showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Making Space for Creativity : Niche Construction and the Artist’s Studio
Abstract It is increasingly acknowledged that creativity cannot be fully understood without considering the setting where it takes place. Building on this premise, we use the concepts of niche construction, scaffolding, coupling, and functional integration to expound on the environmentally situated nature of painters’ studio work. Our analysis shows studios to be multi-resource niches that are customized by artists to support various capacities, states, and actions crucial to painting. When at work in these personalized spaces, painters do not need to rely solely on their “inner” powers of imagination, memory, decision making, and technique to execute their paintings. Instead, with the help…
Progetto Digital Twins: un sopralluogo analogico e digitale a Gratosoglio. Lo sguardo da Palermo
The description of an ongoing project has the value of establishing some points of reflection useful to adjust the shot for the next phases of an experiment. In this paper, we are describing an ongoing project between Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Palermo. The feature on which this experimentation focuses is the analog/ digital survey, which tries to generate a “satellite” point of view, (a group of people physically in the analyzed area), and a “remote” one. The paper, firstly underlines the importance of surveys in urban planning, secondly displays the techniques, operators and equipment which are needed and it concludes with some considerations.
La mia casa è il mio Paradiso. Note su alcuni racconti di Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla
Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla is one of the most prolific and versatile author of Contemporary Palestinian literary landscape. Although he is probably best known for his long poetic career, he is also a journalist, a novelist, a script editor, a radio producer and a short story writer. In 2016 he published his first collection of short stories entitled Al-ḥabl allaḏī tadallā min al-samā’ (The rope hanging from the sky). The stories included in this work are mainly set in Bengazi, which is the city where the author lives since he was a child, and they focus on the tragedy of war and its disasters, first of all the loss and distruction of houses and buildings. In such a tragic context the concept of “…
“You look at it, but will you choose it”: Is there a link between the foods consumers look at and what they ultimately choose in a virtual supermarke…
Most of the studies that showed a link between gaze allocation and consumer's food choices were performed on food products belonging to a same category. However, consumers usually make food choices in more complex environments, between many different products, and different factors can influence their choices. Therefore, our study aimed to understand the link between gaze behavior and food choices in a complex and realistic situation of choice. Participants (n=99) performed a food choice task in a virtual supermarket. They had to choose three food products to create a dish in four scenarios evoking different motivations (focus on health, environment, food pleasure, and daily scenario as con…
Assessing the extent of shared decision making in Pediatrics: Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the German CollaboRATEpediatric scales for patie…
Abstract Objective To conduct a preliminary evaluation of psychometric properties of CollaboRATEpediatric, a set of three scales to assess shared decision making (SDM) with pediatric patients, parents and parents on behalf of their children (parent-proxy reports). As secondary objectives we examined the scales’ distributional characteristics, acceptability, and agreement between scales. Methods Patients aged ≥ 7 years and parents were recruited in two outpatient facilities providing healthcare services for children with neurological and behavioral health conditions. We collected 46, 169 and 227 pediatric patient, parent-proxy and parent reports, respectively. Convergent, divergent and discr…
Development of Histologically Verified Thyroid Diseases in Women Operated for Breast Cancer: A Review of the Literature and a Case Series
Background: The possible relationships between breast and thyroid diseases have been reported in the literature. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the occurrence of histologically verified thyroid pathologies in women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and, after mastectomy/quadrantectomy complemented by oncological treatment, were thyroidectomized based on their periodic thyroid evaluation. Patients and Methods: Our series consist of 31 women with a mean age of 62.9 ± 10.9 years (range, 45–81) treated for breast cancer (18 right-sided, 11 left-sided, and 2 bilateral), of whom 29 were thyroidectomized, since two women who developed Graves’ disease refused thyroi…
Bimodal Approach for Noise Figures of Merit Evaluation in Quantum-Limited Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers
The advent of ultra-low noise microwave amplifiers revolutionized several research fields demanding quantum-limited technologies. Exploiting a theoretical bimodal description of a linear phase-preserving amplifier, in this contribution we analyze some of the intrinsic properties of a model architecture (i.e., an rf-SQUID based Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier) in terms of amplification and noise generation for key case study input states (Fock and coherents). Furthermore, we present an analysis of the output signals generated by the parametric amplification mechanism when thermal noise fluctuations feed the device.
