Stefan Weinzierl

Analytic continuation and numerical evaluation of the kite integral and the equal mass sunrise integral

We study the analytic continuation of Feynman integrals from the kite family, expressed in terms of elliptic generalisations of (multiple) polylogarithms. Expressed in this way, the Feynman integrals are functions of two periods of an elliptic curve. We show that all what is required is just the analytic continuation of these two periods. We present an explicit formula for the two periods for all values of $t \in {\mathbb R}$. Furthermore, the nome $q$ of the elliptic curve satisfies over the complete range in $t$ the inequality $|q|\le 1$, where $|q|=1$ is attained only at the singular points $t\in\{m^2,9m^2,\infty\}$. This ensures the convergence of the $q$-series expansion of the $\mathr…

research product

Applications of intersection numbers in physics

In this review I discuss intersection numbers of twisted cocycles and their relation to physics. After defining what these intersection number are, I will first discuss a method for computing them. This is followed by three examples where intersection numbers appear in physics. These examples are: tree-level scattering amplitudes within the the CHY-formalism, reduction of Feynman integrals to master integrals and correlation functions on the lattice.

research product

A new formulation of the loop-tree duality at higher loops

We present a new formulation of the loop-tree duality theorem for higher loop diagrams valid both for massless and massive cases. $l$-loop integrals are expressed as weighted sum of trees obtained from cutting $l$ internal propagators of the loop graph. In addition, the uncut propagators gain a modified $i \delta$-prescription, named dual-propagators. In this new framework one can go beyond graphs and calculate the integrand of loop amplitudes as a weighted sum of tree graphs, which form a tree-like object. These objects can be computed efficiently via recurrence relations.

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From motives to differential equations for loop integrals

In this talk we discuss how ideas from the theory of mixed Hodge structures can be used to find differential equations for Feynman integrals. In particular we discuss the two-loop sunrise graph in two dimensions and show that these methods lead to a differential equation which is simpler than the ones obtained from integration-by-parts.

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The kite integral to all orders in terms of elliptic polylogarithms

We show that the Laurent series of the two-loop kite integral in $D=4-2\varepsilon$ space-time dimensions can be expressed in each order of the series expansion in terms of elliptic generalisations of (multiple) polylogarithms. Using differential equations we present an iterative method to compute any desired order. As an example, we give the first three orders explicitly.

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Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Corrections tott¯+jetProduction at Hadron Colliders

We report on the calculation of the next-to-leading-order QCD corrections to the production of top-quark--top-antiquark pairs in association with a hard jet at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We present results for the $t\overline{t}+\mathrm{\text{jet}}$ cross section and the forward-backward charge asymmetry. The corrections stabilize the leading-order prediction for the cross section. The charge asymmetry receives large corrections.

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SUSY Ward identities for multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with massive quarks

We use supersymmetric Ward identities to relate multi-gluon helicity amplitudes involving a pair of massive quarks to amplitudes with massive scalars. This allows to use the recent results for scalar amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons obtained by on-shell recursion relations to obtain scattering amplitudes involving top quarks.

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Double Copies of Fermions as Matter that Interacts Only Gravitationally

Inspired by the recent progress in the field of scattering amplitudes, we discuss hypothetical particles which can be characterized as the double copies of fermions-in the same way gravitons can be viewed as double copies of gauge bosons. As the gravitons, these hypothetical particles interact only through gravitational interactions. We present two equivalent methods for the computation of the relevant scattering amplitudes. The hypothetical particles can be massive and nonrelativistic.

research product

Random polarisations of the dipoles

We extend the dipole formalism for massless and massive partons to random polarisations of the external partons. The dipole formalism was originally formulated for spin-summed matrix elements and later extended to individual helicity eigenstates. For efficiency reasons one wants to replace the spin sum by a smooth integration over additional variables. This requires the extension of the dipole formalism to random polarisations. In this paper we derive the modified subtraction terms. We only modify the real subtraction terms, the integrated subtraction terms do not require any modifications.

