showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Cost effectiveness analysis of childhood obesity primary prevention programmes: a systematic review


Background. Childhood obesity is associated with enormous health consequences and costs to society. This study aims to systematically review the studies on Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) of primary prevention programmes of childhood obesity, discussing the gaps and providing recommendations for future research. Methods. All the studies on the cost effectiveness evaluation of primary prevention of obesity among children were included. Studies were retrieved from MEDLINE and Google Scholar, up to 31st March 2012, with only English language papers being eligible. The quality of the retrieved studies was evaluated by using the Drummond scale. Re…

medicine.medical_specialtyCost effectivenessprimary preventionAlternative medicineMEDLINEsystemic reviewOverweightSettore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E ApplicataChildhood obesityIntervention (counseling)medicineoverweightcost-effectivenesslcsh:R5-920business.industrylcsh:Public aspects of medicinelcsh:RA1-1270Cost-effectiveness analysismedicine.diseaseScale (social sciences)Family medicinePhysical therapymedicine.symptombusinesslcsh:Medicine (General)childhood obesitycost-effectiveness childhood obesity overweight primary prevention systemic reviewEpidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health

Specific Recognition of the 5′-Untranslated Region of West Nile Virus Genome by Human Innate Immune System


In the last few years, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 proved the crucial importance of understanding how emerging viruses work and proliferate, in order to avoid the repetition of such a dramatic sanitary situation with unprecedented social and economic costs. West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne pathogen that can spread to humans and induce severe neurological problems. This RNA virus caused recent remarkable outbreaks, notably in Europe, highlighting the need to investigate the molecular mechanisms of its infection process in order to design and propose efficient antivirals. Here, we resort to all-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations to characterize the structure of th…

SARS-CoV-2oligoadenylate synthetase 1COVID-195′-untranslated regionWest Nile Virus; oligoadenylate synthetase 1; 5′-untranslated region; recognition mechanism; immune system; emerging virusesAntiviral Agentsemerging virusesInfectious DiseasesSettore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E InorganicaImmune SystemVirologyAnimalsHumansrecognition mecha-nism5' Untranslated RegionsWest Nile virusWest Nile FeverViruses

How Do Software Companies Deal with Artificial Intelligence Ethics? : A Gap Analysis


The public and academic discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics is accelerating and the general public is becoming more aware AI ethics issues such as data privacy in these systems. To guide ethical development of AI systems, governmental and institutional actors, as well as companies, have drafted various guidelines for ethical AI. Though these guidelines are becoming increasingly common, they have been criticized for a lack of impact on industrial practice. There seems to be a gap between research and practice in the area, though its exact nature remains unknown. In this paper, we present a gap analysis of the current state of the art by comparing practices of 39 companies that …

järjestelmäsuunnitteluohjelmistotuotantosoftware companiestekoälyetiikka113 Computer and information sciencesartificial intelligenceohjelmistokehitysethicstietotekniikkayritykset

Krishnamurti ja sanojen tyhjyys


Intialainen ajattelija Jiddu Krishnamurti väittää, että sanat eivät ole tie totuuteen, koska tietä ei ole: ”Totuus on poluton maa.” Hän avaa mahdollisuuden nähdä erilaisten näkökulmien taustalle ja irralleen niistä.

filosofitKrishnamurti JidduelämänfilosofiaitsekasvatusviisauselämäntaitoajatteluGeneral MedicineGeneral Chemistryitämainen filosofia

Synthesis, In Vitro and In Silico Analysis of New Oleanolic Acid and Lupeol Derivatives against Leukemia Cell Lines: Involvement of the NF-κB Pathway


Oleanolic acid (OA) and Lupeol (LU) belong to the class of natural triterpenes and are endowed with a wide range of biological activities, including cytotoxicity toward several cancer cell lines. In this context, we investigated a set of compounds obtained from the two natural precursors for the cytotoxicity against leukemia HL60 cells and the multidrug-resistant (MDR) variant HL60R. Six new semi-synthetic triterpenes have been synthetized, fully characterized, and were investigated together with other triterpenes compounds for their pharmacological mechanism of action. The interaction of the more cytotoxic compounds with the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) pathway has been also evalua…

