Rosaria Schillaci
HPV infection in male partners of infertile couples seems to not affect seminal parameters
[P-057] HPV infection in male partners of infertile couples seems to not affect seminal parameters A.M. Brucculeri1, G. Ruvolo1, L. Giovannelli2, R. Schillaci3, E. Cittadini1, G. Scaravelli4, A. Perino3. 1Centro di Biologia della Riproduzione, Centro di Biologia della Riproduzione, Palermo, Italy; 2University of Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze per la Promozione della Salute, Palermo, Italy; 3University of Palermo, Dipartimento Materno Infantile, Palermo, Italy; 4Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italy Introduction: Human papilloma viruses (HPV) are agents of the most common sexually transmitted disease. This small DNA viruses induce epithelial cell prolifera…
Prevalence of human papilloma virus infection in patients with male accessory gland infection
The frequency of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the semen of patients with male accessory gland infection (MAGI) was evaluated. One hundred infertile patients with MAGI were classified into group A: patients with an inflammatory MAGI (n = 48) and group B: patients with a microbial form (n = 52). Healthy age-matched fertile men (34.0 ± 4.0 years) made up the control group (n = 20). Amplification of HPV DNA was carried out by HPV-HS Bio nested polymerase chain reaction for the detection of HPV DNA sequences within the L1 ORF. Ten patients in group A (20.8%) and 15 patients in group B (28.8%) had a HPV infection; two controls (10.0%) had HPV infection. Patients with MAGI had a signifi…
HPV in semen: evaluation of the link among infection, sperm parameters and viral genome integration
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are agents of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Both in men and in women, HPVs cause a variety of clinical symptoms ranging from warts to cancer. It has been shown that infection with oncogenic HPV is the major cause of development of cervical cancer in women and less frequently of penile cancers in men. HPV infects epithelial cells and can bind other cell types. Its presence in semen is widely known, but the effects on fertility and reproductive function are still controversial. Partners of women with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions were enrolled. From each subject seminal parameters were evaluated. HPV was detected and genotyped both …
Adhesion, growth and cytoskeletal characteristics of 8701-BC breast carcinoma cells cultured in the presence of type V collagen
Type V collagen is one of the minor components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) whose content is increased in cases of ductal infiltrating carcinomas of the breast. In order to clarify its biological role, we have investigated the effect of this molecule, both as substrate and as soluble factor, on the behaviour of a breast carcinoma cell line (8701-BC) grown in vitro. Cell-collagen adhesion was monitored for 24 h from plating in the absence or presence of serum. The influence of type V collagen on cell growth was followed during 9 days of culture, and the actin-vinculin arrangement was studied by simultaneous fluorescent immuno-staining. The results indicate that type V collagen is not a …
Molecular analyses on HPV infections in semen
Introduction: Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are non-enveloped double stranded DNA viruses classified in different genera and several different genotypes. Depending on the genotypes, HPV infections can be asymptomatic or can cause from warts to malignant tumours. Some genotypes, such as HPV18 and HPV16, are considered high risk (HR) HPVs and they are the major cause of cervical cancer. HPV is highly tissue-tropic and infects epithelial cells, but it can also binds other cell types. It is known that HPV can be found in semen but its effects on spermatozoa and male reproductive system are not completely clarified. Materials and Methods: In order to study the HPV infection in semen, we develope…
La maturazione ovocitaria in vitro nella paziente neoplastica: vantaggi e applicazioni
Timing of embryo transfer: correlation between embryonic stage and IVF outcome
Qualità ovocitaria ed esiti riproduttivi
Human Papilloma virus association with outcome of in vitro fertilization : a prospective study.
