showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Complexes of organometallic compounds


Abstract Novel complexes RClSntrid, where R is Me, Ph, n-Oct, and trid 2− are dianions of tridentate “planar” ligands with ONO and SNO donor atoms, were synthesized and investigated in the solid state by infrared and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Possible configurations are discussed; polymeric trigonal bipyramidal structures seem to occur, although five-coordinated monomers as well as octahedral dimers (via oxygen or sulfur bridges) are not excluded.

InfraredStereochemistryOrganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementBiochemistryOxygenSulfurInorganic ChemistryTrigonal bipyramidal molecular geometrychemistry.chemical_compoundCrystallographyMonomerOctahedronchemistryMössbauer spectroscopyMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryGroup 2 organometallic chemistryJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Struktur und Eigenschaften von makroskopischen Einkristallen aus Polymeren mit konjugierten Bindungssystemen


Beider Polymerisation von Einkristallen aus Monomeren mit konjugierten Dreifachbindungen entstehen Einkristalle von Polymeren, deren Hauptkette im Kristall gestreckt vorliegt und aus miteinander konjugierten, alternierend angeordneten Doppel- und Dreifachbindungen besteht. Die Strukturdaten von zwei ausgewahlten Polymeren werden diskutiert. Charakteristisch ist die Periodizitat in Kettenrichtung von ca. 4.9 A und die Anordnung aller Bindungen der Hauptkette in einer Ebene.

Colloid and Surface ChemistryPolymers and PlasticsChemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistryPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryColloid and Polymer Science

Long-range correlations in the pionization component


Recen t ly I S R measuremen t s (1,2) of corre la t ions be tween a p ion in t he p la teau (lY=I 0 . 2 ) have been carr ied out . A typ ica l resul t is a corre la t ion func t ion which (if one holds y= fixed and the t ransverse m o m e n t u m of t he p ro ton < 1 GeV/c) has a pos i t ive va lue a t smal ler x, a zero at about x = 0.5, a rough ly cons tan t nega t ive va lue for 0.5 < x < 0.8 and approaches a large nega t ive va lue for x close to 1 (see below). In the fol lowing we shall quan t i t a t i ve ly expla in this s t ruc tu re in t e rms of a mode l which essent ial ly amoun t s to pu t t i ng f ini te-energy correct ions to a mul t ipe r iphe ra l c luster model . I n t he t…

Physics010308 nuclear & particles physicsStereochemistryParticle model0103 physical sciencesGeneral Physics and AstronomyAtomic physics010306 general physics01 natural sciencesLettere al Nuovo Cimento



The temperature dependences of the absolute small angle X-ray scattering powers and of the unit cell spacings of a series of 1,3,5-trioxane—1,3-dioxolane copolymers were measured. From a comparison of these data and of the specific volume values measured by Wilski it is concluded that values of crystallinity calculated in a conventional manner provide meaningful parameters when discussing the microstructure of these materials. The measurements were made on annealed samples. At temperatures below the original annealing temperatures changes in small angle scattering power, long periods and crystallinities of the samples were observed. These changes were reversible with temperature and were to…

Crystallinitychemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryDioxolanePolymer chemistryCopolymer135-TrioxaneDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Transferts sociaux et éducation


International audience

[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationTransfert socialAllocation familialeÉducationFrance[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceBourse d'étude[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and FinanceAide financièreComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS

Méthodes d'évaluation des coûts unitaires


référence interne : 74007

Méthode d'évaluationUniversitéCoût unitaire[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationDijonFranceEnseignement supérieur

Investigation into isoprenaline resistance in patients with obstructive lung disease


12 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease have been studied in an investigation regarding the causes of resistance to isoprenaline. The effects of repeated intravenous doses of 10 µg isoprenaline were assessed by cross over comparison before and after infusions of isoprenaline and a placebo; the infusions lasted for 35 to 40 min and the amount of isoprenaline infused was 0.5 µg/min. Total resistance, thoracic gas volume (whole-body plethysmography) and heart rate (ECG) were measured. No decrease in bronchospasmolytic or positive chronotopic effects on single isoprenaline injections could be demonstrated after prolonged infusions of isoprenaline.

