Beatriz Moliner Velázquez


Causes for complaining behaviour intentions: the moderator effect of previous customer experience of the restaurant

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the main causes for complaining behaviour intentions expressed in three dimensions: private response, complaining response and complaining to third parties. The objectives are, first to study the direct influence of a set of antecedents and complaining behaviour intentions and second, to analyse the moderator effect of previous restaurant experience on subsequent relations.Design/methodology/approachA quantitative research method was used based on a self‐administered ad‐hoc questionnaire on a sample of 388 individuals who remembered an unsatisfactory experience in a restaurant.FindingsThe results show that the following variables have significa…

research product

Role of Marketing and Technological Innovation on Satisfaction and Word of Mouth in Retailing

Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work analyses innovation in retail experiences from two aspects—marketing innovation and technological innovation—to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. For that purpose, our objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word of mouth through three core constructs: store image, consumer value, and …

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Social causes and consequences of clients’ satisfaction with hotels

Con el objeto de evidenciar la dimensión social del proceso de satisfacción, proponemos un modelo causal donde la satisfacción y el valor son constructos centrales, con dos antecedentes (calidad de servicio y valor social) y dos consecuencias en forma de lealtad (boca-oreja electrónico y boca-oreja global). El modelo es contrastado entre 386 huéspedes de hoteles españoles confirmándose el peso que tienen en el proceso lealtad las variables de carácter social: valor social y boca-oreja. Se presentan importantes implicaciones para la gestión y futuros avances para la investigación académica. ABSTRACT In order to make evidence the social dimension of satisfaction process, we propose a causal m…

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Analyzing heterogeneity on the value, satisfaction, word-of-mouth relationship in retailing

Purpose The literature recognizes the need to study differences in consumer behavior in highly competitive and dynamic markets. In this paper, the authors look at how the heterogeneous evaluation of retailing influences customer satisfaction and loyalty. The purpose of this paper is to analyze unobserved heterogeneity on customer value dimensions perceptions in retail establishments, and their potential effects on positive forms of behavioral outcomes considering customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. Design/methodology/approach On a sample of 820 retail customers, the authors apply a finite mixture structural equation modeling that analyzes unobserved heterogeneity simultaneously.…

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Las experiencias insatisfactorias en restaurantes y el boca-oído negativo

ResumenLos consumidores insatisfechos tienden a contar más sus experiencias que los satisfechos, por lo que los comentarios boca-oído negativos se difunden más que los positivos. Además, los clientes insatisfechos se comportan de forma heterogénea en función de diferentes factores relativos a su experiencia. En este contexto, este trabajo aborda el estudio de las comunicaciones negativas, en su vertiente conductual y actitudinal, desde el enfoque de la segmentación. El objetivo es conocer la relación entre el boca-oído negativo y el nivel de insatisfacción, las emociones, la experiencia previa del consumidor, sus respuestas de queja y de conducta de cambio, y su perfil sociodemográfico. Ana…

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Causas y consecuencias de la insatisfacción en consumidores con atribuciones externas

[ES] Este trabajo aborda el estudio de la formación de la insatisfacción, desde la perspectiva cognitiva y afectiva, y de sus consecuencias en forma de intenciones de comportamientos de queja. El objetivo es investigar la influencia directa e indirecta, a través de los afectos negativos, que ejerce la desconfirmación de expectativas sobre la insatisfacción, y analizar la contribución de estos juicios sobre las intenciones de respuestas de queja, a terceras partes y privadas. A partir de una muestra de clientes insatisfechos con restaurantes que manifiestan distintos niveles de atribución externa, se ha construido un modelo causal para estudiar las relaciones. Los resultados confirman la exi…

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Analysing the fulfilment of service recovery paradox in retailing

AbstractThe literature dealing with the Service Recovery Paradox (SRP) is vast, but some results are confusing and contradictory. In addition to this, scarce attention has been paid to service recovery in the context of retailing. This paper aims at verifying the compliance of the SRP in the context of retailing. Considering a sample of consumers that experienced a failure in the service delivered by a retailer and are very satisfied with the solution provided by the store employee, we test first the fulfilment of the SRP in the context of retailing. Secondly, we test the existence of significant differences in the customer satisfaction levels with the store before and after experiencing th…

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La formación de la lealtad y su contribución a la gestión de destinos turísticos

