Carla Ruiz
Key Drivers of Mobile Commerce Adoption. An Exploratory Study of Spanish Mobile Users
Despite dramatic differences between non-store shoppers were discovered, very limited research has been conducted to examine them. This paper analyses the background of M-commerce and key drivers of future Mcommerce decision among Spanish mobile users. Our objective is two-fold: (1) to determine the influence of relations with the Mobile (frequency of Mobile use, length of Mobile use and Mobile affinity), demographics, non-store shopping previous experience (mail, catalogue, Television and Internet) and attitude to M-commerce and its influence on the M-commerce decision and (2) to identify key drivers of future M-commerce intention. We examined data from 606 personal interviews given to Spa…
Are customer star ratings and sentiments aligned? A deep learning study of the customer service experience in tourism destinations
AbstractThis study explores the consistency between star ratings and sentiments expressed in online reviews and how they relate to the different components of the customer experience. We combine deep learning applied to natural language processing, machine learning and artificial neural networks to identify how the positive and negative components of 20,954 online reviews posted on TripAdvisor about tourism attractions in Venice impact on their overall polarity and star ratings. Our findings showed that sentiment valence is aligned with star ratings. A cancel-out effect operates between the positive and negative sentiments linked to the service experience dimensions in mixed-neutral reviews.
In this study, we outline the different steps and strategies followed to develop an online formation program aimed to higher education teachers. The aim of this program is to provide with teaching competencies to face the challenges of the next decade’s classroom, with a special focus on the role of digital technology in learning environments, through a combination of a self-managed course with a guided on-site training with real cases. A multicultural, multidisciplinary team conceives this blended learning format, which applies a storytelling approach for content generation and communication. A detailed description of the different factors and stages followed to undertake the project is pr…
Pictorial content, sequence of conflicting online reviews and consumer decision-making: the stimulus-organism-response model revisited
Abstract Conflicting online reviews challenge the consumer’s decision-making processes. Furthermore, increase in visual content, both positive and negative, adds complexity. This study analyses conflicting online reviews based on text and photos using automatic processing patterns and conscious perceptions. The study is built on the stimulus-organism-response model revisited by Jacoby (2002), and captures nonlinear eye-tracking data and a questionnaire. A fsQCA analysis suggests that the order of the positive and negative stimuli strongly influence the way respondents perceive the overall meaning of a sequence of online reviews, supporting primacy-recency effects. In addition, the visualiza…
Conceptos, dimensiones y antecedentes de la confianza en los entornos virtuales
A pesar de la importancia de la generacion de confianza para los gestores de marketing, estudios previos han detectado dificultades para conceptualizar el termino. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo revisar la literatura en torno al tema con el fin de identificar las contribuciones esenciales sobre el concepto, las dimensiones y los antecedentes de la confianza, proporcionando asi un marco de referencia para futuras investigaciones. Primero se examina la bibliografia relativa al concepto de confianza desde diversas disciplinas. Despues, se analizan las dimensiones de la confianza y sus antecedentes. Mas adelante se centra la atencion en el tratamiento de la confianza en las relaciones …
New Technologies and Purchase Behaviour. An Analysis of the Determinant Variables in M-Shopping.
Despite of the growing importance of mobile shopping in a lot of countries, there is still a lack of research work in this field. This paper aims to make an approximation of the M-shopper profile and identify the variables influencing purchase behaviour. Findings obtained from a representative sample of 2,343 Spanish Internet users show that the M-shopping decision can be predicted according to consumer age and experience as Internet user and shopper.
What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations
Los destinos turísticos se ven cada vez más afectados por la información relacionada con los viajes que se comparte a través de las redes sociales. Basándose en teorías de proceso dual sobre cómo los individuos procesan la información, este estudio examina el papel de las rutas de procesamiento de información central y periférica en la formación de las percepciones de los consumidores sobre la utilidad de las reseñas en línea de destinos maduros. Llevamos a cabo un proceso de dos pasos para abordar la utilidad percibida del contenido generado por el usuario, un análisis de sentimiento utilizando técnicas avanzadas de aprendizaje automático (aprendizaje profundo) y un análisis de regresión. …
Brand love is all around: loyalty behaviour, active and passive social media users
This study posits that the satisfaction derived from a visit to a theme park triggers positive emotions which, in turn, impact on revisit intention, word-of-mouth (WOM) and electronic WOM (eWOM), t...