AdultMalemedicine.medical_specialtyDrug ResistanceDrug resistancePlaceboPlacebosElectrocardiographyHeart RateIsoprenalineInternal medicineHeart ratemedicineHumansPlethysmographInfusions ParenteralPharmacology (medical)Lung Diseases ObstructiveAgedPlethysmography Whole BodyAsthmaPharmacologyAnalysis of VarianceClinical Trials as Topicbusiness.industryAirway ResistanceIsoproterenolGeneral MedicineMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseStimulation ChemicalObstructive lung diseaseAirway ObstructionBronchodilatationAnesthesiaInjections IntravenousCardiologyFemalebusinessmedicine.drugEuropean Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Pharmacological activity of new histamine analogues.


PyridinesReceptors DrugImmunologyPharmacology toxicologyGuinea PigsMolecular ConformationPharmacologyIn Vitro TechniquesToxicologychemistry.chemical_compoundStructure-Activity RelationshipDogsIleumMedicineAnimalsPharmacology (medical)Heart AtriaPharmacologyAniline Compoundsbusiness.industryImidazolesBiological activityAcetylcholinechemistrybusinessHistamineHistamineMuscle ContractionAgents and actions

Transport of recoil atoms in a stream of liquid-air-cooled pure helium


Abstract Pure commercial helium cooled down to the temperature of liquid air (80 K) has been used for rapid transportation of recoil atoms over distances as long as 10 m. Transport efficiencies of several tens of per cent have been obtained for recoil atoms resulting from alpha decay or from decay by fission. The angle of divergence of the beam of recoil atoms at the exit of the transport capillary is measured to be (11±2)° for particles of mass number A = 211. Experimental results are discussed in terms of thermal diffusion. The elimination of carrier vapors will probably simplify the use of the helium-jet technique in on-line mass separators.

Mass numberFission productsMaterials scienceFissionchemistry.chemical_elementGeneral MedicineThermal diffusivityRecoilchemistryLiquid airPhysics::Atomic and Molecular ClustersPhysics::Atomic PhysicsAlpha decayAtomic physicsHeliumNuclear Instruments and Methods

Untersuchungen von polymeren im massenspektrometer, 4. Abbaureaktionen von polybenzylen


Die Abbaureaktionen von unsubstituierten Poly(1,4-phenylenmethylen)en (A) (Polybenzylen), Poly[(2,5-dimethyl-1,4-phenylen)methylen] [Poly(2,5-dimethylbenzyl)] (B), Poly[(2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylen)methylen] [Poly(2,3,5,6-tetramethylbenzyl)] (C) und Poly(1,4-phenylenathyliden) [Poly(α-methylbenzyl)] (D) wurden durch direkte Pyrolyse im Massenspektrometer untersucht. Die Massenpyrogramme von unter verschiedenen Reaktionsbedingungen dargestellten Polybenzylen wurden verglichen, mit dem Ziel, direkt Informationen uber Strukturunterschiede wie Kettenverzweigung und unterschiedliche Verknupfung der Benzyleinheiten zu erhalten; hierbei konnten in einem Falle auf hohere Kettenverzweigung deut…

Reaction conditionschemistry.chemical_classificationSteric effectschemistry.chemical_compoundMonomerchemistryPolymer chemistryDisproportionationMethyleneBranching (polymer chemistry)AlkylThermostabilityDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Potentiometric studies on azido complexes of the aquodimethyltin(IV) cation in aqueous solution


Summary Mono and polynuclear azide complexes of the aquodimethyltin(IV) cation have been studied in solution at [ClO 4 − ]=3.00 M , by e.m.f. measurements of [H + ], using the competitive reaction method. Throughout the entire range of data, 2.5≤−log[N 3 − ] free ≤4.9, the results are interpreted by assuming that the complexes {[(CH 3 ) 2 Sn] 3 [N 3 ] 3 } 3+ and [(CH 3 ) 2 Sn(N 3 ) 4 ] 2− predominate; the cumulative equilibrium constants for their formation are log β 33 =12.98±0.03 and log β 14 =2.45±0.02.