Reproductive outcomes in couples affected by human papillomavirus infection undergoing in vitro fertilization procedures
Reproductive outcomes in couples affected by human papillomavirus infection undergoing in vitro fertilization procedures G. Ruvolo1, L. Giovannelli2, R. Schillaci3, P. Alimondi3, A. Pane1, A. Perino3, E. Cittadini1 1Centro di Biologia della Riproduzione, Centro di Biologia della Riproduzione, Palermo, Italy 2Dipartimento di Scienze per la Promozione della Salute, Dipartimento di Scienze per la Promozione della Salute, Palermo, Italy 3Dipartimento Materno Infantile University of Palermo, Dipartimento Materno Infantile University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy Introduction: Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted viral infection worldwide, and has been…
The presence of genital HPV does not affect the in vitro fertilization outcome: preliminary data of a prospective study
Follow up endometriale in pazienti trattate con tamoxifene dopo intervento per carcinoma mammario
Effetti dell'infezione da HPV sugli esiti della fecondazione in vitro in pazienti sterili: dati preliminari di uno studio prospettico
L’impianto nei cicli FIV: il valore predittivo dell’ultrasonografia in uno studio controllato
Tromboprofilassi in gravidanza in donne con aborto ricorrente precoce “inspiegato”:esiti del trattamento con basse dosi di aspirina versus aspirina ed eparina”
Role of HPV Infection in the outcome of in-vitro fertilization
Follow-up endometriale in pazienti trattate con tamoxifene per carcinoma mammario
Potential impact of a nonavalent anti HPV vaccine in Italian men with and without clinical manifestations
AbstractHuman papilloma virus infection (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Little is known about male infection. Nonavalent vaccine against types 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58 was approved and neutral gender immunization programs have been proposed. This study evaluates the potential impact of nonavalent vaccine compared to quadrivalent in male living in Sicily (Italy). 58.7% of samples were HPV positive and forty-four types of HPV were identified. A significant higher estimated coverage of nonavalent vaccine than quadrivalent was observed (64.3% vs. 45.8%), with absolute and relative additional impact of 20.1% and 47.2%, respectively. Low impact of the vaccine were calculat…
La Sindrome da Iperstimolazione ovarica
ABSTRACT The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, is characterized by a broad spectrum of clinical and biochemical modifications which are caused by the administration of medications used ovulation induction, assisted reproduction techniques, and the induction of multiple follicular growth. Therefore, it represents the most serious medical complication associated with ovulation induction. Key words: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ovulation induction, assisted reproduction techniques
Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a group of Sicilian multiple sclerosis patients
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an auto-immune disease whose etiology remains controversial. Both genetic and environmental factors are thought to be involved in the risk of developing the disease. The purpose of our study was to assess the association of Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms with MS and to investigate the interaction of these polymorphisms with vitamin D levels. A total of 179 Sicilian subjects, including 104 MS patients and 75 healthy controls, were studied. The most common VDR polymorphisms (Fok-I, Bsm-I, Taq-I and Apa-I) were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses in both groups and serum 25-hydroxyv…
Association of CYP2R1 rs10766197 with MS risk and disease progression
Background MS is a neurodegenerative autoimmune disease resulting from a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Among these, vitamin D and genetic variants associated with vitamin D-metabolism gain great attention. The aim of our study was to assess five SNPs in NADSYN1 and CYP2R1 genes in relation to serum 25-OH-vitamin D3 levels in MS patients and controls. Methods 25-OH-vitamin D3 levels and genotyping of CYP2R1- and NADSYN1-SNPs were investigated both in MS patients and in healthy controls. Results The analysis revealed lower 25-OH-vitamin D3 concentrations in MS patients than in controls and an association of rs10766197 CYP2R1 SNP with MS risk. After stratifying MS p…
Inositol supplementation and IVF outcome: preliminary data
Myo-Inositol (MI) is involved in several aspects of human reproduction. Elevated concentrations of myo-inositol in human follicular fluids, in fact, seem to play a positive role in follicular maturity, since to represent a possible marker of good oocyte quality. Nevertheless its positive role in PCOS patients is a consequence of a defect in the insulin signaling (inositol- containing phosphoglycan mediators) pathway that seems to be implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of myo-inositol supplementation to “standard” therapy in PCOS women and in “poor responders”, submitted to In Vitro Fecundation (IVF) cycles. In particular, we …
Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita: dalla qualità ovocitaria al transfer embrionario
One of the most difficult aspects of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the determination of which embryos are most suitable for transfer into the uterus. Two factors requiring consideration include the choice of embryos with the best developmental competence and the risk of multiple pregnancy associated with the number of embryos transferred. The development of technological advances such as micromanipulation and a wealth of experience in embryo culturing techniques have resulted in an increase in embryo implantation potential. Numerous criteria have been suggested to optimize the selection process. Despite all the advances in determining embryo developmental competence, no consensu…
Human papillomavirus infection in couples undergoing in vitro fertilization procedures: impact on reproductive outcomes.
A prospective study was performed to assess the relationship between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in 199 infertile couples and outcome of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). A highly statistically significant correlation between pregnancy loss rate (proportion of pregnancies detected by β-hCG that did not progress beyond 20 weeks) and positive HPV DNA testing in the male partner of infertile couples, compared with HPV negatives, was observed (66.7% vs. 15%).
