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Introduction: Learning, Philosophy and African Citizenship
AbstractIn this chapter, we offer a background to the edited volume, the research project that produced it and its content—a series of investigations of the contested notions of citizenship and learning, and their interconnections. We set the agenda for exploring citizenship and learning as defined in philosophical traditions, and as experienced and described in selected locations in Tanzania and Uganda, and also introduce the contributions from the perspectives of both citizenship and conceptualizing learning.
Traitement du signal : intérêt et application en neurosciences
Laulību līgumi
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Laulību līgumi”. Šajā darbā autore pētīja laulāto līgumisko mantisko attiecību attīstību Latvijā un mūsdienu regulējumu, lai izprastu, kāpēc ir nepieciešami laulību līgumi, kāpēc tos neslēdz katrs vai katrs otrs laulātais pāris. Darbā aplūkots arī citu valstu laulāto mantisko attiecību regulējums, lai novērtētu līdzības un atšķirības ar Latvijas līgumisko laulāto mantisko attiecību regulējumu. Latvijas laulāto līgumisko mantisko attiecību regulējuma salīdzinājums ar citām valstīm iespējams rada iespēju novērtēt vai ir kaut kas aizgūstams un piemērots Latvijas laulāto līgumisko mantisko attiecību regulējumam. Rezultātā autore nonāca pie secinājumiem, kāpēc laulību lī…
Eksporta potenciāla analīze finanšu noziegumu novēršanas pakalpojumiem.
Maģistra darbs veikts par eksporta modeļu izmantošanu, lai noteiktu potenciālos tirgus finanšu nozieguma novēršanas pakalpojumam. Tika izvērtēti 2 eksporta modeļi, analizējot statistikas datus par 15 valstīm 2019. gadā. Maģistra darba galvenais uzdevums ir ar modeļiem novērtēt potenciālos eksporta tirgus. Noslēgumā, pamatojoties uz aprēķinu rezultātiem, tiek noteiktas eksporta stratēģijas, izteikti secinājumi, priekšlikumi. Pirms darba izstrādes tiek izteikta hipotēze – Latvijas uzņēmumiem, kuri sniedz finanšu noziegumu novēršanas pakalpojumus, eksistē vairāki eksporta tirgi, kur būtu pieprasījums un kur ir labvēlīga vide šī pakalpojuma sniegšanai – daļēji apstiprinājās darba izstrādē. Darb…
Oral manifestations in SARS-CoV-2 infection
We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of predisposing factors and oral manifestations in SARS-CoV-2 infection. 204 SARS-CoV-2 positive patients were included in the study. Questions regarding the systemic, periodontal health, oral hygiene habits, common symptoms and, oral manifestations of COVID-19 such as oral lesions, and dry mouth were included in the survey. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used. 47.5% of individuals had various systemic diseases. Dry mouth (44.2%) and oral lesions (22.4%) were the most common oral manifestations in COVID-19 patients. Also, dry mouth had the highest VAS score. The most common oral lesion locations were buccal mucosa (15.2%) and tongue (10.8%). The majo…
Theory of Heterogeneous Circuits With Stochastic Memristive Devices
We introduce an approach based on the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation to model heterogeneous stochastic circuits, namely, the circuits combining binary or multi-state stochastic memristive devices and continuum reactive components (capacitors and/or inductors). Such circuits are described in terms of occupation probabilities of memristive states that are functions of reactive variables. As an illustrative example, the series circuit of a binary memristor and capacitor is considered in detail. Some analytical solutions are found. Our work offers a novel analytical/numerical tool for modeling complex stochastic networks, which may find a broad range of applications.
