showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
El perfil de aplicación de RDA para monografías antiguas de la Biblioteca Nacional de España
La Biblioteca Nacional de España ha trabajado activamente en la adaptación de RDA a la descripción del libro antiguo desde el año 2015, hasta poder afrontar finalmente desde el año 2020 el paso definitivo: la redacción del perfil de aplicación de RDA para monografías antiguas de la BNE. Este trabajo ha permitido identificar los principales retos de esta aplicación, así como aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece al catalogador de libro antiguo. Entre los aspectos más novedosos se cuentan instrucciones destinadas a la transcripción, al uso de las menciones de publicación, distribución y fabricación, así como al desarrollo de las relaciones a nivel de manifestación que permitirán por primera…
Biblioteca de la Casa de Osuna en la Universidad de Granada
Se pretende dar luz al fondo existente en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada de los libros ingresados de la Casa de Osuna. Existía una parte identificada, pero al no disponer de un listado como otras Universidades, se han tenido que identificar las distintas marcas de procedencia uno a uno, trabajo lento y laborioso. También hemos recogido otras marcas de procedencia de otros poseedores de la Casa de Osuna, con supralibros, dedicatorias, o exlibris impresos y manuscritos.
La cartoteca de la Universitat de València. 20 años de gestión del patrimonio cartográfico
La Cartoteca de la Universitat de València gestiona desde 2002 una parte muy importante del patrimonio cartográfico de dicha universidad, hasta entonces disperso en diversas instancias. Partiendo de los criterios de antigüedad, rareza y valor cultural, entendido como la vinculación de los mapas con las circunstancias históricas de su producción, se describen brevemente sus principales colecciones. Posteriormente se detallan las acciones realizadas para su conservación y difusión. La Cartoteca ha sido un instrumento útil para la identificación y puesta en valor del patrimonio cartográfico de la Universitat de València, mucho más rico y variado de lo que se pensaba
Typification of the name Senecio pygmaeus (Asteraceae), with some additional taxonomic and phytogeographic remarks
A thorough research on the scientific activity of Guglielmo Gasparrini, Giovanni Gussone and Augustin Pyramus De Candolle allowed the authors to adress a research in several European herbaria looking for the type of the name Senecio pygmaeus DC. The original specimen sent by Gussone and mentioned in the protologue by Candolle is still kept at G-DC and is designated as the lectotype, whilst three other herbarium sheets, preserved at NAP-GUSS, PAL and PAV herbaria respectively, in all probability belong to the same gathering, and are considered as isolectotypes. The authors provide an updated description of this taxon in order to better point out its diagnostic characters. However, further bi…
Mentes jóvenes y libros antiguos: la innovación para la docencia en patrimonio bibliográfico
“Quid est liber: proyecto de innovación para la docencia en libro antiguo y patrimonio bibliográfico” de la UCM es una iniciativa surgida en 2020 con el objetivo de transmitir los valores y la importancia del patrimonio bibliográfico a unas generaciones a priori ajenas a los modos de expresión del libro antiguo. El proyecto busca la elaboración de recursos de calidad por y para los estudiantes, mediante la toma de contacto con el trabajo de campo adecuadamente dirigido, la selección y elaboración de información pertinente y la presentación de los resultados de forma dinámica y accesible, sin olvidar por ello el rigor científico.
