showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Forward rapidity J/ψ production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 and 13 TeV
The production of J/ψ is measured as a function of charged-particle multiplicity at forward rapidity in proton-proton (pp) collisions at center-of-mass energies s = 5.02 and 13 TeV. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed via their decay into dimuons in the rapidity interval (2.5 < y < 4.0), whereas the charged-particle multiplicity density (dNch/dη) is measured at midrapidity (|η| < 1). The production rate as a function of multiplicity is reported as the ratio of the yield in a given multiplicity interval to the multiplicity-integrated one. This observable shows a linear increase with charged-particle multiplicity normalized to the corresponding average value for inelastic events (dNch/dη/〈dNch/d…
Old controversies and new data: assessing again the polychrome vases from Centuripe
The necropolises of the hill town of Centuripe (EN) in Sicily have been looted since the nineteenth century for obtaining objects that were attractive for antiquities collectors, such as Hellenistic terracotta figurines and the brightly polychrome vases produced by local artisans (known as “Centuripe vases”) that today are scattered throughout a number of museums and private collections over the world. Until recent times, quite many vases have been considered doubtful and sometimes revealed as forgeries. Some “restorers” working in the dark circuit were able either to reproduce the shapes and decorations of ancient vases or to “refresh” their painted surfaces indeed: the interplay between g…
Storie di oggetti (e di sogni) perduti. Musei contemporanei per ritrovarsi
What happens to humanity discarded by history? To the broken dreams (of love and life)?What to do with the objects that fill our life as "fragile ruins" of a dream lost forever? The article, looking at various contemporary projects of permanent museums and temporary exhibitions, intends to outline and lead a reflection on the radical paradigm change that intervenes in the exhibition processes and in the strategies of emotional engagement within contemporary museological policies. Conceived as places of encounter and relationship, museums are open to communities and individual stories. In particular, the emotion of lost guided the constitution of collections of objects, in a series of exhibi…
A comprehensive multi-scale model for bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED)
Bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) is a technology combining solute and solvent dissociation to produce chemicals. In the recent decades, it has been typically studied for the production of valuable acid and base solutions from salt streams. Although many works have been devoted to the experimental investigation of BMED, only a few efforts have focused on its mathematical modelling. In the present work, a comprehensive process model based on a multi-scale approach with distributed parameters is presented for the first time. Five models related to four different dimensional scales were fully integrated to form a comprehensive tool. The integrated model was developed by using the process…
Additional Evidence for a Pulsar Wind Nebula in the Heart of SN 1987A from Multiepoch X-Ray Data and MHD Modeling
Since the day of its explosion, supernova (SN) 1987A has been closely monitored to study its evolution and to detect its central compact relic. In fact, the formation of a neutron star is strongly supported by the detection of neutrinos from the SN. However, besides the detection in the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) data of a feature that is compatible with the emission arising from a proto-pulsar wind nebula (PWN), the only hint for the existence of such elusive compact object is provided by the detection of hard emission in NuSTAR data up to ~ 20 keV. We report on the simultaneous analysis of multi-epoch observations of SN 1987A performed with Chandra, XMM-Newton and…
Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Following Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in Hydrocephalus: Do Technological Advancements Avoid Complications?
About the journey. Stasis, chiasmus and interruptions A geography essay
The journey is a very stimulating function to read the congeries of relationships that intersect and signify the bonds of men with places. A device that activates, in Geography, different heuristic perspectives. The first chapter then aims at being part of the epistemological debate on the function of journey intended as a complex action through which relationships between man and space are strengthened and the fundamental cognitive processes are activated. In particular, in the first chapter, we want to foster a consideration on the tripartite scan that has the terminal outcome in the journey: stasis, trigger, experience. The second chapter then follows some literary suggestions to try to …
L’anfiteatro romano dell’Urbe panormita tra paradigmi congetturali e possibili palingenesi
Come il sottotitolo del libro di Giuseppe Ferrarella (Persistenza delle forme nell'architettura della città) eloquentemente dimostra, l’indagine compiuta svela una precisa prospettiva epistemica che si focalizza su una singola parte della città, il quartiere della Loggia, il cui disvelamento di senso va a modificare il complesso del sapere del “tutto”. Una conoscenza basata principalmente sul processo cognitivo di natura abduttiva o ipotesi di retroduzione, trattandosi di una inferenza del terzo tipo. Un procedimento logico, quindi, analogo alla deduzione e all’induzione, ma che cerca di spiegare i fatti osservati inferendo la causa dall’effetto, aggiungendovi sempre dell’altro, divenendo a…
Clara Stella, Lodovico Domenichi e le Rime diverse d’alcune nobilissime et virtuosissime donne (1559), Paris, Classique Garnier, 2022, pp. 288.
Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems
The Pre-Concept Design (PCD) of the Balance of Plant (BoP) systems of the EU-DEMO power plant is described in this paper for both breeding blanket (BB) concepts under assessment, namely the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB and the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) BB. Moreover, the results of a preliminary evaluation of a number of BoP variants are discussed. This paper outlines the steps of the BoP design development, highlighting the project objectives and the strategy for their achievement under the very challenging requirements which include, among others, the intermittent nature of the DEMO plasma heat source. The main achievements during the PCD Phase will be reported together with t…
Bisogni e opportunità in tempi di pandemia a fronte del partenariato pubblico-privato: il caso della Fiera del Mediterraneo a Palermo
The Fair of the Mediterranean in Palermo has been an unresolved urban issue since the interruption of activities in 2008 and the closure of the Fair Authority. The Lisca Bianca association - to which the municipal administration has entrusted one of the pavilions - began to question, together with other territorial actors present in the Fair and in the 8th Circoscrizione, the management and future of the space, promoting, with the collaboration of the university, the first phase of a participatory process to imagine its redevelopment. The quarantine interrupted the work, which did not go beyond the first meeting (during which a World Café and Planning for Real were held). The needs expresse…
The role of eating disorders features, psychopathology, and defense mechanisms in the comprehension of orthorexic tendencies
Abstract Purpose Recent studies pointed out the importance to distinguish orthorexia nervosa (ON) from non-problematic forms of interest with healthy eating. This distinction needs to be further explored since it may favor a better comprehension of the relationship between orthorexic behaviors and psychopathology and lead to an improved understanding of the psychological processes implicated in ON. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the associations between ON and the core features of eating disorders (EDs), psychopathological symptoms and defense mechanisms, by differentiating three groups of individuals: an ON symptoms group, a healthy-eating control group, and a n…
Management of pharyngeal collapse in patients affected by moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
This study reports our experience in a selected cohort of patients affected by mild-moderate OSAS, without tonsillar obstruction, and treated with pharyngoplasty.In a case-control retrospective study, we compared modified expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty (MESP) to modified barbed reposition pharyngoplasty (MBRP) in adult patients with oropharyngeal transversal collapse with a BMI ≤ 30 kg/mWe enrolled 20 patients: 10 treated with MESP and 10 treated with MBRP. Mean apnoea-hypoapnoea index (AHI) was 22.8 (± 5.63). We observed in both groups a significant reduction of AHI and oropharyngeal obstruction (p = 0.01), with a success rate, according with Sher's criteria, of 90% for MESP and 80% fo…
Fishing triggers trophic cascade in terms of variation, not abundance, in an allometric trophic network model
Trophic cascade studies often rely on linear food chains instead of complex food webs and are typically measured as biomass averages, not as biomass variation. We study trophic cascades propagating across a complex food web including a measure of biomass variation in addition to biomass average. We examined whether different fishing strategies induce trophic cascades and whether the cascades differ from each other. We utilized an allometric trophic network (ATN) model to mechanistically study fishing-induced changes in food web dynamics. Different fishing strategies did not trigger traditional, reciprocal trophic cascades, as measured in biomass averages. Instead, fishing triggered a varia…
Life cycle environmental assessment of retaining walls in unsaturated soils
Abstract Retaining structures above groundwater level support soils that are usually in a state of partial saturation and subject to the actions of atmospheric agents. The current design approach considers the possible extremes of soil conditions – either totally dry or totally saturated – but it neglects matric suction’s contribution to soil shear strength. This work aims to describe how unsaturated-soil mechanics of can positively influence the sustainability of retaining structures through a holistic, multidisciplinary, geotechnical, and environmental analysis. The geotechnical analysis allows to estimate the lateral earth pressure of a geostructure in both unsaturated and extreme soil c…
