showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems


The Pre-Concept Design (PCD) of the Balance of Plant (BoP) systems of the EU-DEMO power plant is described in this paper for both breeding blanket (BB) concepts under assessment, namely the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB and the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) BB. Moreover, the results of a preliminary evaluation of a number of BoP variants are discussed. This paper outlines the steps of the BoP design development, highlighting the project objectives and the strategy for their achievement under the very challenging requirements which include, among others, the intermittent nature of the DEMO plasma heat source. The main achievements during the PCD Phase will be reported together with t…

TechnologyBalance of plantElectric power distributionMechanical EngineeringHCPB BBSteam generatorPower conversion systemPower plants -- Design and constructionNuclear Energy and EngineeringSteam-boilersGeneral Materials SciencePower-plants -- Europebalance of plant; DEMO; HCPB BB; power conversion system; steam generator; WCLL BBddc:600DEMOWCLL BBSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti NucleariDEMO; Balance of plant; WCLL BB; HCPB BB; Steam generator; Power conversion systemCivil and Structural Engineering

Nella città proibita. Conoscibilità, accessibilità e progetto come condizioni per la valorizzazione e il riuso del patrimonio fragile dei beni confis…


In relazione ad una ricerca internazionale volta ad indagare modi di costituzione e di crisi del Pubblico, inteso come insieme di edifici, spazi pubblici, funzioni, processi e pratiche, l’articolo discute la fragilità e la marginalità intrinseche e di fruizione del patrimonio dei beni confiscati, inteso come terzo patrimonio, riconducendole alle sue conoscibilità e accessibilità. Facendo riferimento al territorio comunale di Palermo, la città europea con il più alto numero di beni confiscati alla criminalità mafiosa, l’articolo argomenterà dapprima in termini generali il rapporto fra la frammentazione e l’inadeguatezza dei processi di inventario e la sostanziale inconsapevolezza che consegu…

Anti-cityArchitectural design for the confiscated assetSpatial justiceSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Surface water RO permeate remineralization through minerals recovery from brines


Assisted-Reverse Electrodialysis (A-RED) technology was applied following reverse osmosis (RO) of a surface water resource in order to recover minerals from its brine and directly remineralize the RO unit's permeate. Four different sets of cation/anion exchange membranes were benchmarked using single- and mixed-salts synthetic solutions as well as real brine and permeate streams produced from three-stage reverse osmosis applied to Seine River water. The process, operating under equal permeate and brine channel flows (2 cm/s velocities) and applied voltage varying from 0 to 10 V, showed viable remineralization results. Optimal recovery at 10 V applied allowed increasing permeate mineral cont…

Brine recovery A-RED Reverse electrodialysis Reverse osmosisMechanical EngineeringGeneral Chemical EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral ChemistryWater Science and TechnologyDesalination

Robotic-assisted right colectomy. Official expert recommendations delivered under the aegis of the French Association of Surgery (AFC)


: Twenty-seven experts under the aegis of the French Association of Surgery (AFC) offer this reference system with formalized recommendations concerning the performance of right colectomy by robotic approach (RRC). For RRC, experts suggest patient installation in the so-called "classic" or "suprapubic" setup. For patients undergoing right colectomy for a benign pathology or cancer, RRC provides no significant benefit in terms of intra-operative blood loss, intra-operative complications or conversion rate to laparotomy compared to laparoscopy. At the same time, RRC is associated with significantly longer operating times. Data from the literature are insufficient to define whether the robot f…

Operative TimeRight colectomyGeneral MedicineRecommendationsLength of StayTreatment OutcomeRobotic Surgical ProceduresMinimally invasive surgeryColonic NeoplasmsOncological colonic resectionQuality of LifeSurgery by robotic approachHumansLaparoscopyColectomyRetrospective StudiesJournal of Visceral Surgery