A Multicenter Experience of Three Different "Iliac Branched" Stent Grafts for the Treatment of Aorto-Iliac And/Or Iliac Aneurysms
Background: The aim of study was to assess the safety and effectiveness of 3 different commercial iliac branch devices (IBDs): the Zenith Branch Iliac Endovascular Graft; the Gore Excluder Iliac Branch System and the E-liac Stent Graft System for the treatment of aorto-iliac or iliac aneurysms. Methods: From January 2017 to February 2020, a retrospective reviewed was conducted on a total of 96 patients. Primary endpoint was IBD instability rate at 24 months. Secondary endpoints included onset of any endoleaks, buttock claudication, IBD-related reintervention and all-death rates, postoperative acute kidney, and changes in maximum diameter from baseline of the aortic aneurysmal sac. Results: …
CMB and Lyman-$\alpha$ constraints on dark matter decays to photons
Dark matter energy injection in the early universe modifies both the ionization history and the temperature of the intergalactic medium. In this work, we improve the CMB bounds on sub-keV dark matter and extend previous bounds from Lyman-$\alpha$ observations to the same mass range, resulting in new and competitive constraints on axion-like particles (ALPs) decaying into two photons. The limits depend on the underlying reionization history, here accounted self-consistently by our modified version of the publicly available {\tt DarkHistory} and {\tt CLASS} codes. Future measurements such as the ones from the CMB-S4 experiment may play a crucial, leading role in the search for this type of li…
Antiviral capacity of sanitizers against infectious viruses in process water from the produce industry under batch and continuous conditions
The presence of human enteric viruses in produce has extensively been reported. However, the significance of the quality of process water (PW) used by the produce industry and the viral inactivation capacity of water disinfection agents used to maintain the microbiological quality of PW has received limited attention. This study evaluates the antiviral disinfection efficacy of chlorine, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and peracetic acid (PAA) at recommended operational limits in PW using hepatitis A virus (HAV), the cultivable norovirus surrogate, murine norovirus (MNV-1), and MS2 coliphages. Defined commodity representative crops (baby leaves, bell peppers, and the vegetable mix of tomatoes, cucum…
La vulnerabilidad del patrimonio bibliográfico en los conventos y monasterios. El caso de la Provincia de Santiago
El patrimonio bibliográfico adquirido a lo largo del tiempo por las órdenes religiosas, como es el fondo conservado en la Biblioteca provincial franciscana de Santiago, ha sido fruto de una actividad académica intensa que, en el momento actual, ante la escasez de vocaciones, corre un grave peligro por falta de recursos materiales y personales, lo que hace que las bibliotecas conventuales se encuentren abocadas al deterioro y posterior pérdida.
El futuro como farsa: impotencia reflexiva y repetición de la historia en la distopía mainstream contemporánea.
Con el paso del tiempo, las distopías han acabado por constituirse como una de las formas predilectas a la hora de abordar la crítica a la realidad. En el siglo xxi atendemos a un nuevo auge del género, en el que la relación entre crisis y distopía se ha vuelto aún más evidente. Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre nuestros tiempos (entre las que destacan los conflictos bélicos, la crisis económica, la emergencia ecológica y el auge de los populismos de derechas), se plasman en estas distopías a través de imágenes como las de las ruinas o los totalitarismos. Así, y bajo la máxima de la repetición de la historia, las distopías recurren al pasado del mundo occidental como forma de aleccionarnos …
La Biblioteca Jurídica de los siglos XVI-XVII de la Universitat Jaume I. Creación y desarrollo de un fondo antiguo de libros de derecho en una biblio…
El objetivo del estudio es describir el proceso de formación del fondo de libros antiguos de carácter jurídico que forman parte de la sección de colecciones especiales de la Biblioteca de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón creada en 1991. La selección y adquisición de los libros fue realizada por parte del profesorado del departamento de Historia del Derecho de la universidad con la finalidad de crear una biblioteca jurídica que reuniera las obras principales de la legislación y jurisprudencia de los reinos peninsulares impresos durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII para ponerlos a disposición de los investigadores, docente y alumnos universitarios. También se analiza algunas característica…
Il "linguaggio" della Corte costituzionale: note sparse su alcuni aspetti dell'esperienza recente
Wittgenstein's theories offer the starting point for looking at the socio-political implications of the language spoken by the institutions in the various historical phases: the communication system with which they relate to the outside world is functional in conveying the sense and scope of their action, building a precise relationship with public opinion. Starting from this assumption, the contribution takes into consideration some aspects of the recent practice of the Constitutional Court, with particular regard to press releases, and proposes an interpretation of the communication breakthrough pursued in recent years, relating it to the exercise of the function of warranty.