Burden of non-communicable diseases among adolescents aged 10-24 years in the EU, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases S…
Background: Disability and mortality burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have risen worldwide; however, the NCD burden among adolescents remains poorly described in the EU. Methods: Estimates were retrieved from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019. Causes of NCDs were analysed at three different levels of the GBD 2019 hierarchy, for which mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) were extracted. Estimates, with the 95% uncertainty intervals (UI), were retrieved for EU Member States from 1990 to 2019, three age subgroups (10–14 years, 15–19 years, and 20–…
Revision of the taxonomic position ofPseudocyprettaKlie, 1932 (Ostracoda: Cyprididae), with a redescription ofP. maculataKlie, 1932
AbstractPseudocypretta maculata Klie, 1932, type species of the genus, is redescribed based on new material from Thailand. The main diagnostic features of the species are the presence of marginal septa, presence of Wouters organ on the first antenna, strongly serrated claw G2 of the second antenna (A2), small β seta on the mandibular palp, elongated terminal segment of the maxillular palp, smooth and large bristles on the third endite of the maxillula, undivided penultimate segment of the second thoracopod (T2), absence of d1 seta on the T2, completely separated terminal segment of the third thoracopod, absence of a pincer organ, and reduced caudal ramus with a triangular base. The taxonomi…
Shaping blockchain-based innovation strategies in the wine sector: a conceptual framework
The growing demand for transparency along the supply chain, partly related to recent incidents involving food contaminations and food frauds, has led businesses to reinterpret their business models by adopting strategies aimed to ensure an effective traceability system. In this scenario, emerging technologies play a decisive role by allowing for constant monitoring of data and information in the various phases of the supply chain. The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the main opportunities related to the BCT implementation in the wine industry and to identify the most important drivers and barriers of innovation, by using a case study approach. The case study of the Costaflores w…
Non-Coding RNA Networks as Potential Novel Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Sepsis and Sepsis-Related Multi-Organ Failure.
According to “Sepsis-3” consensus, sepsis is a life-threatening clinical syndrome caused by a dysregulated inflammatory host response to infection. A rapid identification of sepsis is mandatory, as the extent of the organ damage triggered by both the pathogen itself and the host’s immune response could abruptly evolve to multiple organ failure and ultimately lead to the death of the patient. The most commonly used therapeutic strategy is to provide hemodynamic and global support to the patient and to rapidly initiate broad-spectrum empiric antibiotic therapy. To date, there is no gold standard diagnostic test that can ascertain the diagnosis of sepsis. Therefore, once sepsis is suspected, t…
Les responsables de résidences très sociales : des professionnels tiraillés entre différents cadres d’appréhension de la réalité
Cet article porte sur les responsables de résidences très sociales, entendons des responsables de structures locatives destinées à des individus et familles très modestes qui ne sont pas intégrés dans le logement social « traditionnel ». Le propos souligne les tensions relatives au métier en dégageant plus précisément divers formats et cadres d’appréhension de la réalité dans lesquels les agents de terrain ici concernés sont engagés d’une façon ou d’une autre. Ce faisant, il s’agit d’identifier diverses formes de contrôle (gestionnaire, discrétionnaire, sécuritaire...) qui ponctuent les journées de professionnels à la fois proches et éloignés aussi bien de « leurs » résidents que de leur in…
Essential oil of Foeniculum vulgare subsp. piperitum fruits exerts an anti‑tumor effect in triple‑negative breast cancer cells
At present, the growing spread of tumor cases worldwide renders the research of new promising and selective anticancer drugs urgent. The biological action of extracts of medicinal plants or their essential oils (EOs) is an emerging field of interest, since they could comprise a rich source of phytochemicals that can prove promising. In the present study, the biological activity and mechanism of action of the EO of Foeniculum vulgare subsp. piperitum fruits (FVPEO) were investigated using MTT assays, morphological analyses and western blotting in MDA‑MB231 cells, a triple‑negative breast cancer cell line. The findings revealed that FVPEO could exert strong anticancer effects, causing a dose‑…