Design e narrazioni


Il testo nasce dall’esigenza di mettere a fuoco le implicazioni cognitive, metodologiche e progettuali del concetto di narrazione, sempre più ricorrente nella nostra esperienza quotidiana soprattutto per le molteplici forme di comunicazione e di produzioni culturali che vi si ispirano; si tratta di un concetto che anche nella riflessione teorica e nella progettualità del design sta alimentando dimensioni fortemente innovative ed evolutive nella costruzione, comunicazione di significati, contenuti immateriali, esperienze e valori emozionali che si sovrappongono e s’intrecciano all’espressione tangibile e funzionale degli oggetti, degli artefatti comunicativi, degli spazi. Si propone un perco…

The text arises from the need to focus on the cognitive methodological and design implications of the concept of storytelling increasingly recurrent in our daily experience especially for the many forms of communication and cultural productions that are inspired by itSettore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industrialeit is a concept that also in theoretical reflection and design planning is feeding strongly innovative and evolutionary dimensions in the construction communication of meanings intangible content experiences and emotional values that overlap and intertwine with the tangible and functional expression of objects communicative artifacts spaces.. It proposes a cognitive path tangent to the development of "narratology" and the theories of narrationthus we come across a multiplicity of disciplinary connections affecting sociology psychology anthropology philosophy semiotics and of course history cinema journalism advertising up to corporate communication and political propaganda. It is an articulated panorama that today seems to expand more and more and far from being mainly addressed to theoretical issues increasingly seems to be modeled on application performative and design aspects.

Indigon sinisestä kokenillin punaiseen : tekstiilivärjäyksessä käytettyjen luonnonväriaineiden tuonti Suomeen (1791–1856)


Tutkimme ulkomaisten luonnonväriaineiden tuontia Suomeen 1790-luvun alusta 1850-luvun puoliväliin. Ajankohtaa voidaan luonnehtia murroskaudeksi väriaineiden käytön historiassa. Selvitämme mitä väriaineita Suomeen tuotiin, millaisia määriä, minneniitä tuotiin sekä mistä satamista väriainelastit olivat lähtöisin. Lähdeaineistomme perustan muodostavat Tanskan Juutinrauman tullitilit, joista on koostettu suomalaisia satamia koskeva tietokanta (FIN-STRO: 1560/1791–1856). Lähdepohjaa on täydennetty muulla tilastoaineistolla sekä laadullisella materiaalilla, kuten värjäysoppailla ja Kansalliskirjaston digitaalisella sanomalehtiarkistolla. Tutkimme erityisesti sinistä, punaista ja keltaista väriä t…

dye stuffsväriaineettalousJuutinrauman tullitilittaloushistoriaEconomydyeingtuontitulli-ilmoituksetulkomaankauppavärjäysimportSound Toll RegistersSuomimuotikulutuskulttuuriforeign tradenineteenth centuryFinlandVertaisarvioitu artikkeli1800-lukukasvivärit

The alliance-outcome association in group interventions: A multilevel meta-analysis.


Objective: The therapeutic alliance has been studied in group interventions, but its relationship to patient outcome is still controversial. This study systematically reviewed the association of both the member-leader and member-group alliance with patient outcomes, and assessed the effects of several theoretically informed moderators. Method: A three-level meta-analysis was conducted on 57 studies to disentangle within- and between-study variability in the alliance-outcome association. Results: The overall effect size of the unconditional model was r = -.259 (95% CI: -.302, -.214; p < .001), whereas the correlation between alliance and outcome based on the three-level meta-analytic mode…

Therapeutic AllianceMental DisordersProfessional-Patient Relationsgroup therapyPsychotherapyPsychiatry and Mental healthClinical PsychologyTreatment OutcomeAlliance outcome correlation; Group therapy; Therapeutic alliance; Three level meta analysis; Humans; Multilevel Analysis; Professional-Patient Relations; Psychotherapy; Treatment Outcome; Mental Disorders; Therapeutic AllianceAlliance outcome correlationSettore M-PSI/08 - Psicologia ClinicaMultilevel AnalysisHumansthree-level meta-analysisalliance-outcome correlationThree level meta analysisJournal of consulting and clinical psychology

3D DCE-MRI Radiomic Analysis for Malignant Lesion Prediction in Breast Cancer Patients


