Stefan Scherer

Mass and width of the Delta resonance using complex-mass renormalization

The pole mass and width of the Delta resonance are calculated in the relativistic chiral effective field theory approach. We choose a systematic power-counting procedure by applying the complex-mass scheme (CMS).

research product

Pion generalized dipole polarizabilities by virtual Compton scatteringπe→πeγ

We present a calculation of the cross section and the event generator of the reaction $\ensuremath{\pi}e\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\pi}e\ensuremath{\gamma}.$ This reaction is sensitive to the pion generalized dipole polarizabilities, namely, the longitudinal electric ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{L}{(q}^{2}),$ the transverse electric ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{T}{(q}^{2}),$ and the magnetic $\ensuremath{\beta}{(q}^{2})$ which, in the real-photon limit, reduce to the ordinary electric and magnetic polarizabilities $\overline{\ensuremath{\alpha}}$ and $\overline{\ensuremath{\beta}},$ respectively. The calculation of the cross section is done in the framework of chiral perturbation theory at $…

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Electromagnetic transition form factors of the Roper resonance in a phenomenological field theory

We analyze the form factors of the electromagnetic nucleon-to-Roper-resonance transition in the framework of a low-energy phenomenological field theory. A systematic power-counting procedure is generated by applying the complex-mass scheme. Within this power counting we calculate the form factors to next-to-next-to-leading order and fit the results to empirical data.

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Chiral structure of the Roper resonance using complex-mass scheme

The pole mass and the width of the Roper resonance are calculated as functions of the pion mass in the framework of low-energy effective field theory of the strong interactions. We implement a systematic power-counting procedure by applying the complex-mass scheme.

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Mass and width of theΔ(1232)resonance using complex-mass renormalization

We discuss the pole mass and the width of the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance to third order in chiral effective field theory. In our calculation we choose the complex-mass renormalization scheme (CMS) and show that the CMS provides a consistent power-counting scheme. In terms of the pion-mass dependence, we compare the convergence behavior of the CMS with the small-scale expansion (SSE).

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Power counting in baryon chiral perturbation theory including vector mesons

It is demonstrated that using a suitable renormalization condition one obtains a consistent power counting in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory including vector mesons as explicit degrees of freedom.

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Field transformations and simple models illustrating the impossibility of measuring off-shell effects

In the context of simple models illustrating field transformations in Lagrangian field theories we discuss the impossibility of measuring off-shell effects in nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung, Compton scattering, and related processes. To that end we introduce a simple phenomenological Lagrangian describing nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung and perform an appropriate change of variables leading to different off-shell behavior in the nucleon-nucleon amplitude as well as the photon-nucleon vertex. As a result we obtain a class of equivalent Lagrangians, generating identical S-matrix elements, of which the original Lagrangian is but one representative. We make use of this property in order to show …

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Radiative and non radiative muon capture on the proton in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory

We have evaluated the amplitude for muon capture by a proton, mu + p --> n + nu, to O(p^3) within the context of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBChPT) using the new O(p^3) Lagrangian of Ecker and Mojzis (E&M). We obtain expressions for the standard muon capture form factors and determine three of the coefficients of the E&M Lagrangian, namely, b_7, b_{19}, and b_{23}. We describe progress on the next step, a calculation of the radiative muon capture process, mu + p --> n + nu + gamma.

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Das Noether-Theorem

Im verbleibenden Teil des Buches werden wir uns mit relativistischen Quantenfeldtheorien beschaftigen. In ihnen werden die Prinzipien der speziellen Relativitatstheorie und der Quantentheorie miteinander verknupft. In diesem Kapitel wird unser Hauptaugenmerk auf der Signifikanz von Gruppen bzw. Symmetrien fur die Konstruktion relativistischer Theorien liegen. Als Ausgangspunkt dient das Hamilton’sche Prinzip einer extremalen Wirkung. Im Kontext einer Symmetriediskussion ist die Formulierung einer Theorie oder eines Modells mithilfe des Lagrange-Formalismus besonders geeignet. Anderseits liefert die Hamilton-Formulierung in Kombination mit der kanonischen Quantisierung einen direkten Zugang …

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Die Gruppen SO(3) und SU(2)

