showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Unravelling the rationalities of childhood cycling promotion


Decrease of children’s independent mobility (CIM) has worried academics, policymakers, educators and other professionals for decades. Research and policy often emphasise that promoting children’s physically active and independent transport modes as cycling is important to achieve better public health, solve environmental challenges and increase related economic benefits. Yet, cycling promotion is not a neutral process and all promotion efforts are derived from latent notions of ‘cyclists’ and ‘cycling’. This paper discusses different rationalities of childhood cycling promotion and the representations of ‘children’ as independent ‘cyclists’ they entail. We argue that in order to efficiently…

cyclingGeography Planning and Developmentrationalitytoimintatutkimusitsenäisyys (yksilöt)Transportationlapset (ikäryhmät)Management Science and Operations Researchlapsuusgovernmentalityliikennepolitiikkaterveyden edistäminenUrban Studiesaction researchchildren’s independent mobilityAutomotive EngineeringpyöräilyCivil and Structural EngineeringGeneral Environmental Sciencechildhood

Il culto della Madonna dell’Odigitria a Piana degli Albanesi tra storia e mito


Il saggio analizza da un punto di vista storico-antropologico il mito di fondazione di Piana degli Albanesi, ricostruendo le origini, la diffusione e le trasformazioni del culto della Madonna dell'Odigitria ad esso legato. Il risultato della ricerca rivela che da questo mito dipende una delle fasi cruciali del processo di costruzione di identità degli Arbëreshë di Sicilia.

Identità culturalemiti di fondazione.Settore M-DEA/01 - Discipline DemoetnoantropologicheSettore L-LIN/18 - Lingua E Letteratura Albanesestoria della cultura arbëreshe

The Perception of Not-for-Profit Organisations on Risks in Partnership with Czech, Sicilian and Castilian-Leonese Schools


Non-proft sector and schools have different trajectories in the sphere of education and yet they both direct to the same goal – well-being of their target groups. What would happen if they joined their interests and transformed it into some kind of cooperation? Is it already happening and if so, how? This chapter focuses on the everyday reality of partnership between non-proft non-governmental organizations and schools, particularly in the area of inclusion of foreign language (FL) students in three European geographical areas – the Czech Republic, Castilla y León Autonomous Community of Spain, and Sicily in Italy. The three-year project aimed to map the extent of such cooperation and allow…

Partnership · Schools · Not-for-proft organizations · L2 students · RisksSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

When more is less: The other side of artificial intelligence recommendation


Based on consumers' preferences, AI (artificial intelligence) recommendation automatically filters information, which provokes scholars' debate. Supporters believe that by analyzing the consumers' preferences, AI recommendation enables consumers to choose products more quickly and with lower cost. Critics deem that consumers are more easily trapped in information cocoons because of the use of AI recommendation. This reduces the possibility of consumers contacting with a variety of commodities, thus lowering the consumer decision quality. Based on experiments, this paper discusses the moderating role of AI recommendation on the relationship of consumers' preferences and information cocoons. …

verkkokauppabusiness.industryStrategy and Managementconsumer decision qualitysuosittelujärjestelmätDecision qualityinformation cocoonGeneral Decision ScienceskuluttajakäyttäytyminentekoälyostopäätöksetAI recommendationGeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUSManagement Information SystemsVariety (cybernetics)ComputingMethodologies_PATTERNRECOGNITIONControl and Systems EngineeringManagement of Technology and Innovationconsumers' preferencesLower costArtificial intelligenceBusiness and International ManagementEmpirical evidencebusinessEngineering (miscellaneous)Journal of Management Science and Engineering

Le Officine Ducrot, un esempio di organizzazione del lavoro dell'industria palermitana tra il XIX e il XX secolo


