showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Luca Serianni, l’equilibrio della parola


Un breve ricordo in memoria dello storico della lingua italiana Luca Serianni, scomparso tragicamente A brief note in memory of the historian of the Italian language Luca Serianni, who died tragically

Settore L-FIL-LET/12 - Linguistica ItalianaMemory Luca SerianniNota memoriale Luca Serianni

Latvijas Universitātes akadēmiskā personāla profesionālās literatūras lasīšanas paradumi


Latvijas Universitātes Bibliotēkā esam konstatējuši, ka periodā pēc pandēmijas nav atjaunojusies LU Bibliotēkas apmeklēšanas plūsma un nav tādas sadarbības, kāda ir bijusi iepriekš ar akadēmisko personālu. Mērķis bija noskaidrot LU akadēmiskā personāla un zinātnisko darbinieku profesionālās literatūras lasīšanas un informācijas avotu izmantošanas paradumus. Esam secinājuši, ka 85–90% respondentu profesionālā literatūra šķiet nozīmīga un viņi tai piešķir svarīgo vietu savā laikā – iepazīstoties vismaz vienreiz nedēļā. Bibliotēkai ir jānodrošina informācijas resursi, kas saistīti ar studiju procesu, pašmācības ceļu, inovācijām, nozares aktualitātēm. Apmēram puse no visiem avotiem, ko izmanto …

profesionālās literatūrainformācijas avotiakadēmiskais personālslasīšanas paradumi:SOCIAL SCIENCES [Research Subject Categories]

Ectopic expression of the AtCDF1 transcription factor in potato enhances tuber starch and amino acid contents and yield under open field conditions


16 Pág.

Química agrícolaC/N metabolismPhotoassimilate partitionCDFCrop yieldStarchQuímicaPlant SciencePotatoAmino acidFrontiers in Plant Science

Intravenous Contrast Material for Cardiac Computed Tomography


Purpose: The Italian Registry of Contrast Material use in Cardiac Computed Tomography (iRCM-CCT) is a multicenter, multivendor, observational study on the use of contrast media (CM) in patients undergoing cardiac computed tomography (CCT). The aim of iRCM-CCT is to assess image quality and safety profile of intravenous CM compounds. Materials and methods: iRCM-CCT enrolled 1842 consecutive patients undergoing CCT (≥50 per site) at 20 cluster sites with the indication of suspected coronary artery disease. Demographic characteristics, CCT, and CM protocols, clinical indications, safety markers, radiation dose reports, qualitative (ie, poor vascular enhancement) and quantitative (ie, HU attenu…

safetyPulmonary and Respiratory MedicineSettore MED/36 - Diagnostica per Immagini e Radioterapiacoronary arteriecomputed tomography angiography; contrast media; coronary arteries; image enhancement; safetyRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingcomputed tomography angiography; contrast media; coronary arteries; image enhancement; safety;image enhancementcontrast mediacomputed tomography angiographycoronary arteriesimage enhancement contrast media safetycomputed tomography angiographycoronary arteriesimage enhancementcontrast mediasafetyJournal of Thoracic Imaging

Supplementing air with CO2 stripped from recirculating aquaculture improves growth of two green microalgae in aquaculture wastewater


To improve sustainability and to implement the principles of circular economy in aquaculture, we tested the possibility to boost the capture of nitrate by two green microalgal species from recirculating aquaculture system's (RAS) wastewater by supplementing air with carbon dioxide stripped from a RAS. Carbon dioxide addition increased cell densities of Monoraphidium griffithii and Haematococcus pluvialis in photobioreactors during 9-day growing periods. However, growth rates and nitrate uptake rates were only improved for M. griffithii. Addition of CO2 decreased pH of the medium with M. griffithii which likely also affected positively on algal growth and nutrient uptake. These laboratory sc…

hiilidioksidiphotobioreactorcircular economydissolved nutrientsnutrient trappingkiertotalouscarbon dioxidejätevesinitraatitAquatic ScienceAquaculture

Fast scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometry by spectrum demodulation


