showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Perhepäivähoito- ja päiväkoti-instituutio varhaiskasvatuksen kunnallisten viranhaltijoiden puheessa


Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin perhepäivähoito- ja päiväkoti-instituutioiden tuottamista varhaiskasvatuksesta vastaavien kunnallisten viranhaltijoiden puheessa. Tutkimus tehtiin kymmenessä suomalaisessa kunnassa, ja aineistona käytettiin teemahaastatteluja (N =42). Perhepäivähoito ja päiväkotitoiminta ymmärrettiin diskursiivisen institutionalismin näkökulmasta sosiaalisina käytäntöinä, joiden merkitykset ilmenevät ja muuttuvat varhaiskasvatuksen instituutioiden kielenkäytössä. Aineistoa analysoitiin diskursiivisesti, ja puheesta erotettiin vaihtelevia tapoja puhua perhepäivähoidosta ia päiväkotitoiminnasta. Löydetyissä puhetavoissa perhepäivähoidolle ja päiväkotitoiminnalle tuotettiin erilaise…

varhaiskasvatus perhepäivähoito päiväkodit instituutiot diskurssintutkimusfamily day carepäiväkoditvarhaiskasvatus516 Kasvatustieteetinstituutiotdiskurssintutkimusinstitutionalismiearly childhood education and careperhepäivähoitoviranhaltijatday care centresArtikkeleitainstitutions (social mechanisms)kindergartenjulkiset palvelutdiscourse researchKasvatus

A Comparative Analysis of Surface Characteristics of Enamel after Conventional Acid Etching and Er,Cr:YSSG Laser Irradiation


To evaluate the influence of Erbium, Chromium:Yttrium-Scandium-Gallium-Garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser irradiation (2W 15Hz, 2W 25Hz) on Penetration Depth, Surface Roughness, Surface Morphology and Etching Pattern of enamel and to compare it with conventional acid etching.Sixty sound human premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons were used for this study. Penetration Depth and Surface Roughness between Acid Etched and Laser Etched Enamel were evaluated using Non-contact 3D- Profilometer .Surface Morphology and the Etching Pattern were evaluated using Field Emission - Scanning Electron Microscope.On comparing the maximum depth and surface roughness values among all the three groups, highest was…

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Microwave gas sensor based on graphene aerogel for breath analysis


Exhaled breath can be used for early detection and diagnosis of diseases, monitoring metabolic activity, and precision medicine. In this work, we design and simulate a microwave sensor in which thin graphene aerogels are integrated into rectangular microwave waveguides. Graphene aerogels are ideal sensing platforms for gases and volatile compounds as they combine extremely high surface-to-volume ratio and good electrical conductivity at RF and microwave frequencies. The latter is modified by exposure to different gases, and -when integrated into a waveguide- these changes result in significant shifts in transmission and reflection scattering parameters. We model the aerogel as a graphene gr…

gas sensors graphene aerogel microwave sensors rectangular waveguideSettore ING-INF/01 - Elettronica2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)

Self-Powered Measurement System for Remote Monitoring of Human Metabolism


Continuous and minimally invasive measurements of metabolism are the key to the understanding and proper treatment of various pathologies. In this context, this paper deals with an innovative concept of a wireless measurement system that monitors glucose concentration and is simultaneously powered by self-measurement. The measurement system directly generates a radio transmission at a frequency proportional to the measured glucose concentration, acting de facto as a glucose concentration to time converter. In that way, a remote base station can indirectly detect glucose concentration by measuring the frequency of received radio signals. The outcome is a wireless measurement system, which us…

energy harvestinghuman metabolismmeasurementglucoseSettore ING-INF/01 - ElettronicaEnergy harvesting Human metabolism Measurement

Acaricidal Activity of Bufadienolides Isolated from Drimia pancration against Tetranychus urticae, and Structural Elucidation of Arenobufagin-3-O-α-L…