In Abschn. 3.4 haben wir zentrale Aussagen uber den Zusammenhang zwischen Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren zusammengestellt. In diesem Kapitel beschaftigen wir uns nun mit zwei kompakten Lie-Gruppen, die insbesondere im mikroskopischen Bereich von zentraler Bedeutung sind, namlich den Gruppen SO(3) und SU(2). Wir diskutieren die Vertauschungsrelationen der Lie-Algebra so(3) und wenden uns anschliesend den irreduziblen Darstellungen der Gruppen SO(3) und SU(2) sowie der Clebsch-Gordan-Zerlegung des inneren Tensorprodukts zu. Im Zusammenhang mit der Kopplung von Drehimpulsen lernen wir die Clebsch-Gordan-Koeffizienten kennen. Eine effiziente Berechnung von Matrixelementen wird durch das Wigner-Ec…

research product

Vector form factor of the pion in chiral effective field theory

The vector form factor of the pion is calculated in the framework of chiral effective field theory with vector mesons included as dynamical degrees of freedom. To construct an effective field theory with a consistent power counting, the complex-mass scheme is applied.

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$\eta$-$\eta\prime$ mixing in Large-Nc ChPT: discussion, phenomenology, and prospects

A systematic study of the η-η ′ mixing in Large-Nc chiral perturbation theory is presented [1] with special emphasis on the role of the next-to-next-to-leading-order contributions in the combined momentum, quark-mass, and 1/Nc expansions. At this order, loop corrections as well as OZIrule-violating pieces need to be included. Mixing angles as well as pseudoscalar decay constants are discussed within this framework. The results are compared with recent phenomenological approaches.

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Chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order q^6

We present the results of a complete two-loop calculation at order q^6 of the nucleon mass in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory. The renormalization is performed using the reformulated infrared renormalization, which allows for the treatment of two-loop integrals while preserving all relevant symmetries, in particular chiral symmetry.

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Pion photo- and electro-production and the chiral MAID interface

We discuss the extended on-mass-shell scheme for manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. We present a calculation of pion photo- and electroproduction up to and including order q 4 . The low-energy constants have been fixed by fitting experimental data in all available reaction channels. Our results can be accessed via a web interface, the so-called chiral MAID (http://www.kph.uni-mainz.de/MAID/chiralmaid/). We explain how our program works and how it can be used for further analysis.

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Axial, induced pseudoscalar, and pion-nucleon form factors in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory

We calculate the nucleon form factors G_A and G_P of the isovector axial-vector current and the pion-nucleon form factor G_piN in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to and including order O(p^4). In addition to the standard treatment including the nucleon and pions, we also consider the axial-vector meson a_1 as an explicit degree of freedom. This is achieved by using the reformulated infrared renormalization scheme. We find that the inclusion of the axial-vector meson effectively results in one additional low-energy coupling constant that we determine by a fit to the data for G_A. The inclusion of the axial-vector meson results in an improved description of t…

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It is argued that Weinberg's approach to the nucleon–nucleon (NN) interaction problem within effective field theory provides a consistent power counting for renormalized diagrams. Within this scheme the NN potential is organized as an expansion in terms of small quantities like small external momenta and the pion mass (divided by the characteristic large scale of the effective theory). Physical observables to any given order in these small quantities are calculated from the solutions of the Lippmann–Schwinger (or Schrödinger) equation.

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Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon in chiral perturbation theory

We investigate the spin-independent part of the virtual Compton scattering (VCS) amplitude off the nucleon within the framework of chiral perturbation theory. We perform a consistent calculation to third order in external momenta according to Weinberg's power counting. With this calculation we can determine the second- and fourth-order structure-dependent coefficients of the general low-energy expansion of the spin-averaged VCS amplitude based on gauge invariance, crossing symmetry and the discrete symmetries. We discuss the kinematical regime to which our calculation can be applied and compare our expansion with the multipole expansion by Guichon, Liu and Thomas. We establish the connectio…

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Hadron structure in the description of electromagnetic reactions

The description of electromagnetic reactions at intermediate energies, such as pion electroproduction or (virtual) Compton scattering, traditionally starts from covariant tree-level Feynman diagrams (Born or pole terms). Internal hadron structure is included by means of (on-shell) form factors in the vertices while free propagators are used. To overcome problems with gauge invariance, simple prescriptions, such as, choosing ${F}_{1}^{V}{(q}^{2}{)=F}_{\ensuremath{\pi}}{(q}^{2})$ in pion electroproduction or the ``minimal substitution,'' are used. We discuss the inherent assumptions of such approaches and study the general structure of electromagnetic vertices and propagators for pions and nu…

research product

Pion photo- and electroproduction in relativistic baryon ChPT

We present a calculation of pion photo- and electroproduction in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to and including order q^4. We fix the low-energy constants by fitting experimental data in all available reaction channels. Our results can be accessed via a web interface, the so-called chiral MAID.

