showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Über makrozwitterionen, 9. Über den mechanismus der anionischen polymerisation von acrylnitril mit tertiären phosphinen unter Zusatz von LiCl


Die anionische Polymerisation von Acrylnitril mit tertiaren Phosphinen in Dimethylformamid bei 25°C wurde unter Zusatz von LiCl untersucht. Es zeigte sich, das durch den Salzzusatz mit Triphenylphosphin als Initiator eine Polymerisation uber Makrozwitterionen ermoglicht wird und mit Triathylphosphin die (auch ohne Salzzusatz schon mogliche) Makrozwitterionenbildung starker auftritt. The effect of LiCl on the polymerization of acrylonitrile initiated by tertiary phosphines at 25 C in dimethylformamide was studied. Macrozwitterions are formed only in the presence of the added salt when triphenylphosphine is used as an initiator. In the system initiated by triethylphosphine formation of macroz…

chemistry.chemical_classificationchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPolymerizationPolymer chemistryDimethylformamideSalt (chemistry)AcrylonitrileTriphenylphosphineDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Photosensibilisierte Oxidation von Lysozym bei Verschiedenen Wellenlängen


The photooxidation of lysozyme in the presence of methylene blue, riboflavine, and bengal rose at differentpH values and wavelengths was studied. Monochromatic irradiation at shorter wavelengths (345 and 365 nm) is - in contrast to visible light - characterized by higher energy yields and lower oxygen consumption. This behavior suggests that the mechanism of photooxidation depends on the wavelength. The specific destruction of amino acid residues is also wavelength-dependent. Using visible light of 448 and 621 nm for riboflavine and methylene blue, respectively, we have confirmed the selective destruction of histidine and tryptophan atpH 7,0. The energy yield for the destruction of tryptoph…

Radiationdigestive oral and skin physiologyBiophysicsCystineTryptophanfood and beveragesPhotochemistryeye diseasesstomatognathic diseaseschemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryRose bengalsense organsIrradiationLysozymeMethylene blueHistidineGeneral Environmental ScienceVisible spectrumRadiation and Environmental Biophysics

A case of agammaglobulinemia characterized by a defect of B-lymphocyte-differentiation to plasma cells


Humoral and cell-mediated immune reactions of a 36-year old patient with a late onset of an agammaglobulinaemia and of his immediate relatives have been investigated. The immunoglobulins gamma-G, gamma-A, gamma-M, gamma-E and gamma-D, and plasma cells in the bone marrow could not be detected in the patient's serum. Immune reactions with PPD and tetanus toxoid as well as the stimulation of the lymphocytes with PHA indicate that the T-cell system was intact. The examination of the peripheral blood lymphocytes by immunofluorescence techniques gave a normal number of B-lymphocytes. These findings could be corroborated by the results of lymphocyte stimulations with anti-IgG. The data suggest tha…

AdultMaleLymphocytePlasma CellsFluorescent Antibody TechniqueImmunoglobulinsStimulationLymphocyte ActivationImmunofluorescenceAgammaglobulinemiaBone MarrowLectinsDrug DiscoveryTetanus ToxoidmedicineHumansHypersensitivity DelayedChildGenetics (clinical)SkinB-Lymphocytesbiologymedicine.diagnostic_testTuberculin TestTetanusToxoidCell DifferentiationImmunoglobulin DGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseImmunoglobulin AB-1 cellmedicine.anatomical_structureImmunoglobulin MImmunoglobulin GImmunologybiology.proteinMolecular MedicineBone marrowAntibodyKlinische Wochenschrift

The space of distributionsD?(?) is notB r -completeb7


Pure mathematicsGeneral MathematicsSpace (mathematics)MathematicsMathematische Annalen

Existence, regularity, and boundary behaviour of generalized surfaces of prescribed mean curvature


