showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
La perception multisource : une nouvelle approche de la perception de scènes
Resume Les recherches menees ces dernieres annees dans le domaine de la cognition spatiale font etat d’observations empiriques originales dont l’approche « traditionnelle » parvient parfois difficilement a rendre compte. L’une des contributions majeures de ces observations a ete d’inviter a repenser la perception de scenes, considerant que celle-ci beneficierait a ne plus etre apprehendee comme etant centree principalement sur la modalite sensorielle consideree. A ce titre, le Modele multisource de la perception de scenes (Intraub et al.) offre un cadre theorique alternatif, selon lequel la perception de scenes serait structuree autour d’un cadre spatial egocentrique, complete par different…
Sheep habit during hand milking, and relations between the incorrect hand milking procedure and mammary health
This study aimed: (1) to evaluate the relation between the incorrect hand milking and mammary health; (2) to test the hypothesis of the ewe habit in the workstation, of their choice, during the milking. Teat moisturization with foam milk collected from the milk tank represents a high-risk factor because potentially contain mastitis-causing bacteria previously released from affected ewes. Moreover, it was found that sheep are routinary animals by habit during hand milking.
Metodologies competencials en la formació literària de mestres: experiències didàctiques per fomentar el pensament reflexiu: Competence-based methodo…
L’objectiu d’aquest article és descriure i analitzar alguns projectes d’educació literària realitzats durant els últims vuit anys en el marc de la formació de docents per tal de reflexionar sobre la importància de l’ús de metodologies actives i competencials per l’ensenyament de la literatura al context universitari. Aquests projectes conformen experiències didàctiques com ara tallers d’escriptura, rutes literàries i l’ús dels videojocs per al foment lector. Presentem un comentari qualitatiu dels resultats d’aprenentatge més significatius i de la valoració dels estudiants a partir de la tria de diverses mostres. Finalment, arribem a la conclusió que aquestes experiències promouen no només l…
Ethics in Legal Research
The essay grapples with one of the most controversial issues about legal research, namely its complex ethical and methodological dimension—here argued to be comparative—assessing the high scientific value of studying law. After clarifying what differentiates such a field of research from other natural and social studies, the authors address the presence of secondary interests and the need to use personal data for scientific purposes, as relevant situations which could undermine the reliability of any legal research or allow its thoroughness at the risk of interfering with human rights. The adherence to a rigorous and effective method in investigating national and foreign law, and the compli…
Analysis of the Combustion Process in a Hydrogen-Fueled CFR Engine
Green hydrogen, produced using renewable energy, is nowadays one of the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels for reducing pollutant emissions and in turn global warming. In particular, the use of hydrogen as fuel for internal combustion engines has been widely analyzed over the past few years. In this paper, the authors show the results of some experimental tests performed on a hydrogen-fueled CFR (Cooperative Fuel Research) engine, with particular reference to the combustion. Both the air/fuel (A/F) ratio and the engine compression ratio (CR) were varied in order to evaluate the influence of the two parameters on the combustion process. The combustion duration was divided in two par…
Membranous dysmenorrhoea in a woman undergoing hormone replacement preparation for embryo transfer - a peculiar case
Membranous dysmenorrhoea is an uncommon condition characterized by the spontaneous flaking of endometrium into a single piece that maintains the shape of the uterus. The common symptom of membranous dysmenorrhoea is a colicky pain caused by uterine contractions. Because only a limited number of cases have been published in the literature, the case report we present is peculiar. This report describes a case of membranous dysmenorrhoea that occurred after an artificial frozen thawed embryo transfer cycle using vaginal progesterone. The patient, during hormone replacement treatment, reported an intense abdominal colicky pain resulting in the loss of membranous endometrial tissue. A histopathol…
Outcomes After Chevron Osteotomy with and Without Additional Akin Osteotomy: A Retrospective Comparative Study
