Fabio Viola
Partial discharge detection and localization along medium voltage cables
In the last years different partial discharge (PD) measuring techniques have been developed because PD diagnostic is the most widely tool to evaluate the insulation condition of a power cable. Recently non-conventional methods and sensors have been used in order to reach improved results in PD measurements. The purpose of this work is to perform measurements that allow to study the variation of pulses when they travel along a MV cable and to locate the pulse source through the time arrival difference of the pulses obtained from two sensors installed separately.
An efficient wireless power transfer prototype for electrical vehicles
Based on the inductive power transfer (IPT), the contactless approach allows safe and comfortable operations of battery charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs). In this paper, a contactless system particularly suitable for E-bike battery charging is proposed. A practical realization of the system has been carried out, aiming at the system evaluation in terms of working and efficiency. Through a phase shift modulation, a power regulation has been implemented. The target power level is 100 W.
Design and experimental characterization of a low-cost, real-time, wireless AC monitoring system based on ATmega 328P-PU microcontroller
This paper describes the development and experimental characterization of a real-time, low-cost, wireless AC monitoring system based on ATmega 328P-PU microcontroller. The proposed system is composed by a main brain for the acquisition and the processing of the data measured by smart meters. From the experimental tests discussed in this work it is demonstrated that the proposed system can monitor, with adequate accuracy, the working cycles of electrical loads in order to evaluate its energy consumption.
Experimental Validation of Maximum Constant Boost Control and Switching Frequency Optimal for three-phase Quasi-Z-Source Converters
This paper presents a modified modulation scheme for quasi-Z-Source converters, based on the Maximum Constant Boost Control (MCBC) concept and Switching Frequency Optimal (SFO) as reference signal. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is validated by comparing the obtained results (in terms of AC harmonic content and voltage stress) with those carried out from traditional modulation schemes. For this reason, a test bench has been assembled and the benefits of the SFO MCBC modulation scheme have been valuated.
Ev charging station at university campus
This paper faces the technical and economic challenges related to the design of a green recharge area for electric vehicles at the Campus of Palermo, Italy, with the aim of reduce both costs and pollution connected to the charging process. Based on the behaviour of the student population, the electrical load is identified and two possible solutions are evaluated to manage the peak load: an orientation of the panels increasing the power at defined time and the use of a storage system. The main strength and weakness points of two systems are investigated by taking into account the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which reaches 75.3 â¬/MWh for the orientation of panel and 103 â¬/MWh for stor…
Finite difference time domain simulation of earth electrodes soil ionisation under lightning surge condition
The non linear effects of soil ionisation on the behaviour of earth electrodes are investigated by a finite difference time domain numerical scheme. A time variable soil resistivity is used in order to simulate the soil breakdown; step by step the resistivity value is controlled by the local instantaneous value of the electric field compared with the electrical strength, fixed for the soil. No a priori hypothesis about the geometrical shape of the ionised zone around the electrodes has to be enforced. Simulation results related to complex earth electrodes of limited extension are reported. The model has been validated by comparing the computed results with data available in technical litera…
Contract for the support of household appliances control and monitoring application interworking specification
Master-Slave Control of Battery/Supercapacitor Based Hybrid Energy Storage System for E-Vehicle Application
In this paper, management and control problem of hybrid energy storage system (HESS) has been solved by master-slave control strategy. Heuristic fuzzy rules based algorithm is developed for optimal power sharing between different power sources. The master control is followed by a slave level controller, designed by using terminal synergetic control method for tracking. Moreover, the stability analysis of closed-loop system has been carried out by using lyapunov theory. Finally, the proposed method has been tested in MATLAB/Simulink environment under Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP).
Wavelet-like bases for thin-wire integral equations in electromagnetics
AbstractIn this paper, wavelets are used in solving, by the method of moments, a modified version of the thin-wire electric field integral equation, in frequency domain. The time domain electromagnetic quantities, are obtained by using the inverse discrete fast Fourier transform. The retarded scalar electric and vector magnetic potentials are employed in order to obtain the integral formulation. The discretized model generated by applying the direct method of moments via point-matching procedure, results in a linear system with a dense matrix which have to be solved for each frequency of the Fourier spectrum of the time domain impressed source. Therefore, orthogonal wavelet-like basis trans…
Comparison between Different Dynamic Reconfigurations of Electrical Connections for partially shaded PV Modules
This paper presents an economical investigation on the benefits related to the employment of reconfiguration systems for photovoltaic plants. More in detail, different structures of reconfigurators are proposed and, in order to evaluate the economical convenience on their installation, the Net Present Value is used as a validation element. Significant results are carried out from the proposed analysis.
CO<inf>2</inf> reduction exploiting RES for EV charging
The world is facing an urgent need to reduce emissions, limiting pollution for a better quality of life. This objective has to be reached by all cities and governments worldwide. This paper focuses on the field of transportation, which is greatly responsible for air pollution, mainly in cities and urban areas such as towns, airports and seaports. The diffusion of electric vehicles (EVs) enables a significant reduction of air pollutants emitted by combustion engines; however, their recharge can affect the total pollution by their increasing energy demand. A solution is the use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to charge EVs. This paper analyzes the feasibility of integrating EVs and RES, foc…
A Low-cost, Real-time Monitoring System for PV Plants based on ATmega 328P-PU Microcontroller
This paper presents a real-time monitoring system for PV power plants based on a microcontroller Atmega328P-PU. The proposed system, whose performances can be relatively close to those achieved with commercial monitoring systems, is simple, low-cost and open source technology-based. In addition, a user interface, capable to communicate through a wireless network by using a standard communication protocol IEEE 802.15.1, is here presented. From the experimental tests described and discussed in this paper it is demonstrated that the proposed monitoring system provides, with adequate accuracy, all the information about the operating status of the PV plant, even during fault conditions.
Different scenarios of electric mobility: Current situation and possible future developments of fuel cell vehicles in Italy
The diffusion of electric vehicles in Italy has started but some complications weight its spread. At present, hybrid technology is the most followed by users, due particularly to socioeconomic factors such as cost of investment and range anxiety. After a deep discussion of the Italian scenario, the aim of the paper is to recognize whether fuel cell technology may be an enabling solution to overcome pollution problems and respect for the environment. The opportunity to use fuel cells to store electric energy is quite fascinating&mdash
Hybrid Energy Storage Systems: A Brief Overview
In this paper, a brief overview on the Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESSs) is provided. In literature, different architectures are chosen to realize the HESSs, and they are based on the principal aim of the HESSs employment. In this paper, the most used HESS topologies are presented, with particular attention to the active, passive and semiactive topologies, highlighting their characteristics. To have a complete schematic idea of the HESSs application, a focus on the principal sizing methodologies is provided, distinguishing the conventional approaches and the advanced ones, exploiting their main applications. Together with a proper sizing, a correct power-sharing strategy is one of the H…
Experimental Investigation on Magnetic Field Effects of IPT for Electric Bikes
The wireless power transmission (WPT) is increasingly representing a promising technology and an innovative solution, especially for the electric vehicles (EVs) battery charging. The inductive power transfer (IPT) is the standard technology of wireless charging: the energy transfer occurs between two magnetically coupled coils. The IPT-based battery charging is especially convenient for E-bikes and the physiological effects related to the generated magnetic fields should be estimated. In this context, this work presents a 200Â W prototype of wireless battery charger for E-bikes. In addition, the measurements regarding the surrounding magnetic field are given in detail in order to evaluate t…
The effect of the axial heat transfer on space charge accumulation phenomena in HVDC cables
To date, it has been widespread accepted that the presence of space charge within the dielectric of high voltage direct current (HVDC) cables is one of the most relevant issues that limits the growing diffusion of this technology and its use at higher voltages. One of the reasons that leads to the establishment of space charge within the insulation of cables is the temperature dependence of its conductivity. Many researchers have demonstrated that high temperature drop over the insulation layer can lead to the reversal of the electric field profile. In certain conditions, this can over-stress the insulation during polarity reversal (PR) and transient over voltages (TOV) events accelerating …
Novel Energy Modelling and Forecasting Tools for Smart Energy Networks
A novel Energy Modelling and Forecasting Tool (EMFT) has been adopted for use in the VIM SEN (Virtual Microgrids for Smart Energy Networks) project and this paper gives an insight of the techniques used to provide vital support to the energy market, in particular to energy aggregators. A brief description of one of the test sites where data has been collected for validation of the EMFT will be outlined and some examples shown. The information and predictions will then be used by a decision support system to dynamically adjust energy delivery and consumption, by giving advice to users and operators on actions they can take to obtain a better match between energy supply and demand that increa…
Electric Vehicles and Psychology, Part 2
This paper presents the main psychological attitudes influencing the transition from conventional ICEV to BEV, and it is the continuance of Electric vehicles and psychology, part 1, [1]. This part faces the range anxiety problem, the risk of explosion of batteries, the autonomous silver vehicles and the experience of driving electric vehicles. If the reader is looking for simple answers, the author does not recommend the subsequent reading, since few paradoxes will be solved.
Numerical simulation of radiated EMI in 42V electrical automotive architectures
The work is focused on the evaluation of radiated electromagnetic interference generated by dc/dc converters in 42 V systems automotive environment. The results obtained by using the method of moments and the finite difference time domain method, separately, are presented and validated in comparison with those measured in a semi-anechoic electromagnetic chamber. A measurement system set up by the authors is employed. Both the used numerical approaches are proved to be an useful tool for radiated disturbance prediction, and also for electromagnetic compatibility oriented design of the vehicle electrical architecture.
Analisi del fenomeno della ionizzazione del terreno nel comportamento dinamico di elettrodi interrati sottoposti ad elevate correnti impulsive
Un metodo numerico meshfree particellare nel dominio del tempo per l’analisi elettromagnetica: sviluppo di applicazioni 3D
An advanced variant of an interpolatory graphical display algorithm
In this paper an advanced interpolatory graphical display algorithm based on cardinal B-spline functions is provided. It is well-known that B-spline functions are a flexible tool to design various scale rapresentations of a signal. The proposed method allows to display without recursion a function at any desiderable resolution so that only initial data and opportune vectors weight are involved. In this way the structure of the algorithm is independent across the scale and a computational efficiency is reached. In this paper mono and bi-dimensional vectors weight generated by means of centered cubic cardinal B-spline functions have been supplied. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Wei…
FDTD simulation for electromagnetic radiated emissions in 42 V vehicle electrical systems
In this paper a full 3D approach, based on finite difference time domain method, is used to predict the electromagnetic radiated emissions from 42 V vehicle electrical loads. An experimental set-up has been arranged on purpose. A comparative analysis among measured and computed results is performed. The good agreement obtained among simulated and measured data enables to validate the numerical scheme. The proposed methodology contributes to predict electromagnetic emissions in the automotive environment since the design stage. Moreover, the proposed numerical tool can be used to define, for new vehicle electrical architectures, low cost test methods for electromagnetic compatibility and sui…
Fabrication and Characterization of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Among the next-generation solar cells, a predominant role is played by Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) based on ruthenium complexes as sensitizers. They take advantage of a photoelectrochemical system to transform solar radiation into electric energy. In fact, DSSCs represent a cost-effective alternative to traditional silicon-based photovoltaic devices and they do not require expensive and sophisticated apparatus for their fabrication. In this work, we have produced and tested ruthenium DSSCs. In particular, we have measured the main parameters of these cells, such as the electrical and power performances and the efficiency levels, at different irradiance levels and at different incident…
Performance Comparison of modified modulation Techniques for Quasi-Z-Source Converters
The single-stage converters represent an innovation in the field of power electronics thanks their features. Aim of this work consists in the improvement of the performances of quasi-Z-Source converters by adopting a modified modulation technique, which is based on the Maximum Constant Boost Control (MCBC) and Switching Frequency Optimal (SFO). The results in terms of voltage stress and harmonic content are compared with those obtained with conventional techniques, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed modulation scheme.
