Helgi B. Schiöth
Genome-wide analysis reveals DNA methylation markers that vary with both age and obesity
AbstractThe combination of the obesity epidemic and an aging population presents growing challenges for the healthcare system. Obesity and aging are major risk factors for a diverse number of diseases and it is of importance to understand their interaction and the underlying molecular mechanisms. Herein the authors examined the methylation levels of 27578 CpG sites in 46 samples from adult peripheral blood. The effect of obesity and aging was ascertained with general linear models. More than one hundred probes were correlated to aging, nine of which belonged to the KEGG group map04080. Additionally, 10 CpG sites had diverse methylation profiles in obese and lean individuals, one of which wa…
Formation of new genes explains lower intron density in mammalian Rhodopsin G protein-coupled receptors
Mammalian G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) genes are characterised by a large proportion of intronless genes or a lower density of introns when compared with GPCRs of invertebrates. It is unclear which mechanisms have influenced intron density in this protein family, which is one of the largest in the mammalian genomes. We used a combination of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and BLAST searches to establish the comprehensive repertoire of Rhodopsin GPCRs from seven species and performed overall alignments and phylogenetic analysis using the maximum parsimony method for over 1400 receptors in 12 subgroups. We identified 14 different Ancestral Receptor Groups (ARGs) that have members in both vert…
Pharmacological Characterization of Melanocortin Receptors in Fish Suggests an Important Role for ACTH
The melanocortin (MC) receptor subtypes have distinctive characteristic binding profiles. We found that the trout and Fugu MC4 receptors have similar affinity for alpha-MSH and beta-MSH and a much higher affinity for ACTH than does the human MC4 receptor. The Fugu MC1 and the trout and Fugu MC5 receptors also have higher affinity for ACTH-derived peptides than alpha-, beta-, or gamma-MSH. It is tempting to speculate that ACTH-derived peptides may have played an important role as "original" ligands at the MC receptors, while the specificity of the different subtypes for the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-MSH peptides may have appeared at later stages during vertebrate evolution.
Dissecting signaling and functions of adhesion G protein-coupled receptors
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise an expanded superfamily of receptors in the human genome. Adhesion class G protein-coupled receptors (adhesion-GPCRs) form the second largest class of GPCRs. Despite the abundance, size, molecular structure, and functions in facilitating cell and matrix contacts in a variety of organ systems, adhesion-GPCRs are by far the most poorly understood GPCR class. Adhesion-GPCRs possess a unique molecular structure, with extended N-termini containing various adhesion domains. In addition, many adhesion-GPCRs are autoproteolytically cleaved into an N-terminal fragment (NTF, NT, α-subunit) and C-terminal fragment (CTF, CT, β-subunit) at a conserved GPCR au…
Major gender difference in association of FTO gene variant among severely obese children with obesity and obesity related phenotypes.
Recent studies have shown that SNPs in the FTO gene predispose to childhood and adult obesity. In this study, we examined the association between variants in FTO and KIAA1005, a gene that maps closely to FTO, and obesity, as well as obesity related traits among 450 well characterised severely obese children and 512 normal weight controls. FTO showed significant association with several obesity related traits while SNPs in KIAA1005 did not. When stratified by gender, the FTO variant rs9939609 showed association with obesity and BMI among girls (P = 0.006 and 0.004, respectively) but not among boys. Gender differences were also found in the associations of the FTO rs9939609 with obesity relat…
The evolutionary history and tissue mapping of GPR123: specific CNS expression pattern predominantly in thalamic nuclei and regions containing large pyramidal cells
The Adhesion family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) includes 33 receptors and is the second largest GPCR family. Most of these proteins are still orphans and fairly little is known of their tissue distribution and evolutionary context. We report the evolutionary history of the Adhesion family protein GPR123 as well as mapping of GPR123 mRNA expression in mouse and rat using in situ hybridization and real-time PCR, respectively. GPR123 was found to be well conserved within the vertebrate lineage, especially within the transmembrane regions and in the distal part of the cytoplasmic tail, containing a potential PDZ binding domain. The real-time PCR data indicates that GPR123 is predomin…
Polymorphisms in FTO and near TMEM18 associate with type 2 diabetes and predispose to younger age at diagnosis of diabetes
Variations in the FTO gene and near the TMEM18 gene are risk factors for common form of obesity, but have also been linked with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Our aim was to investigate the contribution of these variants to risk of T2D in a population in Latvia. Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the first and fourth intronic regions of FTO and one close to TMEM18 were genotyped in 987 patients with T2D and 1080 controls selected from the Latvian Genome Data Base (LGDB). We confirmed association of SNPs in the first intron (rs11642015, rs62048402 and rs9939609) of FTO and rs7561317 representing the TMEM18 locus with T2D. Association between SNP in FTO and T2D remained significant after c…
Subtype selective binding properties of substituted linear melanocyte stimulating hormone analogues
The melanocortin receptors are peptide binding G-protein coupled receptors that play a role in important physiological functions such as energy balance, inflammatory processes and several aspects of reproduction. In this study, we synthesised 11 new linear MSH analogues and tested their binding to the human MC receptors (MC1, MC3, MC4 and MC5) expressed in COS cells. Our results show that introduction of Asp in position 4 similarly affects the binding to the MC1, MC4 and MC5 receptors, but drastically lowers the binding to the MC3 receptor. Arg(5) substitution shows relatively high affinity for the MC4 receptor, while the results also give further support for specific importance of His(6) f…
Pharmacological comparison of rat and human melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors in vitro.