Abstract Background Chevron osteotomy is one of the most common approaches to hallux valgus corrective surgery. This procedure is often combined with Akin osteotomy of the proximal phalanx of the hallux. There are no definitive guidelines specifying the indications for a given osteotomy technique nor data on postoperative loss of correction or the effect of the type of first-ray surgery on the development of adjacent-joint arthritis. The aim of this study was to assess radiographic treatment outcomes via chevron osteotomy with and without Akin osteotomy. Methods The study evaluated 117 patients treated in the period 2016–2019. Ninety-nine of those patients underwent distal chevron osteotomy…
Presentazione della seconda edizione
with this presentation the red thread that follows the whole volume is identified
Depression, Perceived Risk of COVID-19, Loneliness, and Perceived Social Support from Friends Among University Students in Poland, UK, and India
Anna Bokszczanin,1 Marek Palace,2 William Brown,3 Olga Gladysh,4 Rakhi Tripathi,5 Divya Shree6 1Institute of Psychology, University of Opole, Opole, Poland; 2School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK; 3School of Psychology, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK; 4Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; 5Information Technology Area, FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India; 6School of Criminology and Behavioural Sciences, Rashtriya Raksha University Lavad, Dahegam, IndiaCorrespondence: Anna Bokszczanin, University of Opole, Institute of Psychology, 45-052 Opole, Plac Staszica 1, Opole, Poland, Email abok@uni.opole.plBackground: The …
An integral framework for computational thermo-elastic homogenization of polycrystalline materials
A grain scale framework for thermo-elastic analysis and computational homogenization of polycrystalline materials is proposed. The morphology of crystal aggregates is represented employing Voronoi tessellations, which retain the main statistical features of polycrystalline materials. The behaviour of the individual grains is modelled starting from an integral representation for anisotropic thermo-elasticity, which is numerically addressed through a dual reciprocity boundary element method. The integrity of the aggregate is enforced through suitable intergranular thermo-elastic continuity conditions. By virtue of the features of the underlying formulation, the polycrystalline thermo-elastic …
Surface processes in selective photocatalytic oxidation of hydroxybenzyl alcohols by TiO2 P25
Aryl aldehydes and acids are important industrial intermediates, but their synthesis from the corresponding alcohols often requires the use of high temperatures and harmful solvents and oxidant agents. Heterogeneous photocatalysis represents an interesting option for the partial oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes at room temperature using water as solvent. In this work, the partial photocatalytic oxidation of 2-hydroxybenzyl alcohol (salicyl alcohol) and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol to the corresponding aldehydes and acids has been compared, under environmental-friendly conditions, employing TiO2 P25 as photocatalyst in water. The selectivity to the corresponding aldehydes and acids, under the s…
The Diaptomidae (Copepoda, Calanoida) of Tunisia and the role of spatial and environmental factors as drivers of their distribution patterns
AbstractEven in a biodiversity hotspot such as the Mediterranean basin, aspects relating to the distribution of some groups of microcrustaceans still need clarification. In this paper, we critically analyse the available information on diaptomid copepods in Tunisian inland waters and, based on the largest sampling campaign to date carried out in the country, report new data on their distribution. In the frame of this study, 248 crustacean samples were collected from 190 sites, and 10 diaptomid species belonging to 7 genera and 2 subfamilies were found in the samples. Their distribution follows a climate gradient determined by precipitation, and ecological variables mainly affect diaptomid d…
Lezioni di diritto agrario contemporaneo, seconda edizione
The volume aims to present the reader with a renewed vision of the main institutes and the most significant rules that indicate the specificity of agricultural law in the legal system; without any claim to be exhaustive, the text therefore offers a contemporary reading inspired by the new functions and new responsibilities attributed to agriculture by the Green Deal which, between sustainable practices, new technologies and digitization, aims to safeguard biodiversity and good health of the “Earth” for future generations.
Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy followed by in-bag transvaginal corpus uteri morcellation and extraction: A case series
Objectives: Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy (LSH) is a possible treatment for patients with benign uterine disease. Once the hysterectomy has been completed, morcellation and extraction of the corpus uteri is a crucial step of the procedure. We here present a case series to evaluate the feasibility of the in-bag transvaginal specimen retrieval following LSH. Study design: We report a case series of consecutive patients who underwent LSH followed by in-bag transvaginal specimen retrieval. LSH was accomplished in a standard fashion. Once the uterus was detached from the cervix, a 2 cm posterior colpotomy was performed laparoscopically with a monopolar hook under direct view to insert a spe…
A solar photothermo-catalytic combined process for the VOCs combustion and the subsequent CO2 valorization using noble metal-free catalysts
We here investigated a solar photothermo-catalytic combined process where the toluene (as volatile organic compound model) was first oxidized to CO2 which was subsequently converted into solar fuels in a second reactor. For this aim two noble-metal free catalytic systems were used, namely MnOx-ZrO2, which gave the best results for the toluene removal, and brookite TiO2-CeO2 mixed oxides which were the most efficient in the subsequent CO2 conversion. This latter reaction was further improved by the addition of small amounts of copper-based materials on brookite-ceria, acting as co-catalysts. The key point for both the examined reactions was the synergism between the thermocatalytic and the p…
High-spectral-resolution Fabry-Pérot interferometers overcome fundamental limitations of present volcanic gas remote sensing techniques
Remote sensing (RS) of volcanic gases has become a central tool for studying volcanic activity. For instance, ultraviolet (UV) skylight spectroscopy with grating spectrographs (GS) enables SO2 (and, under favourable conditions, BrO) quantification in volcanic plumes from autonomous platforms at safe distances. These measurements can serve volcanic monitoring and they cover all stages of volcanic activity in long measurement time series, which substantially contributes to the refinement of theories on volcanic degassing. Infrared (IR) remote sensing techniques are able to measure further volcanic gases (e.g., HF, HCl, CO2, CO). However, the employed Fourier transform spectrometers (FTSs) are…
Subserosal pregnancy: a new type of ectopic pregnancy?
No abstract available
La recente riforma della disciplina italiana del subappalto nella prospettiva del bid rigging
L’articolo analizza in chiave critica la disciplina nazionale del subappalto nell’ambito delle gare pubbliche, così come recentemente riformata a seguito di diversi interventi normativi in ottemperanza alla procedura d’infrazione avviata dalla Commissione UE. Stando alla tesi dell’A., l’attuale quadro normativo – caratterizzato dalla quasi totale eliminazione delle limitazioni previgenti (probabilmente anche spingendosi oltre ciò che la Commissione UE ha richiesto) – difetta nel trovare un equo bilanciamento tra il principio della massima partecipazione alla gara, da un lato, e l’esigenza di prevenire e svelare potenziali condotte collusive, dall’altro. La suddetta conclusione, peraltro, ap…
Ectopic expression of the AtCDF1 transcription factor in potato enhances tuber starch and amino acid contents and yield under open field conditions
16 Pág.
Ordenación territorial supramunicipal de tipo bottom-up y top-down en España: el caso valenciano
La principal entidad supramunicipal española actual es la provincia, cuya función primordial es apoyar a los municipios más pequeños que, a menudo, no pueden prestar los servicios que requieren sus habitantes. La escasa eficiencia que ha mostrado, en general, la institución provincial como entidad local, y la necesidad de crear una organización territorial autonómica propia y eficiente, ha llevado a las comunidades autónomas a implementar otro tipo de entes locales supramunicipales, tanto de tipo top-down (comarcas, áreas funcionales, áreas metropolitanas) como, sobre todo, de tipo bottom-up (mancomunidades, consorcios). Estos entes locales intermedios entre municipio y provincia tienen fun…
Characteristics and outcomes of an international cohort of 600 000 hospitalized patients with COVID-19
Abstract Background We describe demographic features, treatments and clinical outcomes in the International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) COVID-19 cohort, one of the world's largest international, standardized data sets concerning hospitalized patients. Methods The data set analysed includes COVID-19 patients hospitalized between January 2020 and January 2022 in 52 countries. We investigated how symptoms on admission, co-morbidities, risk factors and treatments varied by age, sex and other characteristics. We used Cox regression models to investigate associations between demographics, symptoms, co-morbidities and other factors with risk of death, admiss…
Negociating transformative agreements
La réalité des publications des chercheurs français progresse dans son ouverture comme le démontre le Baromètre pour la Science ouverte 1. Pourtant, à ce jour, plus de la moitié des articles français sont publiés dans des revues internationales, ce qui rend nécessaire la négociation avec les acteurs commerciaux de l'édition scientifique. L'accès ouvert aux publications scientifiques, conçu dans une volonté de rendre rapidement les résultats de la recherche accessibles au plus grand nombre, influence la façon d'aborder les négociations avec les éditeurs académiques. Dès les années 2010, plusieurs consortiums de bibliothèques ont engagé des négociations pour obtenir des accords incluant des d…
Basel Bank Limiting Policies as Foucauldian Power/Knowledge: Risk as Assemblages, The Case of Basel Bank Limiting Policies as Discourses
