showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents

Od redakcji


Las Indias y la India. imaginarios, categorías y sus vidas cotidianas



colonizaciónideologiaUNESCO::HISTORIAimaginario:HISTORIA [UNESCO]naciónimperioidentidadgénero

Anomalías craneofaciales y dentales en una población de escolares nacidos pretérmino


En las últimas décadas hemos podido asistir a un incremento en el número de partos pretérmino como consecuencia de diversos factores tecnológicos y sociales tales como la incorporación de la mujer al mercado laboral, el aumento de la edad media de las gestantes, el desarrollo de las técnicas de reproducción asistida y otros factores locales como la migración que repercute negativamente en las condiciones socioeconómicas y sanitarias de las gestantes. De la misma manera, los importantes avances logrados en las unidades neonatales han permitido la supervivencia de recién nacidos (RN) de edades gestacionales (EG) cada vez más extremas. El uso de corticoides prenatales, la administración de sur…


Dental microwear texture analysis of rats receiving experimental near-natural diets shows that seeds and insect exoskeletons cause high enamel surfac…


Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

La biostimulation : un levier possible d'augmentation d'efficacité des stimulateurs de défense des plantes ?


[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]

Des trajectoires métropolitaines pour une gouvernance anticipative de la biodiversité urbaine - Chapitre 9


[SDV.EE] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Ecology environment[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyBiodiversité urbaine

6 gadus vecu bērnu komunikatīvas kompetences sekmēšana pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēs tehnologiju, sociālajā un pilsoniskajā mācību jomās


Kvalifikācijas darba autore: Viktorija Veremjova. Kvalifikācijas darba nosaukums: “6 gadus vecu bērnu komunikatīvas kompetences sekmēšana pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēs tehnologiju, sociālajā un pilsoniskajā mācību jomās”. Kvalifikācijas darba vadītāja: Profesore Dr. paed. Anna Līduma. Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis: teorētiski un praktiski izpētīt 6 gadus vecu bērnu komunikatīvo kompetenču sekmēšanas tehnoloģiju un sociālajā pilsoniskajā mācību jomās. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no divām daļām – teorētiskās un empīriskās. Kvalifikācijas darba mērķa sasniegšanai izmantotas pētījuma metodes: 1)Teorētiskajā daļā - pedagoģiskās un psiholoģiskās literatūras analīze. 2)Empīriskajā daļā - pedagoģis…

komunikācijaIzglītības zinātnestehnoloģiju mācību jomasociālā un pilsoniskā mācību jomakomunikatīvas kompetences

Predicting pesticide biodegradation potential from microbial community composition: new tools for bioremediation


Bioaugmentation is receiving increasing attention as a green technology to treat contaminatedareas by inoculating specific biodegrading microorganisms. However, our understanding of therole of microbial community composition and structure in the expression of contaminantdegradation potential is yet to improve. It could help making wise choice for microorganisms –community or specific strain – to be inoculated in contaminated soils with consideration to theirindigeneous microbiota.Here we tried to predict the microbial degradation of two herbicides, glyphosate andisoproturon by means of penalized regression and machine learning methods routinely used ingenomic selection. To this end, we cond…

[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]glyphosateisoproturonmicrobial community compositionmicrobial degradationgenomic selection

La Dame de l’abri Pataud


[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

« La céramique du second âge du Fer », in Vermard L. (dir.), Braguier S., Juncker J., Pernot P., Ritz S., Tegel W., Grand Est, Meuse, Mouzay, Le Chât…


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ENVIR] Humanities and Social Sciences/Environmental studies[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/History

V comme Vénus


[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences

Formazione e trasformazione di un'immagine urbana. Ricostruzioni architettoniche tra l'asse della via Notarbartolo e il secondo tronco della via Libe…


The contribution presented here is part of a work-in-progress project, which has as its focus the “extra-moenia” urban transformations suffered by the city of Palermo after World War II, with the aim of cataloging, reconstructing and restoring the remarkable heritage -lost in the years of the economic boom and building speculation- in three-dimensional virtual images. The analysis is part of the urban context affected by the extension of via Libertà starting from the intersection with via Notarbartolo, the transversal directional axis conceived in the Giarrusso Plan of 1887 as a connection to the Shipyards and built starting from the subdivisions of Villa Carini in the years 1891-1902. This…

