showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
La persecución penal del fraude en la UE: la nueva Fiscalía Europea
La Fiscalía Europea inició sus funciones en junio de 2021, con el objetivo de perseguir, investigar y juzgar todo delito que afecte a los intereses financieros de la Unión Europea. En sus meses de andadura ya ha iniciado múltiples acciones penales en distintos países, lo que demuestra su eficacia en beneficio final de toda la ciudadanía europea.
Chapter VII. Gratuitous Contracts. 8. Conclusions
Marsala. Studi preliminari per la pianificazione del centro storico
Il saggio restituisce un sintetico estratto del lavoro di ricerca compiuto sul centro storico di Marsala per la preparazione dello studio con “effetti costitutivi” previsto dalla legge della Regione Siciliana n. 13 del 2015. Il lavoro illustra l’evoluzione della struttura urbana e la lettura tipo-morfologica dei tessuti presenti nel centro storico, nonché alcune delle priorità per il futuro piano risultanti dall’analisi dello stato di fatto.
How do university systems' features affect academic inbreeding?: Career rules and language requirements in France, Germany, Italy and Spain
Studies on academic inbreeding have mostly focused on institutional inbreeding and its negative effects, whereas little research has explored its causes. We identify current explanations of the macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐level factors that sustain academic inbreeding as well as research gaps. We address a main research gap regarding what macro‐level factors contribute to academic inbreeding, by analysing systems’ norms and rules regulating access to senior academic positions and teaching language requirements in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, the largest public university systems of the European Union. The analysis reveals that career rules designed to guarantee quality may have unintended …
Joan Fuster, el clàssic que es llegeix com el més brillant dels coetanis. Ressenya del llibre "Diari 1952-1960", de Joan Fuster
Els intel·lectuals espanyols davant les «altres» cultures | Conversa amb Víctor Gómez Pin | Ernst Cassirer, Pedro Ruiz, Jordi Nieva, Carles Torner, Jordi Palafox, Josep V. Boira
Los documentales científicos como instrumentos de formación ciudadana para la sostemibilidad
El propósito de este trabajo es presentar algunos resultados de una amplia investigación en torno a los documentales científicos y su utilización en la Educación en Ciencias. En particular, se ha estudiado su contribución a la adquisición de una visión holística de la problemática socioambiental y a promover la implicación de la ciudadanía en la construcción de un presente y un futuro sostenibles. Para ello, se ha estudiado la atención que prestan tanto la enseñanza como la investigación en el campo de la educación científica a los documentales científicos; y se ha analizado el contenido de un conjunto amplio de documentales con el fin de ver en qué medida contribuye su contenido a la Educa…
Il codice penale prevede una pluralità di ipotesi di disastro dalla cui lettura sistematica si ricava una nozione unitaria del “disastro” penalmente rilevante. Il riferimento è alle disposizioni codicistiche in materia di delitti contro la pubblica incolumità, che sanzionano un’ampia gamma di disastri naturali e non naturali, cagionati dall’uomo. Tra la varietà di ipotesi contemplate, particolare rilievo ha assunto nel tempo la distinzione tra i “disastri nominati”, o tipici, e i “disastri innominati”, o atipici, che ha dato spazio ad interpretazioni talora troppo estensive della figura del disastro innominato (art. 434 c.p.). L’ambito applicativo di tale fattispecie è stato infatti ampliat…
The immunoprotective and diagnostic potential of influenza virus haemagglutinin stalk domain for development of novel vaccine prototypes
Pret konservatīviem gripas vīrusa epitopiem mērķēta vakcīna varētu paplašināt inducēto imunitāti un novērst nepieciešamību pēc ikgadējas vakcīnas komponentu atjaunošanas. Lai noteiktu stalka specifisko imunitāti cūkkopības darbinieku pirms pandēmijas serumā, tika izmantots gripas vīrusa stalks. Uz VLP eksponēts lineārs stalks izsauca plašu antivielu atbildi pelēs, taču neaizsargāja pret slimības simptomiem. Rentgenstaru kristalogrāfija un cietvielu KMR uzrādīja trimēra zema pH formas saglabāšanos pēc ķīmiskas VLP funkcionalizācijas. Uz VLP eksponēts stalks inducēja plašu antivielu atbildi, bet nepasargāja no letālām gripas vīrusu infekcijām. Uz vienas daļiņas vienlaicīgi eksponēts stalks un…
Mārketinga komunikācijas efektivitāte dabīgās kosmētikas tirgū Latvijā.
