showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter Drive: Active Power Analysis in Frequency Domain


The international standard IEC 61800-9-2 introduces energy efficiency classification for frequency converters or complete drive module (CDM) and provides instrumentation minimum requirements for accurate measurement of CDM input and output power valid for conventional pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI). This paper highlights the necessary improvements to update the standard with more detailed prescriptions according to the converter topologies and the modulation techniques adopted. In this framework, this paper address the power analysis in the frequency domain of a cascaded H-bridges-multilevel inverter (CHBMI) in an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM…

CHBMIPower drive systemsPower qualityEfficiencySettore ING-IND/32 - Convertitori Macchine E Azionamenti ElettriciPower Loss

Risk Factors for Sensorineural Hearing Loss and Auditory Maturation in Children Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units: Who Recovered?


Background: Newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are at higher risk of developing sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), which may improve over time. The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of the main risk factors for SNHL in a NICU cohort, focusing on children who underwent auditory maturation. Methods: An observational study of 378 children admitted to NICUs, who were followed for at least 18 months, with periodic audiologic assessments. Results: Out of 378 patients, 338 had normal hearing and 40 were hearing-impaired; we found a higher percentage of extremely preterm (EPT) and extremely low-birthweight (ELBW) infants in SNHL children (p < 0.05). Sevente…

NICUNICU; sensorineural hearing loss; auditory maturationauditory maturationNICU auditory maturation sensorineural hearing lossPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthNICU; auditory maturation; sensorineural hearing losssensorineural hearing loss

Talviaisten rahapaja : luku- ja kirjoitustaidon hyödyntäminen rahanväärennöstarkoituksiin 1800-luvun puolivälissä


Luku- ja kirjoitustaito muodostivat 1800-luvun puolivälissä sekä yksilön että hänen lähiyhteisönsä näkökulmasta tärkeää aineetonta pääomaa, koska etenkin maaseudulla ne olivat harvinaisia taitoja. Niiden avulla oli mahdollista saavuttaa hitaasti karttuvaa yhteisöllistä luottamusta, rakentaa verkostoja ja saavuttaa henkilökohtaisia etuja, joista monet liittyivät myös taloudelliseen menestykseen. Näitä taitoja saattoi käyttää myös pikavoittojen hankkimiseen yhteisöllisten normien näkökulmasta kyseenalaisin keinoin, esimerkiksi väärentämällä rahaa. Kivijärveläinen Erkki Turpeinen oli taitava rahanväärentäjä, joka osasi hyödyntää luku- ja kirjoitustaitoaan omiin tarkoituksiinsa. Pohdin artikkel…

suomen kieliväärentäjätaineeton pääomaväärentäminenaineeton pääoma; elämäkertatutkimus; kirjoitustaito; lukutaito; mikrohistoria; rahanväärentäjät; rahauudistus; rikollisuus; suomen kielielämäkertatutkimusTurpeinen ErkkirikollisuusrahanuudistuslukutaitorahaKivijärvikirjoitustaitomikrohistoriaVertaisarvioitu artikkeli1800-luku

The role of Christianity in the European Union’s heritage and history initiatives


In its political discourse, the European Union balances Christian heritage, the secularization of European societies, liberal values and Europe’s culturally and religiously diverse contemporary reality. This article explores how the European Union narrates the story of Europe and the role of Christianity in this narrative. This exploration is based on two qualitative case studies focusing on key heritage and history initiatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament: the European Heritage Label and the House of European History. The article argues that issues related to Christianity become easier to handle for the European Union when they are dealt with as memory, tradition…

sekularismiArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)religionEuropean Unionchristianitycultural heritagesecularismEuroopan unionikulttuuriperintöuskonto ja uskonnotkristinusko

Controlling Atom-Photon Bound States in an Array of Josephson-Junction Resonators