Chemical characterization of the bulbs of Drimia pancration was conducted to isolate four steroidal saponins (1–4). Earlier, we focused on the structural elucidation of compounds 1–3. Herein, by means of 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, Nuclear Overhauser Effects (NOE), and 2D-NMR spectra, the full stereochemical structure of 4 is reported, and all the 1H and 13C signals are assigned. Compounds 1–4 were tested for their acaricidal properties against the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. Our results showed excellent activity of compound 1, with an LD50 (µg/cm2) of 0.29 and a LD90 (µg/cm2) of 0.96, whereas compounds 2, 3, and 4 showed moderate activity. Furthermore, t…

steroidal saponinsEcologybotanical acaricidecrop pestbotanical acaricide; crop pest; Integrated Pest Management; steroidal saponins; NMRPlant ScienceIntegrated Pest ManagementNMREcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsPlants

Does Physical Activity Improve Inhibition in Kindergarteners? A Pilot Study


Substantial empirical evidence supports the positive effects of physical activity (PA) on executive functions, but not all forms of physical activity benefit equally. Among kindergarteners, cognitively-engaging exercise seems to more strongly effect EF than simple exercise. We aimed to investigate several qualitatively different exercise formats on kindergarteners' inhibition. Participants were 75 children (M age = 68.1 months), recruited from 14 classrooms of three kindergarten schools. They were randomly assigned to three groups: control group, free play group (non-cognitively-engaging PA), and an intervention group (cognitively-engaging PA). The intervention group performed 18 sessions …

physical activityExperimental and Cognitive PsychologyPilot Projectsexecutive functionsSensory SystemsinhibitionExecutive FunctionInhibition PsychologicalSettore M-PSI/04 - Psicologia Dello Sviluppo E Psicologia Dell'EducazioneCognitionchildrenChild PreschoolHumanskindergartenChildExercise

Effects of food-simulating solutions on the surface properties of two CAD/CAM resin composites


During clinical service, dental materials could experience chemical degradation due to exposure to different diet components which could affect their functions and longevity. So, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of food simulating solutions on surface properties of two CAD/CAM dental resin composites.Two CAD/CAM composites; a nano-hybrid and a resin nano-ceramic were machined into 2 mm plates then assessed at baseline for their surface roughness and microhardness. Each group was immersed into distilled water, ethanol and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) for 15 days at 37oC. The surface properties were evaluated after one day, 10 and 15 days of immersion by a surface profil…

General DentistryUNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICASJournal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry



One of the most sensitive life periods for each species is the first life stages (larval and juvenile). The survival rates of pelagic fish larvae in these phases are usually very low and subject to fluctuations, consequently affecting the recruitment of new generations. From historical Tuna landing data, the stock's abundance is fluctuating, especially for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (ABT) (Thunnus thynnus, Linnaeus, 1758) Eastern stock. It is the largest Mediterranean Tuna and one of the most expensive species in the world. Some studies hypothesized that the fluctuations are dictated by environmental factors, particularly in the early life stages. Therefore, it appears necessary to better unders…

multivariate statistical analysiLagrangian simulationichthyoplanktontunaAuxis rochei: Thunnus alalungaMediterranean Seabackward trajectoriespawning habitatspawningThunnus thynnularval habitat

Exploring Environmental Management Control in Proactive Firms


This chapter discusses the integration of environmental issues into the sphere of management control – renamed environmental management control (EMC) in France or eco-control in North America. We aim to contribute to reflections on the topic and to propose a conceptual framework for EMC by answering the following three research questions: How can we define EMC? How is EMC used in companies? Do management controllers have a part to play in this new managerial process?

Environmental ManagementProactive Firms[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration

Feynman integrals for binary systems of black holes


The initial phase of the inspiral process of a binary black-hole system can be described by perturbation theory. At the third post-Minkowskian order a two-loop double box graph, known as H-graph, contributes. In this talk we report how all master integrals of the H-graph with equal masses can be expressed up to weight four in terms of multiple polylogarithms. We also discuss techniques for the unequal mass case. The essential complication (and the focus of the talk) is the occurrence of several square roots.