Finite difference time domain simulation of soil ionization in grounding systems under lightning surge conditions
This paper proposes a Maxwell’s equations finite difference time domain (FDTD) approach for electromagnetic transients in ground electrodes in order to take into account the non linear effects due to soil ionization. A time variable soil resistivity method is used in order to simulate the soil breakdown, without the formulation of an initial hypothesis about the geometrical shape of the ionized zone around the electrodes. The model has been validated by comparing the computed results with available data found in technical literature referred to concentrated earths. Some application examples referred to complex grounding systems are reported to show the computational capability of the propos…
Building Partial Discharge Signal Wireless Probes
This chapter focuses on the evaluation of the performances of different antenna sensors suitable for Partial Discharge (PD) measurements. Monopole, triangular and spherical antennas were simulated by means of the surface method of moments. The transmitting system is modeled by a power electronic device with a fault current between two metal plates. The shape of the simulated, transmitted and received signals, has been compared to verify the sensor that provides the best fidelity among the three. The auto-correlation function and the Pearson correlation index are adopted here for the comparison. A discussion on the dynamic characteristic of the different antenna probes and their use in diffe…
Modello per la simulazione di scariche parziali con approccio probabilistico
A Smoothed Particle Interpolation Scheme for Transient Electromagnetic Simulation
In this paper, the fundamentals of a mesh-free particle numerical method for electromagnetic transient simulation are presented. The smoothed particle interpolation methodology is used by considering the particles as interpolation points in which the electromagnetic field components are computed. The particles can be arbitrarily placed in the problem domain: No regular grid, nor connectivity laws among the particles, have to be initially stated. Thus, the particles can be thickened only in distinct confined areas, where the electromagnetic field rapidly varies or in those regions in which objects of complex shape have to be simulated. Maxwell’s equations with the assigned boundary and initi…
Economic benefits of the use of a PV plants reconfiguration systems
This paper shows the economic convenience of the application of a reconfiguration system for photovoltaic plants, considering the incentives system in different Countries. The reconfiguration is an alternative to the Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking, DMPPT, technique used to overcome the mismatch problem in Photovoltaic, PV, plants. The reconfiguration techniques employ a microprocessor-based system that modifies the layout of the PV plant by physically changing the connections among modules. After having presented the working principle of the PV reconfiguration system allowing the improvement of the efficiency of the same plant and the relevant installation, the main strength and w…
Experimental Investigation on the Performances of a Multilevel Inverter Using a Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Control System
The Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) represents a valid solution for the design of control systems for inverters adopted in many industry applications, because of both its high flexibility of use and its high-performance with respect to other types of digital controllers. In this context, this paper presents an experimental investigation on the harmonic content of the voltages produced by a three-phase, five level cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel inverter with an FPGA-based control board, aiming also to evaluate the performance of the FPGA through the implementation of the main common modulation techniques and the comparison between simulation and experimental results. The control algorithm…
Local DoS applications with micro wind generation systems
In this paper a wind electrical power generation system for Distributed on Site (DoS) applications is proposed. This system was developed and conceived in order to guarantee simple installation, use and service, obtaining a product that can be easily industrialized and put into the market with limited costs. The field of application of such an electrical generation system is addressed towards domestic or at the most toward condominium applications concerning moreover the opportunity of working in addition to combined photovoltaic and solar-thermal systems to enhance the renewable energy generation at house level (DoS). The proposed system has its hot spot in the blades shape, in the wind fl…
Experimental investigation on different rainfall energy harvesting structures
In this paper proposes an experimental comparison between different rainfall harvesting devices and the study of the corresponding electrical rectifying circuit. More in detail, three harvesting structures are considered: the cantilever, the bridge and the floating circle. For each of the proposed structure, different waveforms have been acquired and discussed. The processed data have been compared in order to suggest the best choice for the rectifying circuit, from the simplest one to the most endorsed in the technical literature.
A wavelet operator in solving electromagnetic fields equations in time domain
Approccio campistico per lo studio del fenomeno di ionizzazione del suolo mediante il metodo FDTD
Day-ahead forecasting for photovoltaic power using artificial neural networks ensembles
Solar photovoltaic plants power output forecasting using machine learning techniques can be of a great advantage to energy producers when they are implemented with day-ahead energy market data. In this work a model was developed using a supervised learning algorithm of multilayer perceptron feedforward artificial neural network to predict the next twenty-four hours (day-ahead) power of a solar facility using fetched weather forecast of the following day. Each set of tested network configuration was trained by the historical power output of the plant as a target. For each configuration, one hundred networks ensembles was averaged to give the ability to generalize a better forecast. The train…
Space charge behavior of different insulating materials employed in AC and DC cable systems
In this work, the space charge accumulation in three different XLPE based material has been carried out by using the PEA (Pulsed Electro-Acoustic) method. The specimens provided by a cables industry have been subjected to the same DC stress during polarization time at environment temperature. Afterwards, the high voltage generator has been turned off and the amount residual charge has been evaluated. The space charge profiles during polarization and depolarization have been carried out and compared. Finally, the distribution of electric field within the samples has been reported. In particular, the maximum distortion of electric field has been calculated by taking into account the distribut…
Modelling, simulation and characterization of Li-Ion battery cell
The decarbonizing process of the transportation system and the spread of unplanned renewables energy source, such as photovoltaic and wind energies, brought the constant need of ever more efficient energy storage technologies. Among these technologies, batteries, particularly the li-ion chemistry, are widely used in automotive and energy storage applications. For an optimized management of the cell it is advisable to have models that can accurately describe cell behaviour. In this paper a battery model for performance simulation in automotive application is identified. The main shapes of battery cells with their own advantages and disadvantages are shown, and a roundup of the best available…
A Novel Symmetrical Boost Modulation Method for qZS-based CHB Inverters
Quasi-Z-source cascaded H-bridge (qZS-CHB) inverters are arising as an innovation in the field of the electrical conversion for PV applications. This type of converters inherit the advantages of multilevel inverters and single-stage configuration. In this context, this paper proposes a novel symmetrical boost modulation strategy for qZS CHB multilevel inverters to increase the performance in terms of voltage stresses and power quality. The novelty lies in the adoption of a different concept to generate the shoot-through states compared to the traditional methods. Simulation analysis in a grid connected application to evaluate the benefits of this boost method is performed in the MATLAB/PLEC…
A renormalized formulation of SPH method
New approach for harmonic mitigation in single-phase five-level CHBMI with fundamental frequency switching
The main objective of this paper is to study and analyse the voltage output waveform of a multilevel inverter, to suggest a new approach for harmonic mitigation improving the converter performance. These last type of converters represent a new technology in the field of DC/AC electrical energy conversion, presenting advantages respect to the traditional converters. In fact, the multilevel power converters present a low harmonic content and a high voltage level. The paper considers a five-level single-phase cascaded H-bridge inverter and fundamental frequency modulation techniques. The voltage waveform analysis has allowed to identify a working area of the converter where there are lowest va…
The Industrial Applicability of PEA Space Charge Measurements, for Performance Optimization of HVDC Power Cables
Cable manufacturing industries are constantly trying to improve the electrical performance of power cables. During the years, it was found that one of the most relevant degradation factors influencing the cable lifetime is the presence of space charge in the insulation layer. To detect the accumulated charge, the pulsed electro-acoustic (PEA) method is the most used technique. Despite the wide use of the PEA cell, several issues are still present. In particular, the PEA output signal is strongly disturbed by the acoustic waves reflections within the PEA cell. This causes the distortion of the output signal and therefore the misinterpretation of the charge profiles. This, in turn, may result…
Switching Frequency Effects on the Efficiency and Harmonic Distortion in a Three-Phase Five-Level CHBMI Prototype with Multicarrier PWM Schemes: Experimental Analysis
The current climatic scenario requires the use of innovative solutions to increase the production of electricity from renewable energy sources. Multilevel Power Inverters are a promising solution to improve the penetration of renewable energy sources into the electrical grid. Moreover, the performance of MPIs is a function of the modulation strategy employed and of its features (modulation index and switching frequency). This paper presents an extended and experimental analysis of three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverter performance in terms of efficiency and harmonic content considering several MC PWM modulation strategies. In detail, the CHBMI performance is analyzed …
Un metodo meshfree implicito nel dominio del tempo per l'analisi elettromagnetica in transitorio
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Tower and Grounding Subjected to Lightning
In this paper the behavior of a tower and its grounding system, subjected to a lightning, is faced. Finite difference time domain (FDTD) method has been chosen in order to study the non-linear time domain behavior of the system. The electromagnetic problem has been described by using two type of first order time derivative equations: Maxwell's equations and Telegraph equations. Aim of this work is to evaluate the possibility of a flashover between tower and power line, by considering different cases of study.
Survey on power increase of power by employment of PV reconfigurator
This paper shows the performance of a PV system under shadow projection on PV panels. The reconfiguration techniques, employing a microprocessor-based system, modifies the layout of the PV plant by physically changing the connections among modules, in order to recover the loss of power due to the shadows. Different cases have been considered to evaluate the increase of power.
Performance of the Shape of Partial Discharge Signal Wireless Probes
This paper focuses on the evaluation of the performances of three different antenna sensors suitable of Partial Discharge (PD) measurements. Monopole, triangular and spherical antennas were simulated by means of the surface moment method. The transmitting system is modeled by a power electronic device with a fault current between two metal plate. The shape of the simulated transmitted and received signals have been compared to verify the sensor the provides the best fidelity among the three. The auto-correlation function and the Pearson correlation index are adopted here for the comparison. A discussion on the dynamic characteristic of the different antenna probes and their use in different…
Forecasts on the development of hydrogen refuelling infrastructures in Portugal
In Portugal, the transition to new forms of mobility has begun in recent years, but there are still obstacles to overcome. Currently, hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) are the most widespread and accepted by the community and that is probably due to range anxiety, having in fact the possibility of double charging (both through the thermal engine and the electric battery). Furthermore, it must be considered that in addition to electric vehicles, another valid alternative to mobility in the near future is the hydrogen vehicles one. These appear to be even more sustainable from the point of view of air emissions, but on the other hand the costs for the production of hydrogen are still too high. Then, th…
Forecasting the diffusion of hydrogen EV refuelling infrastructures in Italy
In Italy the electric vehicle revolution is arrived but it still has difficulties to take off. At the moment hybrid technology would seem the most quoted, due especially to range anxiety. The aim of this work is to understand if the fuel cell technology can find place in Italy. The possibility to use fuel cell to storage electric energy is quite interesting: the charging times will be reduced, and heavy passenger transportation should be easily faced. Basing on the existing history and analysis of the information accessible, this paper addresses the existing e-mobility scenario in Italy and predicts the cities in which a hydrogen refuelling infrastructure should be more remunerative, in ord…
Un modello numerico particellare per la magnetoencefalografia
Dead-time impact on the harmonic distortion and conversion efficiency in a three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridge inverter: mathematical formulation and experimental analysis
To avoid leg short-circuit in inverters, dead time must be introduced on leg gate signals. Dead time affects the inverter output voltage fundamental harmonic amplitude, voltage harmonic distortion and inverter efficiency by introducing additional voltage drops. In this regard, dead time effects have been widely investigated for traditional two-level three-phase voltage source inverters in the literature but not extensively for multilevel topology structures. This paper provides a detailed analysis of dead time impact on the harmonic distortion and efficiency of Cascaded H-Bridges Multilevel Inverters (CHBMIs). For this purpose, a general mathematical formulation to determine voltage drop du…
Effect of Polarity Reversal on the Partial Discharge Phenomena
In the field of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission, the space charge accumulation phenomenon and the Partial Discharges (PD) phenomena are considered the main causes of dielectric ageing. During the years, the degradation effect of both phenomena under constant DC stress has been widely studied by several researchers. In case of polarity reversal, typically carried out to control bi-directional power flow between interconnected High Voltage transmission systems, the space charge movement may not synchronously follow the electric field polarity. This could make the moment of reversing polarity a very critical one, where space charge injected during preceding polarity produces hi…
Performances of rainfall energy harvester
In this paper the performances of rainfall energy harvesting by means of piezoelectric transducers is presented. Diverse studies agree on the level of suitable generated voltage on the electrodes of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to rainfall, but a complete characterization on the supplied power is still missing. This work, in order to limit optimistic forecasts, takes into account the behavior of the transducers subjected to real and also artificial rainfall, condition that has shown promising behavior in laboratory. In order to increase the energy harvesting and also define its limits different loads have been taken into account. Only commercial transducers have been considered: a l…
Evaluation of Ecological Benefits - CO2 Emissions
Evaluation of ground currents in a PV system with high frequency modeling
In this work a high frequency model of a photovoltaic (PV) plant is identified and implemented aiming to investigate the common mode (CM) currents circulating through the ground connections of the plant. From the identification of the impedance obtained by frequency response of photovoltaic module and by a suitable of the power conversion unit, an equivalent high frequency circuit representation has been developed. The lumped parameters circuit model is implemented in PSpice environment to obtain the CM leakage currents. Harmonics at frequencies multiple of the switching frequency and a strong resonance at about 12 MHz are detected.