CatalysisCell LineInorganic ChemistryNeoplasmsHumansantitumor activityNF-kBPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular BiologySpectroscopyLeukemiaHL60ROrganic ChemistryNF-kappa BLupeolOleanolic acidSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaGeneral MedicineSettore CHIM/08 - Chimica FarmaceuticaTriterpenesComputer Science ApplicationsOleanolic acid; Lupeol; HL60; HL60R; antitumor activity; NF-κB; dockingHL60dockingSettore BIO/14 - FarmacologiaPentacyclic TriterpenesInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences

Kohti koronan jälkeistä koulua


kriisitresilienssiTriangeli-keskustelu - Tutkijan puheenvuorolainsäädäntökoululaitospoikkeusolotkoulutusjärjestelmätpandemiaCOVID-19koulujärjestelmäresurssitopettajankoulutuskoulutuspolitiikkaKasvun tuki -aikakauslehti

Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Mediterranean Basin during the Middle–Late Holocene: Bio-Chronological and Oceanographic Indicator


The planktonic foraminiferal species Globorotalia truncatulinoides is widely used as a biostratigraphic proxy for the Quaternary in the Mediterranean region. High-resolution quantitative studies performed on sediment cores collected in the central and western Mediterranean Sea evidence a significant abundance of G. truncatulinoides during the Middle Holocene. The robust chronological frame allows us to date this bio-event to 4.8–4.4 ka Before Present (BP), very close to the base of the Meghalayan stage (4.2 ka BP). As a consequence, we propose that G. truncatulinoides can be considered a potential marker for the Middle–Late Holocene chronological subdivision. G. truncatulinoides is a deep-d…

<i>Globorotalia truncatulinoides</i>; Meghalayan stage; 4.2 event; vertical mixing; Mediterranean SeaGloborotalia truncatulinoides4.2 eventGloborotalia truncatulinoides; Meghalayan stage; 4.2 event; vertical mixing; Mediterranean Seavertical mixingMediterranean SeaGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesMeghalayan stageSettore GEO/01 - Paleontologia E Paleoecologia

”Yhteisvanhemmuus – sehän olisi aivan mahtavaa, jos se toimisi!” Eronneiden isien ja äitien puhetta yhteistyöstä ja vanhemmuudesta


•Yhteisvanhemmuudella tarkoitetaan kahden tai useamman aikuisen vastuunjakoa ja sitoutumista lapsen hoivaan ja kasvatukseen. •Eron jälkeistä yhteisvanhemmuutta on tutkittu toistaiseksi Suomessa vähän. •Tutkimus selvitti, millaisia toimijuuksia ja positioita vanhemmat ottavat puhuessaan yhteisvanhemmuudesta. Yhteistä kaikille oli puhe lapsen parhaasta sekä vanhemman ja lapsen suhteen tärkeydestä. •Yhteistyökykyisessä yhteisvanhemmuudessa korostuvat luottamus, kunnioitus ja toimiva ­vuorovaikutus sekä yhteinen ymmärrys lapsen edusta. •Tutkimuksen tulokset auttavat perheammattilaisia ymmärtämään yhteisvanhemmuuden esteitä ja mahdollisuuksia sekä löytämään perheiden tarpeista lähteviä tuen muot…

eronneetpuhe (puhuminen)erolapsethuoltajatvanhemmuusyhteisvanhemmuuspositiointikerrontatoimijuusperheeteron jälkeinen vanhemmuusTutkimusartikkeliKasvun tuki -aikakauslehti

Pequeñas inflexiones: Construir un discurso artístico sobre violencia de género en educación secundaria


