Christophe Martin

Improving sensory quality of food product to meet the elderly’s preferences: which winning strategy?

Having a "good" diet counts as an important factor for healthy ageing. Beyond nutritional aspects, a "good" diet, also contributes to maintain “eating pleasure”, an essential component in food intake mechanism. The present study aims to assess the impact of changes related to texture, taste and flavor on food acceptance in the elderly. The adopted strategy was to orientate the products modifications based on elderly’s expectations. A qualitative approach (focus group and face-to-face interviews) was carried on with a first elderly panel (>65 yo) to collect suggestions about sensory improvements that can be made in a meat dish with a normal texture, in a meat dish with a modified texture and…

research product

Salt and Aroma Compound Distributions Influence Flavour Release and Temporal Perception While Eating Hot-Served Flans.

International audience; To counteract the negative effect of salt overconsumption on health, strategies have been developed to reduce the salt content in food products. Among them, two promising strategies based on odour-induced saltiness enhancement and the heterogeneous distribution of flavour compounds were combined and assessed in four-layer cream-based snacks. To investigate the relationship between saltiness enhancement, temporal release and perception of flavour compounds in hot snacks with heterogeneous distribution of salt and aroma compounds, complementary techniques were used: nose space PTR-Tof-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction-Time of Flight–Mass Spectrometry) to assess the release …

research product

Determination of volatiles and sensory profile in grape juices from Gamay

research product

Impact of the information provided to consumers on their willingness to pay for Champagne : comparison with hedonic scores

International audience; L'étude a été effectuée afin de comparer deux mécanismes destinés à révéler les préférences des consommateurs : une enchère Vickrey qui mesure la disposition à payer, et un test hédonique classique. A travers ces deux méthodes, l'objectif était d'estimer les effets respectifs des caractéristiques sensorielles et de l'information externe sur l'évaluation de cinq champagnes brut non millésimés. Cent-ving-trois consommateurs ont été assignés au hasard aux deux groupes et ont utilisé l'une des méthodes. Quelle que soit la méthode, ils ont évalué les champagnes à l'aveugle, puis sur la base d'une présentation des bouteilles et, enfin, après l'observation de la bouteille e…

research product

Relationship between sensory profiles and odor-active compounds detected by Gas-Chromatography olfactometry

Cheese flavour has been widely studied and key-aroma compounds identified. However the strategies involved were mostly correlation studies between quantitative measurements of aroma compounds and either gas chromatography olfactometry (GC-O) data or sensory data. These correlations do not take in account the differences in the Stevens’ slopes relating sensory perception and concentration and perception thresholds. The objective of this study was thus to explain sensory perception of cheese by the intensity of single molecules measured by GC-O analysis. Seven commercial semi-hard cheeses were evaluated by a sensory descriptive analysis. Thirteen odour attributes were evaluated by a panel of …

research product

Could pupil dilation measurements be of any help to sensory analysis?

Could pupil dilation measurements be of any help to sensory analysis?. 29. Pupil colloquium

research product

Preference for astringent foods in children: no link with oral parameters

International audience

research product

Effects of EGCg on the metabolisation of aroma compounds and its implication on retronasal aroma

research product

Nutrient sensing: What can we learn from different tastes about the nutrient contents in today's foods?

Abstract Tastes are often described as having a nutrient-signaling function eliciting expectations about the food and its nutrient content. The objectives of this work was to investigate correlations between taste intensity and nutrient content, to evaluate the impact of competing tastes on these relationships, and to know if the content in certain nutrients could be inferred from a combination of tastes. The Food Taste Database (Martin et al., 2014) and a French Food Composition table (ANSES-Ciqual) were used to obtain a dataset combining sensory and nutritional information for 365 foods. Our results confirm the existence of several taste-nutrient relationships previously suggested by othe…

research product

[Thu-P1-056] Is taste linked to oral microbiota?

Taste perception varies strongly between individuals but the factors at the origin of this variability are not fully understood. For example, different events occurring at the vicinity of the taste receptors on the tongue can modulate taste perception. Our group has recently suggested that the microbiota at the surface of the tongue could be involved by controlling the taste compounds concentration in the lingual film (the biological material covering the tongue). The aim of this work is to evaluate the contribution of the oral microbiota to taste. To do this, taste sensitivity (5 basic tastes) was determined in 100 healthy adult subjects and the microbiota of their lingual film and saliva …

research product

Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort

Determinants of infant sweetness exposure. Results from the OPALINE mother-child cohort. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

Boire très chaud pourrait diminuer notre capacité à bien percevoir les saveurs

research product

Obesity interferes with the oro-sensory detection of long-chain fatty acids in Human

