showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Materialistisen luokkateorian puolustus


Vivek Chibber: The Class Matrix: Social Theory After the Cultural Turn. Cambridge, M A & Lontoo: Harvard University Press, 2022, 216 s. I S B N 978-0674245136.

yhteiskuntaluokathistoriallinen materialismityöväenluokkaluokkatietoisuuseriarvoisuustaloussosiologiamarxismiKirjatluokkateoriat

Central polynomials of graded algebras: Capturing their exponential growth


Let G be a finite abelian group and let A be an associative G-graded algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A central G-polynomial is a polynomial of the free associative G-graded algebra that takes central values for all graded substitutions of homogeneous elements of A. We prove the existence and the integrability of two limits called the central G-exponent and the proper central G-exponent that give a quantitative measure of the growth of the central G-polynomials and the proper central G-polynomials, respectively. Moreover, we compare them with the G-exponent of the algebra.

Settore MAT/02 - AlgebraAlgebra and Number TheoryCentral polynomialExponentCodimension growthPolynomial identity

Post-pandemic cities: le sfide dell'urbanistica dopo l'emergenza


Il prodotto editoriale contiene gli Atti integrali del “Convegno Post-pandemic Cities: le sfide dell’urbani- stica dopo l’emergenza”, svoltosi online nei giorni 8 e 9 ottobre 2020. La struttura degli atti segue quella del Convegno con le seguenti sessioni: Frattura del rapporto tra spazio e funzioni; Giustizia spaziale e nuove diseguaglianze; Verso altri modelli urbani?; Sfide per la formazione e la professione nell'era post-covid

Settore ICAR/20 - Tecnica E Pianificazione UrbanisticaSettore ICAR/15 - Architettura Del PaesaggioSettore SPS/11 - Sociologia Dei Fenomeni PoliticiSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaSettore ICAR/22 - EstimoCovid-19sfideurbanisticaSettore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaSettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

Imagine there’s no borders. Miti identitari, percorsi di viaggio, sguardi sull’altro dall’Antichità al Medioevo


Sulla dicotomia identità e alterità la critica moderna si è molto esercitata negli ultimi decenni, mettendo a punto un armamentario di strumenti e categorie analitiche utili a identificarne i rispettivi spazi di applicazione: da un lato, troviamo dunque l’identità, con tutto il suo repertorio di parole-chiave, quali tradizione, memoria, scrittura, purezza, coerenza; dall’altro, l’alterità, in tutti i suoi gradi, che vanno da una potenziale assimilabilità a un’estraneità radicale, espressa, volta per volta, dalla climax di termini quali ospite, straniero, rifugiato politico, esiliato, nemico, invasore. Il volume che qui presentiamo si propone di indagare, attraverso una galleria di casi stud…

travel boundaries prejudiceSettore L-FIL-LET/07 - Civilta' BizantinaSettore L-ANT/02 - Storia GrecaSettore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaSettore L-FIL-LET/15 - Filologia Germanicaancient worldSettore L-ANT/03 - Storia RomanaSettore L-FIL-LET/02 - Lingua E Letteratura GrecaSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

Omnis voculae melleus modulator (Fl. 4). I Florida e l’eloquenza di Apuleio: Palermo, Università degli Studi, 1-2 dicembre 2021


The detailed report of the conference about the eloquence of Apuleius held at the university of Palermo.

Apuleio Retorica Florida De Magia EloquenzaSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

Digital Cultural Heritage e Serious Games: L'esperienza del progetto AUGUSTUS



Dall'operaismo a Marx


The volume is the result of an annual work of the Self-managed Power Library and Sapere di Palermo. It is a double “monographic” work that attempts to return to a painting I model some reflections on Italian workerism, on its impact on the social articulation, e finally on some themes deriving from the new critical edition of the works of Marx and Engels

Settore SPS/01 - Filosofia PoliticaSettore M-FIL/03 - Filosofia MoraleItalian workerism Karl Marx Antonio Gramsci Italian TheorySettore M-FIL/06 - Storia Della FilosofiaSettore M-PED/01 - Pedagogia Generale E Sociale

Impact of periodontal treatment on GCF miRNAs expression changes associated with cardiovascular risk in patients with periodontitis


cardiovascular riskmiRNAs expressionGCFperiodontal treatmentperiodontitis

Does happiness drive tourism decisions?


