Elisa Tripoli

Antioxidant effectiveness of sicilian red wines in comparison with french red wines.

research product

Effects of phenols of extra virgin olive oil on HL60 cell lines sensitive and reristant to anthracyclines

research product


research product

Flavonoids as bioactive components of food: Influence of the 7–o–glycosilation on antioxidant activity of flavanones

research product

Study on the polyphenolic contents in oils from olea europea (var. nocellara del Belice, Sicily) plants: comparison between traditional and organic cultivation

research product

Acidi grassi e composti antiossidanti degli oli extravergine D. O. P. Siciliani e la prevenzione delle patologie cardiovascolari

research product

Antioxidant capacity and total phenolics of Sicilian wines from different varieties and vintage year

research product

Relationship between diet in the first year of life, social factors and body weight in preadolescent schoolchildren in Palermo

research product

Comparison between mediterranean extra–virgin olive oils

research product

Nutritional counselling in overweight and obese children of some schools from Palermo.

research product

Extra-virgin olive oils of the Mediterranean basin: Nocellara del Belice, (Sicily) and Koroneiki (Crete)

research product

Nutritional properties of red wine: composition of anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols of different Sicilian varieties

research product

"Prevention of atherosclerosis: dietary habits and nutritional education in schoolchildren."

research product

Prevention of atherosclerosis: dietary habitus and nutritional education in schoolchildren

research product

Induction of differentiation by phenols crude extract of extravirgin olive oil on tumor cell lines sensitive and resistatnt to antitumor agents

research product

The phenolic compound of olive oil and human health

research product

Effects of extra virgin olive oil phenols on HL60 cell lines sensitive and resistant to anthracyclines

research product

Risk factors for eating disorders and correlation with the body mass index, in preadolescent girls from some schools of Palermo

research product

Polyphenols, tocopherols and fatty acids of extra virgin olive oils D.O.P. in Sicily

research product

Antioxidant capacity as an index to charaterise wine nutraceutic properties: a study on Sicilian red wines

research product

Polifenoli del vino come agenti protettivi contro l’aterogenesi: correlazione tra contenuto polifenolico e capacità antiossidante di vini siciliani

research product

Preliminary study on food habitus and consumpitions in adult subjects attendine general medicine outpatientients

research product

Squalene, α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol concentration during ripening phase in olive oil pulp

research product


research product

Preadolescent obesity in schoolchildren from Palermo: analysis of some correlated factors

research product

The phenolic compounds of olive oil: structure, biological activity and beneficial effects on human health

AbstractThe Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, cereals, fruit, fish, milk, wine and olive oil and has salutary biological functions. Epidemiological studies have shown a lower incidence of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and certain kinds of cancer in the Mediterranean area. Olive oil is the main source of fat, and the Mediterranean diet's healthy effects can in particular be attributed not only to the high relationship between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in olive oil but also to the antioxidant property of its phenolic compounds. The main phenolic compounds, hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, which give extra-virgin olive oil its bitter, pungent taste, have powerful a…

research product

Chemical and nutritional properties of Sicilian P.O.D. extravirgin olive oils.

research product

The phenolic compounds of olive oil and human health

research product

Flavanones in Citrus fruit: structure-antioxidant activity relationships

Epidemiological surveys have shown an inverse relationship between the intake of fruit and the incidence of coronary heart disease and some type of cancer. Data found in the literature regarding the flavonoids in general while this study focuses on flavanones, a subclass of flavonoids which occurs in Citrus fruit. The aim of this work is to elucidate the antioxidant or pro-oxidant behaviours of some common flavanones and to determine their activity–structure relationships as antioxidant using the crocin bleaching inhibition assay. The compounds studied were regarding both the aglycon form and the glycoside form. Data evidence that the substitution of the 7th OH group of the flavanones by a …

research product

Nutritional counselling in overweight and obese children of some school from Palermo

research product

Influence of Oak wood contact on nutraceutical properties of a model wine

research product


research product

Behaviour of different nutritional parameters, in extra virgin olive oil, during the ripening phase

research product

capacity and total phenolics of sicilian wines from different varieties and vintage year

research product

Effect of extra virgin olive oli phenols on HL60 cell lines sensitive and resistant to anthracyclines

research product

Citrus flavonoids: Molecular structure, biological activity and nutritional properties: A review

Abstract Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse relationship between dietary flavonoid intakes and cardiovascular diseases. Citrus fruits are the main winter fruits consumed in the Mediterranean diet, so they are the main source of dietary flavonoids. The possible beneficial effects are due, not only to the high amounts of vitamins and minerals, but also to the antioxidant properties of their flavonoids. Dietary flavonoids may help to supplement the body antioxidant defences against free radicals. These compounds’ possible beneficial effects are due to their antioxidant activity, which is related to the development of atherosclerosis and cancer, and to anti-inflammatory and antimicro…

research product

Effects of extra virgin olive oil phenols on HL60 cell lines sensitive and resistant to anthracyclines

The aim of our study was to evaluate the capability of a crude extract of phenols from extra virgin olive oil of Moraiolo cultivar to induce apoptosis and/or differentiation in sensitive and resistant HL60 cell lines to anticancer drugs (Typical Multidrug Resistance). Our data highlight that the crude extract is able to induce apoptosis on both sensitive and resistant cells, whereas the exposure to a number of anticancer drugs does not induce apoptosis in resistant cells. In differentiation experiments we investigated the capability of crude extract of phenols to induce the expression of CD11 granulocytic or CD14 monocytic cell surface antigen in sensitive and resistant HL60 cell lines. At …

research product