Effects of hyperoxemia in patients with sepsis – A post-hoc analysis of a multicentre randomized clinical trial
Background Administration of supplemental oxygen is a life-saving treatment in critically ill patients. Still, optimal dosing remains unclear during sepsis. The aim of this post-hoc analysis was to assess the association between hyperoxemia and 90-day mortality in a large cohort of septic patients. Methods This is a post-hoc analysis of the Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis (ALBIOS) randomized controlled trial (RCT). Patients with sepsis who survived the first 48 h since randomization were included and stratified into two groups according to their average PaO2 levels during the first 48 h (PaO2 0–48 h). The cut-off value was established at 100 mmHg (average PaO2 0–48 h >100 mmHg: hyperoxemi…
El taller del encuadernador Tomás Cobo y sucesores y la gestión de sus encargos en la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (1859-19…
El presente trabajo trata de analizar la relación entre el taller de Tomás Cobo, su viuda y su sobrino Luis Obispo, desde 1859 hasta 1905, con la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, estudiando la gestión de los encargos que se produjeron, conociendo el tipo de encuadernaciones que se encargaban, el número de volúmenes, el tipo de obras (monografías, revistas, publicaciones internas de la propia Academia…), los precios, los distintos talleres… Tomás Cobo trabajó para la Academia entre 1859 y 1869, su viuda entre 1869 y 1884 y su sobrino Luis Obispo entre 1884 y 1905, fecha última de la que tenemos documentación en la Academia
Assessment of Life Satisfaction of the Physicians of the Silesian Province, Poland
Background: The medical profession is associated with a heavy psychological and physical burden. Specific working conditions can negatively affect the assessment of physicians’ quality of life. The lack of current studies prompted us to evaluate the life satisfaction of the physicians in the Silesian Province in relation to the selected factors (health status, professional preferences, family and material status). Material and methods: The study included 701 physicians and dentists from the Silesian Province aged between 25 and 80 years. It was conducted in 2018 using the Paper and Pencil Interview technique by obtaining non-personalized demographic, anthropometric, socioeconomic, occ…
Hypertrophy and ER Stress Induced by Palmitate Are Counteracted by Mango Peel and Seed Extracts in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
A diet rich in saturated fatty acids (FAs) has been correlated with metabolic dysfunction and ROS increase in the adipose tissue of obese subjects. Thus, reducing hypertrophy and oxidative stress in adipose tissue can represent a strategy to counteract obesity and obesity-related diseases. In this context, the present study showed how the peel and seed extracts of mango (Mangifera indica L.) reduced lipotoxicity induced by high doses of sodium palmitate (PA) in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Mango peel (MPE) and mango seed (MSE) extracts significantly lowered PA-induced fat accumulation by reducing lipid droplet (LDs) and triacylglycerol (TAGs) content in adipocytes. We showed that MPE a…
Photography, sport and the hegemony of men : a material(-)discursive perspective
In this article, the focus is on a theoretical discussion about how to analyse masculinities and power in historical research based on imagery and visual sources from a material-discursive point of departure. The argument is that analysing photographs in sport and the material-discursive representation of men/masculinities could contribute to a broader understanding of men’s hegemony. The article adds to the field of visual literacy and connects research on visual materials, sports history and critical gender studies. The past of Swedish ice hockey constitutes the case, while the understanding of men/masculinities departs from research by Jeff Hearn, Raewyn Connell and other scholars within…
Recapitulating thyroid cancer histotypes through engineering embryonic stem cells
AbstractThyroid carcinoma (TC) is the most common malignancy of endocrine organs. The cell subpopulation in the lineage hierarchy that serves as cell of origin for the different TC histotypes is unknown. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) with appropriate in vitro stimulation undergo sequential differentiation into thyroid progenitor cells (TPCs-day 22), which maturate into thyrocytes (day 30). Here, we create follicular cell-derived TCs of all the different histotypes based on specific genomic alterations delivered by CRISPR-Cas9 in hESC-derived TPCs. Specifically, TPCs harboring BRAFV600E or NRASQ61R mutations generate papillary or follicular TC, respectively, whereas addition of TP53R248…
Analisi molecolare di carcinomi epatocellulari istologicamente caratterizzati e correlazioni eziopatogenetiche
HPLC/HRMS and GC/MS for Triacylglycerols Characterization of Tuna Fish Oils Obtained from Green Extraction
Background: Fish oil is one of the most common lipidic substances that is consumed as a dietary supplement. The high omega-3 fatty acid content in fish oil is responsible for its numerous health benefits. Fish species such as mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon are particularly rich in these lipids, which contain two essential omega-3 fatty acids, known as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Objectives: Due to the scarcity of information in the literature, this study aimed to conduct a qualitative and quantitative characterization of triglycerides (TAGs) in crude tuna fish oil using HPLC/HRMS. Fatty acid (FA) determination was also performed using GC/MS. The tuna fis…