Selective harmonic mitigation with asymmetrical staircase voltage waveform for a three-phase five-level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter
Selective harmonics elimination or mitigation strategies are used in all applications where it is necessary to rise the efficiency and reliability of the overall system. This paper presents a simple approach to reduce the low order harmonics amplitude of an asymmetrical staircase voltage waveform for a five-level, three-phase Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter without solving non-linear equations. Through this simple approach, polynomial equations to evaluate the control angels in real-time operations have been found. The effectiveness of the harmonic mitigation method has been tested through the simulation analysis in MatLab/PLECS environment.
Experimental Investigation on the Performances of Innovative PV Vertical Structures
The sustainable development of our planet is considerably related to a relevant reduction of CO2 global emissions, with building consumption contributing more than 40%. In this scenario, new technological conceptions, such as building-integrated photovoltaic technology, emerged in order to satisfy the requirements of sustainability imposed by the European Union. Therefore, the aim of this work is to provide a technical and economical comparison of the performances of different vertical-mounted innovative photovoltaic systems, potentially integrated on a building instead of on traditional windows or glass walls. The proposed investigation was carried out by means of experimental tests on thr…
Effect of Heat Exchange Transient Conditions with Moving Water-Air Interface on Space Charge Accumulation in Undersea HVdc Cables
The accumulation of space charge inside the dielectric layer of an HVdc cable is one of the most important issue to be considered in the design stage and during the operating conditions. The separation of space charge is due to several factors including the dependence on temperature of the electrical conductivity of the insulation and the establishment of a thermal gradient under load conditions. This article is focused on the investigation of the effect of an axial heat transmission on the space charge and electric field distributions in an HVdc cable. In order to assess the impact of this phenomenon, a case study involving a cable immersed partly in water and partly in air has been simula…
An advanced gridless method for electromagnetic transient simulation
Electromagnetic radiated field measurements for partial discharge diagnostic
Recently, improvements have been made in the diagnostic of electrical insulation systems by means of electric Partial Discharge (PD) standard measurements through a stochastic approach in the treatment of the acquired data: in this way, the identification of the defects as well as the separation of multiple defects simultaneously active, have been successfully performed. However, the standard PD measurement process can be affected by the well-known parasitic effects due to conducted noise whose spectrum can have characteristics similar to those of the measured signal. Moreover, the classic PD measurement system have to be suitable assembled on the Device Under Test (DUT) so determining a co…
Measuring rain energy with the employment of “Arduino”
This paper presents the performances of rainfall energy harvesting through the use of a piezoelectric transducer and an Arduino-based measuring system. Diverse studies agree on the possibility of generating electricity from rainfall, but to date, a study that can measure the quantity of energy produced during rainfall is still missing. The present study begins with results obtained from laboratory researchers using piezoelectric transducers and oscilloscopes — to measure the energy produced from a single raindrop — and concludes with an ad hoc Arduino-based measuring system, aimed at measuring the actual amount of electrical energy produced by a piezoelectric transducer that is exposed to r…
Energy Harvester Sensing.
Our existence is immersed in a solution of energy, which is often left to degrade because we perceive this energy as expendable [...]
On the harvest of rainfall energy by means of piezoelectric transducer
In this paper a detailed study on the harvest of the energy contained in rainfall by means of piezoelectric transducers is presented. Diverse studies agree on the level of suitable generated voltage on the electrodes of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to rainfall, but a complete characterization on the supplied power is still missing. This work, in order to limit optimistic forecasts, takes into account the behavior of the transducers subjected to real and also artificial rainfall, condition that has shown promising behavior in laboratory. In order to increase the energy harvesting and also define its limits different loads have been taken into account. Only commercial transducers have…
Partial discharges behavior under different rectified waveforms
In this work, a previous software used to simulate partial discharges (PDs) under Alternating Current (AC) stress has been modified in order to evaluate the PDs behavior under a voltage stress close to the Direct Current (DC) waveform. By using a full-wave and a half-wave rectifier, the specimen with an air void defects has been subjected to a gradual constant stress. Finally, a capacitive filter has been inserted in order to produce a steadier voltage supply. Simulation results show that under an almost DC waveform, the PDs activity become less compared to AC stress.
Modelling, Simulation and Characterization of a Supercapacitor in Automotive Applications
The energy storage is one of the most discussed topics among Electrical Vehicles (EVs) research. Currently, supercapacitors (SCs) are collecting even more attention due to their unique features such as high-power density, high life cycle and lack of maintenance. In this paper, a supercapacitor model suitable for the simulation in automotive applications is identified. The model parameters are estimated and used to simulate the behaviour of a commercial SCs bank in different operating conditions. The model is finally validated considering experimental results.
Innovative Computational Approach to Harmonic Mitigation for Seven-level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Low frequency modulation strategies are a good solution to increase the energy conversion efficiency in high power applications. The paper is devoted to presents an innovative way to low order harmonics mitigation for seven-level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters. In particular, this approach is based on the mitigation of selected harmonics without solve non-linear equations for an extended range of the fundamental amplitude. In fact, in real-Time operation to evaluate the control angles the polynomial equations have been identified. Through circuit simulation analysis in MatLab/PLECS environment, the effectiveness of the harmonic mitigation method has been tested and compared with theoretical re…
Un modello per l’analisi dei disturbi di modo comune indotti su azionamenti in presenza di fulminazione atmosferica
Un modello di simulazione della ionizzazione del terreno nel comportamento dinamico di elettrodi interrati disperdenti elevate correnti impulsive
The Acoustic Wave Behavior Within the PEA Cell for Space Charge Measurement
In order to evaluate the acoustic wave behavior within the Pulsed Electro Acoustic (PEA) cell, a simulation model has been developed in this work. The model, implemented in Matlab environment, is based on the analogy between acoustic and electrical quantities. Therefore, it was possible to model the PEA cell as cascade connected lossy transmission lines. The model has been validated theoretically by making a comparison with a simulation result found in literature. The experimental validation has also been made by using the PEA cell of the LEPRE high voltage lab. In addition, four graphs have been realized. Two of them can be used to establish in easy and fast way to obtain the minimum groun…
Wireless battery charging for electric bicycles
The contactless solution is increasingly spreading as method of battery charging for Electric Vehicles (EVs). The standard technology of contactless EV battery charging is based on the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) between two coupled coils, one connected to the electrical grid and the other one connected to the rechargeable battery. The IPT provides benefits in terms of safety and comfort, due to the absence of a plug-in operation. In this paper, an overview on the IPT applied to the battery charging of electric bicycles is provided, with some general considerations on the technical implications. Moreover, a prototype of contactless battery charging for E-bikes is proposed and described.
Simplified hybrid PD model in voids: Pattern validation
The purpose of the present work is to show the validation of a new model to simulate the physical phenomenon of partial discharge (PD) produced in air voids inside insulating epoxy resin. The model has been developed on the basis of a new approach that combines the known circuit model of three capacitors with a model used to describe the behavior of the ionized channel inside of the inclusion during the discharge phenomenon, short-circuiting the capacity that represents the void. The approach is based on time-variable conductance of the void, subjected to multistress conditions: voltage, temperature and pressure. The new approach has been developed from a time variable conductivity model us…
Nanostructured lead acid battery for electric vehicles applications
This paper presents an innovative lead acid battery, based on nanostructured active materials. Both charging time and specific energy are greatly enhanced in comparison with commercial lead acid battery. Starting from the extremely valuable performances of the nanostructured battery, also a circuital model, for application in electric vehicle traction, has been specifically developed. The circuital model has demonstrated that an enhanced nanostructured battery allows an increase of traveled distance by electric vehicles.
Increasing efficiency of photovoltaic systems under non-homogeneous solar irradiation using improved Dynamic Programming methods
Abstract The paper presents a complete technique, based on the combination of algorithms, devoted to minimize losses and increase efficiency of Total Cross Tied (TCT) connected photovoltaic (PV) systems under non-homogeneous solar irradiation, based on irradiance equalization criterion. Irradiance equalization is achieved by changing the connections of the solar panels adaptively by a dynamic switching matrix so that total solar radiation on parallel circuits is the most equalized. In this paper, the authors introduce two algorithms. The first one is SmartChoice (SC) algorithm, which is combined with Dynamic Programming (DP) in order to create a hybrid method and obtain better results as co…
Polarity reversal in HVDC joints - The effect of the axial thermal conduction
It has been shown that the establishment of a thermal gradient over the radius of HVDC cables involves the accumulation of space charge within the dielectric layer. High thermal gradients over the insulation thickness of loaded cables can lead to the inversion of the radial electric field pattern. In this scenarios, transient overvoltages and polarity reversal can lead to local and transitory peaks of electric field. Since the temperature distribution plays an important role in reaching critical values of the electric field, it has been considered interesting to have a more in-depth view of the thermal behavior of HVDC systems close the discontinuities of the geometry along the cable axis. …
Novel Computational Method for Harmonic Mitigation for Three-phase Five-level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter
The efficiency of the system is a very important parameter for high power electrical drives applications,. Moreover, in the system the efficiency of the power converter play a fundamental role and for this reason, the soft switching modulation techniques represent the best choice. This paper presents a novel computational method for harmonic mitigation on the output voltage of a five-level, three-phase Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter without solving non-linear equations. Through this simple approach the Working Areas have been identified in which the harmonics reference have minimum amplitude possible. Moreover, polynomial equations to evaluate the control angels have been found. In this way, th…
A Mesh-free Particle Method for Transient Full-wave Simulation
A mesh-free particle method is presented for electromagnetic (EM) transient simulation. The basic idea is to obtain numerical solutions for the partial differential equations describing the EM problem in time domain, by using a set of particles, considered as spatial interpolation points of the field variables, arbitrarily placed in the problem domain and by avoiding the use of a regular mesh. Irregular problems geometry with diffused non-homogeneous media can be modeled only with an initial set of arbitrarily distributed particles. The time dependence is accounted for with an explicit finite difference scheme. Moreover the particle discretization can be improved during the process time ste…
Corrective meshless particle formulations for time domain Maxwell's equations
AbstractIn this paper a meshless approximation of electromagnetic (EM) field functions and relative differential operators based on particle formulation is proposed. The idea is to obtain numerical solutions for EM problems by passing up the mesh generation usually required to compute derivatives, and by employing a set of particles arbitrarily placed in the problem domain. The meshless Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method has been reformulated for solving the time domain Maxwell's curl equations. The consistency of the discretized model is investigated and improvements in the approximation are obtained by modifying the numerical process. Corrective algorithms preserving meshless consiste…
Acoustic Wave Behavior in a Specimen Containing an Air Void Defect
The PEA method is the most used technique for the space charge measurements. As is well known, this method uses pressure waves to detect the charges accumulated in solid dielectrics. Based on its working principle, the generated acoustic waves travel within PEA cell and the specimen under test in order to be finally detected by the piezoelectric sensor. For a multilayer specimen and, in particular, in case of different materials that make up the specimen, the acoustic wave reflection is inevitable. Considering that, in several cases, the reflected waves could be detected by the piezoelectric sensor before than the main signals, the PEA cell output profile could results distorted. Based on t…
Energy Management via Connected Household Appliances
The study reported hereafter provides results based on a campaign of simulations conducted by University of Palermo on the basis of its knowledge in the field Energy Value Chain and in the field of Energy Management (EM) for household appliances. Inputs from CECED Convergence WG has been fundamental to base that study on realistic data and cases. Moreover, the so called EM study, offers also a clear picture about the opportunity to have energy management applications and services in house, being those opportunities strictly related to the cost of in- frastructure needed and to the benefits belonging to different actors in the energy value chain. Energy savings have been considered both in t…
Overview and experimental analysis of MC SPWM techniques for single-phase five level cascaded H-bridge FPGA controller-based
This paper presents an overview and experimental analysis of the MC SPWM techniques for single-phase cascaded H-bridge inverter. The multilevel power converters are an alternative to traditional converters known as “three-level converters”. The voltage waveforms and the related frequency spectra, which have been obtained by simulation analysis in Matlab-Simulink environment, are here reported for all the proposed modulation techniques. The simulation results have been experimentally validated through means of a DC/AC, five-level, single-phase converter prototype with an appropriate test bench.