Human papillomavirus infection in couples undergoing in vitro fertilization procedures: impact on reproductive outcome
HPV infection in semen: results from a new molecular approach
AbstractHuman papillomavirus (HPV) is the agent of the most common sexually transmitted diseases causing a variety of clinical manifestations ranging from warts to cancer. Oncogenic HPV infection is the major cause of cervical cancer and less frequently of penile cancers. Its presence in semen is widely known, but the effects on fertility are still controversial. We developed a new approach to evaluate virus localisation in the different semen components. We analysed also the specific genotype localisation and viral DNA quantity by qPCR. Results show that HPV DNA can be identified in every fraction of semen: spermatozoa, somatic cells and seminal plasma. Different samples can contain the HP…
Detection of oncogenic human papillomavirus genotypes on spermatozoa from male partners of infertile couples
Objective To evaluate the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) sperm infection and its correlation with sperm parameters in patients who attended a fertility clinic. Design Cross-sectional clinical study. Setting University-affiliated reproductive medicine clinic. Patient(s) A total of 308 male partners of couples undergoing in vitro fertilization techniques. Intervention(s) Specimens of semen were collected from all patients. Main Outcome Measure(s) Sperm parameters were evaluated according to the World Health Organization manual. The presence of HPV DNA was researched by the combined use of two HPV assays and a highly sensitive nested polymerase chain reaction assay followed by HPV ge…
Effetti del Papillomavirus genitale sulla riproduzione umana
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are agents of the most common sexually transmitted disease that can infect both females and males. More than 100 HPV-genotypes are known, of these, 40 genotypes infect the low genital tract. Based on their association with cervical cancer and precursor lesions, genital HPVs can also be grouped to high-risk and low-risk HPV-types. Diagnosis of HPV infection is sometime difficult because the infection is often transient and asymptomatic. High-risk HPV types are more likely to persist than are low-risk HPV types. It’s the inability of the immune system to spontaneously clear HPV that leads to development of precancerous cervical lesions. It is generally assumed th…
Tromboprofilassi in gravidanza in donne con aborto ricorrente precoce "inspiegato": esiti del trattamento con basse dose di aspirina versus aspirina ed eparina
L'aborto ricorrente spontaneo (ARS), sindrome caratterizzata dal ripetersi di tre o più aborti consecutivi precoci( I trimestre)complicanti gravidanze opttenute con lo stesso partner, interessa l'1-5% delle coppie ed ha etiopatogenesi in gran parte ancora sconosciuta.Infatti, a dispetto degli studi a riguardo,solo in pochi casi si può stabilire un rapporto causa-effetto tra un fattore riscontrato in corso di indagini e la perdita embrio-fetale e, nonostante gli accertamenti cui la coppia viene sottoposta, il 40-50% dei casi rimane inspiegato. E' problematica la gestione di una nuova gravidanza in queste donne che, anche se informate della possibilità di essere vittime di un evento casuale p…
VDBP, CYP27B1, and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Gene Polymorphism Analyses in a Group of Sicilian Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of central nervous system regarded as one of the most common causes of neurological disability in young adults. The exact etiology of MS is not yet known, although epidemiological data indicate that both genetic susceptibility and environmental exposure are involved. A poor vitamin D status has been proposed as the most attractive environmental factor. Several evidence have highlighted the importance of mutations in vitamin D-regulating genes for vitamin D status. The purpose of our study was to assess the genetic variants of VDBP and CYP27B1 in MS patients and in a control group. A total of 192 subjects, including 100 MS patients a…
“Outcome” della FIV dopo coltura e transfer di blastocisti ottenute con e senza l’ausilio della cocoltura
La coltura "in vitro" di blastocisti fu messa a punto agli inizi degli anni '80 in alcune specie di animali d'allevamento (Camous, 1984) e solo successivamente applicata agli embrioni umani. Scopo della tecnica era quello di incrementare le percentuali di impianto nei cicli FIV riducendo il numero di embrioni trasferiti. La coltura di blastocisti consentiva, infatti, di effettuare il trasferimento di embrioni con elevate potenzialità evolutive e in perfetto sincronismo con l'endometrio uterino. Attraverso il sistema della cocoltura fu possibile supportare lo sviluppo embrionario "in vitro" dallo stadio di singola cellula a quello di blastocisti con l'ausilio di monostrati cellulari costitui…