Settore ICAR/17 - DisegnoUrban Analysis Architectural 3D reconstructions 3D printing for a “City Museum” Catalog of lost “Art Nouveau” Architectures

Tommaso Stanislao Velasti e il filellenismo di fine Settecento


The work of the Greek Jesuit originally from Scio, Tommaso Stanislao Velasti, constitutes a compendium of the philhellenic ideology which, starting from the second half of the eighteenth century, influenced the irredentist processes which in 1821 led Greece to proclaim its independence from the Sublime Porte. In his research path, Velasti was lucky enough to come across the works of Albanian intellectuals from Sicily, at whose Palermo seminar he was able to dwell in the crucial years of his ideological turning point. The study of some fundamental documents that emerged from the archive of the Seminary founded by Fr. Giorgio Guzzetta highlighted the filiation of fundamental ideas of identity…

Velasti Tommaso Stanislaohistory of Greek independenceBalkan identity ideologySettore L-LIN/18 - Lingua E Letteratura Albanese

Avere interessi e passioni: tempo libero, svago e sport


Per coltivare passioni e interessi abbiamo bisogno di diverse risorse essenziali: in primo luogo il tempo. In secondo luogo - il più delle volte - il denaro. In terzo luogo, e a seconda del tipo di attività che costituiscono le nostre passioni, gli spazi in cui svolgerle. In quarto luogo, anche in questo caso a seconda del tipo, le persone con cui svolgerle. Alcuni autori considerano questi come vincoli strutturali (structural contraints) interconnessi fra loro, come per esempio i vincoli ambientali, sociali ecc che diventano barriere in entrata per gli individui e i gruppi sociali per lo svolgimento o l'accesso alle attività del tempo libero.

SociologiaTempo liberoSettore SPS/07 - Sociologia GeneraleLeisure timeSport

Monoscopic Photogrammetry to investigate the buildings in the period of the Modernism in Salerno: the case study of Torquato Tasso High School


The city of Salerno and the expansion that underwent in the 1920s in order to respond to the urban expansion following the demographic increase that occurred at the beginning of the century will be the topics discussed in this paper. Transformations that created a face to the city that, in its forms, although not linked to the most advanced avant-garde, represents a testimony of the new characteristics of the “modern” city. Within this evolutionary process of the province of Salerno there is the 1928 project of two engineers, Michele and his son Luigi De Angelis for the construction of the “Regio” School. In a first moment, several projects found in the archives refer mainly to the various …

Settore ICAR/17 - DisegnoSalerno photography Modernism city planning

Paleobiologia dell'immagine. Sul futuro della cultura visuale


The attention of contemporary visual culture for the immemorial dimensions of our visual experience can begin, symbolically, with the volume that Tom Mitchell, then an established literary theorist but with particular attention to images and their social circulation, dedicates 1998 to the Image of Dinosaurs in Global Pop Culture, The Last Dinosaur Book. Apparently it is a book about a pop icon, conceived on the long wave of the revival inaugurated by Steven Spielberg's film, but in reality it is a text of unsurpassed theoretical and methodological lucidity, worthy of appearing among the masterpieces of contemporary visual culture.

Settore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria E Letterature ComparatePaleobiology Image W.T.J. Mitchell

Controllo della migrazione nel Mediterraneo e tratta di persone: profili di responsabilità internazionale


flussi migratori - area euro-mediterranea - responsabilità internazionale degli Stati - responsabilità dell'UE - tratta di esseri umani - esternalizzazione delle frontiere

Cryptocurrencies in Poland and Russia – Similarities and Differences


This article presents a comparative analysis of the perception of the cryptocurrency phenomenon based of the results of the research conducted synchronously in two countries, Poland and Russian Federation. Its aim was to capture the similarities and differences in the perception of the cryptocurrency phenomenon among representatives of both countries. The results of the research allow to conclude that among the respondents from Poland and Russia there are significant differences in terms of the subjective perception of the cryptocurrency market and the level of trust in the current financial system.