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Multiparton NLO corrections by numerical methods

In this talk we discuss an algorithm for the numerical calculation of one-loop QCD amplitudes and present results at next-to-leading order for jet observables in electron-positron annihilation calculated with the above-mentioned method. The algorithm consists of subtraction terms, approximating the soft, collinear and ultraviolet divergences of QCD one-loop amplitudes, as well as a method to deform the integration contour for the loop integration into the complex plane to match Feynman's i delta rule. The algorithm is formulated at the amplitude level and does not rely on Feynman graphs. Therefore all ingredients of the algorithm can be calculated efficiently using recurrence relations. The…

research product

Parton showers from the dipole formalism

We present an implementation of a parton shower algorithm for hadron colliders and electron-positron colliders based on the dipole factorisation formulae. The algorithm treats initial-state partons on equal footing with final-state partons. We implemented the algorithm for massless and massive partons.

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The Elliptic Sunrise

In this talk, we discuss our recent computation of the two-loop sunrise integral with arbitrary non-zero particle masses. In two space-time dimensions, we arrive at a result in terms of elliptic dilogarithms. Near four space-time dimensions, we obtain a result which furthermore involves elliptic generalizations of Clausen and Glaisher functions.

research product

Modular transformations of elliptic Feynman integrals

We investigate the behaviour of elliptic Feynman integrals under modular transformations. This has a practical motivation: Through a suitable modular transformation we can achieve that the nome squared is a small quantity, leading to fast numerical evaluations. Contrary to the case of multiple polylogarithms, where it is sufficient to consider just variable transformations for the numerical evaluations of multiple polylogarithms, it is more natural in the elliptic case to consider a combination of a variable transformation (i.e. a modular transformation) together with a redefinition of the master integrals. Thus we combine a coordinate transformation on the base manifold with a basis transf…

research product

Numerical evaluation of NLO multiparton processes

We discuss an algorithm for the numerical evaluation of NLO multiparton processes. We focus hereby on the virtual part of the NLO calculation, i.e. on evaluating the one-loop integration numerically. We employ and extend the ideas of the subtraction method to the virtual part and we use subtraction terms for the soft, collinear and ultraviolet regions, which allows us to evaluate the loop integral numerically in four dimensions. A second ingredient is a method to deform the integration contour of the loop integration into the complex plane. The algorithm is derived on the level of the primitive amplitudes, where we utilise recursive relations to generate the corresponding one-loop off-shell…

research product

The unequal mass sunrise integral expressed through iterated integrals on

We solve the two-loop sunrise integral with unequal masses systematically to all orders in the dimensional regularisation parameter ε. In order to do so, we transform the system of differential equations for the master integrals to an ε-form. The sunrise integral with unequal masses depends on three kinematical variables. We perform a change of variables to standard coordinates on the moduli space M1,3 of a genus one Riemann surface with three marked points. This gives us the solution as iterated integrals on M‾1,3. On the hypersurface τ=const our result reduces to elliptic polylogarithms. In the equal mass case our result reduces to iterated integrals of modular forms.

research product

The forward-backward asymmetry at NNLO revisited

I reconsider the forward-backward asymmetry for flavoured quarks in electron-positron annihilation. I suggest an infrared-safe definition of this observable, such that the asymmetry may be computed in perturbative QCD with massless quarks. With this definition, the first and second order QCD corrections are computed.

research product

Numerical evaluation of iterated integrals related to elliptic Feynman integrals

We report on an implementation within GiNaC to evaluate iterated integrals related to elliptic Feynman integrals numerically to arbitrary precision within the region of convergence of the series expansion of the integrand. The implementation includes iterated integrals of modular forms as well as iterated integrals involving the Kronecker coefficient functions $g^{(k)}(z,\tau)$. For the Kronecker coefficient functions iterated integrals in $d\tau$ and $dz$ are implemented. This includes elliptic multiple polylogarithms.