Engineering the electromagnetic environment of a quantum emitter gives rise to a plethora of exotic light -matter interactions. In particular, photonic lattices can seed long-lived atom-photon bound states inside photonic band gaps. Here, we report on the concept and implementation of a novel microwave architecture consisting of an array of compact superconducting resonators in which we have embedded two frequency -tunable artificial atoms. We study the atom-field interaction and access previously unexplored coupling regimes, in both the single-and double-excitation subspace. In addition, we demonstrate coherent interactions between two atom-photon bound states, in both resonant and dispers…

quantumPhotonics:Física [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC]latticesFotònicaedgeGeneral Physics and Astronomylight-matter interactionsCircuit QED. Waveguide QED. Quantum information processing implementationsSettore FIS/03 - Fisica Della Materia

Spunti critici sull’aggiornamento della normativa europea in tema di qualità dell’aria


This paper aims at presenting an argument in favour of the need for a prompt update of the European legislation on air quality, by taking its cue from the current situation in Italy. The paper starts by providing a definition of outdoor air pollution and by referring to the most influential Italian scientific studies on the main health risks connected. The perspective then shifts to the analysis of the relevant legislation at both European and national level in an attempt to systematically recompose the complex framework of plans and regulations adopted for the containment and prevention of outdoor pollution. In this framework, the analysis of the three infringement procedures opened agains…

outdoor air pollution air quality directives infringement procedures WHO guidelines European Green Deal legislationSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo

Sivil ulydighet i økokrisens tid


Extinction Rebellions bruk av sivil ulydighet som protestform mot det de oppfatter som en rovdrift på jordsystemet er omstridt. I denne artikkelen fremsettes det jeg kaller et økoargument for sivil ulydighet og hevder at slik protest er akseptabelt som en moralsk, demokratisk og transnasjonal håndtering av natur- og klimakrisen. Jeg kritiserer her John Rawls’ rettferdighetsargument og Jürgen Habermas’ demokratiargument for sivil ulydighet fordi de representerer en antroposentrisme som forsterker denne krisen snarere enn å bidra til å løse den. Som et alternativ, bygger økoargumentet på et økosentrisk natursyn og en økologisk demokratimodell.

VDP::Humaniora: 000::Filosofiske fag: 160Materials Science (miscellaneous)Business and International ManagementGeneral Business Management and AccountingIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringNorsk filosofisk tidsskrift

Condizioni economiche delle isole e politiche di riequilibrio delle disparità territoriali


The results of scientific research confirm that the condition of insularity is an issue that still needs broad sharing and specific policies. The issues to be addressed are widespread in all territorial contexts, large or small. Insularity is a permanent structural constraint. Even though convergence policies have contributed to the convergence process between countries and regions, EU policies for the islands must be envisaged to define joint action to achieve a more balanced territorial equity.

Settore SECS-P/06 - Economia ApplicataIslands economies territorial equity balance development EU regional policies

Family language policy among Kurdish–Persian speaking families in Kermanshah, Iran


Abstract Minority language studies have received increasing attention over the last decade in Iran. Drawing on Spolsky’s (Spolsky, Bernard. 2004. Language policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) language policy theoretical framework, this inquiry reports on the language ideologies, practices, and management efforts of an under-explored group of Kurdish families residing in the city of Kermanshah. To this end, semi-structured interviews and ethnographic fieldwork guided the collection of data from 40 Kurdish–Persian bilingual parents. The thematic analysis of data revealed glaring inconsistencies among the three elements of family language policy (FLP). That is parents’ strong attachm…

Linguistics and Languagekansalliset vähemmistötlanguage managementkurditKurdish languageCommunicationpersian kielikielitaitovähemmistökieletlanguage practicesLanguage and Linguisticskurdin kielilanguage ideologiesiranilaisetkielipolitiikkakaksikielisyysfamily language policyperheet

Nitrogen isotopic composition of tooth enamel organic matter records trophic position in modern and fossil ecosystems


Abstract Nitrogen isotopes are widely used to study the trophic position of animals in modern food webs, however, their application in the fossil record is severely limited by degradation of organic material during fossilization. In this study, we show that the nitrogen isotopic composition of organic matter preserved in mammalian tooth enamel (δ15Nenamel) records diet and trophic position in modern and fossil ecosystems. The δ15Nenamel of modern African mammals shows a trophic enrichment of 3.7 ‰ between herbivores and carnivores, as well as a strong positive correlation between δ15Nenamel and δ15Nbone-collagen values from the same individuals. δ15Nenamel values of Late Pleistocene fossil …