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Mārketinga komunikacijas efektivitāte dabīgās kosmētikas tirgū Latvijā”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz teorijā sniegtajām atziņām par mārketinga komunikācijas efektivitāti, kā arī dabiskās kosmētikas patērētāju aptaujas rezultātiem, ekspertu aptaujas rezultātiem un Latvijas dabīgās kosmētikas uzņēmumu analīzi, novērtēt mārketinga komunikācijuas efektivitāti Latvijas tirgū, izdarīt secinājumus un izstrādāt priekšlikumus efektivitātes palielināšanai. Darba struktūra sastāv no anotācijām (latviešu un angļu valodā), ievada, 3 galvenajām nodaļām, apakšnodaļām, secinājumiem, priekšlikumiem, izmantoto avotu sarakstu un pielikumiem. Pirmā nodaļa ir bakalaura da…
Corporate groups in platform companies
The article analyses the structure of groups of platform companies and, based on three cases, tries to demonstrate the inadequacy of their treatment in Labour and Social Security Law. GVA CIGE/2021/111, La precariedad laboral: los efectos de la descentralización productiva 4.0 y el crowdsourcing online en el trabajo (Labour precariousness: the effects of productive decentralization 4.0 and online crowdsourcing at work). The article analyses the structure of groups of platform companies and, based on three cases, tries to demonstrate the inadequacy of their treatment in Labour and Social Security Law. The article was awarded by the organisation of the Asociación Española de Derecho del Traba…
Per què Joan Fuster tenia raó. Contra alguns tòpics persistents (elements d’anticrítica)
Número monogràfic dedicat al centenari del naixement de Joan Fuster, amb col·laboracions de Xavier Pla, Antoni Furió, Gustau Muñoz, Joan Ramon Resina, Toni Mollà, Enric Iborra, Francesc Viadel, Salvador Vendrell, Teresa Muñoz Lloret, Ernest Belenguer, Ferran Archilés, Pau Viciano, Antoni Rico, Josep L. Gómez Mompart, Jan Brugueras, Joan F. Mira, Martí Domínguez, Juli Capilla, Xavier Antich, Enric Balaguer, Enric Bou, Margarida Castellano, Antoni Defez, Anna Esteve, Maria Àngels Francès, Tobies Grimaltos, Pere Antoni Pons, Joan Ramon Resina, Mercè Rius, Quim Torra, Joan Manuel Tresserras i Josep Ballester.
Proposal to measure the hidden face of the values of the social economy : Its impulse to environmental and social transformation. From a stakeholders…
En los últimos lustros, la literatura ha buscado métodos más precisos para evaluar la importancia socioeconómica de la Economía Social y Solidaria (ESS). Sobre esa base, este artículo ofrece una nueva forma de evaluar el impacto de la ESS, mejorando la comprensión del potencial de la ESS para la transformación socioeconómica. Se desarrolla un marco teórico evolutivo micro-meso-macro y territorial, mediante el cual, con el apoyo de una metodología cualitativa, se estudia la transformación impulsada por la ESS en el clúster cañero de Veracruz (México). El artículo muestra la necesidad de un "enfoque territorial" del impacto de la ESS, en comparación con el "enfoque impulsado por las partes in…
Fra 0 Kroner til 90 Minutt
I mitt kunstneriske utviklingsarbeid ønsker jeg å utforske hvilke kunstneriske gevinster et lavt budsjett gir en spillefilm. For å kunne svare på dette forskningsspørsmålet har jeg startet ved å innlede kort om min egen bakgrunn, hvordan jeg fant interessen min for film. Videre går jeg dypere inn i bakgrunn for hvorfor jeg har valgt å skrive om pengebrukens viktighet i filmindustrien, og forklarer deretter hvem denne Masteroppgaven er relevant for. I tillegg nevner jeg hvilke oppgaver jeg selv har vært ansvarlig for i mitt kunstneriske utviklingsarbeid. I del 1 innleder jeg med et filmhistorisk perspektiv på uavhengig filmskapning på lavt budsjett. Videre gir jeg leseren dypere innsikt i hv…
Situazioni didattiche per pensare e ripensare criticamente la conoscenza
Un obiettivo fondamentale da considerare a scuola come all’università è l’esercizio della capacità critica. Le abilità di pensiero critico sono sempre più necessarie per insegnare ai giovani a comprendere, a pensare meglio usando strategie di controllo ed autoanalisi della conoscenza. Il pensiero critico è importante nei contesti sociali e interpersonali in cui devono essere assunte scelte adeguate, autonome e indipendenti. Leggere e scrivere sono strumenti che aiutano gli studenti a ripensare e chiarire, discernere e valutare, interpretare significati in rapido cambiamento. Dopo una breve rassegna di studi, sono approfonditi gli obiettivi e le azioni per potenziare il pensiero critico negl…
Les genres littéraires, des lieux de mémoire?
