showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Spazi aperti di comunità in ambito climatico Mediterraneo. Il caso di Hassan Fathy in Egitto


The complexity of the relationship between architecture and the Mediterranean climate, in energy regimes and resource scarcity, requires special attention. Specifically, the article aims to explore how community spaces can become design subjects, intervening in climatic, environmental, social, and cultural features. Hassan Fathy’s architecture, in particular the two schools in New Gourna and Fares, offer a different key to understanding man, climate, culture, technology, and education. A relationship that is still evolving today, calling architecture back toits educational and social focus.

Climate Change Mediterranean Architecture Community Spaces Binding Design Regime Hassan FathySettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Latvijas Universitātes Astronomiskās observatorijas 20. gadsimta 20. un 30. gadu pulksteņu fotogrāfijas Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja krājumā


Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja F. Candera un Latvijas astronomijas kolekcijas krājumā atrodas 32 LU Astronomiskās observatorijas pulksteņu fotogrāfijas, kas uzņemtas uz fotoplatēm 20. gadsimta 20. un 30. gados). 2018. gadā tās digitalizētas projektā, kuru īstenoja Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka kopā ar sadarbības partneriem. 1922. gada Latvijas Universitātē tika nodibināta Astronomiskā observatorija, kurā sāka veidot laika dienestu, kas bija nepieciešams mācību nolūkiem un valsts vajadzībām. Dažu gadu laikā iegādājās vairākus ļoti precīzus pulksteņus, kas redzami attēlos. Tekstā paskaidrots, kā pulksteņus izmantoja. 1925. gadā laika dienests sāka pilnvērtīgi funkcionēt, precīzā laika signālus…

pulksteņu fotogrāfijasLU Muzejs:NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories]Latvijas astronomijas kolekcijaastronomijas vesture



haloalkane dehalogenase genechlorinated compoundbioremediationdehalogenating aerobic microcosm12-dichloroethanegroundwater bacterial communitySettore BIO/19 - Microbiologia Generaledechlorinating bacteria

Assessment of performance degradation of hybrid flax-glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites during a salt spray fog/dry aging cycle


The main goal of this paper is the evaluation of the performances reversibility of hybrid composites when they are dried after being aged in salt-fog environment. To this aim, epoxy composites reinforced with flax and glass fabrics respectively in the internal and external laminae were at first exposed to salt-fog (i.e., identified as wet phase) and then stored in controlled conditions (i.e., identified as dry phase). The flexural properties evolution of these composites as well as their water uptake and contact angle were monitored at varying time of both phases. The flexural strength and modulus of hybrid composites is 23.4% (17.9%) and 15.5% (12.9%) lower than unaged ones after 30 (15) d…

Settore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei MaterialiMechanics of MaterialsMechanical EngineeringCeramics and CompositesIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringEnvironmental degradation Hybrid composites Mechanical testing Moisture desorption Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs)

I molteplici spazi della narrazione


La casa è certamente uno dei più frequentati mondi narrativi: quadro della propria sicurezza privata, luogo privilegiato delle memorie familiari è in grado di intercettare le dimensioni identitarie. […] ma è anche la regione dell’immaginazione e del futuro dove si attiva un processo incessante di creazione di significato. (Pizzocaro 2013) Il tema degli “spazi narrativi” è stato focalizzato a partire da alcune riflessioni sul lavoro di A. M.Fundarò, ed è il fil rouge che collega idealmente anche diverse esperienze: ricerche e riflessioni teoriche inerenti gli spazi museali e gli eventi temporanei, lo spazio-tempo della storia, la scena teatrale, lo spazio domestico, la multidimensionalità de…

Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno IndustrialeNarrazione allestimento museale multidisciplinare Anna Maria Fundarò spazio domestico

