Paolo Ruisi
Varietà di orzo da malto per la produzione della birra.
Long-term effects of contrasting tillage on soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions in a Mediterranean Vertisol under different crop sequences
This 2-year study aimed to verify whether the continuous application of no tillage (NT) for over 20 years, in comparison with conventional tillage (CT), affects nitrous oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH) emissions from a Vertisol and, if so, whether such an effect varies with crop sequence (continuous wheat, WW and wheat after faba bean, FW). To shed light on the mechanisms involved in determining N-gas emissions, soil bulk density, water filled pore space (WFPS), some carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools, denitrifying enzyme activity (DEA), and nitrous oxide reductase gene abundance (nosZ gene) were also assessed at 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil depth. Tillage system had no significant effect on total NH e…
Faba bean grain yield, N2 fixation, and weed infestation in a long-term tillage experiment under rainfed Mediterranean conditions
Background and Aims Long-term experiments could provide valuable information to determine the effects of an agronomic practice on agro-ecosystem productivity and stability. This study evaluated the long-term (18-year) impact of different tillage systems on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) productivity, including weed and broomrape incidence, and N2 fixation. Methods The experiment was carried out on a Vertisol under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. It was set up as a strip plot design. The tillage systems were: conventional tillage (CT) with moldboard plow, reduced tillage (RT) with chisel plow, and no tillage (NT). Nitrogen fixation was estimated over 2 years in the final phase of the experiment…
Le varietà migliori per l’orzo da birra
Il 2016, come già il 2015, è stato un anno assai variegato per le produzioni, ma certamente più favorevole per la coltura dell’orzo primaverile al Centro-Nord rispetto al biennio 2013-2014
Speciale orzo: produzioni ottime al Nord e buone al Centro-Sud
Il clima ha consentito una delle migliori stagioni a livello di rese compensando i prezzi bassi. Seconda stagione consecutiva positiva per gli agricoltori che hanno puntato sull’orzo. La produzione media complessiva al nord (33 varieta’ testate in 8 localita’ diverse) ha raggiunto le 7,6 t/ha; nel centro Italia, le 32 varieta’ testate nelle 6 località hanno registrato una media di 6,7 t/ha; infine, il sud ha registrato una rea media decisamente buona (5 t/ha) e superiore allo scorso anno. Inoltre, quest’anno l’andamento climatico ha reso conveniente fare orzo da birra anche al centro-nord.
Annata straordinaria per l’orzo al Nord Italia
La Rete delle prove nazionali di orzo da zootecnia per l’annata 2015-2016 evidenzia ottimi risultati produttivi soprattutto al Nord Italia. In questo articolo riportiamo la valutazione di 39 varietà ripartite in tre diversi gruppi varietali a seconda dell’areale interessato dalla sperimentazione (Nord, Centro, Sud e Isole)
Effect of Supplementation with Wheat Bran Aqueous Extracts Obtained by Ultrasound-Assisted Technologies on the Sensory Properties and the Antioxidant Activity of Dry Pasta
Phenolic compounds have antioxidant properties and activate endogenous detoxification defense systems able to scavenge the reactive species of oxygen. The external layers of wheat caryopsis, largely constituting by-products of the milling industry such as bran and various middlings, contain relevant amounts of phenolic compounds. The aim of the research has been to evaluate the effect of supplementation with wheat bran aqueous extracts, obtained by ultrasound-assisted technologies, on the sensory properties and antioxidant activity of dry pasta. The HPLC-DAD characterization of the extract evidenced the presence of ferulic and p-coumaric acids. The supplemented pasta showed significantly h…
Long-term effects of contrasting tillage systems on soil C and N pools and on main microbial groups differ by crop sequence
Abstract Determining the best conservation agriculture practices for increasing soil organic carbon (C) and hence soil quality is of paramount importance in the semi-arid Mediterranean environment, where soils are experiencing a continuous decline in organic matter. Therefore, the aim of this long-term study was to assess the combined effects of tillage system and crop sequence on soil organic C and biochemical properties of soil generally used as indicators of soil quality. After 23 years of continuous application of contrasting tillage systems (conventional tillage [CT], vs. no tillage [NT]) and crop sequences (wheat monoculture vs. wheat-faba bean rotation), soil samples were collected f…
Identification and characterization of durum wheat microRNAs in leaf and root tissues.
MicroRNAs are a class of post-transcriptional regulators of plant developmental and physiological processes and responses to environmental stresses. Here, we present the study regarding the annotation and characterization of MIR genes conducted in durum wheat. We characterized the miRNAome of leaf and root tissues at tillering stage under two environmental conditions: irrigated with 100% (control) and 55% of evapotranspiration (early water stress). In total, 90 microRNAs were identified, of which 32 were classified as putative novel and species-specific miRNAs. In addition, seven microRNA homeologous groups were identified in each of the two genomes of the tetraploid durum wheat. Differenti…
Effetti della modalità di utilizzazione sulla produttività e sull’azotofissazione simbiotica del Trifolium squarrosum allevato in purezza o in consociazione con Avena sativa.
