showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Miten muuttaa käytäntöjä ihmisen ja luonnon kannalta kestäviksi? : ekososiaalinen sivistys käytäntöarkkitehtuuriteorian valossa


Aikamme suurin haaste ei ole luotettavan tiedon puuttuminen vaan toimintatapojemme muuttaminen. Kasvatus ja koulutus ovat ratkaisevia, jotta käytäntöjämme voisi muuttaa sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestävämmiksi maapallon ekosysteemien ollessa kriisissä. Tässä artikkelissa hahmotellaan käytäntöteoreettista näkökulmaa kestävän elämänmuodon edistämiseksi kasvatuksen ja sivistyksen avulla. Ratkaisuksi ongelmaan on ehdotettu ekososiaalisen sivistyksen lisäämistä. Perinteinen tulkinta sivistyksestä on kuitenkin ongelmallinen sen ollessa kognitiivisesti painottunutta, abstraktia ja ihmiskeskeistä. Ehdotamme sivistyksen tulkintaa, joka painottaa käytäntöjen ontologista ensisijaisuutta. Huomio koh…

practice architecturesilmastokriisikäytäntöarkkitehtuurihyvät käytännötkäytäntöteoriatkasvatuskestävä elämäntapasivistysekososiaalisuusclimate crisispractice theoriesilmastokriisitecophilosophykasvatusfilosofiaArtikkeleitaekofilosofiaecosocialekologinen kestävyyssosiaalinen kestävyysympäristöfilosofia

Natural Inhibitors of P-glycoprotein in AcuteMyeloid Leukemia


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains an insidious neoplasm due to the percentage of patients who develop resistance to both classic chemotherapy and emerging drugs. Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a complex process determined by multiple mechanisms, and it is often caused by the overexpression of efflux pumps, the most important of which is P-glycoprotein (P-gp). This mini-review aims to examine the advantages of using natural substances as P-gp inhibitors, focusing on four molecules: phytol, curcumin, lupeol, and heptacosane, and their mechanism of action in AML.

Inorganic Chemistrymultidrug resistanceOrganic ChemistrySettore BIO/14 - FarmacologiaGeneral Medicinenatural substancesPhysical and Theoretical Chemistryacute myeloid leukemiaP-glycoproteinMolecular BiologySpectroscopyCatalysisComputer Science Applications

Sunflower Residues-Based Biorefinery: Circular Economy Indicators


Fossil fuel price increases, their uneven distribution, environmental issues from their incineration, and lack of guarantees of their energy security are the main drivers for the development of green energy. Agricultural waste is an abundant resource for energy bioprocessing, which improves the functioning of the circular economy. In this study, the following were used as the main indicators: the share of renewable energy and the benefit from it, the coefficient of cyclical use of biomass, and the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The ways in which sunflower waste is applied for energy purposes are emphasized. The highest comprehensive ecological and economic effects are shown to be ac…

biorefinerypower generationindicatorProcess Chemistry and Technologycircular economyChemical Engineering (miscellaneous)Bioengineeringcarbon dioxide emissionProcesses

Moniammatillisen yhteistyön kirjaaminen ja yhteistyötahojen asemointi esi- ja perusopetuksessa laadituissa oppimissuunnitelmissa ja HOJKS-asiakirjois…


Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, miten moniammatilliset yhteistyötahot asemoidaan esi- ja perusopetuksessa laadituissa oppimisen ja koulunkäynnin tuen asiakirjoissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 114 oppimissuunnitelmasta ja henkilökohtaisesta opetuksen järjestämistä koskevasta suunnitelmasta (HOJKS), jotka analysoitiin diskurssianalyyttisesti. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että yhteistyötahot asemoitiin asiakirjoissa viiteen eri positioon: äänetön läsnäolija, täydentävä tuentarjoaja, asiantuntija, auktoriteetti ja kumppani. Moniammatillisen yhteistyön kirjaaminen vaihteli pedagogisissa asiakirjoissa, eivätkä yhteistyötahojen vastuiden kirjaamiselle valtakunnallisissa opetussuunnitelmissa määri…

learning planasiakirjatviranomaisyhteistyödokumentaatiomultiprofessional collaborationmoniammatillisuusHOJKSoppimisen ja koulunkäynnin tukiesiopetusasemointidiskurssianalyysiIEPdokumentointitukimuodotperusopetusoppimissuunnitelmaArtikkeleitamoniammatillinen yhteistyösupport for learning and school attendance