Abstract The melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors are G-protein-coupled receptors found in the hypothalamus with important role in regulation of the energy balance. In this study, we performed pharmacological comparison of the rat and human melancortin (MC) 3 and MC4 receptors. We transiently expressed the genes for these receptors individually in a mammalian cell line and determined the binding affinities to several MSH peptides. The results showed no major difference between the rat and human MC3 receptors while the rat MC4 receptor had higher affinity to several peptides compared with the human MC4 receptor. NDP-, α-, β-, γ-MSH, ACTH(1–24), HS014 and MTII had from 5- to 34-fold higher affinity…
Functional characterization of two melanocortin (MC) receptors in lamprey showing orthology to the MC1 and MC4 receptor subtypes
Abstract Background The melanocortin (MC) receptors have a key role in regulating body weight and pigmentation. They belong to the rhodopsin family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The purpose of this study was to identify ancestral MC receptors in agnathan, river lamprey. Results We report cloning of two MC receptors from river lamprey. The lamprey receptors, designated MCa and MCb, showed orthology to the MC1 and MC4 receptor subtypes, respectively. The molecular clock analysis suggested that lamprey MC receptor genes were not duplicated recently and diverged from each other more than 400 MYR ago. Expression and pharmacological characterization showed that the lamprey MCa receptor …
International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. XCIV. Adhesion G Protein–Coupled Receptors
The Adhesion family forms a large branch of the pharmacologically important superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). As Adhesion GPCRs increasingly receive attention from a wide spectrum of biomedical fields, the Adhesion GPCR Consortium, together with the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Committee on Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification, proposes a unified nomenclature for Adhesion GPCRs. The new names have ADGR as common dominator followed by a letter and a number to denote each subfamily and subtype, respectively. The new names, with old and alternative names within parentheses, are: ADGRA1 (GPR123), ADGRA2 (GPR124), ADGRA3 (GPR125), ADGRB1 (BAI1…
Unusual genomic structure: melanocortin receptors in Fugu.
The melanocortin (MC) receptors are found in five subtypes in mammals and chicken, while recent studies have shown that the Fugu (Takifugu rubripes) genome has only four MC receptors and the zebrafish genome has six subtypes. The MC3 receptor seems to be missing from the two closely related pufferfishes, Fugu and Tetraodon (Tetraodon nigroviridis). The MC2 and MC5 receptors in the pufferfish have introns. Moreover, these two receptors are found in a tandem that is remarkably conserved in several vertebrate species. Here, we speculate about the genomic origin of the MC receptors.
Cloning, tissue distribution, pharmacology and three-dimensional modelling of melanocortin receptors 4 and 5 in rainbow trout suggest close evolutionary relationship of these subtypes
The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the most widely used fish species in aquaculture and physiological research. In the present paper, we report the first cloning, 3D (three-dimensional) modelling, pharmacological characterization and tissue distribution of two melanocortin (MC) receptors in rainbow trout. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that these receptors are orthologues of the human MC4 and MC5 receptors. We created 3D molecular models of these rainbow trout receptors and their human counterparts. These models suggest greater divergence between the two human receptors than between their rainbow trout counterparts. The pharmacological analyses demonstrated that ACTH (adreno…
Addition of a signal peptide sequence to theα1D-adrenoceptor gene increases the density of receptors, as determined by [3H]-prazosin binding in the membranes
1 Both in mammalian tissues and in transfected cells, only low levels of α1D-adrenoceptors are detected in radioligand binding studies. It has been implicated that the comparatively long N-terminal tail of the α1D-adrenoceptor is responsible for the inefficient surface expression of the receptor. 2 In the present study, we created gene constructs for six N-terminally truncated variants of the human α1D-adrenoceptor. These constructs were used to transfect Neuro2A cells. We show that the density of α1D-adrenoceptors, observed by [3H]-prazosin binding, gradually increased with longer truncations of the N-terminus. This seems to indicate that the long N-terminal tail nonspecifically interferes…
High affinity agonistic metal ion binding sites within the melanocortin 4 receptor illustrate conformational change of transmembrane region 3.