Architetture dell'industria del cinema in Sicilia


L'interesse del popolo siciliano per il cinema e l'arte cinematografica si manifesta alla fine del XIX secolo quando, nel capoluogo siciliano viene presentato il Kinetoscopio Edison. Una macchina che permetteva di vedere una figura in movimento accostando l'occhio sulla lente di un meccanismo all'interno del quale girava la pellicola. L'anno successivo, il primo spettacolo di Kinefotografo segna l'inizio delle proiezioni di immagini in movimento su uno schermo. L'evento è seguito dall'arrivo del Cinematografo Lumière che sostituisce le proiezioni itineranti allestite nelle piazze, dando impulso alla nascita di sale di proiezione e, successivamente, a impianti architettonici adeguati ad un p…

Cinema Architectural heritage Film industry in SicilyCinema Patrimonio architettonico Industria cinematografica in SiciliaSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura

Updating the Proposal of “Just Communities” for Democratic Civil Education


Abstract: This article examines Kohlberg’s proposal of the “just community” from a current perspective in line with a post-conventional morality grounded on the democratization of schools. A type of teacher training is proposed that uses up-to-date methods to approach just communities. By taking the critical interpretation of the model of moral development, the article also concludes that schools today have integrated some of the cutting-edge advances to the just communities’ program, and that this approach reciprocally calls for updating the idea of moral education by incorporating a broader view of morality. Such an update also includes families in the joint process of stimulating moral d…

Educació moralFamília i escola

News consumption repertoires among Finnish adolescents : Moderate digital traditionalists, minimalist social media stumblers, and frequent omnivores


Abstract Young people are perceived as heavy consumers of social media and less avid consumers of news. That notion, however, deserves nuance: Many factors, such as the national context, media system, trust in news, intentionally or incidentally encountering news from different sources, and interest in politics, influence how young people consume news. This study explores news consumption among Finnish adolescents through a representative survey of 15–19-year-olds. We seek to answer two research questions: What are the news repertoires of Finnish adolescents? And what factors predict different news repertoires? Latent profile analysis reveals three distinct news repertoires: 1) moderate dig…

uutisetnuoretCommunicationsocial mediamedianews consumption repertoiressosiaalinen mediaadolescentskuluttajakäyttäytyminenincidental newsdigital news

Il dovere di fedeltà coniugale tra sessualità legale e sessualità consentita : una indagine casistico-giurisprudenziale di diritto comparato


The provision on marital fidelity seems to be a systemological consistent fact throughout most countries belonging to the so-called «Western legal tradition», despite the numerous and profound changes in family law that have crossed each of them. From a comparative law perspective and with a case-law approach, the essay analyses the role that this duty plays in the microsystem of family relationships at present. It focuses attention on a broad spectrum of situations: from the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage descending from the adultery in the divorce judgments to the related civil liability issues; from the assignment of property rights by the spouse who committed adultery to the re…

comparison of lawsinterspousal obligationduty of sexual fidelitySettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato ComparatoMarital fidelity

Predicted sea-ice loss will terminate Iceland's driftwood supply by 2060 CE


Global and Planetary ChangeOceanographyGlobal and Planetary Change

La pubblica amministrazione e l’etica delle istituzioni pubbliche: la questione dei codici di comportamento


Public employees are bound to comply with specific duties and rules of conduct that broaden their sphere of esponsibility compared to that of ordinary citizens. The ethics of public institutions is crucial for the development and interpretation of the duties and behaviours established by the code of conduct. Accordingly, it is interesting to explore the possibility of enhancing the moral characteristics of the subjects called to perform a public function considering the Aretaic theory. In the Italian context this theory appears decidedly in line with both the constitutional provision that identifies law as a social practice and the ideal of the rule of law. A key element of the Aretaic theo…

duties of conductethics in public institutionsSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativonudge regulationaretaic theoryPublic servant