Le officine Ducrot sono un'importante testimonianza del fiorente passato imprenditoriale palermitano che ha avuto un ruolo centrale tra la fine dell'Ottocento e i primi del Novecento del secolo scorso per il carattere internazionale e innovativo di una attività, nata da un piccolo mobilificio, trasformata in pochi anni in un prestigioso atelier artigianale, fino a diventare una società di produzione industriale con una affermazione artistica e commerciale tale da ottenere la quotazione in Borsa. I motivi del grande successo sono numerosi: il sodalizio tra il proprietario, Vittorio Ducrot, e l'architetto Ernesto Basile; la produzione di raffinati e moderni arredi, caratterizzati da un mix tr…

Sicilian industrial heritage Organization of work Work spacesPatrimonio industriale siciliano Organizzazione del lavoro Spazi del lavoroSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

Analisi delle condizioni e dei percorsi di inserimento dei prodotti ludico digitali nel settore del turismo culturale e possibili scenari di sviluppo…


Con una pervasività ed una velocità inusitate, la disintermediazione ha impresso il suo sigillo sulla nostra era. È il principio su cui si fonda tutta la tecnologia dell’universo blockchain che, sostituendo tutte le istituzioni centrali con reti orizzontali, aperte e condivise di blocchi, valida le operazioni senza bisogno di controllori, notai o terze parti (di qui anche il discusso fenomeno dell’NFT, “non-fungible token”, permette di comprare un’opera senza il bisogno di una galleria/ un mediatore). Una svolta di enorme impatto che, dalla verticalità centralizzata con cui veniva dispensata la cultura dei corpi intermedi, giunge all’orizzontalità decentralizzata che connette gli individui,…


Slow Pyrolysis come metodo per la valorizzazione di rifiuti e biomassa residuale


Pyrolysis productWaste to fuelSettore ING-IND/25 - Impianti ChimiciThermogravimetric analysiPyrolysiKinetic parametersBiomass valorizationFeedstock recycling

Post-pandemic cities: le sfide dell'urbanistica dopo l'emergenza


Il prodotto editoriale contiene gli Atti integrali del “Convegno Post-pandemic Cities: le sfide dell’urbani- stica dopo l’emergenza”, svoltosi online nei giorni 8 e 9 ottobre 2020. La struttura degli atti segue quella del Convegno con le seguenti sessioni: Frattura del rapporto tra spazio e funzioni; Giustizia spaziale e nuove diseguaglianze; Verso altri modelli urbani?; Sfide per la formazione e la professione nell'era post-covid

Settore ICAR/20 - Tecnica E Pianificazione UrbanisticaSettore ICAR/15 - Architettura Del PaesaggioSettore SPS/11 - Sociologia Dei Fenomeni PoliticiSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaSettore ICAR/22 - EstimoCovid-19sfideurbanisticaSettore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaSettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

Year-round variation in the isotopic niche of Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in contrasting sea regions of the Mediterranean Sea


Top marine predators are key components of marine food webs. Among them, long-distance migratory seabirds, which travel across different marine ecosystems over the year, may experience important year-round changes in terms of oceanographic conditions and availability of trophic resources. We tested whether this was the case in the Scopoli’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), a trans-equatorial migrant and top predator, by sampling birds breeding in three environmentally different regions of the Mediterranean Sea. The analysis of positional data and stable isotopes (δ13 C and δ15N) of target feathers revealed that birds from the three regions were spatially segregated during the breeding per…

Settore BIO/07 - EcologiaMeso-zooplanktonFishesMediterranean Sea Migration Seabirds Stable isotopes Trophic ecologyGeneral MedicineAquatic ScienceOceanographyPollutionBirdsSeabirdsTrophic ecologyMediterranean SeaAnimalsAtlantic OceanEcosystemMigrationMediterranean Sea; Meso-zooplankton; Migration; Seabirds; Stable isotopes; Trophic ecologyStable isotopesMarine Environmental Research

Lettura e Composizione Integrate Cooperative nella Didattica a Distanza: esaminare gli Effetti su Studenti Universitari


