showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Co-simulated Digital Twin on the Network Edge: the case of platooning
This paper presents an approach to create high fidelity Digital-Twin models for distributed multi-agent cyber-physical systems based on the combination of simulating components, generated from different modeling languages, each tailored for the specific domain of the subsystem. The approach specifically addresses the wireless communication domain, exploiting a Python module as a simulating component to evaluate the impact of network delay among the distributed elements of the system under analysis. A case study with a platoon of four vehicles following a leading car, all modeled in Simulink, is used to show the applicability of the approach, allowing the comparison between a Vehicle-to-Vehi…
Sosiaaliset kontaktit ja epämuodollinen tieto rekrytoinnissa : tapaustutkimus rakennusalan pk-yrityksistä
Artikkelin tutkimuskohteena on sosiaalisten kontaktien hyödyntäminen rekrytoinnissa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaiset työnantajien harjoittamat käytännön toimet liittyvät menestyksekkääseen sosiaalisten kontaktien hyödyntämiseen rekrytoinnissa. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä rekrytointiprosessi jaettiin työnhakijoiden keräämisvaiheeseen, seulontavaiheeseen ja työntekijän valintavaiheeseen. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kahtatoista rakennusalan pk-yrityksen rekrytoinnista vastaavaa henkilöä. Teemahaastatteluaineisto analysoitiin käyttäen teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Artikkelissa kuvataan, miten työnantajat hyödyntävät sosiaalisia kontakteja rekrytoinnin eri vaiheissa ja mitkä käytännö…
A Comparison between RMS and EMT Grid-Forming Implementations in MATLAB/Simscape for Smart Grids Dynamics
The article presents a comparison between phasor RMS and EMT models for grid-forming converters. The specific aspects related to the implementation in Simscape Electrical of MATLAB/Simulink are discussed for both RMS and EMT time-domains. The comparison between the different implementations is performed with the simulation of two widely studied grid-forming schemes, the virtual synchronous machine and the power-synchronization control. The simulation-based comparison examines transient phenomena with different characteristics and time scales, including frequency transients, phase jumps and short-circuit events. Specific indications regarding limitations and suitability of grid-forming model…
A High-Efficiency Optical Energy Harvester based on a Low-Impedance Plasmonic Nanoantenna
In this paper, for the first time, an investigation in terms of efficiency of an energy harvester based on a plasmonic nanorectenna array is proposed. The novel proposed mirrored-arrowhead nanoantenna presents a very low impedance value at the resonant frequency which reduces the mismatching between the antenna and rectifier circuit. Simulation results carried out by the CST 2020 Studio show a resistance value equal to 1.1 kohms at about 350 THz and a very wide bandwidth as the equivalent RF rhombic antenna. This study paves the way to nanoantennas for high-efficiency electromagnetic energy harvesting applications overcoming the photovoltaic technology.
Design of a Smart Car Park with PV generation and BESS for Grid-on and Grid-off Operation. The SMARTEP Project
The paper presents the design state of a smart car park shelter for electric vehicle in the campus of the University of Palermo. The car park is supplied by the main grid and by a 40 kW photovoltaic system and is equipped with a Li-ion battery storage system with capacity 42 kWh. The hybrid plant is designed in order to operate both in connection with the main grid and in stand-alone mode, supplying, in this case, all car park's loads and providing one recharge to an electric vehicle. Moreover, the energy storage system and, eventually, the battery of one or more cars with V2G technologies, can be managed for providing ancillary services to the grid. In the paper, the design of the system a…
Effect of a six-week times restricted eating intervention on the body composition in early elderly men with overweight
AbstractThe main aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of time-restricted eating (TRE) in reducing body fat and lowering body mass index in early elderly men with overweight (65–74 years). An additional goal was to determine the feasibility of applying TRE for extensive use in elderly men. This study included a group of 46 healthy men (EXP = 23 persons, CON = 23 persons). The six-week intervention in the experimental group involved complete abstinence from food intake for 16 h per day, from 08:00 to 12:00 p.m. After the intervention, the body weight decreased in the EXP group (− 1.92 kg) with a 95% CI (1.14–2.70) compared to the CON group. There was also a decrease in the Visc…
Guidelines and Conceptual Design of the Grounding System of the DTT Experimental Facility
The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) is an experimental nuclear fusion reactor currently under construction at the ENEA research center in Frascati and whose first plasma is expected in 2025. The present article shows the conceptual philosophy and the guidelines behind the design of the grounding system of the DTT. The article focuses on the main target of the grounding system and on the main technical standards to refer to for the design.