chemistry.chemical_compoundRange (particle radiation)Aqueous solutionChemistryPotentiometric titrationPhysical chemistryOrganic chemistryAzideEquilibrium constantJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry

Ultrastructural changes of the oenocytes of Gryllus bimaculatus DEG (Saltatoria, Insecta) during the moulting cycle


1. The oenocytes of Gryllus bimaculatus are characterized by an abundant smooth-surfaced ER (ATER). In spite of the great cell size the plasma membrane never shows extensive infoldings during the moulting cycle. In addition to mitochondria there are very large numbers of microbodies containing peroxidase but apparently not uricase. Within the second part of the instar the microbodies lie along the clefts which run through the whole cell. 2. The following changes are observed in the course of a moulting cycle: Immediately after hatching the ATER is scarcely developed, some liposomes are located within areas of ATER disappearing some hours later. 20 hours after emergence glycogen deposits app…

EcdysoneInsectaTime FactorsHistologyGolgi ApparatusMicrobodiesPathology and Forensic Medicinechemistry.chemical_compoundAnimalsMicrobodyOvumCell NucleusStaining and LabelingGlycogenbiologyHistocytochemistryHatchingGryllus bimaculatusCell MembraneMetamorphosis BiologicalCell BiologyAnatomybiology.organism_classificationMitochondriaCell biologyMicroscopy ElectronchemistryLarvaUltrastructureInstarFemaleLysosomesMoultingReticulumGlycogenCell and Tissue Research

Do adrenergic fibres have muscarinic inhibitory receptors?-- a reply.


medicine.medical_specialtySympathetic Nervous SystemPharmaceutical ScienceAdrenergicIn Vitro TechniquesDogsInternal medicineMuscarinic acetylcholine receptormedicineAnimalsReceptors CholinergicSaphenous VeinPharmacologyNeuronsChemistryInhibitory receptorsHeartAcetylcholineElectric StimulationStimulation ChemicalMesenteric ArteriesRatsPerfusionEndocrinologyCatsRabbitsSpleenThe Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology

Über Chalkogenolate, LXIX. Darstellung und Struktur des 3,4,5‐Tris(methylthio)‐1,2‐dithiolium‐jodids — [(H 3 CS) 3 C 3 S 2 ] + J −


Darstellung und Eigenschaften von [(H3CS)3C3S2]+ J− (4) werden beschrieben. Die Rontgen -strukturanalyse ergibt eindeutige Hinweise auf Ladungswechselwirkungen zwischen den Ringschwefelatomen und dem Jod. JS-Bindungslangen: 3.442 und 3.394 A. On Chalcogenolates, LXIX. Preparation and Crystal Structure of 3,4,5-Tris(methylthio)-1,2-dithiolium Iodide, [(H3CS)3C3S]+ J− The preparation and properties of [(H3CS)3C3S2]+ I− (4) are described. The existence of charge transfer relations between ring-sulfur and iodine is verified by X-ray structure analysis. JS distances are 3.442 and 3.394 A.

Inorganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_classificationStructure analysischemistryIodidechemistry.chemical_elementCrystal structureIodineMedicinal chemistryChemische Berichte

Influence of emulsified fat on chlorpromazine availability in rabbit blood.


Kaninchen uberlebten die letale Dosis von 30 mg/kg Chlorpromazin (i.v.) nur zusammen mit einer Fettinfusion (0,5 ml/kg/min Lipofundin S 10®). Es konnte in vitro gezeigt werden, dass der Zusatz einer Fettemulsion (Lipofundin S 10®) zu Kaninchenblut (25 mg Fett/ml) den Anteil an freiem Chlorpromazin (Gesamtkonzentration 10−4M) von 2,05% auf 0,87% herabsetzt.