El proyecto que se describe trata sobre violencia de género y desarrolló una educación crítica en alumnos adolescentes a través de la acción artística. El proyecto tomó como base el concepto de adiaphoron de Bauman y Donskis (2013), entendido este como la pasividad del sujeto frente al sufrimiento de los demás. Los resultados del proyecto son conceptualizados empleando un modelo de investigación “dentro del arte” (Frayling, 1993) y teniendo en cuenta la sociología de la violencia de género. En este análisis se comprueba que los alumnos, a pesar de su juventud, desarrollaron una visión madura de la problemática, posibilitando una toma de conciencia –tanto en ellos como en el público– de la r…

Gender StudiesGeneral Arts and HumanitiesEducació secundàriaPedagogiaSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)

Developing and Evaluating Educational Innovations for STEAM Education in Rapidly Changing Digital Technology Environments


In this paper, we offer three examples from our research projects on both technological and pedagogical innovations to illustrate the impact of rapid technology changes on research. Members of our research team both developed and used technology applications in their research projects, utilizing design-based research (DBR). During the experiments, we encountered new challenges by the end of the research cycle due to updates in technologies. Although we had an idea of how to redesign the project for the next cycle based on the analyses of data, we noticed that we needed to not only redesign our approaches based on the research results but the changes in technologies were so rapid that materi…

flipped classroomsAugmented Realitymatematiikkatechnological and pedagogical innovationsluonnontieteetteknologinen kehitys3D printingaugmented realitykäänteinen opetusSteam Education3D Printingsteam educationTechnological and Pedagogical Innovationsteknologiaopetusmenetelmät3D-tulostusFlipped Classroomsopetusteknologialisätty todellisuus

Sport Participation in Early and Middle Adolescence: The Interplay Between Self-Perception and Psychobiosocial Experiences in Predicting Burnout Symp…


Adolescence is characterized by pubertal physical changes, cognitive development, and modified social expectations. Adolescent athletes often enter a more challenging stage of athletic development associated with increased specialization, and become vulnerable to feelings of burnout. It is therefore important to consider intrapersonal psychological factors that can improve sport participation experiences and prevent burnout. Accordingly, the aim of the current study was to examine the interplay between self-perceptions and emotion-related (i.e., psychobiosocial) experiences (e.g., feeling confident, focused, determined, physically charged, and skillful) in predicting burnout symptoms in ado…

self-esteempsykologiset tekijätburnoutminäkuvabiopsykologiastressiitsetuntouupumussocial physique anxietysuoriutuminensport competenceurheiluphysical self-perceptiontunteetkognitiivinen kehityspsychological phenomena and processesGeneral PsychologyurheilijatFrontiers in Psychology

Disciplinamiento en roles sexuales tradicionales. La institucionalización de las mujeres en centros residenciales.


No resulta sencillo entender como a pesar del coste económico, de no conseguir los objetivos explícitos ni responder a las necesidades e intereses de las mujeres, su institucionalización pervive y evoluciona desde la Edad Media hasta la actualidad adaptándose al discurso del poder sobre la protección de las mujeres. El objetivo de este trabajo es iniciar un proceso de análisis y reflexión sobre la institucionalización de las mujeres en los centros residenciales de servicios sociales desde la perspectiva feminista. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión de fuentes secundarias sobre la historia de la institucionalización de las mujeres y se han analizado los mecanismos, formas discursivas y …

Gender StudiesmujeresinstitucionalizaciónGeneral Arts and HumanitiespoderUNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍAproteccióndispositivo de disciplinamiento:SOCIOLOGÍA [UNESCO]Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

TCM-ryhmänhallintamenetelmän käyttöönotto : laadullinen monitieteinen pilottitutkimus opettajien kokemuksista