This research examines the role that happiness plays in affecting tourism flows. While most previous studies are country-specific, our analysis is performed with panel data on 142 countries from 2005 to 2019. This allows us to implement a structural gravity model that includes both domestic and international tourism flows, which is a novel approach in this branch of the literature. Our empirical strategy enables us to correctly identify happiness when multilateral resistance terms are included. The results show that happiness at a destination is a significant tourist attractor, although the link follows an inverted U-shaped pattern. This suggests that tourists associate happiness with the q…

Economics and EconometricsUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICAS

Lionello Perera: An Italian Banker and Patron in New York


The book presents the long-lost biography of Lionello Perera, principal banker, patron, and philanthropist of the Italian American community in New York at the inception of the twentieth century. Born and raised in Venice, Lionello Perera took over his uncle’s financial activity in Wall Street and developed the family business into a stronghold of the Italian American community. His remarkable career led him to become the Vice President of Bank of America in 1928 as an associate of California born Amadeo P. Giannini, while he also was instrumental to the political success of New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia. Recognised as a true founding father of the Italian American community of the Eas…

Italian Americans Italian immigrants Italian heritage Fascism Italian Welfare League Bank of America US banking system Stock Market Crash Black Tuesday Wall Street patron of the arts Italian Paintings Italian Art Music History Opera Theatre Opera Singers Italian Opera

Diritto d’asilo. Accessibilità e riciclo dell’ex Asilo Biondo a Danisinni, Palermo


There are many virtuous initiatives, national and international, which, starting from school buildings, have aimed at redeveloping some degraded urban spaces through paths aimed at increasing civic sense and social and environmental sensitivity in pupils, parents and citizens. . Reopening schools in neighborhoods characterized by a high school dropout was the goal of the research aimed at making accessible the paths and spaces in school buildings and starting urban and architectural recycling projects in waiting places. The research thus proposed field work in opposition to an ongoing process carried out by the municipal administration of Palermo which identified precisely in obsolete or ab…

Research-action Danisinni relational design social housing right to the city community recycling slumSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Il Problem Based Learnig (PBL) come strumento di orientamento nella scuola secondaria di primo grado


La scuola costituisce indubbiamente un luogo privilegiato di inserimento sociale, di partecipazione e di confronto e allo stesso tempo per imparare ad orientarsi e in cui gli alunni vengono incoraggiati attivamente al ragionamento e alla risoluzione dei problemi ricavando e attingendo in modo autonomo a tutte le fonti informative necessarie a tale scopo. L’ipotesi di ricerca da cui lo studio parte è che la metodologia didattica dell’apprendimento per problemi (PBL) sia efficace nello sviluppo di competenze strategiche (problem-solving, decision-making) e, pertanto, possa essere applicata nelle attività di orientamento. L’attività di Problem-Based Learning è stata proposta a 98 docenti di s…

orientamento ambienti di apprendimento competenze strategiche Problem-Based LearningSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Analisi delle condizioni e dei percorsi di inserimento dei prodotti ludico digitali nel settore del turismo culturale e possibili scenari di sviluppo…


Con una pervasività ed una velocità inusitate, la disintermediazione ha impresso il suo sigillo sulla nostra era. È il principio su cui si fonda tutta la tecnologia dell’universo blockchain che, sostituendo tutte le istituzioni centrali con reti orizzontali, aperte e condivise di blocchi, valida le operazioni senza bisogno di controllori, notai o terze parti (di qui anche il discusso fenomeno dell’NFT, “non-fungible token”, permette di comprare un’opera senza il bisogno di una galleria/ un mediatore). Una svolta di enorme impatto che, dalla verticalità centralizzata con cui veniva dispensata la cultura dei corpi intermedi, giunge all’orizzontalità decentralizzata che connette gli individui,…