How online advertising competes with user-generated content in TripAdvisor. A neuroscientific approach
Drawing on cognitive load theory, congruence research, and dual processing models, the purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of online advertising in social media. To this end, three separate studies were conducted. First, using eye-tracking and electroencephalography, we examine the differences, based on whether or not an ad is embedded, in subjects’ visual attention and engagement in a TripAdvisor webpage. Our findings showed that synergies between social media content and advertising content positively affect users’ visual attention. A second study, using an online survey, assessed the impact of congruent/incongruent ads on ad recall. A third study, using ey…
Do You See What I See? Effectiveness of 360-Degree vs. 2D Video Ads Using a Neuroscience Approach
[EN] This study compares cognitive and emotional responses to 360-degree vs. static (2D) videos in terms of visual attention, brand recognition, engagement of the prefrontal cortex, and emotions. Hypotheses are proposed based on the interactivity literature, cognitive overload, advertising response model and motivation, opportunity, and ability theoretical frameworks, and tested using neurophysiological tools: electroencephalography, eye-tracking, electrodermal activity, and facial coding. The results revealed that gaze view depends on ad content, visual attention paid being lower in 360-degree FMCG ads than in 2D ads. Brand logo recognition is lower in 360-degree ads than in 2D video ads. …
Destination appeal through digitalized comments
Abstract Brand choice remains under review in the context of service provision. Drawing on schema theory and persuasion theory, this study tests how, in online reviews, valence (positive vs. negative), content style (general vs. specific), and destination familiarity interact and influence digital destination image (DDI) and intention to visit a tourist destination (TD). We run a 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design using a sample of 1055 TripAdvisor users. Our findings suggest that: (i) Positive (vs. negative) online reviews, specific (vs. general) online reviews, and familiarity with a destination enhance DDI and intention to visit a TD; (ii) the impact of the valence of the review on DDI and in…
Why Some Internet Users Don’t Buy Air Tickets Online
This work attempts to identify the determinant variables that make some Internet users not to buy airline tickets online. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) have been used as the conceptual reference framework, with the addition of the influence of perceived risk and trust. The results of the empirical study of Internet users who never have purchased an airline ticket online suggest that both subjective norm and attitude have a direct influence on airline ticket purchase intention. Ease of use has also proved to be a significant variable, because it has an indirect influence on behaviour through perceived usefulness, trust and risk. Risk, trust a…
The role of travel motivations and social media use in consumer interactive behaviour: a uses and gratifications perspective
This paper explores the influence of travel motivations and the gratification provided by social media in consumer stickiness to social media, intention to create user-generated content, and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) review adoption. The study follows a mixed-methods approach. First, a concept mapping study was undertaken to identify the main travel motivations and the gratifications provided by social media when consumers search for information on tourism destinations. A second study using structural equation modelling and SmartPLS 3.2.7 with a sample of 401 heavy users of social media showed the relationships between individual travel motivations and gratifications provided by socia…
Determinants of customer retention in virtual environments. The role of perceived risk in a tourism services context
Abstract The aim of this paper is to determine whether perceived risk moderates the antecedents of customer retention in online travel purchasing or, whether, on the contrary, those antecedents explain predisposition to repeat purchase from a website, whatever the level of risk. The impact of perceived risk as a moderator of the influence of website reputation, consumer trust in the site and user satisfaction with the shopping experience on repurchase intention was tested through structural equation modelling techniques and multigroup analysis on a sample of 455 Internet purchasers of tourist accommodation. Data analysis confirms the role of satisfaction and website reputation as builders o…
Impact of cause‐related marketing on consumer advocacy and cause participation: A causal model based on self‐reports and eye‐tracking measures
Key Drivers of Customer Loyalty to Web 2.0 Accommodation Services: An Abstract
Online travel communities are regarded as a key communication channel for web-based marketing in the travel industry (Bilgihan et al. 2016; Filieri 2015). The aim of this paper is to gain insight on key drivers of customer loyalty to websites selling accommodation services in online travel communities. We go beyond satisfaction, taking into account emotions and social influences. This paper intends to make three contributions. Firstly, it develops a conceptual model of the relationships between emotion factors and their direct (satisfaction) and indirect (trust, attitude and loyalty) outcome variables. Secondly, although the linear relationship between satisfaction, trust and loyalty seems …
The Virtual Classroom is the main tool for blended learning, since it allows the breaking of time and space barriers between the teacher and the student. In order to develop and put into practice a higher studies course through this tool, teachers need to have a series of skills related to the command of digital technologies and an understanding of students’ affective and behavioral states: and to then apply appropriate communication strategies to deliver course content and prepare students for this innovative learning approach. This study reviews educational research literature on virtual classrooms, teacher behavior and student engagement to establish a theoretical model that explains the…
Engagement del consumidor a través del contenido generado por las empresas en instagram
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of consumers’ perceptions of the enjoyment and originality of firm-generated content (FGC) posted on Instagram on affective customer engagement (CE). In addition, an examination is undertaken of affective CE as a driver of customer behaviour. Design/methodology/approach: The paper takes a quantitative approach using a sample of 334 women followers of an eco-friendly restaurant Instagram account. After validation of the measurement scales, the hypotheses were tested through structural equation modelling. Drawing on the stimuli-organism-response framework the authors posit that consumers’ perceptions of the enjoyment and originality …
The impact of social media and offline influences on consumer behaviour. An analysis of the low-cost airline industry
This study analyses the impact of social media as well as offline environments upon tourist online purchase and recommendation behaviour of low-cost airline services. Drawing on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this research considers the effect of offline social influences (interpersonal and external influences) and analyses online Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) information exchanges as a driver of customer attitude towards online purchases. We propose that these factors improve online repurchase intentions and positive word-of-mouth communication (WOM and e-WOM) in low-cost settings. Using structural equation modelling, the conceptual model is tested with a sample of 441 Spanish Internet …