El estudio del turismo sostenible, abordado desde la perspectiva del consumidor, se está convirtiendo en un área relevante para los gestores turísticos, que han tomado conciencia de la importancia de la continuidad de las relaciones con los clientes bajo un planteamiento responsable. Este trabajo, circunscrito en esa realidad, analiza el proceso de formación de la lealtad en sus dos vertientes (actitudinal y conductual) a partir de un conjunto de variables antecedentes (valor percibido, calidad de servicio, satisfacción y compromiso del turista) y variables moderadoras (capacidad de carga turística, búsqueda de variedad y características sociodemográficas del turista). La revisión de la lit…

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Satisfaction with service recovery: moderating effect of age in word-of-mouth

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is, first, to analyze the direct effects of the relationship chain “causal attributions and recovery efforts → satisfaction with service recovery → conventional and online word-of-mouth intentions” and, second, to study the moderating role of age in the relationship between satisfaction and subsequent word-of-mouth. Consumer assessment and behavior associated with service recovery is a topic of considerable interest for both academics and practitioners. Design/methodology/approach – From an empirical perspective, this paper uses a sample of 336 individuals who experienced service failure at a retail store to estimate a structural equation model. Addition…

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Effects of value and innovation on brand equity in retailing

This paper analyses retailer brand equity on the basis of two variables that are particularly relevant in marketing: the perception of value, because of its renewed interest for retailing, and retail innovativeness, because it is a recent line of research with interesting challenges. Considering Holbrook's (Consumer value: a framework for analysis and research. London: Routledge, 1999) value dimensions of efficiency, excellence, entertainment and aesthetics, this study investigates the relationship between those values and brand equity as well as the moderator effect of innovation. The study was conducted on a sample of 820 individuals who purchased from various stores selling food, househo…

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Managing relationships between tourism companies and their suppliers: An approach beyond classical variables

This paper addresses the study of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction of a company with its main supplier from different variables highlighted in the literature. Specifically, the objective is to analyse the effect of trust, commitment and switching costs on satisfaction, as well as the effect of this satisfaction on co-creation of value, continuity of the relationship and Information and Communication Technology coordination. To achieve this goal, a structural equation model was estimated with a sample of 256 tourist agencies. The results confirm the proposed relationships to explain the satisfaction process. The trust of the tourism company with its main supplier is the main …

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How to increase company loyalty: using relational variables and sustainable practices to segment the maritime transport sector

Intense competition in goods transportation has highlighted theimportance of understanding customers’interests in order to designsuccessful relationship strategies. This study proposes, through asegmentation approach, to identify customer groups based on theirperceptions of sustainable practices and relational variables abouttheir main transport supplier. From a sample of 122 companies, amultiple correspondence analysis was carried out. The results showthat there are three groups of customer companies, which corres-pond to a high, low, and medium relational and sustainabilityapproach. The identified segments are also significantly different interms of time of operation in the maritime secto…

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Cognitive and Affective Causes of Consumer Dissatisfaction With the Hospitality Encounter

Causality attributions, equity, and affection used to explain satisfaction have received special attention in the literature on dissatisfaction and complaining behavior. In this study we examine the contribution these three antecedents make to consumer dissatisfaction. A causal model has been constructed to examine the effect of these variables on dissatisfaction in a sample of 345 individuals who have had an unsatisfactory experience in a restaurant. The results show that attributions, inequity, and negative affections have a significant, direct and positive influence on the level of dissatisfaction, with attribution as the most influential explanatory variable.

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Motivations, engagement and adoption of e-WOM in restaurants.

Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto que tienen las motivaciones para consultar y escribir e-WOM sobre el compromiso con el e-WOM y la influencia de dicho compromiso en la adopción del e-WOM consultado. Para analizar estas relaciones, se realizó una investigación empírica aplicada en el contexto de los restaurantes. El ámbito geográfico fue Ecuador, con una muestra de 461 consumidores. Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y se validó la cadena de relaciones. Los resultados confirmaron las relaciones entre estas variables; además, se presentaron implicaciones académicas interesantes para profundizar en el estudio sobre el compromiso con el e-WOM, así co…

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Latent segmentation in business-to-business based on information and communication technology and relationship variables

Our work is focused on the segmentation analysis in the Spanish tourist industry. Using a sample of travel agencies who evaluated the relationship with their main supplier (relationship value, relationship benefits and perceived information and communication technologies (ICTs) use), we attempt to examine the utility of these variables as specific and subjective segmentation criteria for identifying heterogeneous groups. The estimation of a finite mixture model suggests that these bases are able to discriminate firms into six latent classes with different levels of ICT use and relationship variables. The novelty in this work lies in the application of latent segmentation methodology and th…