Le potenzialità della filiera foresta-legno in Sicilia
Dalla seconda metà del secolo scorso il patrimonio forestale della Sicilia è aumentato in termini di superficie. L’aumento recente è stato favorito dai processi di rinaturalizzazione degli ex coltivi e dei pascoli e dalla disponibilità di fondi europei per i rimboschimenti e l’arboricoltura da legno, insieme all’adozione di nuove politiche rivolte alla sostenibilità ambientale. Tuttavia, tale incremento della risorsa nella maggior parte dei casi non è stato un affiancato da uno sviluppo delle politiche e delle azioni mirate a promuovere la gestione forestale, tantomeno la valorizzazione dei prodotti legnosi e non. Tale carenza di politiche efficaci nel contesto italiano, in particolare l’ap…
La gestión integrada de zonas costeras. ¿Algo más que una ordenación del litoral revisada?
Las tendencias demográficas, de desarrollo de actividades y de infraestructuras, junto con los nuevos riesgos asociados al cambio climático plantean, especialmente en las zonas costeras, un gran reto para su desarrollo seguro y sostenible. De ahí la necesidad de contribuir a la generación de bases institucionales y de política pública específicas para una gestión y desarrollo sostenible de los espacios costero-marinos. Este volumen recoge las aportaciones de distintos especialistas en materia de Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras, o del Litoral, que tuvieron oportunidad de reunirse en el Seminario Internacional titulando «Revistando la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras: Evolución del mar…
Cohesión e inteligencia territorial. Dinámicas y procesos para una mejor planificación y toma de decisiones
Recopilación de los resultados de una reunión internacional que, con el título «Bases, métodos e instrumentos para el desarrollo y la cohesión territoriales: Un balance a nivel español, europeo e Iberomericano», reunió a expertos procedentes del mundo académico y científico, así como de distintas agencias y organismos ocupados en el desarrollo y la planificación territoriales. Sus contenidos se organizan en torno a tres grandes ejes temáticos: la gobernanza, el policentrismo y el partenariado para la cohesión y el desarrollo territorial; la información territorial y la georreferenciación para la planificación y la evaluación de las políticas; y las posibilidades y requisitos para una nueva …
Geopolítica de la cooperación transfronteriza. Balance y retos (de la COVID-19)
Interpretar la cooperación transfronteriza desde la geopolítica nos permite aportar una mirada multiescalar, sopesando las estrategias de las comunidades locales en tiempos de blindajes fronterizos de los Estados como los promovidos en los últimos años por la Unión Europea, Mercosur o el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Por tanto, se analizan, desde esta perspectiva geopolítica, las fortalezas y las debilidades de la cooperación transfronteriza en diferentes escenarios: África, América y Europa. Así mismo, se abordan los retos y desafíos futuros, en particular los que surgen tras la pandemia de la COVID-19. Este volumen intenta responder también a la cuestión de si la coopera…
School administrators’ perceptions of democratic coexistence in Catalan schools: An analytical study
In democratic societies, education should help build a participative, critical and responsible citizenry and therefore promote the role of schools as settings where students learn democratic coexistence. With the study reported on here we aimed to analyse how coexistence is fostered in classrooms and schools, as well as the possible synergy between schools’ efforts to educate in democratic coexistence, and the children’s social participation in their setting. To do so, we focused on the perspective of 476 school administrators at schools in Catalonia (Spain) based on an ad-hoc questionnaire comprised of 22 items on a Likert scale. The results reflect settings that value democratic coexisten…
Bando di concorso: profili sostanziali e problemi di giurisdizione
Il contributo fornisce una sintesi delle principali questioni che riguardano il bando di concorso nell’impiego pubblico privatizzato, mostrando attenzione alle clausole immediatamente lesive rappresentate dai requisiti discriminatori, in presenza dei quali si prospetta la possibilità di utilizzare lo strumento di tutela previsto dall’art. 28 del d.lgs. n. 150/2011, in alternativa al ricorso al giudice amministrativo. Con riguardo al riparto di giurisdizione vengono analizzati i principali nodi problematici in materia di progressioni verticali e di scorrimento delle graduatorie. The essay summarises most relevant issues on competition announcement in privatised public employment law, with a …
