Mathias Weber

Gemeinschaftliche Einbindung als Mittler zwischen Inhalt und Rezeption

Im vorangegangenen Grundlagenkapitel wurde herausgestellt, dass Menschen zwei Moglichkeiten haben, Medieninhalte in ihre Gruppeninterkation einzubinden: Sie konnen Medieninhalte gemeinsam nutzen oder sich in Anschlusskommunikation uber diese austauschen. Dabei ist die Kernfragestellung der vorliegenden Arbeit, welche Konsequenzen beide Formen gemeinschaftlicher Einbindung fur die Auswahl, Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung narrativer audiovisueller Medieninhalte durch Jugendliche haben – besonders vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit Identitat.

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Freundeskreis und Medienrezeption in der Adoleszenz

Aus der kommunikations- und medienwissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Einflussen sozialer Gruppen auf die Medienrezeption konnen zwei Kernerkenntnisse kondensiert werden: Zum einen lasst sich die Rezeption von Medieninhalten nur als ein dynamisches Zusammenspiel von individuellem Denken, Fuhlen und Wollen mit den situativen und ubersituativen sozialen Bedingungen begreifen, in die das Individuum eingebunden ist. Zum anderen, und als unmittelbare Konsequenz, sind Medienrezeptionsprozesse spezifisch fur die individuelle Entwicklungssituation des Rezipienten, mit den sich hieraus ergebenden alltagsweltlichen Themen und Problemstellungen, sowie spezifisch fur die sozialen Gruppen, die…

research product

AFS: identification and quantification of species composition by metagenomic sequencing

Abstract Summary DNA-based methods to detect and quantify taxon composition in biological materials are often based on species-specific polymerase chain reaction, limited to detecting species targeted by the assay. Next-generation sequencing overcomes this drawback by untargeted shotgun sequencing of whole metagenomes at affordable cost. Here we present AFS, a software pipeline for quantification of species composition in food. AFS uses metagenomic shotgun sequencing and sequence read counting to infer species proportions. Using Illumina data from a reference sausage comprising four species, we reveal that AFS is independent of the sequencing assay and library preparation protocol. Cost-sav…

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Is It Really That Funny? Laughter, Emotional Contagion, and Heuristic Processing During Shared Media Use

ABSTRACTWhen people use humorous media content, their behavior and assessments of the content may depend on the emotional expressions (e.g., laughter) of those around them. In a laboratory experiment in which 80 participants watched a movie clip with a confederate who either laughed or remained silent, we identified two parallel processes. The confederate’s laughter induced behavioral responses in our participants (laughing or smiling). Through those responses, a corresponding appraisal of the media content was generated: The content was rated funnier in comparison to situations in which the confederate did not laugh. This effect corresponds to emotional contagion processes and was especial…

research product

All-Food-Seq (AFS) : a quantifiable screen for species in biological samples by deep DNA sequencing

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Insights Into Aspects Behind Internet-Related Disorders in Adolescents: The Interplay of Personality and Symptoms of Adjustment Disorders

Abstract Purpose Problematic Internet use (PIU) that has recently been referred to as Internet-related disorder is a growing health concern. Yet, it is unclear why some adolescents are developing problematic use, whereas others sustain control. Based on previous research, we hypothesize that personality traits (low conscientiousness and high neuroticism) act as predispositions for PIU. We further hypothesize that PIU can be understood as a maladaptive reaction toward critical life events and that these maladaptive reactions are exacerbated by dysfunctional personality traits. Methods The study investigates the prevalence of distinct subtypes of PIU among a sample of adolescents (n = 1,489; …

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SDS-facilitated in vitro formation of a transmembrane B-type cytochrome is mediated by changes in local pH.

Abstract The folding and stabilization of α-helical transmembrane proteins are still not well understood. Following cofactor binding to a membrane protein provides a convenient method to monitor the formation of appropriate native structures. We have analyzed the assembly and stability of the transmembrane cytochrome b 559 ′, which can be efficiently assembled in vitro from a heme-binding PsbF homo-dimer by combining free heme with the apo-cytochrome b 559 ′. Unfolding of the protein dissolved in the mild detergent dodecyl maltoside may be induced by addition of SDS, which at high concentrations leads to dimer dissociation. Surprisingly, absorption spectroscopy reveals that heme binding and…

research product

Phylogenetic analyses of endoparasitic Acanthocephala based on mitochondrial genomes suggest secondary loss of sensory organs

The metazoan taxon Syndermata (Monogononta, Bdelloidea, Seisonidea, Acanthocephala) comprises species with vastly different lifestyles. The focus of this study is on the phylogeny within the syndermatan subtaxon Acanthocephala (thorny-headed worms, obligate endoparasites). In order to investigate the controversially discussed phylogenetic relationships of acanthocephalan subtaxa we have sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of Echinorhynchus truttae (Palaeacanthocephala), Paratenuisentis ambiguus (Eoacanthocephala), Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Archiacanthocephala), and Philodina citrina (Bdelloidea). In doing so, we present the largest molecular phylogenetic dataset so far for this…

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Outfit oder Output?