Le Officine Ducrot, un esempio di organizzazione del lavoro dell'industria palermitana tra il XIX e il XX secolo
Le officine Ducrot sono un'importante testimonianza del fiorente passato imprenditoriale palermitano che ha avuto un ruolo centrale tra la fine dell'Ottocento e i primi del Novecento del secolo scorso per il carattere internazionale e innovativo di una attività, nata da un piccolo mobilificio, trasformata in pochi anni in un prestigioso atelier artigianale, fino a diventare una società di produzione industriale con una affermazione artistica e commerciale tale da ottenere la quotazione in Borsa. I motivi del grande successo sono numerosi: il sodalizio tra il proprietario, Vittorio Ducrot, e l'architetto Ernesto Basile; la produzione di raffinati e moderni arredi, caratterizzati da un mix tr…
Inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point processes on linear networks for visitors’ stops data
We analyse the spatio-temporal distribution of visitors' stops by touristic attractions in Palermo (Italy) using theory of stochastic point processes living on linear networks. We first propose an inhomogeneous Poisson point process model, with a separable parametric spatio-temporal first-order intensity. We account for the spatial interaction among points on the given network, fitting a Gibbs point process model with mixed effects for the purely spatial component. This allows us to study first-order and second-order properties of the point pattern, accounting both for the spatio-temporal clustering and interaction and for the spatio-temporal scale at which they operate. Due to the strong d…
Analisi delle condizioni e dei percorsi di inserimento dei prodotti ludico digitali nel settore del turismo culturale e possibili scenari di sviluppo…
Con una pervasività ed una velocità inusitate, la disintermediazione ha impresso il suo sigillo sulla nostra era. È il principio su cui si fonda tutta la tecnologia dell’universo blockchain che, sostituendo tutte le istituzioni centrali con reti orizzontali, aperte e condivise di blocchi, valida le operazioni senza bisogno di controllori, notai o terze parti (di qui anche il discusso fenomeno dell’NFT, “non-fungible token”, permette di comprare un’opera senza il bisogno di una galleria/ un mediatore). Una svolta di enorme impatto che, dalla verticalità centralizzata con cui veniva dispensata la cultura dei corpi intermedi, giunge all’orizzontalità decentralizzata che connette gli individui,…
Agile logic for SaaS implementation: Capitalizing on marketing automation software in a start-up
The emergence of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has facilitated agile technology implementation that focuses on iterative adaptations via learning by doing rather than the realization of a predesigned implementation plan. This study conceptualizes such an agile approach and explicates its operationalization via a four-year qualitative case study of a business-to-business (B2B) start-up firm’s implementation of a HubSpot marketing automation (MA) SaaS. The study shows how agile implementation continuously introduces adaptations to SaaS features and organizational routines for improving their mutual fit given the organization’s goals. The study also contributes to theory by offering a novel fra…
Pincìpi e naufragi: alcune critiche alla nuova filosofia per il diritto internazionale di Ronald Dworkin e il caso emblematico delle politiche in att…
This contribution critically analyzes Ronald Dworkin's New Philosophy for International Law, by underlying how, his theory of law as interpretation, if transposed to the level of the relations between states, more clearly shows some weaknesses which are mainly connected with the ideality of its fundamental assumptions. After having introduced the fundamental aspects of Dworkin's reflection on international law, the specific contents of the particular principles - of mitigation and salience - that Dworkin places at the basis of his vision of international law are critically analyzed in the face of the prerogatives of contemporary national sovereignty and in relation to the structural limits …
A new cryptic species of Inachus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Inachidae) from European waters and an updated identification key to the species of Inachus wi…