Different Space Charge Behavior of Materials Used in AC and DC Systems
The aim of the present work is to evaluate the behavior, from the space charge accumulation phenomenon point of view, of three different XLPE specimens used as insulation materials in high voltage systems. Considering that under DC stress the charge accumulation is more relevant as compared to the AC case, in the specimens for DC applications additives are typically added. In this work, three different specimens are analyzed. One is a free additive sample used conventionally under AC stress and two others include different additives that are used under DC stress. In order to measure the space charge accumulation, the Pulsed Electro Acoustic (PEA) method has been employed. For each sample, t…
Comparison among different rainfall energy harvesting structures
In this paper, an experimental comparison between different rainfall harvesting devices through the study of the electrical rectifying circuit is proposed. In more detail, three harvesting structures are considered: the cantilever, the bridge and the floating circle. Different waveforms were acquired and discussed. The processed data were compared in order to suggest the best choice for the rectifying circuit, from the simplest one to that most frequently endorsed in the technical literature.
Caratterizzazione di sensori elettromagnetici compatti per il rilievo di scariche parziali
Investigation on partial discharges in HVDC cables after polarity reversal events
Due to the accumulation of space charge inside the insulating layer of HVDC cables, the electric field under load conditions may be altered compared to what is established in HVAC cables. For example, a high thermal gradient leads to the inversion of the electric field pattern until the maximum value is reached in proximity of the dielectric-semicon interfaces. These maximum values can be further increased due to transient overvoltages and polarity reversal events until reaching electric field values higher than the rated ones. The main goal of this research is to investigate the possibility that, during these transient phenomena, conditions are created that favor the occurrence of partial …
On the use of a meshless solver for PDEs governing electromagnetic transients
In this paper some key elements of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics methodology suitably reformulated for analyzing electromagnetic transients are investigated. The attention is focused on the interpolating smoothing kernel function which strongly influences the computational results. Some issues are provided by adopting the polynomial reproducing conditions. Validation tests involving Gaussian and cubic B-spline smoothing kernel functions in one and two dimensions are reported.
Simulazione numerica dell’interferenza elettromagnetica radiata in sistemi elettrici automobilistici a 42 V
Novel Energy Efficient Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Utilizing Mobile Sensors
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) facilitate many applications in different fields and are well-known in both academic and industrial areas. The networks mainly include sensors, networking parts and a data processing center to collect data for a variety of purposes. However, the energy consumption problem in the networks is always a critical problem that many researchers are looking for good solutions. In this paper, we propose a data collection method that uses mobile sensors attached with bigger energy storages to collect data from static sensors. In addition, we propose a hybrid energy harvesting scheme to harvest energy from ambient environments to support static sensors to prolong the ne…
Electric Mobility in Portugal: Current Situation and Forecasts for Fuel Cell Vehicles
In recent years, the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable vehicles to replace conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Currently, the most widespread technology in Europe and Portugal is that of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or plug‐in HEV (PHEV) electric cars, but hydrogen‐based transport has also shown significant growth in the commercialization of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and in the development of new infrastructural schemes. In the current panorama of EV, particular attention should be paid to hydrogen technology, i.e., FCEVs, which is potentially a valid alternative to BEVs and can also be hybrid (FCHEV) and plug‐in hybrid…
Contributed Review: Review of thermal methods for space charge measurement.
The space charge accumulation phenomenon has garnered great interest over the last two decades because of the increased use of direct current in high voltage electrical systems. In this context, a significant relevance has been achieved by the thermal methods, used for solid dielectrics. This paper presents a review of this non-destructive measurement system used for the measurement of space charge. The thermal pulse method, the thermal step method, and the laser intensity modulation method are described. For each configuration, the principle of operation, the thicknesses analyzed, and the spatial resolution are described, reporting also the main related applications
Design of Soft Ferrite filters for EMI reduction in Power Conversion Systems
The use of a discrete passive filter is the most attractive solution for EMI reduction in power conversion systems. This is due to its simplicity of concept and efficiency in the frequency range up to tens of megahertz and over. The common mode and differential mode sections of the EMI filter contain capacitors and soft magnetic chokes and, when they are used in the transportation context, their design has to satisfy further constraints in terms of low weight, low volume, low losses and low cost in adjoint to filtering efficiency. In this framework the authors, by using an EMI filter design procedure already setup by themselves, investigate, also with an experimental setup, the possibility …
Dynamic programming and Munkres algorithm for optimal photovoltaic arrays reconfiguration
Abstract In this paper, an original formulation of the control problem for optimal PV array reconfiguration, following a Total Cross Tied layout, is proposed. The formulation follows the well-known subset sum problem, which is a special case of the knapsack problem. The reconfiguration is a measure devoted to mitigate the mismatch effect and maximize the output power of small photovoltaic plants under non-homogeneous working conditions. Therefore, reconfiguration means changing the connections of the solar panels adaptively by a dynamic switching matrix. The control system implements an easy dynamic programming algorithm to change the switches layout. The use of the Munkres assignment metho…
Android tool to evaluate grounding resistance
In the absence of sources of rapidly varying field, the study of the potential distribution determined, in a linear medium, by a geometrically complex grounding may be conducted by applying the method of superposition of the effects, known as method of subareas of Maxwell. Such approach can be usefully employed in an educational tool intended for students of electrical engineering.
Partial discharges on IGBT modules: Are sinusoidal waveforms sufficient to evaluate behavior?
In recent years, the increasing use of AC-DC converters, especially in the field of renewable energy sources has led to the implementation of new modulation techniques, in particular the ones based on the pulse width modulation. The purpose of the present work is to verify the different behavior that is obtained when the components are subjected to the partial discharge test carried out with a sinusoidal waveform, and when they are subjected to PWM stress-type, similar to the actual signal generated by this type of electronic components. By considering equal rms value of the fundamental sine wave, the comparison has shown different partial discharges patterns.
Energy harvesting for mobile agents supporting wireless sensor networks
Abstract Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been deployed widely in many different application including in civil and military fields. The sensing data from the networks is very diverse and may cost huge energy consumption for transmission. Hence, mobile sensors with high capacity are deployed to support the static sensors dealing with longer range communicating distances and also supplying power wirelessly the sensors if possible. This paper focuses on an energy harvesting (EH) design for either mobile agents or sensor nodes in WSNs. A hybrid EH system can harvest energy from ambient environment around to power the mobile sensors and static sensors. In addition, these mobile sensors and …
Comparison on the use of PV systems in the vertical walls
In this article the preliminary evaluation of the performance of a photovoltaic window is presented. The aim is to trace the behavior of next-generation systems, which favor architectonical integration. Three different systems have been taken into account: a dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC), blue and grey caved silicon panels. The systems can be placed behind a window or behind a wall of glass blocks.
In this paper, a differential wavelet-based operator defined on an interval is presented and used in evaluating the electromagnetic field described by Maxwell's curl equations, in time domain. The wavelet operator has been generated by using Daubechies wavelets with boundary functions. A spatial differential scheme has been performed and it has been applied in studying electromagnetic phenomena in a lossless medium. The proposed approach has been successfully tested on a bounded axial-symmetric cylindrical domain.
High Frequency Model of PV Systems for the Evaluation of Ground Currents
A high frequency model of a photovoltaic (PV) plant is developed and analysed to investigate the common mode (CM) currents circulating through the ground connections of the plant. The modelling method is based on the measurement of the impedance frequency response of photovoltaic module and on a high frequency representation of the power conversion unit. An overall lumped parameters circuit model is obtained and then implemented in PSpice. The CM leakage currents are evaluated by simulation.
Partial Discharge defects Classification by Discrete Wavelet Transform
Remote voltage synchronization for wireless Partial Discharge diagnostics
The main objective of this paper is the assessment of the exact phase angle displacement of each Partial Discharge, PD, pulse with respect to the voltage reference waveform. Such problem also referred to as ‘synchronization’ is relevant when the cable is not accessible and the PD measure is carried out in wireless mode. It is well known, that the angle phase shift, due to the propagation phenomenon on the transmission line, can be calculated knowing the line type and length and typical operating conditions of the transmission line. The setup comprises a customized electronic device, the “Phase check”, a server to collect remote measurements and a Look up table to provide corrections to the …
Rainfall energy harvester
This chapter provides a detailed study on the harvest of the energy contained in raindrops by means of piezoelectric transducers. The energy harvester has the role of an electric source, able to recharge storage devices of small electronic components, such wireless sensors, by using the vibrational energy released by the drops hitting the transducer, reducing in such a way the chemical waste of conventional batteries. In technical literature, diverse studies agree on the level of suitable generated voltage on the electrodes of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to rainfall, but a complete characterization on the supplied power is still missing. This work, also to limit optimistic forecast…
Recharge stations: A review
Charging equipment for all-Electric Vehicles (EVs) is classified by the rate at which the batteries are charged. Charging times vary based on how depleted the battery is, how much energy it holds, the type of battery, and the type of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). In this paper, a review of the innovative charging stations is reported.
Wireless Power Transmission for house appliances: A small-scale resonant coupling prototype
This paper presents a low cost prototype of wireless power transfer system based on resonant coupling. The system here proposed can be useful for house appliances battery charging systems: as a matter of fact, it consists mainly of two copper wire coils or windings, placed one in front of the other on the same axis. By exploiting the coils resonance coupling effect, electric energy can be transferred from the inductor coil to the receiver in order to charge the batteries. Low cost experimental tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed wireless power transfer prototype, being it capable to reach an efficiency of about 80% and more along a distance of 30 cm.
Modified Modulation Techniques for Quasi-Z-Source Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters
Quasi-Z-source cascaded H-bridge (q Z S - C H B) inverters are one promising solution for high power photovoltaic (PV) systems. This type of topologies inherits the advantages of cascaded converters (i.e., multilevel outputs) and impedance-source inverters (i.e., high conversion ratios). In addition, it allows increasing the inverter reliability (with high redundancy). However, the modulation and control of qZS-CHB inverters are challenging to a certain extent. Thus, this paper proposes modified modulation techniques to increase the performances of qZS-CHB converters in terms of voltage gains and stresses. The novelty lies in the use of the switching frequency optimal as reference signals i…
A Novel Computational Approach for Harmonic Mitigation in PV Systems with Single-Phase Five-Level CHBMI
In this paper, a novel approach to low order harmonic mitigation in fundamental switching frequency modulation is proposed for high power photovoltaic (PV) applications, without trying to solve the cumbersome non-linear transcendental equations. The proposed method allows for mitigation of the first-five harmonics (third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh harmonics), to reduce the complexity of the required procedure and to allocate few computational resource in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based control board. Therefore, the voltage waveform taken into account is different respect traditional voltage waveform. The same concept, known as “voltage cancelation”, used for single-…
Stability of Microgrids: An Application of Virtual Synchronous Generator
The objective of this paper is to illustrate an alternative control algorithm for power converters which have the task of introducing the energy generated by systems based on the use of renewable sources such as, photovoltaic or wind power, in to small-sized networks, microgrids. Virtual Synchronous Generator can operate both in parallel to the main network as well as in isolated and autonomous conditions (islanding-mode). The contribute of this work is to drive a consolidate approach, made in time domain, in a more flexible and less time-consuming approach based on Park transformation.
