Gabriel Malka
Anxiety and subjective quality of life preoperatively and 4 months after reduction mammaplasty.
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the development of anxiety, psychological distress, and subjective quality of life on the basis of the criteria of satisfaction and expectations in a group of women who had undergone reduction mammaplasty for cosmetic reasons. Method The population consisted of 20 women who had requested breast reduction treatment [mean age, 34.70 (±10.94)] for cosmetic reasons. After being informed of the purpose of the study and after giving their written consent, the subjects took part in a psychological examination conducted at two different times (T1, initial medical consultation; T2, 4 months after surgery). At each of these stages, the psycholo…
The emerging role of miRNA-132/212 cluster in neurologic and cardiovascular diseases: Neuroprotective role in cells with prolonged longevity
Abstract miRNA-132/212 are small regulators of gene expression with a function that fulfills a vital function in diverse biological processes including neuroprotection of cells with prolonged longevity in neurons and the cardiovascular system. In neurons, miRNA-132 appears to be essential for controlling differentiation, development, and neural functioning. Indeed, it also universally promotes axon evolution, nervous migration, plasticity as well, it is suggested to be neuroprotective against neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, miRNA-132/212 disorder leads to neural developmental perturbation, and the development of degenerative disorders covering Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy’s …
Calciphylaxie : une complication grave et méconnue de l'insuffisance rénale chronique terminale. À propos de deux cas
Calciphylaxis presents like subcutaneous lesions with livedo reticularis leading to necrotic and painful ulcers, predominantly in the lower limbs and the abdomen. They initially simulate dermohypodermitis. Biology reveals secondary hyperparathyroidism, phosphocalcic metabolism abnormalities and state of hypercoagulability. Histological signs are constant: calcifications in the media of small and sub-cutaneous arteries, intimal hyperplasia and intravascular thrombosis. This complication occurs in 4% of end-stage renal disease patients. Its prognostic is awful with a rate of mortality of 60% due to sepsis. Treatment is based upon the normalization of phosphocalcic rates and local debridement.
Anti-Aging Effects of GDF11 on Skin
International audience; Human skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. The epidermis has four major cell layers made up of keratinocytes in varying stages of progressive differentiation. Skin aging is a multi-factorial process that affects every phase of its biology and function. The expression profiles of inflammation-related genes analyzed in resident immune cells demonstrated that these cells have a strong ability to regenerate adult skin stem cells and to produce endogenous substances such as growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11). GDF11 appears to be the key to progenitor proliferation and/or differentiation. The preservation of youthful phenot…
Péri-implantite ou carcinome épidermoïde?
Summary Introduction Squamous cell carcinoma developed around dental implants has seldom been described. It simulates peri-implantitis. The authors present two cases and a literature review. Case reports A 70 year-old woman presented with an exophytic tumor developed around dental implants placed in the anterior part of the mandible. Panoramic X-rays showed major osteolysis, especially around the distal abutment implants. A 72 year-old patient, smoker, presented with chronic lichen planus; he was carrying two implants supporting an overdenture with ball-attachments, placed 15 years before. He presented with an ulcerated symphyseal tumor, bone loss around implant in position 43. The implant …
Ganglion sentinelle dans les mélanomes cutanés de l’extrémité cervicocéphalique
Resume Introduction Le ganglion sentinelle est abondamment discute dans le melanome, en particulier dans les localisations cervicocephaliques ou les difficultes sont plus grandes alors que les benefices therapeutiques restent a prouver. Le but de cette etude etait de presenter notre experience du ganglion sentinelle dans les melanomes de la tete et du cou et de faire le point sur la litterature recente a ce sujet. Patients et methode Cette etude retrospective a inclus les patients pris en charge de 2002 a 2006 d’un melanome de l’extremite cephalique. Nous avons revu les modalites pratiques de la procedure, sa realisation et les difficultes rencontrees, les suites operatoires et les complica…
La pratique des curages ganglionnaires est-elle harmonieuse? Analyse rétrospective de 330 cas
Resume Introduction Le but de cette etude est de mettre en valeur l'extreme variabilite de la pratique des curages ganglionnaires. Materiel et methode Pour cela, une etude retrospective a ete conduite sur 330 patients ayant beneficie d'un curage cervical, axillaire ou inguinal. Dans chaque dossier etaient analyses l'affection primitive ainsi que le stade clinique, l'identite du chirurgien ayant realise le curage et de l'anatomopathologiste ayant analyse la piece operatoire, la technique operatoire (incision ou excision cutanees, limites du curage, taille de la piece d'exerese, nombre de ganglions lymphatiques emportes dans le curage). Les correlations entre diagnostic, identite du chirurgie…
Contribution de l’artère auriculaire postérieure à la vascularisation du nerf facial dans l’espace préstylien : étude anatomique et conséquences chirurgicales
INTRODUCTION: The aim of our study was to establish a systematization of collateral branches originating from posterior auricular artery to facial nerve in prestylian space. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty posterior auricular arteries were studied on 15 fresh cadavers after selective patent blue injection. We observed subsequent colouration of facial nerve. Number and topography of collateral branches were highlighted. RESULTS: Posterior auricular artery supplied facial nerve in 67%. Collateral branches dedicated to facial nerve could be classified into three types: type 1 corresponded to one artery in prestylian space, type 2 to several branches in prestylian space; finally type 3 featured s…
Regenerative Capacity of Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs), Comparison with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs).