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Effects of Retail Innovation and Image on “Value-Satisfaction-Loyalty” Chain

There has been a particular focus on research into the links between value, satisfaction, and loyalty in services in recent years. In this context, we have selected image as a key strategic retailing tool and retail innovation because it is a new line of investigation with interesting challenges. This work deals with the study of these two antecedents in the “value→satisfaction→loyalty” chain. We approach the individual perspective considering the self-oriented values of Holbrook (Consumer value. A framework for analysis and research. Routledge, London, 1999) as an appropriate typology for research into retailing experiences. Therefore we aim to analyze the effect of image and innovation on…

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The role of information technology in relationships between travel agencies and their suppliers

PurposeIn the context of relationship marketing, it is highly important for providers to identify the main buyer relational benefits influencing satisfaction and loyalty so that a continuous and satisfactory business relationship is guaranteed. Since it has been reported that information technology (IT) might constitute a source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, this paper aims to test the moderating role of IT in the relationships between perceived benefits, satisfaction and loyalty in a business‐to‐business (B2B) setting.Design/methodology/approachA structural equations model was empirically tested. Additionally, the moderating role of IT in the relationships between perceived relationa…

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Value antecedents in relationship between tourism companies

Purpose – In the context of relationship marketing, identifying the elements that contribute to creating value for companies has become essential for managing customer satisfaction and retention. The literature has focused on business-to-end consumer relationships and there are few contributions in the business-to-business context, especially in the tourism industry. The aim of this study is to analyze the process of relationship value creation between tourism companies from the more relevant antecedents proposed in the literature: relationship benefits, long-term orientation and attitude towards the main provider. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted with 309 travel agency…

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Efectos de las consultas boca a boca en redes sociales en la compra de cosméticos en Ecuador.

Las redes sociales han reestructurado el paradigma de la comunicación en el marketing. Investigaciones recientes demuestran que la conducta de consultar reseñas está adquiriendo un rol fundamental en la decisión de compra de los consumidores. En este contexto, el presente estudio desarrolló un marco de investigación para determinar la cadena de relación entre influencia social, credibilidad percibida del boca a boca, adopción del boca a boca e intención de compra aplicada a la industria cosmética del Ecuador. A través de una muestra de 406 consumidores y la aplicación del método de análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, los resultados evidencian el vínculo existente entre las variables plant…

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Conceptualizing and measuring loyalty: Towards a conceptual model of tourist loyalty antecedents

Research on loyalty in tourism is becoming an area particularly relevant in the design of strategies for tourism companies oriented towards creating and continuing customer relationships. In this context, the present paper aims at studying loyalty formation in its two approaches (attitudinal and behavioral) from a dual purpose. First, we conduct a literature review on loyalty conceptualization in the context of tourism and focus on the main background — satisfaction, service quality, value and customer commitment — and moderator variables — consumer variety seeking and demographic characteristics. Then a model about direct and indirect relationships between these variables is presented. Ne…

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Can the Retailer’s ICT Enhance the Impact of Service Recovery Efforts on Customer Satisfaction?

Service recovery remains a topic of considerable interest for both academics and practitioners. This paper aims to explore the relations between recovery efforts and causal attributions, satisfacti...

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Relationships among customer orientation, service orientation and job satisfaction in financial services

PurposeThe present study attempts to contribute to the knowledge of how customer orientation (CO), service orientation (SO) and job satisfaction (JS) are defined and relate to each other. It explores the relationships between CO and JS by analysing a company providing intermediation services to the banking sector, in its external finance division.Design/methodology/approachAfter the literature review, the method of empirical analysis consisting in quantitative intervention with an ad hoc survey using a structured questionnaire was developed. Regression analysis with mediation is used to contrast the hypotheses on the links between the constructs analysed.FindingsBoth reliability and factori…

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Relational Benefits, Value, and Satisfaction in the Relationships Between Service Companies

In the context of relationship marketing, it is of great importance for a company to identify elements that contribute most to value creation and thus to customer satisfaction. Among the value antecedents are relational benefits. Although relational benefits have been widely studied in the field of tourism business-to-consumer relationships, they have so far received little attention in the context of relationships between companies. Therefore, this article aims to analyze empirically a model that reflects the influence of different types of relational benefits received by the customer on relationship value and the impact thereof on customer satisfaction in the context of relationships betw…

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Exploring relationship variables and Information and Communication Technologies use in industrial segmentation