A Battery-Free Wireless Smart Sensor platform with Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity for Smart Agriculture
Smart agriculture systems, which integrate sensors and data analysis into agricultural production processes, are increasingly proving an effective solution for reducing food production waste, yield production increase, and product quality improvement. In this context, this paper deals with a wireless sensors platform for humidity, temperature, and light detection that has the peculiarity to be self-powered and battery-free. The main advantage of the proposed solution is the elimination of maintenance interventions due to battery replacement. Therefore, the availability of install-and-forget sensors allows an easy diffusion for a capillary detection of plant health and growth parameters thro…
Three-dimensional evaluation of mandibular canine impaction characteristics and their relationship with lower incisor root morphometry
To three-dimensionally evaluate the characteristics of mandibular canine impaction with the morphometry of the roots of the lower incisors.Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of 35 individuals (18 males and 17 females) with a mean age of 14.37± 10.26 years were evaluated. Forty-three impacted mandibular canines (IMbC) were evaluated. Their location, sector and level of impaction were determined. Likewise, the distances of the canines to the occlusal plane, the angulations with respect to the midline and adjacent lateral incisors, the length of the impacted canines, and of the lower incisors were measured. Finally, the presence of incisor root resorption was determined. Chi-square and…
Electric scalar potential estimations for non-invasive brain activity detection through multinode Shepard method
Electric scalar potential estimation is a key step for non-invasive investigations of brain activity with high time resolutions. The neural sources can be reconstructed by solving a typical inverse problem based on a forward problem formulated as a set of boundary value problems coupled by interface conditions. In this paper, we propose a Shepard multinode method to numerically estimate electric scalar potentials via collocation. The method is based on a special kind of inverse distance weighting partition of unity method to increase polynomial precision, approximation order, and accuracy of the classical Shepard approximation. The barycentric form, through the use of cardinal basis functio…
The importance of intangible assets in regional economic growth: a growth accounting approach
Spain is one of the few countries in the world that has information on investment in intangible assets with a regional breakdown, so providing evidence of its importance as a factor in regional growth is the main value added of this paper. Series of capital stock in intangible assets are constructed by regions, which incorporate not only those the national accounts consider as investments and are therefore included in gross value added (GVA), but also the intangible assets not included in GVA, which the recent literature understand to be an important source of economic growth. Using the growth accounting approach, the results show that intangible assets explain 14.3% of Spain’s GVA growth, …
On the peculiar long-term orbital evolution of the eclipsing accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1749.4-2807
We present the pulsar timing analysis of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1749.4-2807 monitored by NICER and XMM-Newton during its latest outburst after almost eleven years of quiescence. From the coherent timing analysis of the pulse profiles, we updated the orbital ephemerides of the system. Large phase jumps of the fundamental frequency phase of the signal are visible during the outburst, consistent with what was observed during the previous outburst. Moreover, we report on the marginally significant evidence for non-zero eccentricity ($e\simeq 4\times 10^{-5}$) obtained independently from the analysis of both the 2021 and 2010 outbursts and we discuss possible compatible sc…
Investigation of PCB-based Inductive Sensors Orientation for Corona Partial Discharge Detection
This paper presents an experimental investigation of two different printed circuit board (PCB) inductive sensors, with meander and non-spiral shapes, to assess their capabilities and best orientation for corona partial discharge (PD) detection. First, simulations with the Ansys HFSS software are performed in order to evaluate the equivalent electrical circuit of the two sensors and their 2d radiation patterns. The meander sensors presented a resonant frequency of 600 MHz, while it was around 1.1 GHz for the non-spiral. The 2d radiation pattern showed that better sensitivity is achieved when the inductive sensor is oriented 90 degrees with respect to the PD source. Experimental tests showed …