Cette conférence invitée partait de la notion de "lieux de mémoire", définie et popularisée par Pierre Nora et al. à propos de l'histoire de France, pour s'interroger sur la capacité de la littérature à transmettre certaines formes de mémoire et à faire ressurgir l'indicible. Après une introduction générale définissant le concept de lieu de mémoire, il s'agissait d'examiner deux cas différents: un genre international, la littérature policière, et un genre spécifiquement sud-africain, le "roman de la ferme". Dans les deux cas, l'objectif était de montrer que ces genres sont des genres mémoriels, en indiquant les mécanismes par lesquels chacun mobilise la mémoire et fait ressurgir l'indicible.
« De la critique littéraire à l’écriture gastronomique. Récit de la découverte d’un objet. »
Materialización de valores democráticos en España en el contexto de las elecciones europeas 2019
La investigación, con financiación pública a través de la FPU (Formación de Profesorado Universitario), tiene como objetivo nuclear analizar el grado de democracia en España en los meses previos y posteriores a unas elecciones, al Parlamento Europeo en 2019, fundamentalmente en el ámbito de los partidos políticos y los medios de comunicación. Con visión holista, metodologías multidisciplinares y enfoque democratizador. El periodo evaluado incluye la mayor concentración electoral de la historia de España. El grueso de los datos recabados se refiere a la primera mitad de 2019, habiendo en algunos casos un seguimiento desde 2017-2018 hasta 2021-2022. Además de presentar estudios sobre la situa…
Når kunsten tar over: Betydningen av kunst som overordnet prinsipp i skolen
This chapter examines what art as an overarching principle can be in a contemporary school context. The starting point is radical ideas presented by the Norwegian educator and psychologist Helga Eng in her book Kunstpædagogik from 1918. In the book, Eng argues in favor of a primary position for art in schools, including everything from the way teachers teach to the aesthetic environment in school. In this chapter, Eng’s extensive work is viewed in relation to the role of art in today’s school and society. The chapter examines the connections between Eng’s premises for art as an overarching principle and contemporary theoretical perspectives on art and education. The study contributes to an …
The hidden face of expertise! Representations and descriptions of wines by different groups of experts in a vineyard in full evolution : the Beaujola…
The Beaujolais vineyard is today in full evolution thanks to a policy of upgrading and moving upmarket. This evolution leads to the development of new mentions within the vineyard. This evolution impacts the Beaujolais wines but also the wine experts who are in the heart of making, selling and promoting these wines. Wine expertise has been studied extensively over the past twenty years. Most studies have focused on experts as a unified group versus novices to understand the effect of expertise on the knowledge and abilities of experts. However, it appears that within this unity, there are several types of experts with different backgrounds, knowledge, experiences, and professions: wine make…
Kun miehet kisailevat
Urheilukentälle päässeet keski-ikäiset miehet kilpailevat ja kuittailevat. Ja nauttivat yhdessäolosta. nonPeerReviewed
RSV disease in infants and young children: Can we see a brighter future?
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a highly contagious seasonal virus and the leading cause of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI), including pneumonia and bronchiolitis in children. RSV-related LRTI cause approximately 3 million hospitalizations and 120,000 deaths annually among children <5 years of age. The majority of the burden of RSV occurs in previously healthy infants. Only a monoclonal antibody (mAb) has been approved against RSV infections in a restricted group, leaving an urgent unmet need for a large number of children potentially benefiting from preventive measures. Approaches under development include maternal vaccines to protect newborns, extended half-life monoclon…
A novel One Domain Approach for free fluid-porous medium transport simulation. Preliminary results
We present a new numerical solver for free-fluid flowing over and inside a porous medium. It is based over a macroscopic approach and one fictitious medium is assumed inside the domain, according to the One Domain Approach. Preliminary results are shown and compared with the ones provided by the well-known DuMux solver which applies a two Domain Approach.