Evaluation of Alpha-Synuclein Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels in Several Neurological Disorders
(1) Background: Alpha-synuclein (α-syn) is a presynaptic neuronal protein that regulates several neuronal functions. In recent decades, the role of α-syn as a biomarker of neurodegenerative diseases has been explored, especially in synucleinopathies. However, only a few studies have assessed its role as biomarker in other neurological disorders. The aim of the study was to evaluate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) α-syn levels in several neurological disorders; (2) Methods: We measured CSF α-syn levels by a commercial ELISA kit in 158 patients classified in the following group: controls, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), cerebrovascular diseases, inflammatory central nervous …
The role of adolescent lifestyle habits in biological aging: A prospective twin study
Adolescence is a stage of fast growth and development. Exposures during puberty can have long-term effects on health in later life. This study aims to investigate the role of adolescent lifestyle in biological aging.The study participants originated from the longitudinal FinnTwin12 study (n = 5114). Adolescent lifestyle-related factors, including body mass index (BMI), leisure-time physical activity, smoking, and alcohol use, were based on self-reports and measured at ages 12, 14, and 17 years. For a subsample, blood-based DNA methylation (DNAm) was used to assess biological aging with six epigenetic aging measures in young adulthood (21-25 years, n = 824). A latent class analysis was condu…
Stress in emergency telephone number operators during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of self-efficacy and Big Five personality traits
BackgroundEmergency telephone number operators experience many challenges in their work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their personality traits and self-efficacy may act as important factors in their level of perceived stress. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between Big Five personality traits, self-efficacy and perceived stress among emergency tele-phone number operators during the COVID-19 pandemic.Participants and procedureOne hundred emergency telephone number operators participated in the study. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) and Generalized Self Efficacy Scale (GSES) were used.ResultsEmergency telephone number operator…
Integrative taxonomy of crustacean y-larvae (Thecostraca: Facetotecta) using laboratory-rearing and molecular analyses of single specimens, with the …
AbstractFacetotecta, the taxon established for ‘y-larvae’, is the last major crustacean group for which the adult stage remains unknown. With only 14 described nominal species, all in the genus Hansenocaris, their incompletely known life cycle, small size and dearth of molecular data have hampered assessments of their true species diversity. Based on field studies during which > 11 000 y-larvae were sampled, a new integrative approach for studying the taxonomy of y-larvae is outlined. It focuses on last-stage nauplii and y-cyprids and includes methods for rearing lecithotrophic y-larvae for documenting the morphology of specimens with live photomicroscopy and scanning electron micros…
Measuring psychosocial stress with heart rate variability-based methods in different health and age groups
Abstract Objective. Autonomic nervous system function and thereby bodily stress and recovery reactions may be assessed by wearable devices measuring heart rate (HR) and its variability (HRV). So far, the validity of HRV-based stress assessments has been mainly studied in healthy populations. In this study, we determined how psychosocial stress affects physiological and psychological stress responses in both young (18–30 years) and middle-aged (45–64 years) healthy individuals as well as in patients with arterial hypertension and/or either prior evidence of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. We also studied how an HRV-based stress index (Relax-Stress Intensity, RSI) relates to perceived stress …
Cryptic diversity, niche displacement and our poor understanding of taxonomy and ecology of aquatic microorganisms