PharmacologyChemistryChlorpromazineBiological AvailabilityBrainElectroencephalographyCell BiologyPharmacologyLipidsCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceImmunologymedicineMolecular MedicineAnimalsEmulsionsRabbitsChlorpromazineMolecular BiologyOilsPhospholipidsXylitolmedicine.drugExperientia

La Celioscopia in Urologia: Nota Preliminare


General MedicineUrologia Journal

Untersuchungen zur reaktionsfähigkeit von estergruppen in polymeren, 2. Aminolyse von p-nitrophenylestergruppen


ChemistryPolymer chemistryDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Hyperfine shifts for cesium in Argon at high density


An optical pumping experiment was performed to obtain precise hfs shifts for Cs in Argon. The shifts measured include a term quadratic in the densityρ and a large temperature coefficient. The coefficients of the expansionδv/v0=a ρ+bρ2 area(80 °C)=−29.8(6)x10−9(Torr−1(0°C))b(80 °C)=+11(2)x10−14(Torr−2(0 °C)).

Optical pumpingNuclear and High Energy PhysicsArgonMaterials sciencechemistryCaesiumchemistry.chemical_elementHigh densityNuclear fusionAtomic physicsHyperfine structureTemperature coefficientZeitschrift für Physik

Different deoxyribonucleases in human lymphocytes


Abstract The distribution pattern of deoxyribonuclease activities in human lymphocytes has been examined by micro-disc-electrophoresis. Four groups of deoxyribonuclease activities, differing in their electrophoretic mobility, in the nature of their optimal substrate and in their optimal incubation conditions, are characterized. There are two alkaline DNase-activities. One corresponds to DNase I (EC, the other having pH optimum of about pH 9.0, prefers denatured DNA as substrate and is not dependent on divalent cations. The fractions with an acid pH optimum can be subdivided into two groups, which differ in their activity towards native DNA, towards denatured DNA, in their activity …

Malechemistry.chemical_classificationDeoxyribonucleasesHot TemperatureSubstrate (chemistry)DeoxyribonucleaseHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationIn Vitro TechniquesBiologyDivalentElectrophoresischemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryBiochemistryGeneticsHumansElectrophoresis Polyacrylamide GelLymphocytesDeoxyribonuclease IDeoxyribonucleasesIncubationDNANucleic Acids Research

Mono- and polynuclear hydroxo complexes of monophenylthallium(III)


Summary The hydrolysis of PhTl(OH)ClO4 has been studied in a medium 0.3 M in NaClO4 by a potentiometric technique. The complexes formed by the hydrolysis reactions together with their formation constants have been determined by the general minimizing computer programme LETAGROP. The hydrolysis species observed in the pH range 3–5 are the mononuclear [(PhTlOH)(OH)], the dinuclear [(PhTlOH)2(OH)]+ and the dimer [(PhTlOH)2(OH)2]. The formation constants are log *β11=−4.92±0.2, log *β21=−1.52±0.03 and log *β22=−6.11±0.05. Stepwise reactions are then postulated whose formation constants are respectively log (*β21/*β11)=3.40±0.25, log (*β22/*β21)=−4.59±0.08 and log (*β22/*β112)=3.73±0.09.

Hydrolysischemistry.chemical_compoundChemistryStereochemistryStability constants of complexesDimerPotentiometric titrationPh rangeMedicinal chemistryJournal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry

Neutral-current effects in elastic electron-nucleon scattering


PhysicsElastic scatteringNeutral currentScatteringQuantum mechanicsQuantum electrodynamicsElastic electronNucleonPhysical Review D

Über Arsen‐haltige Heterocyclen, I. Molekül‐ und Kristallstruktur von 2‐Chlor‐1,3,6,2‐trithiarsaocan


