showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
The investigation of electron transfer and subsequent reactions of divinylidene compounds not capable of anionic homopolymerization was extended to 1,3-bis(1-phenylvinyl)benzene (2). A new method for the preparation of this compound is described. Its reaction with Li, Na, and K as electron transfer reagents in THF as solvent results in an increasing yield in polymeric combination products of the radical anions formed primarily with increasing reducing power of the alkali metal. The main product, however, in any case is the cyclic dimeric tetra-anion of 2, which upon protonation yields 1,4,11,14-tetraphenyl[4.4]metacyclophane (3).
The anatomy of the heart in the sonogram. A comparison between anatomic and ultrasonic cross-section.
Cardiac sonography has only recently been introduced as a diagnostic procedure. In order to facilitate the interpretation and evaluation of the ultrasonic cardiac cross-section displayed by this two-dimensional technique, we performed anatomic cross-sections corresponding to ultrasonic cross-sections. The ultrasonic cross-sectional images were taken from children with a real-time-motion scanner. The anatomic cross-sections were taken from adult hearts. Two ultrasonic transverse cross-sections are compared with the two corresponding anatomic cross-sections and three ultrasonic longitudinal cross-sections with one corresponding anatomic cross-section. The direct comparison between anatomic an…
Die Cooligomerisierung von butadien mit α-hydroxycarbonsäureestern
Abstract Glycolic acid butyl ester as well as lactic acid ethyl ester react with butadiene in the presence of palladium(II) acetylacetonate and triphenylphosphine as catalyst. The main product is the 2-trans, 7-octadienyl ether of the hydroxy acid ester, which is formed in yields from 65 to 80% at room temperature.
Stereoselective drug distribution and anticoagulant potency of the enantiomers of phenprocoumon in rats
Abstract The elimination, distribution and anticoagulant activity of S(—)-, R(+)-, and R,S(±)-phenprocoumon were determined in male Wistar-Lewis rats after intravenous injection of a single dose of 0·6 mg kg−1. From the plasma concentrations which elicited the same anticoagulant effect, S(—)-phenprocoumon was 4 to 5 times more potent than R(+)-phenprocoumon. The potency of the racemate was between those of the enantiomers. The mean biologic half-life of the S(—)-enantiomer was shorter (12·5 h) than that of R(+)-phenprocoumon (17·8 h). No differences were observed in the apparent volume of distribution. However, the mean liver: plasma concentration ratio was higher for the S(—)-(6·9) than fo…
Die pH-Statik als Hilfsmittel der Korrosionsforschung
Die pH-Statik ist ein verhaltnismasig einfaches Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Korrosionsablaufen im pH-Bereich 2 – 9. Sie beruht darauf, das die Menge des verbrauchten Sauerstoffs (bei der Oxidation von Metallen) aquivalent der Menge der entstandenen Hydroxylionen ist. Bei dieser Arbeitsweise wird im oben erwahnten pH-Bereich ein bestimmter Wert eingestellt und durch Zugabe definierter Sauremenge konstant gehalten. Diese Korrelation wird am Beispiel von Kupfer in NaCl-Losung bestatigt, wobei der pH- Wert (4, 1) durch Zusatz von Salzsaure konstant gehalten wird. Die Reproduzierbarkeit der Messung ist abhangig von Temperatur, Sauerstoffpartialdruck und Ruhrgeschwindigkeit sowie von der Grose…
Elektrooptische Emissionsuntersuchungen, III. Das Dipolmoment von trans-p-Dimethylamino-p′-nitrostilben im ersten angeregten Singulettzustand
Aus elektrooptischen Emissions- und Absorptionsuntersuchungen in flussigen und glasig erstarrten Losungen kombiniert mit dielektrischen Untersuchungen konnten u. a. das Dipolmoment und die Polarisierbarkeitskomponente in Richtung des Dipolmoments von trans-p-Dimethylamino-p′-nitrostilben (DMANS) im ersten angeregten Singulettzustand bestimmt werden zu μ0a = (63 ± 5) · 10−30 Cm und α0az = (442 ± 65) · 10−40 CV−1 m2. Es zeigte sich, das die elektrooptischen Absorptions- und Emissionsuntersuchungen an DMANS in unpolaren Losungen zu einem konsistenten Satz von Dipolmomenten fuhren, das also die Aquilibrierung mit der Umgebung nach Anre-gung im unpolaren Cyclohexan keinen Einflus auf das permane…
Elektrooptische Emissionsmessungen, II. Eine Apparatur zur spektralen Untersuchung feldinduzierter Änderungen der Fluoreszenzintensität von Molekülen…
Es wird ein Spektralfluorometer beschrieben und diskutiert, das es gestattet, die Abhangigkeit der Fluoreszenzintensitat von einem auseren elektrischen Feld zu messen. Die experimentellen Variablen sind dabei die Anregungs- und Emissionswellenzahl sowie die Polarisationsrichtung des Anregungs- und Emissionslichts. A spectrofluorometer is described and discussed, which provides the possibility of measuring the dependence of the fluorescence on an external electric field. The experimentally variable parameters are the wavenumber and the direction of the polarization of the exciting and emitted light.