Revisiting the Narratives of Finnish Early School Leavers: Mapping Experiences of Detachment through a Self-determination Theory Lens


Basic psychological needs and people’s experiences affect the choices they make, and further shape the trajectories followed through school. The present study focuses on the perspectives of people who left school without graduating. Through narrative interviewing processes we collected the storied experiences of eleven imprisoned early school leavers in Finland. We triangulated data-driven themes and used as theory the concept of three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Of these, relatedness was the most common and a shared topic brought forth by the participants. Experiencing dissatisfaction and frustration as a result of the need for relatedness played a cru…

relatednessitsemäärääminenfrustrationearly school leavingself-determination theorydissatisfactionEducationindifferencestoried experiencetyytymättömyysdetachmentopintojen keskeyttäminen516 Educational sciencesfrustraatioScandinavian Journal of Educational Research

Control of complex nonlinear wave dynamics in dissipative systems by machine learning


Ultrafast mode-locked fibre lasers exploiting nonlinearity in the pulse formation process are well-known to display a rich landscape of "dissipative soliton'' dynamics, which results from the interplay of the nonlinearity with dispersion and dissipation. Reaching a desired operating regime in a fibre laser generally depends on precisely adjusting multiple parameters in a high-dimensional space, in connection with the wide range of accessible pulse dynamics, which is usually performed through a trial-and-error experimental procedure, due to the lack of analytic relationship between the cavity parameters and the pulse features. The practical difficulties associated with such a procedure can b…

[PHYS] Physics [physics]

Desactivar el sinhogarismo de larga duración


Mendigos, vagabundos, sintecho, indigentes, transeúntes, carrileros, etcétera. ¿Se ajustan a la realidad estas etiquetas? ¿Nos estamos refiriendo a personas desadaptadas incapaces de mantener una vivienda y condenadas a vivir para siempre a la intemperie? ¿O por el contrario se trata de situaciones reversibles? ¿Qué factores contribuyen a ello? Desde un enfoque constructivista, esta obra ofrece una aproximación a la exclusión residencial en sus formas más agudas (sinhogarismo literal o restringido) y prolongadas en el tiempo a partir de una revisión bibliográfica y del acercamiento a la visión y experiencia de diversos agentes significativos, como las propias personas afectadas, las profesi…

desarrollo localgeografía humanaUNESCO::GEOGRAFÍA::Geografía humana ::Geografía socialtrabajo socialgeografía económica

Real-world evidence of biologic treatments in psoriatic arthritis in Italy: results of the CHRONOS (EffeCtiveness of biologic treatments for psoriati…


Abstract Background Biologics have demonstrated efficacy in PsA in randomized clinical trials. More evidence is needed on their effectiveness under real clinical practice conditions. The aim of the present work is to provide real-world evidence of the effectiveness of biologics for PsA in the daily clinical practice. Methods CHRONOS was a multicenter, non-interventional, cohort study conducted in 20 Italian hospital rheumatology clinics. Results 399 patients were eligible (56.9% females, mean (SD) age: 52.4 (11.6) years). The mean (SD) duration of PsA and psoriasis was 7.2 (6.9) and 15.3 (12.2) years, respectively. The mean (SD) duration of the biologic treatment under analysis was 18.6 (6.…

TNF-inhibitors.ACRBiologicRheumatologyPsoriatic arthritiDAS28Real world evidenceSecukinumabBMC Rheumatology

Spatial genetic structure reveals migration directionality in Mediterranean Ruppia spiralis (Western Sicily)


Mediterranean salinas, originally built for salt production, function as alternative wetlands. A variety of accompanying lagoon, ditch, and marsh systems are suitable habitats for salt-tolerant submerged macrophytes and often characterized by monospecific beds of Ruppia. Traditionally, birds are considered the main dispersal vector of submerged macrophytes. However, Ruppia spiralis habitats are under marine influence and therefore interference of coastal currents in their connectivity might be expected. In this study, we aim to infer connectivity and spatial patterns from population genetic structures. Using nuclear microsatellite loci, the nuclear ribosomal cistron and chloroplast sequence…