Rationale and Objectives: To develop and validate a radiomic model, with radiomic features extracted from breast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) from a 1.5T scanner, for predicting the malignancy of masses with enhancement. Images were acquired using an 8-channel breast coil in the axial plane. The rationale behind this study is to show the feasibility of a radio-mics-powered model that could be integrated into the clinical practice by exploiting only standard-of-care DCE-MRI with the goal of reducing the required image pre-processing (ie, normalization and quantitative imaging map generation).Materials and Methods: 107 radiomic features were extracted from a …

Breast cancer Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingSupport Vector MachineComputer scienceNormalization (image processing)Breast NeoplasmsFeature selectionBreast cancerBreast cancerDiscriminative modelmedicineHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingBreastRetrospective StudiesDynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingRadiomicsSupport vector machinesReceiver operating characteristicbusiness.industryPattern recognitionmedicine.diseaseMagnetic Resonance Imagingmachine learning Radiomics unsupervised feature selection Support vector machinesSupport vector machinemachine learningROC CurveFeature (computer vision)Test setFemaleArtificial intelligenceSettore MED/36 - Diagnostica Per Immagini E Radioterapiabusinessunsupervised feature selectionBreast cancer Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging; machine learning Radiomics unsupervised feature selection Support vector machinesAcademic Radiology

Patterns of action transitions in online collaborative problem solving : A network analysis approach


AbstractIn today’s digital society, computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and collaborative problem solving (CPS) have received increasing attention. CPS studies have often emphasized outcomes such as skill levels of CPS, whereas the action transitions in the paths to solve the problems related to these outcomes have been scarcely studied. The patterns within action transitions are able to capture the mutual influence of actions conducted by pairs and demonstrate the productivity of students’ CPS. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to examine Finnish sixth graders’ (N = 166) patterns of action transitions during CPS in a computer-based assessment environment in w…

verkostotkognitiiviset taidotvuorovaikutussocial network analysisoppiminensosiaaliset taidotsosiaalinen vuorovaikutusyhteistyöEducationHuman-Computer Interactionsixth graderscomputer-supported collaborative learningsosiaaliset verkostottietokoneavusteinen oppiminencollaborative problem solvingyhteistoiminnallinen oppiminenaction transitionsongelmanratkaisuyhteisöllinen oppiminencollaborative problem solving skills

Bisogni e opportunità in tempi di pandemia a fronte del partenariato pubblico-privato: il caso della Fiera del Mediterraneo a Palermo


The Fair of the Mediterranean in Palermo has been an unresolved urban issue since the interruption of activities in 2008 and the closure of the Fair Authority. The Lisca Bianca association - to which the municipal administration has entrusted one of the pavilions - began to question, together with other territorial actors present in the Fair and in the 8th Circoscrizione, the management and future of the space, promoting, with the collaboration of the university, the first phase of a participatory process to imagine its redevelopment. The quarantine interrupted the work, which did not go beyond the first meeting (during which a World Café and Planning for Real were held). The needs expresse…

Spazio pubblico partecipazione rigenerazioneSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Le Officine Ducrot, un esempio di organizzazione del lavoro dell'industria palermitana tra il XIX e il XX secolo


Le officine Ducrot sono un'importante testimonianza del fiorente passato imprenditoriale palermitano che ha avuto un ruolo centrale tra la fine dell'Ottocento e i primi del Novecento del secolo scorso per il carattere internazionale e innovativo di una attività, nata da un piccolo mobilificio, trasformata in pochi anni in un prestigioso atelier artigianale, fino a diventare una società di produzione industriale con una affermazione artistica e commerciale tale da ottenere la quotazione in Borsa. I motivi del grande successo sono numerosi: il sodalizio tra il proprietario, Vittorio Ducrot, e l'architetto Ernesto Basile; la produzione di raffinati e moderni arredi, caratterizzati da un mix tr…

Sicilian industrial heritage Organization of work Work spacesPatrimonio industriale siciliano Organizzazione del lavoro Spazi del lavoroSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

L'ordine, dal centro ai margini: a proposito della ripubblicazione di due testi di Costantino Mortati