We demonstrate a spectrum demodulation technique allowing for rapid imaging in scanning nitrogen-vacancy center magnetometry. Our method relies on a periodic excitation of the electron spin resonance by wide-band frequency sweeps at a kilohertz rate combined with a phase-locked detection of the photoluminescence signal. The technique is robust against changes in spectrum shape and photoluminescence intensity, and is readily extended by a frequency feedback to enable real-time tracking of the spin resonance. Fast scanning magnetometry is especially useful for samples where the signal dynamic range is large, of order millitesla, such as for ferromagnets or ferrimagnets. We demonstrate our met…

Condensed Matter::Materials ScienceQuantum PhysicsCondensed Matter - Materials ScienceCondensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale PhysicsMesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall)General Physics and AstronomyMaterials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci)FOS: Physical sciencesQuantum Physics (quant-ph)

Insight into non-nucleoside triazole-based systems as viral polymerases inhibitors


Viruses have been recognized as the etiological agents responsible for many pathological conditions ranging from asymptomatic infections to serious diseases, even leading to death. For this reason, many efforts have been made to identify selective viral targets with the aim of developing efficient therapeutic strategies, devoid of drug-resistance issues. Considering their crucial role in the viral life cycle, polymerases are very attractive targets. Among the classes of compounds explored as viral polymerases inhibitors, here we present an overview of non-nucleoside triazole-based compounds identified in the last fifteen years. Furthermore, the structure-activity relationships (SAR) of the …

PharmacologyOrganic ChemistryDrug Discovery123-TriazolesNon-nucleosides antiviral agentsViral polymerasesGeneral MedicineAntiviral therapy124-TriazolesEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Fecal Metagenomics and Metabolomics Identifying Microbial Signatures in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


The frequency of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has intensified, creating diagnostic challenges and increasing the need for reliable non-invasive diagnostic tools. Due to the importance of the gut–liver axis in the progression of NAFLD, studies attempt to reveal microbial signatures in NAFLD, evaluate them as diagnostic biomarkers, and to predict disease progression. The gut microbiome affects human physiology by processing the ingested food into bioactive metabolites. These molecules can penetrate the portal vein and the liver to promote or prevent hepatic fat accumulation. Here, the findings of human fecal metagenomic and metabolomic studies relating to NAFLD are reviewed. The …

metagenomicsgut microbiotasuolistomikrobistoOrganic Chemistryrasvamaksamaksaendocrinology_metabolomicsGeneral Medicineliver fatmetabolomicsCatalysisComputer Science ApplicationsInorganic ChemistryNAFLDmetabolic pathwaysPhysical and Theoretical ChemistrydietMolecular BiologyaineenvaihduntaSpectroscopy

L’aula in classi multiculturali: approcci di Trasposizione Culturale tra pratica quotidiana e prospettive future sulla formazione matematica


Il fenomeno didattico della multiculturalità è un tema in molti casi discusso, vissuto però sovente in ambito scolastico come problema, non come risorsa. Parecchi sono infatti gli insegnanti che, sperimentando quotidianamente la realtà multiculturale nelle loro classi, manifestano un disagio, spesso associato ad una successiva richiesta di formazione; in molti casi disattesa o non adeguata ai loro bisogni. La ricerca nazionale in campo educativo, rivolta allo studio di questi fenomeni, è infatti a uno stadio quasi embrionale: non molte sono le riflessioni pedagogico-didattiche dirette ad insegnanti e formatori che operano in contesti complessi come quelli qui presi in esame, ancor meno le i…

Settore MAT/04 - Matematiche Complementariclassi multiculturali didattica della matematica Trasposizione Culturale formazione docenti Oriente-Occidente

Membranous dysmenorrhoea in a woman undergoing hormone replacement preparation for embryo transfer - a peculiar case


Membranous dysmenorrhoea is an uncommon condition characterized by the spontaneous flaking of endometrium into a single piece that maintains the shape of the uterus. The common symptom of membranous dysmenorrhoea is a colicky pain caused by uterine contractions. Because only a limited number of cases have been published in the literature, the case report we present is peculiar. This report describes a case of membranous dysmenorrhoea that occurred after an artificial frozen thawed embryo transfer cycle using vaginal progesterone. The patient, during hormone replacement treatment, reported an intense abdominal colicky pain resulting in the loss of membranous endometrial tissue. A histopathol…