Varietà di orzo zootecnico: risultati produttivi e qualitativi.
Targeting aging with functional food: Pasta with opuntia single-arm pilot study
Interventions to extend life span represent the new perspective in aging investigation. Healthy dietary habits are important modifiable factors that can favor a healthy aging phenotype. Many studies have demonstrated benefits for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus resulting from the traditional Mediterranean foods. Opuntia Ficus Indica (OFI), widespread in the Mediterranean basin, belongs to the Cactaceae family. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, products containing extracts from OFI fruits or cladodes have been used to control obesity and other metabolic parameters, such as glycemia and lipid profile. The aim of this study was to analy…
Forage and seed yield of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) varieties and landraces in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment.
Conservation tillage in a semiarid Mediterranean environment: results of 20 years of research
Conservation tillage techniques are becoming increasingly popular worldwide as they have the potential to generate environmental, agronomic, and economic benefits. In Mediterranean areas, studies performed on the effects of conservation tillage [in comparison with the conventional tillage technique (CT)] on grain yield of cereal crops have reported contradictory results as well as considerable year-to-year variation, demonstrating how the impact of different soil tillage techniques on crop productivity is strongly site-specific. The present paper summarises the main results from a set of experiments carried out in Sicily during the last 20 years in which we compared no tillage (NT) to CT in…
Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant nitrogen capture from organic matter added to soil?
Metabolomics Suggests That Soil Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Decreased Free Amino Acid Content in Roots of Durum Wheat Grown under N-Limited, P-Rich Field Conditions
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have a major impact on plant nutrition, defence against pathogens, a plant's reaction to stressful environments, soil fertility, and a plant's relationship with other microorganisms. Such effects imply a broad reprogramming of the plant's metabolic activity. However, little information is available regarding the role of AMF and their relation to other soil plant growth-promoting microorganisms in the plant metabolome, especially under realistic field conditions. In the present experiment, we evaluated the effects of inoculation with AMF, either alone or in combination with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), on the metabolome and changes in metabo…
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on growth and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum under late drought stress conditions.
Several experiments, mostly carried out under controlled conditions, have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis enhances nutrient uptake and improves drought tolerance of host plants. The present research, carried out in a typical Mediterranean environment, evaluated the effect of AM symbiosis on berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) grown in the field under both late drought stress and well-watered conditions. The crop was subjected to repeated defoliation. N2 fixation was estimated using the 15N dilution method and using ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum var. Westervoldicum) as the reference crop. In late drought conditions, AM symbiosis resulted in a significant increase in bi…
Individuazione del periodo critico per il controllo delle infestanti in cece e favino.
Pheno-morphological, agronomic and genetic diversity among natural populations of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) collected in Sicily, Italy
Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) is a short-lived perennial forage legume that plays a key role in cereal-based systems in semi-arid Mediterranean regions, particularly in organic production and low-input oriented agriculture. In Sicily, the species is widespread both as a wild and cultivated plant. The present study assessed the phenotypic and genetic variation among natural populations of sulla collected from different environments throughout Sicily and analysed how the patterns of phenotypic diversity varied according to the environmental parameters of each collection site. Two commercial varieties and two Sicilian agro-ecotypes were also included in the study as controls. Principal compo…
Attitudine alla consociazione di diverse leguminose foraggere mediterranee.
Effetti della consociazione temporanea con favino sulla produttività e qualità del frumento duro in sistemi biologici.