In questo articolo, offro una ricostruzione della concezione dell’ordinamento giuridico, dello sta- to e della costituzione materiale di Costantino Mortati, mostrando la evoluzione da essa subita nel corso degli anni. Mi soffermo in particolare su due aspetti: sulla natura di “fatto normativo” della volontà delle forze politiche dominanti che, secondo Mortati, sostiene la costituzione ma- teriale dello stato; e sul modo in cui Mortati applica la sua concezione alla fase di formazione e di mutamento della costituzione materiale, e ai periodi di indebolimento dell’unità politica. In this article I propose a reconstruction of Costantino Mortati’s view of the legal order, the state and the mate…

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoCostantino Mortati material constitution legal order constituent powerCostantino Mortati costituzione materiale ordinamento giuridico potere costituente

[Re]Constructing Lost Realities, Possible Worlds and Future Perspectives Through Digital and Public Humanities


The 2022 volume of Magazén is devoted to practical aspects in the Digital and Public Humanities. The first issue is thus entitled [re]constructions, focusing on the wide array of practices that prospered in our wide field for [re]configuring lost realities, [re]creating long gone dimensions, [re]building likely scenarios, [re]considering exhibition settings, and [re]covering disappeared traces of historical and cultural value.

Settore INF/01 - InformaticareconstructionsSettore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale e Umanistica

Parasite–copepod interactions in Svalbard: diversity, host specificity, and seasonal patterns


AbstractCopepods of the genera Calanus and Pseudocalanus are important components of Arctic marine ecosystems. Despite the key roles of these zooplankters, little is known about the organisms they interact with most intimately, their parasites and symbionts. We applied metabarcode sequencing to uncover eukaryotic parasites present within these two copepod genera from three areas around the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. Ten distinct parasite groups were observed: four different Apostome ciliates, four different dinoflagellates (Chytriodinium sp., Ellobiopsis sp., Thalassomyces sp., and Hematodinium sp.), a Paradinium sp., and a trematode. Apostome ciliates closely related to Pseudocol…

/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/life_below_waterPseudocalanus spp.ArcticCalanus glacialisfungiMetabarcodingVDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Basale biofag: 470ParasitesSDG 14 - Life Below WaterGeneral Agricultural and Biological Sciences

Worldwide trends in population-based survival for children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with leukaemia, by subtype, during 2000–14 (CONCO…


BACKGROUND Leukaemias comprise a heterogenous group of haematological malignancies. In CONCORD-3, we analysed data for children (aged 0-14 years) and adults (aged 15-99 years) diagnosed with a haematological malignancy during 2000-14 in 61 countries. Here, we aimed to examine worldwide trends in survival from leukaemia, by age and morphology, in young patients (aged 0-24 years). METHODS We analysed data from 258 population-based cancer registries in 61 countries participating in CONCORD-3 that submitted data on patients diagnosed with leukaemia. We grouped patients by age as children (0-14 years), adolescents (15-19 years), and young adults (20-24 years). We categorised leukaemia subtypes a…

AdolescentAustralia610 Medicine & healthlymphomaSettore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E ApplicatasurvivalUnited StatesEuropeLeukemia Myeloid AcuteYoung Adultchildrenpopulation-based/cancer registry360 Social problems & social servicessurvival leukemia cancer registryHematologic NeoplasmsleukaemiaPediatrics Perinatology and Child HealthDevelopmental and Educational PsychologycancerHumansRegistrieshaematological malignancy610 Medicine & healthChild360 Social problems & social services

Tra spazi e funzioni. La crisi dello spazio urbano prima, durante e dopo il Covid-19


Fin dagli albori dell'età urbana, i problemi e i valori dell'insediamento urbano sono variati notevolmente nel corso dei secoli, ma l'importanza della struttura spaziale urbana non è mai stata cancellata. Oggi la città è ancora al centro della nostra civiltà, ma le relazioni tra sistemi socio-ecologici nidificati sono più complesse perché le interazioni uomo-ambiente non sono bidirezionali. L'ascesa dell'Antropocene, una nuova era dirompente ed erosiva causata dall'Umanità, comporta una crisi economica, demografica e ambientale, come dimostrano le attuali pandemie. Il mese scorso le notizie ci hanno detto che il nuovo coronavirus non è stato il primo caso di virus che salta la specie, raggi…

