J. A. Budagosky
Optical properties of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on non-polar planes: the effect of stacking faults in the reduction of the internal electric field
The optical emission of non-polar GaN/AlN quantum dots has been investigated. The presence of stacking faults inside these quantum dots is evidenced in the dependence of the photoluminescence with temperature and excitation power. A theoretical model for the electronic structure and optical properties of non-polar quantum dots, taking into account their realistic shapes, is presented which predicts a substantial reduction of the internal electric field but a persisting quantum confined Stark effect, comparable to that of polar GaN/AlN quantum dots. Modeling the effect of a 3 monolayer stacking fault inside the quantum dot, which acts as zinc-blende inclusion into the wurtzite matrix, result…
Reduction of the internal electric field in GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on the a ‐plane of SiC substrates
We present a study of the emission of a multi-layer stack of self-assembled GaN/AlN quantum dots grown on the a -plane of 6H-SiC. We look for signatures of the internal electric field in the power dependence of the time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. The lack of a dynamical red-shift reveals that internal electric fields are significantly reduced in these dots. A band on the low energy side of the emission is observed whose intensity quenches fast when increasing the temperature. The polarization selection rules of the emission are examined in order to determine the physical nature of this band. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Evaluation of strain in GaN/AlN quantum dots by means of resonant Raman scattering: the effect of capping
We have studied in detail changes in the strain state of GaN/AlN quantum dots during the capping process. μ-Raman scattering experiments allowed the detection of a resonant mode which provided information on the evolution of strain with capping. Simultaneously, Multiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction (MAD) and Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure (DAFS) experiments were performed on the same samples, providing the independent determination of the wurtzite lattice parameters a and c. The remarkable agreement between Raman and X-ray data stands out the suitability of polar vibrational modes for the determination of strain in nanostructures. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Influence of strain in the reduction of the internal electric field in GaN/AlN quantum dots grown ona-plane 6H-SiC
The strain state of stacks of GaN/AIN quantum dots (QDs) grown on (0001) and (1120) 6H-SiC has been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy. Depending on the orientation of the wurtzite axis with respect to the growth direction it is found that the piezoelectric contribution to the electrostatic potential may either reinforce that arising from the spontaneous polarization or oppose it. The experimental results are compared with a theoretical model for the strain and polarization field in QDs of both orientations that allows the calculation of the electrostatic potential in the QDs. Both the experimental results and the theoretical model indicate that the internal electric field and elec…
Reversed polarized emission in highly strained a-plane GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells
The polarization of the emission from a set of highly strained $a$-plane GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells of varying well widths has been studied. A single photoluminescence peak is observed that shifts to higher energies as the quantum well thickness decreases due to quantum confinement. The emitted light is linearly polarized. For the thinnest samples the preferential polarization direction is perpendicular to the wurtzite $c$ axis with a degree of polarization that decreases with increasing well width. However, for the thickest well the preferred polarization direction is parallel to the $c$ axis. Raman scattering, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy studies have been p…
Depth profiling of optical and vibrational properties in GaN/AlN quantum dot superlattices
Spatially resolved confocal μ-Raman and μ-photoluminescence experiments were performed to analyze the vibrational and optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots as a function of depth. Two approaches have been followed. First, spectra were taken by defocusing the microscope objective at various depths on the sample surface. In a second set of experiments a bevel at an angle of 20° with respect to the surface normal was prepared by mechanical polishing of the surface, and spectra were taken across the bevel. The E2h vibrational modes ascribed to the GaN QDs and the AlN spacer redshift towards the surface, indicating the progressive relaxation of the QDs and a considerable increase of the ten…
Anisotropic polarization of non‐polar GaN quantum dot emission
We report on experimental and theoretical studies of the polarization selection rules of the emission of non-polar GaN/AlN self-assembled quantum dots. Time-integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements have been performed to determine the degree of polarization. It is found that the emission of some samples can be predominantly polarized parallel to the wurtzite c axis, in striking difference with the previously reported results for bulk GaN and its heterostructures, in which the emission was preferentially polarized perpendicular to the c axis. Theoretical calculations based on an 8-band k·p model are used to analyze the relative importance of strain, confinement and quantum…
Temperature dependence of the E2h phonon mode of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots
Raman scattering has been used to study the temperature dependence of the frequency and linewidth of the E2h phonon mode of GaN/AlN quantum dot stacks grown on 6H-SiC. The evolution of the nonpolar phonon mode was analyzed in the temperature range from 80 to 655 K for both quantum dots and barrier materials. The experimental results are interpreted by comparison with a model that takes into account symmetric phonon decay and the different thermal expansions of the constituents of the heterostructure. We find a small increase in the anharmonic parameters of the phonon modes in the heterostructure with respect to bulk. jorbumar@alumni.uv.es Alberto.Garcia@uv.es Ana.Cros@uv.es