Cecilia Cantalupi, Il trovatore Guilhem Figueira. Studio e edizione critica (Travaux de Littératures Romanes – Études et textes romans du Moyen Âge),…


Review of the Critical edition of the troubadour Guilhem Figueira by Cecilia Cantalupi

Linguistics and LanguageSettore L-FIL-LET/09 - Filologia E Linguistica RomanzaLiterature and Literary Theorycritical edition Guilhem Figueira reviewLanguage and Linguistics

Exploring the development of mental rotation and computational skills in elementary students through educational robotics


Abstract Interest in educational robotics has increased over the last decade. Through various approaches, robots are being used in the teaching and learning of different subjects at distinct education levels. The present study investigates the effects of an educational robotic intervention on the mental rotation and computational thinking assessment in a 3rd grade classroom. To this end, we carried out a quasi-experimental study involving 24 third-grade students. From an embodied approach, we have designed a two-hour intervention providing students with a physical environment to perform tangible programming on Bee-bot. The results revealed that this educational robotic proposal aimed at map…

Relation (database)Computational thinkingEducació primàriaVisió artificial (Robòtica)Mental rotationEducationHuman-Computer InteractionEducational roboticsEmbodied cognitionIntervention (counseling)ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONMathematics educationRobotPsychologyInternational Journal of Child-Computer Interaction

Can Fear of COVID-19 Be Predicted by Religiosity and Trust in Institutions among Young Adults? A Prospective Cross-National Study.


The aim of this study was to reveal whether religiosity and trust in institutions are longitudinal predictors of change in fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19) across Poland, Germany, Slovenia, and Israel among young adults over a three-month period. The representative sample consisted of 1723 participants between the ages of 20 and 40 years (M = 30.74, SD = 5.74) across Poland (n = 446), Germany (n = 418), Slovenia (n = 431), and Israel (n = 428). The first measurement was carried out in February 2020 and the second was conducted in May/June 2020. A repeated-measures, two-way, mixed-factor ANOVA was performed to examine changes over time (T) and across countries (C) as well as the interaction of time…

AdultReligionYoung AdultHealth Toxicology and MutagenesisPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthCOVID-19HumansFemalefear of COVID-19; religiosity; trust in institutions; young adults; a longitudinal study designFearProspective StudiesTrustInternational journal of environmental research and public health

Early-stage thermal performance design of thermo-active walls implemented in underground infrastructures


Abstract Energy geostructures (EGs) represent an innovative technology in the sustainable energy agenda and are useful for satisfying the energy needs of the built environment. They are usually involving geostructures such as piles, walls, tunnels, shafts, and sewers. The application of such technology to infrastructure projects may have considerable thermal potential because of the large surfaces that can be thermally activated. This study focuses on thermo-active walls (energy walls, EWs), which are retaining structures used to sustain the sides of excavations. Key features related to their thermal design are examined, and a design methodology is proposed. The heat-exchange modes involvin…

Energy geostructuresRenewable energyFlow (psychology)0211 other engineering and technologies02 engineering and technology010502 geochemistry & geophysicsGeothermal energy01 natural sciences7. Clean energyCivil engineeringlaw.inventionlawHeat exchangerThermalLow carbon engineeringSanitary sewerComputers in Earth SciencesSafety Risk Reliability and QualityDesign methods021101 geological & geomatics engineering0105 earth and related environmental sciencesSustainable infrastructuresFlowchartUnderground infrastructuresExcavationGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyThermal potential of sitesHydrothermal modelingEnvironmental scienceEngineering design processGeomechanics for Energy and the Environment

Le community culturali al tempo della crisi. Nuovi spazi e nuove narrazioni


Il saggio riflette sul ruolo delle comunità culturali all'interno delle narrazioni contemporanee a partire dalla crisi pandemica che ha attraversato il pianeta nel 2020. Attraverso l'individuazione di buone pratiche informali ed istituzionali l'autore assegna ad alcuni protagonisti dell'arte contemporanea e del teatro il ruolo di esperienze innovative nell'ambito della cultura.