High Energy Physics - TheoryHigh Energy Physics - PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)FOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction among Teachers during the COVID-19 Pa…


This study examines the indirect effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction among teachers during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. A sample of 322 teachers aged 23–71 (M = 45.37, SD = 8.99) participated in a cross-sectional online survey. The online survey (Google form) contained some demographic information and standardized psychological questionnaires: the Multivariate Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS) for measuring emotional intelligence, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)—a short form for job satisfaction assessment, and the Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS). Emotional intelligence is a significant po…

Clinical PsychologyeducationDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyApplied Psychologyemotional intelligence; job satisfaction; life satisfaction; teachers; web-based distance educationEuropean Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education

Beyond challenges and enrichment: a qualitative account of cross-cultural experiences of nursing patients with an ethnic minority background in Norway


Abstract Background Substantial mass migrations to the Scandinavian countries have made them heterogeneous and multicultural societies. Migration has also influenced the workforce, especially the healthcare system that has had to accommodate a culturally diverse population. This qualitative study aimed to explore nurses’ experiences in caring for patients with an ethnic minority background. Methods Focus group interviews with a total of 21 nurses were conducted. Thematic analysis was performed on the transcribed and translated interviews. Results The findings of this study revealed three major themes: various experiences concerning language barriers and the use of interpreters, the impact o…

VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800::Sykepleievitenskap: 808General Nursing

The Effects of Resistance Training on Physical Fitness and Neuromotor-Cognitive Functions in Adults With Down Syndrome


Adults with Down syndrome are an underserved population at high risk for a host of different pathologies from aging and lack of activity.PurposeTo examine the effects of a 10-week resistance training program on measures of motor behavior, cognitive function, mood, and physical fitness.MethodsParticipants (n = 11) were men and women clinically diagnosed with Down syndrome (age: 25.8 ± 6.4 years; height: 151.5 ± 8.3 cm; weight: 67.5 ± 13.0 kg; IQ: 58.3 ± 19.7 units). After familiarization of testing procedures, subjects performed The Arizona Cognitive Test Battery for Down Syndrome, TGMD-2, lower and upper body strength assessments, and body composition via DXA testing, while parental guardia…

cognitionTrisomy 21koordinaatio (motoriikka)exercisemotor skillerityisliikuntaharjoitusvasteDownin oireyhtymävoimaharjoittelustrengthlihaskuntomotoriset taidotkehitysvammaisetspecial populationsFrontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences

Expert opinion document: “Electrical impedance tomography: applications from the intensive care unit and beyond”


Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving technology, but it can also inadvertently induce lung injury and increase morbidity and mortality. Currently, there is no easy method of assessing the impact that ventilator settings have on the degree of lung inssflation. Computed tomography (CT), the gold standard for visually monitoring lung function, can provide detailed regional information of the lung. Unfortunately, it necessitates moving critically ill patients to a special diagnostic room and involves exposure to radiation. A technique introduced in the 1980s, electrical impedance tomography (EIT) can non-invasively provide similar monitoring of lung function. However, while CT provides infor…


Kokemuksia vapaaehtoisesta lapsettomuudesta ja sterilisaatiosta -kirjoitusaineisto 2017


Aineisto koostuu vapaaehtoista lapsettomuutta ja sterilisaatiota käsittelevistä kirjoituksista. Kirjoituspyyntöön saivat vastata kaikki itsensä kohderyhmään kuuluvaksi määrittelevät henkilöt. Aineisto on kerätty alun perin pro gradu -tutkielmaan vuonna 2017. Kirjoituskutsun avulla pyrittiin selvittämään mm. sitä, miten päätös vapaaehtoisesta lapsettomuudesta on syntynyt ja millaisia ajatuksia sterilisaatio vastaajissa herättää. Tarkoitus oli saada tietoa myös siitä, miksi sterilisaatioon hakeudutaan ja millaisia vaikutuksia toimenpiteellä on ollut vapaaehtoisesti lapsettomien ihmisten elämään. Haluttiin myös tietää, millaisena tilanteen näkevät ne, jotka toivoisivat toimenpidettä, mutta eiv…

voluntary childlessnesssterilisation (medical procedures)perhesuunnittelumedicine (science)family planningmedical anthropologycontraceptive methodslääketiedevapaaehtoinen lapsettomuusehkäisymenetelmätsterilointi (lääketieteellinen toimenpide)lääketieteellinen antropologia