Filter paper disk techniques for assay of nucleotidase
A DE filter disk technique for assaying the activity of nucleotidase is described. This method is based on the observation that nucleotides bind to the filters at 5 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.8) while nucleosides do not. As parameter for the nucleotidase activity the decrease of bound nucleotides is determined. In parallel experiments the amount of the product (nucleoside) formed can be measured by DEAE Sephadex column chromatography. The filter disk technique can be applied for the determination of vmax and Km of a nucleotidase by using different ribonucleosidase monophosphate substrates.
A ballistometer for the study of the plasto-elastic properties of skin.
The ballistrometer is based on the "drop impact" of a body onto a stationary surface. A collision in one dimension is provoked by allowing a bard body to drop from a given height onto the skin surface to be tested. After the collision, the impacting body undergoes a variable number of rebounds decreasing in amplitude. By measuring the height of the rebounds, the amount of energy returned by the tissue is calculated in terms of coefficient of restitution e. The equipment, consisting of a hammer unit, a feeder-amplifier, and a plotter, is described. Ballistometry has been carried out on skin areas of 46 normal subjects ranging in age from 8 to 80 years, as well as on pathologic and cadaveric …
Einflu� des Angiotensin II-Antagonisten Saralasin auf die H�modynamik bei Patienten mit renovaskul�rer Hypertonie
Bei 7 Patienten mit Hypertonie bei einseitiger Nierenarterienstenose sowie einem Patienten mit Hypertonie bei einseitiger pyelonephritischer Schrumpfniere wurde der Einflus des Angiotensin II-Antagonisten Saralasin auf die Hamodynamik untersucht. Die Infusion von Saralasin fuhrte bei Patienten mit normalem Plasmarenin zu einer Erhohung des peripheren Gesamtwiderstands, bei erhohtem Renin zu einer Widerstandsabnahme. Bei extrem erhohten Reninwerten, die bei 3 Patienten unter forcierter Kochsalzverarmung beobachtet wurden, fuhrte Saralasin zu einem bedrohlichen Blutdruckabfall mit zusatzlicher starker Verminderung des Herzminutenvolumens und des zentralvenosen Drucks; die Herzfrequenz stieg d…
Effects of instruction on acquisition and extinction of electrodermal responses to fear-relevant stimuli.
