showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
On the exterior capillarity problem
Complexes of organometallic compounds. XXXVIII. Anion Exchange Studies on the Trimethyllead (IV) Thiocyanate aqueous complex system
The distribution of Me3PbIV between the anion exchange resin Dowex 1 X 8 and aqueous solutions of NaSCN and KSCN was investigated. In the aqueous phase, up to 3 M thiocyanate concentration, only the formation of the neutral species Me3PbNCS was detected and the related stability constant evaluated. Evidence of formation into the resin phase of the anionic Me3Pb(NCS) species was obtained.
The ratio of primary scattering to total scattering of sky radiance
Recently Eschelbach has computed from theory spectral radiance values for a turbid atmosphere taking into account the effect of multiple scattering. In the present work these computational data were used to investigate the ratio of primary to total scattering. This quotient is a measure of multiple scattering because of the relation: Total Scattering (TS) is equal to Primary Scattering (PS) plus Multiple Scattering (MS), i.e. PS/TS = 100 - MS/TS (%). It is discussed in which way multiple scattering in the solar almucantar depends on the solar elevation, turbidity, scattering angle, wavelength and albedo. The present work shows in which way multiple scattering is related to the optical thick…
Hohe Ouecksilberkonzentrationen in Sedimenten des Ginsheimer Altrheines
Evidence for Two-Nucleon Polarization in the π(h9/2i13/2)11- ν(j-2)0+ Level in 208Po
From in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements on the 208Pb(α, 4n)208Po reaction using the Stockholm 225-cm cyclotron, we have concluded that there is an 11-, 8 ns isomeric state in 208Po, which lies 1 175 keV above the π(h 9/2 2)8+ state and that this isomeric state should have the configuration π(h 9/2 i 13/2)11- ν(j -2)0+. Calculations based on the use of empirical two-particle interactions give a position of the 11- level which deviates by about + 100 keV from the experimentally found position. It is suggested that this deviation is mainly due to the difference in the polarization of the 206Pb-and 208Pb-cores by the two aligned h 9/2 and i 13/2 protons.
Untersuchungen zum oxidativen Abbau nativer Cellulose, 3. Polymerisationsgrad und Polymerisationsgrad-Verteilungen im Verlauf des Abbaus von Alkalice…
Der zeitliche Ablauf des oxidativen Abbaus von Cellulose wird unter standardisierten Bedingungen durch Messung des Zahlenmittels, Pn (osmotisch), des Gewichtsmittels Pw (Lichtstreuung, Viskositat) und der Verteilungen des Polymerisationsgrades gemessen. Die Bildung der Spaltstellen verlauft in 2 Stufen mit den unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeitskonstanten k1 und k2. Diesem Prozes uberlagert sich am Anfang die Bildung intramolekularer Vernetzungsstellen. Unter Verwendung der Statistik vernetzter Molekule von Stockmayer ergeben sich Beziehungen, welche es erlauben, aus dem Zeitablauf von Pn und Pw die Zahlenwerte von k1, k2 und die Zahl der Vernetzungsstellen zu bestimmen. Pro natives Cellulos…
Études, temps, manque à gagner
International audience
The unequal profitability of education for unequals
International audience
Économie et éducation
International audience
Acetonat des Thiowolframs�uremethylesters
Polymerisationskinetische und konduktometrische messungen an polystyrylionenpaaren in einem größeren temperaturbereich
Messungen der Bruttogeschwindigkeitskonstante von Polystyryl-Natrium in 3-Methyltetrahydrofuran (3-Me-THF) in Abhangigkeit von der Konzentration der “lebenden” Kettenenden und der Natriumionen ergeben, das die Monomeraddition wie in anderen polaren Losungsmitteln nach einem Mehrwegmechanismus erfolgt. Der Ubergang vom Kontakt- zum solvatgetrennten Ionenpaar wird in einem Temperaturbereich von — 110 bis +85°CC mit Hilfe kinetischer Messungen im Stromungsrohr und durch Leitf ahigkeitsmessungen verfolgt. Analog zu entsprechenden Untersuchungen in Tetrahydrofuran kann dabei die Polymerisation uber jeweils eine Art von Ionenpaaren fast vollstandig isoliert beobachtet werden. Die thermodynamische…
Photodimers of cinnamic acid and related compounds. A stereochemical study by electron-impact and field desorption mass spectrometry
The low energy (13 eV) electron-impact and field desorption mass spectra of some photodimers of cinnamic acid and related compounds containing the cyclobutane ring are reported and the fragmentation patterns analysed in order to obtain stereochemical information on the substituent position on the cyclobutane ring. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical splittings of the cyclobutane ring were detected, allowing characterisation of the head-to-head and head-to-tail structures of the title compounds. A ring opening rearrangement of the McLafferty type was also found.