Adipose tissue is now on the top one of stem cell sources regarding its accessibility, abundance, and less painful collection procedure when compared to other sources. The adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) that it contains can be maintained and expanded in culture for long periods of time without losing their differentiation capacity, leading to large cell quantities being increasingly used in cell therapy purposes. Many reports showed that ADSCs-based cell therapy products demonstrated optimal efficacy and efficiency in some clinical indications for both autologous and allogeneic purposes, hence becoming considered as potential tools for replacing, repairing, and regenerating dead or dama…
The Yin and Yang of alarmin S100B in the protection of myocardium
Posterior perilunate carpal dislocation associated with a multifragmentary distal radius fracture.
Summary Dorsal perilunate wrist dislocations are rare. Associated carpal bones or radial styloid process fractures can occur and be included in the current classifications. The authors report an unusual association of dorsal perilunate wrist dislocation with a multifragmentary distal radius fracture. Such traumatic entity has never been previously described. Poor functional outcome may justify the inclusion of associated complex forearm bone fractures in wrist dislocation classifications.
Lymphome B mandibulaire isolé révélé par une anesthésie du nerf alvéolaire inférieur
Resume Introduction Les lymphomes mandibulaires sont rares. Ils se manifestent le plus souvent par une tumefaction indolore. Nous rapportons un cas de lymphome mandibulaire revele par une atteinte isolee du nerf alveolaire inferieur evoluant depuis huit mois. Observation Un homme, de 41 ans, etait suivi pour des douleurs hemimandibulaires gauches. Un signe de Vincent s’est progressivement installe, sans anomalie radiologique. Apres huit mois est apparue une tumefaction dure du vestibule inferieur gauche en regard de la 34. La biopsie a etabli le diagnostic de lymphome B. L’affection etait exclusivement mandibulaire. Apres une polychimiotherapie, le patient est en remission complete depuis d…
The Crosstalk of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSC), Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Protective and Adaptive Responses
International audience; The potential use of stem cell-based therapies for the repair and regeneration of various tissues and organs is a major goal in repair medicine. Stem cells are classified by their potential to differentiate into functional cells. Compared with other sources, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have the advantage of being abundant and easy to obtain. ADSCs are considered to be tools for replacing, repairing, and regenerating dead or damaged cells. The capacity of ADSCs to maintain their properties depends on the balance of complex signals in their microenvironment. Their properties and the associated outcomes are in part regulated by reactive oxygen species, which medi…
Lipome du lobe profond de la glande parotide : à propos d'un cas rarissime
The incidence of lipoma in the parotid gland is very low, and lipomas in the deep lobe of the parotid are extremely rare and seldom considered in the differential diagnosis of deep lobe parotid gland tumours. A deep lobe parotid gland lipoma is presented and discussed.
Traitement chirurgical des fractures du condyle mandibulaire de l'adulte en France en 2005
Summary Introduction The authors had for aim to present the latest trends in the surgical management of mandibular condylar fractures in France, in 2005. Material and methods One hundred maxillofacial surgeons were questioned on the surgical management of condylar fractures and indications. Results were presented at the 41st Congress of Stomatology and Maxillofacial surgery. Results The overall reply rate was 70%. Condylar fractures are generally managed in teaching hospitals. Open reduction and fixation was deemed appropriate in low subcondylar fractures in 76% of the cases, in 10% for diacapitular fractures. Therapeutic details and indications were a matter of huge variability. Discussion…
Chirurgie esthétique et qualité de vie subjective avant et quatre mois après l'opération
Resume Objectifs. – Evaluer l'amelioration de la qualite de vie subjective et de la sante mentale apres une chirurgie esthetique a partir des indices de satisfaction des patients. Methode. – La population etait constituee de 25 femmes demandant une chirurgie esthetique (âge moyen : 34,76) dont 19 pour hypertrophie mammaire et six pour plastie abdominale. Apres avoir donne leur consentement ecrit, les sujets participaient a une evaluation psychologique qui se deroulait en deux temps, l'une au moment de la deuxieme consultation medicale et l'autre quatre mois apres le traitement chirurgical. L'evaluation psychologique comportait a chaque fois un entretien clinique et deux questionnaires : le …
Neuroprotective Potential of GDF11: Myth or Reality?