Enterprising refugee women: Analyzing postfeminist governmentality in an organizational context


This study examines a model project initiated by a German Federal Ministry in the middle of the vast increase in forced migration to Germany after 2015. The project aimed at facilitating the integration of female refugees into German society by way of ‘empowering’ them to become self-employed. A business counseling agency with a feminist orientation was commissioned to design and run the project. Interpellating refugee women as subjects of entrepreneurial self-actualization to enact gender equality, the project embodies a tangible example of postfeminist governmentality. Combining recent research on postfeminism with analytics of governmentality, the study directs its analytical gaze to the…

naisetOrganizational Behavior and Human Resource Managementetnografiapostfeminismkotouttaminen (maahanmuuttajat)entrepreneurshipyrittäjyysmaahanmuuttajatgovernmentalityGender Studiestasa-arvoprojectrefugee womenyrittäjyyskasvatusSoziologie SozialwissenschaftenpakolaisetvaltarakenteetGender, Work & Organization

The Origins of Millet Cultivation (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) along Iberia’s Mediterranean Area from the 13th to the 2nd Century BC


The introduction of the cultivation of millets (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) along Iberia’s Mediterranean zone appears to stem from different origins which themselves hinged on their own specific historical developments. The earliest traces in the northeast, presumably of trans-Pyrenean origin, were brought to light in Bronze Age contexts (13th century BC) in Western Catalonia, notably in the Cinca River Valley. The different species of millets from southern and eastern Iberia, by contrast, come from later 10th–8th century BC contexts under Phoenician influence. Their expansion can be linked to the cultivation of fruit trees (vineyards and others) throughout the 9th–7th centuries …

Bronze AgeIron AgeBroomcorn milletFoxtail milletBotànicafoxtail milletbroomcorn milletArchaeobotanyArqueologiaarchaeobotanyAgronomy and Crop ScienceIberian PeninsulaAgronomy

Measurement report: Emission factors of NH3 and NHx for wildfires and agricultural fires in the United States


During the 2019 Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) study, the NASA DC-8 carried out in situ chemical measurements in smoke plumes emitted from wildfires and agricultural fires in the contiguous United States. The DC-8 payload included a modified proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS) for the fast measurement of gaseous ammonia (NH3) and a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) for the fast measurement of submicron particulate ammonium (NH4+). We herein report data collected in smoke plumes emitted from 6 wildfires in the Western United States, 2 prescribed grassland fires in the Central United …

agricultural fireAtmospheric Scienceemission factors NH3NH4+wildfireAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Prenatal Exposure to Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Affects Hippocampus-Related Cognitive Functions in the Adolescent Rat Offspring: Focus on Specific Marke…


Previous evidence suggests that prenatal exposure to THC (pTHC) derails the neurodevelopmental trajectories towards a vulnerable phenotype for impaired emotional regulation and limbic memory. Here we aimed to investigate pTHC effect on hippocampus-related cognitive functions and markers of neuroplasticity in adolescent male offspring. Wistar rats were exposed to THC (2 mg/kg) from gestational day 5 to 20 and tested for spatial memory, object recognition memory and reversal learning in the reinforce-motivated Can test and in the aversion-driven Barnes maze test; locomotor activity and exploration, anxiety-like behaviour, and response to natural reward were assessed in the open field, elevate…

hippocampal excitatory plasticitySettore BIO/14 - FarmacologiaCB1R expressionPharmaceutical Scienceadolescent rat offspringspatial learning and memoryprenatal THC exposure