From pagan charms to pious prayers? A case study of two runic formulas


Emnet for dette bidraget er to runeformler fra ulike tidsepoker. De er strukturelt nokså likt gjennomført ved enderim og “[v]ekslende initialer med faste repetisjoner” (Nordby 2018: 109). Den ene er den velkjente þistill-mistill-kistill-formelen, som først opptrer på den danske Gørlevsteinen rundt 800–850 e.Kr., den andre er den yngre horn-þorn-korn-formelen, som er ristet inn i kalkpuss i to gotlandske kirker og på en blyamulett fra Kællingeby. Denne type formler kobles gjerne til en opplæringskontekst, særlig horn-þorn-korn. Artikkelen argumenterer for en symbiose mellom hedenske og kristne allegorier som kommer til syne i ulike kontekster. Det argumenteres for en interaksjon mellom folke…

VDP::Humaniora: 000::Språkvitenskapelige fag: 010::Nordiske språk: 018

The important impact of dental care on haemostatic treatment burden in patients with mild haemophilia


Background: Mild haemophilia (MH) is mainly characterized by haemorrhages secondary to surgery/invasive procedures or trauma. Haemostatic treatment in MH ranges from on demand to short prophylaxis according to the type of bleeding events and the basal clotting factor level. Oral surgery and dental extractions can represent a frequent haemostatic challenge in MH requiring appropriate treatment. However, only few studies on limited numbers of patients are available in the literature regarding the implications of dental management in patients with MH. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of dental care on the burden of haemostatic treatment in patients affected by MH…

AdultMaleAged 80 and overFactor VIIIAdolescentHemorrhageHematologyGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedHemophilia Amild haemophilia dental care FVIII FIX haemophilia treatmentHemostaticsAntifibrinolytic AgentsBlood Coagulation FactorsYoung AdultHumansDental CareGenetics (clinical)Aged

Psychological Detachment as a Mediator Between Successive Days Job Stress and Negative Affect of Teachers


The study investigated the mediating role of teachers' psychological detachment between successive days' job stress and negative affect. Fifty-seven Finnish teachers answered to a mobile diary four times a day on two successive workdays assessing their negative affect, three times a day assessing their job stress and once a day after work assessing their psychological detachment from work. Two-level modeling on both the between individual level and within day level was used to test the mediational model. The data supported the mediational model where teachers' job stress hinders their psychological detachment, which again increases their negative affect and job stress on the subsequent day.…

job stressmonitasoanalyysivaikutuksettyöhyvinvointipalautumineneducationpsyykkiset vaikutuksetpäiväkirjatstressinegative affectopettajattyöEducationdiary studytyön kuormittavuusjaksaminenstressinhallintateacherpsychological detachmentmultilevel modelingFrontiers in Education



The main goal of this thesis is to explore the inter-basin connection between the eastern and the western Mediterranean (E- and W-Med, respectively) during the last deglacial and Holocene periods (last 15 kyr). The thesis is based on the study of a sediment core recovered at the west flank of Sicily channel (W-Sicily), strategically located under the current path of the surface Atlantic waters and directly below the present-day hydrographic boundary layer between the Eastern Mediterranean Sourced Water (EMSW) and the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW). This key location allow to explore past changes in both surface and deep water exchange between the E and the W-Med. In this thesis, a …

deep hydrologyNeodymiumAfrican Humid Period.HoloceneEastern Mediterranean basinMediterranean Thermohaline circulationlast Sapropel (S1)Western Mediterranean Deep WaterYounger DryaSettore GEO/01 - Paleontologia E Paleoecologialate deglacialsurface hydrologyEastern Mediterranean Sourced WaterMediterranean SeaWestern Mediterranean basin

Impacts of weathered microplastics on bioavailability of pollutants in Paracentrotus lividus and Danio rerio: molecular and ecotoxicological approach…


Plastic materials provide countless applications in every sector of human life, from food and health preservation to textiles and electronics industry (Cole et al., 2011;Thompson et al., 2009) which is resulting in huge amount of plastic waste. Recently, it was estimated that plastics account for the 80-90% of the whole marine litter (Derraik, 2002) and over 5 trillion microscopic plastic fragments are floating on the surface of the World Oceans (Eriksen et al., 2014). The predominant form of marine plastic litter is called “Microplastics (MPs)", terminology by Thompson et al. 2004, used to indicate small plastic fragments, fibers and granules of microscopic size (1 μm to 5 mm in diameter).…

Microplastics contaminants bioavailability sea urchin zebrafish aging biofilm mixture

Technical and health governance aspects of the External Quality Assessment Scheme for the SARS-CoV-2 molecular tests: institutional experience perfor…