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Infrared renormalization of two-loop integrals and the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass

We describe details of the renormalization of two-loop integrals relevant to the calculation of the nucleon mass in the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory using infrared renormalization. It is shown that the renormalization can be performed while preserving all relevant symmetries, in particular chiral symmetry, and that renormalized diagrams respect the standard power counting rules. As an application we calculate the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order O(q^6).

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Path integral quantization for massive vector bosons

A parity-conserving and Lorentz-invariant effective field theory of self-interacting massive vector fields is considered. For the interaction terms with dimensionless coupling constants the canonical quantization is performed. It is shown that the self-consistency condition of this system with the second-class constraints in combination with the perturbative renormalizability leads to an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with an additional mass term.

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Two-photon decays and transition form factors of π0 , η , and η′ in large- Nc chiral perturbation theory

We present a calculation of $P\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{(*)}{\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{(*)}$ processes, where $P={\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0},\ensuremath{\eta},{\ensuremath{\eta}}^{\ensuremath{'}}$, at the one-loop level up to and including next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in large-${N}_{c}$ chiral perturbation theory. The results are numerically evaluated successively at LO, NLO, and NNLO. The appearing low-energy constants are determined through fits to the available experimental data. We investigate the decay widths to real photons, the single-virtual transition form factors, and the widths of $P\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\gamma}{l}^{+}{l}^{\ensuremath{-}}$, where…

research product

Anomalous chiral perturbation theory meson Lagrangian to orderp6reexamined

We present a revised and extended construction of the mesonic Lagrangian density in chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) at order ${p}^{6}$ in the anomalous (or epsilon) sector, ${\mathcal{L}}_{6,\ensuremath{\epsilon}}.$ After improving several aspects of the strategy we used originally, i.e., a more efficient application of partial integration, the implementation of so-called Bianchi identities, and additional trace relations, we find the new monomial sets to include 24 ${SU(N}_{f}),$ 23 $\mathrm{SU}(3),$ and 5 $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ elements. Furthermore, we introduce 8 supplementary terms due to the extension of the chiral group to ${SU(N}_{f}{)}_{L}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{SU(N}_{f}{)}…

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Das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik

Das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik vereint die elektromagnetischen, schwachen und starken Krafte im Rahmen einer konsistenten Quantenfeldtheorie. In diesem abschliesenden Kapitel wollen wir aus gruppentheoretischer Sicht alle Faden zusammenfuhren und mit ihrer Hilfe die Struktur des Standardmodells erlautern.

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Complex mass renormalization in EFT

We consider an effective field theory of unstable particles (resonances) using the complex-mass renormalization. As an application we calculate the masses and the widths of the $\rho$ meson and the Roper resonance.

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Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies

We investigate the low-energy behavior of the four-point Green's function $\Gamma^{\mu\nu}$ describing virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon. Using Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, and crossing symmetry, we derive the leading terms of an expansion of the operator in the four-momenta $q$ and $q'$ of the initial and final photon, respectively. The model-independent result is expressed in terms of the electromagnetic form factors of the free nucleon, i.e., on-shell information which one obtains from electron-nucleon scattering experiments. Model-dependent terms appear in the operator at $O(q_\alpha q'_\beta)$, whereas the orders $O(q_\alpha q_\beta)$ and $O(q'_\alpha q'_\beta)$ are c…

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η(′)→π+π−γ(*) in large- Nc chiral perturbation theory

We present a calculation of the decays ${\ensuremath{\eta}}^{{(}^{\ensuremath{'}})}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{\ensuremath{\gamma}}^{(*)}$ at the one-loop level up to and including next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in large-${N}_{c}$ chiral perturbation theory. The numerical evaluation of the results is performed successively at LO, NLO, and NNLO, fitting the relevant low-energy constants to the available experimental data. We discuss the widths and decay spectra of ${\ensuremath{\eta}}^{{(}^{\ensuremath{'}})}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{-}}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ as well as ${\ensuremath{…

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Baryon masses and nucleon sigma terms in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory

We discuss the masses of the ground state baryon octet and the nucleon sigma terms in the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. In order to obtain a consistent power counting for renormalized diagrams the extended on-mass-shell renormalization scheme is applied.