4 – 5 gadīgu bērnu matemātiskās prasmes veicināšana āra nodarbībās
Darba autore: Sanita Vizule. Darba nosaukums: 4 – 5 gadīgu bērnu matemātiskās prasmes veicināšana āra nodarbībās. Darba veids: kvalifikācijas darbs. Studiju programma: pirmsskolas skolotājs. Darba zinātniskā vadītāja: Mg. Pead., Anita Ieriķe Pētījuma mērķis: Teorētiski un praktiski pētīt 4-5 gadīgu bērnu matemātisko priekšstatu apguvi āra nodarbībās. Kvalifikācijas darba laikā ir veikts teorētiskais un praktiskais pētījums par 4 – 5 gadīgu bērnu matemātisko prasmju veicināšanu, apgūšanu āra nodarbībās. Pētījuma laikā tika veikta bērnu novērošana, viņu sadarbība pāros un apakšgrupās. Pētījuma daļā tika izstrādāti kritēriji, lai izvērtētu katra bērna matemātiskās prasmes. Pētījuma izstrādes l…
Design of perfusion bioreactors and PLLA-based scaffolds for in vitro tissue engineering
L'ingegneria tissutale rappresenta un nuovo approccio che integra cellule e matrici ingegnerizzate per la formazione di nuovi tessuti. In questa strategia, tre componenti essenziali costituiscono la cosiddetta triade della Tissue Engineering: segnali regolatori, cellule e scaffold tridimensionali (3D) biodegradabili e porosi. Tali elementi sono combinati per sviluppare un tessuto funzionale organizzato e 3D che simula la matrice extracellulare (ECM) del tessuto da rigenerare. Le funzioni specifiche dei tessuti nativi sono correlate agli ambienti complessi che, all'esterno del corpo, possono essere imitati usando degli strumenti chiamati bioreattori. Questi sistemi forniscono un ambiente in …
Digital Transformation in Maintenance Management
The relationship between technology and maintenance is mutually beneficial since technology is continuously improving with consequent substantial advancements in the field of maintenance. Maintenance management may be effectively modernized through digitalization. Developing advanced technologies promotes indeed the possibility of maintaining a competitive and long-term position in this field. Digitalization is consistently transforming organizations by allowing them to use suitable technologies for collecting data automatically. Various equipment and components are nowadays capable of collecting their operating data over an extended period, which may yield a plethora of intriguing insights…
El discurso populista en las revistas del primer franquismo
In certain contexts, and historical moments, the press has become an instrument of a dominant group that turns media discourse into a weapon, in order to carry out ideological manipulation of the recipient (Charaudeau 2003: 42 ). This is the case in the magazines that are the subject of this work: Legiones y Falanges (1940-1943) and Y, Revista para la mujer nacionalsindicalista (1938-1945), two exemplary publications in which the power elites propose to extol the ideological basis of the young Francoist dictatorship and to build the identity of the woman that the regime needs. With this objective, institutional locutors adopt a wide range of argumentative strategies, legal and not, forging …
Le soft skills relazionali del futuro insegnante di sostegno in tempo di pandemia
La ricerca presentata all’interno di questo contributo indaga l’esperienza di formazione dei futuri insegnanti di sostegno della scuola dell’infanzia, primaria, secondaria di primo e secondaria di secondo grado, nell’ambito del Corso di Specializzazione per le attività del sostegno dell’Università di Palermo nell’a.a. 2020-21, con particolare attenzione alle modificazioni intervenute nella pratica didattica, rispetto allo sviluppo delle soft skills comunicative ed interpersonali, due aree che riteniamo rappresentative delle soft skills relazionali. Nello specifico, attraverso la somministrazione on line del Soft Skills Inventory (SSI) a cui hanno risposto 1296 docenti in formazione, in ques…
Testing of Virtual Toolkit with Stakeholders
The collected data reported in this document gives mainly positive feedback on Virtual Toolkit (IO2), highlighting some interesting and relevant elements that can be further developed in its final release. The group of respondents have a quite long average experience in managing inter-institutional projects and belong to the EU-defined main participants groups of Managers (22), Teachers/Trainers/Researchers/Youth workers (17), Technicians (3) and Administrative staff (5). Of the 8 indicators outlined in the original ONE Meeting Project proposal, 5 were met, 3 not. The 4 reached indicators were Usefulness & Relevance, Impact on Virtual Transnational Collaboration, Willingness to recommend to…
Simultaneous determination of third-generation synthetic cannabinoids in oral fluids using cyclodextrin-silica porous sorbents