Co‐occurrence patterns in a steppe bird community: insights into the role of dominance and competition


Spatial co-occurrence patterns are determined by environmental factors, such as food availability or habitat characteristics and by biotic associations. When resources are limited, competition which implies a dominant hierarchy can shape species assemblage. Here, we study space and time co-occurrence of steppe passerines during the breeding season in a natural steppe habitat, its modulation by environmental filtering, potential biotic interactions and random processes. We applied the joint species distribution model of hierarchical modelling of species community (HMSC) to data on species presence–absence and environmental, temporal and spatial covariates acquired from seven plots in a natur…

ecological nichesvuorovaikutusympäristösteppe passerinesympäristötekijätbiotic associationsSteppe passerinesMedio AmbienteSpecies co-occurrencespecies co-occurrenceelinympäristölinnutlajitBiotic associationsluonnonsuojeluDominant hierarchyResource partitioningresource partitioningEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematicsdominant hierarchyEcological nichesOikos

The involvement of autistic children in early childhood education


Research on the involvement of autistic children in daily activities in inclusive early childhood education is scarce. In Finland, all children, including autistic children, under the age of seven (before basic education) are entitled to participate in early childhood education and care. Children also attend compulsory, free-of-charge pre-primary education during the year before their basic education begins. Furthermore, attending early childhood education and care is not dependent whether a child requires day care because of their parents’ work. Autistic children attend early childhood education in inclusive day care centres. Thus, in this study, we examined the involvement of autistic chi…

Early childhood educationvarhaiskasvatus515 Psychologysosiaaliset taidotautismleikkiminenpäivähoitoinvolvementHealth Professions (miscellaneous)Educationhenkinen hyvinvointiemotional well- beingautismierityiskasvatusDevelopmental and Educational Psychologyosallisuusplaysocial orientationserityislapsetinkluusio

Fatti e Fabule. Geografie more-than-wet del Mediterraneo Nero


oceanic turntelling turnturbulent materialitymore-than-wetSettore M-GGR/01 - GeografiaBlack Mediterranean

Editorial: Postural control, exercise physiology and the balance training—type of exercises, mechanisms and insights


Editorial on the Research Topic Postural health, today more than ever, is entering a part of everyday life and is associated with the biomechanical analysis of the human body. The ability to obtain or restore a stable state of balance is referred to as postural control (Pollock et al., 2000). Postural control is a complex task, and many factors contribute to good control. The postural control is dependent on peripheral sensory systems and their functioning. In addition, receptors such as vision and the vestibular system have a significant influence on the postural control system. The quality of the performance of this system depends on the integration of visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, …

PhysiologyPhysiology (medical)fallsgait analysisphysical activitydynamic posturalfitnessFrontiers in Physiology

Entre moneo e memini. Arquitectura funeraria militar en el sureste de Sicilia.


Nel luglio del 1943 la costa sud-orientale della Sicilia fu teatro dello sbarco attuato dalle forze militari Alleate da cui prende avvio la liberazione dal nazi-fascismo dell’Italia e dell’Europa. Gli eventi bellici siciliani furono inevitabilmente piuttosto cruenti e videro un numero elevato di morti di soldati italiani, tedeschi e dei militari delle forze anglo-americane. Sin dagli anni Cinquanta del ’900, la Commonwealth War Grave Commission e la Volksbund, al fine di onorare i militari Alleati e tedeschi caduti in battaglia, avviarono la realizzazione di diversi cimiteri di guerra tra Agira, Catania, Siracusa e Motta Sant’Anastasia. I primi tre, progettati da Louis de Soissons, destinat…

VolksbundSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaMemorials War Cemeteries of Sicily Agira Motta Sant'Anastasia Catania Syracuse Diez Brandi Louis de Soissons Commonwealth War Grave Commission VolksbundMemoriali Cimiteri di guerra di Sicilia Agira Motta Sant’Anastasia Catania Siracusa Diez Brandi Louis de Soissons Commonwealth War Grave Commission&nbspMemoriales Cementerios de Guerra de Sicilia Agira Motta Sant'Anastasia Catania Siracusa Diez Brandi Louis de Soissons Commonwealth War Grave Commission VolksbundProyecto y ciudad

Sustainable Biomass-Derived Carbon Electrodes for Potassium and Aluminum Batteries: Conceptualizing the Key Parameters for Improved Performance


The development of sustainable, safe, low-cost, high energy and density power-density energy storage devices is most needed to electrify our modern needs to reach a carbon-neutral society by ~2050. Batteries are the backbones of future sustainable energy sources for both stationary off-grid and mobile plug-in electric vehicle applications. Biomass-derived carbon materials are extensively researched as efficient and sustainable electrode/anode candidates for lithium/sodium-ion chemistries due to their well-developed tailored textures (closed pores and defects) and large microcrystalline interlayer spacing and therefore opens-up their potential applications in sustainable potassium and alumin…

kestävä kehityshiiliGeneral Chemical EngineeringelektroditbioenergiaMaterials ChemistryNano Technologybiomass-carbon anodesaluminum batteryGeneral Materials Sciencebiomass-carbon cathodesbiomassa (teollisuus)biomassa (ekologia)biopolttoaineetpotassium batteryNanomaterials

RAPTOR : A new collinear laser ionization spectroscopy and laser-radiofrequency double-resonance experiment at the IGISOL facility


RAPTOR, Resonance ionization spectroscopy And Purification Traps for Optimized spectRoscopy, is a new collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy device constructed at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line (IGISOL) facility at the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland. By operating at beam energies of under 10 keV, the footprint of the experiment is reduced compared to more traditional collinear laser spectroscopy beamlines. In addition, RAPTOR is coupled to the JYFLTRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer, opening a window to laser-assisted nuclear-state selective purification, serving not only the mass measurement program, but also supporting post-trap decay spectroscopy experiments. Finally,…

Laser resonance ionizationPhysics - Instrumentation and Detectorscollinear laser spectroscopytutkimuslaitteetFOS: Physical sciencesInstrumentation and Detectors (physics.ins-det)nucl-exexotic nucleiNuclear Physics - ExperimentIGISOLlaser resonance ionizationNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)Detectors and Experimental TechniquesydinfysiikkaNuclear Experimentphysics.ins-detExotic nuclei

The Individual and the Community in Stoic Pragmatism


The present paper outlines John Lachs’s idea of stoic pragmatism and develops its important part that is the relation between the individual and the community. In his project, Lachs reduces the whole tradition of Stoic philosophy to its later, Roman version and tries to link it with the philosophical tradition of American pragmatism (especially William James, John Dewey, and George Santayana, who is close to pragmatism at some points) hoping that it is possible for these two to "enrich and complete each other" so that to provide "a better attitude to life than either of the two views alone." Stoic pragmatism pursues factual improvement in the quality of life for individuals living in given …

Philosophycommunitystoic pragmatismmodern stoicismLachsindividualSantayanaRuch Filozoficzny

Menstrual cycle changes after COVID-19 vaccination or infection: not two sides of the same coin



Epidemiology; Midwifery; Nurse Midwives; Obstetric NursingNurse MidwivesEpidemiologyObstetric NursingNurse MidwiveFundamentals and skillsMidwiferyObstetric Nursing.Settore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaEvidence Based Nursing