Die Struktur der Titelsubstanz (2) wurde rontgenographisch aus Diffraktometer-Einkristalldaten bestimmt und bis zu einem konventionellen R von 0.037 verfeinert. Der 8-Ring hat eine deformierte Wannenform mit transannularer 1,5-AsS-Annaherung. 2 ist dissymmetrisch, der wechselseitige Ubergang zwischen den beiden Spiegelbildisomeren wird besprochen. Die Koordination am As-Atom ist ψ-trigonal-bipyramidal mit axialen Abstanden AsCl 2.36 A, AsS 2.72 A und aquatorialen Abstanden AsS 2.25 und 2.26 A. Bekannte AsS-Abstande und Koordinationen werden diskutiert und Standardwerte fur AsS- und SbS-Abstande verschiedenen Bindungstyps ermittelt. 2 bildet ein Modell fur die Blockierung von Enzym-Proteinen…

Inorganic ChemistryBond lengthStereochemistryChemistryCyclohexane conformationCrystal structureChemische Berichte

Untersuchungen zur friesschen verschiebung an hydroxybenzylphenol-derivaten


An den Acetaten 2a–c, 3b, 4b und 4d von sechs Hydroxybenzylphenol-Derivaten wurde die Friessche Verschiebung mit AlCl3 als Katalysator in Nitrobenzol bei Temperaturen zwischen 40 und 70°C durchgefuhrt. Neben den zu erwartenden Hauptprodukten der Friesschen Verschiebung konnte durch Saulenchromatographie eine Reihe von Zwischen- und Nebenprodukten isoliert werden. Daraus ging hervor, das wahrscheinlich eine teilweise Verseifung der Acetate als Nebenreaktion stattfindet. Eine Wanderung der Acetylgruppe an den benachbarten Phenolbaustein des gleichen Molekuls konnte nicht beobachtet werden. Samtliche Verbindungen, einschlieslich der Ausgangsprodukte, wurden durch ihre IR- und 1H-NMR-Spektren c…

Fries rearrangementChemistryPolymer chemistrySide reactionMedicinal chemistrySaponificationDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Two different aggregation principles in reaggregation process of dissociated sponge cells (Geodia cydonium)


Chemisch dissoziierte Zellen des KieselschwammesGeodia cydonium reaggregieren aufgrund zweier verschiedenr Reaggregationsprinzipien. Der Aggnegationsfaktor, auf den die Primaraggregation zuruckgeht, ist membrangebunden und wird durch Proteasen nicht inaktiviert. Der sekundare Aggregationsfaktor wurde 500fach angereichert. Das Molekulargewicht dieses Aggregationsfaktors betragt etwa 20000 Daltons; er ist mit einem ringformigen Makromolekul (2×109 Daltons) assoziiert.

PharmacologybiologySurface PropertiesChemistryGeodia cydoniumCarboxypeptidasesCell Biologybiology.organism_classificationMolecular biologyPoriferaMicroscopy ElectronCellular and Molecular NeuroscienceSpongeCell AdhesionBiophysicsAnimalsMolecular MedicineGeodiaMolecular BiologyCell AggregationExperientia

Comments on the validity of a common category of constitutive equations


Many constitutive equations for viscoelastic materials which have appeared in the literature are modifications of the linear viscoelasticity model. Their general form is: [5] $$\tau = \int\limits_0^\infty {(f_1 C + f_2 C^{ - 1)} ds.} $$ The memory functionsf 1 andf 2, are assumed to depend explicitly on either some instantaneous or some timeaveraged value of the invariants of the rate of strain. It is shown in this paper that the general theory of simple fluids with fading memory is based on certain assumptions of smoothness for the constitutive functional which are violated by constitutive equations of the type discussed. This implies that, should any real material obey eq. [5], with an ex…

Pure mathematicsDependency (UML)Smoothness (probability theory)Simple (abstract algebra)Constitutive equationValue (computer science)General Materials ScienceType (model theory)Strain rateCondensed Matter PhysicsViscoelasticityMathematical physicsMathematicsRheologica Acta

Untersuchungen von polymeren im massenspektrometer, 3. Fragmentierungsreaktionen oligomerer benzyle