Nicht nur bei der Prasentation gros angelegter Forschungsprojekte stehen Hochschullehrerinnen und -lehrer verstarkt im Fokus der Offentlichkeit und des interessierten Fachpublikums. Gerade vor dem Hintergrund des zunehmenden Evaluierungsdrucks in der Lehre mussen sie sich auch regelmasig der kritischen Beurteilung durch die Studierenden stellen. Der Ruf, den die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler bei Studierenden geniesen, konnte dabei masgeblich sowohl von ihrer wissenschaftlichen Reputation als auch von ihrem auseren Auftreten abhangen. In einem Fragebogenexperiment mit 154 Studierenden verschiedener Fachbereiche geht die vorliegende Studie am Beispiel der Merkmale „Kleidungsstil“ u…

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The dynamics of online news discussions: effects of news articles and reader comments on users’ involvement, willingness to participate, and the civility of their contributions

ABSTRACTThis study investigates when and why news website visitors write civil or uncivil comments in response to news articles or related user comments. In an experiment, we manipulated the news value of news articles and the presence of ‘deliberative’ or ‘detrimental’ elements of comments to compare their impact on participants’ involvement, willingness to comment, and the comments they posted. News factors and comment characteristics increased participants’ willingness to comment via cognitive and affective involvement. Cognitive involvement made it less likely and affective involvement more likely that participants wrote uncivil comments. Additionally, involvement with previous comments…

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Mobile (Self-)Socialization: The Role of Mobile Media and Communication in Autonomy and Relationship Development in Adolescence

Two of the most important developmental tasks in adolescence are developing autonomy and establishing relationships (i.e., friendships and romantic relationships). Self-socialization processes are ...

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Modelle der gemeinsamen Nutzung und Anschlusskommunikation

Die Ergebnisse der qualitativen Studie lassen sich in den bisherigen Stand theoretischer Annahmen und empirischer Erkenntnisse zur gemeinschaftlichen Einbindung von Medieninhalten in die Interaktion Jugendlicher Freundeskreise gut integrieren. So bestatigt sich nicht nur, dass Anschlusskommunikation und gemeinsame Mediennutzung ubliche Bestandteile der alltaglichen Interaktion und des Freizeitrepertoires Jugendlicher sind (vgl. Kapitel I-5.1). Es zeigt sich auch, dass Jugendliche ihre Gesprache und ihre gemeinsame Nutzung auf solche Medienangebote fokussieren, die in ihren Augen die sozialen Rollen reprasentieren, deren Ausdifferenzierung elementarer Bestandteil der Identitatsarbeit Jugendl…

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Zwischenresümee und -diskussion

Vor dem Hintergrund dieser kritischen Wurdigung der methodischen Vorgehensweise lassen sich die Ergebnisse wie folgt resumieren: Narrative audiovisuelle Medieninhalte gemeinsam mit Freunden zu nutzen und zu besprechen ist fur die Mehrheit der Jugendlichen integraler Bestandteil ihrer alltaglichen Interaktion und Freizeitgestaltung. Das zeigt sich nicht nur an der Haufigkeit, mit der die Befragten bspw.

research product

In vivo molecular and morphological imaging by real time confocal mini-microscopy

We evaluated a newly developed miniaturized confocal laser microscopy probe for real-time in vivo molecular and morphological imaging of normal, inflammatory, and malignant tissue in rodents. In the rigid mini-microscopy probe (diameter 7 mm), a single line laser delivers an excitation wavelength of 488 nm. Optical slice thickness is 7 μm, lateral resolution 0.7 μm. The range of the z-axis is 0 - 250 μm below the tissue surface. Organ systems were examined in vivo in rodent models of human diseases. FITC-labeled Lycopersion esculentum lectin was injected or selected cell populations stained for molecular targeting. Morphological imaging was performed using fluorescein sodium, FITC-labeled d…

research product

Example, please! Comparing the effects of single customer reviews and aggregate review scores on online shoppers' product evaluations

Many websites of online retail stores display two forms of electronic word of mouth on a single product site, namely single customer reviews and aggregate review scores. This study compares the effects of simultaneously presented single customer reviews and aggregate review scores on product evaluations of visitors of online retail stores. We hypothesize that well-argued single customer reviews should be more influential than aggregate review scores that display the mean rating of all published reviews of a product. Drawing on a 2 × 2 factorial online experiment, we show that a single customer review is effective, even when potential buyers do not perceive it as representing overall custome…

research product

Online Hate Does Not Stay Online – How Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Mediate the Effect of Civil Negativity and Hate in User Comments on Prosocial Behavior