Global and Planetary ChangeSettore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaOcean EngineeringAquatic ScienceOceanographyWater Science and Technologyconnectivity migration salinas microsatellite coastal submerged aquatic vegetation

A collaboratively-derived research agenda for e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics


AbstractThis paper describes the collaborative development of an agenda for research on e-assessment in undergraduate mathematics. We built on an established approach to develop the agenda from the contributions of 22 mathematics education researchers, university teachers and learning technologists interested in this topic. The resulting set of 55 research questions are grouped into 5 broad themes: errors and feedback, student interactions with e-assessment, design and implementation choices, affordances offered by e-assessment tools, and mathematical skills. This agenda gives a framework for a programme of research aligned with practical concerns that will contribute to both theoretical an…

Mathematics (miscellaneous)Online learningAssessmentMathematics and Statistics Research GroupVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Matematikk: 410Mathematics educationFeedbackDelphi methodsEducation

Modelling the Frequency of Interarrival Times and Rainfall Depths with the Poisson Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Distribution


The Poisson-stopped sum of the Hurwitz–Lerch zeta distribution is proposed as a model for interarrival times and rainfall depths. Theoretical properties and characterizations are investigated in comparison with other two models implemented to perform the same task: the Hurwitz–Lerch zeta distribution and the one inflated Hurwitz–Lerch zeta distribution. Within this framework, the capability of these three distributions to fit the main statistical features of rainfall time series was tested on a dataset never previously considered in the literature and chosen in order to represent very different climates from the rainfall characteristics point of view. The results address t…

Statistics and ProbabilityHurwitz-Lerch Zeta distribution; log-concavity; compound poisson distribution; one inflated model; moment; simulated annealingHurwitz-Lerch zeta distributionSettore AGR/08 - Idraulica Agraria E Sistemazioni Idraulico-ForestaliStatistical and Nonlinear Physicssimulated annealinglog-concavityone inflated modelAnalysiscompound poisson distributionmoment

Cross-Subject Emotion Recognition Using Fused Entropy Features of EEG.


Emotion recognition based on electroencephalography (EEG) has attracted high interest in fields such as health care, user experience evaluation, and human–computer interaction (HCI), as it plays an important role in human daily life. Although various approaches have been proposed to detect emotion states in previous studies, there is still a need to further study the dynamic changes of EEG in different emotions to detect emotion states accurately. Entropy-based features have been proved to be effective in mining the complexity information in EEG in many areas. However, different entropy features vary in revealing the implicit information of EEG. To improve system reliability, in this paper,…

ihmisen ja tietokoneen vuorovaikutusGeneral Physics and AstronomyneuroverkotentropiamittausmenetelmätMSEBiLSTMtunteetemotion recognitionfeature fusionemotion recognition; EEG; feature fusion; MSE; BiLSTMEEGaivotfysiologiset vaikutuksetEntropy (Basel, Switzerland)

Sidney Armor Reeve: Engineer, Inventor, Progressive, and Underappreciated Utopian


Sidney Armor Reeve, professional engineer and amateur historian, economist, and sociologist, writing during what has been described as the Progressive Era, at-tacked the very foundations of the existing economic and social orders. He explic-itly criticized the dominant commercialism of the capitalist society as being a can-cer, a major cause of inequality and unemployment, offering instead a program of reform that, while some reviewers characterized it as consistent with the program of the socialists, presented something of an alternative vision, one recognizing the primacy of the Ultimate Consumer. His remedy, favoring as it did the central con-trol of the economy, shared at least commonal…

Economics and EconometricsHistoryPublic AdministrationSettore SECS-P/04 - Storia Del Pensiero EconomicoSidney A. Reeve Progressivism Utopianism Social energetics Social convulsion Competition Social and economic planning.

Conservative Management of Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia and Early Endometrial Cancer in Childbearing Age Women.