Guida alla scelta delle varietà di triticale per il 2013-14
Variation in pheno-morphological and agronomic traits among burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.) populations collected in Sicily, Italy
The present study assessed the diversity of pheno-morphological and agronomic traits among 31 natural populations of burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.) from different environments throughout Sicily, and analysed the patterns of phenotypic diversity in relation to the environmental parameters of each collection site. Three commercial cultivars (Cavalier, Santiago, and Anglona) were also included in the study as check cultivars. Two field experiments were performed in 2005–06 in a hilly area of the Sicilian inland. Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on the sites using geographic, climatic, and pedological data to assess the differences in types of collection sites. PCA was al…
Molecular and agronomic responses to plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in durum wheat
Plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi contribute to plant nutrient uptake by increasing the availability of nutrients and the root adsorbing surface (Garg et al., 2006; Asghar et al. 2002). The first objective of this study was to determine the effects of these associations on plant total biomass and grain yield in durum wheat (cv. Anco Marzio). Secondly, we aimed to analyze the root transcriptomic and metabolomic changes in response to mychorrizal infections and the expression pattern of key genes involved in nutrient uptake and stress responses. Field analysis were carried out in inner Sicily, a typical Mediterranean area. Four types of biotic a…
Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as Potential Feedstock for Biofuel and Protein
Although sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) has many interesting features that could support the production of biofuels (e.g., a high yield and soluble sugar content, N-fixation capacity, low input requirements for its cultivation), no study has assessed the possibility of its use for that purpose. Our objective was to evaluate the potential value for energy production of sulla cut at various stages of growth. Furthermore, the potential of sulla as a dual purpose crop (energy and feed) was investigated. The crop was grown in rainfed conditions in a typical Mediterranean environment (over two complete 2-year crop cycles) and was cut at four different phenological stages. The biomass was divided…
The effects of slaughter age and restricted feeding on growth, carcass and meat quality traits of dairy breed lambs
This experiment aimed to investigate the possibility to raise the carcass weight of lambs of dairy breed and produce low-fat meat by increasing the slaughter age and applying strategies to reduce feeding level. At 35d of age, 70 weaned lambs of Valle del Belice breed were divided into 2 groups and adapted to housing in multiple boxes and experimental diets over a 10-d period. The groups received ad libitum pelleted alfalfa hay and concentrates differing in the 20% inclusion of durum wheat bran (0WB, 20WB) used to reduce cost and energy level. After 45d of experiment, both groups were divided into 3 subgroups; 2 of them with 15 lambs were slaughtered at 90d of age (90L), whereas the other 4 …
Le varietà per l’orzo da malto
Per il Centro-sud e Isole la produzione ha superato di 0,3 t/ha quella dell’annata precedente attestandosi a 4,8 t/ha, mentre per il Centro-nord la media è stata di sole 3,1 t/ha. La sofferenza della coltura si è manifestata chiaramente anche in termini di ritardo della spigatura, avvenuta nell’ultima decade di maggio
Characterization and agronomic evaluation of Scorpiurus muricatus L. populations collected in Sicily
Valutazione dell’Abilità Competitiva nei Confronti delle Malerbe di Genotipi Antichi e Moderni di Frumento Duro.
Yield And Competitive Ability Against Weeds Of Mixtures Between Old And Modern Wheat Varieties
Durum wheat is the keystone of the agro-ecosystems in the arable land of the Mediterranean environments and an important part of its area falls within organic farms. For this crop competition exerted by weeds for the use of resources (natural and auxiliary) can determine drastic yield and quality reductions (Ruisi et al., 2015). In organic farming such critical issue is often addressed through a remodelling of several techniques such as soil tillage management, sowing time, plant density and genotype choice. With regard to the latter, there is a growing interest by organic farmers towards the old varieties as they, compared to the modern varieties, have a definitely greater competitive weed…
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis mitigates the negative effects of salinity on durum wheat
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is generally considered to be effective in ameliorating the plant tolerance to salt stress. Unfortunately, the comprehension of the mechanisms implicated in salinity stress alleviation by AM symbiosis is far from being complete. Thus, an experiment was performed by growing durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plants under salt-stress conditions to evaluate the influence of AM symbiosis on both the plant growth and the regulation of a number of genes related to salt stress and nutrient uptake. Durum wheat plants were grown outdoors in pots in absence or in presence of salt stress and with or without AM fungi inoculation. The inoculum consisted of a mixture…
Addition of high C:N crop residues to a P-limited substrate constrains the benefits of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis for wheat P and N nutrition
Many aspects concerning the role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in plant nutrient uptake from organic sources remain unclear. Here, we investigated the contribution of AM symbiosis to N and P uptake by durum wheat after the addition of a high C:N biomass to a P-limited soil. Plants were grown in pots in the presence or absence of a multispecies AM inoculum, with (Org) or without (Ctr) the addition of 15N-labelled organic matter (OM). A further treatment, in which 15N was applied in mineral form (Ctr+N) in the same amount as that supplied in the Org treatment, was also included. Inoculation with AM had positive effects on plant growth in both control treatments (Ctr and Ctr+N), mainly …
Characterization and preliminary evaluation of wild genetic resources of Hedysarum coronarium L. collected in Sicily.
Orzo da zootecnia: ripresa al Centro, cali al Sud
La rete delle prove nazionali di orzo da zootecnia per l’annata 2014-2015 mostra risultati molto diversi a seconda della località. La media produttiva al Nord risulta di 6,5 t/ha come lo scorso anno, al Centro in deciso aumento con 6,7 t/ha, mentre al Sud la produttività evidenzia una perdita di 1 t/ha.