Evidence of a radiation belt around a brown dwarf
Radio observations of ultracool dwarfs, objects comprising brown dwarfs and the very lowest mass stars, have mainly focused on analyzing their light-curve and spectral energy distributions providing valuable insights into their magnetic fields. However, spatially-resolved studies of such magnetospheres have been elusive so far. Radio interferometric observations of the brown dwarf LSR J1835+3259 reveal an extended magnetosphere with a morphology compatible with the presence of a radiation belt, similar to that of Jupiter and Earth, consisting of energetic particles confined via magnetic mirroring. Our finding suggests that radio emitting ultracool dwarfs may behave as scaled up versions of …
La malattia di Fabry comprende una estrema varietà fenotipica in relazione con il grande numero di organi e sistemi coinvolti. La diagnosi di malattia di Fabry è complessa a causa del numero di organi/sistemi coinvolti e dei fenotipi clinici non specifici e della sua rarità. La progressione clinica della malattia si manifesta tra i 30-40 anni quando per i numerosi organi coinvolti compaiono manifestazioni cliniche quali insufficienza cardiaca, renale ed eventi cerebrovascolari. La morte di solito sopraggiunge durante la quarta/quinta decade di vita ed è secondaria all’interessamento cardiaco, renale o cerebrale anche se l’avvento della dialisi e della terapia enzimatica sostitutiva stanno s…
Manipulation of HSP70-SOD1 Expression Modulates SH-SY5Y Differentiation and Susceptibility to Oxidative Stress-Dependent Cell Damage: Involvement in …
The differentiation of neural progenitors is a complex process that integrates different signals to drive transcriptional changes, which mediate metabolic, electrophysiological, and morphological cellular specializations. Understanding these adjustments is essential within the framework of stem cell and cancer research and therapy. Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, widely used in neurobiology research, can be differentiated into neuronal-like cells through serum deprivation and retinoic acid (RA) supplementation. In our study, we observed that the differentiation process triggers the expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70). Notably, inhibition of HSP70 expression by KNK437 causes a dra…
Huojuuko talo nimeltä Suomi? Eri kerrosten väen itseymmärrys ja suhde toisiin
Kirja-arvio teoksesta Anu Kantola ja työryhmä (Sanna Aaltonen, Lotta Haikkola, Lotta Junnilainen, Eeva Luhtakallio, Pauliina Patana, Joonas Timonen & Pekka Tuominen): Kahdeksan kuplan Suomi. Yhteiskunnan muutosten syvät tarinat. Gaudeamus, Helsinki 2022. 335 s.
 Suuri ruuvi vääntää kansakuntaa kauttaaltaan, väittää Helsingin yliopiston viestinnän professori Anu Kantola työryhmänsä kanssa kirjoittamassaan teoksessa Kahdeksan kuplan Suomi. Teoksessa työryhmä seuraa yhteiskunnan muutosten syviä tarinoita valitsemansa kahdeksan yhteiskunnallisen ryhmän kautta. Nämä ryhmät ovat yritysjohtajat suurissa kaupungeissa, joita nimitetään globaalin talouden etujoukoksi; palvelualojen keskitulo…
Toward an unbiased flow measurements in LHC $pp$ collisions
Long-range correlations for pairs of charged particles with two-particle angular correlations are studied in $pp$ at ${\sqrt{{\textit s}}}=13$~TeV with various Monte Carlo generators. The correlation functions are constructed as functions of relative azimuthal angle $\Delta\varphi$ and pseudorapidity separation $\Delta\eta$ for pairs of different particle species with the identified hadrons such as $\pi$, $K$, $p$, and $\Lambda$ in wide $\Delta\eta$ ranges. Fourier coefficients are extracted for the long-range correlations in several -multiplicity classes using a low-multiplicity template fit method. The method allows to subtract the enhanced away-side jet fragments in high-multiplicity wit…
Eino Heikkinen 1939-2022
Gerontologian professori emeritus Eino Heikkinen kuoli kotonaan Helsingissä jouluaaton aattona 2022. Hän oli suomalaisen nykygerontologian tienraivaaja, jonka näkemyksellisyys ja rohkeat avaukset vaikuttivat suuresti ikääntymistutkimuksen kehitykseen ja instituutioihin. nonPeerReviewed
Public to private: Narratives of change in the wake of European higher education decentralisation
Trends in Net Survival from Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Italy (1990–2015)
(1) Objective: In many Western countries, survival from vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) has been stagnating for decades or has increased insufficiently from a clinical perspective. In Italy, previous studies on cancer survival have not taken vulvar cancer into consideration or have pooled patients with vulvar and vaginal cancer. To bridge this knowledge gap, we report the trend in survival from vulvar cancer between 1990 and 2015. (2) Methods: Thirty-eight local cancer registries covering 49% of the national female population contributed the records of 6274 patients. Study endpoints included 1- and 2-year net survival (NS) calculated using the Pohar-Perme estimator and 5-year NS condi…
Femtoscopic correlation function for the $T_{cc}(3875)^+$ state