Abstract Incivility and hateful language in user comments are met with growing concern among politicians, the general public, and scholars. There are fears that such comments may decrease social cohesion and ultimately result in less prosocial behavior among citizens. We investigate whether hate, or even civil negativity in user comments alone, inhibit actual prosocial behavior through recipients’ explicit and implicit attitudes. In an online experiment, 253 participants read user comments (neutral, civil-negative, hateful) about refugees and received five Euros which they could donate for a refugee aid organization or keep for themselves. The results show that participants confronted with …

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I Want a Savior, Not a Victim. The Impact of Media Representations of the EU and Economic Shocks on Citizens’ Supportive Attitudes on the European Integration

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A Ser residue influences the structure and stability of a Pro-kinked transmembrane helix dimer

AbstractWhen localized adjacent to a Pro-kink, Thr and Ser residues can form hydrogen bonds between their polar hydroxyl group and a backbone carbonyl oxygen and thereby modulate the actual bending angle of a distorted transmembrane α-helix. We have used the homo-dimeric transmembrane cytochrome b559′ to analyze the potential role of a highly conserved Ser residue for assembly and stabilization of transmembrane proteins. Mutation of the conserved Ser residue to Ala resulted in altered heme binding properties and in increased stability of the holo-protein, most likely by tolerating subtle structural rearrangements upon heme binding. The results suggest a crucial impact of an intrahelical Ser…

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Biocompatibility of alginates for grafting: impact of alginate molecular weight.

Optimising microencapsulation technology towards the effective clinical transplantation has created the need for highly biocompatible alginates. Therefore, in this study the biocompatibility of different beads prepared from alginates with varying average molecular weight was examined. In some experiments the beads were covered with a multilayer membrane surrounded by an alginate layer. First of all, we found that beads made of a lower weight average alginate elicted a much stronger fibrotic response compared to beads made of a higher weight average alginate (LV-alginate > MV-alginate). The results were confirmed by the observation that the extent of tissue fibrosis was significantly increas…

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Blaming the Victim: The Effects of Extraversion and Information Disclosure on Guilt Attributions in Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying victims' success in coping with bullying largely depends on schoolmates and other bystanders' social support. However, factors influencing the degree of social support have as yet not been investigated. In this article, the concept of victim blaming is applied to cyberbullying incidents. It is assumed that a cyberbullying victim receives less social support when the victim's behavior is perceived as very overt. It is further assumed that this effect's underlying process is the partial attribution of responsibility for the incident to the victim and not to the bully. The hypotheses are tested with a 2×2 online experiment. In this experiment, varying online self-presentations of…

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Why Should I Help You? Man Up! Bystanders’ Gender Stereotypic Perceptions of a Cyberbullying Incident

ABSTRACTBystanders observing a cyberbullying incident do not always intervene in favor of the victim. We argue that gender stereotypic perceptions of female versus male victims contribute to the differential reactions of bystanders to cyberbullying incidents. Results of a scenario-based experiment show that participants with moderate or high levels of sexist attitudes are more empathic toward a female victim of workplace cyberbullying. Consequently, a female victim is more likely to receive help. Female victims are less likely to be attributed blame if the perpetrator is male. The results imply that male victims of cyberbullying are marginalized by their social environment.

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Frame Competition After Key Events: A Longitudinal Study of Media Framing of Economic Policy After the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy 2008–2009

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Die Berichterstattung zu staatlichen Eingriffen im Kontext der Wirtschaftskrise

Ziel dieses Kapitels ist es, einen ersten Eindruck von der Berichterstattung uber staatliche Eingriffe im Kontext der Wirtschaftskrise zu vermitteln. Hier wird insbesondere nachvollzogen, welche Aufmerksamkeit die untersuchten Medien staatlichen Interventionsmasnahmen schenkten und wie sich die Entwicklung der Berichterstattung uber das erste Krisenjahr hin erklaren lasst.

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Grundlegende Begriffe und Konzepte

Bevor der relevante Stand an Theorie und empirischer Forschung aufgearbeitet wird, ist eine Klarung der zentralen Begriffe vonnoten. Zunachst wird ein begriffliches Verstandnis „narrativer audiovisueller Medieninhalte“ entworfen, bevor die Adoleszenz als fachsprachliches Pendant zur „Jugend“ definiert und in ihren Merkmalen als Periode des menschlichen Lebenslaufs erlautert wird. Ein weiteres Teilkapitel gilt der Aufarbeitung der „Peergroup“, also des Freundeskreises Jugendlicher in seinen fur die Fragestellung relevanten Eigenschaften.

research product

In Vivo Molecular Imaging of Somatostatin Receptors in Pancreatic Islet Cells and Neuroendocrine Tumors by Miniaturized Confocal Laser-Scanning Fluorescence Microscopy