Partial discharge of gel insulated high voltage power modules subjected to unconventional voltage waveforms
Performances and duration of the new generation of high voltage power electronic components are dependent on dielectric materials aim to insulating their internal terminals. The presence of defects, some due to faults generated during the manufacturing process, but also due to the internal design of layers and connections, can cause local enhancements of electric field and consequently possible activity of partial discharges phenomena or other effects (aging, tracking) that may result in reduction of device reliability. Furthermore, the usage of unconventional voltage waveforms, like square waves or pulse width modulated waves, additionally increases the electrical aging of the insulation s…
Enhanced loss model algorithm for interior permanent magnet synchronous machines
This paper presents an experimental study on the impact of the parameter variations over the performances of a LMA (Loss Model Algorithm) designed for an IPMSM (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine). In a previous work, the characterization was carried out by assessing, for several working conditions, the motor parameters that influence the motor efficiency. The proposed enhanced loss model algorithm is implemented in a rapid prototyping system and its performances, in term of efficiency, are compared with other control systems, obtaining promising results.
Smoothed Particle Interpolation for electromagnetic simulations
A Novel Framework of Hybrid Harvesting Mechanisms for Remote Sensing Devices
Sensing networks have recently proven to be useful in a variety of disciplines. The use of mobile sensing robots and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is intended to lessen the burden of sensor node energy consumption. However, conserving energy in the networks remains a major concern. In this work, a design of a hybrid RF-Solar harvesting system to support sensing devices is investigated. The harvesting circuits may collect energy from both solar and radio frequency (RF) resources that are commonly available in ambient environments. This approach creates hybrid harvesting circuits for all elements in the combined sensor networks by combining RF and solar harvester circuits. The RF harvester …
A cogging torque minimization procedure for IPMSMs based on different laminate geometry
This paper presents a possible minimization procedure of the cogging torque generated by an IPMSM (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine) with a progressive modification of a basic geometrical structure of rotor laminates. More in detail, an IPMSM model is analyzed by using a Finite Element Method (FEM) approach. Then, other IPMSM models, which are obtained by modifying the geometry of the IPMSM rotor laminates and by maintaining the same stator configuration, are proposed and discussed. From the obtained simulation results, the cogging torque components for each structure are determined by means of FEM and compared to each other. From this comparison, it can be stated that the cogg…
Power management of a battery/supercapacitor system for E-mobility applications
Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS) have been very popular in recent years in different applications, from electric vehicles (EVs) to smart grids and renewable energies, due to the growing need to accumulate electricity. The concept of hybridization arises from the requirement of both high energy and specific power. The battery/supercapacitor (SC) system offers great advantages in a DC bus, giving the opportunity to provide high amounts of power to the loads. In this paper, a system composed of two bidirectional DC-DC converters, one connected to a battery pack and one to a stack of supercapacitors, is presented for a DC bus in electrical mobility (E-Mobility) applications. The proposed co…
A new technique for partial discharges measurement under DC periodic stress
The aim of the present work is to recognize the type of defect in insulating materials employed in DC electrical systems. This analysis, under AC stress, is carried out by using the Phase Resolved method (PRPD). While, under constant voltage stress this method cannot be performed and measurements show complexities. In order to overcome these problems, a new technique is proposed, based on the application of a periodic continuous waveform. Simulation results, carried out by using a model based on a time-variable conductance of an air void defect, showed the PRPD pattern that can be obtain. Furthermore, compared to the constant DC stress, the measurement duration became lower and the discharg…
Interior permanent magnet synchronous motors: Impact of the variability of the parameters on their efficiency
In the scientific literature, various authors presented different control strategies aimed to increase the efficiency of the interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. These strategies, starting from a well-known mathematical model of the dynamic behaviour of the motor, are able to reduce the power losses acting on the magnetizing component of the stator current. However, none of the proposed approaches takes into account that, varying the working conditions of the motor, also the values of the parameters, which have an impact on the power losses, can vary. In this paper, therefore, starting from an accurate measurement of the motor characteristics for various values of speed and load, w…
A hierarchical architecture for increasing efficiency of large photovoltaic plants under non-homogeneous solar irradiation
Abstract Under non-homogeneous solar irradiation, photovoltaic (PV) panels receive different solar irradiance, resulting in a decrease in efficiency of the PV generation system. There are a few technical options to fix this issue that goes under the name of mismatch. One of these is the reconfiguration of the PV generation system, namely changing the connections of the PV panels from the initial configuration to the optimal one. Such technique has been widely considered for small systems, due to the excessive number of required switches. In this paper, the authors propose a new method for increasing the efficiency of large PV systems under non-homogeneous solar irradiation using Series-Para…
Space charge accumulation in undersea HVDC cables as function of heat exchange conditions at the boundaries – water-air interface
Transmission lines with undersea HVDC cables are an interesting technological solution for the supply of electrical energy to islands. The accumulation of space charge inside the dielectric layer of a HVDC cable is one of the most important element to consider in its design and during operation. The formation of space charge is due to various factors including the high dependence on the temperature of the electrical conductivity of the insulation and the establishment of a thermal gradient under load conditions. This research is focused on the space charge accumulation phenomenon around a section of a HVDC cable half dipped in water and half in air. Due to the high difference in thermal con…
Designing a Sustainable University Recharge Area for Electric Vehicles: Technical and Economic Analysis
This article addresses the technical and economic challenges regarding the design of a “green” recharge area for electric vehicles at the University of Palermo in order to reduce costs and pollution connected to the charging process. Based on the behaviour of the student population, the electrical load is identified and two possible solutions are evaluated to manage the peak load: an orientation of the panels increasing the power at defined time and the use of a storage system. The main strength and weakness points of two systems are investigated by taking into account the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), which reaches 75.3 €/MWh for the orientation of panel and 103 €/MWh for the storage sy…
Performances of a PCB-based Loop Antenna Inductive Sensor for Partial Discharges Detection
This paper presents the test results of an electrically small loop antenna sensor towards detecting the radiated magnetic field due to partial discharge (PD) activities. The loop antenna prototype was printed on an FR-4 substrate with a thickness of 1.6 mm, featuring a compact size of 20 mm times20 mm times1.7 mm. The proposed sensor, initially simulated with Ansys HFSS software, has a resonant frequency of about 100 MHz. Its detection capability for three types of partial discharges (i.e., corona, surface and internal PDs) has been evaluated. Laboratory experiments showed that the evaluated loop spiral antenna is appropriate for the detection of the three types of PDs. Indeed, the results …
A meshless approach solving time domain Maxwell’s equations
Design and control of an innovative electronic load for the photovoltaic module characterization
The paper proposes a new electronic load setup for a fast, low-cost and standard-compliant characterization of a photovoltaic module. The approach is based on the use of a DC-DC converter, exploiting its ability to emulate a resistor. In particular, a Buck-Boost converter topology is employed. The model is implemented in the Simulink/SimPower System environment. A commercial PV Conergy E215P photovoltaic module is used in order to evaluate the performances of the proposed electronic load and to validate the proposed approach.
Modelling, simulation and characterization of a supercapacitor
In the last decade, the issue of air pollution or the reduction of CO2 emissions has become of extreme interest both for civil society and then for the industrial and scientific research world. For this reason, the scientific research on automotive is called to answer with increasingly innovative solutions. One of the principal subjects are the storage and the utilization of the electric energy for electrical and hybrid vehicles. Nowadays, supercapacitors are getting more and more attention because of their characteristics that allow them to be a bridge between electrolytic capacitors and batteries in several application such as bust-mode energy delivery, regenerative breaks and so on. The …
Soil ionization of earth electrodes under high pulse transient currents
This paper proposes a numerical model of soil ionization phenomena that can occur when earth electrodes are injected by high pulse transient currents. The model is solved by a finite difference time domain numerical scheme. It has been developed from a thorough analysis of the available studies in technical literature about the peculiar physical dynamics of soil ionization phenomena. As already underlined, soil ionization can occur, for example, when the earth electrode has to drain a lightning current into the soil. In this case, the electric field can overcome the electrical strength and conductive plasma paths can locally grow. The dimension of these ionized air channels are strictly dep…
Un modello dinamico per la simulazione della ionizzazione di terreni non omogenei in presenza di elettrodi disperdenti elevate correnti impulsive
La caratterizzazione elettromagnetica del comportamento dinamico di elettrodi interrati, disperdenti elevate correnti impulsive, costituisce uno degli aspetti primari nella progettazione di un sistema di protezione dalle fulminazioni atmosferiche (LPS). D’altra parte, elevate correnti impulsive possono causare l’insorgere di fenomeni di ionizzazione del terreno, nelle zone prossime agli elettrodi interrati, nei punti in cui il campo elettrico totale supera il valore critico. Modelli teorici e misure sperimentali correlano l’insorgere di variazioni di conducibilità del terreno in prossimità di elettrodi interrati interessati da elevate correnti impulsive al fenomeno della ionizzazione del te…
A Smart Sensing Method for Real- Time Monitoring of Low Voltage Series-Arc-Fault
This paper proposes a smart sensing method for real-time monitoring of low voltage series arc fault. It is based on the wavelet coefficient mean-difference algorithm and the four spikes appearing within two fundamental periods criterion with adaptive threshold. The method also uses the hard thresholding wavelet denoising with the universal threshold. An arc fault factor and a load adaptation factor are introduced and combined with a correction factor, so allowing the selection of the adaptive threshold in real-time and the series arc fault detection.
EMI Analysis in Electrical Drives under Lightning Surge Conditions
In this paper, a complete model of a power drive system including the earth electrodes is proposed to evaluate electromagnetic conducted interference due to lightning pulses. Circuit model of a power drive system is joined with a full-wave approach for the simulation of the time behavior of the grounding system. The proposed model enables to predict the electromagnetic conducted interference generated in the power drive system when lightning conditions involve the earth electrodes.
This paper proposes a numerical model of the soil ionization phenomena that can occur when earth electrodes are injected by high pulse transient currents, as the one associated with a direct lightning stroke. Based on finite difference time domain numerical scheme, this model ascribes the electrical breakdown in the soil to the process of discharge in the air. In fact, as soon as the local electric field overcomes the electrical strength, the air in the voids trapped among soil particles is ionized, and the current is conducted by ionized plasma paths locally grown. The dimension of these ionized air channels is strictly dependent upon the local temperature. Thus, a local heat balance is en…
Investigation of PCB-based Inductive Sensors Orientation for Corona Partial Discharge Detection
This paper presents an experimental investigation of two different printed circuit board (PCB) inductive sensors, with meander and non-spiral shapes, to assess their capabilities and best orientation for corona partial discharge (PD) detection. First, simulations with the Ansys HFSS software are performed in order to evaluate the equivalent electrical circuit of the two sensors and their 2d radiation patterns. The meander sensors presented a resonant frequency of 600 MHz, while it was around 1.1 GHz for the non-spiral. The 2d radiation pattern showed that better sensitivity is achieved when the inductive sensor is oriented 90 degrees with respect to the PD source. Experimental tests showed …
From electric mobility to hydrogen mobility: current state and possible future expansions
The expansion of electric vehicles in Italy, has already started a few years ago, but some aspects prevent its expansion. Currently users prefer hybrid technology, mainly due to socio-economic factors related to initial investment and anxiety about autonomy. The aim of the document is to understand if the adoption of Fuel Cell technology can be a solution to overcome the problems of environmental pollution. The possibility to be able to use fuel cells to store electricity is very advantageous, especially on charging times that are significantly reduced. Based on the current situation and analyzing the available data, this work reports the current state of electric mobility in Italy and trie…
Studio dell'interferenza elettromagnetica radiata in sistemi elettrici automobilistici a 42 V tramite schema alle differenze finite nel dominio del tempo
Experimental Evaluation of the Performance of a Three-Phase Five-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter by Means FPGA-Based Control Board for Grid Connected Applications
Over the last decades, plants devoted to the generation of green energy significantly increased their number, together with the demand of same electrical energy, also stored in battery systems. This fact produced the growth of energy conversion systems with advanced performances with respect to the traditional ones. In this circumstance, multilevel converters play a significant role for their great advantages in performances, flexibility, fault-tolerability, employment of renewable energy sources and storage systems and finally yet importantly reduced filter requirements. In this context, this paper faces the performance of a cascaded H-bridge 5 level inverter in terms of harmonic distortio…
Economical evaluation of ecological benefits of the demand side management
Environmental pollution and over-exploitation of non-renewable sources to find energy are current topics for the modern world that is now at having to deal with several issues such as the greenhouse effect, acid rain and climate change. In this study, the economical estimate of the savings in carbon dioxide obtained with a careful management of electrical loads is presented. Four particular scenarios are designed as case studies: Italy, France, United Kingdom and Germany. A comparison is presented with a similar study, made in 2007, when green energies were not yet very developed.