IVFEndocrinology Diabetes and Metabolismembryo transfer; IVF; luteal support; membranous dysmenorrhoea; progesteroneObstetrics and GynecologyProgesterone.Embryo transferprogesteroneLuteal supportMembranous dysmenorrhoeaSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E Ostetricia

Il brand «Palermo arabo-normanna» e le sue geografie immaginarie


In 2015, Unesco included the Arab-Norman itinerary of Palermo, Cefalù and Monreale in its list of World Heritage Sites. The application dossier states: “is the international confirmation of the beauty and cultural, artistic and historical greatness of Palermo [...] it will represent (...) a stimulus of tourism development and new economy”. The intentions of the promoting committee are immediately stated: it will be the cultural lever that will set in motion the new foundations of the experience economy (Pine e Gilmore, 1999), now dominant since the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. The underlying question will be “who possesses the powers of imagination – and – where they a…

Settore M-GGR/01 - Geografiaimagination Palermo arabo-normanna brand

Produzione Accademica, Linguaggi e Posizionamenti: Riflessioni a Partire da Decolonialità e Privilegio di Rachele Borghi


Partendo dal testo di Rachele Borghi Decolonialita' e Privilegio (2020), questo scambio a quattro voci realizzato online nel pieno della pandemia interroga alcune delle questioni fondamentali del dibattito accademico critico contemporaneo: posizionalità; linguaggi; produzione di sapere critico all’interno dell’università neoliberista e rapporto con i movimenti sociali; metodologie di ricerca, etica e cura; pedagogia, condivisione e sapere incarnato.

Posizionalità linguaggio scrittura etica pedagogiaPosizionalitàpedagogiascritturalinguaggioeticaSettore M-GGR/01 - GeografiaACME

$J/\psi $ decay to $ \phi,\omega, K^{*0}$ plus $f_0(1370)$, $f_0(1710)$, $K_0^*(1430)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$ and $K_2^*(1430)$: role of the $D$-…


We reassess the decay of the $J/\psi $ into an $\omega, \phi, K^{*0}$ and one of the $f_0(1370)$, $f_0(1710)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$, $K_0^*(1430)$ and $K_2^*(1430)$ resonances. We benefit from previous works that considered this reaction as a $J/\psi $ decay into three vector mesons, with a scalar or tensor resonance being formed from the interaction of two of these vectors. The novelty here with respect to former studies is the investigation of the relation between the scalar meson and tensor productions for the first time. To this end, the spin structure of the four vectors present in the production vertex is analyzed, and the $D$-wave mechanism in the tensor production is included. …

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

An integral framework for computational thermo-elastic homogenization of polycrystalline materials


A grain scale framework for thermo-elastic analysis and computational homogenization of polycrystalline materials is proposed. The morphology of crystal aggregates is represented employing Voronoi tessellations, which retain the main statistical features of polycrystalline materials. The behaviour of the individual grains is modelled starting from an integral representation for anisotropic thermo-elasticity, which is numerically addressed through a dual reciprocity boundary element method. The integrity of the aggregate is enforced through suitable intergranular thermo-elastic continuity conditions. By virtue of the features of the underlying formulation, the polycrystalline thermo-elastic …

Mechanics of MaterialsMechanical EngineeringComputational homogenizationPolycrystalline materialsMultiscale materials modellingComputational MechanicsBoundary element methodGeneral Physics and AstronomyThermo-elasticitySettore ING-IND/04 - Costruzioni E Strutture AerospazialiComputational micro-mechanicsComputer Science ApplicationsComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Nebulization of pharmacological solutions with an innovative medical device based on microvaporization


The currently available nebulization devices have a slow aerosol flow and produce vapor with large microdrops. Improved devices that achieve higher airflow and produce smaller microdrops are needed to improve the clinical care of patients. To address this critical need, we developed a novel system for the molecular vaporization of liquids. This device vaporizes an active pharma-cological substance dissolved in water, alcohol, or a mixture of water and alcohol using two energy sources at the same time: high-frequency ultrasound and thermal induction. Application of energy to a solution contained in the device's tank allows, within tens of seconds, for the vaporization of the solution itself,…