Guida alla scelta delle varietà di orzo per la zootecnia
Triticale: quale varietà scegliere per le prossime semine
La variabilità dei risultati è dovuta principalmente ad alcune avversità, tra le quali ruggine gialla e bruna. Le varietà consigliate sono 12 per l’areale Nord, 15 per il Centro e 12 per il Sud e le Isole. Il potenziale produttivo di questi gruppi varietali risulta rispettivamente di 7,1 t/ha al Nord, 5,8 t/ha al Centro e 4,9 t/ha nel Sud e Isole.
Piogge interminabili rese in forte calo
Il clima avverso è stato l'elemento chiave dell'annata, con un decremento delle produzioni fino al 30%. E il colpo di grazia potrebbe arrivare dalle micotossine.
Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) seed production in Mediterranean environments.
Forage yield and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum in pure stand and in mixture with Lolium multiflorum.
The efficiency of grass-legume intercrop systems is affected by various agronomic factors such as crop density, plant spacing and arrangement that may alter the competitive relationships between component crops. This study was aimed to evaluate yield, N concentration, and symbiotic N2 fixation of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) grown in pure stand or in mixture with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) either in alternating rows or in the same row. The experiment was conducted in two consecutive growing seasons in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment (Sicily, Italy). Dry matter (DM) yields were similar in the mixed stands and in the berseem pure stand; the annual ryegrass pu…
Influence of grain quality, semolinas and baker’s yeast on bread made from old landraces and modern genotypes of Sicilian durum wheat
Abstract Several studies showed that products made with ancient wheat genotypes have beneficial health properties compared to those obtained with modern wheat varieties, even though the mechanisms responsible for the positive effects are not clear. Ancient durum wheat genotypes are being currently used for the production of pasta, bread and other typical bakery products but the consumption is strictly local. In this work 15 genotypes of Triticum turgidum subsp. durum, including 10 ancient and 5 modern, were characterized for their technological traits through the determination of different parameters: protein content, dry gluten, gluten index, yellow index, ash, P/L, W and G. In addition, t…
An assessment of factors controlling N2O and CO2 emissions from crop residues using different measurement approaches
Management of plant residues plays an important role in maintaining soil quality and nutrient availability for plants and microbes. However, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the factors controlling residue decomposition and their effects on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the soil. This uncertainty is created both by the complexity of the processes involved and limitations in the methodologies commonly used to quantify GHG emissions. We therefore investigated the addition of two soil residues (durum wheat and faba bean) with similar C/N ratios but contrasting fibres, lignin and cellulose contents on nutrient dynamics and GHG emission from two contrasting soils: a low-soil org…
Meat production from dairy breed lambs due to slaughter age and feeding plan based on wheat bran
This experiment aimed to investigate the possibility to increase the carcass weight of dairy breed lambs and produce moderate-fat meat by applying inexpensive feeding strategies based on restriction and through the use of a fibrous byproduct such as the durum wheat bran (DWB). Sixty-five 45-day-old lambs of the Valle del Belice breed, divided into 6 groups, were fed alfalfa hay supplemented with concentrate feeds including DWB at 0% or 20% (DWB0, DWB20), supplied ad libitum (L) or restricted at 75% (R), and slaughtered at 90 or 120 days of age. The groups were as follows: DWB0-90L (n = 14), DWB20-90L (n = 14), DWB0-120R (n = 10), DWB20-120R (n = 9), DWB0-120L (n = 9), DWB20-120L (n = 9). Th…
Mediterranean forage legumes grown alone or in mixture with annual ryegrass: biomass production, N2 fixation, and indices of intercrop efficiency
Aims: To evaluate the productivity and N2 fixation of a range of Mediterranean forage legume species as well as their ability to be grown in mixture with a forage grass, and to verify whether N transfer occurs from the legume to the non-legume component of the mixtures and, if so, to what extent this process is affected by legume species. Methods: Seven legume species (Hedysarum coronarium L., Medicago scutellata L., Trifolium resupinatum L., Trifolium squarrosum L., Trigonella foenum-graecum L., Vicia sativa L., Vicia villosa Roth) were grown alone or in mixture with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.). Biomass and N yields and biological N2 fixation (15N dilution technique) were measu…
Speciale Orzo. Produzioni record al sud. Il nord soffre la pioggia
Microbial biomass carbon dynamics in a long-term tillage and crop rotation experiment under semiarid Mediterranean conditions
Microbial biomass carbon (MBC) of soil is an important ecological indicator of nutrient cycling and soil fertility. In addition, it responds to the changes of soil fertility more rapidly than soil organic matter. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of a long-term implementation of a conservative soil management strategy (No Tillage [NT]) compared to the inversion tillage (conventional tillage [CT]) on the soil MBC in a range of crops - continuous durum wheat (WW), wheat after fababean (FW) and faba bean after wheat (WF). MBC of NT plots was higher than CT. In addition, the content of MBC varied with sampling time during the growing season; this variation did not show a co…
Tecniche conservative di gestione del suolo in ambiente mediterraneo: risultati di un ventennio di sperimentazioni.