• Kun ryhmässä on esimerkiksi käyttäytymisellään reagoivia oppilaita, tarvitaan nopeaa puuttumista sekä moniammatillisen ja monitieteisen näkökulman hyödyntämistä. • TCM-ryhmänhallintamenetelmän tavoitteena on tukea oppilaan sosioemotionaalista kehitystä, parantaa opettajan ja oppilaan vuorovaikutusta sekä vahvistaa koulun ja kodin yhteistyötä. • Opettajan ryhmänhallintataidot heijastuvat myönteisesti kaikkiin luokan oppilaisiin. • Opettajan myönteinen viestintä koteihin voi edistää vuorovaikutusta ja helpottaa hankalien asioiden hoitoa. • TCM-menetelmän implementointi kouluyhteisöön vaatii tukea. • Kollegiaaliset kokemukset ja uudistuneet ryhmänhallintataidot vahvistavat opettajan työssä j…

opettajavuorovaikutusyhteisöllisyysTeacher Classroom Managementmoniammatillisuuskäyttäytymisellä reagointiopettajatoppilaatsosioemotionaaliset taidotryhmäkäyttäytyminenongelmakäyttäytyminenvanhemmatkodin ja koulun yhteistyöoppilasTCM-ryhmänhallintamenetelmäTutkimusartikkeliopettaja-oppilassuhdemoniammatillinen yhteistyö

Can Interpretable Reinforcement Learning Manage Prosperity Your Way?


Personalisation of products and services is fast becoming the driver of success in banking and commerce. Machine learning holds the promise of gaining a deeper understanding of and tailoring to customers’ needs and preferences. Whereas traditional solutions to financial decision problems frequently rely on model assumptions, reinforcement learning is able to exploit large amounts of data to improve customer modelling and decision-making in complex financial environments with fewer assumptions. Model explainability and interpretability present challenges from a regulatory perspective which demands transparency for acceptance; they also offer the opportunity for improved insight into and unde…

FOS: Computer and information sciencesComputer Science - Machine LearningArtificial Intelligence (cs.AI)Computer Science - Artificial IntelligenceGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesAI in banking; personalized services; prosperity management; explainable AI; reinforcement learning; policy regularisationVDP::Teknologi: 500::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi: 550General Environmental ScienceMachine Learning (cs.LG)AI; Volume 3; Issue 2; Pages: 526-537

Pricing of digital services as an effectual co-creative process


Entrepreneurs have to price their innovations under the unpredictability of customers’ reactions. While predictive pricing methods are prevalent in business-to-business pricing literature, we argue for the critical importance of control-oriented pricing strategies for digital services. By applying effectuation theory, our study investigates how entrepreneurs co-create their pricing strategies for their digital services as a co-evolutionary, iterative process with their customers. We found that pricing is the co-evolutionary process where entrepreneurs learn from their interactions with customers and use this knowledge to develop and improve their pricing practices further. The findings cont…

TheoryofComputation_MISCELLANEOUShinnanmuodostusdigital servicesco-creative pricingStrategy and Managementsähköiset palvelutTheoryofComputation_GENERALhinnoitteluManagement Science and Operations Researcheffectuationuncertaintyepävarmuusyritykset

Longitudinal Predictors of Coronavirus-Related PTSD among Young Adults from Poland, Germany, Slovenia, and Israel


The aim of this study was to reveal longitudinal predictors of coronavirus-related PTSD and the moderating roles of country, sex, age, and student status among young adults from Poland, Germany, Slovenia, and Israel. We included the following predictors: perceived stress, exposure to COVID-19, perceived impact of COVID-19 on well-being in socioeconomic status (PNIC-SES) and social relationships (PNIC-SR), fear of COVID-19, fear of vaccination, and trust in institutions. We conducted the study online among a representative sample of 1723 young adults aged 20&ndash;40 (M = 30.74, SD = 5.74) years in February 2021 (T1) and May&ndash;June 2021 (T2). We used McNemar&rsquo;s &chi;2 and the paired…

Stress Disorders Post-TraumaticYoung AdultGermanyHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisSloveniamental health; COVID-19; coronavirus-related PTSD; young adults; trust in institutionsPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthCOVID-19HumansPolandIsraelInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

The magic in the (extra)ordinary: Intensive validation to recalibrate the life-worlds of adolescents exposed to abuse