Lezioni di Piano. Il racconto di un’esperienza con le scuole di Palermo


The new Sicilian regional law on territorial government introduces a number of novelties in the urban planning debate of recent years. It places 'participation' among the fundamental principles underlying Sicily's spatial planning activities. The Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo has gained an extensive experience in the field of participatory practices, and to maintain this inclination it decided to create a memorandum of understanding with the City of Palermo. The first project activity that the protocol has produced is the "Lessons in Planning" project, which aims to promote the culture of urban planning with students of first and second-grade secondary schools of P…

Settore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaParticipatory approach Students Urban planning Palermo

The Physical Activity and Nutritional INfluences in Ageing (PANINI) Toolkit: a standardized approach towards physical activity and nutritional assess…


Assessing multiple domains of health in older adults requires multidimensional and large datasets. Consensus on definitions, measurement protocols and outcome measures is a prerequisite. The Physical Activity and Nutritional INfluences In Ageing (PANINI) Toolkit aims to provide a standardized toolkit of best-practice measures for assessing health domains of older adults with an emphasis on nutrition and physical activity. The toolkit was drafted by consensus of multidisciplinary and pan-European experts on ageing to standardize research initiatives in diverse populations within the PANINI consortium. Domains within the PANINI Toolkit include socio-demographics, general health, nutrition, ph…

standardizationScience & TechnologyLeadership and Managementgeriatric assessmentarviointimenetelmätPhysical activityHealth Policyphysical activityHealth InformaticsSDG 3 – Goede gezondheid en welzijngeriatric assessment; aged; nutrition; physical activity; standardizationGeriatric assessmentStandardizationagedfyysinen kuntonutritionHealth Information ManagementSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingstandardointiravitsemusarviointiikääntyneetfyysinen aktiivisuusAgedNutrition

Electronic Structure of Lr+ (Z = 103) from Ab Initio Calculations


Atoms 10(2), 48 (2022). doi:10.3390/atoms10020048

Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsMRCIddc:530MRCI; electronic structure; electric dipole transitionselectric dipole transitionselectronic structureCondensed Matter Physics530Atomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsAtoms

Il culto della Madonna dell’Odigitria a Piana degli Albanesi tra storia e mito


Il saggio analizza da un punto di vista storico-antropologico il mito di fondazione di Piana degli Albanesi, ricostruendo le origini, la diffusione e le trasformazioni del culto della Madonna dell'Odigitria ad esso legato. Il risultato della ricerca rivela che da questo mito dipende una delle fasi cruciali del processo di costruzione di identità degli Arbëreshë di Sicilia.

Identità culturalemiti di fondazione.Settore M-DEA/01 - Discipline DemoetnoantropologicheSettore L-LIN/18 - Lingua E Letteratura Albanesestoria della cultura arbëreshe

Flow-induced vegetation uprooting in a meandering bend : experimental investigation


Abstract Vegetation uprooting is a complex process which depends on many interrelated factors. In this paper, attention is focused on the flow-induced uprooting in river bends, where the flow characteristics vary as effected by the channel's curvature and its continuous changing in the downstream direction. Results are presented by an experimental work done in a high-amplitude meandering flume with mature herbaceous vegetation on the bed. In the first part of the paper, the variation along the bend of the geometrical (length, thickness, and radical architecture) and the mechanical (resistance force) characteristics of the roots are analyzed. In the second part of the paper, the transition f…

geographygeography.geographical_feature_categoryStratigraphyriverFlow (psychology)ElevationSedimentGeologyGeometryexperimentsCurvatureSettore ICAR/01 - IdraulicaFlumevegetationmedicineResistance forcemedicine.symptomVegetation (pathology)uprootingChannel (geography)Geology

Representing Tibetan Buddhism in books on spirituality : A discourse-historical approach


This article looks into how Tibetan Buddhism is framed in terms of East-West dichotomy in six popular books on Buddhism and spirituality. Discourse Historical Approach is employed to uncover the rhetorical representation of Tibetan Buddhism to the readers. A critical post-colonial perspective offers an insight into various power dynamics, arising from these representations, structured according to Yoshikawa's model of intercultural communication between East and West. The various power outcomes of rhetorical styles range from Ethnocentric to Dialogical, with their ethical consequences and problematics discussed.