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Simple differential equations for Feynman integrals associated to elliptic curves

The $\varepsilon$-form of a system of differential equations for Feynman integrals has led to tremendeous progress in our abilities to compute Feynman integrals, as long as they fall into the class of multiple polylogarithms. It is therefore of current interest, if these methods extend beyond the case of multiple polylogarithms. In this talk I discuss Feynman integrals, which are associated to elliptic curves and their differential equations. I show for non-trivial examples how the system of differential equations can be brought into an $\varepsilon$-form. Single-scale and multi-scale cases are discussed.

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Status of jet cross sections to NNLO

I review the state-of-the-art for fully differential numerical NNLO programs. Topics which are covered include the calculation of two-loop amplitudes, multiple polylogarithms, cancellation of infra-red divergences at NNLO and the efficient generation of the phase space. Numerical results for e+ e- --> 2 jets are also discussed.

research product

Resolution of singularities for multi-loop integrals

We report on a program for the numerical evaluation of divergent multi-loop integrals. The program is based on iterated sector decomposition. We improve the original algorithm of Binoth and Heinrich such that the program is guaranteed to terminate. The program can be used to compute numerically the Laurent expansion of divergent multi-loop integrals regulated by dimensional regularisation. The symbolic and the numerical steps of the algorithm are combined into one program.

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Properties of Yang-Mills scattering forms

In this talk we introduce the properties of scattering forms on the compactified moduli space of Riemann spheres with $n$ marked points. These differential forms are $\text{PSL}(2,\mathbb{C})$ invariant, their intersection numbers correspond to scattering amplitudes as recently proposed by Mizera. All singularities are at the boundary of the moduli space and each singularity is logarithmic. In addition, each residue factorizes into two differential forms of lower points.

research product

The sunrise integral and elliptic polylogarithms

We summarize recent computations with a class of elliptic generalizations of polylogarithms, arising from the massive sunrise integral. For the case of arbitrary masses we obtain results in two and four space-time dimensions. The iterated integral structure of our functions allows us to furthermore compute the equal mass case to arbitrary order.

research product

A comparison of efficient methods for the computation of Born gluon amplitudes

We compare four different methods for the numerical computation of the pure gluonic amplitudes in the Born approximation. We are in particular interested in the efficiency of the various methods as the number n of the external particles increases. In addition we investigate the numerical accuracy in critical phase space regions. The methods considered are based on (i) Berends-Giele recurrence relations, (ii) scalar diagrams, (iii) MHV vertices and (iv) BCF recursion relations.

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Feynman integrals for binary systems of black holes

The initial phase of the inspiral process of a binary black-hole system can be described by perturbation theory. At the third post-Minkowskian order a two-loop double box graph, known as H-graph, contributes. In this talk we report how all master integrals of the H-graph with equal masses can be expressed up to weight four in terms of multiple polylogarithms. We also discuss techniques for the unequal mass case. The essential complication (and the focus of the talk) is the occurrence of several square roots.

research product

The SISCone jet algorithm optimised for low particle multiplicities

The SISCone jet algorithm is a seedless infrared-safe cone jet algorithm. There exists an implementation which is highly optimised for a large number of final state particles. However, in fixed-order perturbative calculations with a small number of final state particles, it turns out that the computer time needed for the jet clustering of this implementation is comparable to the computer time of the matrix elements. This article reports on an implementation of the SISCone algorithm optimised for low particle multiplicities.

research product

Causality and Loop-Tree Duality at Higher Loops

We relate a $l$-loop Feynman integral to a sum of phase space integrals, where the integrands are determined by the spanning trees of the original $l$-loop graph. Causality requires that the propagators of the trees have a modified $i\delta$-prescription and we present a simple formula for the correct $i\delta$-prescription.

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The $\varepsilon$-form of the differential equations for Feynman integrals in the elliptic case

Feynman integrals are easily solved if their system of differential equations is in $\varepsilon$-form. In this letter we show by the explicit example of the kite integral family that an $\varepsilon$-form can even be achieved, if the Feynman integrals do not evaluate to multiple polylogarithms. The $\varepsilon$-form is obtained by a (non-algebraic) change of basis for the master integrals.

research product

Cutoff dependence of the thrust peak position in the dipole shower

We analyse the dependence of the peak position of the thrust distribution on the cutoff value in the Nagy-Soper dipole shower. We compare the outcome of the parton shower simulations to a relation of the dependence from an analytic computation, derived within soft-collinear effective theory. We show that the result of the parton shower simulations and the analytic computation are in good agreement.

