showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Karthago provinciae nostrae magistra venerabilis. Uno sguardo su Cartagine: i Florida di Apuleio


This paper proposes a focus on the city of Carthage through Florida: Apuleius lavishes continuous and extraordinary praise on Carthage and its citizens. It becomes clear how the city, in Apuleius' time, was by then an established and ‘Romanised’ cultural centre. In Apuleius' words, Carthage appears as the only city capable of competing with Rome.

Apuleius Florida Carthago Africanness.Settore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latina

Rare weak decays and neutrino mass


Abstract The question whether neutrinos are Majorana fermions (i.e., their own anti-particles) remains among the most fundamental open questions of subatomic physics. If neutrinos are Majorana particles it would revolutionize our understanding of physics. Although neutrinoless double beta decay, 0νββ, was proposed more than 80 years ago to establish the nature of neutrinos, it remains the most sensitive probe into the non-conservation of lepton number. 0νββ-decay is a postulated extremely slow and yet unobserved radioactive process in which two neutrons (or protons) inside a nucleus transform into two protons (or neutrons) emitting two electrons (or positrons), respectively, but no neutrino…

HistoryneutriinothiukkasfysiikkaydinfysiikkaComputer Science ApplicationsEducationJournal of Physics: Conference Series

Forecasting green roofs’ potential in improving building thermal performance and mitigating urban heat island in the Mediterranean area: An artificia…


Green roofs are widely used in hot or cold climates mainly because they are capable to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and, when implemented at a large scale, reducing air pollution and the urban heat island effect (UHI) in urban contexts. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) black-box algorithms are a valid alternative to studying complex systems. However, the literature highlights - quite surprisingly – none of the available research refers to coupling ANNs and green roofs in the Mediterranean area, where green roofs are instead considered one of the most suitable technologies to reduce the high cooling demand. Therefore, the objective of this research work is to create and validate…

HistorySettore ING-IND/11 - Fisica Tecnica AmbientaleUrban heat IslandPolymers and PlasticsArtificial IntelligenceGreen roofThermal performanceEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyBusiness and International ManagementMediterranean areaIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringApplied Thermal Engineering

Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers


Acknowledgements: The authors thank G. Marciani and O. Jöris for comments on archaeology; C. Jeong, M. Spyrou and K. Prüfer for comments on genetics; M. O’Reilly for graphical support for Fig. 5 and Extended Data Fig. 9; the entire IT and laboratory teams at the Department of Archaeogenetics of MPI-SHH for technical assistance; M. Meyer and S. Nagel for support with single-stranded library preparation; K. Post, P. van Es, J. Glimmerveen, M. Medendorp, M. Sier, S. Dikstra, M. Dikstra, R. van Eerden, D. Duineveld and A. Hoekman for providing access to human specimens from the North Sea (The Netherlands); M. D. Garralda and A. Estalrrich for providing access to human specimens from La Riera (S…

HistoryAncient dnaInteractionsCave/45/23AdmixtureSettore BIO/08 - Antropologia/631/208/457/631/181/276160 Other humanitiesContaminationHumansHuntingPalaeogenomicsPopulation-structureArchaeology ; Biological anthropology ; Evolutionary genetics ; Population geneticsHistory AncientHuman evolutionDiversityOccupationMultidisciplinary/45Genome HumanarticlePaleontologyLast glacial maximumHuman GeneticsGene PoolGenomics/631/181/19/2471PleistoceneEuropeGenomic transformationsArchaeology/631/181/2474AnthropologyHunter-gatherersGenome sequence

Feasibility of conductive embroidered threads for I 2 C sensors in microcontroller-based wearable electronics


Abstract In recent years, the importance of flexible and textile electronics in the field of wearable devices has continuously increased, as they are expected to replace conventional wires that exhibit limited resistance to the mechanical stress occurring in on-body applications. Wearable health devices (WHDs) can provide physiological information about various body parts and employ distributed sensor networks. Among the sensors typically integrated within WHDs, those based on the I2C communication protocol are very common and exploit signals transmitted at frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz. Therefore, robust communication is required to guarantee a proper transmission of the signal a…

textile electronics conductive threads I2C communication protocol wearable health devices (WHDs) photoplethysmography (PPG)Settore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica E InformaticaElectrical and Electronic EngineeringSettore ING-INF/01 - ElettronicaElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsFlexible and Printed Electronics