I intend to write about Basel bank's limiting technologies from the point of view of trust, coming from the fact that banks have to adjust their risk understanding tools and test them constantly. It is not always known what exactly causes a risk. I am interested in risk-understanding technologies which do not govern this in advance but only require passing certain risk tests. Therefore, I will research the idea of Basel’s bank limiting technologies as assemblages that want connections only with other specified assemblages. For example, certain risk levels must be adjusted to form a harmonious whole that passes these tests. I will argue that by understanding Basel’s bank limiting technologie…
A framework for designing experimental tasks in contemporary physics lab courses
While lab courses are an integral part of studying physics aiming at a huge variety of learning objectives, research has shown that typical lab courses do not reach all the desired goals. While diverse approaches by lab instructors and researchers try to increase the effectiveness of lab courses, experimental tasks remain the core of any lab course. To keep an overview of these developments and to give instructors (and researchers) a guideline for their own professional efforts at hand, we introduce a research-informed framework for designing experimental tasks in contemporary physics lab courses. In addition, we demonstrate within the scope of the EU-co-funded DigiPhysLab-project how the f…
Abemaciclib-associated Diarrhea: An Exploratory Analysis of Real-life Data
Background/Aim: Abemaciclib is a cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor approved in combination with endocrine therapy for treating hormone receptor-positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative early and advanced breast cancer patients. The safety profile of abemaciclib is characterized by frequent gastrointestinal toxicity, especially diarrhea. Therefore, we performed an exploratory analysis of clinical factors that may be potentially associated with diarrhea in patients treated with abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy. Patients and Methods: Factors potentially predisposing to diarrhea were selected, such as age ≥70 years, concomitant medications and diseases, diet, and use…
Effect of Foliar Treatments with Calcium and Nitrogen on Oregano Yield
Oregano, Origanum vulgare L., is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Oregano shows variations in biomass yield and essential oil (EO) content due to the influence of abiotic and biotic factors. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different foliar applications based on calcium (Ca) and nitrogen (N) on morphological and productive parameters in oregano. Tests were carried out in Sicily (Italy) in 2020–2021. In each year, eight foliar applications were applied. Only flowers and leaves were used for the extraction of the EO. For all parameters in the study, except for plant height and inflorescence length, the highest values were found in treated …
Cyber Threat Analysis in Smart Terminal Systems
Cyber threats create significant factors that challenge traditional threat prevention mechanisms in harbor areas and port terminals. It has been recognized that understanding security functionalities in the harbor area is based on a more traditional experience of what it requires. It is not enough that the maritime and harbor ecosystem repeats only physical security service routines regarding random checks of passengers and vehicles and customs functions on cargo and passenger transportation. Smart environments and infrastructures are widely expanded in urban areas and create more challenges if old practices are combined with new technologies and functionalities. Traditional threats have ch…
Corts i assemblees parlamentàries. Jaume I, Pere el Gran, Alfons el Liberal i Jaume II (1238-1326)
Gràcies a l’acord de col·laboració entre les Corts Valencianes i les universitats valencianes, és possible que puguem comptar ja amb el primer dels volums de la sèrie ‘Acta Curiarum Regni Valentiae’, que aplegarà les actes de les Corts forals valencianes, la tipologia documental clau per conèixer el sistema polític i les relacions entre els actors d’un període fonamental en la història del nostre poble. La publicació d’aquesta sèrie, inclosa en la col·lecció Fonts Històriques Valencianes, fa realitat el que ha estat una aspiració de successives generacions d’historiadors i de la mateixa institució parlamentària: posar a l’abast dels estudiosos i de la ciutadania en general un dels llegats m…
Psychosocial Risk Factors and Psychopathological Outcomes: Preliminary Findings in Italian Pregnant Women
The perinatal period may represent a particularly challenging time for expecting parents. Previous studies have highlighted an association between several perinatal risk conditions (e.g., childhood maltreatment, poor social support, and stress levels) and the development of psychopathological symptoms in pregnant women, especially depression symptoms. The current study examined the effects of psychosocial risk factors (childhood maltreatment, poor social support, and stressful events) on anxiety, depression, perceived stress, irritability/anger, relationship problems, psychosomatic symptoms, specific physiological problems, and addiction/at-risk behaviors. Sixty-one pregnant women (age rang…
3D GPR Model in the Military District of San Giacomo Degli Spagnoli (Palermo)
The georadar method was used to try to find some anthropic structures in a large square inside the Carabinieri barracks in the former military complex of San Giacomo degli Spagnoli in Palermo (Italy). These investigations are part of a broader context of a study of the entire area. The purpose of the investigations is to try to understand if under the ground there are the remains of an ancient horse passage that connected the Royal Palace of Palermo with the sea gate of the city. Furthermore, in the Middle Ages, on the site of the present square, there were most likely two churches, which no longer exist, as evidenced by numerous historical testimonies. One of the two, San Giacomo la Mazara…
Background: Two thrombopoietin receptor agonists (TPO-RA), romiplostim and eltrombopag, are currently widely adopted as second-line ITP therapy even in absence of robust evidence on their comparative advantages over rituximab or splenectomy or their preferential use in some specific clinical contexts.