T cell-mediated cytotoxicity: discrimination between antigen recognition, lethal hit and cytolysis phase.
Using a 51Cr release cytotoxicity assay, the cytotoxic effector phase of in vitro activated mouse T lymphocytes (killer cells) against 51Cr-labeled target cells has been investigated. It is shown that within 5–10 minutes of contact between killer cells and target cells, the target cells are already committed to lysis, therefore, antigen recognition and “lethal hit” must have taken place within this period of time. In contrast, target cell lysis (cytolysis phase) requires up to 3–4 h in order to be completed; it occurs independently of killer cells and it is highly temperature dependent. The killer cell-dependent phase (antigen-recognition and “lethal hit”) is dissociated into two consecutiv…
Effects of Dextran Sulfate 500 on Cell-Mediated Resistance to Infection with Listeria monocytogenes in Mice.
Injection of dextran sulfate 500 caused loss of antibacterial resistance. Mice became more susceptible to an infection with Listeria monocytogenes and were unable to develop antilisterial immunity after both active and passive immunization with passively administered spleen cells from Listeria -immune donors. Indirect evidence suggests that the phagocytic component of cell-mediated resistance to bacterial infection is the site of attack of dextran sulfate.
Morphological Changes Induced by Dextran Sulfate 500 in Mononuclear Phagocytes of Listeria-Infected Mice
Morphological changes involving mononuclear phagocytes in Listeria -infected mice after treatment with dextran sulfate 500 were investigated. Mononuclear phagocytes in livers and spleens, both circulating monocytes and fixed macrophages, showed uptake of electron-dense material. Mononuclear phagocyte changes were most pronounced within granulomatous lesions, where many phagocytes showed large membrane-bound inclusions and extensive cellular damage. It is concluded that dextran sulfate 500 selectively damages mononuclear phagocytes and that, in listerial infection, dextran sulfate 500 renders mononuclear phagocytes unable to express cellular resistance.
Dilute solution rheology of flexible macromolecules (bead–rod model)
The rheological behavior of dilute solutions of flexible macromolecules is studied by means of a freely jointed multiple bead–rod model. The solution of the equations describing the mechanics of the system is obtained by means of a numerical procedure, which applies to arbitrary flow conditions. The case of the transient stress in uniaxial elongational flow is developed in some detail. A comparison with bead–spring models shows both quantitative and qualitative differences which are briefly discussed.
High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Barbiturates in the Picomole Range by Fluorometry of Their DANS-Derivatives
An empirical test of Sokolov's entropy model of the orienting response.
Several hypotheses, most of them deduced from Sokolov's entropy model of the Orienting Response (OR), were tested. The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) served as the indicator of the OR. Printed language, analyzed with regard to the information content in bits, was used as stimulus material. Forty-eight female students served as subjects. The results indicate: (1) that the uncertainty of a situation does not determine the strength of the OR, (2) that the strength of the OR depends on the information carried by an event, and (3) that the processing of this information, as indicated by the OR, may be delayed by one or more events in a serial application. For tonic level over a series of events no…
Where Do Diffractive Nucleons Go?
Nucleon and pion-nucleon distributions from the diffractive component in pp collisions are analysed. Diffractive events are assumed to come from a mechanism pp → N*p, in which a proton is diffractively excited to a nova N*. The decay properties of N* are determined by assuming that a Pomeron-proton collision behaves as a proton-proton collision. Correlations within the diffractive component are computed and seen to be numerically small. Even interference with the pionization component does not reproduce the observed pattern of pion (in the plateau)-proton (in the fragmentation region) correlations. This may imply the existence of long-range correlations within the pionization component.