Comunità Cultura Crisi Pandemia ProgettoSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana

Le Officine Ducrot, un esempio di organizzazione del lavoro dell'industria palermitana tra il XIX e il XX secolo


Le officine Ducrot sono un'importante testimonianza del fiorente passato imprenditoriale palermitano che ha avuto un ruolo centrale tra la fine dell'Ottocento e i primi del Novecento del secolo scorso per il carattere internazionale e innovativo di una attività, nata da un piccolo mobilificio, trasformata in pochi anni in un prestigioso atelier artigianale, fino a diventare una società di produzione industriale con una affermazione artistica e commerciale tale da ottenere la quotazione in Borsa. I motivi del grande successo sono numerosi: il sodalizio tra il proprietario, Vittorio Ducrot, e l'architetto Ernesto Basile; la produzione di raffinati e moderni arredi, caratterizzati da un mix tr…

Sicilian industrial heritage Organization of work Work spacesPatrimonio industriale siciliano Organizzazione del lavoro Spazi del lavoroSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura



replica agli interventi del convegno sulla relazione

vaccino covid

Teacher trainees' experiences of the components of ICT competencies and key factors in ICT competence development in work-based vocational teacher tr…


International journal for research in vocational education and training 9 (2022) 2, S. 146-166

MedienkompetenzLehrerausbildungBerufsschuleeducational technologyDigitale MedienPupil EvaluationBerufs- und WirtschaftspädagogikMedia competence370 Erziehung Schul- und Bildungswesendigitalizationammatilliset opettajat20100Questionnaire surveyinformation technologytyössäoppiminenComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONFragebogenerhebungBildung und ErziehungFinlandWork-Based Learningteaching staffWork-Based Learning; Teacher ICT Competencies; Vocational Education and Training VETUtilization of mediavocational educationInformations- und KommunikationstechnologieLehre und Studium Professionalisierung und Ethik Organisationen und Verbände der ErziehungswissenschaftVocational Training Adult EducationLehrpersonalcommunication technologyStudent teachersneue TechnologieBerufsbildungTeacher ICT Competenciesnew technologyLernumgebungEducational Environment370 EducationLehramtsstudentKompetenzInhaltsanalyseDigitalisierungLeistungsbeurteilungTeacher educationInteractionErziehung Schul- und Bildungswesentieto- ja viestintätekniikkaVocational school for apprenticescompetenceMedia skillsEducationBildungswesen quartärer Bereich BerufsbildungAchievement testddc:370Qualitative researchErwachsenenbildung / WeiterbildungMediennutzungVocational Education and TrainingKommunikationstechnologieddc:330LehrerbildungTraining Teaching and Studying Professional Organizations of Education and PedagogicsComputerunterstütztes VerfahrenUtilisation of mediaInformationstechnologieInteraktionTeacher TrainingLearning environmentQualitative ForschungTechnological Changeberufliche Weiterbildungammatillinen opettajankoulutusFinnlandadvanced vocational educationTeacher trainingAchievement measurementammatillinen kehitysBildungstechnologiekompetenssiVET10600Content analysis

Adjusting Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Staging System to the Evolving Landscape of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Look to the Future


No abstract available


Scale-dependent patterns and drivers of vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen diversity in dry grasslands of the Swiss inneralpine valleys