This qualitative case study aimed to explore environmental circumstances and inter-actional processes that appeared to be relevant for the dynamics of resilience in ado-lescents exposed to child abuse. Fieldwork at a learning and coping centre forchildren and their families was combined with semi-structured interviews with ado-lescent participants aged 12 to 18 years. A critical realist approach was used tounpack what has been called the‘ordinary magic’of resilience. We found thatinten-sively validating qualitiesof both theenvironmentandrelationshipsseemed to be driv-ing components for resilience. Borrowing ideas from the sociometer theory, wepropose that particularly the consistent intensi…

VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Klinisk medisinske fag: 750::Psykiatri barnepsykiatri: 757Health (social science)Sociology and Political ScienceChild &amp; Family Social Work

Gerontologia Jyväskylän yliopistossa


KeskustelujaJyväskylän yliopistogerontologia

In-depth characterization of denitrifier communities across different soil ecosystems in the tundra


Abstract Background In contrast to earlier assumptions, there is now mounting evidence for the role of tundra soils as important sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). However, the microorganisms involved in the cycling of N2O in this system remain largely uncharacterized. Since tundra soils are variable sources and sinks of N2O, we aimed at investigating differences in community structure across different soil ecosystems in the tundra. Results We analysed 1.4 Tb of metagenomic data from soils in northern Finland covering a range of ecosystems from dry upland soils to water-logged fens and obtained 796 manually binned and curated metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). We then sear…

tundraDenitrificationMicroorganismDenitrification pathwayBiomeDIVERSITYApplied Microbiology and BiotechnologyCARBONCHLOROFLEXIMULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENTArctictyppitypen kiertoNITROUS-OXIDE REDUCTASEgenome-resolved metagenomics11832 Microbiology and virology2. Zero hungermaaperäarktinen alue0303 health sciencesdenitrificationnitrous oxideMICROBIAL COMMUNITYEcologygenomiikkadityppioksidinitraatitkasvihuonekaasutRIBOSOMAL-RNAdenitrifikaatioarctic regionN2O EMISSIONSBiologyMicrobiologyACIDOBACTERIAPERMAFROST03 medical and health sciencesDenitrifying bacteriasoil microbiomeGeneticsarcticGenome-resolved metagenomics030304 developmental biologymetagenomics030306 microbiology15. Life on landTundraekosysteemit (ekologia)mikrobisto13. Climate actionMetagenomicsSoil water

Catalytic Enantioselective Cyclopropylalkynylation of Aldimines Generated In Situ from α-Amido Sulfones


A convenient procedure of synthesis of N-carbamoyl-protected propargylic amines substituted with a cyclopropyl group from α-amido sulfones and cyclopropylacetylene is described. The reaction is catalyzed by a chiral BINOL-type zinc complex and provides the corresponding products in good yields and enantioselectivities.

Organic ChemistryPharmaceutical ScienceStereoisomerismCatalysisAnalytical ChemistryZinc<i>N</i>-carbamoyl-protected propargylic amines; α-amido sulfones; cyclopropylacetylene; BINOL; zinc complexCatàlisiChemistry (miscellaneous)Drug DiscoveryMolecular MedicineSulfonesAminesPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryQuímica orgànica

Il lifelong learning come vocazione ontologica “nell’Essere Più”


Nel passato il paradigma fordista ha affidato alla politica e alla società di produrre capitale umano e sociale poiché in grado di consumare la produttività e l’efficienza del mercato (Margiotta, 2015). Oggi invece la produzione fa leva sulle ambizioni e capacità di tanti individui che si danno da fare. Saper gestire la propria formazione continua è una competenza che ogni insegnante deve sviluppare perché essa subordina l’acquisizione e lo sviluppo di tutte le altre. Emerge dunque la necessità di una policy educativa e formativa in grado di promuovere opportunità realizzativa, la riscoperta dell’intelligenza personale e comunitaria come motore generativo di estrazione di valore. Il dir…

lifelong learning learning society capability approach skills evolutività.Settore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Between agency and uncertainty – Young women and men constructing citizenship through stories of sexual harassment