In the present study we examined the hypothesis that electrodermal responses conditioned to fear-relevant stimuli are insensitive to verbal instructions. In the first experiment, different groups of subjects were conditioned to fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant control stimuli in a long interstimulus interval differential paradigm with shock as the unconditioned stimulus. Then half of the subjects were informed that no more shocks would be presented, and a number of extinction trials followed. The instruction completely abolished responding to fear-irrelevant stimuli, while leaving responses to the fear-relevant stimuli unaffected. In the second experiment, subjects were "conditioned" to fe…
Properties of isomeric states and the ?d 3/2-vi 13/2 multiplet in194Au
The level structure of194Au has been studied by observing prompt and delayedγ-rays following194Pt(p,n) and195Pt(p,2n) reactions. The conversion electron andγ-ray spectra from the decay of the 0.42s (10−) and 0.60s (5+) isomers at 476 keV and 107.4 keV, respectively, have been measured using the He-jet method. The half-lives of the 6+ (278.2 keV, 1.1±0.4 ns), 7+ (224.6 keV, 2.6±0.2 ns) and 8+ (406.8 keV, 2.9±0.4 ns) members of theπd3/2-vi13/2 multiplet have been obtained from the time distributions between cyclotron beam pulses andγ-rays depopulating these levels. A calculation made assuming a pure two-particle configuration for the multiplet predicts very well theB(E2) values for the transi…
Sex differences in renal damage induced in the mouse by Amanita virosa.
Summary The sensitivity of male and female mice to Amanita virosa was compared. Dried, homogenizedmushroom was given orally by stomach tubing at doses of 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg dried mushroom/kg body weight. Both in males and in females, the kidneys were the only organs showing macroscopical changes. The dose of 100 mg/kg caused renal damage in females, whereas in males the first signs of kidney damage were seen at the dose of 400 mg/kg. The renal lesions observed in the males were located in the cortex, while in the females they were limited to the outer stripe of the outer medullary zone. Testectomy diminished the nephrotoxicity of A. virosa in male mice and caused changes in the locali…
The reaction of ethylene glycol, 1,4-butanediol, 1,6-hexanediol, 3,6-dioxaoctane-1,8-diol (triethylene glycol), poly(ethylene oxide)s with Mn = 300,1000 and 3000, or with poly(propylene oxide)s with Mn = 425 and 2000 in excess with AIBN leads to the corresponding bis(hydroxyalkyl) 2,2′-azodiisobutyrates (1a–i). These initiators are suited to synthesize telechelics. With equimolar amounts of AIBN and 3-oxapentane-1,5-diol (diethylene glycol), poly(ethylene oxide)s with Mn = 300, 1000 and 12000, poly(propylene oxide) with Mn = 425, or with poly(tetrahydrofuran) with Mn = 1000 and 2000 polymeric azoinitiators of structure 2 are formed. Blockcopolymers may be synthesized by means of these polym…
A comment on time-dependent variational-principles
Two time-dependent variational principles are compared; the one varies the action integral, the other minimises the deviation from the Schrodinger-equation. They are shown to be equivalent for a variation with complex parameters, but different for a restricted variation.
Elektrooptische Emissionsmessungen, I. Der Einfluß eines äußeren elektrischen Feldes auf den von Molekülen in Lösungen emittierten Photonenstrom
Es wird der Einflus eines auseren elektrischen Feldes auf den von angeregten Molekulen in Losungen emittierten Photonenstrom untersucht. Es zeigt sich, das fur den Fall genugend langer Lebensdauer der Molekule im emissionsfahigen Zustand eine auswertbare Beziehung zwischen elektrischen Momenten der gelosten Molekule und der Anderung des emittierten Photonenstroms mit Anlegen eines auseren elektrischen Feldes besteht. The intensity of light emitted from excited molecules in solution depends on an external electric field. Assuming the lifetime of the solute molecules being long enough, an equation is derived that connects the change of the intensity of the emitted light to electric moments of…
States of167Ho from the decay of neutron rich nuclide167Dy
Theβ −-decay of 66 167 Dy produced through the fast neutron reaction170Er(n, α)167Dy has been investigated by using several kinds of detectors and a high-capacity two-parameter recording system. The half-life andβ −-decay energy of167Dy were determined to beT 1/2 = 6.20 ± 0.08min andQ β-=2.35±0.06, respectively. The observed level scheme of 67 167 Ho (completely unknown previously) contains 12 states, among them a 6.0±0.1 μsM2 isomer at 259.3 keV. On the basis of theoretical and systematic considerations combined with multipole determinations, the following Nilsson model assignments are proposed for the lowest states of167Ho: 0 keV (7−/2 [523]), 259.3 keV (3+/2[411]), 319.8 keV (5/2 3+/2[41…
New Miocene locality in Turkey with evidence on the origin of Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus.