Beim thermischen Abbau von Polybenzylen im Massenspektrometer werden oligomere Benzylbruchstucke mit gesattigten (Phenyl-, Alkyl-) und ungesattigten (Chinonmethid)-Endgruppen gebildet. Zur Differenzierung der thermischen und elektronenstosinduzierten Abbaureaktionen wurden die Fragmentierungsreaktionen oligomere Benzyle vom Typ 1a, b im Massenspektrometer untersucht. Bei Anwendung niedriger Elektronenstosenergien wurden als Hauptfragmentierungsreaktionen Alkyl-, α-Benzyl- und β-Benzylspaltung sowie die fur 1,2-disubstituierte Benzyle strukturspezifische ortho-Umalgerung gefunden, die eine Differenzierung stellungsisomerer Oligobenzyle ermoglicht. Die genannten Reaktionen wurden durch Hochau…

chemistry.chemical_classificationChemistryPolymer chemistryAromaticityMedicinal chemistryAlkylDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Management of vesicovaginal fistulas with peritoneal flap interposition.


medicine.medical_specialtyVesicovaginal Fistulabusiness.industryUrologyMEDLINEMiddle AgedTransplantation AutologousSurgeryTransplantationmedicine.anatomical_structurePostoperative ComplicationsRecurrenceVaginaVaginamedicineHumansFemalePeritoneumbusinessOmentumThe Journal of urology

Crystal structure of the molecular adduct of dimethyltin(IV) chloride with N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato) nickel(II)


Abstract N,N′-Ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)nickel(II) behaves as a neutral bidentate ligand through its oxygen atoms forming binuclear complexes with organotin(IV) chlorides. The crystal structure of the dimethyl derivative is reported.

inorganic chemicalsOrganic ChemistryInorganic chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementCrystal structureBiochemistryChlorideAdductInorganic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundNickelOxygen atomchemistryPolymer chemistryMaterials ChemistrymedicinePhysical and Theoretical ChemistryDerivative (chemistry)medicine.drugJournal of Organometallic Chemistry

Chemical shift reagents in the study of polycyclic alcohols IX—1H NMR spectra of myrtenol and some other primary alcohols


Structure proof of (—)-myrtenol, 3-cyclopentenyl-1-methanol and 5-norbornene-2-endo-methanol has been obtained from their proton magnetic resonance spectra in carbon tetrachloride containing different added amounts of tris(dipivaloylmethanato)europium. For each alcohol, a 1:1 complex structure with Eu(dpm)3 could be computed, in which the calculated pseudocontact shift effects on all skeleton protons of the ring system were consistent with the observed shift effect values. A considerable contact contribution of opposite sign to that of the pseudocontact part of the effect could be estimated for the methylene protons of the CH2OH group.

010405 organic chemistryChemistrychemistry.chemical_elementAlcoholGeneral Chemistry010402 general chemistryRing (chemistry)01 natural sciencesSpectral line3. Good health0104 chemical scienceschemistry.chemical_compoundReagentMyrtenolProton NMRPhysical chemistryOrganic chemistryGeneral Materials ScienceMethyleneEuropiumOrganic Magnetic Resonance

Response of isolated human ventricular myocardium to cyclic AMP and its dibutyryl derivative.


The contractile responses to c-AMP and DB-c-AMP were studied in isolated electrically stimulated human papillary muscle strips. C-AMP (1×10−4 to 1×10−3 M) had no effect on contractile force in all of 6 human papillary muscle preparations studied. In contrast, DB-c-AMP (10−4 to 5×10−3 M) produced a concentration-dependent and reversible positive inotropic effect which was associated by a decrease in time to peak force and in relaxation time and which was not inhibited by 10−6 M propranolol. The possibility of a clinical applicability of DB-c-AMP is discussed.