Antropocene prossimità urbanaAnthropocene urban proximitySettore ICAR/21 - Urbanisticaville du quart d’heure

Designing knowledge construction in pre-service teachers’ collaborative planning talk


In this paper, we report on a qualitative study of student teachers’ collaboration in planning and implementing a course that integrated physics and the Finnish language. Audio-recorded planning sessions and interviews were examined using qualitative content analysis, first, to discover what kind of space for knowledge construction student teachers designed for learners and, second, to identify the characteristics of their collaboration in developing a new cross-disciplinary pedagogical practice. The analysis revealed challenges in integrating meaning-making resources for knowledge construction; especially the role of language remained mostly invisible. This indicates a need to develop teac…

haasteet (ongelmat)Linguistics and Languagetranslanguagingtiedonkäsityskehittäminenmerkitykset (semantiikka)multimodal meaning-making resourcesLanguage and LinguisticscollaborationyhteistyöEducationknowledge constructionComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONopettajankoulutuskielellinen vuorovaikutuspre-service teachersmultimodaalisuusteacher education

Reasoning and proving in Algebra. Examples from 8th grade school mathematics textbooks in Italy


Some research studies concerning the didactics of Algebra discuss how learning to solve problems using symbolic algebraic language can be hard for students (Bohlmann et al., 2014; Palm, 2009). Students, in fact, have often difficulty to learn the ways in which the sym- bols should be manipulated to argue or to prove an assertion in order to reach a problem solu- tions. Although many studies conducted by mathematics educators discussed important contri- butions to this subject (e.g. Arzarello, Robutti & Bazzini, 2005; Boero, 2001; Carraher, Schliemann, Brizuela & Earnest, 2006; Lins & Kaput, 2004; Ursini & Trigueros, 2001), not many analysis were conducted on the role of the …

Settore MAT/04 - Matematiche ComplementariReasoning Proving Algebra school mathematics textbooks

Características de la desinformación en redes sociales. Estudio comparado de los engaños desmentidos en Argentina y España durante el 2020


Este trabajo estudia los principales rasgos de las desinformaciones que circularon en redes sociales en Argentina y España durante el año 2020, así como sus similitudes y diferencias. La investigación aplica un análisis de contenido de siete variables a 402 engaños desmentidos en ambos países por los medios verificadores Chequeado y Newtral. En concreto, se estudian las fuentes de las desinformaciones, su tipología, los protagonistas y sus atributos, su adscripción temática, las emociones a las que apelan y los rasgos populistas que presentan. Los resultados evidencian el predominio de (a) fuentes anónimas en ambos países, de fuentes reales mediáticas en Argentina y de fuentes políticas sup…

Linguistics and LanguageMitjans de comunicació de massaCommunicationContratexto

Intensificatori e soggettificazione in latino: sulla grammaticalizzazione di maxime


The aim of this paper is to investigate the grammaticalization path of the intensifying adverb maxime in Early Latin, within the perspective of the so-called ‘subjectification’ theory. Despite the difficulty of drawing discrete boundaries within the multifunctional category of adverbs, the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic analysis of maxime across different contexts of use allows us to identify at least three main functions of this adverb in early Latin texts, mostly in the Roman comedy of Plautus and Terence. In particular, adopting the perspective of the Functional Discourse Grammar, it is shown that maxime is used as (i) degree adverb, which modifies a large range of elements acting at …

intensifiers subjectification discourse markers grammaticalization LatinSettore L-LIN/01 - Glottologia E Linguistica

From Image to Investigation 3D Reconstruction with Perspective Restitution


The memory of hundreds gone buildings is preserved by few photographic images. Perspective restitution with digital representation tools can be used today to reconstruct these buildings directly in 3D space. Digital representation has overcome many limitations that affected perspective restitution in the pre-digital era. In this paper the inner space of the church of San Michele in Trapani, destroyed at the end of the 50’, is reconstructed with the aid of three period photographic images. Some architectural elements that escaped destruction and are today located in a new church near Trapani have been surveyed with laser scanning and SfM photogrammetric techniques. Surveyed elements provided…