Non è risarcibile il danno biologico terminale nel caso in cui la vittima non sopravviva per più di un giorno all’evento letifero


danno biologicodanno terminaledanno non patrimonialeresponsabilità civileSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privato

L’excursus evolutivo fra l’OCSE e l’Unione Europea


Il contributo esamina Il ruolo svolto dall’OCSE e dall’Unione Europea nello sviluppo di possibili modelli di tassazione dell'econima digitale, distinguendo tre fasi. La prima è stata definita come fase della “neutralità”, poiché l’economia digitale è stata considerata alla stregua dell’economia tradizionale e, pertanto, l’approccio fiscale nei suoi confronti doveva essere neutrale, cioè non diverso da quello che ha storicamente caratterizzato l’economia tradizionale a livello internazionale. La seconda è stata definita come fase del “contrasto” poiché, muovendo dalla consapevolezza che l’applicazione degli strumenti della digitalizzazione all’economia tradizionale aveva consentito alle impr…

Digital economy BEPS Pillar One Pillar twoSettore IUS/12 - Diritto Tributario

Quantum planning for swarm robotics


Computational resources of quantum computing can enhance robotic motion, decision making, and path planning. While the quantum paradigm is being applied to individual robots, its approach to swarms of simple and interacting robots remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap between swarm robotics and quantum computing, in the framework of a search and rescue mission. We focus on a decision-making and path-planning collective task. Thus, we present a quantum-based path-planning algorithm for a swarm of robots. Quantization enters position and reward information (measured as a robot’s proximity to the target) and path-planning decisions. Pairwise information-exchan…

Settore INF/01 - InformaticaControl and Systems EngineeringGeneral MathematicsGrover search Quantum decision-making Foraging-ant behaviorSoftwareComputer Science Applications

Il Commissariato dello Stato in una Regione insulare in I RAPPORTI STATO REGIONE UNA RIFLESSIONE


Il contributo è stato presentato al convegno su i rapporti Stato-Regioni in occasione del LXXV anniversario delle norme di attuazione riguardanti il Commissario dello Stato per la Regione siciliana. Lo scritto concentra la propria riflessione sul mutato ruolo del commissario dello Stato nella Regione siciliana nella prospettiva della autonomia speciale connessa alla condizioni di insularità riconosciuta dall'art 119, 6 comma della Costituzione.

rapporti Stato-Regioni Commissario dello Stato

L’art. 230 bis c.c. può estendersi anche alle coppie di fatto? La questione alle Sezioni Unite


convivenzacoppie di fattoSettore IUS/01 - Diritto Privatoimpresa familiare

Theory of storage implications in the European natural gas market


The theory of storage stands that futures prices should be equal to the spot price plus the interest forgone in storing the commodity and the warehousing costs minus the convenience yield on the inventory. In this paper, we test several implications of the theory of storage on the pricing of United Kingdom natural gas futures. We obtain partial evidence for the theory of storage as a complete explanation of the pricing of this futures contract. Explicitly, (i) we obtain evidence to explain convenience yield seasonality with spot price volatility, unexpected demand shocks when supply is tight, inventory variations, and trading activity in the futures markets; (ii) we obtain indirect evidence…

natural gasEconomics and EconometricsUNESCO::CIENCIAS ECONÓMICASconvenience yieldfutures marketsFinanceJournal of Commodity Markets

Ethics in Legal Research


The essay grapples with one of the most controversial issues about legal research, namely its complex ethical and methodological dimension—here argued to be comparative—assessing the high scientific value of studying law. After clarifying what differentiates such a field of research from other natural and social studies, the authors address the presence of secondary interests and the need to use personal data for scientific purposes, as relevant situations which could undermine the reliability of any legal research or allow its thoroughness at the risk of interfering with human rights. The adherence to a rigorous and effective method in investigating national and foreign law, and the compli…