Gli orzi da birra per le semine 2011-12.
Effetti della competizione interspecifica sull’efficienza di utilizzazione dell’azoto in differenti genotipi di frumento duro al variare della disponibilità azotata.
Early sowing can boost grain production by reducing weed infestation in organic no‐till wheat
Conservative tillage techniques have several agro-ecological benefits for organic farming. The application of these techniques, however, can create quite a few challenges due to the increased weed competition. Here, we report the results of an organic field experiment in which the responses of wheat and weeds to no tillage (NT) were evaluated compared with conventional tillage (CT). We also tested the hypothesis that, under NT, moving up the sowing date, compared with using the ordinary sowing date for the study area, can result in increased competitiveness of the crop against weeds. Two wheat genotypes, a modern variety and an ancient landrace, were tested.Substantial reductions in grain y…
Morpho-physiological and adaptive variation of Italian germplasm of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.)
Sulla is a biennial forage legume native to the central-western Mediterranean Basin and has increasing interest for regions with Mediterranean-climate. The Italian germplasm is a reservoir of variation for important agronomic traits. This study aimed to support breeding programs by investigating patterns of agronomic, adaptive and morpho-physiological variation among ecotypes collected from the three main Italian regions of species cultivation: central Italy, and the two islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Forage yield and morpho-physiological traits were evaluated at a site with Mediterranean climate in Sicily. Forage yield and cold tolerance in a cold-prone site of northern Italy were also as…
Mycorrhizae differentially influence the transfer of nitrogen among associated plants and their competitive relationships
Abstract The formation of a common mycorrhizal network among roots of different plant species growing close to each other can influence plant community dynamics, regulating plant relationships through the differential transfer of nutrients from one plant to another. However, knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate this process is poor. Here we quantify the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizae to the transfer of N among heterospecific plants growing adjacent to each other and examine whether the differential transfer of N within the plant community via mycorrhizae can alter competitive relationships among plant species. Plants of four species (wheat, pea, flax, and chicory) were grown in…
Quali varietà di triticale seminare nel 2016-2017
Significativi attacchi di ruggine gialla associati a scarse precipitazioni sulle Isole e a diffusi fenomeni di allettamento al Centro e al Nord hanno influito negativamente su tutte le medie produttive. Le rese sono pertanto state inferiori rispetto al 2015, con 6,5 t/ha al Nord, 4,6 al Centro e 3,5 al Sud e Isole
Effects of harvest date on seed yield and quality of Scorpiurus muricatus L..
Aromatic and proteomic analyses corroborate the distinction between Mediterranean landraces and modern varieties of durum wheat
AbstractIn this paper volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from durum wheat cultivars and landraces were analyzed using PTR-TOF-MS. The aim was to characterize the VOC’s profile of the wholemeal flour and of the kernel to find out if any VOCs were specific to varieties and sample matrices. The VOC data is accompanied by SDS-PAGE analyses of the storage proteins (gliadins and glutenins). Statistical analyses was carried out both on the signals obtained by MS and on the protein profiles. The difference between the VOC profile of two cultivars or two preparations of the same sample - matrices, in this case kernel vs wholemeal flour - can be very subtle; the high resolution of PTR-TOF-MS - down to…
Orzo da malto, quali varietà scegliere
In generale, il 2015 è stato un anno decisamente diversificato per quanto riguarda le produzioni, ma certamente più favorevole per la coltura dell’orzo primaverile al Centro-Nord, che dopo due anni negativi si riallinea al 2012 con una media produttiva di 5,3 t/ha.
Nitrogen Transfer Is Enhanced By AMF Fungi In A Faba Bean/Wheat Intercropping
Intercropping is an agricultural practice that can offer several benefits allowing a better native resources use efficiency and, consequently, a restraint of the auxiliary inputs and often a greater production compared to the monocultures (Brooker et al. 2015). Several authors observed that, in a legume/non-legume mixture, one of the benefits could be the N transfer (up to 80 % of the non-legume N demand; Thilakarathna et al. 2016). The transfer may occur via different pathways: legume rhizodeposition, plant tissue decomposition and direct transfer through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Bedoussac et al. 2015). The latter, can simultaneously establish symbiotic relationship with differe…
The critical period of weed control in faba bean and chickpea in Mediterranean areas
Weeds are often the major biological constraint to growing legume crops successfully, and an understanding of the critical period of weed control (CPWC) is important for developing environmentally sustainable weed management practices to prevent unacceptable yield loss. Therefore, we carried out two field experiments to identify the CPWC for two grain legume crops traditionally grown in Mediterranean areas: chickpea and faba bean. The experiments were conducted at two sites both located in the Sicilian inland (Italy). In chickpea, when weeds were left to compete with the crop for the whole cycle, the grain yield reduction was on average about 85% of the weed-free yield, whereas in faba bean…
Patterns of hardseed breakdown within Scorpiurus muricatus L. in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment
Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on biomass production and nitrogen fixation of berseem clover plants subjected to water stress.