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Structure analysis of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude at low energies

We analyze virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies in a covariant, model-independent formalism. We define a set of invariant functions which, once the irregular nucleon pole terms have been subtracted in a gauge-invariant fashion, is free of poles and kinematical zeros. The covariant treatment naturally allows one to implement the constraints due to Lorentz and gauge invariance, crossing symmetry, and the discrete symmetries. In particular, when applied to the $ep\to e'p'\gamma$ reaction, charge-conjugation symmetry in combination with nucleon crossing generates four relations among the ten originally proposed generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon.

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Definition of theΔmass and width

In the framework of effective field theory we show that, at two-loop order, the mass and width of the $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ resonance defined via the (relativistic) Breit-Wigner parametrization both depend on the choice of field variables. In contrast, the complex-valued position of the pole of the propagator is independent of this choice.

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Generalized polarizabilities of the proton in a constituent quark model revisited

We study low-energy virtual Compton scattering off the proton within the framework of a nonrelativistic constituent quark model. The Compton tensor is divided into two separately gauge-invariant contributions. The first consists of the groundstate propagation in the direct and crossed channels together with an appropriately chosen term to satisfy gauge invariance. The residual part contains the relevant structure information characterized by the so-called generalized polarizabilities. We discuss two different schemes to obtain the generalized polarizabilities from the residual term. Explicit predictions for the generalized polarizabilities are presented for the Isgur-Karl model. Our results…

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Renormalization of relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory and power counting

We discuss a renormalization scheme for relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory which provides a simple and consistent power counting for renormalized diagrams. The method involves finite subtractions of dimensionally regularized diagrams beyond the standard $\bar{\rm MS}$ scheme of chiral perturbation theory to remove contributions violating the power counting. This is achieved by a suitable renormalization of the parameters of the most general effective Lagrangian. In addition to simplicity our method has the benefit that it can be easily applied to multiloop diagrams. As an application we discuss the mass and the scalar form factor of the nucleon and compare the results with the e…

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Improving the ultraviolet behavior in baryon chiral perturbation theory

We introduce a new formulation of baryon chiral perturbation theory which improves the ultraviolet behavior of propagators and can be interpreted as a smooth cutoff regularization scheme. It is equivalent to the standard approach, preserves all symmetries and therefore satisfies the Ward identities. Our formulation is equally well defined in the vacuum, one- and few-nucleon sectors of the theory. The equations (Bethe-Salpeter, Lippmann-Schwinger, etc.) for the scattering amplitudes of the few-nucleon sector are free of divergences in the new approach. Unlike the usual cutoff regularization, our 'cutoffs' are parameters of the Lagrangian and do not have to be removed.

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Including theΔ(1232)resonance in baryon chiral perturbation theory

Baryon chiral perturbation theory with explicit $\ensuremath{\Delta}(1232)$ degrees of freedom is considered. The most general interactions of pions, nucleons, and \ensuremath{\Delta} consistent with all underlying symmetries as well as with the constraint structure of higher-spin fields are constructed. By use of the extended on-mass-shell renormalization scheme, a manifestly Lorentz-invariant effective-field theory with a systematic power counting is obtained. As applications, we discuss the mass of the nucleon, the pion-nucleon \ensuremath{\sigma} term, and the pole of the \ensuremath{\Delta} propagator.

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Infrared and extended on-mass-shell renormalization of two-loop diagrams

Using a toy model Lagrangian we demonstrate the application of both infrared and extended on-mass-shell renormalization schemes to multiloop diagrams by considering as an example a two-loop self-energy diagram. We show that in both cases the renormalized diagrams satisfy a straightforward power counting.

