologyMathematicsMathematische Zeitschrift

Diagnostik und Einteilung der Hüftpfannenbrüche


Beim Huftpfannenbruch lassen sich Grose, Form, Anzahl und Dislokation der Fragmente und Stellung des Huftkopfes an Hand von drei Rontgenaufnahmen, der a. p., der Ala- und der Obturatoraufnahme exakt feststellen.

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtySports medicinebusiness.industrymedicineSurgerybusinessUnfallchirurgie

Inferencia Bayesiana sobre el coeficiente de variacion: Una solucion A la paradoja de marginalizacion


En Inferencia Bayesiana, el uso indiscriminado de distribuciones iniciales impropias “no informativas” da lugar a ciertos resultados insatisfactorios conocidos como paradojas de marginalizacion. Utilizando un nuevo metodo para la construccion de distribuciones iniciales de referencia desarrollado por el autor, se ejemplifica la solucion de tales paradojas con el analisis del problema de inferencia planteado por el coeficiente de variacion.

Statistics and ProbabilityStatistics Probability and UncertaintyTrabajos de Estadistica Y de Investigacion Operativa

Ethoxyquin as an inducer and inhibitor of phenobarbital-type cytochrome P-450 in rat liver microsomes.


Abstract The effect of ethoxyquin in vivo and in vitro on drug metabolism in rat liver microsomes was studied. In feeding experiments, a threshold dose of induction was found at 0.05% ethoxyquin for 14 days. At 0.5% ethoxyquin, relative liver weight, cytochrome P-450 content, cytochrome b5 content, ethylmorphine demethylation, and ethoxycoumarin deethylation were increased by a factor of 1.5 to 2. Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity was, however, not induced but even decreased by 0.5% ethoxyquin in food. Induction of epoxide hydratase was marked, amounting to 400% of control after 0.5% ethoxyquin. The induced enzyme was similar to the phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 in its CO spe…

MaleCytochromeToxicologyMixed Function OxygenasesHydroxylationchemistry.chemical_compoundEthoxyquinCytochrome P-450 Enzyme SystemCytochrome b5AnimalsCytochrome P-450 Enzyme InhibitorsDemethylationPharmacologyEthoxyquinbiologyChemistryOrgan SizeMonooxygenaseRatsBiochemistryEnzyme InductionPhenobarbitalMicrosomebiology.proteinMicrosomes LiverQuinolinesElectrophoresis Polyacrylamide GelDrug metabolismToxicology and applied pharmacology