Comparative MethodConflict of Interests in Legal ResearchSettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato ComparatoComparative lawData Protection

Ethical Dilemmas in Urban Studies


This chapter discusses research into urban studies, and specifically how we might best frame the ethical issues which arise in, and through, such research. One of its central contentions is that ethical sensitivity is developed by researchers as part of a social practice, i.e. through communal activity of a particular kind. Therefore, important as it is to ensure that researchers are aware of their personal ethical responsibilities, understanding what the moral point of view requires—i.e. being sensitive to ethical issues, especially in new circumstances—is something which researchers acquire through involvement in appropriately conducted social practices. The chapter’s suggestion is that t…

urban studiesocial justiceethicSettore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaSettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia

Immaginazione e relazioni di potere nell’opera di Carl Sauer


The aim of this contribution is to highlight the denunciation of abuse and social inequalities and the domination of some groups of individuals over others in the production of Carl Ortwin Sauer, the father of North American cultural geography. The role of imagination in some works of the American geographer will also be highlighted.

Carl Sauer imagination Northern Mists cultural geographySettore M-GGR/01 - Geografia



Nell'era digitale, la tecnologia è in continua evoluzione, con enormi progressi nell'automazione che consentono una gestione della manutenzione più efficiente ed economica. Le tecnologie digitali stanno convergendo e avanzando insieme alle industrie, determinando progressi significativi nella gestione della manutenzione. La tradizionale strategia di manutenzione preventiva gestita dall'uomo lascia progressivamente spazio alla manutenzione predittiva, che rappresenta un’ottima opportunità per migliorare significativamente la pianificazione della manutenzione del sistema, in particolare per i sistemi più complessi e dal significativo valore monetario. Tuttavia, l’implementazione di tecniche d…

Predictive maintenance Decision-making models complex systems optimization maintenance digitalization maintenance management Industry 4.0 Multi-criteria decision-making Complex systemsSettore ING-IND/17 - Impianti Industriali Meccanici

Thermofluid-dynamic assessment of the EU-DEMO divertor single-circuit cooling option


Until 2019, the thermo-hydraulic development of the EU-DEMO divertor was based on the “double-circuit” concept, in which two independent cooling circuits served by two different Primary Heat Transfer Systems were used to cool the Plasma-Facing Components (PFC) and the Cassette Body (CB). During the Divertor Final Design Review Meeting, held in May 2020, the possibility to adopt a single cooling circuit to serve both components was suggested. This new cooling circuit was originally conceived with the aim of simplifying remote maintenance, with potential benefits for some aspects of safety and balance of plant design and integration. During the years from 2020 to 2022, in the fram…

DivertorThermofluid-dynamicsNuclear Energy and EngineeringMechanical EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceCFD analysisDEMOPlasma facing componentsSettore ING-IND/19 - Impianti NucleariCivil and Structural Engineering

Sviluppo di spugne bioerodibili multifunzionali per la promozione di processi riparativi mediante il rilascio controllato di agenti antibiotici e ant…


La salute delle strutture molli e dure del cavo orale è essenziale non solo per preservare le funzioni ad esse direttamente associate, ma anche per promuovere la salute generale dell’organismo. Tra le problematiche di maggiore interesse clinico a carico della cavità orale ritroviamo: i) le complicazioni post-operatorie che possono verificarsi a seguito di comuni avulsioni dentali che, se non trattate tempestivamente, possono sfociare in gravi parodontiti; ii) i fenomeni di osteonecrosi a carico di mascella e mandibola associate a trattamenti farmacologici nonché alla radioterapia; iii) il carcinoma orale a cellule squamose (OSCC) che è tra i più aggressivi tumori del collo e della testa, ca…

Settore CHIM/09 - Farmaceutico Tecnologico ApplicativoSettore MED/28 - Malattie Odontostomatologicheoral disease polyphenols drug delivery system nanostructured lipid carrier nanocomposite polymeric microparticle spray drying 3D-printed scaffold wound healing controlled drug release kinetic evaluation.