In this article, we examine young people's narratives on sexual harassment on how it is endured, objected, observed, and negotiated in diverse everyday life environments. The article is based on an analysis of thematic interviews with 36 young people aged 15–19 living in the metropolitan area of Helsinki, Finland. Altogether 23 young women and 13 young men participated in the interviews which were conducted at educational institutions as individual, paired or group interviews. We analyze young people's narratives on sexual harassment as stories of everyday citizenship and, and more precisely, as acts of citizenship. We have also applied the concept of respectability to study how young women…

nuoret5142 Social policysukupuoliroolitseksuaalinen häirintäkokemukset5141 SociologyGeneral Social Sciencesasenteetkansalaisuustoimijuussosiaaliset normithumanities

Evidence About Harm: Dual Status Victim Participant Testimony at the International Criminal Court and the Straitjacketing of Narratives About Sufferi…


AbstractAlthough victims at the International Criminal Court (ICC) are not parties, they can apply to become “victim participants” and may be authorized by an ICC Chamber to directly and orally express their views and concerns in court. Most ICC Trial Chambers, however, have preferred allowing legal representatives of these victim participants to call victims as witnesses to give testimonial evidence about the harm they suffered. Our article focuses on the practical-epistemological challenges that come with forcing accounts of harm into this testimony-format. We draw upon ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to elucidate the discursive techniques by which legal actors in the Ongwen tr…

narratiivisuuskeskustelunanalyysitodistajatkansainvälinen rikosoikeuskärsimystodistelukansainvälinen oikeusLawuhritCriminal Law Forum

Social Housing and Affordable Rent: The Effectiveness of Legal Thresholds of Rents in Two Italian Metropolitan Cities


Social housing is an instrument of housing policies to support those groups of people who are disadvantaged due to particular economic weaknesses and/or social relational fragility. Consequently, to achieve the objective of social sustainability, the rents of social housing must be below the market rents and low enough to be affordable. Italian law has set several rent thresholds which are based on local territorial agreements between landlords and renters associations. This article aims to examine whether these thresholds generate social fairness and housing affordability within each city and between different cities, or instead inequalities and spatial asymmetries. A cluster analysis is a…

Renewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentsocial fairnessaffordable rent social housing cluster analysis social fairnessGeography Planning and Developmentsocial housingSettore ICAR/22 - EstimoBuilding and ConstructionManagement Monitoring Policy and Lawsocial housing; affordable rent; cluster analysis; social fairnessaffordable rentcluster analysis

Measurement of Water Soil Erosion at Sparacia Experimental Area (Southern Italy): A Summary of More than Twenty Years of Scientific Activity


The main purpose of this article is to give a general idea of the scientific activity that was carried out starting from the 2000s on the basis of the data collected in the plots installed at the Sparacia experimental station for soil erosion measurement in Sicily, South Italy. The paper includes a presentation of the experimental site, a description of the methods and procedures for measuring soil erosion processes both available in the literature and applied at the Sparacia station (sediment sampling and water level reading in the storage tanks for total erosion measurements; profilometer, and Structure from Motion technique for rill erosion measurements), and the main results obtained in…

SfM techniqueinterrillGeography Planning and Developmentrillsoil lossAquatic Sciencephysical model conceptBiochemistryplot measurementWater Science and Technology

The Thin Ideal and Attitudes towards Appearance as Correlates of Exercise Addiction among Sporty People during the COVID-19 Pandemic


The stress and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) have exacerbated body image concerns. A society that perpetuates the attempt for a perfect and thin appearance represents a fertile ground for the development of exercise addiction (EA). This cross-sectional study aims to explore EA during the second wave of the pandemic (October–December 2020) and to examine the independent influence of both time spent on moderate and vigorous physical activities and body image variables (i.e., drive for leanness and sociocultural attitudes toward appearance) on EA. A sample of Italian sporty people (N = 194; 48.5% females; Mage = 25.91 ± 6.32) was surveyed using the Exercise Addiction In…