MultidisciplinarySettore MED/03Settore BIO/16 - Anatomia UmanaCOVID-19Induction energyDrug delivery deviceMicrodropAerosolAerosolCOVID-19Drug delivery deviceInduction energyMicrodropResearch Article

Il delicato equilibrio tra la tutela dell'ambiente e la promozione delle attività economiche nella pianificazione dello spazio marino


L’ambiente marino è costantemente esposto a molteplici pressioni per effetto delle attività umane in mare e a terra, dunque, è senza dubbio uno degli esempi più evidenti della complessità insita nella ricerca di un equilibrio tra le istanze della tutela dell’ambiente e quelle della pianificazione territoriale. La tutela dell’ambiente marino, infatti, richiede una gestione accurata dello spazio marittimo e costiero per garantire che l’utilizzo delle risorse disponibili sia compatibile con la preservazione degli ecosistemi e con le esigenze delle future generazioni. La strategia normativa posta in essere dal legislatore negli ultimi decenni non è riuscita, tuttavia, a migliorare concretamente…

ambiente marino aree marine protette sviluppo sostenibile sviluppo economico tutela dell'ambienteSettore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo

Carbon efficiency analysis in the provision of drinking water : Estimation of optimal greenhouse gas emissions


Producción Científica

Renewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentStrategy and ManagementGreenhouse gas emissionsWater servicesEfficiency analysis trees (EAT)3308 Ingeniería y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteRecursos hidràulics ExplotacióBuilding and ConstructionEnvironmental variablesCarbonIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringGeneral Environmental ScienceDesenvolupament econòmic Aspectes ambientals

C3N4/reduced graphene oxide photocatalysts loaded with Ag or Ag/Pt for H2 evolution from aqueous solution of triethanolamine


Composites of C3N4/reduced graphene oxide have been used as photocatalysts for triethanolamine photo- reforming with H2 generation in aqueous solution. The rate of H2 production over the Ag loaded best per- forming photocatalyst reached 525 μmol⋅h

Platinum cocatalystC3N4/reduced graphene oxidePhotoreformingGeneral ChemistrySilver cocatalystSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica OrganicaSettore CHIM/07 - Fondamenti Chimici Delle TecnologieH2 evolutionCatalysis

Ethics in Legal Research


The essay grapples with one of the most controversial issues about legal research, namely its complex ethical and methodological dimension—here argued to be comparative—assessing the high scientific value of studying law. After clarifying what differentiates such a field of research from other natural and social studies, the authors address the presence of secondary interests and the need to use personal data for scientific purposes, as relevant situations which could undermine the reliability of any legal research or allow its thoroughness at the risk of interfering with human rights. The adherence to a rigorous and effective method in investigating national and foreign law, and the compli…

Comparative MethodConflict of Interests in Legal ResearchSettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato ComparatoComparative lawData Protection



The paper returns, in a critical key, the results of the design experimentation developed by the Politecnico di Milano working group that has tackled the theme of the architectural and urban regeneration of the areas of Tamburi, Salinella and Paolo VI in Taranto, a broader reflection on the techniques, strategies and methodologies applied according to the new objectives defined by the United Nations Urban Agenda for the development of urban policies on the theme of social inclusion, economic and environmental sustainability. The three areas represent singular case studies peculiar to the design culture in our country of public housing and their settlement models and mark the different histo…

URBAN REGENERATIONSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaSOCIAL HOUSING

Eating behaviours, menstrual history and the athletic career: a retrospective survey from adolescence to adulthood in female endurance athletes


AimTo evaluate differences in menstrual and pubertal history and trends in eating behaviours among women with and without a competitive sports background. Additionally, we investigated if menstrual history and eating behaviours are associated with sports career-related factors.MethodsThis retrospective study was conducted on 100 women with a competitive endurance sports background and their age-matched, gender-matched and municipality-matched controls (n=98). Data were collected using a questionnaire using previously validated instruments. Generalised estimating equations were used to calculate associations of menstrual history and eating behaviours with outcome variables (career length, pa…

naisetkuukautiskiertoInjuriesurheilusyöminenEating disorderskuukautisetFemalePhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and RehabilitationOrthopedics and Sports Medicine315 Sport and fitness sciencesurheilijatBMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine

Hardy spaces and quasiconformal maps in the Heisenberg group


We define Hardy spaces $H^p$, $00$ such that every $K$-quasiconformal map $f:B \to f(B) \subset \mathbb{H}^1$ belongs to $H^p$ for all $0<p<p_0(K)$. Second, we give two equivalent conditions for the $H^p$ membership of a quasiconformal map $f$, one in terms of the radial limits of $f$, and one using a nontangential maximal function of $f$. As an application, we characterize Carleson measures on $B$ via integral inequalities for quasiconformal mappings on $B$ and their radial limits. Our paper thus extends results by Astala and Koskela, Jerison and Weitsman, Nolder, and Zinsmeister, from $\mathbb{R}^n$ to $\mathbb{H}^1$. A crucial difference between the proofs in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{…

Hardy spacesMathematics - Complex VariablesMetric Geometry (math.MG)quasiconformal mapsHeisenberg groupPrimary: 30L10 Secondary: 30C65 30H10Functional Analysis (math.FA)Mathematics - Functional AnalysiskvasikonformikuvauksetMathematics - Metric GeometryFOS: MathematicsHardyn avaruudetComplex Variables (math.CV)Carleson measuresAnalysis

Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy followed by in-bag transvaginal corpus uteri morcellation and extraction: A case series


Objectives: Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy (LSH) is a possible treatment for patients with benign uterine disease. Once the hysterectomy has been completed, morcellation and extraction of the corpus uteri is a crucial step of the procedure. We here present a case series to evaluate the feasibility of the in-bag transvaginal specimen retrieval following LSH. Study design: We report a case series of consecutive patients who underwent LSH followed by in-bag transvaginal specimen retrieval. LSH was accomplished in a standard fashion. Once the uterus was detached from the cervix, a 2 cm posterior colpotomy was performed laparoscopically with a monopolar hook under direct view to insert a spe…

Reproductive MedicineFibroidMinimally invasive surgeryObstetrics and GynecologySupracervical hysterectomy.Specimen retrievalMorcellationSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaEndo-bag

Two-neutrino ββ decay of 136Xe to the first excited 0+ state in 136Ba


We calculate the nuclear matrix element for the two-neutrino $\beta\beta$ decay of $^{136}$Xe into the first excited $0^+$ state of $^{136}$Ba. We use different many-body methods: the quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) framework, the nuclear shell model, the interacting boson model (IBM-2), and an effective field theory (EFT) for $\beta$ and $\beta\beta$ decays. While the QRPA suggests a decay rate at the edge of current experimental limits, the shell model points to a half-life about two orders of magnitude longer. The predictions of the IBM-2 and the EFT lie in between, and the latter provides systematic uncertainties at leading order. An analysis of the running sum of the nu…

Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)High Energy Physics - PhenomenologyNuclear and High Energy PhysicsHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)Nuclear TheoryneutriinotFOS: Physical sciencesNuclear Experiment (nucl-ex)fysiikkaNuclear ExperimentHigh Energy Physics - Experiment

Sarcoma Botryoides: Optimal Therapeutic Management and Prognosis of an Unfavorable Malignant Neoplasm of Female Children


Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) is a rare malignancy and occurs primarily in the first two decades of life. Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive subtype of ERMS that often manifests in the genital tract of female infants and children. Due to its rarity, the optimal treatment approach has been a matter of debate. We conducted a search in the PubMed database and supplemented it with a manual search to retrieve additional papers eligible for inclusion. We retrieved 13 case reports and case series, from which we summarized that the current trend is to approach each patient with a personalized treatment plan. This consists of a combination of local debulking surgery and adjuvant or neoad…

Clinical BiochemistryEmbryonal rhabdomyosarcoma Fertility-sparing surgery Genital tract Local debulking Neoadjuvant chemotherapy Prognosis Radiation Sarcoma botryoides TreatmentSettore MED/40 - Ginecologia E OstetriciaDiagnostics

Effluents from the copper electrorefining as a secondary source of antimony: Role of mass transfer on the recovery by electrodeposition