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Theoretical overview on top pair production and single top production

In this talk I will give an overview on theoretical aspects of top quark physics. The focus lies on top pair production and single top production.

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Numerical evaluation of multiple polylogarithms

Multiple polylogarithms appear in analytic calculations of higher order corrections in quantum field theory. In this article we study the numerical evaluation of multiple polylogarithms. We provide algorithms, which allow the evaluation for arbitrary complex arguments and without any restriction on the weight. We have implemented these algorithms with arbitrary precision arithmetic in C++ within the GiNaC framework.

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A walk on sunset boulevard

A walk on sunset boulevard can teach us about transcendental functions associated to Feynman diagrams. On this guided tour we will see multiple polylogarithms, differential equations and elliptic curves. A highlight of the tour will be the generalisation of the polylogarithms to the elliptic setting and the all-order solution for the sunset integral in the equal mass case.

research product

Relations for Einstein–Yang–Mills amplitudes from the CHY representation

We show that a recently discovered relation, which expresses tree-level single trace Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes with one graviton and $(n-1)$ gauge bosons as a linear combination of pure Yang-Mills tree amplitudes with $n$ gauge bosons, can be derived from the CHY representation. In addition we show that there is a generalisation, which expresses tree-level single trace Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes with $r$ gravitons and $(n-r)$ gauge bosons as a linear combination of pure Yang-Mills tree amplitudes with $n$ gauge bosons. We present a general formula for this case.

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Analytic Continuation of the Kite Family

We consider results for the master integrals of the kite family, given in terms of ELi-functions which are power series in the nome q of an elliptic curve. The analytic continuation of these results beyond the Euclidean region is reduced to the analytic continuation of the two period integrals which define q. We discuss the solution to the latter problem from the perspective of the Picard–Lefschetz formula.

research product

Event shapes and jet rates in electron-positron annihilation at NNLO

This article gives the perturbative NNLO results for the most commonly used event shape variables associated to three-jet events in electron-positron annihilation: Thrust, heavy jet mass, wide jet broadening, total jet broadening, C parameter and the Durham three-to-two jet transition variable. In addition the NNLO results for the jet rates corresponding to the Durham, Geneva, Jade-E0 and Cambridge jet algorithms are presented.

research product

Tales of 1001 gluons

These lectures are centred around tree-level scattering amplitudes in pure Yang-Mills theories, the most prominent example is given by the tree-level gluon amplitudes of QCD. I will discuss several ways of computing these amplitudes, illustrating in this way recent developments in perturbative quantum field theory. Topics covered in these lectures include colour decomposition, spinor and twistor methods, off- and on-shell recursion, MHV amplitudes and MHV expansion, the Grassmannian and the amplituhedron, the scattering equations and the CHY representation. At the end of these lectures there will be an outlook on the relation between pure Yang-Mills amplitudes and scattering amplitudes in p…

research product

From elliptic curves to Feynman integrals

In this talk we discuss Feynman integrals which are related to elliptic curves. We show with the help of an explicit example that in the set of master integrals more than one elliptic curve may occur. The technique of maximal cuts is a useful tool to identify the elliptic curves. By a suitable transformation of the master integrals the system of differential equations for our example can be brought into a form linear in $\varepsilon$, where the $\varepsilon^0$-term is strictly lower-triangular. This system is easily solved in terms of iterated integrals.

research product

Relations and representations of QCD amplitudes

In this talk we review relations and representations of primitive QCD tree amplitudes. Topics covered include the BCJ relations, the CHY representation, and the KLT relations. We will put a special emphasis on how these relations and representations generalise from pure Yang-Mills theory to QCD. The generalisation of the KLT relations from pure Yang-Mills to QCD includes the case of massive quarks. On the gravity side we then obtain hypothetical particles interacting with gravitational strength, which can be massive and non-relativistic.