Collections in early Middle Miocene deposits at Pasalar in Turkey have yielded a very rich fauna. Included in this are two hominoid species referred here to Sivapithecus darwini (Abel) 1902 and Ramapithecus wickeri (Leakey) 1962. These are both more primitive morphologically and earlier in time than other species of these genera, and they provide evidence that Sivapithecus and Ramapithecus are closely related and that their early diversification may have occurred not in Africa but in Eurasia.
Hypokalemia shortens relative refractory period of peripheral sensory nerves in man
Absolute and relative refractory periods and the sensory conduction velocity of the median and ulnar nerves were determined in six patients suffering from hypokalemia of various origins. Nerve impulse conduction and the absolute refractory period remained normal, but the relative refractory period was shortened to 1.7 to 2.6 ms at serum K+ levels from 1.6 to 2.9 mval/l. As compared with normal values this decrease was statistically significant.
Influence of the suspension of continued treatment with flurazepam and amobarbital on two discrimination learning schedules.
The authors have studied the effect of the suspension of chronic treatment with flurazepam and amobarbital on the operant behavior of rats that for the first time were in the presence of two fixed-interval discrimination schedules. With the sound discrimination schedule, the responses emitted by the treated animals had characteristics similar to those of control animals. With the temporal discrimination schedule, though it is not possible to distinguish between learning rates, modifications in the intensity of the effect (increases in lever pressing) indicate that, considering the doses, the action of flurazepam is slight and that of amobarbital clear and statistically significant.
Interaction between mesenchymal cells and the posterior iris epithelium in chicken embryos
The iris anlage of 3--10 day old chicken embryos was studied by both light and electron microscopy. Serial semithin sections showed that some of the mesenchymal cells overlying the eye cup moved into the primitive eye cavity by the 3rd day of incubation. On the 4th day some of these cells came into close contact with the basement membrane of the dorsal iris epithelium. The bases of the epithelial cells were flat at this stage. Towards the 10th day they formed cytoplasmic processes which did not penetrate the basement membrane. Fine mesenchymal cytoplasmic processes and a large number of extracellular fibrils developed in the epithelial--mesenchymal interface. The fine mesenchymal processes …
Influence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP on thymidine uptake by herpes simplex virus infected cells and the intracellular level of cyclic AMP.
Abstract Dibutyryl cyclic AMP inhibits the increase of dThd and BrdUrd transport normally observed after infection with Herpesvirus hominis, type I and II. Incorporation is also reduced. Inhibition of uptake is non-competitive as analysed by the Lineweaver-Burk plot. Addition of this drug to infected cells also reduces the activity of the thymidine kinase (EC Transport of dUrd, dCyd and dAdo is not reduced. 4–8 h after infection with thymidine kinase (+) herpes strains the level of cAMP increases. On infection with a thymidine kinase (−) virus, only a small elevation of cAMP can be shown. It was also found that early addition of actinomycin D or of cycloheximide prevents the incr…
Investigations on organoantimony compounds
Abstract Trichlorodiorganoantimony(V) compounds, R2SbCl3, in which the antimony atom is part of a heterocyclic ring have been synthesized. They have been converted into the corresponding tetramethylammonium tetrachlorodiorganoantimonates, [R2SbCl4]− [Me4N]+, which are hexacoordinate diorganoantimony(V) species in which the antimony-carbon bonds are forced into a cis-position. 5,5,5-Trichlorodibenzostibole, 10,10,10-trichlorophenoxantimonin, 5,5,5-trichloro-5,10-dihydrodibenz[b, e]antimonin and 5,5,5-trichloro-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[b, f]stibepin have been prepared by chlorination of the corresponding heterocyclic chlorodiarylstibines. Heterocyclic trichlorodialkylantimony(V) compounds hav…
Interaction of allopurinol with phenprocoumon in man.