Several studies, performed mainly in pots, have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can mitigate the negative effects of water stress on plant growth. No information is available about the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on berseem clover growth and nitrogen (N) fixation under conditions of water shortage. A field experiment was conducted in a hilly area of inner Sicily, Italy, to determine whether symbiosis with AM fungi can mitigate the detrimental effects of drought stress (which in the Mediterranean often occurs during the late period of the growing season) on forage yield and symbiotic N2 fixation of berseem clover. Soil was either left under water stress (i.e., rai…
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on the nitrogen uptake of three durum wheat genotypes from two different organic sources
Al centro-nord vince la pioggia, bene solo il Meridione
Weed seedbank size and composition in a long-term tillage and crop sequence experiment
Summary Knowledge of the effects of agricultural practices on weed seedbank dynamics is essential for predicting future problems in weed management. This article reports data relative to weed seedbank structure after 18 years of continuous application of conventional tillage (CT, based on mouldboard ploughing) or no tillage (NT) within three crop sequences (continuous wheat, WW; wheat–faba bean, WF; and wheat–berseem clover, WB). Tillage system did not affect the size of the total weed seedbank, but altered both its composition and the distribution of seeds within the soil profile. In particular, the adoption of CT favoured some species (mainly Polygonum aviculare), whereas the continuous u…
Varietà di orzo zootecnico: bene al Sud, meno al Nord
Al Nord la media dell' areale è stata di 6,5 t/ha in ripresa rispetto al tracollo della scorsa annata, al Centro è risultata di sole 5,1 t/ha, dato al di sotto delle potenzialità produttive; al Sud la produttività media è stata di 5,7 t/ha, un ottimo risultato che riporta l' areale su livelli elevati
Early Sowing Allows To Reduce Weed Pressure In No-Till Organic Durum Wheat Production
In organic farming, the adoption of the conventional tillage (CT) technique is considered by many farmers to be necessary to control weeds. Such tillage system, in fact, permits to bury weed seeds deep in the soil by means of soil inversion with moldboard plowing and to eliminate the weed plants that gradually emerge by means of the secondary tillage operations. However, it is also true that intensive tillage progressively reduces the soil organic matter content and the stability of soil aggregates, thus increasing the risk of soil erosion (Six et al. 2000). This is in contrast with one of the basic principles of organic agriculture, which is the conservation of soil fertility. Alternativel…
Long-term effects of no tillage treatment on soil N availability, N uptake, and 15N-fertilizer recovery of durum wheat differ in relation to crop sequence
Abstract No tillage (NT) soil management has largely been promoted because of its potential to generate both economic and environmental benefits. However, it often leads to reductions in crop yield and quality, which in many cases have been attributed to the effects this technique has on the nitrogen (N) dynamics in the soil–plant system. This 2-year study, performed within a long-term experiment in which NT was continuously applied for over 15 years, aimed to verify whether and to what extent the use of NT affects soil N availability, recovery of 15 N-labeled fertilizer, and N use efficiency (NUE) and its components (N uptake efficiency, NUpE; N utilization efficiency, NUtE). Durum wheat w…
Long-term tillage and crop sequence effects on wheat grain yield and quality.
Much research around the world has compared the performance of cereals grown under conventional and conservation tillage systems; however, relatively few long-term experiments have been conducted in Mediterranean areas, and little attention has been given to interactions among tillage techniques and other system components across space and time. In this study, we investigated the effects of the long-term (18-yr) use of three tillage techniques (conventional tillage, CT; reduced tillage, RT; and no-till, NT) on wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grain yield and quality within three crop sequences: continuous wheat, faba bean (Vicia faba L.)–wheat, and berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.)–whe…
Cut and post-cut herbage management affects berseem clover seed yield.
The seed yield of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) is usually obtained from regrowth after forage utilization. In stockless, cereal-growing, or specialized seed farms the forage is not needed and the mowed herbage is seldom marketable. Three different experiments were conducted in a Mediterranean environment to evaluate the effect of returning the cut biomass to the soil/crop on the regrowth, seed yield, and seed quality of berseem clover. Different forms of cut and post-cut management were examined, in which the time of cutting, the amount of biomass returned to the crop/soil, and the size of the returned material (unchopped or chopped) all varied. In addition, the effect of the …
Triticale: le varietà per le prossime semine.