Signing the Agenda 2030 in 2015, 193 Member Countries of the United Nation unequivocally declared the intention to pursue their efforts to actively restructure a sustainable world. Inter alia, through Goal 4, the Agenda links the achievement of sustainable and democratic development to the theme of inclusion, which has been animating both the pedagogical and political international debate for more than two decades. What stands out is the need to address the education to all, no one excluded, in order to foster the human empowerment at a personal, community and social level. That indistinguishably means to give all students a fair opportunity to flourish and fully realize their potential, in…

Inclusion outdoor education place-based education school sustainability.Settore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

Microwave-assisted chemical modification of g-C3N4 for photoinduced processes: organic degradation, hydrogen production and selective oxidation of al…


g-C3N4 powders were treated by means of the microwave technique in three different aqueous and organic media (HNO3, NaOH and N,N-dimethylformamide). All powders were analyzed by XRD reveling that g-C3N4 maintains its structure. The morphology of the samples was analyzed with scanning electron microscopy, where the micrographs reveals that the modifcation occurs on the surface of the g-C3N4. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was evaluated in the degradation of ciprofoxacin, hydrogen production and for the selective partial oxidation of 4-methoxybenzylalcohol (4-MBA) to its aldehyde. The sample treated with HNO3 (C3N4-HNO3) shows the best photocatalytic performance in the degradation…

CiprofoxacinSettore CHIM/03 - Chimica Generale E Inorganicag-C3N4Microwave exfoliationOxidation of alcoholsSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle TecnologieGeneral ChemistryChemical exfoliationPhotocatalysisHydrogen evolutionResearch on Chemical Intermediates

Transplacental permeability of heavy metals in relation to newborn sex - evidence from the neurodevelopment project


Introduction: Gender medicine is an innovative medical approach that studies how some biological variables are influenced by the male or female sex and gender. This issue is under debate because it characterizes the impact of tailored or individual medicine. In this scenario, the aim of this study is to study the correlation between heavy metal exposure and pathologies of neurodevelopment, according to the sex of newborns. In particular, this is an observational study under the name of the Neurosviluppo Project, involving 217 mother-child couples. Material and methods: The correlation with phenotype small for gestational age and congenital malformations were studied, but above all we focuse…

Metal exposureTransplacental transport.Endocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismSexual medicineObstetrics and GynecologyGender medicineSex and genderSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E Ostetricia

Memoria e coscienza storiografica nella “praefatio” all’«Ystoriola Langobardorum Beneventum degen-tium» di Erchemperto


In this intervention the reading of the "praefatio" at the «Ystoriola Langobardorum Beneventum degentium» by Erchempert, a Lombard historian of the IXth century, is conducted. The examination allows us to observe, as a preliminary, a historian of the High Middle Ages at his “work table”, in the reference to the sources and models and, at the same time, in the clear awareness of the innovative elements that he proposes to highlight through the story of the tragic and fatal decline of the Lombard people of southern Italy. To this are added other connotations that refer to a precise historiographical awareness, such as the high judgment of himself, the profession of truthfulness of the narrati…

Settore L-FIL-LET/08 - Letteratura Latina Medievale E UmanisticaErchempert Lombards History of Benevento Memory Historiographic Awareness

The photophysics of distorted nanographenes: Ultra-slow relaxation dynamics, memory effects, and delayed fluorescence


The controlled deformation and engineering of the sp2 carbon network in atomically-precise nanographenes, and their substantially larger size as compared to typical optical dyes, opens new opportunities for the modulation of optical and electronic properties, but the peculiar photophysics of these systems is still poorly understood. Here, through a detailed comparative study of two well-defined distorted nanographenes, we show that they can exhibit interesting photophysical features, such as triplet-triplet annihilation delayed fluorescence, ultra-slow excited state dynamics, and excitation-wavelength memory effects on the nanosecond and sub-nanosecond relaxation cascades. Some of these beh…