Inflammatory proteomics profiling for prediction of incident atrial fibrillation


ObjectiveAtrial fibrillation (AF) has emerged as a common condition in older adults. Cardiovascular risk factors only explain about 50% of AF cases. Inflammatory biomarkers may help close this gap as inflammation can alter atrial electrophysiology and structure. This study aimed to determine a cytokine biomarker profile for this condition in the community using a proteomics approach.MethodsThis study uses cytokine proteomics in participants of the Finnish population-based FINRISK cohort studies 1997/2002. Risk models for 46 cytokines were developed to predict incident AF using Cox regressions. Furthermore, the association of participants’ C reactive protein (CRP) and N-terminal pro B-type n…

matala-asteinen tulehdusc-reaktiivinen proteiinisytokiinitsydän- ja verisuonitauditbiomarkkeritennusteetCardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineeteisvärinäproteomiikkaHeart

General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion Disks Around Tilted Binary Black Holes of Unequal Mass


We perform general relativistic simulations of magnetized, accreting disks onto spinning binary black holes (BHBHs) with different mass ratios (MRs). The magnitude of the individual BH spins are all $\chi= 0.26$ and lie either along the initial orbital plane or $45^\circ$ above it. We evolve these systems throughout the inspiral, merger and postmerger phases to identify the impact of the BH spins and the MR on any jet and their electromagnetic (EM) signatures. We find that incipient jets are launched from both BHs regardless of the MR and along the spin directions as long as the force-free parameter $B^2/(8\,\pi\rho_0)$ in the funnel and above their poles is larger than one. At large distan…

High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)FOS: Physical sciencesGeneral Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaGeneral Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

Preliminary data revealing efficacy of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adeniti…


ObjectiveTo evaluate the potential role of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in controlling febrile flares in patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Further aims were to assess the impact of SSK12 on (i) flare duration, (ii) variation in the degree of the highest body temperature during flares, (iii) steroid-sparing effect, and (iv) change of PFAPA accompanying symptoms before and after SSK12 introduction.Patients and methodsThe medical charts from 85 pediatric patients with PFAPA syndrome (49 males and 36 females) enrolled in the AIDA registry and treated with SSK12 for a median period of 6.00 ± 7.00 months in the period b…

International Registry PFAPA syndrome Streptococcus salivarius K12 autoinflammatory disease probiotic prophylaxis tonsillitisSettore MED/38 - Pediatria Generale E SpecialisticaAutoinflammationGeneral MedicineHuman medicinePFAPA syndromeFrontiers in Medicine

Evaluation of the peer leadership for physical literacy intervention : A cluster randomized controlled trial


Purpose The purpose of this research was to develop, implement, and test the efficacy of a theory-driven, evidence-informed peer leadership program for elementary school students (Grade 6 and 7; age 11–12 years) and the Grade 3/4 students with whom they were partnered. The primary outcome was teacher ratings of their Grade 6/7 students’ transformational leadership behaviors. Secondary outcomes included: Grade 6/7 students’ leadership self-efficacy, as well as Grade 3/4 motivation, perceived competence, general self-concept, fundamental movement skills, school-day physical activity, and program adherence, and program evaluation. Methods We conducted a two-arm cluster randomized controlled t…

vertaistukiMultidisciplinarykoululaisetlapset (ikäryhmät)interventiotutkimusliikuntajohtajuusfyysinen aktiivisuusvertaissuhteet

Advanced Composites and Applications: Book of abstracts


The section ‘Advanced Composites and Applications’ was organized by the Institute for Mechanics of Materials of the University of Latvia (LU MMI) on 16.02.2023 as a part of the annual 81th scientific conference of the University of Latvia. It was organized remotely in Zoom. The official language of the section was English. The duration of the presentation was 10 minutes. The section was devoted to the discussion of the recent results within following topics: structure and properties of polymers and polymer-based composites, long-term properties, creep, and environmental ageing, composites for advanced applications, mechanical aspects of technology, and multifunctional properties.