The limited availability of antimony has increased the need for exploiting alternative sources to its direct extraction from stibnite deposits. Furthermore, introducing recovery techniques in industries where antimony is released in wastewaters leads to more responsible production routes. In this work, electrodeposition is employed to recover the antimony present in a secondary waste effluent of the copper electrorefining that is highly concentrated in hydrochloric acid. The electrochemical characterization of the system was conducted by voltammetry to identify a range of suitable operating conditions for the potentiostatic and galvanostatic electro-recovery of antimony. In potentiostatic m…

Mechanical EngineeringGeneral Chemical EngineeringGeneral Materials ScienceGeneral ChemistryQuímicaWater Science and Technology

Un profilo di Nino Geraci, scultore del Novecento


Il contributo presenta un approfondimento sulla figura di Nino Geraci, scultore attivo a Palermo dal 1900 al 1980 con una fortunata parentesi a New York dal 1927 al 1931 e artista meritevole di una più attenta considerazione critica. The contribution presents an insight into the figure of Nino Geraci, a sculptor active in Palermo from 1900 to 1980 with a successful interlude in New York from 1927 to 1931 and an artist worthy of more careful critical consideration.

MostreDecorationexhibitionContemporary artSettore L-ART/03 - Storia Dell'Arte ContemporaneaSculptureSculturaNino GeraciDecorazioneArte Contemporanea



The theme of practicing sport for people with disabilities goes far beyond the simplification of a healthy lifestyle, but refers to complex aspects of a pedagogical, educational, social, and cultural nature that combine to outline the education and training system of future professionals in this field. This is demonstrated by the growing interest that the question has aroused in recent decades, with the issuing of supranational regulatory provisions that recall the right of all minors, without distinction, to an education capable of harmoniously involving every dimension that constitutes human being, including the education of the body; and this is highlighted by the numerous reviews of int…

Adapted Physical Education inclusion physical education coping professional development.Settore M-PED/03 - Didattica E Pedagogia SpecialeINTED2023 Proceedings

Reuse of almond by-products: Functionalization of traditional semolina sourdough bread with almond skin


Almond production generates large amounts of by-products rich in polyphenols. In this study, almond skin was explored as a valuable food ingredient in bread making. To this purpose, almond skin was used to produce functional products modifying a traditional sourdough bread recipe. The doughs were prepared replacing semolina with powdered almond skin (PAS) at 5 and 10 % (w/w). Sourdough inoculum was started with a mix of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and propagated in semolina until reaching pH 3.7. The pH of PAS added breads was higher than that of control (CTR) breads before and after fermentation. Plate counts showed a similar evolution of LAB and total mesophilic microorganisms, but members…

Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeSettore AGR/15 - SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE ALIMENTARIAlmond by-productsSourdoughIn vitro digestionLactic acid bacteriaFunctional breadOrganoleptic propertiesGeneral MedicineMicrobiologyFood Science

Interaction model: Reflexiv leadership in the face of tensions in the school’s practical day to day handling


Author's accepted manuscript Rektorer opplever utfordringer i det å arbeide som faglig, pedagogisk og administrativt ansvarlig på skolen. Faglig, pedagogisk og administrativt hensyn kan fort komme i konflikt med hverandre og skape spenninger i rektors arbeid. Denne artikkelen undersøker rektorenes opplevelse av å være leder på skolen, og hvordan de kan håndtere disse spenningene. For å komme så nære rektorene som mulig er det benyttet reflektive livsverdensintervjuer. Resultater i denne artikkelen støtter tidligere resultater i nordisk forskning om at administrative oppgaver tar fokus bort fra utviklingsoppgaver og at det er spenninger mellom ulike oppgaver i rektors arbeid. For å illustrer…

VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280::Andre pedagogiske fag: 289School managementInstructional LeadershipAdministrationSkoleledelseHeadteacher's RoleAdministrasjonGeneral MedicineRektors rollePedagogisk ledelseNorsk pedagogisk tidsskrift

Feasibility of conductive embroidered threads for I 2 C sensors in microcontroller-based wearable electronics