Mean curvature flowMean curvatureGeneral MathematicsPrescribed scalar curvature problemMathematical analysisConstant-mean-curvature surfaceTotal curvatureSectional curvatureCurvatureScalar curvatureMathematicsMathematische Zeitschrift

On the genetics of psoriasis


To elucidate the mode of inheritance in psoriasis, Falconer's model for estimating heritability which is under the assumption of multifactorial inheritance, was applied to the data of Hellgren (1967) from Sweden. The heritability estimates were based on both manifest and potential psoriasis since a clear separation of these two categories was impossible. These estimates were 64% for parents, 60% for siblings and 52% for all first degree relatives which included the children of psoriatic cases. For second degree relatives it was 48%. None of these differences are statistically significant. The results are discussed.

GeneticsPsoriasisSeparation (statistics)GeneticsmedicineMultifactorial InheritanceHeritabilityBiologyFirst-degree relativesmedicine.diseaseJournal of Genetics

The πd scattering length from Kα X-rays


Abstract X-rays from the K α transition (2P → 1S) of the π − d mesic atom have been observed. Their energy, 2592.8 −2.0 +1.6 , has been measured by the critical absorber technique, using the M V absorption edge in bismuth. The strong interaction shift in the 1S state is −4.8 eV, corresponding to a scattering length a ( π d) = −(0.052 −0.017 +0.022 ) m π −1 , in agreement with recent calculations. The intensity ratio K α /K total = 0.548 ± 0.015.

Nuclear reactionPhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsAbsorption edgechemistryAtomStrong interactionchemistry.chemical_elementScattering lengthAtomic physicsIntensity ratioSpectral lineBismuthPhysics Letters B

O2-Löslichkeit in Fluorocarbonen


Fur zwei der zur Zeit gebrauchlichsten Fluorocarbone, Perfluortributylamin (FC 43, 3M Comp.) und Perfluortetrahydrobutylfuran (FC 75, 3M Comp.), wurden die O2-Loslichkeitskoeffizienten bei Temperaturen von 10 bis 50°C nach Aquilibrierung mit Gasen bekannten Sauerstoffpartialdruckes im manometrischen Apparat nach Van Slyke ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse von 300 Bestimmungen zeigen, das das Henry-Daltonsche Gesetz fur die O2-Loslichkeit in FC 43 und FC 75 nicht erfullt ist. Die Meswerte werden zur Konstruktion von zwei Nomogrammen verwendet, die es erlauben, bei bekanntem O2-Partialdruck und bekannter Temperatur die O2-Konzentration der Fluorocarbone direkt in Volumenprozent abzulesen sowie den Bu…

ChemistryGeneral MedicineMolecular biologyResearch in Experimental Medicine

Elongational flow of dilute polymer solutions


In this work, elongational viscosity data obtained for dilute solutions of Separan NP 20 in glycerol, are presented. The data are taken under transient stress conditions with two different experimental techniques.

chemistry.chemical_classificationWork (thermodynamics)ViscosityTransient stressMaterials sciencechemistryPolymer scienceFlow (psychology)ThermodynamicsGeneral Materials SciencePolymerCondensed Matter PhysicsRheologica Acta

The Spiral of Silence a Theory of Public Opinion


Returning to classical statements on the concept of public opinion, I have tried to substantiate empirically the process o f public opinion formation through the individual’s observation of his or her social environment. Of all the pertinent statements by Tocqueville (S), Tiinnies (9), Bryce (4), and Allport (l), I can mention here only Allport’s example of a process of public opinion: the pressure brought to bear on householders in a neighborhood to shovel the snow from their sidewalks. This example illustrates that social conventions, customs, and norms are included, along with political questions, among the “situations” and “proposals of significance” with which a large number of people …

Linguistics and LanguageSpiral of silencebusiness.industryCommunicationSocial environmentEmployee silencePublic relationsMilgram experimentPublic opinionLanguage and LinguisticsSocial groupsymbols.namesakeDissenting opinionsymbolsPolitical questionPsychologybusinessSocial psychologyJournal of Communication

Neutral currents in semi-leptonic processes ΔT=0


It is often argued that between nonstrange (and noncharmed) hadrons the matrix element of the last part of the current can be neglected, and calculations along this line have been performed. If this assumption turns out to be true, the only isoscalar neutral current between nonstrange hadrons is that contained in the electromagnetic one. The consequences are examined.