Solitude and Sensibility: Female Identities in the Spanish Enlightenment
Introduction What did solitude mean to the men and women of the eighteenth century? To newly enlightened minds, the idea that anyone might withdraw from his or her fellows, whether physically or mentally, was anything but desirable. Nor could voluntary isolation any more be construed as a sign of nearness to God. Individuals were expected to spend their time neither searching for heaven on earth nor preparing their souls for the afterlife, but working towards the common good in the here and now. Personal interests and desires were seen as secondary to the needs of society and therefore great importance was attributed to the exchange of ideas, dialogue, cooperation, philanthropic urges and a…
Additional file 1 of High-flow nasal cannula versus non-invasive ventilation for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in adults: a systematic review…
Additional file 1: Table S1. Embase and Medline Search Results. Table S2. Cochrane Central Search Results. Table S3. Excluded Studies. Table S4. Risk of Bias Table. Fig. S1. Forest plot of mortality—subgroup analysis by risk of bias. Fig. S2. Forest plot of mortality—subgroup analysis excluding Wang et al. Fig. S3. Forest plot of intubation—subgroup analysis by risk of bias. Fig. S4. Forest plot of intubation—subgroup analysis excluding Wang et al. Fig. S5. Forest plot of ICU Length of Stay—subgroup analysis by risk of bias. Fig. S6. Forest plot of ICU Length of Stay—subgroup analysis excluding Wang et al. Fig. S7. Forest plot of Hospital Length of Stay—subgroup analysis by risk of bias. Fi…
Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. 2022, Nr. 1 (115)
LU Latvijas vēstures institūta LU ilgtermiņa saistību izpildei 2020.-2022. g. ("Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls")
The look, an epigrammatic and anthological vector in the Selecta epigrammata graeca latine versa of Janus Cornarius
In 1529, a German physician, Janus Cornarius, published an anthology of epigrams entitled Selecta epigrammata graeca latine versa. A polymathic scholar, a committed philologist and an independent humanist, the author offers a compilation of Greek epigrams translated into Latin, drawing on several hypotexts.The theme of the gazing, present in many epigrams, allows to highlight the main characteristics of the epigrammatic genre as well as of the anthological form and reveals itself as a precious asset of the festivitas as much as of the transmission of the eruditio. Three types of viewpoints are constantly present in the work : the characters’ one as well the reader’s and the author’s. This d…
The European Social Charter: A Commentary. Volume 1, Cross-cutting Themes
A Line Impedance Calculator Based on a G3 PLC Modem Platform
Power line communication (PLC) is one of the most today used technologies for both automatic meter reading and many other smart grid applications. In this framework, a characterization of the electrical network in the PLC frequency range is needed in terms of impedance measurement and received signal level. This can allow choosing the most suitable and less noisy frequency ranges for PLC transmission. Usually, these characterization measurements are performed with dedicated instrumentation and in the absence of mains voltage. This article wants to propose an alternative solution, which allows these kinds of measurements to be performed using electronic boards currently used as on-field appl…
Oltre la musica: Il conservatorio come costruzione intellettuale.
Digitāla emociju izsekošanas rīka izveide sporta profesionāļiem un tā eksperimentāla testēšana
Šī darbā tika pētīts saistījums starp sportistu rezultātu pašnovērtējumu un viņu emocionālo stāvokli (depresijas un trauksmes smagums), kā arī viņu raksturu, balstoties uz “liela piecinieka” vērtējumiem. Darbā tika veikts literatūras pārskats un analīze par eksistējošiem depresijas, trauksmes, “liela piecinieka” un saistītiem ar sportu testiem, un balstoties uz šo tika formulētas hipotēzes, kā arī izstrādāts un eksperimentāli testēts rīks emociju izsekošanai. Pētījumā piedalījās 21 sportisti, starp kuriem ir 11 vīrieši un 10 sievietes, 13 ir individuāla sporta sportisti un 8 ir komandas sporta sportisti. Balstoties uz šī pētījuma datiem, tika atrasts saistījums starp depresijas smagumu un s…
Compte rendu de : Colin Foss, The Culture of War. Literature of the Siege of Paris 1870-1871, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2020
Zéro pesticide : un nouveau paradigme de recherche pour une agriculture durable
Disponible gratuitement en ebook; International audience; L’usage des pesticides chimiques est une préoccupation sociétale majeure en raison de leurs impacts négatifs sur l’environnement et la santé. Le Programme prioritaire de recherche (PPR) « Cultiver et Protéger Autrement », piloté par INRAE, joue un rôle structurant dans l’évolution des communautés scientifiques et dans l’émergence de fronts de science permettant une protection des cultures sans pesticides. L’objectif de l’ouvrage est d’expliquer les bases de cette stratégie et les principes d’actions. En se fixant un cap zéro pesticide, la recherche tente de dépasser les verrous actuels et de produire des innovations de rupture dans l…
The solid-state hierarchy and iodination potential of [bis(3-acetaminopyridine)iodine(I)]PF6
The first iodine(I) complex bearing hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor groups, [bis(3-acetaminopyridine)iodine(I)]PF6 (3), was synthesised, which exhibited two temperature-dependent solid-state connectivities of the hydrogen bonding. Upon reaction of 3 with tBuOMe, unprecedented iodination of a tBu methyl group proceeded under exceptionally mild conditions in good yield. peerReviewed
What factors relate to three profiles of perception of motor competence in young children?