research product

Differential equations for Feynman integrals beyond multiple polylogarithms

Differential equations are a powerful tool to tackle Feynman integrals. In this talk we discuss recent progress, where the method of differential equations has been applied to Feynman integrals which are not expressible in terms of multiple polylogarithms.

research product

RationalizeRoots: Software Package for the Rationalization of Square Roots

The computation of Feynman integrals often involves square roots. One way to obtain a solution in terms of multiple polylogarithms is to rationalize these square roots by a suitable variable change. We present a program that can be used to find such transformations. After an introduction to the theoretical background, we explain in detail how to use the program in practice.

research product

Blowing up Feynman integrals

In this talk we discuss sector decomposition. This is a method to disentangle overlapping singularities through a sequence of blow-ups. We report on an open-source implementation of this algorithm to compute numerically the Laurent expansion of divergent multi-loop integrals. We also show how this method can be used to prove a theorem which relates the coefficients of the Laurent series of dimensionally regulated multi-loop integrals to periods.

research product

The unequal mass sunrise integral expressed through iterated integrals on M‾1,3

Abstract We solve the two-loop sunrise integral with unequal masses systematically to all orders in the dimensional regularisation parameter e. In order to do so, we transform the system of differential equations for the master integrals to an e-form. The sunrise integral with unequal masses depends on three kinematical variables. We perform a change of variables to standard coordinates on the moduli space M 1 , 3 of a genus one Riemann surface with three marked points. This gives us the solution as iterated integrals on M ‾ 1 , 3 . On the hypersurface τ = const our result reduces to elliptic polylogarithms. In the equal mass case our result reduces to iterated integrals of modular forms.

research product

Feynman integrals and iterated integrals of modular forms

In this paper we show that certain Feynman integrals can be expressed as linear combinations of iterated integrals of modular forms to all orders in the dimensional regularisation parameter $\varepsilon$ . We discuss explicitly the equal mass sunrise integral and the kite integral. For both cases we give the alphabet of letters occurring in the iterated integrals. For the sunrise integral we present a compact formula, expressing this integral to all orders in $\varepsilon$ as iterated integrals of modular forms.

research product

Color decomposition of multi-quark one-loop QCD amplitudes

In this talk we discuss the color decomposition of tree-level and one-loop QCD amplitudes with arbitrary numbers of quarks and gluons. We present a method for the decomposition of partial amplitudes into primitive amplitudes, which is based on shuffle relations and is purely combinatorial. Closed formulae are derived, which do not require the inversion of a system of linear equations.

research product

A simple formula for the infrared singular part of the integrand of one-loop QCD amplitudes

We show that a well-known simple formula for the explicit infrared poles of one-loop QCD amplitudes has a corresponding simple counterpart in unintegrated form. The unintegrated formula approximates the integrand of one-loop QCD amplitudes in all soft and collinear singular regions. It thus defines a local counter-term for the infrared singularities and can be used as an ingredient for the numerical calculation of one-loop amplitudes.

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Some remarks on dipole showers and the DGLAP equation

It has been argued recently that parton showers based on colour dipoles conflict with collinear factorization and do not lead to the correct DGLAP equation. We show that this conclusion is based on an inappropriate assumption, namely the choice of the gluon energy as evolution variable. We further show numerically that Monte Carlo programs based on dipole showers with "infrared sensible" evolution variables reproduce the DGLAP equation both in asymptotic form as well as in comparison to the leading behaviour of second-order QCD matrix elements.

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The next-to-ladder approximation for linear Dyson–Schwinger equations

We solve the linear Dyson Schwinger equation for a massless vertex in Yukawa theory, iterating the first two primitive graphs.

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Feynman graph polynomials

The integrand of any multi-loop integral is characterised after Feynman parametrisation by two polynomials. In this review we summarise the properties of these polynomials. Topics covered in this article include among others: Spanning trees and spanning forests, the all-minors matrix-tree theorem, recursion relations due to contraction and deletion of edges, Dodgson's identity and matroids.