Abstract Objectives Since December 2019, the worldwide public health has been threatened by a severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by Coronavirus-2. From the beginning, a turning point has been the identification of new cases of infection, in order to minimize the virus spreading among the population. For this reason, it was necessary introducing a panel of tests able to identify positive cases, which became crucial for all countries. Methods As a Regional Reference Centre, the CRQ Laboratory (Regional Laboratory for the Quality Control) developed and conducted an External Quality Assessment (EQA) panel of assay, so as to evaluate the quality of real-time reverse transcription polymeras…

ISO 15189ISO/IEC 17025test performance evaluation.SARS-CoV-2Biochemistry (medical)Clinical BiochemistryCOVID-19General MedicineClinical Laboratory Servicesregional laboratories quality controlUnited StatesCOVID-19 TestingHumansExternal Quality AssessmentCovid437LaboratoriesISO/IEC 17043Laboratories ClinicalClinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)



seismic stationSeismic noiseBackground seismic noiseItalian Seismic Network.BroadbandItalian seismic noiseSpatial variation Italian noise

Modulations of corticospinal excitability following rapid ankle dorsiflexion in skill- and endurance-trained athletes


Abstract Purpose Long-term sports training, such as skill and endurance training, leads to specific neuroplasticity. However, it remains unclear if muscle stretch-induced proprioceptive feedback influences corticospinal facilitation/inhibition differently between skill- and endurance-trained athletes. This study investigated modulation of corticospinal excitability following rapid ankle dorsiflexion between well-trained skill and endurance athletes. Methods Ten skill- and ten endurance-trained athletes participated in the study. Corticospinal excitability was tested by single- and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulations (TMS) at three different latencies following passive rapid ankl…

stretch reflextraining adaptationPhysiologyPyramidal Tractsphysical exercisePhysiology (medical)transcranial magnetic stimulationHumansharjoitteluOrthopedics and Sports MedicineneuroplastisuusMuscle SkeletalmotoriikkaElectromyographytranskraniaalinen magneettistimulaatioPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthGeneral MedicineEvoked Potentials MotorTranscranial Magnetic StimulationharjoitusvasteEndurance Traininghermo-lihastoimintaAthletescorticospinal excitabilityrefleksitAnkleurheilijatEuropean Journal of Applied Physiology

A Preliminary Study on Photic Driving in the Electroencephalogram of Children with Autism across a Wide Cognitive and Behavioral Range.


Intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) is a useful technique in electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate the neurophysiological anomalies of brain activity. Although not an active task, IPS has also been explored in ASD; it is thought to capture local potential oscillators at specific frequencies and perhaps tap into rhythmic activity in a way that general resting-state recordings cannot. Previous studies suggest that individuals with ASD showed photic driving reactivity predominantly at lower frequencies of stimulation. In our study we used IPS to measure rhythmic oscillatory activity in a sample of 81 ASD children. We found a significant correlation linking ASD children with photic driv…

intermittent photic stimulationautism spectrum disorder; intermittent photic stimulation; electroencephalographyautism spectrum disorderGeneral MedicineelectroencephalographySettore MED/39 - Neuropsichiatria InfantileJournal of clinical medicine

Digitaalinen media yksilöllistää ja yhdistää vapaa-ajan liikkujia


liikuntakulttuuriyhteisöllisyysverkkoyhteisötsosiaalinen mediauusmediaverkkoviestintäLektiotsosiaalinen vuorovaikutusliikuntaharrastusviestintätekniikka

The Tapeworm and Maria Callas' Diet: A Mystery Revealed


Maria Callas’ diet, also known as the tapeworm diet, is a non-food-based hazardous treatment. This study aims to justify whether Maria Callas used this treatment for weight loss. To investigate this, we searched in the ‘white’, ‘grey’, and ‘black’ literature. The historical facts about the use of tapeworm pills seem to be inconsistent and include fake news. In the case of Maria Callas, it has been confirmed by her biography and personal communications that she was diagnosed with a beef tapeworm due to eating uncooked meat. This discredits the hypothesis that she consumed tapeworm pills.