composites for advanced applications:TECHNOLOGY::Engineering mechanics::Mechanical manufacturing engineering [Research Subject Categories]long-term propertiesenvironmental ageing:TECHNOLOGY::Materials science::Functional materials [Research Subject Categories]structure and properties of polymers and polymer-based composites:TECHNOLOGY::Engineering mechanics::Mechanical and thermal engineering [Research Subject Categories]creep

A Dialogical Exploration of Student Teacher Reflections: From Notions of Insideness and Outsideness to Pedagogical Alongsideness


This article offers a dialogical exploration of student teachers’ reflections on notions of insideness and outsideness, the focal themes of an Erasmus+ ten-day intensive programme (IP). The arts-based, interdisciplinary IP involved 32 student participants and twelve members of staff from eight European universities hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The data for this paper are based on the final written essays of student participants as they reflected on their understanding of outsideness and insideness at the end of the IP. The dialogic approach used in the analysis allows for a careful exploration of how the students attended to different experiences, surmised the meaning of …

opiskelijatkronotoopitinsidenessPublic AdministrationPhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and Rehabilitationchronotopepedagogical understandingEducationComputer Science Applicationsmonikulttuurisuusulkopuolisuusdialogisuustaidelähtöiset menetelmätDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyComputer Science (miscellaneous)opettajankoulutusoutsidenessreflektiopedagoginen ajatteludialogic approachreflectionEducation Sciences

Impact of the Extraction Method on the Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Potency of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Extracts


Rosmarinus officinalis L. is a dietary source that produces polyphenols as secondary metabolites. These natural compounds with potent antioxidant abilities are increasingly recommended as a supplement to inhibit oxidative stress. In the current work, we evaluated the impact of the extraction method on the chemical composition of R. officinalis extract, especially on the content of carnosic (CA) and rosmarinic (RA) acids using UPLC-MS-DAD as well as on their antioxidant potency. Four extracts of Tunisian rosemary were obtained from non-conventional extraction techniques:ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE),supercritical extraction (SFE) and UAE and SFE combined ((UAE-SFE(I), UAE-SFE(II)). Th…

sonication<i>Rosmarinus officinalis</i> L.antioxidantUPLC-MS-DAD analysisEndocrinology Diabetes and MetabolismRosmarinus officinalis L UPLC-MS-DAD analysis antioxidant sonication supercritical extractionsupercritical extractionMolecular BiologyBiochemistry

Internal carotid artery dissection in a patient with hemophilia A: a case report and literature review


Spontaneous cervical artery dissection (sCeAD) is the most common cause of ischemic stroke at a young age, but its pathogenetic mechanism and risk factors are not fully elucidated. It is reasonable to think that bleeding propensity, vascular risk factors such as hypertension and head or neck trauma, and constitutional weakness of the arterial wall together play a role in the pathogenesis of sCeAD. Hemophilia A is known to be an X-linked condition that leads to spontaneous bleeding in various tissues and organs. To date, a few cases of acute arterial dissection in patients with hemophilia have been reported, but the relationship between these two diseases has not been studied so far. In addi…

Psychiatry and Mental healthSettore MED/26 - NeurologiaNeurology (clinical)DermatologyGeneral MedicineHemophiliaAntithrombotic drugsCervical artery dissectionNeck trauma

The Mitochondrial tRNASer(UCN) Gene: A Novel m.7484A>G Mutation Associated with Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy and Literature Review


Mitochondrial tRNASer(UCN) is considered a hot-spot for non-syndromic and aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. However, many patients have been described with more extensive neurological diseases, mainly including epilepsy, myoclonus, ataxia, and myopathy. We describe a novel homoplasmic m.7484A&gt;G mutation in the tRNASer(UCN) gene affecting the third base of the anticodon triplet in a girl with profound intellectual disability, spastic tetraplegia, sensorineural hearing loss, a clinical history of epilepsia partialis continua and vomiting, typical of MELAS syndrome, leading to a myoclonic epilepticus status, and myopathy with severe COX deficiency at muscle biopsy. The mutation was also …