AbstractThe analysis of ecological niche is an important task to correctly identify the role exerted by species within ecosystems, to assess their vulnerability, to plan effective measures addressed at fulfilling the postulates of biological conservation, and ultimately to prevent biodiversity loss. However, for the majority of organisms our knowledge about the actual extent of their ecological niche is quite limited. This is especially true for microscopic organisms. Evidence exists that in different geographical areas allegedly conspecific populations can show different, if not antithetical, ecological requirements and not-overlapping ecological niches. This opinion paper discusses whethe…
Geobotany Revisited – A Glimpse at the Blooming and Influential Discipline With Its Strong Roots in the Beauty of Nature and the Pragmatic Need of It…
AbstractThe dreams of Humboldt and many of his successors have not yet come true. Despite the great achievements of the last century, we still do not know the total number of vegetation types or the difference in the patterns of the distribution of diversity above and below the ground, we cannot predict all the effects of climate change on vegetation at the regional and global scale, we do not know the hidden and dark parts of species diversity in most ecosystems, nor are we able to make historical vegetation maps for many areas of the Earth. We also do not know the cultural contribution of many plant communities for the development of human populations and civilization, nor do we know the …
Los Servicios Sociales en la provincia de Valencia. Análisis territorial, estado de la cuestión
Los Servicios Sociales son un sistema del Bienestar Social amplio, complejo y multinivel. En este libro se analizan los dos niveles del sistema desde una perspectiva territorial. Para el nivel de Servicios Sociales generales se presentan datos sobre su organización y funcionamiento, fruto de una encuesta realizada a todos los centros municipales de Servicios Sociales de la provincia. El nivel de Servicios Sociales especializados se ha investigado desde su perspectiva clásica de sectores poblacionales o de necesidades, identificando y recabando datos directamente desde los servicios existentes, con especial referencia a su distribución territorial. Este volumen pretende ser un texto de refer…
Trabajo social para tiempos convulsos. El camino hacia la ruptura epistemológica
La práctica narrativa se ha convertido en un nuevo paradigma de la intervención social, por ello es importante acercarse al conocimiento de la construcción epistemológica de este modelo de trabajo social. El objetivo del libro es demostrar la capacidad de impacto de este modelo en las profesionales que trabajan en este ámbito, cuya posición de poder es cuestionada por los paradigmas posmodernos y posestructuralistas. Así mismo, nos acerca a la práctica de estas trabajadoras y demás profesionales de los servicios sociales en su ejercicio cotidiano: cómo, a través del nuevo modelo de la práctica narrativa, se cambia la percepción de la realidad de los problemas sociales y cómo las personas co…
Prediction of phase evolutions during friction stir welding of Ti-grade 5 T-joints using finite element modeling
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid-state welding technology pioneered by The Welding Institute (TWI) in 1991. Originally used to weld aluminum alloys, it is now effectively utilized to weld high-resistance materials as well. The ultimate mechanical characteristics of the joints are inextricably linked to the microstructural evolutions that occur during the process in terms of phase change. It is then crucial, in order to carry out an effective process engineering, to predict the final material microstructure determined by the thermal history that occurred during the process itself. In the paper, a 3D Finite Element Method (FEM) model for the FSW of T-joints is proposed, based on a therm…
Turismo de interior en España. Productos y dinámicas territoriales
El turismo en los espacios interiores se ha revelado como un activo para poner en valor los recursos naturales y socioculturales del territorio. El presente libro muestra cómo iniciativas de desarrollo endógeno, vinculadas a nuevos productos turísticos, son dinamizadoras de espacios interiores en España. El estudio incorpora una visión actualizada y ampliada de las dinámicas que se están produciendo en los territorios de interior y cómo el turismo puede contribuir a la dinamización de dichos espacios. Esto se concreta en 12 casos del territorio español que, a partir de productos turísticos innovadores, muestran la capacidad de poner en valor los recursos culturales, patrimoniales y naturale…
Dov'è la libertà? Squilibri opposti di un dibattito, in C. Bertoni, N. Scaffai (a cura di), Colpi di spugna, di forza, di ingegno: avventure della Ca…
Reflection on some recurring topics and some recurring unbalances of the discussion about Cancel Culture, belonging to the issue of the column "Open Field" entirely dedicated to the subject.