In the brain, aging is accompanied by cellular and functional deficiencies that promote vulnerability to neurodegenerative disorders. In blood plasma from young and old animals, various factors such as growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11), whose levels are elevated in young animals, have been identified. The blood concentrations of these factors appear to be inversely correlated with the age-related decline of neurogenesis. The identification of GDF11 as a “rejuvenating factor” opens up perspectives for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. As a pro-neurogenic and pro-angiogenic agent, GDF11 may constitute a basis for novel therapeutic strategies.
Diminution de la douleur au site donneur d'une greffe de peau mince par infiltration locale de ropivacaïne (Naropeine®) : résultats d'une série prospective de 30 patients
Resume But de l'etude. – Le but de cette etude est d'etablir l'effet antalgique de l'infiltration du site donneur de greffes de peau mince a la ropivacaine. Materiel et methode. – Trente patients sont inclus dans une etude prospective. Ces patients beneficient d'une greffe de peau mince sur lambeau musculaire, pour brulure ou couverture d'une zone en cicatrisation dirigee. La surface du site donneur est comprise entre 50 et 200 cm 2 . Deux groupes randomises sont constitues : infiltration ou non a la ropivacaine. Les criteres d'inclusion sont un sujet majeur, une surface prelevee de moins de 200 cm 2 , pas de pathologie neurologique ou psychiatrique, absence de contre-indication a la ropiva…
Hopes and Limits of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) and Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in Wound Healing
Adipose tissue derived stem cells (ADSCs) are mesenchymal stem cells identified within subcutaneous tissue at the base of the hair follicle (dermal papilla cells), in the dermal sheets (dermal sheet cells), in interfollicular dermis, and in the hypodermis tissue. These cells are expected to play a major role in regulating skin regeneration and aging-associated morphologic disgraces and structural deficits. ADSCs are known to proliferate and differentiate into skin cells to repair damaged or dead cells, but also act by an autocrine and paracrine pathway to activate cell regeneration and the healing process. During wound healing, ADSCs have a great ability in migration to be recruited rapidly…
Réponse aux commentaires sur l’extraction des dents de sagesse sous anesthésie générale : à propos de 180 patients
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Low Subcondylar Fractures of Mandible Through High Cervical Transmasseteric Anteroparotid Approach
Purpose The aim of the present study was to evaluate the functional and radiologic results of low subcondylar fracture fixation with modus TCP plates (Medartis, Basel, Switzerland) using a high cervical transmasseteric anteroparotid approach. Materials and Methods A prospective study was designed, enrolling all minimum-aged 15-year-old echomorphology patients presenting with displaced low subcondylar fracture with occlusion disturbances during a 41-month period. All fractures were fixed with modus TCP plates using high cervical transmasseteric anteroparotid approach. All patients underwent immediate physiotherapy and a 6-week liquid and semiliquid feeding period. Clinical and radiologic exa…
Traitement des fractures articulaires interphalangiennes proximales des doigts par distraction dynamique et rééducation précoce : résultats préliminaires d'une série prospective de 15 cas
Resume But de l'etude. – Les auteurs analysent les resultats a court et moyen terme du traitement des fractures interphalangiennes par distraction externe dynamique et reeducation precoce. Patients et methodes. – Quinze patients presentant des fractures interphalangiennes proximales ont ete traites par un distracteur confectionne par deux broches de Kirschner chantournees ; la distraction a ete appliquee soit par des elastiques d'orthopedie dentomaxillofaciale, soit par fils d'acier. La duree totale de distraction etait de 45 jours. Parallelement, la mobilisation etait debutee des le premier jour postoperatoire, les seances de kinesitherapie des le cinquieme jour. Resultats. – Treize patien…
Hypoxie et régénération cardiaque : une nouvelle approche paradoxale de la cardioprotection
IF 2.331; International audience
Kystes trichilemmaux ossifiants multiples du cuir chevelu : un cas familial
Resume Introduction Le kyste trichilemmal, egalement appele kyste pilaire, est un kyste epithelial dermique developpe aux depens du follicule pileux. Le cuir chevelu est la localisation la plus frequente de cette lesion. Les cas ossifiant et familiaux sont rares. Observation Nous rapportons un cas de kystes trichilemmaux multiples du cuir chevelu, decouverts chez femme de 61 ans ayant des antecedents familiaux. Le diagnostic a ete confirme par l’histologie de la piece operatoire. Les kystes trichilemmaux se caracterisaient par remaniements intrakystiques, sous forme d’ossification. L’etendue des lesions a necessite une exerese chirurgicale elargie du cuir chevelu. La reconstruction a ete fa…
Skin Immunomodulation during Regeneration: Emerging New Targets
Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSC) are present within the hypodermis and are also expected to play a pivotal role in wound healing, immunomodulation, and rejuvenation activities. They orchestrate, through their exosome, the mechanisms associated to cell differentiation, proliferation, and cell migration by upregulating genes implicated in different functions including skin barrier, immunomodulation, cell proliferation, and epidermal regeneration. ADSCs directly interact with their microenvironment and specifically the immune cells, including macrophages and T and B cells, resulting in differential inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mechanisms impacting, in return, ADSCs microenvironment and …