PhysicsDistribution (number theory)Quantum electrodynamicsNuclear TheoryFísicaGeneral Physics and AstronomyLettere al Nuovo Cimento

Protein synthesis of the sponge Geodia cydonium: characterization of the system.


Abstract The ribosomal population of the sponge Geodia cydonium has been examined. The monosomes have a sedimentation constant of 80 S, the sizes of the subunits are approximately 60 S and 45 S respectively. The polyribosomes contain up to 40 ribosomal units. Cell free protein synthesizing systems (cell homogenate as well as reconstituted system) have been prepared and characterized with respect to Mg2+, KCI and ATP concentrations, temperature, pH and time course of the reaction. In the cell-free system and in the cellular system the protein biosynthesis is inhibited by chloramphenicol. It is not affected by cycloheximide.

education.field_of_studyCell-Free SystemPopulationCycloheximideRibosomal RNABiologybiology.organism_classificationMolecular biologyRibosomeCell-free systemPoriferachemistry.chemical_compoundSpongechemistryBiochemistryPolysomeProtein BiosynthesisGeneticsProtein biosynthesisAnimalseducationRibosomesNucleic acids research

Kritische Anmerkungen zum „Typus melancholicus“ Tellenbach


Die Erfahrungen mit der Lithiumprophylaxe cyclothymer Psychosen begrunden einen Zweifel an jenem Teil der Melancholiekonzeption Tellenbachs, die annimmt, die durch die Verfassung der Inkludeuz und Remanenz gekennzeichnete pradepressive Situation zwinge den melancholischen Typus in jene endogenetische Abwandlung des Lebensgeschehens, „welche die Melancholie aus sich entlast”. Wahrend der Behandlung mit Lithiumsalzen kommt es zu einem initialen Befindlichkeitswandel, der augenscheinlich einem psychotropen Eigeneffekt des Lithium entspricht. Spater beobachtet man eine Entprofilierung des Typus melancholicus mit dem Verlust derjenigen charakterologischen Merkmale, die diesen Typus konstituieren…

Psychiatry and Mental healthPharmacology (medical)Biological PsychiatryArchiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten

Meson exchange and isobar admixture contributions to elastic electron-deuteron scattering


The deuteron structure functions for elastic electron scattering and the deuteron static properties have been calculated with the inclusion of isobar admixtures to the deuteron wave function and meson exchange currents. At higher momentum transfers the structure functions are increased significantly because of the strong enhancement of the deuteron magnetic dipole form factor. Roughly 15–35% of this enhancement depending on the momentum transfer arise from the meson exchange currents.

PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsMesonScatteringNuclear TheoryMomentum transferForm factor (quantum field theory)Nuclear physicsMomentumIsobarAtomic physicsNuclear ExperimentWave functionMagnetic dipoleZeitschrift für Physik

L'Uretropessi Di Pereyra Contributo Casistico


business.industryMedicineGeneral MedicinebusinessUrologia Journal

Influence of pH on the benzodiazepine-human serum albumin complex. Circular dichroism studies.