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Rare decay η→ππγγ in chiral perturbation theory

We investigate the rare radiative {eta} decay modes {eta}{r_arrow}{pi}{sup +}{pi}{sup {minus}}{gamma}{gamma} and {eta}{r_arrow}{pi}{sup 0}{pi}{sup 0}{gamma}{gamma} within the framework of chiral perturbation theory at {ital O}({ital p}{sup 4}). We present photon spectra and partial decay rates for both processes as well as a Dalitz contour plot for the charged decay. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}

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Darstellungen von Gruppen

Darstellungen sind Realisierungen von Gruppen in Form bijektiver, linearer Operatoren auf \(\mathbb{K}\)-Vektorraumen, wobei wir uns hier als Korper auf die reellen Zahlen, \({\mathbb{K}}={\mathbb{R}}\), oder die komplexen Zahlen, \({\mathbb{K}}={\mathbb{C}}\), beschranken. Darstellungen sind insbesondere in der Quantenphysik von zentraler Bedeutung, wo physikalische Zustande durch Elemente eines Hilbert-Raumes beschrieben werden. Symmetrien werden bei der Klassifikation der moglichen Zustande eine tragende Rolle spielen. In diesem Kapitel widmen wir uns einer Einfuhrung in die Darstellungstheorie, wobei wir uns zumeist auf endliche Gruppen konzentrieren werden. Zentrale Aussagen lassen sic…

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The polarizability of the pion: no conflict between dispersion theory and chiral perturbation theory

Recent attempts to determine the pion polarizability by dispersion relations yield values that disagree with the predictions of chiral perturbation theory. These dispersion relations are based on specific forms for the absorptive part of the Compton amplitudes. The analytic properties of these forms are examined, and the strong enhancement of intermediate-meson contributions is shown to be connected with spurious singularities. If the basic requirements of dispersion relations are taken into account, the results of dispersion theory and effective field theory are not inconsistent.

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Baryon chiral perturbation theory

We provide a short introduction to the one-nucleon sector of chiral perturbation theory and address the issue of power counting and renormalization. We discuss the infrared regularization and the extended on-mass-shell scheme. Both allow for the inclusion of further degrees of freedom beyond pions and nucleons and the application to higher-loop calculations. As applications we consider the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order ${\cal O}(q^6)$ and the inclusion of vector and axial-vector mesons in the calculation of nucleon form factors. Finally, we address the complex-mass scheme for describing unstable particles in effective field theory.

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Reply to “Comment on ‘Polarizability of the pion: No conflict between dispersion theory and chiral perturbation theory’”

We show that the alleged discrepancies between chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) and dispersion theory, reported for the polarizability of the pion by Fil'kov and Kashevarov [Phys. Rev. C 72, 035211 (2005)], result from applying dispersion theory to nonanalytic functions.

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Grundbegriffe und Beispiele

In diesem Kapitel sollen zunachst einfache Begriffe der Gruppentheorie eingefuhrt und anhand elementarer sowie physikalisch besonders relevanter Beispiele illustriert werden.

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We address the issue of a consistent power counting scheme in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. We discuss the inclusion of vector mesons in the calculation of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. We comment on the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order O(q**6).

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Quantum electrodynamics for vector mesons

Quantum electrodynamics for $\rho$ mesons is considered. It is shown that, at tree level, the value of the gyromagnetic ratio of the $\rho^+$ is fixed to 2 in a self-consistent effective quantum field theory. Further, the mixing parameter of the photon and the neutral vector meson is equal to the ratio of electromagnetic and strong couplings, leading to the mass difference $M_{\rho^0}-M_{\rho^\pm}\sim 1 {\rm MeV}$ at tree order.

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Compton scattering by a pion and off-shell effects

We consider Compton scattering by a pion in the framework of chiral perturbation theory. We investigate off--shell effects in the s-- and u--channel pole diagrams. For that purpose we perform a field transformation which, in comparison with the standard Gasser and Leutwyler Lagrangian, generates additional terms at order $p^4$ proportional to the lowest--order equation of motion. As a result of the equivalence theorem the two Lagrangians predict the same Compton scattering S--matrix even though they generate different off--shell form factors. We conclude that off--shell effects are not only model--dependent but also representation--dependent.

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Virtual Compton Scattering—Generalized Polarizabilities of Nucleons and Pions

Virtual Compton scattering off nucleons and pions at low energies is discussed. Predictions for the generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon are presented within the framework of heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory and the linear sigma model. First results for the generalized polarizabilities of the charged pion in chiral perturbation theory at O(p 4) are shown.