International audience

research product

Salivary Composition Is Associated with Liking and Usual Nutrient Intake

Salivary flow and composition have an impact on flavor perception. However, very few studies have explored the relationship between saliva, individual liking and usual dietary intake. The aim of our study was to evaluate the association of salivary flow and composition with both a liking for fat, saltiness and sweetness and the usual nutrient intake in an adult French population. Liking for fat, saltiness, and sweetness were inferred from liking scores obtained during hedonic tests on 32 food products among 282 French adults participating in the Nutrinet- Santé Study. Before assessing liking, resting saliva was collected. Standard biochemical analyses were performed to assess specific compo…

research product

Consistency between sorting task and sensory descriptie analysis: application to cheese products

Sensory descriptive analysis (DA) is the incontrovertible method to obtain a complete description of a product. In such methodology, trained panellists evaluate a series of attributes that significantly discriminates products in a set. Sensory sorting task (ST) is often used with consumers in order to obtain a sensory map representing the global differences between products. The two methods are based on very different methodology, but each attends to show the main differences and similarity amongst products. Thus, one can wonder whether these two methods show the same differences, or more precisely, do the results obtained by DA resemble the ones obtained with ST? In the present study, we e…

research product

Caractéristiques sensorielles clés de l’acceptabilité d’un pain de type baguette française

National audience

research product

Evidence for 2,4-D mineralisation in Mediterranean soils: impact of moisture content and temperature

BACKGROUND: The 2,4-D degradation ability of the microbiota of three arable Mediterranean soils was estimated. The impact of soil moisture and temperature on 2,4-D degradation was investigated. RESULTS: The microbiota of the three soils regularly exposed to 2,4-D were able rapidly to mineralise this herbicide. The half-life of 2,4-D ranged from 8 to 30 days, and maximum mineralisation of 14C-2,4-D ranged from 57 to 71%. Extractable 14C-2,4-D and 14C-bound residues accounted for less than 1 and 15% respectively of the 14C-2,4-D initially added. The highest amounts of 14C-2,4-D bound residues were recorded in the soil with the lowest 2,4-D-mineralising ability. Although all three soils were a…

research product

P073 L’obésité diminue, de manière réversible, la préférence pour les lipides alimentaires chez la souris

International audience; Introduction et but de l’étude. – Au cours des dernières années, il a été suggéré l’existence d’un lien étroit entre la détection oro-sensorielle des lipides alimentaire, la régulation de la prise alimentaire et l’IMC. Toutefois, les mécanismes affectant la sensibilité aux lipides ainsi que l’éventuelle implication directe de l’obésité restent mal connus.

research product

Would a breakthrough cheese technology be accepted by the consumer?

research product

Explaining fat sensitivity in cottage cheeses by aroma re-lease and oral physiology parameters

International audience

research product

Perception thresholds for fat in cottage cheese: inter-individual variability, aroma contribution and impact of tasting temperature

Perception thresholds for fat in cottage cheese: inter-individual variability, aroma contribution and impact of tasting temperature. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

The taste of infants’ diet: from formula milks to baby fruits & vegetables

The taste of infants’ diet: from formula milks to baby fruits & vegetables. 8. Pangborn sensory science symposium

research product

Des Fromages Modèles Innovants pour construire la qualité d'un aliment

SYALSA : Systèmes alimentaires et santé humaineAu cœur des relations entre agriculture, alimentation et environnement, les questions de santé peuvent être un moteur pour transformer les systèmes alimentaires. L’objectif général de SYALSA est d’identifier et d’évaluer les leviers d’action susceptibles de rendre les systèmes alimentaires plus favorables à la santé humaine, à travers l’alimentation, mais aussi à travers leurs effets sur l’environnement, en prenant en compte les co-bénéfices entre santé et environnement. Le métaprogramme vise ainsi à mieux comprendre les divers facteurs et mécanismes d’interaction qui, depuis la production agricole jusqu’à la consommation alimentaire, affectent…

research product

Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children

Sweet drink exposure and liking for sweet taste in school-age children. 39. annual meeting of the british feeding and drinking group

research product

Determination of volatiles and sensory profiles in grape juices from Gamay

International audience

research product

Is oral microbiota implicated in taste? A shotgun metagenomics approach

research product

Analyse sensorielle du fromage

research product

Is oral microbiota linked to taste perception in human?