InotropeAdultmedicine.medical_specialtyHeart VentriclesDerivativePropranololIn Vitro TechniquesVentricular myocardiumInternal medicineDrug DiscoverymedicineCyclic AMPHumansPapillary muscleGenetics (clinical)Dose-Response Relationship Drugbusiness.industryHeartGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedPropranololC++ AMPElectric Stimulationmedicine.anatomical_structureEndocrinologyBucladesineMolecular MedicineTime to peakbusinessmedicine.drugKlinische Wochenschrift

Chelating behaviour of diacetylbisbenzoylhydrazone with SnIV, PbII and PbIV


ChemistryPolymer chemistryChelationEducationInorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters

Untersuchungen zum pulmonalen Gasaustausch in der akuten Schockphase und nach �bergang in eine Schocklunge


Untersuchungen des pulmonalen Gasaustausches in der akuten Schockphase und nach Ubergang in eine Schocklunge zeigen ein unterschiedliches pulmonales Funktionsmuster. Bei 15 Patienten mit verschiedenen Schockformen bildete sich anfangs bei ungestorter Ventilation infolge einer pathologisch inhomogenen Lungencapillarperfusion bei erniedrigtem Herzminutenvolumen ein groser alveolarer Totraum aus, die aADCO2 stieg an. Das Ventilations-Perfusions-verhaltnis war erhoht. Trotz erhohter alveolarer O2-Partialdrucke waren die arteriellen O2-Partialdrucke erniedrigt, die AaDO2 erhoht. Neun Patienten dieser Gruppe, bei denen sich eine Schocklunge entwickelte, wurden 4–18 Tage nach der akuten Schockphas…

Gynecologymedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryDrug DiscoveryMolecular MedicineMedicineGeneral MedicinebusinessGenetics (clinical)Klinische Wochenschrift

Über die bestimmung der strömungsdispersion zur ermittlung von molekulargewichtsverteilungen mit der gelchromatographie


Die Kenntnis der axialen Dispersion ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung zur Ermittlung von Molekulargewichtsverteilungen aus der gelchromatographischen Elutionskurve. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit der Bestimmung der axialen Dispersion unter Verwendung monodisperser Polymerer. Abschliesend wird ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen, welches aus der gelchromatographischen Elutionskurve von Proben mit bekannter Molekulargewichtsverteilung die Dispersion naherungsweise zu ermitteln gestattet. The knowledge of the axial dispersion is necessary for the determination of molecular weight distributions from gel permeation chromatography elution diagrams. This work deal with the determination of th…

Gel permeation chromatographyMaterials scienceElutionDispersityPolymer chemistryAnalytical chemistryMolar mass distributionGraphDie Makromolekulare Chemie

Die innermolekulare, radikalische Addition der Methacryls�urereste in phenolischen Bis-(methacryls�ureestern)?Eine Kopf/Kopf-Addition


General MedicineEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsDie Naturwissenschaften

Zum metabolismus von dialkyldithiocarbamaten


Abstract Metabolism dialkyldithiocarbamates. I. Determination of amines using a reaction with isocyanates followed by gas chromatographic identification of the urea derivatives formed. N,N′-Di- and N,N′,N′-trisubstituted areas, formed by the reaction of amines with isocyanates, e.g. tert. -butyl isocyanate or 3-trifluoromethylphenyl isocyanate, are useful derivatives for the gas chromatographic analysis of primary and secondary amines. The separation is carried out at temperatures between 70 and 130° on liquid phases such as silicone OV-101 and silicone OV-17. With nitrogen and electron capture detectors the detection limit is 10 10 g. Trace analysis of simple primary and secondary amines i…

Detection limitchemistry.chemical_classificationPrimary (chemistry)Organic Chemistrychemistry.chemical_elementGeneral MedicineMetabolismBiochemistryNitrogenIsocyanateAnalytical Chemistrychemistry.chemical_compoundSiliconechemistryUreaOrganic chemistryDithiocarbamateJournal of Chromatography A



Cyclohexanon (I) wird an verschiedenen Aluminiumoxiden in die Verbindungen (II)-(VII) ubergefuhrt.

ChemistryGeneral MedicineMedicinal chemistryChemischer Informationsdienst