Per promuovere negli studenti la scrittura come attività consapevole e sistematica per lo studio può risultare efficace il Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Model, che si concentra sulla padronanza combinata di strategie di comprensione e di composizione. In rapporto essenziale con la lettura, la co-costruzione di testi stimola gli studenti a esercitare molteplici capacità: analizzare e sintetizzare, immaginare e anticipare, scegliere e selezionare, integrare e elaborare, organizzare i contenuti riguardo a situazioni comunicative e destinatari diversi. Nel presente contributo l’esercizio delle abilità di leggere e comporre testi è stato indagato su un gruppo di studenti …

written composition reading comprehension reciprocal teaching distance learning awarenesscomposizione scritta comprensione della lettura insegnamento reciproco apprendimento a distanza consapevolezzaSettore M-PED/04 - Pedagogia SperimentaleSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia SpecialeEXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING

Toponymic politics and the role of heritagisation in multiethnic cities in Romania


Although scholars have made considerable progress in understanding the dynamics of heritagisation and toponymic politics, research is yet to explore how these may interact with each other. Drawing on a mixed-methods comparative qualitative study, this paper explores the politics of place naming and multilingualism in the context of heritagisation in three multiethnic cities in Romania: Târgu Mureş, Oradea and Baia Mare. We argue that the recent trends of heritagisation introduce a new element in the politics of place naming in ethnically diverse cities. Heritage becomes inclusive when it loses its importance in the power struggle between minority and majority political representatives. Once…

Cultural StudiesHistoryminority language rightsplace namingheritage tourismTourism Leisure and Hospitality ManagementMuseologyGeography Planning and Developmentmultilingual signsCritical toponymyConservationInternational Journal of Heritage Studies

Association between physical multimorbidity and sleep problems in 46 low- and middle-income countries


BACKGROUND: Little is known about the association between multimorbidity (i.e., two or more chronic conditions) and sleep problems in the general adult populations of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thus, we aimed to assess this association among adults from 46 LMICs, and to quantify the extent to which anxiety, depression, stress, and pain explain this association. METHODS: Cross-sectional, predominantly nationally representative, community-based data from the World Health Survey were analyzed. Nine chronic physical conditions (angina, arthritis, asthma, chronic back pain, diabetes, edentulism, hearing problems, tuberculosis, visual impairment) were assessed. To be included in th…

AdultMaleSleep Wake DisordersLow- and middle-income countriesAdolescentEpidemiologyPainObstetrics and GynecologyMultimorbiditySleep disordersSleep problemsGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyCross-Sectional StudiesChronic DiseasePrevalenceHumansFemaleDeveloping Countries

Digital Education For All: Multi-University Study of Increasing Competent Student Admissions at Scale


An indubitable way to put learning at scale in practice is to implement Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs. When a wide-enough portfolio of them is available, new applications arise. For instance, university admissions in Finland, where this study was conducted, have traditionally been based on students' grades in high school studies, an entrance examination, or a combination of both. A minority of students have been accepted through an open university admission path where students can get a study right if they complete enough university course credits with a high enough grade in a given time frame. In this work, we report results from a multi-university project in which the open univers…

intake mechanismsretention in computer sciencestudent intakeMOOCsavoimet verkkokurssitdigital educationstudent admissionsopiskelijavalinnatkorkeakouluopiskelutietojenkäsittelytieteetavoin yliopistoyliopistotadmission policiesProceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale

Studio della qualità dei frutti e della risposta fotosintetica di tre cultivar di Mango (Mangifera indica L.) coltivate in serra in Sicilia