The influence of pH on the binding of benzodiazepine derivatives to HSA was studied by circular dichroism measurements and by gel filtration. The binding of nearly all benzodiazepines is increased by rising the pH from 6.60 to 8.20. For flurazepam, clonazepam, and nitrazepam this increase in binding is due to an increase of the affinities, while for the other substances the affinity remains constant and the number of binding sites is increased from one to two. The changes in binding of the benzodiazepines by rising the pH are explained by a cationic amino acid residue near or at the benzodiazepine binding site of the HSA molecule. This second binding site is not detectable by circular dichr…

Circular dichroismNitrazepamChemical Phenomenamedicine.drug_classStereochemistryFlurazepamSize-exclusion chromatographyPlasma protein bindingFlurazepammedicineHumansBinding siteNitrazepamSerum AlbuminPharmacologyBenzodiazepineBenzodiazepinonesBinding SitesDiazepamChemistryOxazepamCircular DichroismOsmolar ConcentrationChlordiazepoxideGeneral MedicineBenzazepinesHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationHuman serum albuminChemistryKineticsBiophysicsmedicine.drugProtein BindingNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology

Inégalité d'accès à l'éducation : quelques réflexions de synthèse


International audience

Inégalité d'accès à l'éducation[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Influence of solvent structure on ion pair association: The conductance of potassium perchlorate in ethylene carbonate-acetonitrile mixtures at 25�C


The conductance of potassium perchlorate in mixtures of ethylene carbonate and acetonitrile covering the range 82.6 ≥ D ≥ 36.0 in dielectric constant has been measured. The Walden products in these aprotic solvents are approximately one-half as large as the products for the same salt in isodielectric mixtures of water and tetramethylene sulfone. This alters the distribution between electrostatic and hydrodynamic terms in the theoretical conductance function in such a way that the calculated association constants for potassium perchlorate are much smaller in the aprotic mixtures.

chemistry.chemical_classificationPotassium perchlorateInorganic chemistryBiophysicsConductanceSalt (chemistry)DielectricBiochemistrySulfoneSolventchemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryAcetonitrileMolecular BiologyEthylene carbonateJournal of Solution Chemistry

Kristallstruktur von S,S ′‐Diäthyldithiooxalat (COSC 2 H 5 ) 2


Die Struktur des S,S′-Diathyldithiooxalats wurde aus Rontgenbeugungsdaten, gewonnen mit MoKα-Strahlung bei −60 ± 5°C, berechnet. Die Verbindung kristallisiert monoklin in der Raumgruppe P21/c, Nr. 14, mit den Gitterkonstanten a = 4.760, b = 10.744, c = 10.063 A und β = 121.8°. Die Elementarzelle enthalt zwei Molekule (COSC2H5)2. Diese ordnen sich in Richtung der 21-Achsen symmetrisch zu den Symmetriezentren in 1/2,0,0 und in der Zellmitte. Die Verfeinerung fuhrte zu einem konventionellen R von 0.058. Crystal Structure of S,S′-Diethyl Dithiooxalate (COSC2H5)2 The structure of (COSC2H5)2 was calculated from a data set collected by X-ray diffraction with MoKα-radiation at a temperature of abou…

Inorganic ChemistryCrystallographyChemistryCrystal structureChemische Berichte

Oligooctenamere, charakterisierung und massenspektrometrische untersuchungen


Die homologe Reihe der Oligomeren des Cyclooctens wurde mit Hilfe der Metathese-Reaktion dargestellt; die Oligomeren wurden gelchromatographisch getrennt und gereinigt. Ihre Siedepunkte und Brechungsindices wurden bestimmt, und ihr spektroskopisches Verhalten wurde untersucht. Insbesondere werden die Massenspektren der Oligomeren im Vergleich zu denen der Oligomeren des Cyclododecens, des 1,5-Cyclooctadiens und acyclischer Oligobutadiene diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse bestatigen die cyclische Struktur der durch ringoffnende Polymerisation von Cycloolefinen erhaltenen Oligomeren. Daruberhinaus wird gezeigt, das die Massenspektrometrie unter geeigneten Bedingungen herangezogen werden kann, um zwi…

Gel permeation chromatographyHomologous serieschemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryCyclooctenePolymer chemistryAcyclic HydrocarbonsDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Adducts of organolead(IV) and organothallium(III) chlorides with N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)nickel(II) and bis(β-mercaptoethylamine)nickel(…


Abstract Novel 1/1 adducts of organolead(IV) and organothallium(III) chlorides with the complexes N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)nickel(II) and bis(β-mercaptoethylamine)nickel(II) have been synthesized. Their configurations have been investigated in the solid state by IR and electronic spectroscopy and by magnetic measurements.