Nitrogen Availability Drives Mycorrhizal Effects on Wheat Growth, Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery under Salt Stress
The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is generally considered effective in improving salt tolerance in plants; however, the advantages it offers can vary greatly depending on the context in which it occurs; furthermore, the mechanisms underlying these responses are still unclear. A study was conducted to investigate the role of nitrogen (N) availability on the effectiveness of AM symbiosis in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plants grown under salt stress. Plants were grown in pots in the absence or in presence of salt stress (soil electrical conductivity of 1.50 and 13.00 dS m−1, respectively), with or without AM fungi inoculation (Rhizophagus irregularis and Funneliformis mosseae), …
Molecular and agronomic responses to soil inoculation with plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizae in Triticum durum
Plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi contribute to plant nutrient uptake by increasing the availability of nutrients and the root adsorbing surface. However, the molecular mechanisms of plant responses to these associations are still under-investigated. Gene expression analysis could lead to the identification of biomarkers usable to early select genotypes for an increased nutrient uptake efficiency. The main objective of this study was to determine the effects of these associations on plant total biomass and grain yield in durum wheat (cv. Anco Marzio). Secondly, we aimed to analyze the expression pattern of key genes involved in nutrient uptake…
Hardseededness and patterns of seed softening in burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.).
Long-term no-tillage application increases soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide emissions and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yields under rain-fed Mediterranean conditions.
The introduction of legumes into crop sequences and the reduction of tillage intensity are both proposed as agronomic practices to mitigate the soil degradation and negative impact of agriculture on the environment. However, the joint effects of these practices on nitrous oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH) emissions from soil remain unclear, particularly concerning semiarid Mediterranean areas. In the frame of a long-term field experiment (23 years), a 2-year study was performed on the faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to evaluate the effects of the long-term use of no tillage (NT) compared to conventional tillage (CT) on yield and NO and NH emissions from a Vertisol in a semiarid Mediterranean environmen…
Effetti della Modalità di Gestione del Suolo e dell’Avvicendamento Colturale sulla Dinamica delle Popolazioni di Infestanti nel Frumento Duro in Ambiente Mediterraneo.
Pheno-morphological and agronomic diversity among Scorpiurus muricatus (Fabaceae) natural populations collected in Sicily.
SUMMARYPrickly scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus muricatus L.) is a self-reseeding annual legume widely distributed in natural pastures of the Mediterranean area and appreciated by farmers for its productivity, forage quality and palatability. Twenty-eight natural populations were collected throughout Sicily in 2005; two field experiments were carried out in 2005/06 in a hilly area of the Sicilian inland to assess the genetic variation based on pheno-morphological and agronomic characters. The pheno-morphological traits observed were analysed using a principal component analysis (PCA). The first four components of PCA (eigenvalues >1) explained 0·84 of the total variation. Similarities obtaine…
Switching from conventional tillage to no-tillage: Soil N availability, N uptake,15N fertilizer recovery, and grain yield of durum wheat
Abstract This 2-year study, performed in a typical Mediterranean environment on three soil types (two Inceptisols and one Vertisol), aimed to improve understanding of the factors that play a major role in determining crop response when soil management shifts from conventional tillage (CT) to no-tillage (NT). The effects of NT on the soil nitrogen (N) availability, N uptake, 15N fertilizer recovery, and grain yield of durum wheat were evaluated in comparison to CT under five different N fertilization rates (0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg N ha−1). Compared to CT, NT negatively affected grain yield in one of the two years but only in the two Inceptisols. On average, a considerable grain yield adva…
Collezione, caratterizzazione e valutazione agronomica di popolazioni siciliane di sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.)