3D reconstruction.Perspective restitutionSan Michele in TrapaniSettore ICAR/17 - Disegno

Just transition principles and criteria for food systems and beyond


In this article, we propose a framework of principles and criteria for just transitions in food systems. Climate mitigation activities are urgently needed in food systems, but can have damaging social, environmental, economic, and health impacts. Consequently, food system transitions can cause significant side effects across and beyond food systems, aggravating existing inequalities and unsustainabilities, causing new ones, or hampering equal engagement in the transition itself. Thus, justice questions stand at the core of assessing decarbonization pathways and policies and must link to other sectors as well: Who bears the costs and who enjoys the benefits of the transitions? Can transition…

ruokajärjestelmätglobaali oikeudenmukaisuusilmastopolitiikkaRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentGuiding decision-making and policy implementationJust transition criteriaJustice principlesEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)oikeudenmukaisuussosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuusSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)Low-carbon transitions

Old controversies and new data: assessing again the polychrome vases from Centuripe


The necropolises of the hill town of Centuripe (EN) in Sicily have been looted since the nineteenth century for obtaining objects that were attractive for antiquities collectors, such as Hellenistic terracotta figurines and the brightly polychrome vases produced by local artisans (known as “Centuripe vases”) that today are scattered throughout a number of museums and private collections over the world. Until recent times, quite many vases have been considered doubtful and sometimes revealed as forgeries. Some “restorers” working in the dark circuit were able either to reproduce the shapes and decorations of ancient vases or to “refresh” their painted surfaces indeed: the interplay between g…

forgerierestorationCenturipe vaseauthenticationiconographySettore L-ANT/07 - Archeologia Classica

Agile logic for SaaS implementation: Capitalizing on marketing automation software in a start-up


The emergence of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has facilitated agile technology implementation that focuses on iterative adaptations via learning by doing rather than the realization of a predesigned implementation plan. This study conceptualizes such an agile approach and explicates its operationalization via a four-year qualitative case study of a business-to-business (B2B) start-up firm’s implementation of a HubSpot marketing automation (MA) SaaS. The study shows how agile implementation continuously introduces adaptations to SaaS features and organizational routines for improving their mutual fit given the organization’s goals. The study also contributes to theory by offering a novel fra…

agile methodologiesmarketing automationSoftware-as-a-serviceketterät menetelmätMarketingpilvipalvelutmarkkinointicloud computingSMESaaS-palveluttechnology adoptionpienet ja keskisuuret yrityksetdigitaalinen markkinointiJournal of Business Research

Storie di oggetti (e di sogni) perduti. Musei contemporanei per ritrovarsi


What happens to humanity discarded by history? To the broken dreams (of love and life)?What to do with the objects that fill our life as "fragile ruins" of a dream lost forever? The article, looking at various contemporary projects of permanent museums and temporary exhibitions, intends to outline and lead a reflection on the radical paradigm change that intervenes in the exhibition processes and in the strategies of emotional engagement within contemporary museological policies. Conceived as places of encounter and relationship, museums are open to communities and individual stories. In particular, the emotion of lost guided the constitution of collections of objects, in a series of exhibi…

museum participatory design narrative objects empathy exhibition

A comprehensive multi-scale model for bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED)


Bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) is a technology combining solute and solvent dissociation to produce chemicals. In the recent decades, it has been typically studied for the production of valuable acid and base solutions from salt streams. Although many works have been devoted to the experimental investigation of BMED, only a few efforts have focused on its mathematical modelling. In the present work, a comprehensive process model based on a multi-scale approach with distributed parameters is presented for the first time. Five models related to four different dimensional scales were fully integrated to form a comprehensive tool. The integrated model was developed by using the process…

Settore ING-IND/26 - Teoria Dello Sviluppo Dei Processi ChimiciElectro-membrane processGeneral Chemical EngineeringElectro-membrane proceBipolar membraneChemicals production electrodialysisEnvironmental ChemistryProcess simulatorGeneral ChemistryIon-exchange membraneelectrodialysisIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringChemicals production