Conditions in two patients on long-term phenprocoumon (Marcumar®) treatment are reported who had signs of phenprocoumon overdosage when given simultaneously allopurinol. The determination of phenprocoumon plasma concentrations in one patient showed that phenprocoumon accumulates for several weeks during treatment with allopurinol. Signs of phenprocoumon overdosage thus can appear long time after starting allopurinol treatment.
Die bestimmung der molekulargewichtsverteilung von nichtkristallisierenden polymeren mit dem elektronenmikroskop, 7. Präparation durch verdampfung de…
A preparation method is described by means of which it is possible to transfer individual molecules of a high molecular weight polymer on a support, in order to determine their mass and therefrom their molecular weight distribution, using our previously published electron microscopic method. The advantages of the new procedure as compared to the previously described freeze-drying are 1 that the range of solvents, which can be used is much larger, and 2 that the preparation is performed by evaporation from a dilute solution, which means that the molecules are distributed statistically on the support. The risk of formation of associates is avoided by keeping the polymer concentration correspo…
Bestimmung der Diffusionskoeffizienten von Polymeren in Lösungen bis zu mittleren Konzentrationen durch inelastische Lichtstreuung
Die Methode der inelastischen Lichtstreuung wird bis in den Bereich mittlerer Konzentration (8%) ausgedehnt. Gemessen wird ein Polystyrol enger Molekulargewichtsverteilung mit Mw = 670000 in Toluol bei 20°C sowie in Cyclohexan bei 35°C. Zur Kontrolle werden mit dem gleichen Gerat auch elastische Lichtstreuungsmessungen ausgefuhrt, die sich mit fruheren Untersuchungen in Ubereinstimmung bringen lassen. Die Diffusionskoeffizienten aus der inelastischen Lichtstreuung stimmen qualitativ mit denen aus klassischen Diffusionsmessungen uberein, die Rehage und Ernst an ahnlichen Systemen ausfuhrten. Bei verdunnten Losungen zeigte sich im betrachteten Winkelbereich ein linearer Zusammenhang zwischen …
Muon Capture At Large Energy Transfer
Abstract A novel and parameter free approach to μ capture is introduced. The inclusive capture rate at maximal energy transfer is connected with the off-mass shell s and p wave scattering lengths for pions. Inside PCAC a rigorous lower bound for the rate results. The vector current contributions are shown to be insignificant. In a numerical illustration it is shown that this picture qualitatively explains the high energy nucleons emitted in μ capture.
Delayed-type skin reactions in bursectomized or thymectomized chickens.
Chickens can easily be induced to develop delayed-type skin reactions to oxazolone when animals are sensitized 7 days before the challenge. The reaction is quantitated by assessing the increase in wattle thickness: maximum reactions occur 24 h after challenge. The reaction is inhibited by neonatal thymectomy or bursectomy; these findings therefore suggest also an important B-derived component in delayed hypersensitivity to oxazolone.