Smoothed Particle ElectroMagnetics: A mesh-free solver for transients
AbstractIn this paper an advanced mesh-free particle method for electromagnetic transient analysis, is presented. The aim is to obtain efficient simulations by avoiding the use of a mesh such as in the most popular grid-based numerical methods. The basic idea is to obtain numerical solutions for partial differential equations describing the electromagnetic problem by using a set of particles arbitrarily placed in the problem domain. The mesh-free smoothed particle hydrodynamics method has been adopted to obtain numerical solution of time domain Maxwell's curl equations. An explicit finite difference scheme has been employed for time integration. Details about the numerical treatment of elec…
Simplified Hybrid PD Model in Voids
In this paper a novel approach to model partial discharges (PD) activity taking place inside a spherical void in epoxy resin system has been traced. The approach is based on a time varying conductance of the inner void, subjected to multistress conditions: voltage, temperature and pressure. A simple lumped circuit macro-model simulates the global effects of PD activity: the different parameters influencing the discharge phenomenon in the void are taking into account by using a physical approach resulting in a time varying conductance inside the circuit. The evaluated PD activity has been compared with experimental and simulated one for the accessible and inaccessible part of the system. A d…
Un metodo meshfree particellare per la risoluzione delle equazioni di Maxwell: sviluppo di un codice in ambiente GRID
Prediction of electromagnetic radiated emissions in 14/42 V vehicle electrical systems by method of moments
Economic evaluation on the use of reconfiguration systems for increase of energy production in PV plants
This paper presents an economic analysis of the effectiveness of Dynamic Reconfiguration Systems (DRS) for PV plants in dependence of the incentive policies offered by several countries of the European Community. This evaluation has been achieved by means of the NPV (Net Present Value) and through the comparison between Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Croatia. From the obtained results, it can be stated that the adoption of reconfiguration systems, in certain cases, can be a convenient solution.
Electromagnetic Full-Wave Simulation of Partial Discharge Detection in High Voltage AC Cables
Partial discharge (PD) activity in the insulation system of an electrical equipment can determine the failure of the whole apparatus. PD sensors are widely used in high-voltage electrical systems as the main elements of a detecting system oriented to real time monitoring. Recently, non-invasive sensors have been proposed in industrial applications for cable and other sensitive electrical parts: they are based both on capacitive and on the electromagnetic radiating coupling. In order to assess the real performance of a new sensor produced by a high voltage AC cables manufacturer, the paper proposes electromagnetic fullwave simulation results.
Detection of Radiated EM Transients by Exploiting Compact Spherical Antenna Features
In this paper, the features of a compact spherical antenna, already efficiently used for ultra wide band applications, are investigated by exploiting the possibility of detecting electromagnetic transients with frequency content up to the very high frequency range. Transient phenomena with the above mentioned frequency content are those encountered, for example, in partial discharge detection. The behaviour of the adopted compact spherical antenna enables to successfully detect the waveform of typical partial discharge transient radiated electromagnetic field, so preserving the information necessary for the subsequent pattern analysis, typically carried out by using classical conducted meas…
A Battery-Free Wireless Smart Sensor platform with Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity for Smart Agriculture
Smart agriculture systems, which integrate sensors and data analysis into agricultural production processes, are increasingly proving an effective solution for reducing food production waste, yield production increase, and product quality improvement. In this context, this paper deals with a wireless sensors platform for humidity, temperature, and light detection that has the peculiarity to be self-powered and battery-free. The main advantage of the proposed solution is the elimination of maintenance interventions due to battery replacement. Therefore, the availability of install-and-forget sensors allows an easy diffusion for a capillary detection of plant health and growth parameters thro…
Experimental Validation of a Novel Method for Harmonic Mitigation for a Three-Phase Five-Level Cascaded H-Bridges Inverter
In modern high-power electrical drives, the efficiency of the system is a crucial constraint. Moreover, the efficiency of power converters plays a fundamental role in modern applications requiring also a limited weight, such as the electric vehicles and novel more electric aircraft. The reduction of losses pushes for systems with a dc bus and a high number of dc/ac converters, widespread in the vehicle, not burdened by a too expensive data processing system. The purpose of this article is to concur to reduce losses by proposing an innovative selective harmonic mitigation method based on the identification of the working areas where the reference harmonics present lower amplitudes. In partic…
Eletric vehicles impact using renewable energy
In this moment, the principle topics for the modern world are the reduction of environmental pollution and the production of energy from renewable sources (for example photovoltaic system, wind farm, hydroelectric plants, etc.). This particular attention is determined by different reasons, in particular from the Kyoto Protocol, and from different problems as greenhouse effect, acid rain and climate change. The scope of this work is to study, for different years (1997-2013) in Italy, the production of electric energy from renewable and non-renewable. At a later stage, the attention will be on the consumption of the electric energy divided for different sectors. In particular, we study the po…
Simple and Flexible Power Loss Minimizer With Low-Cost MCU Implementation for High-Efficiency Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives
This paper presents a simple, practical and low-cost implementation of a power losses minimization algorithm for three-phase induction motors taking also into account both iron core losses and magnetic saturation. The algorithm evaluates, in real-time, the optimal direct axis magnetizing flux component for efficiency enhancement of the drive. A further advantage of the proposed technique is represented by a flexible and low-cost implementation by means of an ATMEL ATSAM3X8E microcontroller. The power loss minimization algorithm is tested preliminarily by means of several simulations, then, experimentally validated by applying the proposed control strategy on a 5.5 kW Field Oriented Control …
Modelli black-box di dispositivi elettronici per la valutazione della compatibilità elettromagnetica in sistemi interconnessi
Review of acoustic methods for space charge measurement
In the last decade, due to the increased use of direct current, the space charge accumulation phenomenon has reached more interest. In this regard, several non-destructive measurement systems were used. In particular, for solid dielectrics, the acoustic methods have had greater success. This review presents a brief historical evolution of the Pulse Electro- Acoustic (PEA) method, describing the working operation, the thicknesses analyzed and the spatial resolution for the different configurations of the PEA cell. The Pressure Wave Propagation (PWP) method in both configurations Piezo-PWP and Laser Induced Pressure Pulse (LIPP) is also described.
Technical and economical evaluation on the use of reconfiguration systems in some EU countries for PV plants
This paper shows the technical and economical evaluation of the application of a reconfiguration system for photovoltaic (PV) plants, considering the incentives system in some European Union countries. The reconfiguration system is an alternative to the distributed maximum power point tracking technique which used to increase the power production in the PV plants under the mismatch phenomenon. The reconfiguration techniques employ a microprocessor-based or field-programmable gate array-based system that modifies the layout of the PV plant through the change of the connections among modules. After having presented the main features working of the PV reconfiguration system allowing the improv…
PD characteristics at Square Shaped Voltages Applying Two Different Detecting Techniques
Nowadays power electronic converters are widely used and the fast switching voltage fronts results in an increased stress on the insulation material and may cause a reduction of the HV systems reliability. Nonsinusoidal voltage waveform have influence on the partial discharges (PD) characteristics in insulating systems due to the increased harmonic content which causes problems mainly in electrical PD measurement setups. In fact, impulse voltages cause strong switching disturbances, which make it much more difficult to distinguish PD signals from noise. This work investigates the influence of repetitive steep pulses on different types of test objects exposed to square wave voltages applying…
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Towers Cascade Under Lightning Surge Conditions
In this paper, the simulation of towers cascade under lightning surge conditions is presented. Finite-difference time-domain method is used to solve both the Maxwell's and telegraph equations. Maxwell's equations and the time-domain resistivity model of Darveniza are used to simulate the nonlinear behavior of the grounding system. Telegraph equations are used to describe the propagation in the overhead lines. Multiple ionizations, on different grounding electrodes belonging to various towers, can be implemented simultaneously, without making assumptions on the shape of the ionized areas.
Photovoltaic facade: Comparison of actual technologies
This article aims to establish the economic contribution of a photovoltaic system placed on a façade of a building, replacing traditional elements such as windows and glass-cement walls with active elements. The aim is to compare the behavior of next-generation systems, which favor architectonical integration, with traditional ones. Two novel systems have been taken into account: a dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) and blue and grey thin film silicon panels. Different generation systems have been tested and compared in terms of efficiency and fill factor.
Macromodellamento di convertitori elettronici per impiego in ambito automotive
A Cogging Torque Minimization Procedure for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Based on a Progressive Modification of the Rotor Lamination Geometry
This article describes a simple cogging torque minimization procedure for interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (IPMSMs), consisting of a progressive modification of the rotor lamination geometry. This procedure can be generalized for the main topologies of PMSM, independently of the number of stator slots or the location of the permanent magnets. For this purpose, a basic IPMSM structure is analyzed by means of the FEM (finite element method) approach, and then, several other IPMSM geometries, obtained by adequately modifying the rotor lamination geometry of the basic IPMSM model without changing its stator configuration, are proposed and discussed. The trends of the cogging torqu…
UAV-Assisted Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are usually deployed to different areas of interest to sense phenomena, process sensed data, and take actions accordingly. The networks are integrated with many advanced technologies to be able to fulfill their tasks that is becoming more and more complicated. These networks tend to connect to multimedia networks and to process huge data over long distances. Due to the limited resources of static sensor nodes, WSNs need to cooperate with mobile robots such as unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in their developments. The mobile devices show their maneuverability, computational and energy-storage abilities to support WSNs in mul…
Economic evaluation of PV system for EV charging stations: Comparison between matching maximum orientation and storage system employment
This article addresses the problem of the choice of a generation system to be implemented to reduce the impact of charging electric vehicles at University. Based on the behaviour of the student population, it is identified the electrical load. Two possible solutions are evaluated in order to manage the peak load: an orientation of the panels in order to increase the power at defined time and the use of storage system. The main strength and weakness points of two systems are investigated by taking into account the Levelized Cost of Energy.
Cogging torque comparison of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators with different stator windings
This paper presents the comparison between the cogging torques produced by four IPMSGs (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators) with different stator winding configurations. More in detail, an IPMSG model, which is derived from a commercial geometry, is analyzed through means of a FEM (Finite Element Method) approach. Then, three more structures are determined and analyzed by adequately changing the number of stator slots of the basic IPMSG stator structure and by maintaining the same rotor configuration. From the obtained simulation results, the cogging torque components for each structure are determined and compared. From this comparison, it can be stated that the use of dissymm…
On Psychological Aspects about Electric Vehicles, Part 1
The high diffusion of electric vehicles is evidenced by every sector magazine or by the catalog of all the manufacturers inserting incessantly new models. But what are the user's most hidden reactions to the new world of vehicles? Is the user ready for the fifth level of automation (fully automatic driving and absence of the driving position)? The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the psychological aspects that influence the adoption of electric vehicles by users and beyond. Topics such as the egg and chicken paradox (electric vehicles and charging stations, who was born first) but also performance anxiety (range anxiety) will be addressed. Contradictions and irony will charac…
CO2 reduction exploiting RES for EV charging
The world is facing an urgent need to reduce emissions, limiting pollution for a better quality of life. This objective has to be reached by all cities and governments worldwide. This paper focuses on the field of transportation, which is greatly responsible for air pollution, mainly in cities and urban areas such as towns, airports and seaports. The diffusion of electric vehicles (EVs) enables a significant reduction of air pollutants emitted by combustion engines; however, their recharge can affect the total pollution by their increasing energy demand. A solution is the use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to charge EVs. This paper analyzes the feasibility of integrating EVs and RES, foc…
A local linear black-box identification technique for power converters modeling
In this paper, a black-box modeling technique for power electronic converters, also used in automotive environment is presented. The aim of this work is to provide a simple yet versatile and powerful tool to schematize complex electric devices in vehicular appliances, in order to fulfill the electromagnetic compatibility already during the project stage. By using input and output measured data, a composite local linear state space model is built up. Radial basis functions are used as weights for the local systems. The proposed approach is validated and applied in modeling a DC/DC converter for DC motors, a pulse width modulation inverter and a controlled rectifier.