Space and Planetary SciencePaleontologyencephalomyopathy tRNASer(UCN) homoplasmic mutation mitochondrial DNAGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics

Durability is improved by both low and high intensity endurance training


Introduction: This is one of the first intervention studies to examine how low- (LIT) and high-intensity endurance training (HIT) affect durability, defined as ‘time of onset and magnitude of deterioration in physiological-profiling characteristics over time during prolonged exercise’.Methods: Sedentary and recreationally active men (n = 16) and women (n = 19) completed either LIT (average weekly training time 6.8 ± 0.7 h) or HIT (1.6 ± 0.2 h) cycling for 10 weeks. Durability was analyzed before and after the training period from three factors during 3-h cycling at 48% of pretraining maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max): 1) by the magnitude and 2) onset of drifts (i.e. gradual change in energy ex…

suorituskykyperceived exertionPhysiologykestävyysharjoitteluPhysiology (medical)durabilityliikuntafysiologiacardiovascular driftinterventiotutkimuslow intensity traininghigh intensity trainingharjoitusvaste

Radiometric Partial Discharge Detection: A Review


One of the most common failures or breakdowns that can occur in high-voltage (HV) equipment is due to partial discharges (PDs). This occurs as a result of inadequate insulation, aging, harsh environmental effects, or manufacturing flaws. PD detection and recognition methods have gained growing attention and have seen great progress in the past decades. Radiometric methods are one of the most investigated detection approaches due to their immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and their capabilities to detect and locate PD activities in different applications such as transformers, cables, etc. Several review articles have been published to classify and categorize these works. Nonethe…

UHF antennaprinted antennasinductive sensorControl and OptimizationRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyPartial discharge detectionBuilding and Constructionradiometric detectionHV equipment diagnosiloop antennaSettore ING-IND/31 - ElettrotecnicaElectrical and Electronic EngineeringEngineering (miscellaneous)Energy (miscellaneous)

Trends in Autism Spectrum-Related Motherhood Research: A Bibliometric Study


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by difficulties in socialization. The amount of scientific research results on motherhood related to ASD has grown exponentially; however, there are no bibliometric studies in this field. Objective: This article aimed to analyze scientific research on motherhood related to the autism spectrum published in WoS. Articles on motherhood related to ASD were retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS). The advanced search interface used was “Title of the article, Abstract, Keywords”. The analysis and visualization of the selected documents and their data were performed using a wide range of tools and software such as MS Ex…

Clinical PsychologyMedicina InvestigacióInfants CriançaDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyAutismeSalut mentalApplied Psychology

Quantum correlation of electron and ion energy in the dissociative strong-field ionization of H2


We report on the strong field ionization of H2 by a corotating two-color laser field. We measure the electron momentum distribution in coincidence with the kinetic energy release (KER) of dissociating hydrogen molecules. In addition to a characteristic half-moon structure, we observe a low-energy structure in the electron momentum distribution at a KER of about 3.5 eV. We speculate that the outgoing electron interacts with the molecular ion, despite the absence of classical recollisions under these conditions. Time-dependent density functional theory simulations support our conclusions.

Time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Real time TDDFTGeneral Physics and AstronomySettore FIS/03 - Fisica Della MateriaPhysical Review Research

Development of natural and synthetic compounds as kinase inhibitors targeting cancer cells and cancer stem cells


Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaInhibition of migrationantibiotic resistanceImidazo[21-b][134]thiadiazole derivativeskinase inhibitorsanti-biofilm agentsAntiproliferative activityFAK inhibitionSettore CHIM/08 - Chimica Farmaceutica

Closed due to COVID-19: effects of indoor sports restrictions on suburban adults’ physical activity behaviours