La coltivazione del mango all’interno di una serra in Sicilia sottopone le piante a temperature estremamente elevate, fino a 50 °C, mentre le temperature minime registrate in serra durante la notte nel corso dell’anno non differiscono da quelle registrate all’aperto. Nonostante le alte temperature estive, l’attività fotosintetica delle piante ha mostrato valori elevati (fino a 20μmol (CO2)/s), ovvero uno dei più alti per il mango sulla base di quanto finora riportato in letteratura. I frutti ottenuti erano di alta qualità, non presentavano imperfezioni derivanti da danni di natura biotica o abiotica. Avevano, inoltre, un elevato contenuto zuccherino e sono stati pienamente apprezzati dai gi…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreemangoserraSicilia

Análisis del aumento de seguidores y de la presencia multiplataforma de la clase política en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram en campañas electorales (2…


[EN] The participation of politicians in social media is increasingly necessary in order to gain visibility. However, the logic of content dissemination is very different from conventional media. In social media, building a broad and varied base of followers facilitates a greater impact of the message. This article analyses the influence of various individual factors of the candidates on two aspects of the process: variation in the number of followers and multiplatform presence. Both issues are assessed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the context of three general elections held in Spain during the 2010s. The results show that the age and gender of the candidates, their frequency of p…

Linguistics and Languageelectoral campaignFacebookCommunicationsocial mediaTwittercampaña electoralCOMERCIALIZACION E INVESTIGACION DE MERCADOSEleccionsInstagram.Xarxes socialsCampaña electoralInstagramredes socialesRedes socialesSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)

Sindacato di legittimità costituzionale e legalità penale: il delicato equilibrio tra ruolo della Corte Costituzionale e discrezionalità del legislat…


The paper intends to focus on the issue of the relationship between the judgment of constitutional legitimacy and the legislator's discretionary power in criminal matters. The Constitutional Court, especially in recent years, has carried out an overall rewriting of criminal law, through rulings that have affected some of the most significant institutions, introducing a substitute regulation for that deliberated by the legislator. To achieve this result, in the name of safeguarding fundamental rights, the Constitutional Court devised new techniques of adjudication, forcing patterns that had already been established in its jurisprudence or proposing new ways of adjudication in incidental proc…

Settore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleConstitucional legitimacy legislator's discretionary powe criminal law criminal legality constitutional jurisprudence techniques of judgment of the constitutional courtart. 25 of the italian Constitution

Una forma leggiadra. Simboli sessuali dell'altalena in India nel rito del mahavrata e in alcune pratiche contemporanee


In the grammar of rituals described in Vedic texts, the swing was an object whose meanings referred to the propitiation of fertility and solar symbolism. Although its use remains in various contemporary festive contexts, its meaning has been differently defined. By analyzing the passages from works belonging to the ancient religious literature, this article examines the description of the swing’s construction and the rite performed on it by the officiant named hotr. Such an approach allows us to focus on the symbolic elements related to the swing in one of the focal points of the sequence of the mahavrata ceremony. Through a diachronic investigation and considering the data from the compara…

Settore L-OR/17 - Filosofie Religioni E Storia Dell'India E Dell'Asia CentraleSettore M-STO/06 - Storia Delle ReligioniSwinging Festival Vedic Ritual Hindu Ritual History of Religion Vedic StudiesSettore L-OR/18 - Indologia E Tibetologia

The circular economy for resilience of the agricultural landscape and promotion of the sustainable agriculture and food systems


The agricultural landscape is a public good to be preserved for long-term socio-economic and environmental effects. The agricultural landscape is preserved by the carrying out of agricultural activities. Through a empirical survey we examined how some young farmers in the countryside adopt conservation and resilience strategies. A common feature of the case studies examined is the adoption of photovoltaic energy production necessary for the performance of business activities. The method applied is that of the opportunity cost. The results of the research show that young farmers after graduation have returned to agriculture as they have an advantage in terms of opportunity costs compared to …

resilience sustainable agriculture food systemsAgricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)Agronomy and Crop ScienceFood Science

Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems


The Pre-Concept Design (PCD) of the Balance of Plant (BoP) systems of the EU-DEMO power plant is described in this paper for both breeding blanket (BB) concepts under assessment, namely the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB and the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) BB. Moreover, the results of a preliminary evaluation of a number of BoP variants are discussed. This paper outlines the steps of the BoP design development, highlighting the project objectives and the strategy for their achievement under the very challenging requirements which include, among others, the intermittent nature of the DEMO plasma heat source. The main achievements during the PCD Phase will be reported together with t…

TechnologyBalance of plantElectric power distributionMechanical EngineeringHCPB BBSteam generatorPower conversion systemPower plants -- Design and constructionNuclear Energy and EngineeringSteam-boilersGeneral Materials SciencePower-plants -- Europebalance of plant; DEMO; HCPB BB; power conversion system; steam generator; WCLL BBddc:600DEMOWCLL BBSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti NucleariDEMO; Balance of plant; WCLL BB; HCPB BB; Steam generator; Power conversion systemCivil and Structural Engineering

Shaping blockchain-based innovation strategies in the wine sector: a conceptual framework


The growing demand for transparency along the supply chain, partly related to recent incidents involving food contaminations and food frauds, has led businesses to reinterpret their business models by adopting strategies aimed to ensure an effective traceability system. In this scenario, emerging technologies play a decisive role by allowing for constant monitoring of data and information in the various phases of the supply chain. The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the main opportunities related to the BCT implementation in the wine industry and to identify the most important drivers and barriers of innovation, by using a case study approach. The case study of the Costaflores w…

Settore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleBlockchain technology wine industry skills internal resources capabilities competitive advantage

Machine learning for ultrafast nonlinear photonics


Recent years have seen the rapid growth of the field of smart photonics where the deployment of machine-learning strategies is the key to enhance the performance and expand the functionality of optical systems. Here, we review our recent results obtained in collaboration with the University of Aston (S. Boscolo) and the University of Franche-Comté (J.M. Dudley) by providing several examples of advances enabled by machine-learning tools such as neural networks (NNs).We describe the use of a supervised feedforward NN paradigm to solve the direct and inverse problems relating to nonlinear pulse shaping in optical fibres, bypassing the need for direct numerical solution of the governing propaga…

[PHYS.PHYS.PHYS-OPTICS] Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]

La poltrona di Proust. Evoluzione ed epistemologia di una relazione di prossimità tra design e artigianato.


The proximity between craft and design has been identified as one of the many reasons for the success of what has been the Made in Italy phenomenon, and now the contemporary design scenario shows a strong tendency to contamination of skills from one discipline to the other. This paper offers a critical analysis of the evolution of this relationship to identify new cognitive tools to interpret and categorise the instances of hybrid design in the era of design when everybody designs.

New Craft Sustainability Post-design Design-craft Cultural IdentitySettore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industriale

Lo sviluppo economico è/e lo sviluppo della qualità: un parco dell'innovazione a Catania


Il tema delle periferie produttive (o ex produttive) negli ultimi anni ha assunto un ruolo predominante nella pianificazione delle città al fine di rivalutare le aree industriali dismesse come serbatoi per la riqualificazione urbana ed economica delle nostre città. Sicurezza, degrado sociale e ambientale, abbandono, consumo di suolo sono le principali problematiche di queste aree e investire nella loro riqualificazione può essere un’occasione centrale per la “ripartenza” economica delle nostre città. Per tale motivo, la Regione Siciliana ha recentemente designato una vasta area della città di Catania come “Zona Economica Speciale” (ZES) per il rilancio delle filiere economiche della città. …

Zone Economiche Speciali rigenerazione urbana Spazi urbani covid-proofSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Biological Monitoring Using Lichens as a Source of Information About Contamination of Mountain with Heavy Metals