A prototypal PCB board for the EMI characterization of SiC-based innovative switching devices
In this paper, a preliminary PCB board for the electromagnetic interference (EMI) characterization of innovative silicon-carbide (SiC) based switching devices is presented. Packaging technological issues can determine hurdles in the high-frequency switching and high power regime where wide band gap semiconductors are intended today for Electric Vehicle (EV) applications. In particular, the parasitic inductances that emerge in such devices, must be assessed, by using e.g. EMI techniques. In this specific case, the EMI characterization is supposed to be carried out in a semi-anechoic chamber, available at the University of Palermo (UNIPA), to assess the electromagnetic disturbances according …
Finite-element performance comparison of IPMSMs with unsymmetrical double-layer windings
This paper presents a comparison of the performances between IPMSMs (Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine) with a symmetrical and with two different types of unsymmetrical windings. The aim is to demonstrate that the adoption of slightly unsymmetrical windings does not significantly affect the performances of the machines, both in terms of cogging torque and torque/load angle characteristics, providing also the advantage of a higher possibility of choice in terms of slot number/poles ratio. More in particular, an IPMSM model (named IPMSM-1) derived from a commercial geometry equipped with a symmetrical winding is analyzed by using a Finite Element Method (FEM) approach. The simulat…
Implementation on NI-SOM sbRIO-9651 and Experimental Validation of Multi-Carrier PWM Techniques for Three-Phase Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter
Multilevel Power Inverters (MPIs) represent a valid solution to improve the performances of energy production systems from renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the use of novel FPGA control systems allows simplifying the implementation of multicarrier PWM techniques for MPIs with computational benefits. This paper describes the implementation of several multicarrier PWM techniques on NI-SOM sbRIO-9651 for the control of a three-phase five-level cascaded H-bridge inverter. In detail, sbRIO-9651 is a control system in the field of Power Electronics and Drives (PED) programmable in the LabVIEW graphical programming environment. The paper is focused on modulation techniques implementation, te…
Experimental study on B-spline-based modulation schemes applied in multilevel inverters for electric drive applications
This work presents the design, simulation, and experimental validation of new B-Spline-based modulation techniques applied to a Multilevel Power Inverter (MPI), particularly focusing the attention on the harmonic content of the output voltages of the inverter. Simulation and experimental results are proposed and discussed, mainly describing the potential benefits, such as the increase of the multi-level operation of the converter, and drawbacks (low-order harmonics) related to the adoption of B-Spline functions for multilevel inverters applied in the field of electrical drives.
Space Charges and Partial Discharges Simultaneous Measurements under DC Stress
In the field of HVDC, the main causes of insulation aging are due to the space charge and PD phenomena. In particular, the purpose of the present work is to verify a possibility to measure simultaneously the space charge and the PDs under DC stress in order to evaluate the correlation between both phenomena. The space charge was measured by using a modified PEA cell and PDs were measured by using a novel wireless sensor system. The space charge profile and the PD pulses carried out simultaneously have been reported and discussed.
Quaderno di elettrotecnica
l presente testo è rivolto agli allievi ingegneri “elettrici” e “non elettrici” che devono affrontare lo studio della disciplina nota come Elettrotecnica. Sono presentati gli aspetti canonici della disciplina seguendo una curva di apprendimento che, per mezzo di differenti livelli di comprensione, consente il passaggio da conoscenza quantitativa, nella quale i principali attori sono tecnica e memoria, a un livello di conoscenza qualitativa in cui a essere impegnati sono la capacità di sintesi e l’ingegno.
Modelling, Simulation and Characterization of a Supercapacitor in Automotive Applications
In the energy storage field, supercapacitors (SCs) are gaining more and more attention thanks to features such as high-power density, high life cycles and lack of maintenance. In this article, an improved SC three-branches model which considers the residual charge phenomenon is presented. The procedure to estimate the model parameters and the related experimental set-up are presented. The parameter estimation procedure is repeated for several SCs of the same type. The average parameters are then obtained and used as initial guesses for a recursive least square optimization algorithm, to increase the accuracy of the model. The model of a single SC is then extended to SC banks, testing differ…
Reliability of PEA Measurement in Presence of an Air Void Defect
This paper deals with the reliability of the Pulsed Electro-Acoustic (PEA) technique in the case of a specimen containing an air layer. The first approach to this study has been proposed by the authors in previously published works. In these papers, the mathematical description, the PEA cell simulation model, and some experimental tests have been reported. In this work, a more accurate description of the acoustic wave behavior within the PEA cell and specimen with and without an air layer is given. Moreover, the comparison between simulation and experimental tests for both cases (specimen with and without air layer) allowed the validation of the previously developed PEA cell simulation mode…
A parametric analysis of the transient behavior of lightning protection systems
The paper have the purpose of investigate the influence of different parameters to enable better understanding of the transient performance of complex lightning protection systems (LPS). Lightning discharges constitute the major source of atmospheric or natural noise that can interfere with electric and electronic installations. The electromagnetic characterisation of the LPS environment plays a fundamental role in order to prevent unwanted coupling phenomena that may generate abnormal signals, electric stresses dangerous for the insulation of electric components, disruptive discharges and danger to persons. The model, developed by the authors, is based on a field-approach: the numerical so…
An efficient solver for electromagnetic transient simulationi
Dynamic reconfiguration systems for PV plant: Technical and economic analysis
Solar plants suffer of partial shading and mismatch problems. Without considering the generation of hot spots and the resulting security issues, a monitoring system for the health of a PV plant should be useful to drive a dynamic reconfiguration system (DRS) to solve bottlenecks due to different panels’ shading. Over the years different DRS architectures have been proposed, but no suggestions about costs and benefits have been provided. Starting from technical subjects such as differences of the topologies driving the hardware complexity and number of components, this paper identifies the cost of DRS and its lifetime, and based on these issues it provides an economic analysis for a 6 kWp PV…
Partial discharge behavior under single phase half and full-bridge rectifier
The aim of the present work is to simulate partial discharges (PDs) phenomena under voltage stress close to the Direct Current (DC) waveform. The employed waveforms have been realized by using a full-wave and a half-wave rectifiers. After that, in order to generate a steadier voltage supply, a capacitive filter has been inserted in the output of the half-wave rectifier. Simulations have been carried out by modifying a previous software used in the case of Alternating Current (AC). Finally, experimental tests have been carried out in order to validate simulation results.
How is the spread of the Electric Vehicles?
Many automotive manufacturers are investing heavily in Electric Vehicle (EV) design and manufacturing. Governments and other public sector bodies are making significant investments in the development of EVs and introducing various tax credits, incentives and subsidies. In addition, energy companies and other industries have set their sights on electric vehicles. In particular, EV development is being strongly fueled by consumer demand stemming from economic and environmental factors. The scope of this work is to present a representation of the spread of EVs in some European countries, in order to address an integration of green energy with recharge of EVs with particular attention for Italy…
Electrical characterization of low power CIGSSe photovoltaic modules
This paper presents the electrical characterization of low power CIGSSe photovoltaic (PV) modules. Such investigation is achieved to perform a comparison of their performances with conventional silicon PV modules. For this purpose, a test bench, suitable for the characterization of both traditional and innovative low power modules, has been set-up and experimental results are accurately described and discussed.
PV systems in the vertical walls: A comparison of innovative structures
This paper presents the performance comparison of PV windows with the purpose of tracing the behavior of next-generation systems, which could favor architectonical integration. More in detail, a dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) and blue and grey thin film silicon panels have been analyzed. The systems can be placed behind a window or behind a wall of glass blocks. The three generation systems are then compared in terms of both efficiency and Fill Factor.
An economic study about the installation of PV plants reconfiguration systems in Italy
This paper shows the economic convenience of the application of a reconfiguration system for photovoltaic plants, considering the incentives system in Italy and its recent modifications. The reconfiguration is an alternative to the Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking, DMPPT, technique used to overcome the mismatch problem in Photovoltaic, PV, plants. The reconfiguration techniques employ a microprocessor-based system that modifies the layout of the PV plant by physically changing the connections among modules. After the explanation of the working principle of the PV reconfiguration system allowing the improvement of the efficiency of the same plant and the relevant installation, the ma…
A novel method for harmonic mitigation for single-phase five-level cascaded H-Bridge inverter
The efficiency of a system is a very important parameter for high power electrical drives applications. Moreover, the efficiency of power converters plays a fundamental role. Aim of this work, is to propose a novel selective harmonic mitigation method without solving non-linear equations. Through a very simple approach, the polynomial equations which drive the control angles have been detected for a single-phase five-level cascaded H-Bridge inverter. The obtained polynomial equations can be easily implemented in a digital system to real-time operation. The paper also presents the simulation analysis and experimental validation.
Electrical characterization of CIGSSe photovoltaic modules
This work describes the electrical characterization of CIG(S,Se) 2 sub-modules in order to compare the related performances with those obtained from traditional silicon photovoltaic modules. This characterization has been performed through means of a test bench, mainly composed by a solar simulator equipment, allowing the determination of the parameters of the prototypes under test at different irradiances and temperatures.
Performance of the Glass Block in Photovoltaic Generation
In this article is presented the preliminary evaluation of the performance of radiation transmission of glass block, used in support of photovoltaic cells, investigating different internal surface points of the block, which are subject to different shading during daylight hours. The aim is to establish how the edging setting, the only opaque element, can reduce the amount of light radiation during the day, introducing in this way a reduction of efficiency of the entire generation system. The generation system can be based on traditional photovoltaic cells or on the most suitable dye sensitized solar cells. An experimental measurement setup employing a microprocessor-based instrument has bee…
Harvesting rainfall energy by means of piezoelectric transducer
In this paper a detailed study on the piezoelectric energy harvesting of rainfall is presented. Different features have been taken into account in order to define the limits in this energy harvesting. Only commercial transducers have been considered: a lead zirconate titanate and polyvinylidene difluoride transducer.