Magnetic measurementsChemistryOrganic ChemistryInorganic chemistrySolid-statechemistry.chemical_elementBiochemistryElectron spectroscopyAdductInorganic ChemistryNickelPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Bestätigung der struktur von α-hydrogen-ω-hydrogen[(2-hydroxy-5-methyl-1,3-phenylen)methylen]-verbindungen durch massen- und 1H-NMR-spektren


ChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Ion pair association in isodielectric mixtures at 25�C


Conductance measurements of potassium perchlorate and iodide have been carried out on the following mixtures: methanol-ethylene carbonate, acetone-ethylene carbonate, acetonitrile-ethylene carbonate, sulfolane-ethylene carbonate, isodielectric with water; and in benzene-sulfolane, benzene-acetonitrile, ethanol-sulfolane, isodielectric with methanol. The extent of ionic association at a given concentration in two solvents of the same dielectric constant is greater in the aprotic solvent.

chemistry.chemical_classificationPotassium perchlorateChemistryInorganic chemistryIodideBiophysicsIonic bondingConductanceDielectricBiochemistrySolventchemistry.chemical_compoundCarbonateMethanolPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular BiologyJournal of Solution Chemistry

Vesiculated tuffs and associated features


Vesiculated tuffs are tuffs that contain vesicles between the ash particles. Formation of the vesicles is the result of trapping of steam, the transporting agent of volcanic base surges, in wet, muddy or sticky ash deposited by the base surges. Vesiculated tuffs are described from various maars and tuff-rings in Europe (Iceland, France, Germany) and USA together with associated surface features such as: gravity flowage ripples, mud flow channels, current ripples, and current ridges. Other features described are: plastering of ash against obstacles and vesiculated accretionary lapilli, the latter containing vesicles in the outer layer. Vesiculated base surge deposits probably contained as mu…

Ripple marksgeographygeography.geographical_feature_categoryStratigraphyGeochemistryGeologycomplex mixturesLapilliVolcanoSurgeAccretion (geology)GeomorphologyInterstitial waterGeologySedimentology

Programmation linéaire et planification de l'éducation


International audience

Programmation linéairePrévision d'emploi[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationAnalyse coût-bénéfice[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationPlanification de l'éducationTaux de rendement interneFrance[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinancePlanification de la main-d'oeuvre[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Le coût de l'éducation à la charge des parents


International audience

Coût de l'éducation[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationEnseignement secondaireFinancement éducation familleFrance[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSEnseignement primaire

Wave propagation in optical systems


The intensity distribution in the image space of an optical system, due to an arbitrary object, is calculated by solving the problem of the propagation of a monochromatic light wave through the system. The system is assumed to be cylindrically symmetric with an arbitrary number of spherical surfaces. Analytic techniques based on the principle of stationary phase are used, and several advantages over ray-tracing techniques are obtained.

PhysicsAcoustics and UltrasonicsWave propagationbusiness.industryMathematical analysisLight waveCondensed Matter PhysicsSpace (mathematics)Surfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsIntensity (physics)Image (mathematics)Distribution (mathematics)OpticsStationary phaseMonochromatic colorbusinessJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Effect of DB-c-AMP on mechanical characteristics of ventricular and atrial preparations of several mammalian species


Conflicting results exist about the influence of cyclic N6-2′-O-dibutyryl-AMP (DB-c-AMP) on myocardial contractile force. The present study was designed to examine whether the positive inotropic action of DB-c-AMP is restricted to certain model preparations or whether it can be assumed to represent a more general effect of the drug. Therefore, the effects of DB-c-AMP on myocardial force and on various parameters of the isometric contraction curve were examined in isolated electrically driven (0.5–2Hz) ventricular and atrial preparations of several mammalian species (cat, rabbit, calf, sheep, rat and guinea-pig). The following results were obtained:

Inotropemedicine.medical_specialtyTime FactorsHeart VentriclesGuinea PigsPharmacology toxicologyIsometric exerciseSpecies SpecificityInternal medicinemedicineAnimalsHeart AtriaElectric stimulationPharmacologySheepBucladesineCATSbusiness.industryOrgan SizeGeneral MedicinePapillary MusclesElectric StimulationStimulation ChemicalC++ AMPRatsEndocrinologyBucladesineCatsCattleRabbitsbusinessHeart atriummedicine.drugNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology

Méthode de calcul des coûts unitaires d'activités et de produits dans les universités françaises


Référence interne : 74017

UniversitéCalcul des coûtsCoût unitaire[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationProduitMéthodeFranceEnseignement supérieurActivité

Vibrationssignale bei der Paarung vonPanorpa (Mecoptera/Insecta)


Male and female ofPanorpa find each other for copulation by vibration signals, which they produce through up and downward movements with the end of the abdomen. The frequency is about 100 Hz/sec, the duration 1 to 10 sec.

PharmacologyCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceDuration (music)Molecular MedicineCell BiologyAnatomyBiologyMolecular BiologyExperientia

Complexes of organometallic compounds


Abstract Novel 1/1 adducts have been obtained from the complex N , N ′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)nickel(II) (NiSalen) with di- and mono-organotin(IV) chlorides, and their solid state configuration investigated by Mossbauer , IR and electronic spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. In coordinated NiSalen the square planar structure is maintained around Ni II , and the coordination to tin involves three-coordinate phenolic oxygens. The environment of Sn IV is judged to be octahedral in both types of compounds. A trans -R 2 , cis -Cl 2 configuration is advanced for R 2 SnCl 2 NiSalen.

Magnetic measurementsChemistryOrganic ChemistryInorganic chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementBiochemistryMedicinal chemistryElectron spectroscopyAdductInorganic ChemistryNickelOctahedronMössbauer spectroscopyMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryTinGroup 2 organometallic chemistryJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

The Crystalline State of Macromolecular Substances


Unlike low molecular weight substances, high polymers do not crystallize completely. However long the crystallization process is continued, they still consist of a mixture of crystalline and non crystalline regions. In the undrawn material, these regions form larger units which are known as spherulites. Questions that are of special interest concern the arrangement of the chains in the noncrystalline regions, the causes of chain folding, and the imperfections in the crystals. The incomplete crystallization is a consequence of kinetic inhibitions. This can be deduced from the fact that the crystalline fraction increases with rising crystallization temperature. If polymerization is carried ou…

chemistry.chemical_classificationMaterials scienceMacromolecular SubstancesGeneral MedicineGeneral ChemistryPolymereye diseasesCatalysislaw.inventionCrystallization temperatureFolding (chemistry)CrystallographyPolymerizationchemistrylawsense organsCrystallizationMacromoleculeAngewandte Chemie International Edition in English

Atropine-resistant effects of the muscarinic agonists McN-A-343 and AHR 602 on cardiac performance and the release of noradrenaline from sympathetic …


Abstract 1 The effects of 4-(m-chlorophenylcarbamoyloxy)-2-butynyltrimethylammonium chloride (McN-A-343) and N-benzyl-3-pyrrolidyl acetate methobromide (AHR 602) on cardiac performance and noradrenaline release from terminal sympathetic fibres were measured in isolated perfused hearts of rabbits. 2 In the presence of sufficient atropine to block muscarinic receptors, high concentrations of McN-A-343 and AHR 602 caused no cardiac stimulation and there was no increase in the resting output of noradrenaline into the perfusates. 3 McN-A-343 and AHR 602 increased both the mechanical responses and the transmitter overflow evoked by electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nerves (SNS) but inhibi…