During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been required adaptations in leisure-time physical activity (PA) especially due to restrictive policies concerning indoor sport facilities (ISF). This study investigated the effects of the constraints on ISF among residents of two low socioeconomic status suburbs in Finland. Research questions were: (1) Are sociodemographic characteristics associated with a reduced use of ISF during the pandemic? (2) Are sociodemographic characteristics associated with changes in the overall PA amount among those respondents with a reduced use of ISF? (3) Is the reduced use of ISF associated with an increased use of other PA environments (home environment, built out…

lähiötsosiodemografiset tekijätPhysical activitysisäliikuntaphysical activityCOVID-19liikuntaliikuntapaikatphysical activity environmentPhysical activity environmentsociodemographicTourism Leisure and Hospitality ManagementSuburbindoor sport facilitySociodemographic5200 Other social sciencesCovid-19suburbfyysinen aktiivisuusSocial Sciences (miscellaneous)Indoor sport facilityInternational Journal of Sport Policy and Politics

New indole and 7-azaindole derivatives as protein kinase inhibitors


protein kinase inhibitorantiproliferativebis-indoleindole derivative7-azaindole derivativeanticancerSettore CHIM/08 - Chimica Farmaceutica

Surrogate Modelling for Oxygen Uptake Prediction Using LSTM Neural Network


Oxygen uptake (V˙O2) is an important metric in any exercise test including walking and running. It can be measured using portable spirometers or metabolic analyzers. Those devices are, however, not suitable for constant use by consumers due to their costs, difficulty of operation and their intervening in the physical integrity of their users. Therefore, it is important to develop approaches for the indirect estimation of V˙O2-based measurements of motion parameters, heart rate data and application-specific measurements from consumer-grade sensors. Typically, these approaches are based on linear regression models or neural networks. This study investigates how motion data contribute to V˙O2 …

suorituskyky113 Computer and information sciencesBiochemistryAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsAnalytical ChemistryLSTM neural networkjuoksumittausmenetelmätoxygen uptakemachine learninghappikoneoppiminenmittarit (mittaus)Electrical and Electronic EngineeringINS/GPSInstrumentationrunning metricshapenotto

Beyond Sentinel Lymph Node: Outcomes of Indocyanine Green-Guided Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in Endometrial and Cervical Cancer


Background: The aim of our study was to compare the number of lymph nodes removed during indocyanine green (ICG)-guided laparoscopic/robotic pelvic lymphadenectomy with standard systematic lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer (EC) and cervical cancer (CC). Methods: This is a multicenter retrospective comparative study (Clinical Trial ID: NCT04246580; updated on 31 January 2023). Women affected by EC and CC who underwent laparoscopic/robotic systematic pelvic lymphadenectomy, with (cases) or without (controls) the use of ICG tracer injection within the uterine cervix, were included in the study. Results: The two groups were homogeneous for age (p = 0.08), Body Mass Index, International Fede…

indocyanine greenRobotic surgery.pelvic lymphadenectomycervical cancerHealth Toxicology and Mutagenesisendometrial cancerrobotic surgeryPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Healthlaparoscopygynecologic oncologySettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E Ostetriciaminimally invasive surgerycervical cancer; endometrial cancer; gynecologic oncology; indocyanine green; laparoscopy; minimally invasive surgery; pelvic lymphadenectomy; robotic surgery

Continuum reverberation mapping of MCG 08-11-011


We report the results from a photometric reverberation mapping campaign carried out with the C18 telescope at the Wise Observatory from 2019 to 2020, targeting the active galactic nucleus (AGN) MCG 08-11-011. The monitoring was conducted on a daily basis with specially designed narrow-band filters, spanning from optical to near-infrared wavelengths ($\sim4000$ to $8000${\AA}) and avoiding prominent broad emission lines. We aim to measure inter-band continuum time lags, determine the size-wavelength relation, and estimate the host-subtracted AGN luminosity for this system. We used the point-spread function photometry to extract the continuum light curves and measure the inter-band time lags …

Space and Planetary ScienceAstrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)FOS: Physical sciencesAstronomy and AstrophysicsAstrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies