Joaquín Aldás Manzano
La publicidad actual: retos y oportunidades
El entorno publicitario ha cambiado considerablemente en los últimos años: nuevos medios y herramientas, nuevos soportes, nuevos comportamientos de los consumidores, nuevas necesidades de los anunciantes… Estos y otros factores del macro entorno están obligando a los agentes implicados en el sector publicitario a emprender nuevos caminos y estrategias con las que alcanzar de forma más eficaz sus objetivos. Las agencias de publicidad en concreto han tenido que evolucionar considerablemente en los últimos años para poder satisfacer unas necesidades crecientes de sus clientes. La optimización de recursos, incluidos los económicos, la especialización o la capacidad para ofrecer nuevos servicios…
The Role of Attitudes and Ethicality on Branded Video Games(Advergames) Acceptance
Advergames are branded video games that blur the line between entertainment and advertising. Advergames are gaining momentum among advertisers and advertising agencies fueled by their capability to engage teenagers and young adults with branded communications. This study focuses on consumers’ intentions to use advergames analyzing three attitudinal factors – attitude toward advertising, attitude toward product placement in video games, and attitude toward advergames- and the ethical evaluations of the use of advergames as an advertising format (ethicality). The proposed model was empirically tested using a sample of 304 college students. Major findings suggest that attitudes toward advergam…
Dual nature of cause‐brand fit
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the dual nature of social cause‐brand fit by studying the influence of two cause‐brand fit categories, functional fit and image fit, on the formation of brand corporate social responsibility consumer perception (CSR perception) in a cause‐brand alliance (CBA) context.Design/methodology/approachA theoretical model is proposed, based on previous research, which explains the effect of functional fit and image fit on altruistic attributions, brand credibility and CSR image; these relationships were assessed through structural equation modelling. The model was estimated with a sample of 299 Spanish consumers of toiletries and cosmetics products, ran…
Market orientation and innovation: an inter‐relationship analysis
PurposeMarket orientation analyses have focused on two broad‐ranging approaches: the behavioural and the philosophical. The concepts of innovation and market orientation are gaining ground steadily in the context of an increasingly competitive and highly volatile environment, subject to the pressures of rapid‐changing customer needs and desires. This premise underlies the general aim of this study, which is to determine to what extent companies operating in the same sector and with similar market orientation are similarly concerned about innovation.Design/methodology/approachThe population for this study comprises the leading 465 textile companies operating in Spain, listed in the ARDAN dat…
Key drivers of internet banking services use
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the determinants of internet banking use, paying special attention to the role of product involvement, perceived risk and trust.Design/methodology/approachThe impact of trust, perceived risks, product involvement and TAM beliefs (ease of use and usefulness) on internet banking adoption is tested through structural equation modelling techniques. The sample consists of 511 Spanish internet banking services users and the data are collected through an internet survey. Risk is measured as a formative construct.FindingsData analysis shows that TAM beliefs and perceived risks (security, privacy, performance and social) have a direct influence on e‐ban…
Reflexiones estratégicas sobre el futuro de Burjassot
El objeto de las reflexiones que se plantean en este documento es ofrecer unas sugerencias básicas que sirvan para establecer una estrategia realista y viable para el futuro de Burjassot. El punto de partida es la aspiración a conseguir la mejor calidad de vida posible para sus ciudadanos teniendo siempre en cuenta los condicionantes y las oportunidades existentes en la actualidad.
Rankings ISSUE 2013: Indicadores sintéticos de las universidades españolas
Este documento presenta los resultados de la investigación desarrollada por el Ivie para cons-truir Indicadores Sintéticos del Sistema Universita-rio Español (ISSUE), a partir del análisis de las actividades docentes, de investigación y de inno-vación y desarrollo tecnológico de las universidades. Los indicadores elaborados sirven de base para la elaboración de diversos rankings de las universi-dades españolas: dos rankings generales —uno de volumen de resultados (ISSUE-V) y otro de productividad (ISSUE-P)— así como otros más específicos: de docencia, de investigación, de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico, y de titulacio-nes concretas.
A family life cycle model adapted to the Spanish environment
Aims to demonstrate, from a marketing and market segmentation point of view, the need to adapt the construct of the family life cycle to the particular features of the Spanish social environment, given the obvious differences in the structure of Spanish households in relation to the USA. From this marketing and cross‐cultural approach, a review of the literature has been conducted on the evolution of the construct and the most significant models that have been arising as the outcome of that evolution. A new life cycle model has been designed reflecting these particular features. Also, on the basis of data taken from the Family Budgets Survey, the capacity of the adapted model has been analy…
Internet banking loyalty: evaluating the role of trust, satisfaction, perceived risk and frequency of use
This paper analyses the role of satisfaction, trust, frequency of use and perceived risk as antecedents of consumer loyalty to banking websites. While the literature usually focuses on the direct effects of these variables, special attention is paid here to evaluate their moderating effects on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. The results from a sample of 254 Spanish users of Internet banking services show that while satisfaction correlates positively with loyalty, the effect is significantly less intense with high levels of perceived risk. The results are similar for trust, which correlates more positively with high levels of perceived risk, but also when Internet banking …
Gender role portrayals and sexism in Spanish magazines
PurposeThe purpose of the paper is to analyse the male and female stereotypes in Spanish magazine advertising during the last three decades of the twentieth century in order to determine if they reflect or not the important cultural changes of Spanish society in these years.Design/methodology/approachContent analysis of 1,033 different advertisements randomly selected. To ensure reliability two independent codifiers of opposite gender worked together, one as an analyst and other as a judge. Three agreement indices were calculated.FindingsUse of male and female portrayals has undergone relevant changes in the last 30 years in accordance with the social evolution of Spain. For both men and wo…
Key factors of teenagers' mobile advertising acceptance
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse key drivers of teenagers' attitude toward mobile advertising and its effects on teenagers' mobile advertising acceptance.Design/methodology/approachA proposed model of affective (irritation and entertainment) and cognitive (perceived usefulness) antecedents of attitude toward mobile advertising and its effects on mobile advertising acceptance is analysed. The sample consisted of 355 Spanish teenagers. The model was tested using structural equation modelling.FindingsFindings show that entertainment, irritation and usefulness are key drivers of teenagers' attitude toward mobile advertising. Moreover, perceived usefulness reduces irritation. The a…
U-Ranking 2017: Indicadores sintéticos de las universidades españolas. 5ª edición
Este documento presenta los resultados de la investigación desarrollada por el Ivie para construir la quinta edición de los Indicadores Sintéticos del Sistema Universitario Español (ISSUE), a partir del análisis de las actividades docentes, de investigación y de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico de las universidades.
The effect of personal involvement on the decision to buy store brands
Store brands are appearing in an ever‐increasing number of categories and their acceptance by consumers is unquestionable. The purpose of this paper is to model the decision process involved in a purchase which the consumer goes through when choosing store brands over national brands. The model provided allows us to explain why the same consumer may choose a store brand in one product category and not in another. We have taken personal product involvement as the principal point of reference.
Perceived service quality in postgraduate studies: an integrated perspective in the IMBA program
This work proposes a comprehensive evaluation system for service quality in the International Master in Business Administration (iMBA) at Universitat de València. Going further than the current system for measuring service quality and considering students as stakeholders in the university in the context of relationship marketing, this present experience develops a process for evaluating service quality where the student designs the measurement instrument itself from an integral vision of the service s/he receives. The results suggest that students perceive the service experience as a multidimensional concept covering not only the academic experience, but also the quality of the facilities a…
Drivers and barriers to online airline ticket purchasing
Although online sales of airline tickets are growing, many travellers are still reluctant to use the web as a purchase channel. Given the cost advantages of online sales for airlines, it is useful for them to know the main drivers and barriers affecting the use of the Internet to purchase tickets. This study analyses the influence of risk, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on the airline ticket online purchase intention. The results of a survey show that perceived purchase risk and perceived usefulness exercise a direct influence on airline ticket purchasing intentions, while perceived ease of use has an indirect influence through perceived usefulness. Psychological risk, perfo…
Residents' attitude as determinant of tourism sustainability: The case of Trujillo
Abstract This research aims to gain knowledge to understand residents' attitudes towards tourism sustainability in a destination where the main attraction is an archaeological site by analysing the effects of residents' support and perceived benefits for tourism sustainability (in economic, market and social terms). The relationships between perceived benefits and residents' support and among local involvement, attachment and perceived benefits were also examined. The proposed model was assessed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) regression. The data analysis showed that perceived benefits have a more significant effect on tourism sustainability than on …
El emplazamiento de producto: conceptualización, nuevos formatos y efectos sobre el consumidor
El emplazamiento de producto es una herramienta de las comunicacio nes de marketing que ha experimentado un continuo crecimiento en los ultimos anos. El aumento de su uso ha supuesto tambien la apa ri cion de nuevos for ma tos y con tex tos con el fin de incrementar su efi ca cia. Asi, en los ultimos anos han apa re ci do diversas evoluciones del em pla za mien to de producto tra di cio nal, co mo las marcas enmascaradas, el emplazamiento de producto in ver so o las mar cas mejoradas. El ob je ti vo central de este articulo es realizar una aproxi ma - cion teorica a estos nuevos formatos de emplazamiento de pro duc to, se na- lan do su naturaleza y principales caracteristicas. Ademas, se ex…
Análisis de los factores determinantes de la lealtad hacia los servicios bancarios online
ResumenEl rápido crecimiento de la banca online refleja las ventajas que ésta ofrece respecto a las sucursales convencionales. No obstante, son muchos los consumidores que todavía utilizan los servicios bancarios online de forma esporádica, fundamentalmente para la comprobación de saldos, evitando realizar transacciones con un mayor nivel de riesgo. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los factores determinantes de la lealtad hacia los servicios bancarios online, a través de un modelo integrador de la influencia del riesgo percibido y la confianza en las webs bancarias con el marco conceptual de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado (TCP). La configuración del riesgo percibido se ha p…
Perceived value of advanced mobile messaging services: A cross-cultural comparison of Greek and Spanish users
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the role of perceived value on post-acceptance behaviour for users of advanced mobile messaging services (AMMS). The paper also compares differences in the influence of perceived value on satisfaction and of satisfaction on loyalty to AMMS in Spain and Greece, to test the moderating effect of culture.Design/methodology/approachPartial least squares path modelling is used to test the model. Perceived value is modelled as a multidimensional reflective construct with four dimensions. Culture is studied at a national level. Differences between countries are tested using the multigroup analysis approach proposed by Henseleret al.(2009).FindingsPerce…
Mobile Commerce Adoption in Spain
The chapter aims to present an in-depth study of the factors influencing mobile commerce adoption. The authors analyze the influence of Mobile use experience, ICT ownership, Mobile affinity and Mobile Commerce compatibility in the m-commerce adoption decision. After identifying the key drivers of Mobile shopping adoption, the second part of the chapter presents an empirical study of the Spanish market. Results based on a sample of 470 Mobile users show that Mobile affinity, ICT ownership, and m-shopping compatibility are positive key drivers of M-shopping adoption. Mobile use experience has no significant influence on m-shopping adoption. This chapter will give managers and students insight…
La influencia de la dependencia del medio en el comercio electrónico B2C. Propuesta de un modelo integrador aplicado a la intención de compra futura en Internet
ResumenEn el presente trabajo se evalúa la aplicabilidad del modelo de aceptación de la tecnología (TAM) para explicar la intención de compra de los internautas a través de la Red. Dicho modelo se completa con la introducción de una variable que ha recibido poca atención en el campo del B2C, la dependencia del internauta del medio Internet, dando lugar a un modelo integrador con mejor capacidad explicativa que el TAM clásico. Dado el carácter formativo del constructo «dependencia» el análisis se realiza mediante la técnica de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). Del análisis de los resultados obtenidos de una muestra de 465 internautas no compradores españoles, se comprueba que el modelo TAM …
Rankings ISSUE 2014: Indicadores sintéticos de las universidades españolas
La segunda edición del proyecto de la Fundación BBVA y el Ivie U-Ranking confirma las importantes diferencias del sistema universitario español La heterogeneidad del sistema universitario español es tal que las universidades más productivas doblan en resultados a las menos eficientes. Y si la diversidad en productividad es amplia, mayores aún son las diferencias en cuanto a volumen de resultados. Situando los resultados en el mapa, los mayores niveles de eficiencia corresponden a las tres grandes comunidades autónomas en las que se localizan las universidades más destacadas en volumen de actividad (Cataluña, Comunitat Valenciana y Comunidad de Madrid), pero también sobresalen otras tres com…
Product placement in video games: The effect of brand familiarity and repetition on consumers´ memory
Product placement in video games is gaining momentum as a means to target audiences in an indirect and engaging way. This research uses a 2 (high repetition vs low repetition) x 2 (high brand familiarity vs low brand familiarity) factorial design to test the effects of repetition and brand familiarity on consumers’ memory for brands placed in video games. Results suggest that consumers recall better familiar than unfamiliar brands placed in the video game and repetition increases recall for familiar brands. Results also suggest an interaction effect of repetition on brand recognition for unfamiliar brands but not for familiar brands. Managerial implications, limitations, and future research…
Archaeological tourism: looking for visitor loyalty drivers
Revisit intention has become a focus of attention for archaeological sites management. Identifying visitors’ loyalty drivers to any tourism attraction is crucial but it is even more necessary for t...