Behavioral NeuroscienceSettore M-PSI/08 - Psicologia ClinicaGeneticsdrive for leannessCOVID-19sociocultural attitudes towards appearanceCOVID-19; exercise addiction; moderate-to-vigorous physical activities; drive for leanness; sociocultural attitudes towards appearancemoderate-to-vigorous physical activitiesDevelopmentexercise addictionGeneral PsychologyEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsBehavioral Sciences; Volume 12; Issue 6; Pages: 187

Autoalan koulutuksen vaiheet


Kirja-arvostelu teoksista: &#x0D; Panu Nykänen. Kun hevosvoimat syrjäyttivät hevosen – Autoalan koulutuksen tarve, synty ja vakiintuminen. SATL 2019.&#x0D; Panu Nykänen. Kun tietokoneet ottivat ohjat – Autoalan koulutuksen kasvu ja kansainvälistyminen. SATL 2020.

autoalaammatillinen koulutuskirja-arvostelutSuomikorkea-asteen koulutusteknologinen kehityskoulutusohjelmatautotekniikkahistoriaArviotkoulutuspolitiikkaautoliikenne

Evaluation of two different concentration methods for surveillance of human viruses in sewage and their effects on SARS-CoV-2 sequencing


8 páginas, 5 figuras, 1 tabla

Environmental EngineeringSARS-CoV-2Enteric virusesSequencingWastewater-based epidemiologyEnvironmental ChemistryEpidemiologiaPollutionWaste Management and Disposal

Eletty elämäntilanne päihdesosiaalityössä : filosofinen analyysi Rauhalan ihmiskäsityksen situaation käsitteestä


Elämäntilanteen käsite on keskeinen sosiaalityössä. Käsitettä ei kuitenkaan riittävästi määritellä. Viime aikoina elämäntilanteen käsitteen vahvuutta on korostettu sosiaalityössä ei-leimaavana käsitteenä. Elämäntilanteen käsitettä on tarpeen kirkastaa päihdetyön valtadiskurssin yksilö- ja sairauslähtöisen ajattelun vastapainoksi. Määrittelen elämäntilanteen käsitettä tarkastelemalla Lauri Rauhalan holistisen ihmiskäsityksen situaation käsitettä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kolmesta situaation käsitteen kannalta tärkeimmästä Rauhalan teoksesta. Teoreettisen tutkimuksen menetelmänä on Niiniluodon filosofinen analyysi, jonka vaiheet ovat problematisointi, eksplikointi ja argumentointi. Holistisen…

sosiaalityöelämäntilanneRauhala LauripäihdetyöholismifenomenologiaArtikkelitihmiskuvakäsiteanalyysi

Lapsuuden laulut ja yhdessä muistelu ovat ikääntyneille tärkeä voimavara


muistotlaulutmuistelutyömenetelmälaulaminenGeneral MedicinelapsuusVäitöksetmuisteluvanhustyölastenlaulutsukupolvikokemuksetmuistisairaatikääntyneetyhteislauluGerontologia

Abric de la Ratlla del Bubo (Crevillent, Alicante). Results of the 1986-1991 campaigns. New data on its palaeolithic sequence


El Abric de la Ratlla del Bubo (Crevillent, Alicante) es uno de los yacimientos clave para el conocimiento del Paleolítico superior en el área central del Mediterráneo ibérico, especialmente en lo que a sus fases iniciales se refiere. El yacimiento ha sido objeto de varias intervenciones arqueológicas, tanto clandestinas como científicas. Sin embargo, hasta este trabajo, la información disponible era parcial y, en muchos casos, remitía a materiales sin referencia estratigráfica. En este estudio se exponen los resultados del análisis del material lítico, del registro vegetal y de la fauna recuperada en las campañas de 1986 a 1991. Además, se presenta una amplia serie de dataciones radiocarbó…

ArcheologyHistoryGravetiensePaleontologySolútreo-gravetienseFachada mediterránea ibéricaUpper PalaeolithicPrehistoriaPaleolíticGravettianArqueologíaAbric Ratlla del BuboPaleolítico superiorSolutreo-gravettianIberian Mediterranean basin