AbstractThe inner-alpine dry valleys of the Swiss Alps are characterized by subcontinental climate, leading to many peculiarities in dry grassland species composition. Despite their well-known uniqueness, comprehensive studies on biodiversity patterns of the dry grasslands in these valleys were still missing. To close this gap, we sampled 161 10-m2 vegetation plots in the Rhône, Rhine and Inn valleys, recording vascular plants, terricolous bryophyte and lichen species, as well as environmental data. Additionally, we tested the scale-dependence of environmental drivers using 34 nested-plot series with seven grain sizes (0.0001–100 m2). We analysed the effects of environmental drivers related…

Scale dependenceVascular plant580: Pflanzen (Botanik)Settore BIO/03 - Botanica Ambientale E ApplicataBryophyte333.7: Landflächen NaturerholungsgebieteBiodiversity Bryophyte Dry grassland Lichen Scale dependence Vascular plantLichenPlant ScienceBiodiversityDry grasslandEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

Sull'eterogeneità del Mezzogiorno


Il capitolo rappresenta l'ambizioso tentativo di costruire un modello di sviluppo locale in grado di spiegare il "mistero della crescita" e fornire elementi di guida e di riflessione per le diverse componenti coinvolte a realizzare il cambiamento. Un aspetto viene messo in particolare luce: l'analisi quali-quantitativa sulle determinanti della profonda eterogeneità dei Sud, anche di quelli che sono geograficamente, storicamente, tradizionalmente contigui e da lungo tempo radicati in una condizione di relativa e trasversale arretratezza o apparente immobilismo. Questa eterogeneità emerge chiaramente man mano che l'attenzione si sposta ai diversi ambiti di sviluppo locale.

sviluppoLocal developmentmezzogiornodivariNorth-South dualismSettore SECS-P/06 - Economia ApplicataInequalitie



Among all the current environmentally-friendly ground vehicles proposed to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, power-split hybrid electric vehicles represent one of the most promising solutions. Their operation is based on the cooperation of the thermal engine and the electric unit enabled by mechanical transmissions consisting of planetary and ordinary gear sets. However, implementing proper energy management strategies to realise the best powertrain operations is crucial to maximise the environmental gain without compromising performance and drivability. For this purpose, an initial comprehensive analysis of the powertrain response is required. In this respect, this paper relies on a u…

hybrid electric vehicles power-split powertrain PS-CVT analysis model-based optimisation SDG13.Settore ING-IND/13 - Meccanica Applicata Alle Macchine



ABSTRACT Water bioremediation is traditionally carried out using ‘ free ’ bacterial cells, however, in recent years, utilization of ‘immobilized’ bacterial cells on adsorbing matrices, has gained attention as a promising technique due to biotechnological and economic benefits (Sonawane et al., 2022). Bacterial biofilms show greater resilience, survival and degradative activity for longer periods than cells in the planktonic state (Alessandrello et al., 2017); moreover immobilization reduces bioremediation costs, eliminate cell dilution and dispersion in the environment (Bayat et al., 2015). Possible applications of immobilized biodegrading bacteria require long-term survival and maintenance…

Biodegrading Biofilm Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria Biodegradable membranesSettore BIO/19 - Microbiologia Generale

Farming on the margins : Just transition and the resilience of peripheral farms


Sustainability transition demands fundamental changes taking place at the farm system level. At the same time, many farms are operating on the verge of financial profitability, especially in geographically disadvantaged peripheral regions with a limited range of production opportunities. These observations raise concerns about the transition's justice aspects. Using the concept of resilience, we analysed farmers’ capacities for transformation in a peripheral context in Finland. The results from our farmer survey (n = 577) indicated that the regime exerts a strong cost-price squeeze on farmers, escaping of which is difficult also for farmers deliberately seeking new pathways beyond it. Due t…

resilienssiruokajärjestelmätkestävä maatalousRenewable Energy Sustainability and the Environmentmaatalouspolitiikkatransformative capacitiesEnvironmental Science (miscellaneous)sosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuusperipheriesrestorative justiceperiferiatfood systemjust sustainability transitionrestoratiivinen oikeusresilienceSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)

Recensione di Michael FONTAINE, How to Tell a Joke. An Ancient Guide to the Art of Humor


Review of a recent book dealing with Cicero's discussion on comedy and how to make person laugh with the tools of Rhetorics.