Avis de l'Anses relatif à une demande d'évaluation de 4 substances naturelles à usage biostimulant : le saule, la prêle des champs, l’huile essentiel…


Les substances naturelles à usage biostimulant (SNUB) sont définies dans le cadre de la réglementation applicable au niveau national. Conformément au point 4° de l'article L. 255-5 du code rural et de la pêche maritime, les SNUB sont dispensées d'une autorisation de mise sur le marché. Toutefois, elles sont soumises à une procédure d’autorisation et d’évaluation, dont les modalités sont fixées par voieréglementaire et codifiées à l'article D. 255-30-11 du code rural et de la pêche maritime.Ainsi, une SNUB est autorisée, le cas échéant avec des prescriptions particulières d’utilisation, par son inscription sur une liste annexée à l'arrêté du 27 avril 20162 et publiée par arrêté du ministre c…

PNPPEquisetum arvense L extrait[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]décoctionSNUBSalix sppinfusion

The shaping of food preferences by taste experience in infants and children


[SDV.AEN] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Food and NutritionLearningChildNutrition



The paper analyses the reform of the ostative prison regime introduced by Decree-Law No. 162/2022 and indicates its strengths and weaknesses, even in the light of the amendments to the conversion Bill recently approved in the Senate.

stative Prison Regime – Ostative Cooperation – Re-education of the ConvictSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Famiglia e diritto penale (evoluzione)


Sez. I. Lineamenti generali: 1. Famiglia-bene/istituzione, famiglia-contesto/relazione. — 2. Accumulo semantico. — 3. Sostituzione di principi. — Sez. II. La famiglia nel codice Rocco: istituzione e oggetto di tutela penale: 4. Rilevanza penale della famiglia nel codice Rocco. — 5. Matrimonio e procreazione come fonti dell’istituzione familiare penalmente tutelata. — 6. Il modello della famiglia patriarcale: gerarchia, maschilismo, paternalismo. — 7. Segue: moralismo (sessuale) asimmetrico. — Sez. III. Il penale familiare si adegua alla Costituzione: 8. Cambio di paradigma: dalla famiglia-oggetto di tutela alla famiglia-contesto. — 9. Una lunga transizione. — 10. La demonumentalizzazione de…

Diritto penaleFamigliaDemonumentalizzazioneEvoluzioneSettore IUS/17 - Diritto Penale

Dzīvesspēka un darba pašefektivitātes saistība ar izdegšanu policijas darbiniekiem


Pētījuma mērķis bija izpētīt, vai un kādas saistības pastāv starp dzīvesspēka, darba pašefektivitātes un izdegšanas rādītājiem policistiem. Pētījumā piedalījās 266 policisti. Izmantota Dzīvesspēka aptauja pieaugušajiem (Resilience Scale of Adult s(RSA), Hjemdal et al., 2001; Friborg et al., 2003; Friborg et al., 2005), Darba pašefektivitātes aptaujas īsā versija (Short Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (OSS-SF), Rigotti et al., 2008), kura adaptēta latviešu valodā pētījuma ietvaros, un Izdegšanas klīnisko apakštipu aptaujas īsā versija (Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BCSQ-12), Montero-Marín et al., 2011). Pētījumā konstatētas statistiski nozīmīgas saistības starp dzīvesspēka, darba …

darba pašefektivitātedzīvesspēksizdegšanaPsiholoģijapolicists

Literatūra -5-6 gadus vecu bērnu emocionālās attīstības sekmētāja


Pētījuma teorētiskajā daļā raksturota emociju būtība, 5-6 gadīgu bērnu vecumposms pētāmās problēmas aspektā, kā arī 5-6 gadus vecu bērnu emocionālā attīstība. Analizētas dažādu autoru atziņas par bērnu literatūras būtību, raksturoti literārie darbi kā bērnu emociju rosinātāji. Praktiskajā daļā pēc izveidotajiem kritērijiem sākotnēji un atkārtoti vērota bērnu prasme atpazīt un raksturot emocijas. Atlasīti un aprobēti 12 literārie darbi šo prasmju rosināšanai. Pētījumam izvirzītā hipotēze apstiprinājās.