ethnocentrismTibetan Buddhismkulttuurienvälinen vuorovaikutustiibetinbuddhalaisuusReligious studiespostkolonialismidiscourse historical approachdiskurssianalyysietnosentrismirepresentaatioorientalismidouble-swing modelhengellisyysBuddhism and the westbuddhalaisuushenkisyyskulttuurienvälisyys

Therapists' Perceptions of Online Group Therapeutic Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey-Based Study


Background: In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most group therapists moved their practice to online platforms. Surveys of psychotherapists indicate that many intend to maintain at least part of their practices online after the pandemic. This survey-based study is an attempt to identify therapist experiences with doing group therapy online, and to examine factors that are associated with therapist-rated outcomes. Method: We surveyed 307 group therapists about their ratings of the ease or difficulty in conducting group therapy online versus in-person, and indicators of patient outcomes in online groups. A confirmatory factor analysis resulted in a good fitting three latent factor solution…

group psychotherapySocial Psychologyonline surveyonline group therapyApplied Psychology

La cuginanza. Storie esemplari di cugini dai Greci a Paperino


Il saggio indaga in una prospettiva storico-linguistica e antropologica la natura del rapporto di cuginanza nella civiltà greca, proponendo confronti con la terminologia e la relativa concezione nel mondo latino. Al centro dell'indagine, condotta principalmente per un pubblico di non specialisti, c'è un ragionamento sulle occorrenze più antiche del termine greco "anepsiòs", esaminate nel loro contesto specifico all'interno, soprattutto, dei poemi omerici. Emerge la particolare natura del rapporto di cuginanza (termine attestato in greco nella forma anepsiòtes) secondo i Greci, che ne fa, specie nel caso di cugini primi, una fattispecie di parenti legati da uno stretto reciproco legame che i…

terminologia (anepsiòCugini e cuginanza nella Grecia anticaanepsiòteOrlando e Rinaldoterminologia latina della cuginanzaPaperinoanepsià) e antropologia della cuginanzaWalt Disney.coppie mitologiche di cugini nell'epos omerico (e oltre)Settore L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua E Letteratura GrecaGastone

Symplectic analysis of thin-walled curved box girders with torsion, distortion and shear lag warping effects


Shear lag effect and torsional and distortional warping can significantly affect the performance of thin-walled curved box girders used in modern bridge engineering. The structural behaviour of these bridges exhibits complexity due to coupled bending and torsion together with warping effects of non-uniform torsion, distortion and shear lag. A practical method of analysis, based on the symplectic approach, with the same perspective as the Higher Order Beam Theories, is presented for overcoming the difficulties of numerical approaches via the Finite Element Method. In this paper, the Hamiltonian Structural Analysis method implements the analysis of the shear lag effect together with non-unifo…

WarpingSymplectic ElasticityHamiltonian Structural AnalysisMechanical EngineeringShear-lagTimoshenko curved beamsDistortionBuilding and ConstructionCurved bridgesNon-uniform torsionGBTThin-walled beamsBox girdersHigher Order Beam TheoriesCivil and Structural Engineering

Shaping blockchain-based innovation strategies in the wine sector: a conceptual framework


The growing demand for transparency along the supply chain, partly related to recent incidents involving food contaminations and food frauds, has led businesses to reinterpret their business models by adopting strategies aimed to ensure an effective traceability system. In this scenario, emerging technologies play a decisive role by allowing for constant monitoring of data and information in the various phases of the supply chain. The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the main opportunities related to the BCT implementation in the wine industry and to identify the most important drivers and barriers of innovation, by using a case study approach. The case study of the Costaflores w…

Settore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleBlockchain technology wine industry skills internal resources capabilities competitive advantage

Lo sviluppo economico è/e lo sviluppo della qualità: un parco dell'innovazione a Catania