 Methods: An on-line survey was distributed between May 2021 and June 2021 to collect standardized information on the use of TPO-RA in Italy.
 Results: Eighty-eight hematologists from 79 centers completed the survey. Eighty-four percent would use TPO-RA earlier than formally indicated, without a preference for young or elderly in 82% of respondents. No clear preference for either rom…
Basic Elements of Cyber Security for a Smart Terminal Process
Global maritime transportation and logistics systems are essential parts of critical infrastructures in every society, and a crucial part of maritime logistics processes are seaports. Digitalization helps improve the efficiency of terminal systems in the processes of these ports. In Finland this development is going on and it is called SMARTER research program. In the best cases, digitalization can also promote the reduction of emissions by optimizing port operations and enhancing cargo and people flows while improving the experience for all stakeholders. The improvement of port processes relies on the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and as well as on Industria…
Identification of Gut Microbial Lysine and Histidine Degradation and CYP-Dependent Metabolites as Biomarkers of Fatty Liver Disease
Numerous studies have described specific metabolites as biomarkers ofsevere liver diseases, but very few have measured gut microbiota (GM)-produced metab-olites in fatty liver disease. We aimed atfinding GM signatures and metabolite markersin plasma and feces related to high liver fat content. Based on imaging, we dividedstudy participants into low (,5%, LF,n= 25) and high (.5%, HF,n= 39) liver fatgroups. Fecal (LFn= 14, HFn= 25) and plasma (LFn= 11, HFn= 7) metabolomes ofsubsets of participants were studied using liquid chromatography/high resolution massspectrometry. The GM were analyzed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Additionally,blood clinical variables and diet were studied. Dyslipide…
Progress on nuclear reaction rates affecting the stellar production of 26Al
Abstract The radioisotope 26Al is a key observable for nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy and the environment of the early Solar System. To properly interpret the large variety of astronomical and meteoritic data, it is crucial to understand both the nuclear reactions involved in the production of 26Al in the relevant stellar sites and the physics of such sites. These range from the winds of low- and intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars; to massive and very massive stars, both their Wolf–Rayet winds and their final core-collapse supernovae (CCSN); and the ejecta from novae, the explosions that occur on the surface of a white dwarf accreting material from a stellar companion. Several r…
Enseñanza de idiomas e inclusión. La discapacidad sensorial en el aula
La educación inclusiva, que materializa el derecho de las personas con discapacidad a estudiar en la misma aula que sus compañeros sin discapacidad, es el modelo educativo implantado en España. Por otro lado, en el contexto actual es cada vez más necesario aprender lenguas extranjeras, sobre todo la inglesa. Este libro analiza la enseñanza de idiomas a personas con discapacidad sensorial, especialmente en las etapas de formación postobligatorias, centrándose en cuestiones esenciales para entenderla, como sus conceptos clave, las principales políticas e instrumentos nacionales e internacionales mediante los que se regula y potencia, los perfiles del alumnado con discapacidad sensorial, así c…
Pasado, presente y futuro de la electrónica. La influencia de la Universitat de València en su desarrollo en la Comunitat Valenciana
Enrique J. Dede García-Santamaría, catedrático del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, ha inaugurado el curso 2022-2023 en la Universidad de Valencia con la lectura de la lección magistral "Pasado, presente y futuro de la electrónica", en la que habla profusamente del desarrollo histórico de esta ciencia y de la influencia que ha tenido la Universitat de Valencia en su fomento en la Comunitat Valenciana. Enrique J. Dede García-Santamaría, professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the School of Engineering, inaugurated the 2022-2023 academic year at the University of Valencia with the lecture "Past, present and future of electro…