Mixed Harmonic Elimination Control for a Single-Phase 9 Level Grid-Connected Inverter
The power quality requirements are increasingly stringent, due to the continuous growth of devices connected to the grid that introduce harmonics. These devices include DC to AC energy conversion systems, i.e. grid connected inverters. The design, control and operation of these systems must take into account the rules of interconnection to the electricity grid. To improve the quality of the output waveform of the grid-connected inverter, Multilevel Converters (MC) with selective harmonic elimination modulation technique can be used. This paper presents a single-phase nine level grid-connected inverter with DC/DC input stages. The obtained switching angles for THD minimization are independen…
Electric vehicles and psychology
The popularity of electric vehicles is evidenced by the broad range of manufacturers presenting new models of plug-in hybrid and battery vehicles. However, the success of the revolution or, rather, the rebirth of electric vehicles, is hanging by a thread, as it lacks the involvement of a large number of users, and many psychological mechanisms hinder it. What are users’ true feelings about this new world of vehicles? Are people ready for the fifth level of automation, i.e., fully automatic driving and the absence of the driving position? The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the psychological aspects that influence the adoption of electric vehicles. Topics such as the chicken …
Comparative Analysis of Modified Modulation Scheme for Three-phase Voltage fed QZS Inverters
Single-stage converters are one promising solution in different field of applications. In particular, quasi-Z-Source VSI topology structure playsan important role because it presents the same advantages of VSI and qZS converters. In addition, it allows increasing the inverter reliability. Moreover, modulation schemes and control strategy are still being developed. For this reason, aim of this paper is to introduce a modified modulation scheme based on the Maximum Constant Boost Control (MCBC) concept and Switching Frequency Optimal (SFO)as reference signals that represents the novelty issue of this work. The analysis has been carried out by comparing the performance of the converter in term…
A novel flexible approach for prediction and on line diagnostic of partial discharge
Partial discharges (PD), due to unavoidable local defects produced by the industrial manufacturing process, can determine local erosion of the material that may cause the electrical breakdown of the component in which the dielectric material represents the fundamental part. Recently, improved diagnostics of electrical insulation systems by means of electric PD measurements through a stochastic processing of the acquired data have been carried out. In this way, the identification of the defects as well, as the separation of multiple defects simultaneously active, have been performed. In this paper, a novel flexible approach for the on-line characterization of the defects in a dielectric mate…
Evaluation of radiated EMI in 42 V vehicle electrical systems by FDTD simulation
In this paper a full 3D numerical scheme, based on the finite difference time domain method, is used to predict the electromagnetic radiated interference generated by 42 V vehicle power electronic driven electrical loads. An experimental set-up has been arranged on purpose in order to validate the proposed simulation tool. To this aim, the features of a semi-anechoic electromagnetic chamber have been exploited in order to operate in a shielded test site for the measurement of near field radiated emissions. Two different three-dimensional geometrical configurations of realistic vehicle installations of the loads, are studied. A comparative analysis among measured and computed results is perf…
Partial discharges at different voltage waveshapes: Comparison between two different acquisition systems
In modern HV apparatuses the wide use of electronic converters, increase the stress on the involved insulation systems and thus affect the reliability of the whole power grid. Additionally, such non-sinusoidal voltage shapes contain high gradient flanks that create problems in the detection of partial discharge (PD) activity. The aim of this paper is to discuss the methodology on how to suitably approach PD detection in insulation systems exposed to various voltage waveshapes in general by comparing two different measuring systems. The first one, equipped with a resonant PD decoupler, designed specifically for detection at typical power electronic waveshapes and the other one, based on an a…
Experimental analysis with FPGA controller-based of MC PWM techniques for three-phase five level cascaded H-bridge for PV applications
The FPGA represents a valid solution for the design of control systems for inverters adopted in the field of PV systems because of their high flexibility of use. This paper presents an experimental analysis of the MC SPWM techniques for a three-phase, five-level, cascaded H-Bridge inverter with FPGA controller-based. Several control algorithms are implemented by means of the VHDL programming language and the output voltage waveforms obtained from the main PWM techniques are compared in terms of THD%. Simulation and experimental results are analysed, compared and discussed.
Sensorless Speed Control for Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor Applications
In this work, a flux and speed observer for double-sided linear induction motor applications is presented and experimentally validated. More in detail, from a Double-Sided Linear Induction Motor (DLIM) prototype, the complete modelling and the determination of the related parameters are here reported. Furthermore, the equations for a d-flux and q-flux observer are conceived and several simulation tests are performed. From the good agreements between the trends over time of the speed estimated by the observer and the simulated one, it can be stated that the observer is well designed. Moreover, in order to experimentally validate the proposed observer, a test bench is set-up for the DLIM/obse…
Battery Models for Battery Powered Applications: A Comparative Study
Battery models have gained great importance in recent years, thanks to the increasingly massive penetration of electric vehicles in the transport market. Accurate battery models are needed to evaluate battery performances and design an efficient battery management system. Different modeling approaches are available in literature, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. In general, more complex models give accurate results, at the cost of higher computational efforts and time-consuming and costly laboratory testing for parametrization. For these reasons, for early stage evaluation and design of battery management systems, models with simple parameter identification procedures are…
Leading the way toward fuel parity in photovoltaics: The utility-scale market in Sicily, Italy
The global photovoltaic (PV) market has been growing exponentially since almost twenty years. This huge demand for photovoltaic systems has been mainly driven by public subsidies in the form of a variet y of national incentive schemes. However, in Countries where successful incentive schemes have been pioneered and are now – as planned - being brought to an end, the PV market is called to the challenge of surviving without any incentive to the end user. Grid and fuel-parity represent the keystone of this emerging new phase in the history of this renewable energy technology. In this paper we present a sensitivity analysis showing that in Sicily, Italy, the Levelized Cost of Energy from utili…
On the strategies for the diffusion of EVs: Comparison between Norway and Italy
The aim of this work is to estimate e-mobility trends, which are crucial for understanding the market and the infrastructure expansion over the next years and debate which are the persuasive policies to improve the diffusion. At the present time between the numerous and diverse standards and rules there are two charging types for electric vehicles: high power DC and AC charging modes. It will be stimulating to understand which technology will overcome in the following few years and if the charging mode option on a given electric vehicle (EV) affects its sales results. This paper addresses the existing e-mobility scenario in Norway and Italy, in particular evaluating: EV technical and commer…
Modeling of Electronic Devices using Radial Basis Functions for EMC Evaluation
Impiego di metodi numerici meshfree per l’analisi elettromagnetica
Piezoelectric Rainfall Energy Harvester Performance by an Advanced Arduino-Based Measuring System
This paper presents the performances of rainfall energy harvesting through the use of a piezoelectric transducer and an Arduino-based measuring system. Different studies agree on the possibility of generating electricity from rainfall, but to date, a study on measuring the quantity of energy produced during rainfall is still missing. The present study begins with results obtained from laboratory researchers using piezoelectric transducers and oscilloscopes, finalized to measure the energy produced from a single raindrop, and concludes with an ad hoc Arduino-based measuring system, aimed to measure the actual amount of electrical energy produced by a piezoelectric transducer that is exposed …
Impact Evaluation of Innovative Selective Harmonic Mitigation Algorithm for Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter on IPMSM Drive Application
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the use of a novel Harmonic Mitigation algorithm for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in electrical drives for the transportation field. For this purpose, an enhanced mathematical model of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM), that takes into account simultaneously saturation, cross-coupling, spatial harmonics, and iron loss effects, has been used. In detail, this model allows estimating accurately the efficiency and the torque ripple of the IPMSM, crucial parameters for transportation applications. Moreover, two traditional pulse width modulation strategies, Sinusoidal Phase-Shifted and Switching Frequency Optimal Phase-Shifted…
Simulation of a single-phase five-level cascaded H-Bridge inverter with multicarrier SPWM B-Spline based modulation techniques
Multilevel Power Inverters are now often used to convert DC to AC voltage waveform. This kind of converter allows high power quality with low output harmonics and lower commutation losses with respect to the traditional ones in order to optimize this aspect. This paper presents a novel simulation analysis of the Multicarrier Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (MC SPWM) techniques B-Spline functions based to control the switches of five-level single-phase cascaded H-bridge inverter. In order to verify the performance of the converter, the harmonic content of the voltage due to modulation techniques has been taken into account. Results highlight the comparison between different B-Spline functi…
The strategies for the diffusion of EVs: Focus on Norway and Italy
The goal of this work is to predict e-mobility trends which are essential for understanding the market and the infrastructure development over the next years. Nowadays among the many and different standards and rules there are two charging categories for electric vehicles: High power DC and AC charging modes. It will be interesting to see which technology will prevail in the next few years and if the charging mode option on a given EV affects its sales performance. This study presents the current e-mobility scenario in Norway and Italy, in particular analyzing: EV technical and commercial features, electric vehicle market related national incentive policies, technical and diffusion connecto…
Experimental characterization of a wind generator prototype for sustainable small wind farms
This paper presents the experimental characterization of a wind turbine prototype used for micro wind farms. The proposed prototype, whose advantages can be summarized in versatility of application, low noise and compactness, can generate 1 kW of rated power for a wind speed equal to 4 m/s. The tests here reported and carried out by means of an experimental test bench confirm that the prototype is well designed and adequate for the purpose of its application.
Design and Realization of a Bidirectional Full Bridge Converter with Improved Modulation Strategies
In this paper a Full-Bridge Converter (FBC) for bidirectional power transfer is presented. The proposed FBC is an isolated DC-DC bidirectional converter, connected to a double voltage source&mdash
Interpretation of PEA Output Signal in a Multilayer Specimen
The aim of the present work is to evaluate the acoustic waves behavior within the Pulsed Electro-Acoustic (PEA) cell, in case of a multilayer specimen, in order to avoid misinterpretation of the output signal. Due to the reflection phenomenon of the acoustic waves travelling within the PEA cell, the output signal could be distorted. Because this aspect, for a given PEA cell with certain ground electrode and absorber thicknesses, depends on the sound velocity and thickness of the specimen under test, the latter must be carefully sized. For this aim, some useful relationships, that must be taken into account are given and described. In particular, a three layers sample simulating an air void …
Characterization of the parameters of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors for a loss model algorithm
Abstract The paper provides the results of a detailed experimental study on the variations of the characteristics of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, when load, speed and/or magnetization conditions vary. In particular, the characterization is carried out by assessing, for several working conditions, the motor parameters that influence its efficiency. From the knowledge of the variability of these parameters, it is possible to develop a dynamic model of the motor, which accurately describes its behaviour and allows estimating the power losses for whatever speed and load. In order to validate the model, the values of the power losses obtained by using the model are compared wi…
Soil ionization in earth electrodes by a finite difference time domain scheme
This paper proposes a finite difference time domain numerical scheme devoted to analyze the transient behavior of earth electrodes during the soil breakdown that can take place when a surge current has to be drained. To this aim, Maxwell's equations together with a space-time variable resistivity function are used. The model has been validated by comparing the computed results with data available in the technical literature. Simulation results related to complex earth electrodes of limited extension are reported. Electrodes of larger extension can be easily simulated but requiring more computational resources.
Performance Evaluation of a Three- Phase Five-Level Quasi-Z-Source Cascaded H-Bridge for Grid-Connected Applications
In the field of the PV generation, Quasi-Z-source cascaded H-bridge (qZS-CHB) inverters are promising due to their features of modularity and high voltage conversion ratio. Thus, new topology structures and innovative modulation techniques are continuously being developed to improve the performance in terms of voltage stress and harmonic content. This paper proposes an innovative modulation technique that allows reducing the voltage stress and a specially designed grid-connected control strategy is also introduced. Through simulations in MATLAB, it has been validated that the performance of a three-phase five-level qZS-CHB is improved with the proposed solution.
Characterization of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors for loss model algorithm identification
The paper provides the results of a detailed experimental study on the variations of the characteristics of an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, when load, speed and/or magnetization conditions vary. In particular, the characterization is carried out by assessing, for several working conditions, the motor parameters that influence its efficiency. From the knowledge of the variability of these parameters, it is possible to develop a dynamic model of the motor, which accurately describes its behaviour and allows estimating the power losses for whatever speed and load. In order to validate the model, the values of the power losses obtained by using the model are compared with the va…
Piezoelectric model of rainfall energy harvester
In this paper a model to predict the harvest of the energy contained in rainfall by means of piezoelectric transducers is presented. Different studies agree on the level of suitable generated voltage on the electrodes of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to rainfall, but a complete characterization on the supplied power is still missing. This work, in order to limit optimistic forecasts, compares the behavior of the transducers subjected to real and artificial rainfall, a condition that has shown promising behavior in laboratory.
Performances of a three-phase five-level cascaded H-bridge inverter with phase shifted B-spline based modulation techniques
This paper presents a novel study of the performances of a five-level three-phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Phase Shifted B-Spline based modulation techniques. The study has been focused on the use of B-Spline functions as carrier signals in order to evaluate the performances of the converter in terms of harmonic content on the output voltage. In the first step of this analysis the THD% has been taken into account to compare the voltage waveforms. Interesting results have been found on the fundamental amplitude of the phase and line voltage. Moreover, harmonic spectra has been compared to evaluate the different harmonic distribution in the voltage waveforms. In this work th…
Review of space charge measurement systems: acoustic, thermal and optical methods
In the last decade, remarkable developments have concerned the methods of space charge measurement in the field of insulation systems diagnostic. In particular, methods based on acoustic and thermal phenomena have been largely used. The present review provides a broad overview on the different techniques used describing, for each of them, the working principle, the main features and the most relevant applications. Further details are provided for the Pulsed Electro-Acoustic (PEA) method, as it seems to be the most used. This article provides more details on its historical evolution, showing evidence for its technological limits and taking into consideration the advantages and drawn from the…