5-6 gadīgi bērniBērnu literatūraPedagoģijaEmocionālā attīstībaEmocijas

“The Pokémon that Got Away” : Employing Actor-Network Theory to Unmask the Technology Actor in Cybernized Services


Digitalization and emerging technologies have given rise to cybernized services and a debate questioning the traditional Service-dominant logic (SDL) view of technology as a resource in service exchange. To date, little is known about the role of technology as a value co-creating (or co-destroying) actor in the context of services empowered by emerging technologies. Attaining an in-depth understanding of technology as an actor in cybernized service ecosystems is integral for practitioners and researchers alike to foster and investigate value co-creation in the sociotechnical interactions from the perspective of the involved human actors. To address this need, we unmask the technology actor …

palvelutsosiotekninen vuorovaikutusarvonluontivaikutuksetteknologiateknologinen kehitysyhteiskunnalliset vaikutuksetdigitalisaatiopalveluntuottajatlisätty todellisuus

Eye gaze as a resource in handling trouble around mobile devices in classroom interaction


This paper offers an insight into how interaction is multimodally built during taskaccomplishment around mobile devices in classroom interaction. More specifically, it investigates eye gaze as a resource in recruiting help and pursuing response from peers during interactional or task-related trouble sequences. The data come from video-recorded lessons at Finnish comprehensive schools where mobile devices are used for learning tasks. Drawing on multimodal conversation analysis, the article demonstrates that gaze is employed by pupils as one of the first resources to display and address trouble. Although tasks often require gaze to be directed at devices, it can be flexibly reoriented to peer…


Test commission: Twenty-five years working on test quality


The objective of this paper is to present the activities and projects carried out by the Spanish Test Commission, established by the Spanish Psychological Association to improve the quality and use of tests. The most relevant projects of the commission during its twenty-five years of existence are reviewed, describing the work carried out: a) to understand the opinions and attitudes of psychologists towards the tests, b) to evaluate the quality of the tests published in Spain, and c) to develop standards, guidelines, and ethical and deontological codes to improve testing practices. The commission’s other activities of a formative nature are also highlighted, as well as its relationships wit…

psychometricsevaluationtesttest qualityPsychologyappropriate test use.BF1-990Papeles del Psicólogo

Conclusions: Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia. Setting the Agenda in the Debate on the Rise of Urbanization in the Ancient Near East


(not requested)

socio-economic ComplexityLATE CHALCOLITHIC NORTH MESOPOTAMIA Uruk Pheonomenon Iraki KurdistanPrehistoryChalcolithic northern Mesopotamia socio-economic Complexity PrehistorySettore L-OR/05 - Archeologia E Storia Dell'Arte Del Vicino Oriente Anticonorthern MesopotamiaChalcolithic

M. Montesori metodikas izmantošana valodas mācību jomā pirmsskolas izglītības 3. posmā


Kvalifikācijas darba tēma “M. Montesori metodikas izmantošana valodas mācību jomā pirmsskolas izglītības 3. posmā”. Kvalifikācijas darba autore Ina Raudiņa. Kvalifikācijas darba vadītāja: Docente, Dr. pead. Ilze Šūmane. Kvalifikācijas darba tēmas izvēli noteica darba autores vēlme padziļināti izpētīt M. Montesori metodes principus un to izmantošanas iespējas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādes pedagoģiskā procesa nodrošināšanai, daudzveidojot valodas apguves rotaļnodarbības pirmsskolas izglītības 3. posmā. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt un analizēt Marijas Montesori metodikas izmantošanas iespējas pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē valodas jomas apguvē. Darba uzdevumi ir: 1. Raksturot Marijas Montesori…

Montesori metodikaValodas mācību jomaPedagoģijaPirmsskolas izglītības iestādeMetode

Hva kan forklare gjennomtrekk i lærerrollen?


Fokus på vårt arbeid med masteroppgaven har vært å studere ulike sider ved denne problemstillingen: «Hva kan forklare gjennomtrekk i lærerrollen? Vi har med våre ulike perspektiver, basert på vår yrkesbakgrunn, hatt ett ønske om å finne ut hva som kan forklare gjennomtrekken i yrket, slik at vi bedre kan forstå og bidra til konstruktive innspill og løsninger.