Abstract Integrative taxonomy studies have allowed us to clarify some taxonomic problems in cryptic species within species of InachusWeber, 1795 with two protogastric tubercles found in European waters. Several morphotypes of Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775) are recognized, and a new species is described from the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, for which distribution data are provided. Furthermore, two Inachus cf. thoracicus specimens with a unique sternal morphology were collected from Málaga Spain, but their preservation in formaldehyde prevented molecular analyses. Specimens of I. guentheri (Miers, 1879) have been re-examined and the validity of previous reports from tropica…
Effect of childhood developmental coordination disorder on adulthood physical activity; Arvo Ylppö longitudinal study
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science In Sports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Individuals at risk of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) have low levels of physical activity in childhood due to impaired motor competence; however, physical activity levels in adulthood have not been established. This study sought to determine the impact of DCD risk on physical activity levels in adults using accelerometry measurement. Participants (n = 656) from the Arvo Ylppö Longitudinal Study cohort had their motor competence assessed at the age of five years, and their physical activity quantified via device assessment at the age of 25 years. Betwe…
Au sein du CNRS, un Observatoire de l’environnement nocturne pour accompagner la territorialisation de la lutte contre la pollution lumineuse
National audience; Jusqu’à présent, les politiques de préservation de l’environnement nocturne peinent à saisir l’ensemble des effets négatifs de la lumière artificielle nocturne (ALAN). La question de la qualité de l’environnement nocturne n’est ainsi que partiellement traitée. D’une part, les enjeux liés à l’efficience énergétique des systèmes techniques d’éclairage et à la qualité du ciel étoilé occultent quasi systématiquement les enjeux écologiques et sanitaires de la préservation de l’obscurité. D’autre part, un fossé considérable persiste entre des solutions de mitigation technique à l’échelle locale et la mise en œuvre, à des échelles plus larges, de zonages construits par et pour d…
Stability estimates for the magnetic Schrödinger operator with partial measurements
In this article, we study stability estimates when recovering magnetic fields and electric potentials in a simply connected open subset in Rn with n≥3, from measurements on open subsets of its boundary. This inverse problem is associated with a magnetic Schrödinger operator. Our estimates are quantitative versions of the uniqueness results obtained by D. Dos Santos Ferreira, C.E. Kenig, J. Sjöstrand and G. Uhlmann in [13]. The moduli of continuity are of logarithmic type. peerReviewed
A pattern recognition approach to identify biological clusters acquired by acoustic multi-beam in Kongsfjorden
The Svalbardsis one of the most intensively studied marine regions in the Artic; here the composition and distribution of marine assemblages are changing under the effect of global change, and marine communities are monitored in order to understand the long-term effects on marine biodiversity. In the present work, acoustic data collected in the Kongsfjorden using multi-beam technology was analyzed to develop a methodology for identifying and classifying 3D acoustic patterns related to fish aggregations. In particular, morphological, energetic and depth features were taken into account to develop a multi-variate classification procedure allowing to discriminate fish species. The results obta…
Progettazione e valutazione inclusiva con gli EAS Metodologie, ricerche e strumenti
Il testo affronta il tema della didattica inclusiva per Episodi di Apprendimento Situato (EAS), dispositivo metodologico in grado di professionalizzare le pratiche degli insegnanti e rendere gli allievi centro dei loro apprendimenti. A partire da una prima parte metodologico-applicativa, il lavoro è integrato da una sperimentazione condotta in due contesti inclusivi differenti: le scuole speciali in Spagna (CEE) e la scuola ordinaria italiana. In entrambi i contesti, al termine del percorso di sperimentazione, si è evidenziato un miglioramento auto-percepito delle competenze metodologiche e digitali possedute dagli insegnanti.