An infrared study of organothallium thiocyanates
Abstract Some structural aspects of the organothallium(III) thiocyanates R 2 TlCNS (R = Me, Ph).[Ph 4 As][Me 2 Tl(CNS) 2 ] and Phtl(CNS) 2 have been studied by IR spectroscopy. From the frequencies of the NCS group vibrations in the solids, and the integrated intensity of the C≡N stretching absorption in solution, it was ascertained that the diorganothallium derivatives are isothiocyanates with a certain amount of ionic character in the TlNCS bonds, whereas PhTl(CNS), is essentially a TlSCN bonded compound. Apparently both solid Me 2 TlCNS and [Ph 4 As][Me 2 Tl(CNS) 2 ] do not show IR active ν s (TlC 2 )bands. The compound Me 2 TlCNS displays a double ν as (TlC 2 band, from which the pres…
Three-nucleon calculations for local potentials with the quasiparticle method
The three-nucleon system for energies below the breakup threshold is investigated with the help of the quasiparticle method. Two types of local potentials are used, namely purely attractive Yukawa potentials and the soft-core potentials of Malfliet and Tjon. The results obtained are compared with those of other calculations employing different methods.
Wellenlängenabhängigkeit des streulichtes makromolekularer lösungen bis ins nahe ultrarot
Biosynthesis of ecdysones in isolated prothoracic glands and oenocytes of Tenebrio molitor in vitro.
Abstract Isolated prothoracic glands from Tenebrio larvae synthesize in vitro α-ecdysone, but not β-ecdysone from 4-14C-cholesterol. Isolated abdominal oenocytes from the larvae synthesize mainly β-ecdysone, but only little α-ecdysone. When prothoracic glands and oenocytes are cultured together, the α-ecdysone derived from the prothoracic glands is oxidized by the oenocytes to β-ecdysone. The newly synthesized hormones are not stored in the cells, but are secreted into the medium if sufficient amounts of non-labelled hormones are present. If no unlabelled hormones are added to the culture medium, the newly formed hormones are converted to a large extent into polar conjugates.
Complexes of Tin(IV) with Tridentate Ligands M�SSBAUER, Infrared, and Solution Phase Studies
The configuration in the solid state and in solution phase of complexes of SuIV wit,li tridentate “planar” ligands, Sn(trid)2 and HNEt3Cl3 Sntrid, have been investigated by infrared and MOSSBAUER spectroscopy, as well as by osmometry, conductivity, and electronic and PMR spectroscopy. The presence of monomeric Sn(trid)2 and ionic [HNEt] [Cl3Sn trid−] species has been inferred. Octahedral type configurations are advanced for both classes of compounds. Komplexe des Zinn (IV) mit dreizahigen Liganden. Mossbauer- und IR-Spektren sowie Untersuchungen von Losungen Die Struktur von SnIV-Komplexen mit dreizahnigen “planaren” Liganden, Sn(trid)2 und HNEt3Cl2Sntrid, wurde in fester Phase und in Losun…
Primary radical termination and chain transfer in vinyl polymerization
Darstellung und Struktur der 1: 1‐Additionsverbindung SbCl 3 ·1,4‐Dithian
Darstellung und Rontgenstrukturanalyse von SbCl3·S2C4H8 werden beschrieben. Die Verbindung kristallisiert orthorhombisch in der Raumgruppe P212121 (Nr. 19) mit a = 7.257, b = 11.618 und c = 12.366 A, Z = 4. Die Struktur ist aufgebaut aus SbCl 3- und S2C4H8-Molekulen. Synthesis and X-ray Structure Determination of SbCl3.S2C4H8 The synthesis of SbCl3·S2C4H8 is described. The compound crystallizes in the space group P212121 (No. 19) with cell constants a = 7.257, b = 11.618 and c = 12.366 A, Z = 4. The structure is built up by molecules of SbCl3 and S2C4H8.