Atomically-precise distorted nanographenesExcitation memory-effectsSettore FIS/01 - Fisica SperimentaleGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral ChemistrySlow dynamical structural relaxationDelayed fluorescencePhotophysical properties

Formulations and valid inequalities for the capacitated dispersion problem


This work focuses on the capacitated dispersion problem for which we study several mathematical formulations in different spaces using variables associated with nodes, edges, and costs. The relationships among the presented formulations are investigated by comparing the projections of the feasible sets of the LP relaxations onto the subspace of natural variables. These formulations are then strengthened with families of valid inequalities and variable-fixing procedures. The separation problems associated with the valid inequalities that are exponential in number are shown to be polynomially solvable by reducing them to longest path problems in acyclic graphs. The dual bounds obtained from s…

TechnologyseparationScience & Technologydispersion problemComputer Networks and CommunicationsOperations Research & Management Scienceextended formulationtelescopic sumsUNESCO::CIENCIAS TECNOLÓGICASvalid inequalitieslocation scienceHardware and ArchitectureComputer ScienceComputer Science Hardware & Architecturepolyhedral combinatoricsSoftwareInformation Systems

On-Demand Security Framework for 5GB Vehicular Networks


Building accurate Machine Learning (ML) at-tack detection models for 5G and Beyond (5GB) vehicular networks requires collaboration between Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) nodes. However, while operating collaboratively, ensuring the ML model’s security and data privacy is challenging. To this end, this article proposes a secure and privacy-preservation on-demand framework for building attack-detection ML models for 5GB vehicular networks. The proposed framework emerged from combining 5GB technologies, namely, Federated Learning (FL), blockchain, and smart contracts to ensure fair and trustedinteractions between FL servers (edge nodes) with FL workers (vehicles). Moreover, it also provides an ef…

—5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks: Computer science [C05] [Engineering computing & technology]Blockchain[SPI] Engineering Sciences [physics]Security and Privacy: Sciences informatiques [C05] [Ingénierie informatique & technologie]Federated Learning5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks

“Ciberneretica” simondoniana


This paper analyses the reception of Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics in France with particular attention to the perspective proposed by Gilbert Simondon. The debate that has emerged since the 1950s among the philosophers of the so-called French Theory opens up the possibility of speaking of a revised cybernetics on the basis of the need to go beyond the structural analogy between living being and machine. The present paper investigates the relationship between Simondon and cybernetics by considering his 1953 manuscript, his two doctoral theses and his speech at the Royaumont conference in 1962. It also focuses on the concept of ecceità that Simondon uses in order to speak from the qualitative …

Simondon information cybernetics french theory machineSettore M-FIL/06 - Storia Della Filosofia

Expanding Acutuncus : Phylogenetics and morphological analyses reveal a considerably wider distribution for this tardigrade genus


The tardigrade genus Acutuncus has been long thought to be an Antarctic endemism, well adapted to this harsh environment. The Antarctic endemicity of Acutuncus was recently dispelled with the description of Acutuncus mariae Zawierucha, 2020 found in the Svalbard archipelago. The integrated analyses on two newly found Acutuncus populations from UK and Italy, and a population of Acutuncus antarcticus found close to its type locality allowed us to expand the climatic and geographic range of the genus Acutuncus. These findings also allowed us to re-evaluate the morphological diagnoses of Acutuncus and accommodate it in the newly proposed monotypic family Acutuncidae fam. nov. Two new Acutuncus …

karhukaisetevoluutiobiologiasystematiikka (biologia)fylogenetiikkaAcutuncuslevinneisyysantarcticapolar regionnapa-alueetTardigradeendemismkotoperäiset lajitGeneticsMolecular BiologyEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsEtelämannerintegrative taxonomy