Abstract The aim of this study was passive biomonitoring of the mountains of southern Poland. Lichens Hypogymnia physodes were used for the study. Concentrations of the heavy metals Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb were determined in these lichens. The concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The analysis of the concentrations of the determined heavy metals in the lichen thallus allowed to determine the places with the highest and the lowest contamination with a given heavy metal in the study area. It was shown that the area of Great Czantoria and Big Soszow is the most contaminated with heavy metals among the investigated areas. The study shows that the transport of analy…

passive biomonitoringHypogymnia physodes lichensatomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)General Materials Scienceheavy metalsEcological Chemistry and Engineering S

Città post-pandemiche tra ricerca della giustizia spaziale e nuove forme di disuguaglianza


Le necessarie misure adottate dal Governo italiano per fronteggiare la pandemia, soprattutto nella prima fase di lockdown, con la chiusura delle attività produttive, commerciali e culturali, hanno amplificato le contraddizioni già presenti nelle città e nei territori del nostro Paese evidenziandone le fragilità. L’acuirsi di nuove forme di disuguaglianza si sta riverberando sullo status di sofferenza socio-economica in cui già si trovavano le fasce più vulnerabili della popolazione in condizione di marginalità o a rischio di povertà. Tale circostanza conferma come i luoghi in cui viviamo costituiscano, in termini di giustizia spaziale, la prova delle concrete disparità sotto il profilo dell…

Settore ICAR/21 - Urbanisticagiustizia spaziale nuove diseguaglianze diritto alla città

Management of severe asthma during the first lockdown phase of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Tips for facing the second wave.


SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has contributed to implement telemedicine, allowing clinicians to follow the patient remotely, therefore minimizing the risk of any exposure to positive COVID-19 patients. We summarize the approaches adopted to treat and monitor severe asthmatic patients during the lockdown phase of the pandemic. Our experience supports the strategy that every effort should be made to minimize patient contact with the health-care system, planning a pathway that allows patients to receive appropriate medical care and continue the biological therapies, thus preventing the loss of disease control and acute severe exacerbations.

Pulmonary and Respiratory MedicineCOVID-19 Health-care management Respiratory symptoms Severe asthmasevere asthmamedicine.medical_specialtyTelemedicineCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)Severe asthmaSettore MED/10 - Malattie Dell'Apparato RespiratorioPhase (combat)ArticlePandemicmedicineAsthmatic patientHumansPharmacology (medical)Intensive care medicinehealth-care managementPandemicsbusiness.industrySARS-CoV-2Biochemistry (medical)Patient contactrespiratory symptomsCOVID-19AsthmaCommunicable Disease ControlbusinessPulmonary pharmacologytherapeutics



The quality of wintering habitats, such as depth of snow cover, plays a key role in sustaining population dynamics of Arctic lemmings. However, few studies so far investigated habitat use during the Arctic winter. Here, we used a unique long-term time series to test whether lemmings are associated with topographical and vegetational habitat features for their wintering sites. We examined yearly numbers and distribution of 22 769 winter nests of the collared lemming Dicrostonyx groenlandicus (Traill, 1823) from an ongoing long-term research on Traill Island, Northeast Greenland, collected between 1989 and 2019, and correlated this information with data on dominant vegetation types, elevatio…

education.field_of_studyRodentbiologyEcologyPopulationVegetationGeographyArcticHabitatbiology.animalLong term monitoringGeneral Earth and Planetary SciencesGeneral Agricultural and Biological ScienceseducationSnow coverGeneral Environmental ScienceArctic Science



Una riflessione più attenta sul tema dello sfruttamento del lavoro e, più nello specifico, sulle pratiche contrarie al lavoro dignitoso, oggi è suggerita dal contesto economico e sociale e dalla precarizzazione dell’occupazione, il cui effetto è quello di produrre una corrente svalutazione del lavoratore.