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Vanishing of certain cuts or residues of loop integrals with higher powers of the propagators

Starting from two-loops, there are Feynman integrals with higher powers of the propagators. They arise from self-energy insertions on internal lines. Within the loop-tree duality approach or within methods based on numerical unitarity one needs (among other things) the residue when a raised propagator goes on-shell. We show that for renormalised quantities in the on-shell scheme these residues can be made to vanish already at the integrand level.

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Top-quark pair + 1-jet production at next-to-leading order QCD

Top-quark pair production with an additional jet is an important signal and background process at the LHC. We present the next-to-leading order QCD calculation for this process and show results for integrated as well as differential cross sections.

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Does one need theO(ε)- andO(ε2)-terms of one-loop amplitudes in a next-to-next-to-leading order calculation ?

This article discusses the occurrence of one-loop amplitudes within a next-to-next-to-leading-order calculation. In a next-to-next-to-leading-order calculation, the one-loop amplitude enters squared and one would therefore naively expect that the $\mathcal{O}(\ensuremath{\epsilon})$- and $\mathcal{O}({\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{2})$-terms of the one-loop amplitudes are required. I show that the calculation of these terms can be avoided if a method is known, which computes the $\mathcal{O}({\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{0})$-terms of the finite remainder function of the two-loop amplitude.

research product

Decomposition of one-loop QCD amplitudes into primitive amplitudes based on shuffle relations

We present the decomposition of QCD partial amplitudes into primitive amplitudes at one-loop level and tree level for arbitrary numbers of quarks and gluons. Our method is based on shuffle relations. This method is purely combinatorial and does not require the inversion of a system of linear equations.

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Infrared singularities in one-loop amplitudes

In this talk we discuss a purely numerical approach to next-to-leading order calculations in QCD. We present a simple formula, which provides a local infrared subtraction term for the integrand of a one-loop amplitude. In addition we briefly comment on local ultraviolet subtraction terms and on the required deformation of the contour of integration.

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The electron self-energy in QED at two loops revisited

We reconsider the two-loop electron self-energy in quantum electrodynamics. We present a modern calculation, where all relevant two-loop integrals are expressed in terms of iterated integrals of modular forms. As boundary points of the iterated integrals we consider the four cases $p^2=0$, $p^2=m^2$, $p^2=9m^2$ and $p^2=\infty$. The iterated integrals have $q$-expansions, which can be used for the numerical evaluation. We show that a truncation of the $q$-series to order ${\mathcal O}(q^{30})$ gives numerically for the finite part of the self-energy a relative precision better than $10^{-20}$ for all real values $p^2/m^2$.

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Integrands of loop amplitudes within loop-tree duality

Using loop-tree duality, we relate a renormalised $n$-point $l$-loop amplitude in a quantum field theory to a phase-space integral of a regularised $l$-fold forward limit of a UV-subtracted $(n+2l)$-point tree-amplitude-like object. We show that up to three loops the latter object is easily computable from recurrence relations. This defines an integrand of the loop amplitude with a global definition of the loop momenta. Field and mass renormalisation are performed in the on-shell scheme.

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Double copies of fermions as only gravitational interacting matter

Inspired by the recent progress in the field of scattering amplitudes, we discuss hypothetical particles which can be characterised as the double copies of fermions -- in the same way gravitons can be viewed as double copies of gauge bosons. As the gravitons, these hypothetical particles interact only through gravitational interactions. We present two equivalent methods for the computation of the relevant scattering amplitudes. The hypothetical particles can be massive and non-relativistic.

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On-shell recursion relations for all Born QCD amplitudes

We consider on-shell recursion relations for all Born QCD amplitudes. This includes amplitudes with several pairs of quarks and massive quarks. We give a detailed description on how to shift the external particles in spinor space and clarify the allowed helicities of the shifted legs. We proof that the corresponding meromorphic functions vanish at z --> infinity. As an application we obtain compact expressions for helicity amplitudes including a pair of massive quarks, one negative helicity gluon and an arbitrary number of positive helicity gluons.