Symplectic analysis of thin-walled curved box girders with torsion, distortion and shear lag warping effects
Shear lag effect and torsional and distortional warping can significantly affect the performance of thin-walled curved box girders used in modern bridge engineering. The structural behaviour of these bridges exhibits complexity due to coupled bending and torsion together with warping effects of non-uniform torsion, distortion and shear lag. A practical method of analysis, based on the symplectic approach, with the same perspective as the Higher Order Beam Theories, is presented for overcoming the difficulties of numerical approaches via the Finite Element Method. In this paper, the Hamiltonian Structural Analysis method implements the analysis of the shear lag effect together with non-unifo…
Looking over the channel: The balance of media coverage about the “refugee crisis” in Germany and the UK
Abstract This study compares the balance of newspaper and television news coverage about migration in two countries that were differently affected by the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015 in terms of the geopolitical involvement and numbers of migrants being admitted. Based on a broad consensus among political elites, Germany left its borders open and received about one million migrants mainly from Syria during 2015. In contrast, the conservative British government was heavily attacked by oppositional parties for closing Britain’s borders and, thus, restricting immigration. These different initial situations led to remarkable differences between the news coverage in both countries. In line…
Deep neural networks leveraging different arrangements of molecular fingerprints to define a novel embedding for virtual screening procedure
Digital Education For All: Multi-University Study of Increasing Competent Student Admissions at Scale
An indubitable way to put learning at scale in practice is to implement Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs. When a wide-enough portfolio of them is available, new applications arise. For instance, university admissions in Finland, where this study was conducted, have traditionally been based on students' grades in high school studies, an entrance examination, or a combination of both. A minority of students have been accepted through an open university admission path where students can get a study right if they complete enough university course credits with a high enough grade in a given time frame. In this work, we report results from a multi-university project in which the open univers…
Dante educatore: note sulla pedagogia di Romano Guardini
Il presente contributo si propone di esplorare il lungo lavoro che nel corso della vita l’autore Romano Guardini svolse sulla Divina Commedia. Ne sono frutto i volumi oggi editi nel piano dell’Opera Omnia: "Studi Danteschi" e "La Divina Commedia di Dante. I principali concetti filosofici e religiosi". Guidando il lettore attraverso i diversi strati dell’interpretazione guardiniana, si tenterà di lasciar emergere un inatteso carattere pedagogico del viaggio dantesco, che può rivelarsi particolarmente prezioso per la cultura contemporanea. This paper aims at exploring Romano Guardini’s life-long work on the “Divina Commedia”. The result of his work are the two recently published volumes in th…
Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean - Part 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs
The Mediterranean Sea is a prominent climate-change hot spot, with many socioeconomically vital coastal areas being the most vulnerable targets for maritime safety, diverse met-ocean hazards and marine pollution. Providing an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution at wide coastal areas, high-frequency radars (HFRs) have been steadily gaining recognition as an effective land-based remote sensing technology for continuous monitoring of the surface circulation, increasingly waves and occasionally winds. HFR measurements have boosted the thorough scientific knowledge of coastal processes, also fostering a broad range of applications, which has promoted their integration in coastal ocean …
[Re]Constructing Lost Realities, Possible Worlds and Future Perspectives Through Digital and Public Humanities
The 2022 volume of Magazén is devoted to practical aspects in the Digital and Public Humanities. The first issue is thus entitled [re]constructions, focusing on the wide array of practices that prospered in our wide field for [re]configuring lost realities, [re]creating long gone dimensions, [re]building likely scenarios, [re]considering exhibition settings, and [re]covering disappeared traces of historical and cultural value.
Past and Future: The Urban Landscape and the Virtuous Management of Resource Flows for a Sustainable Environment
A circular process in the case of resource flows can best be expressed according to a plan that takes into account the geographical proximity and synergy between citizens and industries. The study hypothesizes the possibility of anticipating part of the recycling processes in residential urban areas. This streamlines the work phases and consumers become an active part of the process. Circular management of resource flows is an operational problem that emerges with greater severity in an urban landscape, due to the constraints generated by road networks and the need to protect basic values. It often happens that the degradation generated by the irresolute nature of the technical environmenta…