Hartree-Fock calculations and photoelectron spectra of SSO and NSF
Results from ab initio Hartree-Fock calculations on the ground states of SSO and NSF are reported. The calculations employ large basis sets of Gaussian functions of essentially double zeta quality. The photoelectron spectra of the bent triatomic molecules with 18 valence electrons, i.e. SSO, NSF, O3, SO2, NSCl are compared. Further experimental details of the photoelectron spectrum of SSO are presented and an assignment of the observed ionic states of SSO⊕ is attempted. The calculated dissociation energies, dipole moments and the population analyses are given. The correlation effect is qualitatively discussed in connection with the applicability of Koopmans' theorem for the bent tri-atomic …
Untersuchungen zum oxidativen Abbau nativer Cellulose, 2. Einfluß der Alkalibehandlung auf die Viskositäts-Molekulargewichts-Beziehungen
Um die Kinetik des oxidativen Abbaus nativer Cellulose viskosimetrisch verfolgen zu konnen, mussen neue [η]-M-Eichbeziehungen aufgestellt werden, da die Behandlung der Cellulose mit konzentriertem Alkali den Staudingerindex [η] erniedrigt, ohne das Molekulargewicht M zu verandern. Es wurden zwei Reihen oxidativ abgebauter, verschieden lange mit Alkali vorbehandelter Cellulosen hergestellt und an diesen die Konstanten der Kuhn-Mark-Houwink-Gleichung fur die Cellulosenitrate in Aceton und die Cellulosen in Cuoxam (Cu(NH3)4(OH)2) durch Vergleich mit Lichtstreuungsmessungen bestimmt. For kinetic studies of cellulose degradation by molecular oxygen it is necessary to establish new [η]-M-relation…
Vitamin A (Retinol) und Retinolbindendes-Protein (RBP) im Serum bei Maldigestion, Malabsorption und Lebercirrhose
Bei Normalpersonen und Patienten mit Malabsorption, Maldigestion und Lebercirrhose wurden vor und nach oraler Belastung mit 600 000 E Vitamin-A-palmitat bzw. wasserloslichem Vitamin A im Serum der Spiegel des Vitamin A (Retinol), des Retinol-bindenden Proteins (RBP) und Praealbumin bestimmt. In der Kontrolle steigt das Retinol nach Belastung signifikant an und erreicht nach 5 Std sein Maximum. Das RBP liegt im Mittel bei 42,25 mg/L, der Praealbuminspiegel bei 400 mg/L. Patienten mit Malabsorption und Lebercirrhose zeigen vor und nach Belastung mit Vitamin-A-palmitat einen gegenuber der Kontrolle verminderten Retinolspiegel. In der Gruppe der Maldigestion ist der Nuchternspiegel des Retinols…
Complexes of organometallic compounds
Abstract Tetraphenylarsonium and tetramethylammonium salts of the complex anions Ph 3 Pb(N 3 ) − 2 , Ph 3 Pb(N 3 )(NCS) − , Ph 2 Pb(N 3 ( 2 − 4 )) and Ph 2 Pb(N 3 )(NCS) − 2 have been prepared and characterized. Infrared spectra and solution conductance data are reported. Possible configurations of the complex anions are discussed.
Contralateral potentials in the suprasylvian gyrus evoked by pulvinar stimulation.
AbstractIn encephale isole cats the transmission of the bioelectrical activity in the suprasylvian gyrus, evoked by contralateral pulvinar stimulation was explored. Through the excitability increase and decrease of the pulvinar (by strychnine or KCl, respectively), the surgical removal of the ipsilateral suprasylvian gyrus and the electrocoagulation of the posterior commissure it appeared that the transmission of the activity in the suprasylvian gyrus evoked by contralateral pulvinar stimulation occurs through both the callosal and the interthalamic pathway.
1 The time course of the positive inotropic effect of theophylline was compared with the time course of the uptake and release of [(3)H]-theophylline in guinea-pig isolated, electrically driven hearts perfused by the Langendorff method.2 Formation of theophylline metabolites could not be detected under the experimental conditions used.3 Theophylline entered myocardial tissue very rapidly in two different phases. The first process (half-time 21 s) amounted to 93% and the second (half-time 5 min 50 s) to 7% of the total uptake. The development of the positive inotropic effect of theophylline was about four times faster than even the rapid component of the uptake of the drug into the myocardiu…
Morphognostische und multivariate-statistische Verfahren zur Geschlechts- und Rassendiagnose
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird an einem exemplarischen Fall gezeigt, das die in der prahistorischen Anthropologie in wachsendem Mase angewandten multivariatenstatistischen Verfahren der Geschlechtsbestimmung (Diskriminanzanalyse) und des Populationsvergleichs (Distanzanalyse nach Penrose) auch zur Begutachtung von Skeletfunden im Rahmen der forensischen Medizin erfolgreich eingesetzt werden konnen und einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Objektivierung der Geschlechts- und Rassendiagnose leisten.