Assessment Of Driving Stress Through SVM And KNN Classifiers On Multi-Domain Physiological Data
We propose an objective stress assessment method based on the extraction of features from physiological time series and their classification using Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbors algorithms. For this purpose, we used an open dataset consisting of multiparametric physiological signals (electrocardiogram, electromyogram, galvanic skin response and breath signal) obtained during the execution of a driving route within the city of Boston with restful, highway and city driving periods indicative of three different stress states. To predict the driver stress level, 21 features were extracted from 122 chunks of raw signals and were subsequently managed by classification algorithms. …
Kuratoriske strategier i to norske kvinneutstillinger:
Assessing the Economic Benefit due to BESS Management in a Renewable Energy Community of a Small Island
The paper presents a study carried out on the island of Pantelleria regarding the interaction among distributed energy resource and energy storage systems in renewable energy communities. EU, in the Clean Energy Package, defines the 'Jointly acting renewables self-consumers' (JARSCs) and the 'Renewable Energy Communities' (RECs) as innovative models to share energy from renewables facilities. Nevertheless, the behaviour of JARSCs and RECs is designed to maximize the final users' self-consumption without considering the impacts on the power grid operation. A comparison of various operational strategies of BESS and an investigation of their effect on the distribution network are key elements …
Investigation about selective harmonic elimination in unbalanced multilevel inverters
In this paper 5 and 7 levels cascaded H-bridges inverters are considered, feeding by unequal dc voltage sources. The effect of these unbalancing operation is examined concerning harmonic analysis and total harmonic distortion of the output voltages. The system of equations, obtained by the expansion in the Fourier series of phase output voltage, is solved by applying a method of graphic solution that allows obtaining the switching angles able to eliminate the lower order harmonics.
A Novel Framework of Hybrid Harvesting Mechanisms for Remote Sensing Devices
Sensing networks have recently proven to be useful in a variety of disciplines. The use of mobile sensing robots and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is intended to lessen the burden of sensor node energy consumption. However, conserving energy in the networks remains a major concern. In this work, a design of a hybrid RF-Solar harvesting system to support sensing devices is investigated. The harvesting circuits may collect energy from both solar and radio frequency (RF) resources that are commonly available in ambient environments. This approach creates hybrid harvesting circuits for all elements in the combined sensor networks by combining RF and solar harvester circuits. The RF harvester …
Microbial resources and sparkling wine differentiation : state of the arts
Consumers’ increasing interest in sparkling wine has enhanced the global market’s demand. The pro-technological yeasts strains selected for the formulation of microbial starter cultures are a fundamental parameter for exalting the quality and safety of the final product. Nowadays, the management of the employed microbial resource is highly requested by stakeholders, because of the increasing economic importance of this oenological sector. Here, we report an overview of the production processes of sparkling wine and the main characterisation criteria to select Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces strains appropriate for the preparation of commercial starter cultures dedicated to the primary a…
Vauhtia ja varjojohtajuutta: kulttuurisesti moninaisten tiimien luovuus musiikki- ja elokuva-aloilla
Role of protozooplankton in the diet of North Sea autumn spawning herring (Clupea harengus) larvae
AbstractThe role of small prey (< 200 µm) in larval marine fish nutrition is largely understudied. Here, we explore the contribution of protozooplankton (PZP 20–200 µm) to larval fish diets, compared to metazoan microzooplankton (MZP 55–200 µm). More specifically, we tested whether the contribution of PZP increased during the low productivity season and decreased as larvae grow. We used North Sea autumn spawning herring (Clupea harengus) as a case study, as it is a key species with high commercial and ecological importance. In autumn and winter, the potential PZP and MZP prey was dominated by cells < 50 µm (mainly Gymnodiniales, Pronoctiluca pelagica,Tripos spp. and Strombidium spp.),…