Total hysterectomy and bilateral adnexectomy is the standard treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia and early-stage endometrial cancer. However, the recommended surgical treatment precludes future pregnancy when these conditions are diagnosed in women in their fertile age. In these patients, fertility-sparing treatment may be feasible if the desire for childbearing is consistent and specific conditions are present. This review summarizes the available evidence on fertility-sparing management for atypical endometrial hyperplasia and early-stage endometrial cancer. Historically, oral progestins have been the mainstay of conservative management for atypical endometrial hyperplasia and …

fertility-sparing treatmentFertility PreservationGeneral MedicineConservative TreatmentSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaMetforminEndometrial NeoplasmsProgestinGonadotropin-Releasing HormoneTreatment OutcomeRetrospective StudiePregnancyendometrial cancerEndometrial HyperplasiaHumansEndometrial NeoplasmFemaleendometrial atypical hyperplasiaProgestinsHumanRetrospective StudiesMedicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)

Estimating Stress in Online Meetings by Remote Physiological Signal and Behavioral Features


Work stress impacts people’s daily lives. Their well-being can be improved if the stress is monitored and addressed in time. Attaching physiological sensors are used for such stress monitoring and analysis. Such approach is feasible only when the person is physically presented. Due to the transfer of the life from offline to online, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, remote stress measurement is of high importance. This study investigated the feasibility of estimating participants’ stress levels based on remote physiological signal features (rPPG) and behavioral features (facial expression and motion) obtained from facial videos recorded during online video meetings. Remote physiological sign…

sykeremote photoplethysmographyhead poseetäseurantakatseenseurantastress estimationstressisykemittaritilmeeteye gazefacial expressionetäkokouksetpsykofysiologiaProceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing

Expression of p11 and TASK1 Channels in Rat Carotid Body Glomus Cells Subjected to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia


Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) has been used as a model to mimic nocturnal apnea, which is associated with hypertension. One of the mechanisms for hypertension in patients with nocturnal apnea is an enhancement of the plasma membrane response to acute hypoxia in carotid body glomus cells. Hypoxia is known to induce depolarization via inhibiting TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ (TASK) channels, one type of leak K+ channels, in glomus cells. The present experiment was undertaken to immunocytochemically investigate the effects of CIH on the expression and intracellular localization of TASK1 channels and p11 that critically affect the trafficking of TASK1 to the cell surface. The expression l…

Carotid BodyApneaHypertensionPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthAnimalsGeneral MedicineHypoxiaRatsJournal of UOEH

Efficient Removal of Methyl Red Dye by Using Bark of Hopbush


Methyl red (MR) dye, one of the azo dyes, is mutagenic and its persistence has negative effects on the environment and people’s health. The current work is the first to demonstrate that methyl red dye can be removed effectively and sustainably, utilizing biomass derived from the bark of the Dodonaea viscosa (Hopbush) plant. The Hopbush bark shows effective adsorption of MR, upto 73%, under optimized conditions in an aqueous medium. The experimental conditions were optimized by examining the effect of time, initial dye concentration, pH and ionic strength on the adsorption process in an aqueous medium. Maximum (i.e., 73%) adsorption of MR removal (500 ppm) was observed in highly acidic…

Geography Planning and DevelopmentAquatic ScienceBiochemistry<i>Dodonaea viscosa</i> plant bark; animal charcoal; silica gel; adsorption kinetics; adsorption isothermWater Science and TechnologyWater

High quality single crystal recrystallization of thin 4H-SiC films deposed by PVD techniques, a way for new emerging fields


International audience

[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics][SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]



Seasonal Mapping of Irrigated Winter Wheat Traits in Argentina with a Hybrid Retrieval Workflow Using Sentinel-2 Imagery


Earth observation offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor intensively cultivated areas providing key support to assess fertilizer needs and crop water uptake. Routinely, vegetation traits mapping can help farmers to monitor plant development along the crop’s phenological cycle, which is particularly relevant for irrigated agricultural areas. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral instrument leverages the possibility to estimate leaf area index (LAI), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), and vegetation water content (VWC) from space. Therefore, our study presents a hybrid retrieval workflow combining a physically-based strategy with a machine learni…

Leaf Area IndexVegetation Water and Chlorophyll ContentActive LearningContenido de Agua y Clorofila de la VegetaciónDimencionality ReductionÍndice de Superficie FoliarAprendizaje ActivoReducción de DimensionalidadKrigingImágenesHybrid Retrieval WorkflowFlujo de Trabajo de Recuperación HíbridoGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesImageryleaf area index; vegetation water and chlorophyll content; Gaussian processes regression; hybrid retrieval workflow; dimensionality reduction; active learningKrigeageRemote Sensing