The aim of the study was to evaluate real time in vivo molecular imaging of somatostatin receptors (sstrs) using a handheld miniaturized confocal laser scan microscope (CLM) in conjunction with fluorescein-labeled octreotate (OcF) in healthy mice and murine models of neuroendocrine tumors. For CLM a small rigid probe (diameter 7 mm) with an integrated single line laser (488 nm) was used (optical slice thickness 7 μm; lateral resolution 0.7 μm). OcF was synthesized via Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis and purified by HPLC showing high-affinity binding to the sstr2 (IC50 6.2 nmol). For in vitro evaluation, rat and human pancreatic cancer cells were used and characterized with respect to its…

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Six amino acids define a minimal dimerization sequence and stabilize a transmembrane helix dimer by close packing and hydrogen bonding

AbstractDistinct amino acid sequences have been described to mediate oligomerization of transmembrane α-helices. However, as the sequence context is crucial to determine specificity in transmembrane helix–helix interaction, the question arises how small a sequence can be without losing specificity. In the present analysis, six amino acids have been identified in the PsbF transmembrane helix dimer, which form the contact region of two interacting helices and are directly involved in helix–helix interactions. However, individual amino acids within the complex sequence pattern only together ensure sequence specificity of the analyzed transmembrane helix–helix interactions by mediating close pa…

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Between Usefulness and Legitimacy

We argue that during the financial crisis, economic news served as a dominant source of information for the public and as an influential factor in legitimating economic policy. We analyze (1) how German news broadcasts treated governmental intervention during the crisis and (2) selected effects on public opinion. Drawing on results from a content analysis of television news broadcasts ( n = 980), we show that governmental intervention was covered substantially, focusing on fiscal measures. To investigate possible effects of the news coverage, we conducted an online experiment with subjects differing in their degree of involvement with the consequences of the crisis ( n = 293). A news artic…

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Synthese: Gemeinschaftliche Rezeptionspraktiken im Freundeskreis

Medieninhalte und Freunde spielen in der Adoleszenz sehr unterschiedliche Rollen fur die Bearbeitung identitatsbezogener Entwicklungsaufgaben, die sich jedoch in auffalliger Weise erganzen. Medieninhalte bieten zunachst einen Fundus an Identitatsentwurfen, der wesentlich vielfaltiger ist als das, was das unmittelbare soziale Umfeld in Form von Familie und Freundeskreis Jugendlichen an Modellen fur ihre Identitatsentwicklung zur Verfugung stellen kann (vgl. Schorb 2009, S. 84, Kapitel 4.4).

research product

6-18F-Fluoro-l-Dihydroxyphenylalanine Positron Emission Tomography Is Superior to123I-Metaiodobenzyl-Guanidine Scintigraphy in the Detection of Extraadrenal and Hereditary Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas: Correlation with Vesicular Monoamine Transporter Expression

Context: Pheochromocytomas (PHEOs) and paragangliomas (PGLs) may be better detected by 18F-fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine-positron emission tomography (FDOPA-PET) than 123I-metaiodobenzyl-guanidine (123-I-MIBG) scintigraphy. Objective: The objective of the study was to correlate functional imaging results with immunohistochemical, molecular-genetic, and biochemical findings. Design and Setting: Thirty consecutive patients with suspected PHEO/PGL presenting at a tertiary referral centre were investigated in a prospective study. Patients: Twenty-five patients had confirmed PHEO/PGL. Thirteen of 25 patients had a hereditary PHEO/PGL syndrome (two multiple endocrine neoplasia II, six succinate de…

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Gewinner und Verlierer der Krise

Die bisherigen Kapitel haben sich im Schwerpunkt mit den grundlegenden thematischen und zeitlichen Strukturen der Berichterstattung zu staatlichen Eingriffen auseinandergesetzt.

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That Man Behind the Curtain: Investigating the Sexual Online Dating Behavior of Men Who Have Sex With Men but Hide Their Same-Sex Sexual Attraction in Offline Surroundings

This study investigates how men who have sex with men (MSM) use chat and dating sites based on theories of stigma-related offline behavior and online self-disclosure. We hypothesize that hidden MSM (those who self-label as heterosexual or who hide their same-sex sexual attraction from family, friends, acquaintances, or a female romantic partner) differ from open MSM in how they behave on gay chat and dating sites and in offline gay venues. Drawing on a survey of 12,002 MSM, we show that hidden MSM tend to mask their identity on gay chat and dating sites while avoiding offline gay venues. They also focus more strongly on online sexual activities (e.g., masturbating during online chats) when …

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Staatliche Gegenmaßnahmen und ihre Bewertung in Medien und Bevölkerung

Im vorangegangenen Kapitel ging es darum, die grundlegende Struktur der Berichterstattung uber staatliche Eingriffe und insbesondere ihre zeitliche Dynamik herauszuarbeiten.

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