La "Costituzione europea" e il processo federativo dell'Unione


L'articolo affronta il tema relativo alla esistenza o meno di una Costituzione europea, o definirne l'esistenza anche in assenza di un testo scritto quale carta fondamentale. Individuare dunque la natura della forma di Stato dell'Unione europea, in senso confederale, federale o di tipo nuovo, seguendo anche l'idea del processo federativo proposto da Carl J. Friedrich

costituzione europeaprocesso federativoSettore IUS/09 - Istituzioni Di Diritto Pubblico

Nullità e sanatorie nei contratti per l’acquisto di immobili da costruire: fra tutela della parte debole e contrasto all’abuso del diritto


Il contributo si sofferma sui recenti sviluppi in materia di invalidità dei contratti aventi ad oggetto immobili da costruire nell’ordinamento italiano, con particolare riguardo alla valorizzazione della tecnica argomentativa del divieto di abuso del diritto.

ideiussione obbligatorianullità sanabile:CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHO [UNESCO]UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y DERECHOimmobili da costruireabuso del diritto

Student Mobility as a Strategy of Increasing Competitiveness on the Global Labor Market – An Attempt to Diagnose Educational Mobility: The Case of Po…


PURPOSE: The aim of the article is the identification and the assessment of the state, and the conditions for the participation of higher education units in Poland in the process of educational mobility in terms of the competitiveness of graduates.

Education Higher -- International cooperationhigher educationStrategyStudent mobility -- PolandinternationalizationEducational mobility -- PolandGlobalizationGeneral Economics Econometrics and FinanceGeneral Business Management and AccountingmobilityLabor marketEUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES JOURNAL

Afganistan w cieniu wojny. Rozważania na temat geografii, historii, bezpieczeństwa i prawa wojennego


Kritiskās domāšanas prasmju apgūšana pirmsskolas 2. posmā par tēmu “Rudens”


Kvalifikācijas darba temats: “Kritiskās domāšanas prasmju apgūšana pirmsskolas 2. posmā par tēmu “Rudens Autore: Pētījuma mērķis: 2. posma pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu kritiskās domāšanas attīstības veicināšanas iespējas dabaszinību nodarbībās par tēmu “Rudens.” Darba apjoms: 44 lappuses Darbs sastāv no ievada, 4 nodaļām, secinājumiem, izmantotās literatūras saraksta ar 38 avotiem. Darbā tika analizēta teorētiskā literatūra par kritiskās domāšanas prasmēm, to attīstību pirmsskolas 2. posmā dabaszinībās. Pētījuma daļā tika izstrādāti kritēriji, kuri ir pamatā bērnu novērošanai, lai konstatētu bērnu kritiskās domāšanas prasmēm. Tika izstrādātas arī nodarbības, kuras veicina kritiskās domāšanas pr…

kritiska domāšana2.posmsPedagoģijapirmsskolarudensprasmes

Mācību ekskursija kā ārpustundas nodarbības metode vēstures satura apguvē 8. klasē


Diplomdarba “Mācību ekskursija kā ārpusstundas nodarbības metode vēstures satura apguvē 8. klasē” mērķis ir analizēt mācību ekskursijas izmantošanas pedagoģiskās iespējas vēstures mācību satura veicināšanai temata “1905. gada revolūcijas cēloņi un sekas ” apguvē. Diplomdarba pētījumā tiek apskatītas un analizētas mācību metodes vēstures stundās pamatskolas vecuma posmā, pievēršot uzmanību un pielāgojot metodes pusaudžu vecumposma īpatnībām un vajadzībām. Pētījuma rezultātā izstrādāts ekskursijas maršruts, lai apgūtu tematu par 1905. gada revolūcija un tās norisi Siguldas novada Allažu pagastā, priekšmetā – Latvijas un Pasaules vēsture 8. klasei. Pētījuma rezultātā īstenota ekskursija pa izs…

revolūcijaIzglītības zinātnesLatvijas un Pasaules vēsturemācību metodemācību ekskursija