Additional Evidence for a Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Heart of SN 1987A from Multiepoch X-Ray Data and MHD Modeling


Since the day of its explosion, supernova (SN) 1987A has been closely monitored to study its evolution and to detect its central compact relic. In fact, the formation of a neutron star is strongly supported by the detection of neutrinos from the SN. However, besides the detection in the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) data of a feature that is compatible with the emission arising from a proto-pulsar wind nebula (PWN), the only hint for the existence of such elusive compact object is provided by the detection of hard emission in NuSTAR data up to ~ 20 keV. We report on the simultaneous analysis of multi-epoch observations of SN 1987A performed with Chandra, XMM-Newton and…

SHARPSupernova remnantsAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaNeutron starFOS: Physical sciencesAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic AstrophysicsX-ray sourcesNeutron starsX-ray sourceX-ray astronomyMagnetohydrodynamical simulationSettore FIS/05 - Astronomia E AstrofisicaSupernova remnantPulsarPlasma astrophysicsPlasma astrophysicX-ray point sourcesX-ray observatoriesShocksCompact objectsPulsarsAstrophysics::Galaxy AstrophysicsHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)Horizon 2020Magnetohydrodynamical simulationsShockAstronomy and AstrophysicsX-ray point sourceInterstellar synchrotron emissionX-ray observatorieSpace and Planetary ScienceEuropean Union (EU)Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaCompact objectThe Astrophysical Journal

Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Following Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in Hydrocephalus: Do Technological Advancements Avoid Complications?


General NeuroscienceHumansGeneral MedicineVentriculoperitoneal Shunt Hydrocephalus complicationsVentriculoperitoneal ShuntHydrocephalusJournal of integrative neuroscience

Shielding families’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: a review across the UK and Italy


As communities have gone into lockdown to stop the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mass efforts to save lives has put some people more at risk than others, and in their own homes. Starting with a comparison between Italy and the UK, this review examines the impact of pandemic measures for those shielding families who are affected by abusive relationships and those who, with health and social care needs, are considered at high risk of serious consequences if they are exposed to COVID-19 measures. Focusing on an increased number of DV cases reported, we explore the impact of pandemic measures on vulnerable people and families through a review on this topic, that comprises early…

Psychiatry and Mental healthPandemicMental health serviceCOVID-19

Analisi delle condizioni e dei percorsi di inserimento dei prodotti ludico digitali nel settore del turismo culturale e possibili scenari di sviluppo…


Con una pervasività ed una velocità inusitate, la disintermediazione ha impresso il suo sigillo sulla nostra era. È il principio su cui si fonda tutta la tecnologia dell’universo blockchain che, sostituendo tutte le istituzioni centrali con reti orizzontali, aperte e condivise di blocchi, valida le operazioni senza bisogno di controllori, notai o terze parti (di qui anche il discusso fenomeno dell’NFT, “non-fungible token”, permette di comprare un’opera senza il bisogno di una galleria/ un mediatore). Una svolta di enorme impatto che, dalla verticalità centralizzata con cui veniva dispensata la cultura dei corpi intermedi, giunge all’orizzontalità decentralizzata che connette gli individui,…


Socio-economic deprivation and COVID-19 infection: a Bayesian spatial modelling approach


Il presente articolo ha l’obiettivo di analizzare l’effetto della deprivazione socio-economica sull’incidenza da COVID-19 a livello sub-comunale. Grazie alla disponibilit`a di informazioni sui tassi di incidenza mensili da COVID-19 a livello di sezione di censimento per i due comuni di Palermo e Catania (Italia), viene pro- posto l’utilizzo di un modello spaziale Bayesiano con distribuzione binomiale zero- inflated. I risultati mostrano un’associazione tra livelli di deprivazione e incidenza da COVID-19 nei due comuni, controllando per la struttura spaziale delle unit`a areali considerate. Alla luce dei risultati, si rendono necessarie azioni di politica sanitaria focalizzando gli intervent…

COVID-19 Socio-economic inequalities Bayesian Inference Laplace approximation Spatial-temporal models

Clara Stella, Lodovico Domenichi e le Rime diverse d’alcune nobilissime et virtuosissime donne (1559), Paris, Classique Garnier, 2022, pp. 288.