Il tema delle periferie produttive (o ex produttive) negli ultimi anni ha assunto un ruolo predominante nella pianificazione delle città al fine di rivalutare le aree industriali dismesse come serbatoi per la riqualificazione urbana ed economica delle nostre città. Sicurezza, degrado sociale e ambientale, abbandono, consumo di suolo sono le principali problematiche di queste aree e investire nella loro riqualificazione può essere un’occasione centrale per la “ripartenza” economica delle nostre città. Per tale motivo, la Regione Siciliana ha recentemente designato una vasta area della città di Catania come “Zona Economica Speciale” (ZES) per il rilancio delle filiere economiche della città. …

Zone Economiche Speciali rigenerazione urbana Spazi urbani covid-proofSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

La mia casa è il mio Paradiso. Note su alcuni racconti di Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla


Aḥmad Bašīr al-'Ayla is one of the most prolific and versatile author of Contemporary Palestinian literary landscape. Although he is probably best known for his long poetic career, he is also a journalist, a novelist, a script editor, a radio producer and a short story writer. In 2016 he published his first collection of short stories entitled Al-ḥabl allaḏī tadallā min al-samā’ (The rope hanging from the sky). The stories included in this work are mainly set in Bengazi, which is the city where the author lives since he was a child, and they focus on the tragedy of war and its disasters, first of all the loss and distruction of houses and buildings. In such a tragic context the concept of “…

Contemporary Arabic literature Palestine short storiesSettore L-OR/12 - Lingua E Letteratura Araba

Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches


Climate change is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. While range shifts are a known consequence of climate warming contributing to regional community change, less is known about how species' positions shift within their climatic niches. Furthermore, whether the relative importance of different climatic variables prompting such shifts varies with changing climate remains unclear. Here we analysed four decades of data for 1,478 species of birds, mammals, butterflies, moths, plants and phytoplankton along a 1,200 km high latitudinal gradient. The relative importance of climatic drivers varied non-uniformly with progressing climate change. While species turnover among decades was limited, the …

Climate ResearchRANGE SHIFTSvaikutuksetMODELSperhosetspeciesEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)muutosnisäkkäätkasviteläimistölajit1172 Environmental sciencesbiodiversityclimatic changeplanktonclimatic nicheEnvironmental Sciences (social aspects to be 507)FINLANDilmastonmuutoksetEXTINCTION RISKTRENDSbiodiversiteettiekologinen lokero1181 Ecology evolutionary biologylinnutMARINESocial Sciences (miscellaneous)climate-change ecology

Adaptive range-based localization algorithm based on trilateration and reference node selection for outdoor wireless sensor networks


Locating the nodes of outdoor wireless sensor networks (WSNs) using (tri)lateration with a low-cost ranging technique, such as the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), often results in inaccurate location estimates. This can mostly be explained by the combined effect of distance estimate errors and localization geometry, both of which are subject to the reference nodes used. To develop techniques for reducing localization error, the distance estimate errors and localization geometry must be analyzed and taken into account. To address these challenges, this paper aims to seek ways to improve the quality of range-based trilateration localization for WSN nodes in varying outdoor conditio…

reference node selectionwireless sensor networkComputer Networks and Communicationssisätilapaikannusrange-based localizationpaikannusadaptivesensoriverkotRSSItrilaterationlangattomat verkotComputer Networks

Socio-economic deprivation and COVID-19 infection: a Bayesian spatial modelling approach


Il presente articolo ha l’obiettivo di analizzare l’effetto della deprivazione socio-economica sull’incidenza da COVID-19 a livello sub-comunale. Grazie alla disponibilit`a di informazioni sui tassi di incidenza mensili da COVID-19 a livello di sezione di censimento per i due comuni di Palermo e Catania (Italia), viene pro- posto l’utilizzo di un modello spaziale Bayesiano con distribuzione binomiale zero- inflated. I risultati mostrano un’associazione tra livelli di deprivazione e incidenza da COVID-19 nei due comuni, controllando per la struttura spaziale delle unit`a areali considerate. Alla luce dei risultati, si rendono necessarie azioni di politica sanitaria focalizzando gli intervent…