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Pion Photo- and Electroproduction and the Chiral MAID Interface

We discuss the extended on-mass-shell scheme for manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. We present a calculation of pion photo- and electroproduction up to and including order $q^4$. The low-energy constants have been fixed by fitting experimental data in all available reaction channels. Our results can be accessed via a web interface, the so-called chiral MAID (http://www.kph.uni-mainz.de/MAID/chiralmaid/). We explain how our program works and how it can be used for further analysis.

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Chiral perturbation theory: Introduction and recent results in the one-nucleon sector

We provide an introduction to the basic concepts of chiral perturbation theory and discuss some recent developments in the manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of the one-nucleon sector.

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Generalized Polarizabilities and the Chiral Structure of the Nucleon

We are studying the electron scattering process e p to e' p' gamma in order to obtain information on the genuine virtual Compton scattering (VCS) process gamma^* N to gamma N. In addition to the two kinematical variables of real Compton scattering, e.g. the scattering angle theta and the energy omega' of the outgoing photon, the invariant amplitude for VCS depends on a third kinematical variable, which we choose as the absolute value of the three-momentum transfer to the nucleon. The structure-dependent coefficients in the VCS amplitude therefore acquire a momentum dependence and are termed ``generalized polarizabilities'' of the nucleon in analogy to real Compton scattering. Utilizing the …

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Nucleon-to-Delta transition form factors in chiral effective field theory using the complex-mass scheme

We calculate the form factors of the electromagnetic nucleon-to-$\Delta$-resonance transition to third chiral order in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral effective field theory. For the purpose of generating a systematic power counting, the complex-mass scheme is applied in combination with the small-scale expansion. We fit the results to available empirical data.

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Neutral pion production at threshold and low-energy theorems

Abstract Recent experiments of neutral pion photoproduction show a strong discrepancy between experimental data and the predictions of low-energy theorems (LET). The basic ingredients of these theorems are the conservation of the electromagnetic current and the hypothesis of a partially conserved axial current (PCAC). Both, anomalies in the t-channel, and rescattering in a simple R-matrix formalism, lead to small corrections of the order of 10 – 20 %. However, the investigation of the effects of chiral symmetry breaking and isospin symmetry breaking at the quark level in a current algebraic approach leads to substantial contributions of the right order of magnitude.

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Recent developments in effective field theory

We will give a short introduction to the one-nucleon sector of chiral perturbation theory and will address the issue of a consistent power counting and renormalization. We will discuss the infrared regularization and the extended on-mass-shell scheme. Both allow for the inclusion of further degrees of freedom beyond pions and nucleons and the application to higher-loop calculations. As applications we consider the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass to order O(q^6) and the inclusion of vector and axial-vector mesons in the calculation of nucleon form factors.

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Compton scattering off pions and electromagnetic polarizabilities

The electric ($\alpha_\pi$) and magnetic ($\beta_\pi$) Compton polarizabilities of both the charged and the neutral pion are of fundamental interest in the low-energy sector of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Pion polarizabilities affect the shape of the $\gamma\pi\to\gamma\pi$ Compton scattering angular distribution at back scattering angles and $\gamma\gamma\to\pi\pi$ absolute cross sections. Theory derivations are given of the $\gamma\pi\to\gamma\pi$ Compton scattering differential cross section, dispersion relations, and sum rules in terms of the polarizabilities. We review experimental charged and neutral polarizability studies and theoretical predictions. The $\pi^0$ polarizabilities we…

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Thresholdπ0photoproduction in relativistic chiral perturbation theory

We present a calculation of $\pi^0$ photoproduction on the proton in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to and including chiral order $q^4$. With the results we analyze the latest $\pi^0$ photoproduction data in the threshold region obtained at the Mainz Microtron. In the calculation of observables and the fit of the low-energy constants, we take $S$, $P$, and $D$ waves into account. We compare the results for the multipoles with the corresponding single-energy analysis. Furthermore, we also fit the $O(q^4)$ heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory calculation and compare both results. We provide predictions for several polarization observables for future exper…

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Working group on hadron polarizabilities and form factors

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Infrared regularization of baryon chiral perturbation theory reformulated

We formulate the infrared regularization of Becher and Leutwyler in a form analogous to our recently proposed extended on-mass-shell renormalization. In our formulation, IR regularization can be applied straightforwardly to multi-loop diagrams with an arbitrary number of particles with arbitrary masses.