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The H-graph with equal masses in terms of multiple polylogarithms

The initial phase of the inspiral process of a binary system producing gravitational waves can be described by perturbation theory. At the third post-Minkowskian order a two-loop double box graph, known as H-graph contributes. We consider the case where the two objects making up the binary system have equal masses. We express all master integrals related to the equal-mass H-graph up to weight four in terms of multiple polylogarithms. We provide a numerical program which evaluates all master integrals up to weight four in the physical regions with arbitrary precision.

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Scalar diagrammatic rules for Born amplitudes in QCD

We show that all Born amplitudes in QCD can be calculated from scalar propagators and a set of three- and four-valent vertices. In particular, our approach includes amplitudes with any number of quark pairs. The quarks may be massless or massive. The proof of the formalism is given entirely within quantum field theory.

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Correlation functions on the lattice and twisted cocycles

We study linear relations among correlation functions on a lattice obtained from integration-by-parts identities. We use the framework of twisted cocycles and determine for a scalar theory a basis of correlation functions, in which all other correlation functions may be expressed.

research product

On the computation of intersection numbers for twisted cocycles

Intersection numbers of twisted cocycles arise in mathematics in the field of algebraic geometry. Quite recently, they appeared in physics: Intersection numbers of twisted cocycles define a scalar product on the vector space of Feynman integrals. With this application, the practical and efficient computation of intersection numbers of twisted cocycles becomes a topic of interest. An existing algorithm for the computation of intersection numbers of twisted cocycles requires in intermediate steps the introduction of algebraic extensions (for example square roots), although the final result may be expressed without algebraic extensions. In this article I present an improvement of this algorith…

research product

Simplifying differential equations for multi-scale Feynman integrals beyond multiple polylogarithms

In this paper we exploit factorisation properties of Picard-Fuchs operators to decouple differential equations for multi-scale Feynman integrals. The algorithm reduces the differential equations to blocks of the size of the order of the irreducible factors of the Picard-Fuchs operator. As a side product, our method can be used to easily convert the differential equations for Feynman integrals which evaluate to multiple polylogarithms to $\varepsilon$-form.

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Fermions and the scattering equations

This paper investigates how tree-level amplitudes with massless quarks, gluons and/or massless scalars transforming under a single copy of the gauge group can be expressed in the context of the scattering equations as a sum over the inequivalent solutions of the scattering equations. In the case where the amplitudes satisfy cyclic invariance, KK- and BCJ-relations the only modification is the generalisation of the permutation invariant function $E(z,p,\varepsilon)$. We present a method to compute the modified $\hat{E}(z,p,\varepsilon)$. The most important examples are tree amplitudes in ${\mathcal N}=4$ SYM and QCD amplitudes with one quark-antiquark pair and an arbitrary number of gluons. …

research product

NLO corrections to Z production in association with several jets

In this talk we report on first results from the NLO computation of Z production in association with five jets in hadron-hadron collisions. The results are obtained with the help of the numerical method, where apart from the phase space integration also the integration over the loop momentum is performed numerically. In addition we discuss several methods and techniques for the improvement of the Monte Carlo integration.

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On a Class of Feynman Integrals Evaluating to Iterated Integrals of Modular Forms

In this talk we discuss a class of Feynman integrals, which can be expressed to all orders in the dimensional regularisation parameter as iterated integrals of modular forms. We review the mathematical prerequisites related to elliptic curves and modular forms. Feynman integrals, which evaluate to iterated integrals of modular forms go beyond the class of multiple polylogarithms. Nevertheless, we may bring for all examples considered the associated system of differential equations by a non-algebraic transformation to an \(\varepsilon \)-form, which makes a solution in terms of iterated integrals immediate.

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The Elliptic Sunrise

In this talk, we discuss our recent computation of the two-loop sunrise integral with arbitrary non-zero particle masses in the vicinity of the equal mass point. In two space-time dimensions, we arrive at a result in terms of elliptic dilogarithms. Near four space-time dimensions, we obtain a result which furthermore involves elliptic generalizations of Clausen and Glaisher functions.