COVID-19 Socio-economic inequalities Bayesian Inference Laplace approximation Spatial-temporal models

Serological Follow-Up Study Indicates High Seasonal Coronavirus Infection and Reinfection Rates in Early Childhood


Seasonal human coronaviruses (HCoVs) cause respiratory infections, especially in children. Currently, the knowledge on early childhood seasonal coronavirus infections and the duration of antibody levels following the first infections is limited. Here we analyzed serological follow-up samples to estimate the rate of primary infection and reinfection(s) caused by seasonal coronaviruses in early childhood. Serum specimens were collected from 140 children at ages of 13, 24, and 36 months (1, 2, and 3 years), and IgG antibody levels against recombinant HCoV nucleoproteins (N) were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Altogether, 84% (118/140) of the children were seropositive for at least one s…

11832 Microbiology and virologyvirusesvasta-aineetvirus diseasesserologyseasonal coronaviruslapset (ikäryhmät)epidemiatSARS-COV-2OC43enzyme immunoassaykoronaviruksetNL63stomatognathic systemchildren3123 Gynaecology and paediatricsrespiratory infectiontartuntatauditantibodieshengityselinten tauditserologiaHKU1229ENUCLEOCAPSID PROTEIN

Making Space for Creativity : Niche Construction and the Artist’s Studio


Abstract It is increasingly acknowledged that creativity cannot be fully understood without considering the setting where it takes place. Building on this premise, we use the concepts of niche construction, scaffolding, coupling, and functional integration to expound on the environmentally situated nature of painters’ studio work. Our analysis shows studios to be multi-resource niches that are customized by artists to support various capacities, states, and actions crucial to painting. When at work in these personalized spaces, painters do not need to rely solely on their “inner” powers of imagination, memory, decision making, and technique to execute their paintings. Instead, with the help…

Visual Arts and Performing ArtstaidemaalarittyötilatGeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUSPhilosophypainterstaiteellinen työluovuustilaluova toimintaMusiccreativitypersonalized spacestaidefilosofiaateljeet

Nessuno Resta Indietro: giovani e responsabilità


Il presente contributo intende proporre un modello per lo sviluppo della maturità professionale necessaria a garantire scelte consapevoli, mature e responsabili. La Strategia dell’UE per la gioventù 2019-2027, che si fonda sui tre pilastri Mobilitare-Collegare Responsabilizzare, ha costituito il quadro di riferimento per la collaborazione tra università e scuola ponendo al centro la promozione della partecipazione attiva dei giovani. La ricerca nasce dal desiderio di accrescere la formazione alla responsabilità che coinvolge insieme docenti e studenti. Da questo punto di vista valutazioni rispetto all’efficacia e all’efficienza del percorso sono state finalizzate alla verifica di quanto ess…

Covid-19 strategie organizzative gioventùCovid-19 pandemic organizational strategies young peopleSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Fake News. A design driven approach


The phenomenon of Fake News affects both individual choices and political opinions and orientations. But pervasiveness of digital technologies and dissemination of fake news are two sides of the same coin; therefore, to stem Fake News we need advanced and interdisciplinary technologies and strategies. Starting from the culture of design, where visual communication and visual information support an ethical approach shared with journalistic communication. Finally, the Fake News project highlighted the innovative potential of Artificial Intelligence, which through metrics and algorithms, but also with the unavoidable contribution of people, for the different design skills involved, can support…

Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno Industrialefake news information design participatory journalism artificial intelligence wicked problem

Estimation of chilling and heat requirements of six sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars


Warmer winters without sufficient chilling due to climate change in Mediterranean regions represent a threat for deciduous fruit tree species such as sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) with high chilling requirement, since it will affect fruit tree phenology leading to dramatic yield reduction and fruit industry income loss. Quantifying chilling requirements to overcome winter dormancy is crucial for identifying suitable cultivars for a given site, for predicting the necessity and timing applications of rest-breaking chemicals and the possible consequences of climate change. The aim of the following study was to determine the chilling and heat requirements of six sweet cherry cultivars grown in…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni Arboreechilling units growing degree hours phenology phenoclimatic models growth chamberSettore AGR/07 - Genetica AgrariaHorticulture

Media landscape e media education: quale ruolo per i serious games?