Gobernanza territorial en España. Claroscuros de un proceso a partir del estudio de casos
Este libro reúne una gran variedad de experiencias de gobernanza territorial en España. Una red de cuarenta y cinco investigadores procedentes de catorce universidades españolas analiza ejemplos de buenas y malas prácticas en relación con el gobierno del territorio. El predominio de las segundas evidencia hasta qué punto permanece inédita en España la agenda de nuevas formas de gobernanza democrática y hasta qué punto prevalecen la fragmentación y las visiones tradicionales de gobiernos gerenciales, con la complejidad añadida que ofrece el hecho de tratarse de un Estado compuesto y, en consecuencia, muy complejo, que requiere el desarrollo de mecanismos de coordinación y cooperación entre d…
The perception of COVID-19, the Light Triad, harmony and ethical sensitivity in late adolescents: The role of meaning-making and stress
Abstract Introduction: The experiences of inner harmony and ethical sensitivity among late adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic depend on the interplay of perceptive factors, personal resources and cognitive and stress mechanisms. Using a sample from Poland, the present study examined the relationships between the perceptions of COVID-19 and the Light Triad and the characteristics of inner harmony and ethical sensitivity from the mediational perspective of meaning-making and perceived stress. Methods: Three hundred and sixteen late adolescents were recruited in the cross-sectional study. The filled in questionnaires measuring the perception of COVID-19, the Light Triad, meaning-making, …
Efficacy of non-surgical periodontal treatment on patients with coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is defined as one of the most common cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Periodontitis is one of the risk factors for CAD. PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library databases were carefully and thoroughly retrieved until October 2021. On the basis of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, eligible articles were selected strictly to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Using Cochran's Q statistic, Review Manager 5.4 and Stata 16, data were extracted, and a comprehensive analysis was carried out. Six RCTs of 619 patients were included in this study, including 360 in the intervention group (IG) and 259 in the control group (CG). Meta-analysis showed significant diff…
Identity and Territorial Character. Re-Interpreting Local-Spatial Development
En tiempos de crisis económicas parece que el territorio «no importa»... o importa menos que nunca. Este argumento deja de lado, conscientemente o no, la posibilidad de las nuevas formas innovadoras que contribuyen precisamente a la nueva promoción del desarrollo; en esta ocasión apoyada en la cooperación y la inteligencia territorial tanto para la cohesión como para una mejor calidad de vida a nivel local y supra-nacional, a nivel europeo. El libro recoge una comprensión renovada del desarrollo local (territorial); un nuevo modelo de competitividad basado en recursos específicos en lugar de en recursos comunes y banales. El objetivo del volumen es reinventar los territorios y explorar las …
Territorialidad y buen gobierno para el desarrollo sostenible. Nuevos principios y nuevas políticas en el espacio europeo
El título de este libro insiste en la necesidad, no exenta de dificultades metodológicas, de dotarse de nuevos principios y nuevas formas de diseñar y aplicar las políticas territoriales o con impacto territorial. Desarrollo territorial sostenible, gobernanza democrática y territorialidad son las piezas clave en este nuevo y emergente paradigma. Las aportaciones que se reúnen en este volumen resultan en cierta medida complementarias. Pese a los distintos enfoques reconocibles, el lector advertirá una tendencia a la confluencia, que no es sino el reflejo de la viva discusión y reflexión sobre la práctica de la planificación del territorio que se está produciendo en Europa. Su lectura, por ta…