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Update of the Binoth Les Houches Accord for a standard interface between Monte Carlo tools and one-loop programs

We present an update of the Binoth Les Houches Accord (BLHA) to standardise the interface between Monte Carlo programs and codes providing one-loop matrix elements.

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Moments of event shapes in electron-positron annihilation at next-to-next-to-leading order

This article gives the perturbative next-to-next-to-leading order results for the moments of the most commonly used event shape variables associated to three-jet events in electron-positron annihilation: thrust, heavy jet mass, wide jet broadening, total jet broadening, C parameter and the Durham three-to-two-jet transition variable.

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Next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to three-jet observables in electron-positron annihilation.

I report on a numerical program, which can be used to calculate any infrared safe three-jet observable in electron-positron annihilation to next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant ${\ensuremath{\alpha}}_{s}$. The results are compared to a recent calculation by another group. Numerical differences in three color factors are discussed and explained.

research product

Numerical integration of subtraction terms

Numerical approaches to higher-order calculations often employ subtraction terms, both for the real emission and the virtual corrections. These subtraction terms have to be added back. In this paper we show that at NLO the real subtraction terms, the virtual subtraction terms, the integral representations of the field renormalisation constants and -- in the case of initial-state partons -- the integral representation for the collinear counterterm can be grouped together to give finite integrals, which can be evaluated numerically. This is useful for an extension towards NNLO.

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Next-to-Leading-Order Results for Five, Six, and Seven Jets in Electron-Positron Annihilation

We present next-to-leading order corrections in the leading color approximation for jet rates in electron-positron annihilation up to seven jets. The results for the two-, three-, and four-jet rates agree with known results. The NLO jet rates have been known previously only up to five jets. The results for the six- and seven-jet rate are new. The results are obtained by a new and efficient method based on subtraction and numerical integration.

research product

Born amplitudes in QCD from scalar diagrams

We review recent developments for the calculation of Born amplitudes in QCD. This includes the computation of gluon helicity amplitudes from MHV vertices and an approach based on scalar propagators and a set of three- and four-valent vertices. The latter easily generalizes to amplitudes with any number of quark pairs. The quarks may be massless or massive.

research product

The planar double box integral for top pair production with a closed top loop to all orders in the dimensional regularisation parameter

We compute systematically for the planar double box Feynman integral relevant to top pair production with a closed top loop the Laurent expansion in the dimensional regularisation parameter $\varepsilon$. This is done by transforming the system of differential equations for this integral and all its sub-topologies to a form linear in $\varepsilon$, where the $\varepsilon^0$-part is strictly lower triangular. This system is easily solved order by order in the dimensional regularisation parameter $\varepsilon$. This is an example of an elliptic multi-scale integral involving several elliptic sub-topologies. Our methods are applicable to similar problems.

research product

A second-order differential equation for the two-loop sunrise graph with arbitrary masses

We derive a second-order differential equation for the two-loop sunrise graph in two dimensions with arbitrary masses. The differential equation is obtained by viewing the Feynman integral as a period of a variation of a mixed Hodge structure, where the variation is with respect to the external momentum squared. The fibre is the complement of an elliptic curve. From the fact that the first cohomology group of this elliptic curve is two-dimensional we obtain a second-order differential equation. This is an improvement compared to the usual way of deriving differential equations: Integration-by-parts identities lead only to a coupled system of four first-order differential equations.

research product

The SISCone jet algorithm optimised for low particle multiplicities

This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2018) Abstract The SISCone jet algorithm is a seedless infrared-safe cone jet algorithm. There exists an implementation which is highly optimised for a large number of final state particles. However, in fixed-order perturbative calculations with a small number of final state particles, it turns out that the computer time needed for the jet clustering of this implementation is comparable to the computer time of the matrix elements. This article reports on an implementation of the SISCone algorithm optimised ... Title of program: siscone_parton Catalogue Id: AELF_v1_0 Nature of problem Cluster…

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