Rappresentazioni vertiginose. Tre esempi: Perec, Lequeu, Douat


Nel novembre del 2009 il Museo del Louvre decise di affidare a Umberto Eco la direzione di una serie di conferenze da tenere su un argomento di sua scelta. Eco scelse il tema della ‘lista’ conferendo a quella manifestazione il nome di Vertige de la liste a cui seguì un saggio dallo stesso titolo pubblicato da Bompiani. Questa breve nota prende in prestito la stessa tematica che, per via del suo carattere altamente ete-rogeneo, è in grado di coinvolgere diversi ambiti del sapere senza minimamente accennare ad esaurirsi. L’elenco, strettamente legato alla figura retorica dell’accumulazione, può infatti costituirsi di segni, parole, suoni e di qualsiasi altra forma di rappresentazione utile a …

Drawing vertigo interpretation list representation Jean-Jacques Lequeu George Perec Dominique Douat semioticsSettore ICAR/17 - DisegnoDisegno vertigine interpretare lista rappresentazione Jean-Jacques Lequeu George Perec Dominique Douat semiotica

Higher Education


Fifty years ago, higher education globally had started to change radically in terms of the proportion of young people enrolled in the system as well as society's expectations for what this would deliver. From the outset, Higher Education has featured research interrogating various aspects of inequality in higher education, including institutions and staff as well as students. This article offers an overview of that work. Our analysis is structured around three levels at which major questions on this topic have been framed and investigated. The macro level focuses on national systems and looks at widening participation, especially the increase in access to higher education for young people. …

inequalityorganisaatiokulttuurisyrjintäwidening participationkorkea-asteen koulutuseriarvoisuuslived experienceorganisational policykorkeakoulutinkluusioEducationdiscriminationosallistuminen

Caesarean Section on Maternal Request-Ethical and Juridic Issues: A Narrative Review.


In recent decades, the rate of caesarean deliveries has increased worldwide. The reasons for this trend are still largely misunderstood and controversial among researchers. The decision often depends on the obstetrician, his beliefs and experience, the characteristics of the patients, the hospital environment and its internal protocols, the increasing use of induction of labor, the medico-legal implications, and, finally, the mother’s ability to request delivery by caesarean section without medical indication. This review aims to describe the reasons behind the increasing demand for caesarean sections by patients (CDMR) and strategies aimed at reducing caesarean section rates and educating …

defensive medicineCesarean SectionPregnancycaesarean sectionPhysicianstokophobiaHumansFemaleGeneral Medicinemedico-legalSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaCDMRMedicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)

The role of natural science collections in the biomonitoring of environmental contaminants in apex predators in support of the EU’s zero pollution am…


Movalli, Paola et al.

WIMEKSettore BIO/05 - ZoologiaEU chemicals regulationMarine mammalToxicologyPollutionZero pollutionEcology and EnvironmentOtterApex predatorRaptorCHEMICALSChemistryBiomonitoringEXPOSUREEU chemicals regulation Zero pollution Biomonitoring Chemicals of emerging concern Apex predator Raptor Marine mammal OtterBiologyBiomonitoring ; Marine mammal ; EU chemicals regulation ; Raptor ; Apex predator ; Chemicals of emerging concern ; Zero pollution ; OtterToxicologieVLAGChemicals of emerging concern

3D digital tools for the archaeological massive artifacts documentation


This study focuses on 3D acquisition and documentation procedures, innovating and implementing traditional survey methods to promote and increase the efficacy of the historical and archaeological heritage fruition. Especially within museum itineraries, modern digital technologies, if consistently applied, can promote a better interpretative reading, implementing the knowledge of scholars. Moreover, in coherence with the Horizon Europe “Cultural Heritage” area of intervention, for a new future inextricably linked to the history of Cultural Heritage, it is essential to experiment approaches that favor innovative mechanisms of fruition and promotion of works of art, based on the idea that the …

CH surveyTexture correctionDigital heritageCH survey digital heritage semantic description 3D modeling texture correctionSemantic descriptionSettore ICAR/17 - DisegnoCH survey; Digital heritage; Semantic description; 3D modeling; Texture correction3D modeling