Cicero On The Orator ComedySettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

Life cycle environmental assessment of retaining walls in unsaturated soils


Abstract Retaining structures above groundwater level support soils that are usually in a state of partial saturation and subject to the actions of atmospheric agents. The current design approach considers the possible extremes of soil conditions – either totally dry or totally saturated – but it neglects matric suction’s contribution to soil shear strength. This work aims to describe how unsaturated-soil mechanics of can positively influence the sustainability of retaining structures through a holistic, multidisciplinary, geotechnical, and environmental analysis. The geotechnical analysis allows to estimate the lateral earth pressure of a geostructure in both unsaturated and extreme soil c…

Settore ICAR/07 - GeotecnicaEnvironmental analysis0211 other engineering and technologies02 engineering and technologySiltLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) Retaining structures Unsaturated soils010502 geochemistry & geophysicsGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyRetaining wall01 natural sciencesLateral earth pressureSoil waterEnvironmental scienceGeotechnical engineeringEnvironmental impact assessmentComputers in Earth SciencesSafety Risk Reliability and QualityLife-cycle assessmentGroundwater021101 geological & geomatics engineering0105 earth and related environmental sciencesGeomechanics for Energy and the Environment

When more is less: The other side of artificial intelligence recommendation


Based on consumers' preferences, AI (artificial intelligence) recommendation automatically filters information, which provokes scholars' debate. Supporters believe that by analyzing the consumers' preferences, AI recommendation enables consumers to choose products more quickly and with lower cost. Critics deem that consumers are more easily trapped in information cocoons because of the use of AI recommendation. This reduces the possibility of consumers contacting with a variety of commodities, thus lowering the consumer decision quality. Based on experiments, this paper discusses the moderating role of AI recommendation on the relationship of consumers' preferences and information cocoons. …

verkkokauppabusiness.industryStrategy and Managementconsumer decision qualitysuosittelujärjestelmätDecision qualityinformation cocoonGeneral Decision ScienceskuluttajakäyttäytyminentekoälyostopäätöksetAI recommendationGeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUSManagement Information SystemsVariety (cybernetics)ComputingMethodologies_PATTERNRECOGNITIONControl and Systems EngineeringManagement of Technology and Innovationconsumers' preferencesLower costArtificial intelligenceBusiness and International ManagementEmpirical evidencebusinessEngineering (miscellaneous)Journal of Management Science and Engineering

Organotin(IV) complexes with epigenetic modulator ligands: New promising candidates in cancer therapy


Organotin(IV) compounds have found their place among a class of non-platinum chemotherapeutic metallo-pharmaceuticals exhibiting good antitumor activity. The cytotoxicity induced by the different kinds of organotins has been related to several mechanism. In this review we report our last decade research activity concerning the synthesis and chemical characterization of new organotin(IV) derivatives containing epigenetic modulator ligand by using, FT-IR, Mössbauer spectroscopy, 119Sn{1H} cross polarization magic angle spinning, electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy, UV–Vis, 1H, 13C{1H} and 119Sn{1H} NMR spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. The first aim of the biologi…

Caffeic acidInorganic ChemistryEpigenetic modificationValproic acidMaterials ChemistryApoptosisOrganotin(IV)Butyric acidPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryInorganica Chimica Acta

Shaping blockchain-based innovation strategies in the wine sector: a conceptual framework


The growing demand for transparency along the supply chain, partly related to recent incidents involving food contaminations and food frauds, has led businesses to reinterpret their business models by adopting strategies aimed to ensure an effective traceability system. In this scenario, emerging technologies play a decisive role by allowing for constant monitoring of data and information in the various phases of the supply chain. The aim of this study is to explore and analyze the main opportunities related to the BCT implementation in the wine industry and to identify the most important drivers and barriers of innovation, by using a case study approach. The case study of the Costaflores w…