lavorosfruttamentoSettore IUS/07 - Diritto Del Lavorodiritto

Making Space for Creativity : Niche Construction and the Artist’s Studio


Abstract It is increasingly acknowledged that creativity cannot be fully understood without considering the setting where it takes place. Building on this premise, we use the concepts of niche construction, scaffolding, coupling, and functional integration to expound on the environmentally situated nature of painters’ studio work. Our analysis shows studios to be multi-resource niches that are customized by artists to support various capacities, states, and actions crucial to painting. When at work in these personalized spaces, painters do not need to rely solely on their “inner” powers of imagination, memory, decision making, and technique to execute their paintings. Instead, with the help…

Visual Arts and Performing ArtstaidemaalarittyötilatGeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUSPhilosophypainterstaiteellinen työluovuustilaluova toimintaMusiccreativitypersonalized spacestaidefilosofiaateljeet

Coping with pandemics using social network sites: A psychological detachment perspective to COVID-19 stressors


Prior research has often portrayed information technology (IT) as a stressor. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate that IT can also be an effective means of coping with life stressors, including those induced by pandemics such as COVID-19. We thus deviate from the common IT-as-a-stressor perspective and adopt an IT-as-a-coping-mechanism viewpoint. To this end, we apply the stressor-detachment model from organisational psychology to the use of social network sites (SNSs) in coping with stressors wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. We examine psychological well-being as our dependant variable and introduce psychological detachment through SNS use as a mediator and moderator of the associat…

ITsosiale nettverkVDP::Social science: 200::Economics: 210Management of Technology and Innovation:Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210::Bedriftsøkonomi: 213 [VDP]sosiale medierCOVID-19Business and International ManagementstresshåndteringApplied Psychologypandemi

Management of pharyngeal collapse in patients affected by moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome


This study reports our experience in a selected cohort of patients affected by mild-moderate OSAS, without tonsillar obstruction, and treated with pharyngoplasty.In a case-control retrospective study, we compared modified expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty (MESP) to modified barbed reposition pharyngoplasty (MBRP) in adult patients with oropharyngeal transversal collapse with a BMI ≤ 30 kg/mWe enrolled 20 patients: 10 treated with MESP and 10 treated with MBRP. Mean apnoea-hypoapnoea index (AHI) was 22.8 (± 5.63). We observed in both groups a significant reduction of AHI and oropharyngeal obstruction (p = 0.01), with a success rate, according with Sher's criteria, of 90% for MESP and 80% fo…

AdultSleep Apnea Obstructivesoft palatePolysomnographySnoringPlastic Surgery ProceduresCohort StudiesTreatment OutcomeGeneral EnergyOtorhinolaryngologyCase-Control StudiesHumansPharynxsleep-disorderedbreathingobstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndromeRetrospective StudiesActa Otorhinolaryngologica Italica

Urinary incontinence and quality of life: a longitudinal analysis from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing


Objectives-\ud To explore the longitudinal association between urinary incontinence (UI) and quality of life (QoL) in the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing, a large study of older UK adults with ten years of follow-up.\ud Study design-\ud Cohort study.\ud Main outcomes interest-\ud To determine the presence of UI, participants reported whether they had lost urine beyond their control in the last 12 months. Participants also reported whether UI lasted more than one month, indicating a more chronic problem. QoL was measured using the CASP (control, autonomy, self-realisation and pleasure)-19, with higher values indicating a higher QoL.\ud Results-\ud Of the 8028 participants (mean age: 65.…

MaleAgingCohortObstetrics and GynecologyA longitudinal analysis from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing- MATURITAS cilt.160 ss.11-15 2022 [Veronese N. Smith L. Pizzol D. SOYSAL P. Maggi S. Ilie P. Dominguez L. J. Barbagallo M. -Urinary incontinence and quality of life]ELSAAgeing; Cohort; ELSA; Longitudinal; Quality of life; Urinary incontinence; Aged; Aging; Cohort Studies; Female; Humans; Longitudinal Studies; Male; Surveys and Questionnaires; Quality of Life; Urinary IncontinencehumanitiesUrinary incontinence Quality of life ELSA Ageing Longitudinal CohortGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyCohort StudiesAgeingUrinary IncontinenceSurveys and QuestionnairesLongitudinalQuality of LifeHumansFemaleLongitudinal StudiesAged