I serious games hanno dimostrato di essere un valido strumento nel campo dell’istruzione per coinvolgere, motivare e aiutare gli studenti ad apprendere. Tuttavia, gli studiosi non escludono i limiti e i rischi di un modello incentrato sul game-based learning. Questo articolo si propone di riflettere sui pro e i contro dei serious games nella media education e, in particolare, su come i serious games possono essere uno strumento utile per insegnanti ed educatori. Serious games are a powerful tool in media education to engage, motivate, and help students learn. However, scholars do not exclude the limits and risks of such a model focused on game-based learning. This paper aims to reflect on t…

MediaSettore SPS/08 - Sociologia Dei Processi Culturali E ComunicativiICTSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia GeneraleGame-based learningSerious GameEducation

Disruptive power of digital startups


The image of the new digital entrepreneur has turned into an iconic image that concerns their status, celebrity, identification, and imitation. New digital entrepreneurs, who have recently started their hi-tech business in a profitable manner, are seen in the collective imagery not only as smart and successful individuals, but as real superstars, the great witnesses of our time, and the exceptional candidates for guest starring a range of video and radio shows, who are liable of wide admiration and ample emulation. Just think of Facebook’s Mark Zuckenberg or Tesla’s Elon Musk. This chapter is aimed to supplement the debate in management and entrepreneurship on the role and impact of digital…

Digital starups. innovation technologies



open-source software programDental 3D digital workflowdigital dentristry

Effects of Upper Body Eccentric versus Concentric Strength Training and Detraining on Maximal Force, Muscle Activation, Hypertrophy and Serum Hormone…


Effects of eccentric (ECC) versus concentric (CON) strength training of the upper body performed twice a week for 10 weeks followed by detraining for five weeks on maximal force, muscle activation, muscle mass and serum hormone concentrations were investigated in young women (n = 11 and n = 12). One-repetition bench press (1RM), maximal isometric force and surface electromyography (EMG) of triceps brachii (TB), anterior deltoid (AD) and pectoralis major (PM), cross-sectional area (CSA) of TB (Long (LoH) and Lateral Head (LaH)) and thickness of PM, as well as serum concentrations of free testosterone, cortisol, follicle-stimulating hormone, estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin were mea…

naisettraininggenetic structuresElectromyographyResistance TrainingHypertrophyhormonitEMGelektromyografialihasmassamassHumansFemaleTestosteronevoimaharjoittelutestosteronisense organsMuscle SkeletallihasvoimaResearch Article

Development of Histologically Verified Thyroid Diseases in Women Operated for Breast Cancer: A Review of the Literature and a Case Series


Background: The possible relationships between breast and thyroid diseases have been reported in the literature. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the occurrence of histologically verified thyroid pathologies in women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and, after mastectomy/quadrantectomy complemented by oncological treatment, were thyroidectomized based on their periodic thyroid evaluation. Patients and Methods: Our series consist of 31 women with a mean age of 62.9 ± 10.9 years (range, 45–81) treated for breast cancer (18 right-sided, 11 left-sided, and 2 bilateral), of whom 29 were thyroidectomized, since two women who developed Graves’ disease refused thyroi…

endocrine systemSettore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generalebreast cancerendocrine system diseasesthyroid cancerthyroid diseaseGeneral Medicinethyroid nodulesbreast cancer; thyroid disease; thyroid cancer; thyroid nodulesJournal of Clinical Medicine