Crònica universal de 1427
La ‘Crònica universal de 1427’, escrita la segona meitat del segle XV, s’emmarca en un context històric en què la redacció d’aquests tipus d’obres historiogràfiques no era cap novetat. De fet, aquesta ‘Crònica’ dona per finalitzat el període de major efervescència quant a la producció de cròniques universals en català, que van viure una època d’esplendor al llarg dels segles XIV i XV. L’obra es pot dividir en tres parts molt desiguals entre si: a la primera, la més extensa, l’autor narra la història bíblica des del Gènesi fins a la mort i passió de Jesucrist. La segona part es fonamenta en les dues principals autoritats medievals, la imperial i la pontifícia, per bastir el relat històric de…
Extensions of hermitian linear functionals
AbstractWe study, from a quite general point of view, the family of all extensions of a positive hermitian linear functional $$\omega $$ ω , defined on a dense *-subalgebra $${\mathfrak {A}}_0$$ A 0 of a topological *-algebra $${\mathfrak {A}}[\tau ]$$ A [ τ ] , with the aim of finding extensions that behave regularly. The sole constraint the extensions we are dealing with are required to satisfy is that their domain is a subspace of $$\overline{G(\omega )}$$ G ( ω ) ¯ , the closure of the graph of $$\omega $$ ω (these are the so-called slight extensions). The main results are two. The first is having characterized those elements of $${\mathfrak {A}}$$ A for which we can find a positive her…
Signatures of gluon saturation from structure-function measurements
We study experimentally observable signals for nonlinear QCD dynamics in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at small Bjorken variable $x$ and moderate virtuality $Q^2$, by quantifying differences between the linear Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) evolution and nonlinear evolution with the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. To remove the effect of the parametrization freedom in the initial conditions of both equations, we first match the predictions for the DIS structure functions $F_2$ and $F_{\rm L}$ from both frameworks in a region in $x,Q^2$ where both frameworks should provide an accurate description of the relevant physics. The differences in the dynamics are then quanti…
Language and communication in international students’ adaptation: a bibliometric and content analysis review
AbstractThis article systematically reviews the literature (313 articles) on language and communication in international students’ cross-cultural adaptation in institutions of higher education for 1994–2021. We used bibliometric analysis to identify the most impactful journals and articles, and the intellectual structure of the field. We used content analysis to synthesize the results within each research stream and suggest future research directions. We established two major research streams: second-language proficiency and interactions in the host country. We found inconclusive results about the role of communication with co-nationals in students’ adaptation, which contradicts the major a…
L'analisi dello stato dell'arte suggerisce che la combinazione di processi di produzione, solitamente impiegati per l’elaborazione di strutture differenti, comporta la produzione di dispositivi a base biopolimerica con strutture complesse e proprietà rilevanti. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro di ricerca è stato quello di esplorare i diversi vantaggi dei metodi di elaborazione combinati sia in one-step che in two-steps. In particolare, sono state testate diverse combinazioni di processing al fine di ottenere dispositivi a base biopolimerica con strutture e proprietà non ottenibili da singoli processi, trattamenti o materiali. Ogni dispositivo è stato caratterizzato al fine di comprendere le rel…
Impact of non-programmable distributed generation in an islanded microgrid: the case study of Ustica
The paper presents a systematic analysis of nonprogrammable distributed generation impact in an islanded microgrid Different issues have been analyzed, with a special focus on the most significant ones in a small islanded network. To this aim, the case study of Ustica island was considered A digital twin of the MV network was developed starting from the network topology data and the power measurement acquired in each secondary substation. Simulations were then performed in the hypothesis of a large increment of distributed generation installation into the network. A discussion is then reported on which are the main technical issues to be faced in the considered case study.