RinascimentoCinquecentoSettore L-FIL-LET/10 - Letteratura Italianapoesia donneLudovico Domenichi

L’anfiteatro romano dell’Urbe panormita tra paradigmi congetturali e possibili palingenesi


Come il sottotitolo del libro di Giuseppe Ferrarella (Persistenza delle forme nell'architettura della città) eloquentemente dimostra, l’indagine compiuta svela una precisa prospettiva epistemica che si focalizza su una singola parte della città, il quartiere della Loggia, il cui disvelamento di senso va a modificare il complesso del sapere del “tutto”. Una conoscenza basata principalmente sul processo cognitivo di natura abduttiva o ipotesi di retroduzione, trattandosi di una inferenza del terzo tipo. Un procedimento logico, quindi, analogo alla deduzione e all’induzione, ma che cerca di spiegare i fatti osservati inferendo la causa dall’effetto, aggiungendovi sempre dell’altro, divenendo a…

Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaPalermo anfiteatro architettura engramma congetture

Il Mare di mezzo: storie di naviganti, di lotta per il diritto e di luci nel buio della frontiera


This paper analyses the way in which, and the reasons why, the Mediterranean Sea, from being a limes between lands, has become the frontier we know today: the space of an emblematic struggle for law and rights, which contrasts the policies of governments with the forced movements of people in migration and with civil society organizations that try to promote and protect fundamental rights. In this context, the direct experience of some search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea has been used to highlight the extent of this conflict with respect to the violation of the national and domestic legal frameworks carried out by the European states, Italy in the lead, also through the invo…

Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoMediterranean sea and migration Limes and frontier Power and resistance International Human Rights Law Refugee law and law of the sea

The role of eating disorders features, psychopathology, and defense mechanisms in the comprehension of orthorexic tendencies


Abstract Purpose Recent studies pointed out the importance to distinguish orthorexia nervosa (ON) from non-problematic forms of interest with healthy eating. This distinction needs to be further explored since it may favor a better comprehension of the relationship between orthorexic behaviors and psychopathology and lead to an improved understanding of the psychological processes implicated in ON. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the associations between ON and the core features of eating disorders (EDs), psychopathological symptoms and defense mechanisms, by differentiating three groups of individuals: an ON symptoms group, a healthy-eating control group, and a n…

AdultFeeding and Eating DisordersOrthorexia · Eating disorders · Psychopathology · Defense mechanismsYoung AdultPsychiatry and Mental healthClinical PsychologyCross-Sectional StudiesSurveys and QuestionnairesHumansFeeding BehaviorComprehensionDefense Mechanisms

Au sein du CNRS, un Observatoire de l’environnement nocturne pour accompagner la territorialisation de la lutte contre la pollution lumineuse


National audience; Jusqu’à présent, les politiques de préservation de l’environnement nocturne peinent à saisir l’ensemble des effets négatifs de la lumière artificielle nocturne (ALAN). La question de la qualité de l’environnement nocturne n’est ainsi que partiellement traitée. D’une part, les enjeux liés à l’efficience énergétique des systèmes techniques d’éclairage et à la qualité du ciel étoilé occultent quasi systématiquement les enjeux écologiques et sanitaires de la préservation de l’obscurité. D’autre part, un fossé considérable persiste entre des solutions de mitigation technique à l’échelle locale et la mise en œuvre, à des échelles plus larges, de zonages construits par et pour d…

[SHS.ARCHI]Humanities and Social Sciences/Architecture space managementinterdisciplinarité[SDE.MCG]Environmental Sciences/Global Changes[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographysciences participatives[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyrecherche-actionPARIS team[SDE.ES]Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Society[SDE.BE] Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and EcologyALAN[SDE.MCG] Environmental Sciences/Global Changes[SHS.ENVIR] Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studies[SHS.ENVIR]Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studiesdispositif de rechercheObservatoire de l'environnement nocturneSCL[SDE.ES] Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Society[SDE.BE]Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecologypollution lumineuse[SHS.ARCHI] Humanities and Social Sciences/Architecture space managementenvironnement nocturne