research product

T@sty: a test for assessing taste sensitivity. Description, application example

The aim of the poster is to present the T@styTM device and to give an example application through results obtained in an ongoing study. The advantages and limits of this device will be discussed. T@styTM device, usable for home testing, was designed to assess human ability to detect several tastants at low concentrations in order to provide individual profiles based on sensitivity to the five tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami). Three test-sheets made of edible paper are used for each taste (three replicate measurements). Each test-sheet consists of six series of three precut discs (one “tasty disc” and two neutral discs) on which taste stimuli of different intensities were depos…

research product

From’Innov: a new technology to obtain aroma in solubilized soft-cheese

The dairy platform of the STLO, Rennes, developed an innovative technology and more sustainable cheese making process (INRAE patent, From’Innov, WO2016108024). This technology consists of mixing a texture matrix obtained by ultrafiltration with one or more aromatic matrix. The latter is innovative: it allows obtaining a maximum of aroma in a short time, less than a few days. The principle is to grow each of microorganisms in an optimized middle with essential nutrients, optimal pH and temperature, and O2 if necessary. After adjusting the pH and temperature of the mix, we proceed with the coagulation then the molding, and the next day the demolding. The cheese is ready and contains the expec…

research product

Qu’est-ce que l’Infrastructure de Recherche CALIS peut apporter à des projets de recherche pluridisciplinaire ? Exemple du projet FroM’Innov dans le MP SYALSA

Qu’est-ce que l’Infrastructure de Recherche CALIS peut apporter à des projets de recherche pluridisciplinaire ? Exemple du projet FroM’Innov dans le MP SYALSA; International audience; CALIS est une Infrastructure de recherche distribuée s’appuyant sur les compétences « Consommateurs, Alimentation et Santé » des Infrastructures Scientifiques Collectives (ISC) qui la compose. L’ISC Plate-Forme Lait porte un projet dans le méta-programme SYALSA dont l’objectif majeur consiste à tester l’acceptabilité d’une innovation de rupture par le consommateur puis de déterminer précisément l’acceptabilité par le consommateur des principaux paramètres composant la construction de l’axe santé de ce produit …

research product

Characterizing the Dynamic Taste and Retro-Nasal Aroma Properties of Oral Nutritional Supplements Using Temporal Dominance of Sensation and Temporal Check-All-That-Apply Methods

International audience; Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODTs) are used to restore the nutritional status of people suffering from swallowing pathologies such as dysphagia. ODTs are consumed without water intake and are easily swallowed. The main active compounds of ODTs are vitamins and minerals. These nutrients can have a bad taste or aftertaste, which can be masked by sweetening or flavoring. To ensure the effectiveness of masking strategies and to prescribe a product to patients with acceptable sensory qualities, it is essential to perform a precise and complete sensory characterization of these ODTs. Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and temporal check-allthat- apply (TCATA) methods…

research product

T@sty(TM) : test d'évaluation de la sensibilité aux saveurs. Dispositif breveté pour l'évaluation de la sensibilité de sujets pour les 5 saveurs

T@sty est un dispositif permettant d'évaluer la sensibilité de sujets humains pour les cinq saveurs (sucrée, salée, amère, acide et savoureux). Cette évaluation peut-être réalisée à domicile (tests envoyés par la poste, questionnaire de réponse en ligne). Pour chaque saveur, un kit d'évaluation est constitué de 3 feuilles-tests entièrement comestibles. Chaque feuille-test comporte 6 séries de 3 disques détachables. Pour chacune des séries, les participants doivent goûter les trois disques par simple contact avec la langue, puis identifier le disque qui porte une saveur (les deux autres sont neutres). L'intensité de la saveur est croissante (série 1 à 6). Avantages Aucune préparation pour l’…

research product

Les saveurs peuvent-elles nous renseigner sur le contenu en nutriments des aliments ?

research product

Molecular mechanisms of aroma persistence: From noncovalent interactions between aroma compounds and the oral mucosa to metabolization of aroma compounds by saliva and oral cells

International audience; The present study aims to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying aroma persistence, as it plays a major role in food appreciation and quality. A multidisciplinary approach including ex vivo experiments using a novel model of oral mucosa and saliva as well as in vivo dynamic instrumental and sensory experiments was applied. Ex vivo results showed a reduction in aroma release between 7 and 86% in the presence of the thin layer of salivary proteins covering the oral mucosa (mucosal pellicle). This reduction was explained by hydrophobic interactions involving the mucosal pellicle and by the ability of oral cells and saliva to metabolize specific aroma compounds. The …

research product

Creation of a food taste database using an in-home profile method

Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; The purpose of this study was to create a food taste database using an innovative in-home profile method and to have an overview on the sensory sapid world we face in our diet. The intensity of salty, sweet, acid and bitter tastes were scored using universal scales proposed within the Spectrum™ method (Muñoz and Civille, 1992) and newly developed scales for umami taste and fattiness. The in-home taste profile method was composed of two phases. The first phase consisted in an intensive training in laboratory (55 h). The second one was the in-home measurements phase (8 months) during which 12 panellists had to rate the ta…

research product