We have conducted a study of the femtoscopic correlation functions for the $D^0D^{*+}$ and $D^+D^{*0}$ channels that build the $T_{cc}$ state. We develop a formalism that allows us to factorize the scattering amplitudes outside the integrals in the formulas, and the integrals involve the range of the strong interaction explicitly. For a source of size of 1 fm, we find values for the correlation functions of the $D^0 D^{*+}$ and $D^+D^{*0}$ channels at the origin around 30 and 2.5, respectively, and we see these observables converging to unity already for relative momenta of the order of 200 MeV. We conduct tests to see the relevance of the different contributions to the correlation function…
Magnetic impurities on superconducting Pb surfaces
It has been predicted theoretically and found experimentally that magnetic impurities induce localized bound states within the superconducting energy gap, called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states. Combining symmetry analysis with experimental findings provides a convincing argument for the energy splitting and distribution of the YSR peaks, but the full details of the electronic structure remain elusive and simple models with point scatterers lack the full orbital complexity required to meet this challenge. In this work we combine a Greens function based first-principles method, which incorporates a phenomenological parameterization of the superconducting state, with orbitally complex impurity …
Hierarchies of Frequentist Bounds for Quantum Metrology: From Cram\'er-Rao to Barankin
We derive lower bounds on the variance of estimators in quantum metrology by choosing test observables that define constraints on the unbiasedness of the estimator. The quantum bounds are obtained by analytical optimization over all possible quantum measurements and estimators that satisfy the given constraints. We obtain hierarchies of increasingly tight bounds that include the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound at the lowest order. In the opposite limit, the quantum Barankin bound is the variance of the locally best unbiased estimator in quantum metrology. Our results reveal generalizations of the quantum Fisher information that are able to avoid regularity conditions and identify threshold behav…
Barbed Dental Ti6Al4V Alloy Screw : Design and Bench Testing
Background context. Dental implants are designed to replace a missing tooth. Implant stability is vital to achieving osseointegration and successful implantation. Although there are many implants available on the market, there is room for improvement. Purpose. We describe a new dental implant with improved primary stability features. Study design. Lab bench test studies. Methods. We evaluated the new implant using static and flexion–compression fatigue tests with compression loads, 35 Ncm tightening torque, displacement control, 0.01 mm/s actuator movement speed, and 9–10 Hz load application frequency, obtaining a cyclic load diagram. We applied variable cyclic loadings of prede…
The Role of Human Microbiota in Myasthenia Gravis: A Narrative Review
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by fluctuating weakness of the skeletal muscles. Although antibodies against the neuromuscular junction components are recognized, the MG pathogenesis remains unclear, even if with a well-known multifactorial character. However, the perturbations of human microbiota have been recently suggested to contribute to MG pathogenesis and clinical course. Accordingly, some products derived from commensal flora have been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory effects, while other have been shown to possess pro-inflammatory properties. In addition, patients with MG when compared with age-matched controls showed a distinctive …
Effect of Combining Impact-Aerobic and Strength Exercise, and Dietary Habits on Body Composition in Breast Cancer Survivors Treated with Aromatase In…
This study examines both the effect of a twice-weekly combined exercise—1 h session of strength and 1 h session of impact-aerobic—on body composition and dietary habits after one year of treatment with aromatase inhibitors (AI) in breast cancer survivors. Overall, forty-three postmenopausal women with a BMI ≤ 35 kg/m2, breast cancer survivors treated with AI, were randomized into two groups: a control group (CG) (n = 22) and a training group (IG) (n = 21). Body composition, i.e., abdominal, visceral, and subcutaneous adipose tissue) was measured by magnetic resonance. In addition, some questionnaires were used to gather dietary data and to measure adherence to the Mediterranean diet. After …
Pain modulates early sensory brain responses to task‐irrelevant emotional faces
Background Pain can have a significant impact on an individual's life, as it has both cognitive and affective consequences. However, our understanding of how pain affects social cognition is limited. Previous studies have shown that pain, as an alarm stimulus, can disrupt cognitive processing when focal attention is required, but whether pain also affects task-irrelevant perceptual processing is unclear. Methods We examined the effect of laboratory-induced pain on event-related potentials (ERPs) to neutral, sad, and happy faces before, during, and after a cold pressor pain. ERPs reflecting different stages of visual processing (P1, N170, and P2) were analyzed. Results Pain decreased the P1 …