ChronotropicAtropineMalemedicine.medical_specialtyPyrrolidinesSympathetic Nervous SystemStimulationAutopharmacologyHexamethonium CompoundsPharmacologyIn Vitro TechniquesPiperazinesHexamethonium compoundchemistry.chemical_compoundNorepinephrineCocaineInternal medicineDesipramineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptorBenzyl CompoundsmedicineAnimalsPharmacologyNeuronsHeartHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationAcetylcholineElectric StimulationPerfusionQuaternary Ammonium CompoundsAtropineEndocrinologychemistryParasympathomimeticsHexamethoniumFemaleCarbamatesRabbitsDimethylphenylpiperazinium IodideAcetylcholinemedicine.drug

Effect of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Biosynthesis of Dna in Guinea-Pig Skin in Vivo


The molecular and metabolic alterations preceding the clinical manifestation of a photobiologic process, the erythematous or sunburn reaction, were investigated in mammalian skin in vivo. The effect of a moderate (2.5–3 times the minimal erythema dose [MED]) and a large (6–8 times MED) dose of ultraviolet radiation (290–320 nm) on the incorporation of [ Me - 3 H]-thymidine into epidermal cell DNA of guinea pigs was studied. The epilated half of the back of each animal was irradiated with various doses of ultraviolet light, and the other half served as the nonirradiated control. The amount of intraperitoneally injected [ Me - 3 H]-thymidine incorporated into the DNA was determined by the iso…

DNA ReplicationErythemaUltraviolet RaysGuinea PigsDermatologyBiologyTritiumBiochemistryGuinea pigchemistry.chemical_compoundBiosynthesisIn vivomedicineUltraviolet lightAnimalsIrradiationSunburnMolecular BiologySkinDose-Response Relationship RadiationDNACell Biologymedicine.diseaseMolecular biologyRadiation EffectschemistryBiochemistrymedicine.symptomDNAThymidineJournal of Investigative Dermatology

Der kristalline Zustand makromolekularer Stoffe


Im Gegensatz zu niedermolekularen Stoffen kristallisieren Hochpolymere nicht vollstandig, sondern bestehen auch nach einem beliebig lang andauernden Kristallisationsprozes aus einem Gemisch kristalliner und nichtkristalliner Bereiche. Diese Bereiche bilden im unverstreckten Material ubergeordnete Einheiten, die Spharolithe. Von besonderem Interesse sind die Fragen nach der Anordnung der Ketten in den nichtkristallinen Bereichen, nach den Ursachen der Kettenfaltung sowie nach den Fehlstellen in den Kristallen. – Die unvollstandige Kristallisation ist eine Folge von kinetischen Hemmungen. Dies last sich aus der Tatsache ableiten, das der kristalline Anteil mit wachsender Kristallisationstempe…

General MedicineAngewandte Chemie

Strukturen cäsiumhaltiger Fluoride, II1 Die Kristall- und Magnetische Struktur von CsFeF4 / Crystal and Magnetic Structure of CsFeF4


The results of an X-ray structure determination on single crystals of CsFeF4 are reported. The compound crystallizes tetragonally with α = 7.794, c = 6.553 Å, z = 4, in spacegroup P4/nmm-D4h 7 and is a hitherto unknown superstructure variant of the TlAlF4-type. Cesium exhibits 12-coordination (mean value Cs-F = 3.25 Å); the FeF6-octahedra are characteristically shortened normal to the FeF4⁻-layers (Fe-F = 1.962/1.861Å). An improved model is proposed and verified for a related structure of RbFeF4, showing the same features. Neutron diffraction studies on powder samples of CsFeF4 show that both compounds are identical as for their magnetic structures.

CrystallographyChemistryGeneral ChemistryZeitschrift für Naturforschung B