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Interaction Of The Vector-Meson Octet With The Baryon Octet In Effective Field Theory

We analyze the constraint structure of the interaction of vector mesons with baryons using the classical Dirac constraint analysis. We show that the standard interaction in terms of two independent SU(3) structures is consistent at the classical level. We then require the self-consistency condition of the interacting system in terms of perturbative renormalizability to obtain relations for the renormalized coupling constants at the one-loop level. As a result we find a universal interaction with one coupling constant which is the same as in the massive Yang-Mills Lagrangian of the vector-meson sector.

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SU(N) und Quarks

In diesem Kapitel beschaftigen wir uns mit der Darstellungstheorie der Gruppe SU(N). Wir diskutieren zunachst einige empirische Hinweise auf eine Substruktur der Hadronen und tragen vorlaufige Erlauterungen zum Thema Quarks und Gluonen stichwortigartig zusammen Nach einer Reihe mathematischer Vorbemerkungen betrachten wir die Gruppe SU(2) mit Blick auf den Spin und den Isospin leichter Baryonen. Schlieslich behandeln wir im Anschluss an eine ausfuhrliche Diskussion der Gruppe SU(3) die Kopplung von SU(N)-Multipletts mithilfe von Young-Diagrammen.

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Complex-mass scheme and perturbative unitarity

We derive cutting rules for loop integrals containing propagators with complex masses. Using a field-theoretical model of a heavy vector boson interacting with a light fermion, we demonstrate that the complex-mass scheme respects unitarity order by order in a perturbative expansion provided that the renormalized coupling constant remains real.

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Contribution of the $a_1$ meson to the axial nucleon-to-$\Delta$ transition form factors

We analyze the low-$Q^2$ behavior of the axial form factor $G_A(Q^2)$, the induced pseudoscalar form factor $G_P(Q^2)$, and the axial nucleon-to-$\Delta$ transition form factors $C^A_5(Q^2)$ and $C^A_6(Q^2)$. Building on the results of chiral perturbation theory, we first discuss $G_A(Q^2)$ in a chiral effective-Lagrangian model including the $a_1$ meson and determine the relevant coupling parameters from a fit to experimental data. With this information, the form factor $G_P(Q^2)$ can be predicted. For the determination of the transition form factor $C^A_5(Q^2)$ we make use of an SU(6) spin-flavor quark-model relation to fix two coupling constants such that only one free parameter is left.…

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Kontinuierliche Gruppen: Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren

Die zentralen Aussagen des vorigen Kapitels zur Darstellungstheorie haben sich in der Regel auf endliche Gruppen beschrankt. In diesem Kapitel werden wir uns mit kontinuierlichen Gruppen beschaftigen und das Konzept der Lie-Gruppe kennenlernen. Mithilfe des Verfahrens der invarianten Integration werden wir sehen, dass zahlreiche Ergebnisse zu den endlichdimensionalen Darstellungen im Falle kompakter Lie-Gruppen weiterhin Gultigkeit besitzen. Als Nachstes gehen wir auf den Begriff der Lie-Algebra ein. Schlieslich werden wir einige wichtige Resultate zur Verbindung zwischen Lie-Algebren und Lie-Gruppen zusammenstellen.

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Ostrogradsky's Hamilton formalism and quantum corrections

By means of a simple scalar field theory it is demonstrated that the Lagrange formalism and Ostrogradsky's Hamilton formalism in the presence of higher derivatives, in general, do not lead to the same results. While the two approaches are equivalent at the classical level, differences appear due to the quantum corrections.

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Complex-mass renormalization in chiral effective field theory

We consider a low-energy effective field theory of vector mesons and Goldstone bosons using the complex-mass renormalization. As an application we calculate the mass and the width of the $\rho$ meson.

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$\eta$-$\eta'$ mixing in large-$N_c$ chiral perturbation theory: discussion, phenomenology, and prospects

A systematic study of the $\eta$-$\eta'$ mixing in Large-$N_c$ chiral perturbation theory is presented with special emphasis on the role of the next-to-next-to-leading-order contributions in the combined momentum, quark-mass, and $1/N_c$ expansions. At this order, loop corrections as well as OZI-rule-violating pieces need to be included. Mixing angles as well as pseudoscalar decay constants are discussed within this framework. The results are compared with recent phenomenological approaches.