The study aims were to 1) examine profiles of perception of motor competence (PMC) in relation to actual motor competence (AMC), i.e. under-estimators (UEs), realistic estimators (REs) and over-estimators (OEs) and 2) investigate associations between the profiles and selected socioecological factors at the individual, family and environmental levels. PMC (Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence) and AMC (Test of Gross Motor Development-Third Edition) were administered to a representative sample of children from 37 childcare centres in Finland (n=441;6.2±0.6yrs;52% boys). Socioecological factors were investigated using a parental questionnaire. The three profiles were formed b…
Katecheza biblijna
Politica e amministrazione nel sistema delle autonomie territoriali: merito e fiducia a trent’anni dalla privatizzazione
il saggio analizza la disciplina dei rapporti tra organi di indirizzo politico e dirigenza amministrativa nel sistema delle autonomie territoriali.
Diagnostyka różnicowa zaburzeń czucia
Pragmatiskā kompetence ir būtiska mutiskās un rakstveida saziņas sastāvdaļa speciālo nozaru angļu valodā. Tādēļ šī darba mērķis bija izpētīt speciālo nozaru angļu valodas apguvēju pragmatiskās kompetences pilnveidi darba autores piedāvātā kursa modeļa ietvaros, kas balstījās uz runas aktu paradigmu. Lai pierādītu pragmatiskās kompetences pilnveides paņēmienu un līdzekļu lietderību tiešsaistes vidē, tika veikta piecu individuālu speciālo nozaru angļu valodas apguvēju kvalitatīva gadījuma izpēte, izmantojot tādus izpētes instrumentus kā datorizētus pragmatiskās kompetences testus pirms un pēc kursu apguves. Izstrādātā valodas funkcijās balstītā valodas mācību programma, kursa plāns un izmanto…
Sul caso Vos Thalassa. La Cassazione afferma la configurabilità della legittima difesa per i migranti soccorsi in mare che si oppongono con violenza …
La Cassazione pone fine al caso Vos Thalassa. Secondo i giudici di legittimità, è configurabile la causa di giustificazione della legittima difesa in favore di soggetti migranti i quali, dopo essere stati salvati in alto mare da una nave privata italiana, accortisi che l'imbarcazione si dirige verso un paese (la Libia) in cui gli stessi corrono il concreto pericolo di essere sottoposti a trattamenti disumani o degradanti, realizzino condotte di resistenza contro il comandante e alcuni ufficiali dell'imbarcazione, al fine di impedire la loro consegna alle autorità di quel paese. Nelle complesse relazioni fra diritto interno, norme convenzionali, diritto internazionale del mare, diritto dei r…
Au vignoble, l’âge des ceps (8, 33 et 107 ans) modifie-t-il les communautés de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules ?
Les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) sont des organismes clés des agro-écosystèmes. Ils fournissent de nombreux services écosystémiques au sol (stabilité, rétention de l’eau, …) et aux plantes (amélioration de la nutrition hydrominérale, amélioration de la résistance à différents stress, ...). Les communautés de CMA sont principalement caractérisées dans le sol et encore peu directement au niveau racinaire. De plus, les études se focalisent généralement sur un seul prélèvement racinaire au cours du cycle de développement d’une plante, qu’elle soit annuelle ou pérenne. La dynamique des communautés de CMA est encore moins étudiée, que ce soit à court ou à long terme. De nombreux fa…
Cosmological constraints on heavy sterile neutrinos
We consider heavy sterile neutrinos $\nu_s$, with mass in the range 10 MeV $\lesssim m_s \lesssim m_{\pi} \sim 135$ MeV, thermally produced in the early universe and freezing out after the QCD phase transition. The existence of these neutrinos may alter the value of the effective number of neutrino species $N_{\rm eff}$, measured by the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and the ${}^4$He production during the BBN. We provide a detailed account of the solution of the relevant Boltzmann equations and we identify the parameter space constrained by current Planck satellite data and forecast the parameter space probed by future Stage-4 ground-based CMB (CMB-S4) observations.