Abstract A microporous material made of cyclodextrin units covalently immobilized into a silica network has found an innovative bioanalytical application in the sample clean-up and simultaneous isolation of three synthetic cannabinoids (ADB-CHMICA, MMB-CHMICA, and MDMB-CHMCZCA) from human oral fluid through solid-phase extraction. The subsequent quantitation is carried out using liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection. The optimized experimental procedure gives recoveries ranging from 76% to 96% in oral fluid samples spiked with the studied cannabinoids at the µg L-1 level. High selectivity is obtained through the extraction procedure due to the presence of cyclodextrin in t…
The Bronze Age in Lorraine: a proposed model of the settlement
Thirty years of assiduous preventive archaeology practice in Lorraine have built up a stock of data that can be used for numerous archaeological problems with a spatial focus.For the Bronze Age, as for the other chronological periods, the archaeological occupations discovered during diagnostics and excavations are strongly correlated with current developments (motorways, TGV, housing estates, quarries, etc.). These occupations must be discussed in order to estimate their spatial representativeness. Similarly, the landscape characterisation, in which the occupations highlighted are situated, is an important step in defining the types of settlement.As most of the data comes from the national …
Introduzione Per una storia dell’antropologia al plurale
Unlike all the others works concerning the history of anthropology as a single discipline in relation to a range of different traditions, this volume, Histories of Anthropology, offers a representation of anthropology at the plural. In addition to what is widely known, this approach embraces some disciplinary traditions that are still mostly unknown to non-specialists. The aim is to offer a privileged insight as to how the main traditions have been accepted, adapted and adjusted in different cultural and historical-geographical contexts, as well as to define the current role of the anthropological approach in such contexts. It is both a book of anthropology and cultural history, in which th…
La Destruction des images en bande dessinée
Characterization of the biofilm mode of life in the spoilage yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis
The management of contamination by the spoilage yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis is a real challenge for the wine industry. The biofilm mode of life, known to increase the resistance of micro-organisms and to allow their persistence in the environment, is a strategy that can be adopted by B. bruxellensis.In this thesis project, microscopic observations revealed the presence of matrix around the cells, an essential element in the definition of a biofilm. The study also revealed that different morphotypes are involved in the structure of the biofilm, in particular filaments forming a network. Chlamydospore-like elements, never described before in B. bruxellensis, were observed within the biof…
Emocionālās vardarbības mazināšanas iespējas sākumskolas pedagoģiskajā procesā
Bakalaura darba tēma: Emocionālās vardarbības mazināšanas iespējas sākumskolas pedagoģiskajā procesā. Darba autore: Elīna Blumberga Studiju programma: “Sākumskolas skolotāja ar tiesībām pasniegt vienu priekšmetu pamatskolā” Darba vadītāja: Doc., Dr.paed.,Mg.hist. Staņislava Marsone Pētījuma objekts: vardarbība sākumskolas pedagoģiskajā procesā Pētījuma priekšmets: emocionālās vardarbības mazināšanas pedagoģiskās iespējas Pētījuma mērķis: analizēt vardarbības rašanās cēloņus un pētīt emocionālās vardarbības mazināšanas iespējas sākumskolas pedagoģiskajā procesā Pētījuma hipotēze: Emocionālo vardarbību sākumskolas posmā ir iespējams mazināt ja: 1) pastiprina izpratni par to skolotājiem un sko…
Success and challenges of flow harmonic analysis in LHC collisions from large to small systems
One of the primary goals of heavy-ion physics is to understand the transport properties of the quark-gluon-plasma (QGP) which comprises the tiniest constituents, quarks and gluons, that prevailed in the first few microseconds after the Big Bang. The present most challenging part of the research is pinning down the critical point of the QGP, where the shear viscosity over entropy ratio (η/s) is at its minimum and very close to the lowest value in nature 1/(4π). Significant advances based on flow harmonic analysis have been made up to date. However, there are still few remaining challenges in experiments and theory to constrain the temperature dependence of η/s and ζ/s of the QGP. In this tal…