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Universality of the rho-meson coupling in effective field theory

It is shown that both the universal coupling of the rho-meson and the Kawarabayashi-Suzuki-Riadzuddin-Fayyazuddin expression for the magnitude of its coupling constant follow from the requirement that chiral perturbation theory of pions, nucleons, and rho-mesons is a consistent effective field theory. The prerequisite of the derivation is that all ultraviolet divergences can be absorbed in the redefinition of fields and the available parameters of the most general effective Lagrangian.

research product

Generalized polarizabilities of the pion in chiral perturbation theory

We present a calculation of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude for $\gamma^\ast+\pi\to \gamma+\pi$ in the framework of chiral perturbation theory at ${\cal O}(p^4)$. We explicitly derive expressions for generalized electromagnetic polarizabilities and discuss alternative definitions of these quantities.

research product

Spontan gebrochene Symmetrien

Bisher haben wir uns auf eine Diskussion globaler und lokaler Symmetrien von Lagrange-Dichten bzw. Hamilton-Operatoren beschrankt. Quantenfeldtheorien auf dem Minkowski-Raum sind Systeme mit einer (uberabzahlbar) unendlichen Anzahl von Freiheitsgraden. Solche Systeme konnen interessante, neuartige Phanomene hervorbringen, mit denen wir uns im Folgenden auseinandersetzen werden. Ganz konkret geht es um das Konzept der spontanen Symmetriebrechung: Eine (kontinuierliche) Symmetrie heist spontan gebrochen oder verborgen, wenn der Grundzustand des Systems nicht invariant unter der vollen Symmetriegruppe des Hamilton-Operators ist. In diesem Zusammenhang werden uns deshalb zwei Arten von Symmetri…

research product

Pion electroproduction, partially conserved axial-vector current, chiral Ward identities, and the axial form factor revisited

We reinvestigate Adler's partially conserved axial-vector current relation in the presence of an external electromagnetic field within the framework of QCD coupled to external fields. We discuss pion electroproduction within a tree-level approximation to chiral perturbation theory and explicitly verify a chiral Ward identity referred to as the Adler-Gilman relation. We critically examine soft-momentum techniques and point out how inadmissable approximations may lead to results incompatible with chiral symmetry. As a result we confirm that threshold pion electroproduction is indeed a tool to obtain information on the axial form factor of the nucleon.

research product

Magnetic moment of the Roper resonance

The magnetic moment of the Roper resonance is calculated in the framework of a low-energy effective field theory of the strong interactions. A systematic power-counting procedure is implemented by applying the complex-mass scheme.

research product

Muon capture by a proton in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory

The matrix element for muon capture by a proton is calculated to O(p^3) within heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory using the new O(p^3) Lagrangian of Ecker and Mojzis. External nucleon fields are renormalized using the appropriate definition of the wave function renormalization factor Z_N. Our expression for Z_N differs somewhat from that found in existing literature, but is the one which is consistent with the Lagrangian we use and the one which ensures, within our approach, the nonrenormalization of the vector coupling as required by the conserved vector current. Expressions for the standard muon capture form factors are derived and compared to experimental data and we determine three…

research product

Pion photo- and electroproduction in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory and the chiral MAID interface

We present a calculation of pion photo- and electroproduction in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to and including order ${q}^{4}$. We fix the low-energy constants by fitting experimental data in all available reaction channels. Our results can be accessed via a Web interface, the so-called chiral MAID. We explain how our program works and how it can be used for further analysis.

research product

Virtual Compton Scattering off Spin-Zero Particles at Low Energies

We discuss the low-energy behavior of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude off a spin-zero target. We first compare various methods of obtaining a low-energy expression based either on the soft-photon approximation or the use of Ward-Takahashi identities. We point out that structure-dependent terms are defined with respect to a low-energy approximation of the pole terms which commonly is separated from the full amplitude. We derive a general expression for the structure-dependent terms in an expansion in terms of the momenta $k_1$ and $k_2$ of the initial and final virtual photon, respectively, up to and including terms of order ${\cal O}(k^4)$. At order ${\cal O}(k^2)$ two terms appear…

research product