We created a molecular model of the human melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) and introduced a series of His residues into the receptor protein to form metal ion binding sites. We were able to insert micromolar affinity binding sites for zinc between transmembrane region (TM) 2 and TM3 where the metal ion alone was able to activate this peptide binding G-protein-coupled receptor. The exact conformation of the metal ion interactions allowed us to predict the orientation of the helices, and remodeling of the receptor protein indicated that Glu100 and Ile104 in TM2 and Asp122 and Ile125 in TM3 are directed toward a putative area of activation of the receptor. The molecular model suggests that a rot…
Chemical probes to potently and selectively inhibit endocannabinoid cellular reuptake
The extracellular effects of the endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol are terminated by enzymatic hydrolysis after crossing cellular membranes by facilitated diffusion. The lack of potent and selective inhibitors for endocannabinoid transport has prevented the molecular characterization of this process, thus hindering its biochemical investigation and pharmacological exploitation. Here, we report the design, chemical synthesis, and biological profiling of natural product-derived N-substituted 2,4-dodecadienamides as a selective endocannabinoid uptake inhibitor. The highly potent (IC50 = 10 nM) inhibitor N-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl amide (WOBE437) exerted pronounced canna…
Cloning of two melanocortin (MC) receptors in spiny dogfish
We report the cloning and characterization of two melanocortin receptors (MCRs) from the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) (Sac). Phylogenetic analysis shows that these shark receptors are orthologues of the MC3R and MC5R subtypes, sharing 65% and 70% overall amino acid identity with the human counterparts, respectively. The SacMC3R was expressed and pharmacologically characterized in HEK293 cells. The radioligand binding results show that this receptor has high affinity for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-derived peptides while it has comparable affinity for alpha- and beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), and slightly lower affinity for gamma-MSH when compared with the human ortho…
Agouti-Related Proteins (AGRPs) and Agouti-Signaling Peptide (ASIP) in Fish and Chicken
We performed an intensive search on sequence databases to identify orthologues of ASIP and AGRP peptides in a number of different species, revealing a number of genomic fragments coding for the C-terminal part of agouti-related motifs, different from annotated peptide sequences, including one fragment from chicken, two from zebrafish, two from Fugu (Takifugu rubripes), and three from Tetraodon (Tetraodon nigroviridis). We have thus shown for the first time that both AGRP and ASIP genes exist in many species in "lower vertebrates" and were most probably present in early stages of vertebrate evolution.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Juice Exerts an Anticonvulsant Effect in Mice through Binding to GABA Receptors
Naturally occurring benzodiazepines have been identified in regular food such as wheat and potato, but there is still no evidence that potato extracts can affect CNS responses in vivo. Here we found that undiluted potato juice and potato juice diluted with saline 1 : 2 administered 10 min intracisternally ( I. C.) and 30 min per os before bicuculline exerted significant anticonvulsant activity in the bicuculline-induced seizure threshold test in mice. In vitro, potato juice from different harvests at dilution series from 10 % to 0.000001 %, diluted 100,000-fold, displaced 50 % of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor ligand [ (3)H]GABA and diluted 40-fold displaced 50 % of [(3)H]flunitraz…
New Melanocortin 1 Receptor Binding Motif Based on the C-Terminal Sequence of ?-Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
The C-terminal tripeptide of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH11-13) possesses strong antiinflammatory activity without known cellular target. In order to better understand the structural requirements for function of such motif, we designed, synthesized and tested out Trp- and Tyr-containing analogues of the alpha-MSH11-13. Seven alpha-MSH11-13 analogues were synthesized and characterized for their binding to the melanocortin receptors recombinantly expressed in insect (Sf9) cells, infected with baculovirus carrying corresponding MC receptor DNA. We also tested these analogues on B16-F1 mouse melanoma cells endogenously expressing the MC1 receptor for binding and for abili…
Identification of somatostatin receptor type 5 gene polymorphisms associated with acromegaly.
ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to characterize the genetic variance of somatostatin receptor 5 (SSTR5) and investigate the possible correlation of such variants with acromegaly risk and different disease characteristics.Design and methodsThe SSTR5 gene coding region and 2000 bp upstream region was sequenced in 48 patients with acromegaly and 96 control subjects. Further, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analyzed in the same group of acromegaly patients and in an additional group of 475 age- and sex-matched controls.ResultsIn total, 19 SNPs were identified in the SSTR5 gene locus by direct sequencing. Three SNPs (rs34037914, rs169068, and rs642249) were significantly ass…
Evolutionary conservation of the structural, pharmacological, and genomic characteristics of the melanocortin receptor subtypes
We have cloned melanocortin receptors (MCRs) from several species of fish. The MC4R and MC5R subtypes arose early in vertebrate evolution and their primary structure is remarkably conserved. Expression and pharmacological characterization of the MCRs in fish has revealed that they bind and respond to melanocortin peptides with high potency. Detailed characterization of the binding properties of the different subtypes suggests that MCRs in early vertebrates had preference for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) peptides, while the high sensitivity for the shorter proopiomelanocortin (POMC) products, such as the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), has appeared later,…
Pharmacological Characterization of Loss of Function Mutations of the Human Melanocortin 1 Receptor That Are Associated with Red Hair
Variation in skin color is the major host risk factor for melanoma and other forms of skin cancer. Individuals with red hair show an increased ratio of phaeomelanin to eumelanin in both hair and skin. This ratio is regulated by the melanocortin (MC) 1 receptor. There are several common point mutations in the human MC1 receptor that are overrepresented in North European red-heads, and in individuals with pale skin. In order to determine the functional significance of these mutations, we expressed the Asp84Glu, Val92Met, Arg163Gln, and Asp294His variants of the human MC1 receptors in eukaryotic cells and determined their ability to bind alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) peptides and …
New functions and signaling mechanisms for the class of adhesion G protein-coupled receptors
The class of adhesion G protein-coupled receptors (aGPCRs), with 33 human homologs, is the second largest family of GPCRs. In addition to a seven-transmembrane α-helix-a structural feature of all GPCRs-the class of aGPCRs is characterized by the presence of a large N-terminal extracellular region. In addition, all aGPCRs but one (GPR123) contain a GPCR autoproteolysis-inducing (GAIN) domain that mediates autoproteolytic cleavage at the GPCR autoproteolysis site motif to generate N- and a C-terminal fragments (NTF and CTF, respectively) during protein maturation. Subsequently, the NTF and CTF are associated noncovalently as a heterodimer at the plasma membrane. While the biological function …
Origin of the prolactin-releasing hormone (PRLH) receptors: evidence of coevolution between PRLH and a redundant neuropeptide Y receptor during vertebrate evolution.
We present seven new vertebrate homologs of the prolactin-releasing hormone receptor (PRLHR) and show that these are found as two separate subtypes, PRLHR1 and PRLHR2. Analysis of a number of vertebrate sequences using phylogeny, pharmacology, and paralogon analysis indicates that the PRLHRs are likely to share a common ancestry with the neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors. Moreover, a micromolar level of NPY was able to bind and inhibit completely the PRLH-evoked response in PRLHR1-expressing cells. We suggest that an ancestral PRLH peptide started coevolving with a redundant NPY binding receptor, which then became PRLHR, approximately 500 million years ago. The PRLHR1 subtype was shown to have…
Characterization of the transporterB0AT3 (Slc6a17) in the rodent central nervous system.
Abstract Background The vesicular B0AT3 transporter (SLC6A17), one of the members of the SLC6 family, is a transporter for neutral amino acids and is exclusively expressed in brain. Here we provide a comprehensive expression profile of B0AT3 in mouse brain using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Results We confirmed previous expression data from rat brain and used a novel custom made antibody to obtain detailed co-labelling with several cell type specific markers. B0AT3 was highly expressed in both inhibitory and excitatory neurons. The B0AT3 expression was highly overlapping with those of vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2) and vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1…
Novel genetic variant in FTO influences insulin levels and insulin resistance in severely obese children and adolescents.
Background: The global prevalence of obesity and overweight is increasing rapidly among adults as well as among children and adolescents. Recent genome-wide association studies have provided strong support for association between variants in the FTO gene and obesity. We sequenced regions of the FTO gene to identify novel variants that are associated with obesity and related metabolic traits. Results: We screened exons 3 and 4 including exon-intron boundaries in FTO in 48 obese children and adolescents and identified three novel single nucleotide polymorphism in the fourth intronic region, (c.896 + 37A > G, c.896 + 117C > G and c.896 + 223A > G). We further genotyped c.896 + 223A > G in 962 …