Settore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleBlockchain technology wine industry skills internal resources capabilities competitive advantage

Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems


The Pre-Concept Design (PCD) of the Balance of Plant (BoP) systems of the EU-DEMO power plant is described in this paper for both breeding blanket (BB) concepts under assessment, namely the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) BB and the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) BB. Moreover, the results of a preliminary evaluation of a number of BoP variants are discussed. This paper outlines the steps of the BoP design development, highlighting the project objectives and the strategy for their achievement under the very challenging requirements which include, among others, the intermittent nature of the DEMO plasma heat source. The main achievements during the PCD Phase will be reported together with t…

TechnologyBalance of plantElectric power distributionMechanical EngineeringHCPB BBSteam generatorPower conversion systemPower plants -- Design and constructionNuclear Energy and EngineeringSteam-boilersGeneral Materials SciencePower-plants -- Europebalance of plant; DEMO; HCPB BB; power conversion system; steam generator; WCLL BBddc:600DEMOWCLL BBSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti NucleariDEMO; Balance of plant; WCLL BB; HCPB BB; Steam generator; Power conversion systemCivil and Structural Engineering

Representing Tibetan Buddhism in books on spirituality : A discourse-historical approach


This article looks into how Tibetan Buddhism is framed in terms of East-West dichotomy in six popular books on Buddhism and spirituality. Discourse Historical Approach is employed to uncover the rhetorical representation of Tibetan Buddhism to the readers. A critical post-colonial perspective offers an insight into various power dynamics, arising from these representations, structured according to Yoshikawa's model of intercultural communication between East and West. The various power outcomes of rhetorical styles range from Ethnocentric to Dialogical, with their ethical consequences and problematics discussed.

ethnocentrismTibetan Buddhismkulttuurienvälinen vuorovaikutustiibetinbuddhalaisuusReligious studiespostkolonialismidiscourse historical approachdiskurssianalyysietnosentrismirepresentaatioorientalismidouble-swing modelhengellisyysBuddhism and the westbuddhalaisuushenkisyyskulttuurienvälisyys

Lo sviluppo economico è/e lo sviluppo della qualità: un parco dell'innovazione a Catania


Il tema delle periferie produttive (o ex produttive) negli ultimi anni ha assunto un ruolo predominante nella pianificazione delle città al fine di rivalutare le aree industriali dismesse come serbatoi per la riqualificazione urbana ed economica delle nostre città. Sicurezza, degrado sociale e ambientale, abbandono, consumo di suolo sono le principali problematiche di queste aree e investire nella loro riqualificazione può essere un’occasione centrale per la “ripartenza” economica delle nostre città. Per tale motivo, la Regione Siciliana ha recentemente designato una vasta area della città di Catania come “Zona Economica Speciale” (ZES) per il rilancio delle filiere economiche della città. …

Zone Economiche Speciali rigenerazione urbana Spazi urbani covid-proofSettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica

Biostratigraphy of the Ribota and Huérmeda formations (Cambrian Series 2) in the Comarca del Aranda (Zaragoza province), Iberian Chains (NE Spain)


This article presents a detailed biostratigraphic analysis of the Cambrian Series 2 Ribota and Huérmeda formations of four sections of the Iberian Chains (NE Spain), and a systematic study of their trilobite faunas. We identified four major assemblages: two in the middle part of the Ribota Formation, one at the base of the Huérmeda Formation and one at the top of the Huérmeda Formation. The studied species permit the assignment of these formations to the middle and upper Marianian and probably lower Bilbilian stages in the regional stratigraphic chart for the Iberian Peninsula, which correlates with an interval around the Cambrian Stage 3–4 boundary. The assemblages exhibit a great correlat…

EstratigrafiaPaleontologyPaleontologiaGeologiaSpanish Journal of Palaeontology