Polymer aging affects the bioavailability of microplastics-associated contaminants in sea urchin embryos
Microplastics (MPs) in the marine environment undergo complex weathering factors that can affect their ability to interact with different coexisting environmental contaminants (termed here co-contaminants). In this study, the influence of artificially aging using UV on the sorption of a complex mixture of co-contaminants onto MPs was investigated in order to provide meaningful hypotheses on their individual and combined toxicities on sea urchin embryos. A mixture of artificially aged MPs (PS particles and PA microfibers) combined with 2,2′ ,4,4′ - tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), or Cd or Cu, both alone and in a mix, were used to expose embryos of Paracentrotus lividus. The effects of pol…
Analysis of Cardiac Pulse Arrival Time Series at Rest and during Physiological Stress
The study of cardiovascular dynamics is pivotal in the prevention and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases. Pulse Arrival Time (PAT) series contain information concerning not only the dynamics of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), but of all the systems involved in the regulation of cardiovascular homeostasis. This study aims to highlight how indexes extracted from PAT series in time-, frequency- and information-domain allow to discriminate among different physiological conditions. Analyses were carried out on 76 young healthy subjects, at rest and during orthostatic or mental stress. Our results show that PAT indexes vary according to the ANS condition, and may thus be useful parameters …
Role of early extraction of odontogenic focus in deep neck infections
Odontogenic deep neck infections remain a common condition that presents a challenging issue due to the complex involvement of the neck and adjacent structures and its potential life-threatening risk. Periapical infection of the second or third molar with spread to the submandibular and parapharyngeal spaces is the most commonly observed scenario. However, the time of dental extraction of the infection focus remains controversial. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the epidemiology, clinical and radiological features, and management in patients diagnosed with ODNI and to identify the role of early dental extraction on patient outcomes and recovery. This retrospective study i…
Low-invasive multisensor real-time acquisition system for the assessment of cardiorespiratory and skin conductance parameters
In recent years, the attention to the health and comfort of the individual, together with the electronic miniaturization progress, have led to an increased interest in the development of biomedical devices that are able to acquire a multitude of biomedical signals. Such devices should be wearable and comfortable during daily use, to be thus suitable for continuously monitoring psychophysical health states. In this context, we have designed and realized a portable biomedical device capable of real-time acquisition of electrocardiographic (ECG), photoplethysmographic (PPG), breathing and galvanic skin response (GSR) signals, for a noninvasive monitoring of multiple physiological parameters. T…
Experimental Evaluation of Dead-Time Impacts on the Efficiency and THD for a Three-Phase Five-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter
Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter (CHBMI) is a fascinating solution for optimization purposes in several application fields. The CHBMI performance optimization can be reached both with hardware and software solutions. In detail, the CHBMI performances are a function of the modulation strategy adopted and its parameters such as modulation index, switching frequency, and dead time. This paper presents performance experimental analysis on dead time effects on CHBMI performance in terms of harmonic distortion and conversion efficiency. In this analysis, two different modulation strategies have been considered and implemented. The paper focuses on modulation strategies implemented, the test…
Question Answering with BERT: designing a 3D virtual avatar for Cultural Heritage exploration
Recent technological developments are changing how people experience physical and virtual environments. Technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), today, are impacting daily life and are being used in various domains including Cultural Heritage. Applying intelligence to applications using these technologies, through AI and Deep Learning can provide a more immersive user experience. In this paper, we propose the design of a system that realize an avatar with question-answering capabilities, for the specific purpose of giving help in immersive navigation of cultural heritage sites. It is based on a BERT model tailored to the Italian language and wi…
Suicide risk in caregivers of people with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Abstract Background Interest in physical and mental health outcomes in caregivers of patients with dementia is increasing. However, there is limited data available on the prevalence of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, and suicide rates among caregivers of those with dementia. Therefore, we aimed to systematically review these outcomes to address this gap in the literature and thus provide information to inform future policy and intervention for the benefit of caregivers of dementia patients. Methods We searched several databases from inception to the 10th November 2021, for studies investigating suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, and suicide rates of caregivers of patients with deme…
Cost effectiveness analysis of childhood obesity primary prevention programmes: a systematic review
Background. Childhood obesity is associated with enormous health consequences and costs to society. This study aims to systematically review the studies on Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) of primary prevention programmes of childhood obesity, discussing the gaps and providing recommendations for future research. Methods. All the studies on the cost effectiveness evaluation of primary prevention of obesity among children were included. Studies were retrieved from MEDLINE and Google Scholar, up to 31st March 2012, with only English language papers being eligible. The quality of the retrieved studies was evaluated by using the Drummond scale. Re…
Specific Recognition of the 5′-Untranslated Region of West Nile Virus Genome by Human Innate Immune System
In the last few years, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 proved the crucial importance of understanding how emerging viruses work and proliferate, in order to avoid the repetition of such a dramatic sanitary situation with unprecedented social and economic costs. West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne pathogen that can spread to humans and induce severe neurological problems. This RNA virus caused recent remarkable outbreaks, notably in Europe, highlighting the need to investigate the molecular mechanisms of its infection process in order to design and propose efficient antivirals. Here, we resort to all-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations to characterize the structure of th…