L’attività di ricerca è stata rivolta principalmente alla raccolta, caratterizzazione e valutazione delle attitudini agronomiche di popolazioni siciliane di sulla, al fine di colmare la carenza di informazioni sulla variabilità genetica esistente in Sicilia nell’ambito di questa specie e, eventualmente, di identificare genotipi utilizzabili come materiale di base per l’avvio di programmi di miglioramento genetico. L’articolazione delle ricerche ed i dispositivi adottati sono stati i seguenti: i) valutazione del livello di diffusione della specie in Sicilia, principalmente in aree non coltivate, attraverso una campagna di raccolta di seme programmata sull’intero territorio isolano; ii) carat…
Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Nitrogen Fertilizer Recovery of Durum Wheat Genotypes as Affected by Interspecific Competition
A better understanding of the genotype response to N fertilization under weed competition is necessary to identify varieties that exhibit high N use effi ciency even when weeds compete for available N. Such varieties may be more suitable for low input or organic systems. Th is study assessed the variations in nitrogen use effi ciency (NUE) (and its components) and the recovery of 15 N-labeled fertilizer in three durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes (one landrace and two varieties that diff er in terms of plant growth, grain yield potential, and adaptability to stressful environments) grown in the presence or absence of interspecifi c competition and varying soil N availability (0 or…
Effects of soil inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and nutrient uptake of some Mediterranean species grown under rainfed field conditions
Agro-ecological benefits of faba bean for rainfed Mediterranean cropping systems
This paper reviews the main results from a set of experiments carried out in a semiarid Mediterranean environment during the past 25 years on faba bean (<em>Vicia faba</em> L.), a crop traditionally grown in southern Italy and Sicily under rainfed conditions. These experiments focused on the residual effects of faba bean on subsequent crop(s) and assessment of the nitrogen (N) balance during the crop cycle, paying attention to both the environmental release of N (losses via volatilisation and denitrification) and estimates of N2 fixation as influenced by tillage system, intercropping, and presence/absence of mycorrhizal inoculum. Faba bean relied on N2 fixation more than other g…
Tillage effects on yield and nitrogen fixation of legumes in Mediterranean conditions
Published in Agron. J. 104:1459–1466 (2012) Posted online [DATE] doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0070 Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Agronomy, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. I agricultural practices that involve the use of agrochemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides have greatly increased the global food supply but often with detrimental effects on the environment, such as contamination of ground…
Fibres as functional foods and the effects on gut hormones: The example of β-glucans in a single arm pilot study
Abstract Nutritional styles as Mediterranean and DASH diets are associated with lower incidences of certain chronic diseases and long life expectancy. The reason lays on their different contribution in fibers, polyphenols (from vegetables and fruit) and proteins. Barley is high fiber cereal that contains high amount of β-glucans and insoluble fibers that it was recognized having healthy benefits. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of β-glucans intake on glycaemic response, cholesterol and intestinal hormones levels. A single arm pilot study was performed with ten healthy individual which, consumed pasta enriched with 6% β-glucans for 30 days. Blood was collected at fasting and…
Forage production, N uptake, N2 fixation, and N recovery of berseem clover grown in pure stand and in mixture with annual ryegrass under different managements
In Mediterranean countries, forage grasses and legumes are commonly grown in mixture because of their ability to increase herbage yield and quality compared with monocrop systems. However, the benefits of intercropping over a monocrop system are not always realized because the efficiency of a grass–legume mixture is strongly affected by agronomic factors. The present study evaluated productivity, N2 fixation, N transfer, and N recovery of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) grown in pure stand and in mixture with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) under high or low defoliation frequencies and varying plant arrangements (sowing in the same row or in alternating rows). On average, the b…
Nitrogen uptake and nitrogen fertilizer recovery in old and modern wheat genotypes grown in the presence or absence of interspecific competition
Choosing genotypes with a high capacity for taking up nitrogen (N) from the soil and the ability to efficiently compete with weeds for this nutrient is essential to increasing the sustainability of cropping systems that are less dependent on auxiliary inputs. This research aimed to verify whether differences exist in N uptake and N fertilizer recovery capacity among wheat genotypes and, if so, whether these differences are related to a different competitive ability against weeds of wheat genotypes. To this end, 12 genotypes, varying widely in morphological traits and year of release, were grown in the presence or absence of interspecific competition (using Avena sativa L. as a surrogate wee…
Conventional tillage versus no-tillage: Nitrogen use efficiency component analysis of contrasting durum wheat genotypes grown in a Mediterranean environment
Very little information is available for Mediterranean areas about the soil N dynamics and crop N use efficiency during the transition phase from conventional tillage (CT) to no-tillage (NT). Hence, a 2-yr experiment was conducted under semiarid Mediterranean conditions in three sites to study how soil N dynamics, crop N uptake, grain yield, and N use efficiency vary with N-fertilization rate and crop genotype in the switch year from CT to NT. Treatments consisted of two tillage systems (CT and NT), five N-fertilization rates (0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg N ha−1), and two durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes (one modern variety and one old landrace). Irrespective of the genotype, NT r…
Advanced methods of plant disease detection. A review
International audience; Plant diseases are responsible for major economic losses in the agricultural industry worldwide. Monitoring plant health and detecting pathogen early are essential to reduce disease spread and facilitate effective management practices. DNA-based and serological methods now provide essential tools for accurate plant disease diagnosis, in addition to the traditional visual scouting for symptoms. Although DNA-based and serological methods have revolutionized plant disease detection, they are not very reliable at asymptomatic stage, especially in case of pathogen with systemic diffusion. They need at least 1–2 days for sample harvest, processing, and analysis. Here, we d…