Resilienssi ikääntyessä: fyysinen suorituskyky ja psykososiaaliset tekijät muuttuvassa ympäristössä ja voimavaroina vastoinkäymisissä


resilienssisuorituskykyVäitöksetfyysinen kuntoikääntyminenpsykososiaaliset tekijätGeneral MedicineikääntyneetlihasvoimaGerontologia

Determining an unbounded potential for an elliptic equation with a power type nonlinearity


In this article we focus on inverse problems for a semilinear elliptic equation. We show that a potential $q$ in $L^{n/2+\varepsilon}$, $\varepsilon>0$, can be determined from the full and partial Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. This extends the results from [M. Lassas, T. Liimatainen, Y.-H. Lin, and M. Salo, Partial data inverse problems and simultaneous recovery of boundary and coefficients for semilinear elliptic equations, Rev. Mat. Iberoam. (2021)] where this is shown for H\"older continuous potentials. Also we show that when the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map is restricted to one point on the boundary, it is possible to determine a potential $q$ in $L^{n+\varepsilon}$. The authors of arXiv:2202.0…

Mathematics - Analysis of PDEsApplied Mathematics35R30 35J25 35J61FOS: Mathematicsinverse problemyhtälötpartial datasemilinear elliptic equationhigher order linearizationinversio-ongelmatAnalysisAnalysis of PDEs (math.AP)

Recognizing the Emergent and Submerged Iceberg of the Celiac Disease: ITAMA Project-Global Strategy Protocol.


Coeliac disease (CD) is frequently underdiagnosed with a consequent heavy burden in terms of morbidity and health care costs. Diagnosis of CD is based on the evaluation of symptoms and anti-transglutaminase antibodies IgA (TGA-IgA) levels, with values above a tenfold increase being the basis of the biopsy-free diagnostic approach suggested by present guidelines. This study showcased the largest screening project for CD carried out to date in school children (n=20,000) aimed at assessing the diagnostic accuracy of minimally invasive finger prick point-of-care tests (POCT) which, combined with conventional celiac serology and the aid of an artificial intelligence-based system, may eliminate t…

Settore INF/01 - Informaticaintestinal biopsypoint-of-care testanti-transglutaminaseguidelinesnegative predictive valueartificial intelligenceESPGHANmucosal depositsPediatricscoeliac diseaseSettore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali Ambientali Biol.e Medicin)Pediatric reports

Evaluación del papel de la educación musical en primaria en escuelas públicas y concertadas desde la perspectiva familiar


Durante las últimas décadas, las diferentes reformas que se han llevado a cabo en materia educativa en España han hecho que la Educación Musical no haya sido justamente valorada con respecto el resto de asignaturas. En esta investigación, se analizan cuantitativamente los resultados obtenidos de los datos extraídos de una encuesta en la que han participado más de 500 familias españolas pertenecientes a las escuelas públicas y concertadas de las localidades de Albal, Catarroja y Massanassa (Comunidad Valenciana). El objetivo del estudio es mostrar cuál es el actual papel de la Educación musical en el contexto escolar desde la perspectiva familiar, teniendo en cuenta los distintos factores qu…

Educació primàriaMusicFamília i escolaMúsica Ensenyament

Molecular Analysis With 16S rRNA PCR/Sanger Sequencing and Molecular Antibiogram Performed on DNA Extracted From Valve Improve Diagnosis and Targeted…


Abstract Background Molecular analysis (MA) on heart valve (HV) improves the microbiologic diagnosis of infectious endocarditis (IE). The main drawback of MA is the lack of antimicrobial susceptibility information. Methods We conducted a prospective cohort observational study of consecutive adult patients from April 2012 to May 2021 who underwent valve surgery at our hospital. The performance of MA, blood cultures (BC) and valve cultures (VC), and the diagnostic and therapeutic impact of MA were evaluated. Molecular antibiogram results were compared to culture-based antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). Results A total of 137 patients with definite IE and 52 patients with no IE were e…

16 s and 18 s rRNAMicrobiology (medical)blood culture negative endocarditiInfectious Diseasesmolecular antibiogram.molecular analysiClinical Infectious Diseases