Tracking ligand-binding effect on protein stability by CD spectroscopy
The influence of protein-ligand interactions on protein stability is usually assessed by measurements in the liquid phase. CD spectroscopy appears to be a tool of choice to i) measure the conformation of the protein in different phases and to ii) follow the conformational changes of the protein upon binding.We therefore studied the stability of the rat odorant binding protein 3 (OBP3), its ability to remain functional and a preliminary test of its ligand binding specificity in the dry state. Solid-state spectra were performed on dry thin films prepared by drop casting of initial buffered aqueous solutions of the rat OBP3 onto optically transparent CaF2 windows and subsequently dried under l…
Importance du sulfate vacuolaire pour l’établissement du rendement et de la qualité des graines de pois
Les graines de pois constituent un aliment sain et nourrissant, notamment de par leur forte teneur en protéines (environ 25%). La qualité nutritionnelle de ces protéines est néanmoins limitée par leur faible proportion en acides aminés soufrés (AAS) : cystéine et méthionine. L’objectif était d’étudier la contribution du stock de sulfate contenu dans les vacuoles à l’élaboration du rendement et de la qualité des graines, notamment la synthèse des AAS. Nous avons ciblé l’unique gène SULTR4 de pois qui code un transporteur permettant l’efflux de sulfate de la vacuole vers le cytosol. Après avoir confirmé sa localisation à la membrane vacuolaire, nous avons recherché des mutants de pois pour ce…
Cédric Moulis dir., Archéologie de la construction en Grand Est, Actes du colloque de Nancy, 26-27 sept. 2019, Nancy, PUN/Éd. Univ. de Lorraine, 2021…
Universities’ “Third” Mission, Industrial Conversion and the Quest for Surgical Masks: A Sicilian Tale from the First COVID-19 Lockdown
This contribution is a brief testimony of a “third mission” project conducted in collaboration by two university departments that, despite the operational difficulties, and thanks to institutional support, have promoted an initiative aimed at the productive reconversion of a clothing sector company into a health sector company. The project highlights the benefits of integrating different areas of scientific expertise and highlights the role of full involvement and co-creation of a new production unit. Moreover, it is an example of the role that the university can play in a complex operational context in support of a constructive relationship between public and private actors for the develop…
How do university systems' features affect academic inbreeding?: Career rules and language requirements in France, Germany, Italy and Spain
Studies on academic inbreeding have mostly focused on institutional inbreeding and its negative effects, whereas little research has explored its causes. We identify current explanations of the macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐level factors that sustain academic inbreeding as well as research gaps. We address a main research gap regarding what macro‐level factors contribute to academic inbreeding, by analysing systems’ norms and rules regulating access to senior academic positions and teaching language requirements in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, the largest public university systems of the European Union. The analysis reveals that career rules designed to guarantee quality may have unintended …
Modéliser les réseaux écologiques : Pour qui ? Pourquoi ? Comment ?
En monumental debatt
Abstract There was a widespread debate thoughout the western world that treated public monuments and Norway was among one of those contries. The three most debated cases in this debate was tied to the monuments representing Winston Churchill, Ludvig Holberg and Carl von Linné. All three had different accusations: Churchill was accused of being racist and being a personification over the british colonialism and imperialism, Holberg was primarily accused of having economic interests in the Danish-Norwegian slave trade and Linné was seen as a founder of modern racism on the basis of his work in human systematics with hierarchical undertones. The main aim of this thesis is to show how arguments…
Linnansalmen Haloset : sukutilan omaistajanvaihdokset perheyhteisön taitekohtina
Halosen taiteilijasuvun talonpoikainen suurperhe on tuttu Suomen taidehistoriasta. Sukutila ja talollisen asema eivät kuitenkaan olleet heille itsestään selvä vuosisatainen jatkumo. Myös suurperhe oli enemmän ajoittainen välivaihe tilanomistajuudessa kuin pysyvä sukurakkauden ilmentymä. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Halosen sukutilan omistajanvaihdoksia perheyhteisön taitekohtina. peerReviewed
Measurement Invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience Across 13 Countries
The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is widely used to measure emotional experiences, but not much is known about its cross-cultural utility. The present study evaluated the measurement invariance of the SPANE across adult samples (N = 12,635; age range = 18-85 years; 58.2% female) from 13 countries (China, Colombia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States). Configural and partial scalar invariance of the SPANE were supported. Three items capturing specific negative emotions (sad, afraid, and angry) were found to be culturally noninvariant. Our findings suggest that the SPANE's positive emotion terms and general n…
Estudio y diagnóstico de nuevas virosis emergentes en vid (Vitis vinifera L.)
La vid (Vitis vinifera L.) es una de las especies vegetales más susceptibles de padecer infecciones virales. En Europa y España, solo cinco especies virales (GFLV, ArMV, GLRaV-1, GLRaV-3 y GFkV), de las treinta y una patógenas de la vid, se encuentran bajo restricción legislativa. Algunos de estos son virus emergentes no contemplados en la legislación, siendo GPGV, GAMaV, GRLDaV, GVE, GVF, GVT, GRBV y GVCV las principales especies de virus emergentes que pueden constituir una amenaza para los cultivos españoles. Por tanto, el objetivo general de la presente tesis es conocer la situación de las principales virosis emergentes de vid en España y desarrollar herramientas de diagnóstico que pued…