Positioning Political Brand Through the Web
El hecho de que un partido politico sea percibido como innovador gracias al apoyo de las nuevas tecnologias aumenta su atractivo. Esta innovacion se puede concretar en la prestacion de servicios electronicos diferenciados y en la mejora del atractivo visual del partido y sus candidatos gracias a la funcionalidad de su Web. En este trabajo realizamos un estudio para determinar en que medida los aspectos innovadores de la Web de un partido politico aumentaran: (i) la calidad percibida, (ii) la confianza hacia el servicio del sitio Web, (iii) la lealtad hacia la pagina Web y (iv) la predisposicion a recomendarla (boca-oreja). Para ello entrevistamos a un total de 217 usuarios que valoraron su …
Modelos de determinación de la cobertura y la distribución de contactos en la planificación de medios publicitarios impresos
La responsabilidad social como creadora de valor de marca: el efecto moderador de la atribución de objetivos
ResumenLas iniciativas de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) pueden influir en el valor de marca de las empresas. Para ello, se requiere que estas iniciativas sean identificadas por el consumidor y que su comunicación proyecte un comportamiento motivado socialmente. En este trabajo se analizan estos 2 requisitos a través de un estudio empírico que analiza la relación entre la notoriedad de las iniciativas de responsabilidad social y el valor de marca, así como el efecto moderador de la atribución de objetivos de la empresa. Los resultados muestran que las acciones de RSC influyen positivamente sobre las 2 dimensiones del valor de marca, la actitud hacia la marca y la singularidad. Asi…
Influence of online shopping information dependency and innovativeness on internet shopping adoption
PurposeThe paper's purpose is to analyse the influence of online shopping information dependency and innovativeness on the acceptance of internet shopping.Design/methodology/approachThe impact of online shopping information dependency, domain‐specific innovativeness and technology acceptance model (TAM) variables on future shopping intention has been tested through structural equation modelling techniques. The sample consisted of 465 Spanish consumers who had never purchased online.FindingsData analysis shows that consumer innovativeness and online shopping information dependency have a direct and positive influence on future online shopping intention and that the basic TAM hypotheses are f…
Valoración de la efectividad de la educación alimentaria en niños preescolares, padres y educadores
Introducción: La etapa infantil es el momento en el que se desarrollan los factores de riesgo que pueden desencadenar en edades adultas enfermedades relacionadas con la alimentación. Éste es el momento adecuado para instaurar las bases de una alimentación saludable. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea de niños, los conocimientos sobre hábitos saludables de niños, padres y profesores antes y después de una intervención de educación alimentaria, así como evaluar su eficacia.Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal en el que participaron 94 estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre 3 y 6 años, 12 padres y 8 profesores. Se calculó el grado de conocim…
La percepción del servicio de calidad en estudios de posgrado: una perspectiva integrada en el programa IMBA
Este trabajo propone un sistema de evaluacion integral de la calidad del servicio en el International Master in Business Administration (iMBA) de la Universitat de Valencia (UV), Espana. Partiendo del sistema actual para la medicion de la calidad de servicio y considerando a los estudiantes como stakeholders en la universidad en el contexto de marketing relacional, la presente propuesta desarrolla un proceso para la evaluacion de la calidad de servicio donde el estudiante es quien disena el instrumento de medida desde una perspectiva integral del servicio que recibe. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes perciben la experiencia del servicio como concepto multidimensional, abarcando no…
El efecto de la cultura en las metodologías educativas: una aproximación al trabajo en grupo de estudiantes internacionales
The effect of culture on educational methodologies in international business programs: an application to the iMBA program
As the world becomes global, there are growing needs and opportunities for intercultural exchanges in learning processes. In the context of the Spanish University Strategy for 2015, one of the most important objectives is to increase internationalisation through international postgraduate courses (Spanish Ministry of Education, 2010). Intercultural teaching capabilities are now becoming necessary for better achieving perceived service quality among international students. In the area of business studies, research on pedagogical issues is needed in order to provide recommendations and group management implications. For instance, a challenge for international business programs is dealing with…