The Edu-social Algorithm research project aims to construct a micro-pedagogical, experimental, digital research action to create a methodological model using the functions and algorithms found in social media used by Generation Alpha (specifically Instagram). The project is the manifestation of an explorative research path seeking to alter the algorithms that form the basis of all the major platforms in current cyberspace, and in “Big Tech”. This alteration is possible through the development of a community of virtual practice, consisting of students and faculty working within Instagram through an interactive approach, to take pedagogical advantage of their mobile phones and apps. The quali…

Mobile Learning Community of Virtual Practices Media Education Information and Communication Technologies Generation AlphaSettore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia Speciale

First Characterization of Novel Silicon Carbide Detectors with Ultra-High Dose Rate Electron Beams for FLASH Radiotherapy


Ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) beams for FLASH radiotherapy present significant dosimetric challenges. Although novel approaches for decreasing or correcting ion recombination in ionization chambers are being proposed, applicability of ionimetric dosimetry to UHDR beams is still under investigation. Solid-state sensors have been recently investigated as a valuable alternative for real-time measurements, especially for relative dosimetry and beam monitoring. Among them, Silicon Carbide (SiC) represents a very promising candidate, compromising between the maturity of Silicon and the robustness of diamond. Its features allow for large area sensors and high electric fields, required to avoid ion r…

FLASH radiotherapy; Silicon Carbide; dosimetry; beam monitoring; UHDRFluid Flow and Transfer Processesbeam monitoringdosimetrySilicon CarbidePhysicsProcess Chemistry and TechnologyGeneral EngineeringSettore FIS/07 - Fisica Applicata(Beni Culturali Ambientali Biol.e Medicin)Computer Science ApplicationsChemistryUHDRFLASH radiotherapyGeneral Materials ScienceHuman medicineInstrumentationApplied Sciences (Switzerland)

C3N4/reduced graphene oxide photocatalysts loaded with Ag or Ag/Pt for H2 evolution from aqueous solution of triethanolamine


Composites of C3N4/reduced graphene oxide have been used as photocatalysts for triethanolamine photo- reforming with H2 generation in aqueous solution. The rate of H2 production over the Ag loaded best per- forming photocatalyst reached 525 μmol⋅h

Platinum cocatalystC3N4/reduced graphene oxidePhotoreformingGeneral ChemistrySilver cocatalystSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle TecnologieH2 evolutionCatalysis

A stochastic approach for self-healing capability evaluation in active islanded AC/DC hybrid microgrids


This paper aims to implement a resilience assessment in AC/DC hybrid microgrids using a stochastic simulation approach. Self-healing measures including load shedding, control of distributed generation and flexible devices, like Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and Electrical Vehicles (EVs), are simulated to enable AC/DC hybrid microgrids to supply critical loads in islanded mode, assuming a disconnection of these microgrids from the main AC grid due to a fault. To perform this analysis, a two-stage process is proposed: first, a Monte-Carlo simulation-based stochastic approach is adopted to generate samples to simulate intermittent loads, power generation from Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), an…

Flexible sourcesSettore ING-IND/33 - Sistemi Elettrici Per L'EnergiaResilienceRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentControl and Systems EngineeringSelf-healingEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyMonte-Carlo simulationStochastic analysisElectrical and Electronic EngineeringAC/DC hybrid microgridsOptimal power flowSustainable Energy, Grids and Networks

Bone diagenesis of archaeological human remains from Apulia (Italy) investigated by ATR-FTIR and XRF spectroscopy


The analysis of the organic and mineral content of biological samples allows to define post-mortem alterations and the preservation status of ancient human remains. Here, we report a physical-chemical characterization of bone specimens from some skeletal remains found in Apulia (Italy) dating back to the prehistoric, classic-hellenistic, and medieval periods. Specific infrared band ratios from Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform InfraRed and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopies were considered to evaluate the extent of the diagenetic process and the elemental composition of bone.Physical-chemical post-mortem transformations were related to the soil composition and specificity of tis…

Archaeological boneMechanics of MaterialsMechanical EngineeringXRFGeneral Materials ScienceSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaCondensed Matter PhysicsHuman remainsDiagenesisATR-FTIRSettore CHIM/02 - Chimica Fisica