Purpose In tourism, the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (hereinafter ICT) and variables concerning firms’ links with suppliers have been recognized as key determinants to improve companies’ competitiveness. From the perspective of efficient management of company resources, segmentation has become a key tool and is particularly significant and current in the business-to-business context. The purpose of this paper is to study the segmentation of firms in the tourist industry according to perceived ICT use and relationship value and benefits. In addition, from the management approach, the authors seek to describe the segments that enable the development of differentiate…

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The role of ICT, eWOM and guest characteristics in loyalty

Purpose This study aims to examine how technologies contribute to consumer loyalty in the tourist industry. To achieve this objective, information and communication technology (ICT) development and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) are analysed to explore their direct and indirect effects on satisfaction and loyalty dimensions. The moderating role of customer characteristics (personal and experience-related variables) is also considered to study the complex relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study based on a questionnaire structured was developed. The survey was conducted with 386 guests from Spanish hotels. SEM methodology is applied to…

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Segmenting customers according to online word-of-mouth about hotels

There is a renewed interest in the study of online word-of-mouth behavior due to the increasing use of the Internet and the development of social networks. This paper focuses on the receiver perspective to analyze the unequal influence of the antecedents of online consumer searches. The main purpose is to detect the heterogeneity of the effect of different motivations (convenience, risks reduction and social reassurance) and the volume of comments on the willingness to check online reviews. Based on 393 guests of hotels, a mixture regression model indicates the existence of three internally consistent segments, which reveal the varying influence on consumer intentions to look at online comm…

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Good environmental practices for hospitality and tourism

PurposeThere is a consensus about the negative effects of transportation and some activities related to hospitality on the environment. In this sense, several proposals have been pointed out to pursue environmental sustainability of tourism activities and minimize their impact on climate change. In particular, some applications of information and communication technologies (ICT) have a direct contribution to the reduction of the demand of supplies and energy by the hospitality industry. The present paper has a double aim: first, to focus on evaluating the potential of several ICT applications to reduce the environmental impact of hospitality and tourism activities. Second, considering the S…

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Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing

Purpose Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work aims to analyse innovation in retail experiences from two aspects – marketing innovation and technological innovation – to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. Design/methodology/approach The authors’ objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word-of-mouth (WOM) through three core …

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La formation du comportement de plainte chez le consommateur: recherche exploratoire chez des usagers de restaurants

La investigación que se presenta aborda el proceso de formación del comportamiento de queja del consumidor. El objetivo general es profundizar en la naturaleza de este tipo de respuesta a la insatisfacción, describiendo su formación a partir de la contribución de un conjunto de variables investigadas en la literatura. Partiendo de que el comportamiento de queja agrupa tres tipos de respuestas (de queja, a terceras partes y privadas), analizamos el efecto que tiene el nivel de insatisfacción, la probabilidad de éxito de la queja, la importancia de la situación y las actitudes hacia la queja. Las relaciones causales estudiadas entre estos determinantes y los comportamientos de queja han permi…

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Studying students ́satisfaction at music schools in the Valencian Region

[EN] Satisfaction is a key construct but complex to be measured. Within the cultural context and from the discipline of marketing, satisfaction consists of assessing some experiences without considering consumers ́ expectations. From this approach, this paper deals with an empirical research aiming at analyzing satisfaction among students of music conservatoires and schools. The research, qualitative and quantitative in nature, allowed to know users ́ assessment of different variables: studies, teaching staff, information technologies, premises and administration procedures. To do so, a self-administered survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire. Univariate and multivariate anal…

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Why do restaurant customers engage in negative word-of-mouth?

One of the most important complaint behaviour of dissatisfied consumers with a service is negative word-of-mouth. Despite the extensive literature on interpersonal communication, research on word-of-mouth in the context of unsatisfactory experiences still has certain limitations. This study aims to analyze the negative word-of-mouth process investigating the contribution of a set of variables such as level of dissatisfaction, likelihood of success in complaining and negative affects. So we analyze the causal relationships between these variables and we identify direct, indirect and mediators effects. The results were obtained from a sample of dissatisfied customers with restaurants and show…

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Cognition and affect: A factors combination in clients dissatisfied with restaurants

On the basis of an extensive literature review of the principal theories that explain consumer dissatisfaction, we try to analyse the effect of a set of cognitive and affective variables on dissatisfaction. Cognitive variables examined were performance, expectations, disconfirmation, causal attributions and inequity. Negative affects were considered as emotional variables. We developed an empirical research to examine customer dissatisfaction with restaurants. The results indicate that the best combination of variables to estimate dissatisfaction judgements is ‘performance–inequity–norms disconfirmation–attributions’. Therefore, dissatisfaction has a greater cognitive content because negati…