Acetylcholine overflow during infusion of a high potassium-low sodium solution into the perfused chicken heart in the absence and presence of physost…
1. The effect of infusion of a modified Tyrode's solution (“high K+-low Na+ solution”) into the isolated chicken heart on the content of acetylcholine in the tissue and the overflow of acetylcholine were compared to those evoked by vagal stimulation. 2. The release of acetylcholine was measured over 15-min periods of either stimulation of the vagus nerves (40 V, 1 ms) at 20 Hz or of infusion of the high K+-low Na+ solution (108 mM K+, 44 mM Na+). 3. Both stimuli caused a maximum overflow of acetylcholine in the first few minutes whether or not 10−6 M physostigmine was present. The overflow was maintained during the vagal stimulation at a constant rate of at least 35% the initial rate, where…
L'application de la théorie des organisations à l'université (quelques réflexions sur le rapport du professeur Bélanger)
International audience; Le rapport du Professeur Bélanger présente dans un langage clair et quelquefois provoquant, une vue très " économiste " de l'Université. Pour notre part, si nous avons beaucoup apprécié la description des particularités qui font de l'Université un organisme pas comme les autres et surtout celle des parties prenantes et de l'évolution de leurs pouvoirs respectifs, nous ne pensons pas que les hypothèses de départ choisies par l'auteur soient susceptibles de nous permettre de cerner les problèmes économiques et financiers essentiels de l'Université. Nous essaierons de le montrer d'abord en indiquant rapidement les faiblesses et les insuffisances de la théorie néo-classi…
Endurance of Muscle Contraction under Hypnosis
Endliche einfache Gruppen mit einer zentralisatorgleichen elementar abelschen Untergruppe von der Ordnung 16
Hierbei ist HiS die sporadische Higmar-Sims-Gruppe. Mit C, bezeichnen wir die dritte Conway-Gruppe. Die Gruppe He ist die in [l l] beschriebene sporadische einfache Gruppe. Eine Gruppe hat r(G) < 4, falls sich jede 2-Untergruppe von G mit hijchstens vier Elementen erzeugen IalIt. Zu den Gruppen mit Sylow 2-Untergruppe vom Typ A,, bzw. L,,(q) vergleiche [17]. Die Bezeichnungen folgen denen aus [4] und [17]. In [17] wurden Gruppen untersucht, die eine Untergruppe E mit / E 1 < 16 besitzten, so dal3 O,(No(E)/EC,(E)) = 1 ist. Zum Beweis von Satz A geniigt es also Gruppen zu untersuchen, in denen O,(No(E)/C,(E)E) # 1 ist. Da No(E) nicht auf&bar ist, ist weiter E elementar abelsch von der Ordnung…
Effects of N2, O2'-dibutyril cyclic GMP on the nucleoside phosphotransferase activity of the retina of the chick embryos.
In the retina of the chick embryo, 2 different forms of nucleoside phosphotransferase take part in the phosphorylation of thymidine. One is an unstable form with higher molecular weight. The other with lower m. wt is a stable form. This paper shows that N2, O2′-dibutyril cyclic GMP causes a marked decrement of the activity of the unstable nucleoside phosphotransferase.
About the reliability, efficiency, and meaning of the error estimates of a LAOCOON3-type NMR analysis system
Abstract The statistical error estimates of a LAOCOON3-type system are tested. The analyzabilities of a spectrum and spectral parameters are described by a new measure. The variation in the uncertainties of the parameters can be explained by correlation coefficients. According to the calculations made, the error estimates are normally quite reliable if the accuracy of the observed spectrum is known. In some cases the Newton-Raphson type of iteration does not converge or the confidence limits of the parameters are enormous or both; an example is discussed. It seems clear that one cannot avoid differing uncertainties of the parameters by changing the method of analysis, or that one can avoid …
Methacryloyloxyalkyltrimethylammonium chlorides (1a–c) with different alkyl chain lengths were synthesized and polymerized radically with 4,4′-azobis(4-cyanovalerianic acid) and K2S2O8 as initiators. With K2S2O8 as initiator, reaction orders of 0,5 and 1 with respect to initiator and monomer, were found. For the ionic monomers with longer alkyl chains the ratio of rate constants kp(2fkd/kt)0,5 was determined over a wide concentration range. It was found that with decreasing monomer concentration the ratio of rate constants increases, which is caused by a diminished termination rate because of an increased electrostatic repulsion of the ionic polymer radicals in dilute solution (increase of …
Solutions of chain- (PS-d3) and phenyl ring (PS-d5) deuterated polystyrenes in perdeuterated PS-d8 have been investigated with 1H and 2D NMR relaxation and wide line methods. The intra- and intermolecular parts of the 1H second moments at −100°C are 3,7 G2 and 2,0 G2, respectively, for PS-d3, and 14,7 G2 and ca. 0 G2, respectively, for PS-d5. The intermolecular contribution to the 1H spin lattice relaxation rate, determined at 55 MHz between 150°C and 250°C, is about one third of the total rate in PS-d3, and negligible in PS-d5. We suggest that this contribution is caused by rotational fluctuations of the intermolecular H H vectors. The intramolecular 1H- and 2D-relaxation rates indicate th…