Abstract In recent years, the importance of flexible and textile electronics in the field of wearable devices has continuously increased, as they are expected to replace conventional wires that exhibit limited resistance to the mechanical stress occurring in on-body applications. Wearable health devices (WHDs) can provide physiological information about various body parts and employ distributed sensor networks. Among the sensors typically integrated within WHDs, those based on the I2C communication protocol are very common and exploit signals transmitted at frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz. Therefore, robust communication is required to guarantee a proper transmission of the signal a…

textile electronics conductive threads I2C communication protocol wearable health devices (WHDs) photoplethysmography (PPG)Settore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica E InformaticaElectrical and Electronic EngineeringSettore ING-INF/01 - ElettronicaElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsFlexible and Printed Electronics

Comparison of discretization strategies for the model-free information-theoretic assessment of short-term physiological interactions


This work presents a comparison between different approaches for the model-free estimation of information-theoretic measures of the dynamic coupling between short realizations of random processes. The measures considered are the mutual information rate (MIR) between two random processes [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] and the terms of its decomposition evidencing either the individual entropy rates of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] and their joint entropy rate, or the transfer entropies from [Formula: see text] to [Formula: see text] and from [Formula: see text] to [Formula: see text] and the instantaneous information shared by [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see…

Applied MathematicsSettore ING-INF/06 - Bioingegneria Elettronica E InformaticaGeneral Physics and AstronomyStatistical and Nonlinear PhysicsInformation-theoretic measures mutual information rate (MIR) binning permutation time-series analysisMathematical Physics

Preclinical models for prediction of immunotherapy outcomes and immune evasion mechanisms in genetically heterogeneous multiple myeloma


AbstractThe historical lack of preclinical models reflecting the genetic heterogeneity of multiple myeloma (MM) hampers the advance of therapeutic discoveries. To circumvent this limitation, we screened mice engineered to carry eight MM lesions (NF-κB, KRAS, MYC, TP53, BCL2, cyclin D1, MMSET/NSD2 and c-MAF) combinatorially activated in B lymphocytes following T cell-driven immunization. Fifteen genetically diverse models developed bone marrow (BM) tumors fulfilling MM pathogenesis. Integrative analyses of ∼500 mice and ∼1,000 patients revealed a common MAPK–MYC genetic pathway that accelerated time to progression from precursor states across genetically heterogeneous MM. MYC-dependent time …

multiple myeloma mouse model immune system immunotherapyGeneral MedicineGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology

Flow resistance due to shrubs and woody vegetation


In this paper, a theoretical open channel flow resistance equation was verified using flow depth and discharge measurements carried out by Freeman et al. in a large channel, 2.44 m wide, for ten different types of uniform-sized plants (shrubs and woody vegetation). The plants, which are broadleaf deciduous vegetation commonly found in floodplains and riparian zones, were placed in staggered rows inside the channel whose bed was constructed to accept plants with their root systems. For each species, the available measurements were carried out by Freeman et al. with plants having different values of plant density, height, and bending stiffness. The available literature database (87 measuremen…

Self-similarityDimensional analysiVegetationFlow resistanceOpen channelVelocity profileModeling and SimulationSettore AGR/08 - Idraulica Agraria E Sistemazioni Idraulico-ForestaliElectrical and Electronic EngineeringInstrumentationComputer Science ApplicationsFlow Measurement and Instrumentation



Nell'era digitale, la tecnologia è in continua evoluzione, con enormi progressi nell'automazione che consentono una gestione della manutenzione più efficiente ed economica. Le tecnologie digitali stanno convergendo e avanzando insieme alle industrie, determinando progressi significativi nella gestione della manutenzione. La tradizionale strategia di manutenzione preventiva gestita dall'uomo lascia progressivamente spazio alla manutenzione predittiva, che rappresenta un’ottima opportunità per migliorare significativamente la pianificazione della manutenzione del sistema, in particolare per i sistemi più complessi e dal significativo valore monetario. Tuttavia, l’implementazione di tecniche d…

Predictive maintenance Decision-making models complex systems optimization maintenance digitalization maintenance management Industry 4.0 Multi-criteria decision-making Complex systemsSettore ING-IND/17 - Impianti Industriali Meccanici

Presentazione della seconda edizione


with this presentation the red thread that follows the whole volume is identified

agricultural law sustainabilitySettore IUS/03 - Diritto Agrario