Parasitologia mèdicaGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesGeneral Environmental ScienceDieta d'aprimament

*-Graded Capelli polynomials and their asymptotics


Let [Formula: see text] be the free *-superalgebra over a field [Formula: see text] of characteristic zero and let [Formula: see text] be the [Formula: see text]-ideal generated by the set of the *-graded Capelli polynomials [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] alternating on [Formula: see text] symmetric variables of homogeneous degree zero, on [Formula: see text] skew variables of homogeneous degree zero, on [Formula: see text] symmetric variables of homogeneous degree one and on [Formula: see text] skew variables of homogeneous degree one, respectively. We study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of *-graded codimensions of [Formula: se…

Settore MAT/02 - AlgebraGeneral MathematicsSuperalgebras graded involutions Capelli polynomials codimension growthInternational Journal of Algebra and Computation

Reforming the Teaching and Learning of Foundational Mathematics Courses: An Investigation into the Status Quo of Teaching, Feedback Delivery, and Ass…


Several universities are witnessing an increase in students’ enrolment in mathematics-intensive programmes over the last decades. This increase has come with the price of high failure rates in foundational mathematics courses, which poses challenges to mathematics teaching and learning in higher education. It is therefore inevitable, for some universities, to transform the teaching and learning of mathematics to more student-centred approaches that engage the students mathematically and enhance their success rates. We approach this transformative effort by investigating students’ perception of teaching, feedback, and assessment as a first step in reforming the teaching of a firs…

General MathematicsComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONComputer Science (miscellaneous)VDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Matematikk: 410Engineering (miscellaneous)higher education; mathematics instruction; success rate in calculus; formative assessment; feedback deliveryMathematics

Resolving tensions caused by high-stakes assessment in an L2 classroom through mediation


The Finnish classroom assessment culture is considered that of assessment for learning. The situation in upper-secondary schools is different, however. While teachers in Finland appreciate assessment supporting learning, they feel unable to merge it with assessment of learning outcomes, and favour the latter due to the Matriculation Examination (ME; e.g. Leontjev, submitted), a high-stakes exam growingly used in university admission. Learners, likewise, expect teachers to prepare them for the ME (Lakkala & Ilomäki, 2013), the results of which play a significant role in their further studies. The tension between assessment for learning and exam preparation is, therefore, often resolved i…

toinen kielikieltenopetusmatriculation examinationlukioGeneral MedicineL2luokkatyöskentelyoppimistuloksetsosiaalinen vuorovaikutusArticleylioppilastutkintokieltenopettajatsociocultural theoryoppilasarviointimediationpower of testsopettaja-oppilassuhde

Navigating the liquid biopsy Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Making the Invisible Visible.


Liquid biopsy has gained increasing interest in the growing era of precision medicine as minimally invasive technique. Recent findings demonstrated that detecting minimal or molecular residual disease (MRD) in NSCLC is a challenging matter of debate that need multidisciplinary competencies, avoiding the overtreatment risk along with achieving a significant survival improvement. This review aims to provide practical consideration for solving data interpretation questions about MRD in NSCLC thanks to the close cooperation between biologists and oncology clinicians. We discussed with a translational approach the critical point of view from benchside, bedside and bunchside to facilitate the fut…

Liquid biopsyNon-small cell lung cancerOncologyMinimal residual diseaseNGSHematologyCancer diagnosticsCritical reviews in oncology/hematology

Two‐dimensional metric spheres from gluing hemispheres


We study metric spheres (Z,dZ) obtained by gluing two hemispheres of S2 along an orientation-preserving homeomorphism g:S1→S1, where dZ is the canonical distance that is locally isometric to S2 off the seam. We show that if (Z,dZ) is quasiconformally equivalent to S2, in the geometric sense, then g is a welding homeomorphism with conformally removable welding curves. We also show that g is bi-Lipschitz if and only if (Z,dZ) has a 1-quasiconformal parametrization whose Jacobian is comparable to the Jacobian of a quasiconformal mapping h:S2→S2. Furthermore, we show that if g−1 is absolutely continuous and g admits a homeomorphic extension with exponentially integrable distortion, then (Z,dZ) …

funktioteoriaMathematics::Dynamical SystemsMathematics::Complex VariablesGeneral MathematicsgeometriamittateoriaMathematics::Geometric Topologymetriset avaruudetJournal of the London Mathematical Society

Aberrant brain functional networks in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A graph theoretical and support-vector machine approach


ObjectiveType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a high risk of cognitive decline and dementia, but the underlying mechanisms are not yet clearly understood. This study aimed to explore the functional connectivity (FC) and topological properties among whole brain networks and correlations with impaired cognition and distinguish T2DM from healthy controls (HC) to identify potential biomarkers for cognition abnormalities.MethodsA total of 80 T2DM and 55 well-matched HC were recruited in this study. Subjects’ clinical data, neuropsychological tests and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired. Whole-brain network FC were mapped, the topological characteristics were ana…

kognitiiviset taidottype 2 diabetes mellitusmagneettikuvaushermoverkot (biologia)resting-state MRIbiomarkkeritBehavioral NeurosciencePsychiatry and Mental healthkoneoppiminenaivokuoriNeuropsychology and Physiological PsychologyNeurologyauditory cortexsupport vector machinetopological propertiesaikuistyypin diabetescognitive functionBiological PsychiatryFrontiers in Human Neuroscience

Language, (em)power(ment) and affective capitalism : the case of an entrepreneurship workshop for refugees in Germany


Abstract This paper seeks to advance research on the nexus of language, work-related training and affective capitalism by focusing on an entrepreneurship workshop organized for newly arrived refugees in Germany. Despite the occupational orientation, the primary objective of the workshop was not establishing a business but “empowering” the participants by guiding them to adopt “an entrepreneurial mindset”. To delve deeper into this ‘will to empower’, the study brings together the perspectives of governmentality studies, ethnography, discourse studies and affect studies. To investigate in more detail the evocation of the ‘entrepreneurial mindset’, the study draws on ethnographic data collecte…

Linguistics and Languageetnografiakotouttaminen (maahanmuuttajat)kapitalismiaffektiivinen kapitalismikielitaitomaahanmuuttopolitiikkaentrepreneurshipuusliberalismirefugeesyrittäjyysmaahanmuuttajatLanguage and Linguisticsgovernmentalitysosiolingvistiikkaempowermenttyöorientaatioaffectyrittäjyyskasvatuskielenkäyttöelevator pitchdiscoursesosiaalinen integraatiovoimaantuminenpakolaiset

Seeds, Brains, and Bridges


What could the Venice of the future look like? A project for an ideal city can take off from an allegory: arts and sciences inside a seed of Lodoicea maldivica, whose bipartition reminds us of a human brain. From the seeds left by the past, we derive the vision of the future. The ideal city certainly needs brains able to conceptualize images and develop ideas, and bridges to strengthen connections and in- teractions. A well-working brain needs “bridges” as connections between ideas and techniques. My vision for a future city contains a livable and stimulating space enhancing at one time creativity, enthusiasm, and scientific development. To this aim, I use the image and the metaphor of cere…

Settore INF/01 - InformaticamathematicsArts and scienceSettore MAT/04 - Matematiche ComplementariCreativity and Cognition

Crosstalk between Mu-Opioid receptors and neuroinflammation: Consequences for drug addiction and pain


Mu-Opioid Receptors (MORs) are well-known for participating in analgesia, sedation, drug addiction, and other physiological functions. Although MORs have been related to neuroinflammation their biological mechanism remains unclear. It is suggested that MORs work alongside Toll-Like Receptors to enhance the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines during pathological conditions. Some cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6, have been postulated to regulate MORs levels by both avoiding MOR recycling and enhancing its production. In addition, Neurokinin-1 Receptor, also affected during neuroinflammation, could be regulating MOR trafficking. Therefore, inflammation in the central …

Behavioral NeuroscienceNeuropsychology and Physiological PsychologyCognitive NeuroscienceDrogoaddiccióNeurociènciesNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews

Capelli identities on algebras with involution or graded involution


We present recent results about Capelli polynomials with involution or graded involution and their asymptotics. In the associative case, the asymptotic equality between the codimensions of the T -ideal generated by the Capelli polynomial of rank k2 + 1 and the codimensions of the matrix algebra Mk(F) was proved. This result was extended to superalgebras. Recently, similar results have been determined by the authors in the case of algebras with involution and superalgebras with graded involution.

Settore MAT/02 - AlgebraInvolution graded involution Capelli polynomials codimensionGeneral MathematicsTurkish Journal of Mathematics