Francesco Fichera e il Palazzo delle Poste per Noto: studio grafico su un edificio mai realizzato


Si può parlare di dialogo in architettura? Il disegno può essere considerato come la traduzione in forma grafica dei rapporti dialogici in architettura e tra architettura e città? Con questo scritto si tenterà si rispondere ai due quesiti appena formulati attraverso lo studio del caso di un edificio non realizzato dell’architetto catanese Francesco Fichera (1881-1950) per la città emblema del barocco siciliano, Noto: il Palazzo delle Poste e Casa Littoria nella centralissima piazza del Municipio. L’approfondimento sulla documentazione progettuale ritrovata e la successiva fase di ridisegno critico restituiscono una possibile chiave di lettura su un metodo compositivo fortemente ancorato a r…

Francesco Fichera Noto drawing town graphic analysisSettore ICAR/17 - DisegnoFrancesco Fichera Noto disegno città analisi grafica

The project for the “Galleria Oretea” by Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda and other unbuilt “passages” in Palermo


The contribution aims to conjecturally reconstruct and analyze the unrealized project by Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda regarding the “Galleria Oretea” for Palermo. It is an urban project of considerable size and impact, which should have provided the city of Palermo, in the old town, with a gallery in the style of the Parisian “passages”, inspired by the contemporary creations of Milan and Naples. Thanks to the recent cataloging and publication of the entire corpus of drawings in the Damiani Archive, a reinterpretation of the project was carried out through a three-dimensional recomposition of the immersed in the places where it was originally conceived. Two other projects were developed for the…

Settore ICAR/17 - DisegnoUnbuilt projects Conjetural reconfiguration 3D modeling Urban and architectural analysis

Dialoghi fra storia e disegno: il progetto di Enrico Del Debbio per la Casa del Balilla di Enna


Attraverso il rapporto dialogico tra due diverse discipline afferenti al campo dell’architettura, come la storia e il disegno, in questo saggio si tenterà di indagare un’opera sconosciuta di Enrico Del Debbio, realizzata difformemente rispetto all’ipotesi progettuale: la Casa del Balilla per la città di Enna. Il progetto originario dell’architetto carrarese sarà ricostruito digitalmente a partire dall’esaustiva documentazione grafico-progettuale ritrovata presso il MAXXI di Roma. Un processo esegetico durante il quale si porterà alla luce un frammento finora inedito, quantunque infinitesimale della storia dell’architettura italiana, mediante l’applicazione combinata degli strumenti della Sc…

Enrico Del Debbio Enna Drawing 3D model Graphic analysisSettore ICAR/17 - DisegnoEnrico Del Debbio Enna Disegno Modello Analisi grafica

Mostrare l’invisibile: il soffitto trecentesco nascosto del convento di Santa Caterina a Palermo


Digital surveying and representation technologies have been widely used for the visualization of works of art and architecture that no longer exist or have been moved from their original location. These researches share a common feature, that can be resumed by the motto “Display the invisible”, already used in research experiences [Colosi et al. 2015; Gambin et al. 2021]. The purpose of this research is the visualization of a 14th century wooden ceiling, painted by anonymous artists, that covered the hall used for the assembly of the Chapter in the convent of Santa Caterina, at the heart of the historic center of Palermo. The hall was reshaped at the end of the 18th century to serve as a sa…

Hidden heritage wooden ceilings digital representation motion tracking augmented realitySettore ICAR/17 - Disegno

AR to Rediscover Heritage: the Case Study of Salerno Defense System


Recognizing and transmitting the uniqueness and identity of one’s territory represents fundamental step to guarantee its sustainability, protection and valorisation. Of particular importance, moreover, is the issues of the lesser-known heritage of great value but which, unfortunately, in some cases is still little known and often in a state of neglect. However, the diffusion of new technology and the great development of digitization positively contribute to the accessibility and visibility of these patrimonies, increasing the knowledge and the dissemination. This contribution focuses on one of the towers of the coastal defence system, a perfect example of a lesser-known architecture of gre…

photogrammetry 3D model towers virtual reconstruction HBIMSettore ICAR/17 - Disegno