Life cycle environmental assessment of retaining walls in unsaturated soils


Abstract Retaining structures above groundwater level support soils that are usually in a state of partial saturation and subject to the actions of atmospheric agents. The current design approach considers the possible extremes of soil conditions – either totally dry or totally saturated – but it neglects matric suction’s contribution to soil shear strength. This work aims to describe how unsaturated-soil mechanics of can positively influence the sustainability of retaining structures through a holistic, multidisciplinary, geotechnical, and environmental analysis. The geotechnical analysis allows to estimate the lateral earth pressure of a geostructure in both unsaturated and extreme soil c…

Settore ICAR/07 - GeotecnicaEnvironmental analysis0211 other engineering and technologies02 engineering and technologySiltLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) Retaining structures Unsaturated soils010502 geochemistry & geophysicsGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyRetaining wall01 natural sciencesLateral earth pressureSoil waterEnvironmental scienceGeotechnical engineeringEnvironmental impact assessmentComputers in Earth SciencesSafety Risk Reliability and QualityLife-cycle assessmentGroundwater021101 geological & geomatics engineering0105 earth and related environmental sciencesGeomechanics for Energy and the Environment

La determinazione del Fondo crediti di dubbia esigibilità nel rendiconto della gestione


La determinazione dell’accantonamento al Fondo crediti di dubbia esigibilità in sede di rendiconto non appare di univoca interpretazione, con specifico riferimento alla definizione del quinquennio per il computo delle medie. Esemplificazioni numeriche chiariscono la differente entità dell’accantonamento discendente dalla diversa scelta del quinquennio. Attraverso l’analisi della giurisprudenza contabile e di differenti orientamenti di associazioni di categoria, il lavoro mira a chiarire quale sia, a parere di chi scrive, il più corretto - e anche logico - percorso da seguire, auspicando comunque una revisione del principio contabile applicato della contabilità finanziaria, allegato n. 4/2 a…

fondo crediti dubbia esigibilitàSettore SECS-P/07 - Economia Aziendalerendiconto enti locali

La mia casa è il mio Paradiso. Note su alcuni racconti di Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla


Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla is one of the most prolific and versatile author of Contemporary Palestinian literary landscape. Although he is probably best known for his long poetic career, he is also a journalist, a novelist, a script editor, a radio producer and a short story writer. In 2016 he published his first collection of short stories entitled Al-ḥabl allaḏī tadallā min al-samā’ (The rope hanging from the sky). The stories included in this work are mainly set in Bengazi, which is the city where the author lives since he was a child, and they focus on the tragedy of war and its disasters, first of all the loss and distruction of houses and buildings. In such a tragic context the concept of “…

Contemporary Arabic literature Palestine short storiesSettore L-OR/12 - Lingua E Letteratura Araba

The brighter side of materialism : Managing impressions on social media for higher social capital


Individuals adjust their behavior on social media to varying extent, and commonly in their idealized way. Most studies have focused on the problems associated with materialism and social media use, yet their potential positive contributions remain less clear. In fact, impression management holds potential for both negative and positive: it has been linked with materialistic attitudes, but also increased amounts of self-reported social capital. This study examines how young people's materialistic values connect with status-seeking impression management on social media, and subsequently to social capital, within the same model. Eight hundred Finnish participants aged 15–19 participated in our…

impression managementnuoret aikuisetLinguistics and LanguageLiterature and Literary TheoryCommunicationsocial mediasosiaalinen mediakuluttajakäyttäytyminenLanguage and Linguisticsyoung peoplesosiaalinen asemamaterialismnuoretstatus-seekingsocial capitalkulutuskulttuurikuluttajuussosiaalinen pääoma