The effect of sad mood on early sensory event-related potentials to task-irrelevant faces


It has been shown that the perceiver's mood affects the perception of emotional faces, but it is not known how mood affects preattentive brain responses to emotional facial expressions. To examine the question, we experimentally induced sad and neutral mood in healthy adults before presenting them with task-irrelevant pictures of faces while an electroencephalography was recorded. Sad, happy, and neutral faces were presented to the participants in an ignore oddball condition. Differential responses (emotional – neutral) for the P1, N170, and P2 amplitudes were extracted and compared between neutral and sad mood conditions. Emotional facial expressions modulated all the components, and an in…

515 PsychologymielialaGeneral Neurosciencehavaitseminenmood inductionP1Neuropsychology and Physiological PsychologytunteetEEGkognitiivinen neurotiedeilmeetkasvotERPfacial expression

Flow resistance due to shrubs and woody vegetation


In this paper, a theoretical open channel flow resistance equation was verified using flow depth and discharge measurements carried out by Freeman et al. in a large channel, 2.44 m wide, for ten different types of uniform-sized plants (shrubs and woody vegetation). The plants, which are broadleaf deciduous vegetation commonly found in floodplains and riparian zones, were placed in staggered rows inside the channel whose bed was constructed to accept plants with their root systems. For each species, the available measurements were carried out by Freeman et al. with plants having different values of plant density, height, and bending stiffness. The available literature database (87 measuremen…

Self-similarityDimensional analysiVegetationFlow resistanceOpen channelVelocity profileModeling and SimulationSettore AGR/08 - Idraulica Agraria E Sistemazioni Idraulico-ForestaliElectrical and Electronic EngineeringInstrumentationComputer Science ApplicationsFlow Measurement and Instrumentation

Coupled VEM–BEM Approach for Isotropic Damage Modelling in Composite Materials


Numerical prediction of composite damage behaviour at the microscopic level is still a challenging engineering issue for the analysis and design of modern materials. In this work, we document the application of a recently developed numerical technique based on the coupling between the virtual element method (VEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) within the framework of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) to model the in-plane damage evolution characteristics of composite materials. BEM is a widely adopted and efficient numerical technique that reduces the problem dimensionality due to its underlying formulation. It substantially simplifies the pre-processing stage and decreases the compu…

Boundary Element MethodDamage ModellingModeling and SimulationVirtual Element MethodComposite MaterialsSettore ING-IND/04 - Costruzioni E Strutture AerospazialiComputer Science Applications

Il diritto all’oblio tra definizione sostanziale e rimedi di tutela. Riflessioni alla luce della giurisprudenza più re cente della Corte di Cassazion…


The most recent judgements of the Court of Cassation and the Court of Justice of the European Union offer food for thought, to outline the different attitude of the balance between the protection of personal data and the right to information in the digital environment. These rulings in particular point out the reference to de-indexing as a useful remedy for the purpose of balancing opposing interests that does not disproportionately penalize the right to information, according to methods which, after some uncertainties, seem to highlight elements of convergence in the relative protection between the State level and the European level.

Settore IUS/08 - Diritto CostituzionaleRight to be forgotten Digital identity Deletion of data Delisting Right to information Balancing.

Ricerche a Solunto (2022)


New Investigations at Solunto (2022) ∙ The last fieldwork campaign in Solunto by the University of Palermo, in the sanctuary above the theatre and in the baths near the agora (the North Baths), obtained some relevant results concerning both the building sequences and the architectural configurations. In the sanctuary, a clearer picture is emerging of the oldest layout, dating from the 4th century B.C. (1st phase). After the first reshaping of the street grid and of the urban layout (2nd phase), in the second half of 2nd century B.C., an overall restyling (3rd phase) gave the whole sanctuary area an impressive organization into terraces linked through ramps and stairways. A striking feature,…

Settore L-ANT/10 - Metodologie Della Ricerca ArcheologicaSolunto Fieldwork Sanctuary above the Theatre Agora Baths Virtual Reconstruction