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Determinantes del comportamiento de queja y su importancia en la segmentación de clientes insatisfechos

ResumenEsta investigación de carácter exploratorio aborda el proceso de formación del comportamiento de queja utilizando el proceso de segmentación de clientes. Consideramos que dicho comportamiento agrupa dos tipos de respuestas a la insatisfacción: las respuestas de queja y las respuestas privadas. Nuestro objetivo es conocer la capacidad que tiene la intensidad de la insatisfacción y otras variables relevantes de la literatura en la discriminación de segmentos de consumidores, con el propósito de estudiar sus comportamientos y características. La metodología de análisis CHAID ha permitido segmentar la muestra en diferentes grupos identificando los principales antecedentes de ambos tipos …

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Antecedentes de las consultas de boca-oído online sobre hoteles

Las consultas online sobre productos y servicios antes de la compra han recibido menor atención en la literatura que la generación de comentarios después de la experiencia. Nuestro trabajo aborda, por tanto, el estudio de la conducta de boca-oído online desde la perspectiva del receptor. El objetivo es investigar las variables que contribuyen en la adopción de boca-oído online para tomar la decisión de elección de un hotel. Para ello, se analiza la cadena de relaciones “motivaciones→intención de consultar→volumen→adopción”, considerando tres tipos de motivaciones: conveniencia, riesgo y sociales. Con una muestra de 393 huéspedes de hoteles de 3, 4 y 5 estrellas y a partir de un modelo de ec…

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From retail innovation and image to loyalty: moderating effects of product type

This study aims to analyse value-satisfaction-loyalty relationships in retailing by examining the contribution of image and innovation and understanding value as a multidimensional construct. Furthermore, to identify possible differences in these relationships the moderating effect of the type of product marketed in the store is examined. On a sample of 820 customers from four types of stores, SEM methodology and multigroup analysis were applied. The results confirm that image has more influence than innovation on the dimensions of value and that entertainment and excellence are the main antecedents of satisfaction. Some relationships have also been found in which the type of product market…

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Measuring the antecedents of e-loyalty and the effect of switching costs on website

This paper deals with the process by which electronic customer loyalty (e-loyalty) is formed. The twofold aim is to analyse e-loyalty, describing its development in terms of how it is influenced by several determinants and to study potential barriers to switching which significantly affect the repeat purchase decision. In particular, an integrating theoretical framework is proposed to determine the e-loyalty dependency of electronic service quality and perceived value, and how this last relationship can be moderated by switching costs. Results offer evidence for the important role of customer's perceptions of e-service quality and value in e-loyalty. Proposals are made of how companies that…

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Antecedents to complaint behaviour in the context of restaurant goers

Abstract This article deals with the process by which consumer complaint behaviour is formed. The general aim is to analyse the nature of this type of response to dissatisfaction, describing its development in terms of how it is influenced by a combination of several factors already researched in the literature. The most relevant contributions from the related theoretical work indicate that public and private responses (complaint behaviour) are the most common reactions of consumers when faced with a dissatisfactory experience. A group of determinants which influence these responses in different ways has also been identified. The main objective of this study is to analyse the relationship b…

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La formación de la satisfacción/insatisfacción del consumidor y del comportamiento de queja: aplicación al ámbito de los restaurantes.

En la literatura sobre el comportamiento del consumidor se ha prestado una atención especial al estudio de la conceptualización, antecedentes y consecuencias de la satisfacción como un fenómeno posterior a una experiencia de compra y/o consumo. Sin embargo, se aprecia una menor preocupación por el análisis de los procesos y variables que acompañan a la insatisfacción, ya que el cuerpo teórico suele utilizar los mismos planteamientos que los aplicados en el área de la satisfacción. Algunos autores se han interesado por estudiar el proceso de formación de la insatisfacción tratando de identificar diferencias respecto al origen de la satisfacción, lo cual representa un debate abierto a la hora…

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ICT adoption in hotels and electronic word-of-mouth

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate how information and communication technology (ICT) adoption in hotels contributes to satisfaction and loyalty from the consumer perspective, considering the online dimension of recommendations. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative research based on a structured questionnaire and using a personal survey method was developed. Surveys were conducted on 386 guests from Spanish hotels. Causal methodology by testing structural equation model was applied. Findings Significant relationships are obtained in the sequence “ICT use perception – satisfaction with ICT – overall satisfaction with the hotel – dimensions of loyalty” and the mediatin…

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